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Runes/workings combinded with colors.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
Colors have thear own attributes, which can be used to fokus specific energys or used to boost specific parts of a affirmation more [decreasing other parts on the same time], one want to use from a rune/working like for example green:

Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, ... "
Use black for self control, endurance, https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html

If you use for example the rune Uruz :

It is stated it can be used for healing( green color)[Example one Point 4.in runic kabbalah pdf] futher under Uruz description[runic kabbalah pdf], it is written that it also gives for example strenght or endurance.

Strenght is related to the color Red:

Energy, passion, anger, inflammatory, lust, strength,... "

Endurance is related to Black:

"Use black for self control, endurance, ..."

If you would use a affirmation like:

"The energys of Uruz are permanently, fully healing and empowering my body with strength and endurance, in a positive, healthy and beneficial way for me, now, continuously and forever. " x18 reps

While vibrating the rune; you can immagine it, in the color you want to use most, or a mix of colors, depending how much color you use, the more fokus you will have on the attribut, which is related to the color and your affirmation,

both has to match.

It also helps to immagine the rune in the right color shining the color into your being like a sun, then visualise yourself/aura in this color/mix of colors. I also tryed to visualise the rune/s on a specific chakra if the working does match like one solar rune working visualise the rune/s on the solar chakra (chakra still spinning), it seems that the energy from the rune/s then better connect to the chakra.

For example Uruz x111 reps 40 days straight or ∞ long.
(started on a good date see ss calendar https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=26302 / non void moon)


While vibrating Uruz (norwegian):
UUUUU--RRRRR x111 reps

You visualise the rune/your being in the color green this will increase the healing power from the working.

If you visualise the rune/your being in the color red this will increase your strength power.

If you visualise the rune/your being in the color black (shining one) this will increase your endurance power.

You will still heal or increase your strength if you use black (shining one), but not as much if you would use green or red color. You can also imagine a mix of green, red and black, but according to the color proportion you will get the results.

I´m not sure, if it is better to stay on one color/color mix from the start of the working, or if it doesn´t matter if you change colors, for example if you feel ill one day you use more green and the other day you think you need more endurance so you use more black (shining one).

Improvement suggestions are welcome.
I'm sure you somehow also know that URUZ is a rune of animalism, beasts, wild nature... cattle....

In reasonability it is a great rune for it's uses but in moderation for just the goal, nothing of it's information says it's a rune for healing or money or a bunch of other general things people have the highest of chances of doing, and then you telling them to use URUZ for it...

Too much of it's energies for too many things, (such as you saying it's for money, healing and all this 'general' stuff when this is very incorrect, URUZ as I've said has little to do with any of that, that's more FEHU and WUNJO's territory) can overpower an imbalance in making someone compliant, a servant to the dominion of others, in other words a slave, like cattle, especially at reps of x111 as 1 is a number of the enemy in karmic association and contains the number 11 which is the number of destruction, or in this case, self-destruction.

Also you should never do any kind of rune or working for "∞ long", too much of anything is bad and you really make a point of overpowering that rune unnecessarily with stating that which causes the negative aspects of cattle and servitude like I said. Use of the colour red also definitely overpowers the beast aspect of the rune because red is a very primal, instinctual energy of, yes, relating to animalism because it is very primal and base-line in vibration. Green is also the colour of nature and when used with the URUZ rune regardless of intent it will again power the animal aspect. Black is also unemotional, binding, used with URUZ it can then bind you to the runes animal aspect. It's got nothing to do with the colours themselves but with the specific rune you are using them with and if you do too much of it unnecessarily.

This entire thread is just teaching people how to become a 'goyim'.

URUZ is an animal rune, after all it means 'Aurochs': "Aurochs is a species of wild ox". It is a primal rune, it should be used when you are in true need of such animalistic natures of the lower chakras in that you are lacking in the fiery and earthy primal forces. When you need a boost of such it should be a short-term thing, not a whole working because these are strong and wild energies.

It should not be used in everything either from healing to money because again this will overpower it if you use it too much, especially when the associated energies it conjures is already balanced and strong enough within you such as your lower chakras and fire and earth element, otherwise you overpower it's negative aspects into becoming a slavish beast or growing out of control.

We are not animals, we are not goyim.

Fuchs said:
Colors have thear own attributes, which can be used to fokus specific energys or used to boost specific parts of a affirmation more [decreasing other parts on the same time], one want to use from a rune/working like for example green:

Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, ... "
Use black for self control, endurance, https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html

If you use for example the rune Uruz :

It is stated it can be used for healing( green color)[Example one Point 4.in runic kabbalah pdf] futher under Uruz description[runic kabbalah pdf], it is written that it also gives for example strenght or endurance.

Strenght is related to the color Red:

Energy, passion, anger, inflammatory, lust, strength,... "

Endurance is related to Black:

"Use black for self control, endurance, ..."

If you would use a affirmation like:

"The energys of Uruz are permanently, fully healing and empowering my body with strength and endurance, in a positive, healthy and beneficial way for me, now, continuously and forever. " x18 reps

While vibrating the rune; you can immagine it, in the color you want to use most, or a mix of colors, depending how much color you use, the more fokus you will have on the attribut, which is related to the color and your affirmation,

both has to match.

It also helps to immagine the rune in the right color shining the color into your being like a sun, then visualise yourself/aura in this color/mix of colors. I also tryed to visualise the rune/s on a specific chakra if the working does match like one solar rune working visualise the rune/s on the solar chakra (chakra still spinning), it seems that the energy from the rune/s then better connect to the chakra.

For example Uruz x111 reps 40 days straight or ∞ long.
(started on a good date see ss calendar https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=26302 / non void moon)


While vibrating Uruz (norwegian):
UUUUU--RRRRR x111 reps

You visualise the rune/your being in the color green this will increase the healing power from the working.

If you visualise the rune/your being in the color red this will increase your strength power.

If you visualise the rune/your being in the color black (shining one) this will increase your endurance power.

You will still heal or increase your strength if you use black (shining one), but not as much if you would use green or red color. You can also imagine a mix of green, red and black, but according to the color proportion you will get the results.

I´m not sure, if it is better to stay on one color/color mix from the start of the working, or if it doesn´t matter if you change colors, for example if you feel ill one day you use more green and the other day you think you need more endurance so you use more black (shining one).

Improvement suggestions are welcome.
Ghost in the Machine said:
In reasonability it is a great rune for it's uses but in moderation for just the goal, nothing of it's information says it's a rune for healing or money or a bunch of other general things people have the highest of chances of doing, and then you telling them to use URUZ for it...

It is stated it can be used for healing( green color)
[Page 7. Example one Point 1-4.in Runic kabbalah pdf]

I´m sure you have this pdf.

Ghost in the Machine said:
(such as you saying it's for money, healing and all this 'general' stuff when this is very incorrect,

Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, anti-inflammatory. Venus rules green- Love, making love, (affectionate; red is for lust/sex), fidelity, reconciliation, beauty, youth, friendships, attraction, harmony, financial gain, earnings increases, social functions, possessions, riches, indulgence, pleasure. Good for beginnings and growth. Venus rules green- Abundance, fertility, success, general good luck, harmony, immortality, generosity, material gain, renewal, marriage, balance and healing. Green can also be used for inciting jealousy, greed, suspicion, resentment, sickness, disease, and disharmony when applied to others and directed. Green rules the heart chakra. "

from https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html The Magickal Properties of Color

I also said : both has to match. RUNE + COLOR
So you can´t use uruz for money even combined with green.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Too much of it's energies for too many things, (such as you saying it's for money, healing and all this 'general' stuff when this is very incorrect, URUZ as I've said has little to do with any of that, that's more FEHU and WUNJO's territory) can overpower an imbalance in making someone compliant, a servant to the dominion of others, in other words a slave, like cattle, especially at reps of x111 as 1 is a number of the enemy in karmic association and contains the number 11 which is the number of destruction, or in this case, self-destruction.

1 is not a number of the enemy it is the number of creation/material realm. 111 is a solar power number safe to use.

666 is also good number (best solar power number) even if it contains 66 or 6.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Also you should never do any kind of rune or working for "∞ long", too much of anything is bad and you really make a point of overpowering that rune unnecessarily with stating that which causes the negative aspects of cattle and servitude like I said. Use of the colour red also definitely overpowers the beast aspect of the rune because red is a very primal, instinctual energy of, yes, relating to animalism because it is very primal and base-line in vibration. Green is also the colour of nature and when used with the URUZ rune regardless of intent it will again power the animal aspect. Black is also unemotional, binding, used with URUZ it can then bind you to the runes animal aspect. It's got nothing to do with the colours themselves but with the specific rune you are using them with and if you do too much of it unnecessarily.

This entire thread is just teaching people how to become a 'goyim'.

"The energys of Uruz are permanently, fully healing and empowering my body with strength and endurance, in a positive, healthy and beneficial way for me, now, continuously and forever. " x18 reps

If the intent / affirmation does not matter, why do we use it then in the first place?
Is becoming a goyim something positive, healthy and beneficial?

Of course someone can do a rune working "∞ long".

I do 3 at the moment:

1. [Solar Chakra] Rune working (color visualised runes and aura goldwhite)

URUZ+FEHU (UR+FE norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps

"I constantly absorb solar energy when I am at the sun, through the energys off Uruz I am increasing and strengthening my solar power and reserves off the solar energy in me and through the energys of Fehu I´m empowering the energy off Uruz, in a positive, extremly beneficial, empowering and healthy way for me, permanently." x36 reps (solar number)

fuoco blu 666

2. Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow)

MANNAZ+LÖGR+ODHAL+PERTHRO (Madur+ Lögur+Odal+Pero norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps

"My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuosly and forever." x 18 reps


3. Love influence working [hearth chakra] (color visualised runes and aura green)

EHWAZ+URUZ+THURISAZ (EH+UR+THURS norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps

"Everybody loves me and wants to help me the best way they can, in a positive, beneficial and healthy way for me, now continuosly and forever." x18 reps


I just need a nother one for making my body immortal (strenghening and healing my body ∞) , that´s the reason I did post the uruz singel rune working example. Probably will add other runes too.

The longer one does vibrate something in a row (days) the more powerful it becomes over time.
This applys also to AOP, RC, etc.

On a side note GITM:

It is not enouth to be able to read wikipedia (using Intuition on the Astral) you also have to remember everything and combine the knowledge (networked thinking) or you won´t be all knowing. I would advice you to start Rune working 2.

[no void of course moon see ss calendar https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=26302 and use a good starting date for meditations, marked in the calendar with meditation, best time for a rune working is the Summer Solstice Sun hour] - for new people.
It is pretty obvious who's behind the screen on the op account, Ghost was right and here it is proven now.
Also Ghost, have more confidence in your abilities and stop trying to get approval from others. When you first posted about the above I did confirm your astral findings but waited for a mistake to be made. Like the above post.

When you justify the findings, less knowledgeable about the actual experience of it, judge externally and more subjective, ironically.

I had an impression a long time ago from you, separated from the forum, and also it applied to me, that you are not confident enough in your abilities, not proportional to your abilities better said. And this was a very hard lesson for me, when I was 100% I made use only of 20% of myself, and the difference was in own perception of the abilities owned already. Sometimes, and only sometimes, you help others out of your abilities need of manifestation.

And as far as fuckups and mistakes, they get really noticeable in time so the cleaning of them by experience is easier and easier, it should't stop you from getting the entire experience benefited from. Being aware doesn't mean not confident. I wrote this from incentives, it wasn't so much of an opinion if you understand it.
NakedPluto said:
It is pretty obvious who's behind the screen on the op account, Ghost was right and here it is proven now.

Thanks for bumping
Henu the Great said:
NakedPluto said:
It is pretty obvious who's behind the screen on the op account, Ghost was right and here it is proven now.

I knew it! :D

Thanks for bumping
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm sure you somehow also know that URUZ is a rune of animalism, beasts, wild nature... cattle....

Too much of it's energies for too many things, (such as you saying it's for money, healing and all this 'general' stuff when this is very incorrect, URUZ as I've said has little to do with any of that, that's more FEHU and WUNJO's territory) can overpower an imbalance in making someone compliant, a servant to the dominion of others, in other words a slave, like cattle, especially at reps of x111 as 1 is a number of the enemy in karmic association and contains the number 11 which is the number of destruction, or in this case, self-destruction.

On the JoS page on runes it’s stated that Uruz is a rune of freedom, not slavish compliance. Aurochs were wild animals, not domesticated beasts of burden. Fehu is stated as being the rune of the beast of burden.

I only bring this up because as I was reading your post, I recalled that Uruz is one of the runes recommended to use for the freeing the soul working on JoS. Uruz x108 for 40 days so I looked into it.

I can’t speak too much from personal experience, but I don’t feel as if Uruz would make someone compliant goyim necessarily. Definitely one of baser instincts and animalism, but I think that could lead more to mindless rebellion than any kind of servitude. Maybe a useful idiot. But Fehu fits the description of a dull and mindless slave better. But I suppose it could be argued that it’s the same coin, different sides? The wild aurochs did go extinct through domestication...

As for the high number of reps and days, couldn’t the negatives be circumvented by properly directing the energy? I agree that 111 isn’t the best number but I refer back to the freeing of the soul working and the other rune workings listed on the website that state to do these runes for a high number of reps.

Again, I haven’t done much personal work with runes, so I’m drawing this knowledge from studying the JoS. If it’s old or outdated info, I will take that into consideration.
Libra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


Like I said when it's energies are necessary and are needed in proper direction it suffices in it's energy and uses. I said I don't believe it's energies are needed that much for a working because I keep in mind that not everyone is able to properly direct energy 100%, even in an ISA working I did some years ago I was warned to stop because I was not directing the energy 100% at my target/goal and some of it was rebounding or manifesting upon me and it was the reason why I was having problems with other things.

URUZ is wild energy, as it states it is of wildness in the Aurochs, animalistic, it is of primal energies of fire and earth, it takes a bit more control to direct than say Ansuz or Sowilo. This risks an over abundance inside the soul, the lower chakras when the goal is freeing the soul is to instill the runes energies upon any bindings or blockages solely, not with accidentally empowering the soul or chakras with it. Confidence helps in proper direction like with any rune.

Yes URUZ is for freedom but I speak of it's negative aspects in that the reverse of this (and if overpowered far too much which amplifies an imbalance in countering energies being able to stifle down it's negative aspects) is not the case. The opposite and reverse forces are indeed of 'domestication' and servitude because if it's of freedom then the opposite and reverse of this is obviously enslavement and imprisonment, every energy has an opposite negative aspect and in runes this comes out if over done and another force does not counter and keep this balanced such as adding another rune like ALGIZ to the working or other runes that protect against the negative forces of another rune.

A rep of 108 for this rune for a freeing working and proper direction I suppose is fine so long as the individual just keeps confidence in their direction of it to their goal and keeps an eye on their behaviour and fiery energies, but a rep of 111 as OP suggested most certainly is not because as I've said this ties into negative forces and karma with the number 11 which would definitely not only empower the 'domestic' aspect but also URUZ's 'destructive' aspect, and on the self no less.

I also cringed when Fuchs very boldly thanked GG Allin in his response to my first post here for the information. Either trying to divert the idea that he's GG Allin or even regardless it's just further reason to not trust this 'advice' from Fuchs, because as I said this is just trying to get someone to work themselves into being a goyim.
Henu the Great said:
NakedPluto said:
It is pretty obvious who's behind the screen on the op account, Ghost was right and here it is proven now.

I knew it! :D

Wouldn't have seen anything if Henu didn't point anything out.

Fuchs has given further proof that he's GG Allin in another thread too though, he says the same things in trying to get people to think 'joo is good because joo do good things', disgusting.

Cobra's been made aware. I just want this filth gone as soon as possible. In the meantime feel free to watch him slip up even more, I'm waiting for him to just openly admit it because he's already been exposed so much and just keeps exposing himself further the more he tries to defend himself anyways.
I don’t agree with the high reps part. I think the most important thing is timing. From my own experience,
I started a freeing the soul working last spring solstice to quite smoking. I used Ansuz 30 rep for 40 days and kept doing affirmations to 90. And the results were incredible. I never thought about smoking since then.
Libra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm sure you somehow also know that URUZ is a rune of animalism, beasts, wild nature... cattle....

Too much of it's energies for too many things, (such as you saying it's for money, healing and all this 'general' stuff when this is very incorrect, URUZ as I've said has little to do with any of that, that's more FEHU and WUNJO's territory) can overpower an imbalance in making someone compliant, a servant to the dominion of others, in other words a slave, like cattle, especially at reps of x111 as 1 is a number of the enemy in karmic association and contains the number 11 which is the number of destruction, or in this case, self-destruction.

On the JoS page on runes it’s stated that Uruz is a rune of freedom, not slavish compliance. Aurochs were wild animals, not domesticated beasts of burden. Fehu is stated as being the rune of the beast of burden.

I only bring this up because as I was reading your post, I recalled that Uruz is one of the runes recommended to use for the freeing the soul working on JoS. Uruz x108 for 40 days so I looked into it.

I can’t speak too much from personal experience, but I don’t feel as if Uruz would make someone compliant goyim necessarily. Definitely one of baser instincts and animalism, but I think that could lead more to mindless rebellion than any kind of servitude. Maybe a useful idiot. But Fehu fits the description of a dull and mindless slave better. But I suppose it could be argued that it’s the same coin, different sides? The wild aurochs did go extinct through domestication...

As for the high number of reps and days, couldn’t the negatives be circumvented by properly directing the energy? I agree that 111 isn’t the best number but I refer back to the freeing of the soul working and the other rune workings listed on the website that state to do these runes for a high number of reps.

Again, I haven’t done much personal work with runes, so I’m drawing this knowledge from studying the JoS. If it’s old or outdated info, I will take that into consideration.

Why is 111 not the best number? (108 is a bad number if used under 40 days straight. It tyes into saturn.see-> search forum)
It is a solar power number. The only numbers better would be 216 or 666. But this would take some time.

With runes you can take power numbers or a multiple of there alphabet number.
If you take more then one rune then powernumber or the numbers of all have to add up.
Uruz is a rune that can be used to increase freedom as well as Ansuz, Uruz is more related to Mars while Ansuz to Mercury.

Fehu if it can cause cowardice, weakness, slavery when used in black magic, Uruz if used in black magic can weaken the will of an enemy and weaken the sexual energy of an enemy, create an aura of paralyzing terror for enemies, it can be used to release energy from the soul of an enemy in order to weaken it in a near-mortal way or to coerce it.

On the contrary it can make a person absorb solar energy to be healed with a healing spell and white magic in general, freeing, enhancing the purification, strength, freedom and power of the person you want to bless.
A rune with a certain color is not always negative, it all depends on how energy is used, what the intentions are and what statements are used to do this.

What Ghost said in The Machine is not correct and with wrong conclusions.

111 is a number of the Sun, to see it without doubt it is the sum of one of the six lines of the planetary square of the Sun, 111 is also the addition number.

111 is not a negative number.
11 is related to the destructive capacity of Uranus and as it is related to Saturn, it made a wrong numerology reasoning.

Uranus and Saturn have an energetic familiarity and spiritual complementarity in their meanings.

108 is good for working with Saturn's positive characteristics and the great benefits this can bring and for Saturn's black magic in particular.

108 as the number of Saturn in black magic represents dissipation, division and destruction with the energies ruled by Saturn

From experience this rune is very liberating, I use Uruz for 111 to free the soul from any xian influence and psychic vampires and I use Uruz + Saul on the third eye and the heart chakra.

I did a work with Uruz x 666 for 40 days and since then every time I expose myself to the Sun I automatically absorb solar energy which strengthens and purifies me, also I can manage more energy more easily thanks to the complete of that work.
Fuchs said:
Colors have their own attributes, which can be used to focus specific energys or used to boost specific parts of a affirmation more [decreasing other parts on the same time], one want to use from a rune/working like for example green:

Gold/White is considered the all around standard in many white magick workings because it's all purpose, best for beginners, while other colors can be better in some other cases but depends if you know how to use it.

Also consider some colors correlating to the chakras/planets/zodiacs/numerology and how they factor in to the working, then there is also the source of where the energy is drawn from, like planets or certain crystals/objects, for advanced/complicated workings.
Ghost in the Machine said:

I see what you mean. I think I was starting to come to that conclusion in my response and thinking about it afterwards, about the inverse of the rune energies. I just don’t have that much experience with them. I appreciate the well thought out response.

As for the op, I don’t really know enough about the outside situation to make any judgement calls about their intentions. I am skeptical about their advice though.
fuoco blu 666 said:
What Ghost said in The Machine is not correct and with wrong conclusions.

111 is a number of the Sun, to see it without doubt it is the sum of one of the six lines of the planetary square of the Sun, 111 is also the addition number.

111 is not a negative number.
11 is related to the destructive capacity of Uranus and as it is related to Saturn, it made a wrong numerology reasoning.

If this was how it works then we wouldn't be doing reps at 44 or 88 for our ministry workings and such because they are multiples of eleven.

Numberology is not my forte but I try to pay attention to basic principles and understandings, there's risk of inaccuracy but there's few absolute truths I can find in 100% accurate knowledge. If we do these workings by multiples of a number it has to do with association I suppose. There's different vibrations to each number regardless, we all know 6 and 66 are binding numbers but 666 is a positive number of everlasting life, but this seems to be so because of it's association to the actual kabalistic square of the sun in our solar system in that there is a tie.

Energies seem to have 'pockets' in our universe where they effect specific regions in certain ways, not every advanced solar system has planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Mars or Venus and they are not affected by our own planets like we are, this is a regional area in our system, different energies connect to different things relative to our solar system I'd theorize. Our soul is seemingly constructed based upon this solar system so that everything works, as it was planned for us to be here for a very, very long time by Satan in that this is our home and where we're meant to be for the foreseeable projects of our advancement as a species.

My statement of 111 is more in regards to the tripling of energies to the power of 1, we double or triple numbers sometimes in their associations I suppose like 88 where we're trying to wake up races in our race awakening rituals for instance because 8 is the number of enlightenment and awareness, it feels like a general association game. 1 is associated with the enemy rather strongly, especially in their ultimate goal, 1 mind, 1 hive, 1 race, 1 world government, 1 world order, 1 country, 1 gender, 1 everything in it's meaninglessness of their preach in 'equality' there is no number more 'equal' in 'sameness' than one, add that in 111 and it's apparently a triple force.

This is the matter I point out in fuchs little 'job' here. And URUZ connecting to an animal and it's reverse energies being domestication just like that of cattle? You want to tell me that's a coincidence? Because I'm not buying it. If you did URUZ at 666 reps then 666 is likely the balancing force here in everlasting life and it's tie to white coloured energy, a balanced spectrum of all the colours, excluding black, which may be why you didn't receive any issues of an imbalance, but who knows.

As I've said, numberology is not my speciality, but I see well enough that 111 doesn't seem to be a good number especially for the rune it's using. When more things connect to a specific focal point that's mostly comprised of those energies, it narrows down the energies to point in empowering that one thing more than any other because that one thing associates the most strongly with all the connective energies you're using therefore is where the energy will go to the most easily, like a bunch of a magnets unwittingly pulling you in a direction you didn't want to go.
Libra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I see what you mean. I think I was starting to come to that conclusion in my response and thinking about it afterwards, about the inverse of the rune energies. I just don’t have that much experience with them. I appreciate the well thought out response.

As for the op, I don’t really know enough about the outside situation to make any judgement calls about their intentions. I am skeptical about their advice though.

You will see for yourself with practice and study why the lack of understanding, study and even direct experience is deleterious, do not judge me blindly, you have no reason to be skeptical / suspicious of my intentions except your inexperience in use of runes of course.
Being skeptical without knowing can be good because it can demonstrate a probing approach in an effort to distinguish true from false.
fuoco blu 666 said:
Uruz is a rune that can be used to increase freedom as well as Ansuz, Uruz is more related to Mars while Ansuz to Mercury.

Fehu if it can cause cowardice, weakness, slavery when used in black magic, Uruz if used in black magic can weaken the will of an enemy and weaken the sexual energy of an enemy, create an aura of paralyzing terror for enemies, it can be used to release energy from the soul of an enemy in order to weaken it in a near-mortal way or to coerce it.

On the contrary it can make a person absorb solar energy to be healed with a healing spell and white magic in general, freeing, enhancing the purification, strength, freedom and power of the person you want to bless.
A rune with a certain color is not always negative, it all depends on how energy is used, what the intentions are and what statements are used to do this.

What Ghost said in The Machine is not correct and with wrong conclusions.

111 is a number of the Sun, to see it without doubt it is the sum of one of the six lines of the planetary square of the Sun, 111 is also the addition number.

111 is not a negative number.
11 is related to the destructive capacity of Uranus and as it is related to Saturn, it made a wrong numerology reasoning.

Uranus and Saturn have an energetic familiarity and spiritual complementarity in their meanings.

108 is good for working with Saturn's positive characteristics and the great benefits this can bring and for Saturn's black magic in particular.

108 as the number of Saturn in black magic represents dissipation, division and destruction with the energies ruled by Saturn

From experience this rune is very liberating, I use Uruz for 111 to free the soul from any xian influence and psychic vampires and I use Uruz + Saul on the third eye and the heart chakra.

I did a work with Uruz x 666 for 40 days and since then every time I expose myself to the Sun I automatically absorb solar energy which strengthens and purifies me, also I can manage more energy more easily thanks to the complete of that work.

Thanks for clearing the dissinfo, I only want to add 108 should be done for 40 days straight because it is a incomplete number only half of 216.

Lydia "I do 111 for my KY (and 36 instead of the 26's). HPS Maxine wrote some time ago (I think in the previous forum as I can find it here) about how 111 ties in with the Sun, as any line in the Sun square adds up to 111. 36 also ties in with the Sun, so the 2 parts where it instructs to do 26x, I do 36x."


luis You can use 108 it is not a bad number. Because of how it works if you want to use it you need to make sure it's for 40 days or multiples. For example with 108 you cannot do a one day spell or for 9 days or whatever other Number that is not 40 or multiples. 216 is a better number and more powerful to use in any working. But for example if you don't have enough time to use 216 repetitions you can still use 108 for 40 days or multiples.

If you read all the replays HP HoodedCobra explain all of this better, in another topic i belive.

Libra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I see what you mean. I think I was starting to come to that conclusion in my response and thinking about it afterwards, about the inverse of the rune energies. I just don’t have that much experience with them. I appreciate the well thought out response.

As for the op, I don’t really know enough about the outside situation to make any judgement calls about their intentions. I am skeptical about their advice though.

Compared to other supposed "members" with methods straight up absurd, along with their deliberate attempt to encourage people to try it when it's very possibly harmful, a call out is indeed needed for these matters as a sense of duty, or to the least question these ideas/methods for the benefit/knowledge of both.

But in this case OP has presented his information fairly well except for the fact that he did not elaborate too much on certain things, such as the numerology, but he wasn't really compelling anyone to do an exact specific method but rather just an example and such harsh judgements were uncalled for here in what instead could've been a good debate with constructive criticism.

I myself am a bit precautions about the number 111 as there is no consistent information currently to prove that it's beneficial for white magick endeavors, or destructive in that matter so I always go best with what I know. 111 being a 3 digit number as well 1+1+1 = 3, 3 + 3 = 6, but 3,6,9 have been noted to be key power numbers to the universe according to Tesla.

I don't blame anyone for coming up with such assumptions, some infiltrators were figured out a long time ago actually, no one here is going to hold your hand and fill you in on who's who, so it's best to know and take precautions accordingly and in general take everything with some salt, but at the same time you shouldn't be so eager to put someone off for something slightly trivial, all the things to make one a decent and critical thinker. Think for yourself.
Specter said:
Libra said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I see what you mean. I think I was starting to come to that conclusion in my response and thinking about it afterwards, about the inverse of the rune energies. I just don’t have that much experience with them. I appreciate the well thought out response.

As for the op, I don’t really know enough about the outside situation to make any judgement calls about their intentions. I am skeptical about their advice though.

Compared to other supposed "members" with methods straight up absurd, along with their deliberate attempt to encourage people to try it when it's very possibly harmful, a call out is indeed needed for these matters as a sense of duty, or to the least question these ideas/methods for the benefit/knowledge of both.

But in this case OP has presented his information fairly well except for the fact that he did not elaborate too much on certain things, such as the numerology, but he wasn't really compelling anyone to do an exact specific method but rather just an example and such harsh judgements were uncalled for here in what instead could've been a good debate with constructive criticism.

I myself am a bit precautions about the number 111 as there is no consistent information currently to prove that it's beneficial for white magick endeavors, or destructive in that matter so I always go best with what I know. 111 being a 3 digit number as well 1+1+1 = 3, 3 + 3 = 6, but 3,6,9 have been noted to be key power numbers to the universe according to Tesla.

I don't blame anyone for coming up with such assumptions, some infiltrators were figured out a long time ago actually, no one here is going to hold your hand and fill you in on who's who, so it's best to know and take precautions accordingly and in general take everything with some salt, but at the same time you shouldn't be so eager to put someone off for something slightly trivial, all the things to make one a decent and critical thinker. Think for yourself.

My suspicion of fuchs only grew with another post of his in his other thread where he admitted to the enemy giving him information to post here on the forum. He ties too much in the behaviour and likeness of GG Allin in sympathizing the enemy that said and did the exact same things. Furthermore he did not defend himself when I called him out like this, only continuing to drawl on about how 'joo can do good therefore joo good'.

GG Allin was an admitted jew who got banned just last month, and after his ban fuchs started posting frequently every day suddenly and Henu pointed out that he makes the exact same spelling mistakes as GG Allin does. Both are from Germany and others figured it must be just common spelling errors there but I find that hard to believe, it's only more suspicious to me along with everything else that they're both from the same place because they're the same person.
Specter said:
I don't blame anyone for coming up with such assumptions, some infiltrators were figured out a long time ago actually, no one here is going to hold your hand and fill you in on who's who, so it's best to know and take precautions accordingly and in general take everything with some salt, but at the same time you shouldn't be so eager to put someone off for something slightly trivial, all the things to make one a decent and critical thinker. Think for yourself.

It’s not so much about who is who, I am just naturally skeptical of anyone making big informative posts on workings unless it’s someone consistently proven to have that kind of knowledge. Lydia for example on her destroying Saturn post. That’s not to say I’m putting them off, just that like you said, I’m taking it with some salt until I have more knowledge about the situation. Like, I don’t think the use of colors and runes is bad advice at all either.

I was mostly posting in regards to Ghost’s info, the op is kinda secondary in my mind honestly. I’ve seen their name before, and I know of the drama with the other people who claim their alt account is an infiltrator, but I don’t like to engage in that. I don’t trust and forgive everybody, but I think some people are wrongly called out and it goes like you’re a Jew! No you’re a Jew!! And that’s the kind of conflict they want some times. So I reserve judgement.

I get it about staying in the know about that kinda thing, but the forums are large and there’s a lot of info to parse and I don’t always have the time. I like to be open to any suggestions and info though. That doesn’t always mean I 100% agree or that I’m not skeptical or that I’m not going to do my own research. I guess I can come off as complacent and overly agreeable but it’s more to understand and grow than to blindly follow others and let them do the thinking for me.
Ghost in the Machine said:
fuoco blu 666 said:
What Ghost said in The Machine is not correct and with wrong conclusions.

111 is a number of the Sun, to see it without doubt it is the sum of one of the six lines of the planetary square of the Sun, 111 is also the addition number.

111 is not a negative number.
11 is related to the destructive capacity of Uranus and as it is related to Saturn, it made a wrong numerology reasoning.

If this was how it works then we wouldn't be doing reps at 44 or 88 for our ministry workings and such because they are multiples of eleven.

Numberology is not my forte but I try to pay attention to basic principles and understandings, there's risk of inaccuracy but there's few absolute truths I can find in 100% accurate knowledge. If we do these workings by multiples of a number it has to do with association I suppose. There's different vibrations to each number regardless, we all know 6 and 66 are binding numbers but 666 is a positive number of everlasting life, but this seems to be so because of it's association to the actual kabalistic square of the sun in our solar system in that there is a tie.

Energies seem to have 'pockets' in our universe where they effect specific regions in certain ways, not every advanced solar system has planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Mars or Venus and they are not affected by our own planets like we are, this is a regional area in our system, different energies connect to different things relative to our solar system I'd theorize. Our soul is seemingly constructed based upon this solar system so that everything works, as it was planned for us to be here for a very, very long time by Satan in that this is our home and where we're meant to be for the foreseeable projects of our advancement as a species.

My statement of 111 is more in regards to the tripling of energies to the power of 1, we double or triple numbers sometimes in their associations I suppose like 88 where we're trying to wake up races in our race awakening rituals for instance because 8 is the number of enlightenment and awareness, it feels like a general association game. 1 is associated with the enemy rather strongly, especially in their ultimate goal, 1 mind, 1 hive, 1 race, 1 world government, 1 world order, 1 country, 1 gender, 1 everything in it's meaninglessness of their preach in 'equality' there is no number more 'equal' in 'sameness' than one, add that in 111 and it's apparently a triple force.

This is the matter I point out in fuchs little 'job' here. And URUZ connecting to an animal and it's reverse energies being domestication just like that of cattle? You want to tell me that's a coincidence? Because I'm not buying it. If you did URUZ at 666 reps then 666 is likely the balancing force here in everlasting life and it's tie to white coloured energy, a balanced spectrum of all the colours, excluding black, which may be why you didn't receive any issues of an imbalance, but who knows.

As I've said, numberology is not my speciality, but I see well enough that 111 doesn't seem to be a good number especially for the rune it's using. When more things connect to a specific focal point that's mostly comprised of those energies, it narrows down the energies to point in empowering that one thing more than any other because that one thing associates the most strongly with all the connective energies you're using therefore is where the energy will go to the most easily, like a bunch of a magnets unwittingly pulling you in a direction you didn't want to go.

I am attaching links that can help you eliminate your doubts:








1 is not a negative number in itself, the enemy uses it to manifest communism, from what I have seen in their tree of life which is a representation of their lousy Jewish soul, the sephiroth Daath is a corruption of the Dagaz rune because both connect to Uranus, this sephiroth is one of their higher psychic centers and connected with the rest of their soul, this reveals why they have a communist view of the concept of ether and their sick, mad, Jewish view.
They use 11 to power up and in their black magic for how Uranus is connected with Saturn.
110 is a number that can be used for Uranus in white and black magic.

1 and 11 also demonstrate the connection between Fehu rune and Isa rune, ice and fire and the between meanings why it can be disastrous for the inexperienced to combine the two runes and control their manifestation as they wish.

Even 6 is not a number in itself.
It is ruled by Venus, Mars, Mercury and Saturn, it is a number of destruction and incompleteness (Saturn) na it is also the number of the sexual union between male (Mars) and female (Venus) the sexual sacred marriage and also represents the materialization.

One 0 is the materialization of the energies of the planet, 00 is the number of the spiritual perfection of the antecedent number, if we take the case of the number 1 from a positive point of view 10 is the number of the materialization of the Sun and how it binds to Capricorn, one of Satan's signs and how spiritually significant it is to Yule, a date in the Magnum Opus.
100 is a power number of the Sun that it concerns.

Regarding 88, 8 is a number of Mercury and is also related to the sign of Scorpio and Pluto, 8 is the symbol of infinity and how it is connected with the petals of the sixth chakra and the ether, see the rune Dagaz .
Mercury is the mind therefore also the logical mind while Pluto is the unconscious and the transformation through the extreme power that becomes permanent, is a revealing at the level of astrological numerology of how Kundalini transforms the mind and makes the unconscious conscious to create extreme spiritual power and immortality of the soul, Halloween / Samahin is when the Sun is in 8 degrees of Scorpio and it is a very important date for its energies and due to the fact that it is one of the dates of the Magnum Opus, it is also an important night for awakening in Generally speaking, working with the occult part of the mind and is a significant date for soul dedication is also why it is a powerful date for the awakening of the race.

8 is a number of Astarte and is a number of immortality and the Eternal Kundalini Serpent, 8 in chemistry is the number of energetic perfection and stability of material because an atom is energetically stable if it has 8 electrons on the outer orbital, this suggests intuitively how the advancement of the soul transforms the physical body to achieve physical immortality.
6 with a 0 is 60 which is the materialization number of Saturn and is relative to aging because 60 is the maximum number of telomeres for cell mitosis and how this imperfect process leads to the entropy of aging and death, the Jews use this number in negative to prevent the Magnum Opus and the immortality of the Gentiles.
With Uruz for 666 I used golden white as the light of the Sun so as to create a very strong energetic affinity with the Sun's energy with my aura, I made 36 statements to make sure I meticulously direct all the energy and how 36 it is a number of the Sun then I absorbed energy by exposing myself to the Sun to test the increase in power of meditation day after day and to make it more effective by harmonizing the aura with the very pure energy of the Sun.
Specter said:
Also consider some colors correlating to the chakras/planets/zodiacs/numerology and how they factor in to the working,

Do you think the advice given here is incomplete, in relation to correlating to the chakras/planets/zodiacs/numerology. As far as I see it the chakras atleast are also mentioned and about numerology 111 is a powernumber and should be fine.--->

"The Magickal Properties of Color

Black absorbs, conceals, and creates confusion and chaos, new beginnings, knowledge of hidden things, the container of light, one of the most powerful of colors. Use black for self control, endurance, and patience. Black is also a good color to use to bring discord and confusion to enemies. It can be used also for protection, binding negative forces, breaking up obstacles and blocks, reversing and breaking up negative thoughtforms. Best when applied to others.

Black rules over the base chakra, the planet Saturn, the element of earth and in the original religions, it signified new beginnings. In Satanic alchemy, black represents the step of void meditation and transformation.

Truths, wisdom, protection, inner peace, loyalty, occult power and expansion. Jupiter rules royal blue- Luck, expansion, abundance, long distance travel, higher education, legal matters, taxes, (use with green) investments, foundations, prosperity, and opportunity. Spirituality, summoning Demons, healing, inspiration, devotion, serenity, sincerity and truth, fidelity, inner peace, knowledge and wisdom, harmony in the home, occult power and expansion. Blue can also be used in spells, when the color is applied to others and directed for inciting depression, sadness, hopelessness, lack of sympathy, coldness and gloom.

Blue rules over the throat chakra. Blue is of the water element.

Great Fortune, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits, (I believe gold attracts larger sums of money. (Use green with shimmering gold for money meditation.) Gold is used for healing, happiness, authority, reputation, honor, and personal power. Use gold for confidence, fame, success in gambling, pleasure, securing popularity/charisma, increasing health and vitality, healing, protection, success, and magickal power.

Gold is one of the most powerful of the colors. Satan has a golden aura. Gold is the color of the Sun, and is of the element of fire. In Satanic alchemy, gold represents the perfection of the soul. Both the colors gold and white-gold are seen all over in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, in the temples and pyramids. Gold is the color of riches and power.

Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, anti-inflammatory. Venus rules green- Love, making love, (affectionate; red is for lust/sex), fidelity, reconciliation, beauty, youth, friendships, attraction, harmony, financial gain, earnings increases, social functions, possessions, riches, indulgence, pleasure. Good for beginnings and growth. Venus rules green- Abundance, fertility, success, general good luck, harmony, immortality, generosity, material gain, renewal, marriage, balance and healing. Green can also be used for inciting jealousy, greed, suspicion, resentment, sickness, disease, and disharmony when applied to others and directed. Green rules the heart chakra.

Indigo [Blue-Violet]
Meditation, psychic ability, telepathy, mind reading, Spirit communication, absorbing knowledge telepathically. The Moon rules over indigo. Indigo is of the element of the quintessence/ether/spirit. Indigo rules the third eye, along with the colors of silver and white, and the sixth chakra.

Creativity, enthusiasm, energy, stamina, and is a powerful color of major changes. Orange helps with adaptability, attraction, sudden changes, stimulation, enthusiasm, creativity, energy, gaining control, changing luck and inciting justice. The Sun rules orange. Orange rules the creative/sexual chakra (2nd), and is of the element of fire.

Psychic ability, wisdom, divination, removing curses, healing, psychic work, business success, influencing people in power. Powerful color with energies that can be difficult to handle. It can be used when applied to others to incite tyranny, abuse of power, idealism and influencing people who have power over you. Good for inciting sadness and treachery in others. Jupiter rules purple. Purple rules the crown chakra.

Energy, passion, anger, inflammatory, lust, strength, protects against psychic attack. Mars rules red- Revenge, anger, pure sexual lust, and physical gratification, courage, determination, dealing with enemies. Red is used for inciting accidents, fires, and injuries. Red can also be used for self-confidence, athletics, strength, creating magickal energy for black magick, (Good for selfempowerment before workings of black magick) and inducing intensity. Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy, dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, will power, athletics (especially competitive), and vitality. When used in black magick, red as opposed to black brings on sudden attacks, accidents, bloodshed, violence, and hatred. Red can also be used to incite wars, anarchy, and cruelty. Mars rules red. Red is of the element of fire. Both the colors red and black rule the root chakra.

Develops psychic abilities, neutralizes situations, repels destructive forces, works with female deity powers. The Moon rules the color silver- the home and immediate surroundings, imagination, memory, psychic awareness/dreams, spirituality, meditation. For psychic related, meditative/hypnotic. The Moon rules silver. Silver rules the third eye.

All purpose, balances the aura as all color emanates from white light. Energizing, protective, stimulating, inspiring, destroys destructive energies, cleans the aura. Provides protection when applied to others and directed. The Moon rules white. White rules the third eye, along with indigo and silver.

Yellow is the color of intellect, computers, communication, audio, video, TV, electronics, books, and literature. Yellow rules the solar chakra of the will. Ruled by the planet Mercury- yellow can be used for passing exams, improving the mind, for deeper concentration, mental power, learning ability, speech, writing, publishing, media concerns, gossip, slander, interviews, brothers, sisters, neighbors, rumors, theft, all areas of study and communication, also astral projection, overcoming addictions, and breaking habits. Good for friendship, imagination, creativity (orange is more powerful for creativity), inspiration and charisma. Yellow can be used to incite infidelity, cowardliness, decay, disease, dying, insanity, and inconsistency in others.

Yellow is of the element of air. Yellow rules the solar plexus chakra.

NEVER USE GREY ON YOURSELF! Grey is the color of illness and bad energy. Grey, applied repeatedly to the aura of a hated one, can bring about a slow death, if programmed to do so. "

Ghost in the Machine said:
Specter said:
Libra said:
I see what you mean. I think I was starting to come to that conclusion in my response and thinking about it afterwards, about the inverse of the rune energies. I just don’t have that much experience with them. I appreciate the well thought out response.

As for the op, I don’t really know enough about the outside situation to make any judgement calls about their intentions. I am skeptical about their advice though.

Compared to other supposed "members" with methods straight up absurd, along with their deliberate attempt to encourage people to try it when it's very possibly harmful, a call out is indeed needed for these matters as a sense of duty, or to the least question these ideas/methods for the benefit/knowledge of both.

But in this case OP has presented his information fairly well except for the fact that he did not elaborate too much on certain things, such as the numerology, but he wasn't really compelling anyone to do an exact specific method but rather just an example and such harsh judgements were uncalled for here in what instead could've been a good debate with constructive criticism.

I myself am a bit precautions about the number 111 as there is no consistent information currently to prove that it's beneficial for white magick endeavors, or destructive in that matter so I always go best with what I know. 111 being a 3 digit number as well 1+1+1 = 3, 3 + 3 = 6, but 3,6,9 have been noted to be key power numbers to the universe according to Tesla.

I don't blame anyone for coming up with such assumptions, some infiltrators were figured out a long time ago actually, no one here is going to hold your hand and fill you in on who's who, so it's best to know and take precautions accordingly and in general take everything with some salt, but at the same time you shouldn't be so eager to put someone off for something slightly trivial, all the things to make one a decent and critical thinker. Think for yourself.

My suspicion of fuchs only grew with another post of his in his other thread where he admitted to the enemy giving him information to post here on the forum. He ties too much in the behaviour and likeness of GG Allin in sympathizing the enemy that said and did the exact same things. Furthermore he did not defend himself when I called him out like this, only continuing to drawl on about how 'joo can do good therefore joo good'.

GG Allin was an admitted jew who got banned just last month, and after his ban fuchs started posting frequently every day suddenly and Henu pointed out that he makes the exact same spelling mistakes as GG Allin does. Both are from Germany and others figured it must be just common spelling errors there but I find that hard to believe, it's only more suspicious to me along with everything else that they're both from the same place because they're the same person.

To mention a possibility is not admitting! It´s called thorough reflection, it´s not my fault, if you are unabel to distinguesh between the two.

How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?

Why should I have to justify myself to you, are you a HP or one of the gods?

Disappear Cookie Monster:


Eat a cookie and be happy:

Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


I don't know what's wrong with you, but tell me, what do you think of GG Allin anyways? You thanked him in your post after all. Do you honestly think the enemy does 'good'?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


I don't know what's wrong with you, but tell me, what do you think of GG Allin anyways? You thanked him in your post after all. Do you honestly think the enemy does 'good'?

Why don´t you answer my question first and then I will answer yours:

How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


I don't know what's wrong with you, but tell me, what do you think of GG Allin anyways? You thanked him in your post after all. Do you honestly think the enemy does 'good'?
I think it's him GITM. Same behavior, playing the good jew after being identified. It's not beyond them to finally 'become like us' at a point in time like this as a way to stay around so they can revert back to jew mode in the unseen future.

Or maybe it's the classic Zola move where you infiltrate for years without doing any serious damage so when you're exposed the jews have an excuse that they can also be good or even Satanists, and our members drop their guard in the future even in real life.

Alternatively he may also have convinced himself that he can somehow be accepted by Satan/us by being 'good'. Notice how he hasn't denied or directly addressed the accusation but keeps being a 'normal' member.

No matter how much they want to fit in, their alien soul will always be at conflict with us. Which is why as much as he wants to be a Gentile/Satanist, he has had two active accounts on the forums that were used simultaneously to pose as two different people.

Any Gentile would have addressed the accusation directly. I used to think he is just a guy with unpopular opinions like on vaccines, but he was sensibly shown to be some other jew and his response is to dance around it and talk about cookies.
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:

I don't know what's wrong with you, but tell me, what do you think of GG Allin anyways? You thanked him in your post after all. Do you honestly think the enemy does 'good'?

Why don´t you answer my question first and then I will answer yours:

How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?
Drop the act dude. You've typed the word 'able' perfectly before. Even 'possible'. Go to a synagogue or something.
Fuchs said:
Why don´t you answer my question first and then I will answer yours:

How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?

We Gentiles - unlike you jews - are not drones. We can choose what we study and improve and we have individual strengths and weaknesses.
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:

I don't know what's wrong with you, but tell me, what do you think of GG Allin anyways? You thanked him in your post after all. Do you honestly think the enemy does 'good'?

Why don´t you answer my question first and then I will answer yours:

How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?

Numbers are a logical matter in and of themselves and this is seen in their involvement with mathematics and linear strategy, they are a logical focus. Logic is a lower physical plane aspect of the lower chakras that preside over material matters, they are the lower polarity of the higher psychic and astral aspects and reside on a different level, therefore it is absent of psychic energies and rulerships, thus intuition is virtually useless and you can only learn about such magical properties through trial and error and observation of related associations to the numbers themselves. That's why.

Let me pull me out my 'intuition' skills here and state that it's quite odd you decided to focus on the one thing in that entire post that I 'wasn't able to do' as if you could attack my pride and distract me from the situation at hand or even somehow change the subject because you're in a panic from the pressure and want to stop talking about it. Of the purpose of this entire discussion that's the most unrelated thing you could've brought up in response and even further encouraged with a second post on pushing the change of subject because you're avoiding the questions.

Did you know I wanted to be a cop? Studied psychology even for interrogations and tearing the truth out of liars, I see very clearly your evasiveness of my questions because you're guilty. There's no way I'm going to believe you give a single damn about my actual abilities, you're just trying to avoid any further questions and pressure, well guess what, I'm not stupid.

If you somehow were using this as an excuse in this 'trade offer' of questions as in "There's no way Ghost can answer this properly so then I won't have to answer his question and expose myself, hehe dumb goyim" then you're talking to the wrong guy. So where's your answer to my question then?

Think you'll be able to say the right things? Are you absolutely sure my 'knowledge from the astral with intuition" isn't going to find even one psychological fuck-up in your response like I already have before? But if you don't respond don't you think that would be more suspicious? What if I cross reference something you said in the past to use against you?

You already slipped up on other major things in another thread, things you're already not allowed to do here on the forum such as 'sympathizing with the enemy' and trying to act like they want to do good. You want me to quote it here for the others to see? Or are you going to just up and admit that you're an infiltrator? Might save you a heaping shit ton of trouble because you're dwelling in a pack of mages with a burning passion to make enemies suffer horrible psychic curses where enemies never see a restful night of sleep again.

The longer it drawls on the worse it's going to be when revealed.
Most people seem still have some latent empathy for jews which is despicable to begin with, which also means that they aren't committed to our cause enough.

Good or Bad behavior, or judgement upon someone, and empathy can only be done in relation to HUMANS.

Jews are PARASITIC ALIENS and are not humans. They may look like humans which might trick gullible human beings but they are dangerous parasites. When you look at a Jewish little baby, you need to see a SPAWN of a BLOODSUCKING PARASITE. They do not deserve Human Respect or empathy. They are evil parasitic spawn and you need to STEEL YOUR HEARTS accordingly. Every single jew is guilty of their collective crimes.

There's no place for both of our species on this planet when they make it their lifes purpose to destroy our planet and try to make slaves out of all of us. Either they leave peacefully (permanently from our planet and away from us as a whole) or they suffer the drastic consequences that they have inspired against themselves.

Thankfully the fake hoax of the WW2 era gave us a very good idea about how they want to be treated. With the advancement of robotics and AI we can put to use these mechanics to automate the process and not have any human contact with it. We can complete millions of units of ash in very short time and be permanently done with our problems. (Maybe in 10-12 years).
Of these, it is estimated that about 13 million (12,950,000) are Jews. This means that only.002 (2 per thousand) or about 1 in every 480 people in the world are Jews.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I don't know what's wrong with you, but tell me, what do you think of GG Allin anyways? You thanked him in your post after all. Do you honestly think the enemy does 'good'?

Why don´t you answer my question first and then I will answer yours:

How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?

Numbers are a logical matter in and of themselves and this is seen in their involvement with mathematics and linear strategy, they are a logical focus. Logic is a lower physical plane aspect of the lower chakras that preside over material matters, they are the lower polarity of the higher psychic and astral aspects and reside on a different level, therefore it is absent of psychic energies and rulerships, thus intuition is virtually useless and you can only learn about such magical properties through trial and error and observation of related associations to the numbers themselves. That's why.

Let me pull me out my 'intuition' skills here and state that it's quite odd you decided to focus on the one thing in that entire post that I 'wasn't able to do' as if you could attack my pride and distract me from the situation at hand or even somehow change the subject because you're in a panic from the pressure and want to stop talking about it. Of the purpose of this entire discussion that's the most unrelated thing you could've brought up in response and even further encouraged with a second post on pushing the change of subject because you're avoiding the questions.

Did you know I wanted to be a cop? Studied psychology even for interrogations and tearing the truth out of liars, I see very clearly your evasiveness of my questions because you're guilty. There's no way I'm going to believe you give a single damn about my actual abilities, you're just trying to avoid any further questions and pressure, well guess what, I'm not stupid.

If you somehow were using this as an excuse in this 'trade offer' of questions as in "There's no way Ghost can answer this properly so then I won't have to answer his question and expose myself, hehe dumb goyim" then you're talking to the wrong guy. So where's your answer to my question then?

Think you'll be able to say the right things? Are you absolutely sure my 'knowledge from the astral with intuition" isn't going to find even one psychological fuck-up in your response like I already have before? But if you don't respond don't you think that would be more suspicious? What if I cross reference something you said in the past to use against you?

You already slipped up on other major things in another thread, things you're already not allowed to do here on the forum such as 'sympathizing with the enemy' and trying to act like they want to do good. You want me to quote it here for the others to see? Or are you going to just up and admit that you're an infiltrator? Might save you a heaping shit ton of trouble because you're dwelling in a pack of mages with a burning passion to make enemies suffer horrible psychic curses where enemies never see a restful night of sleep again.

The longer it drawls on the worse it's going to be when revealed.

I was kind of preparing for military/police too. :p
I too was shocked when I was having one of my rages after dealing with enemies for months on end and just started dissing subliminally the slothz tone. Like we are all meant to be slaves in the slothz tales tone , and now he is gone.
*picks up and sips some tea, Nice*.
Jack said:
Of these, it is estimated that about 13 million (12,950,000) are Jews. This means that only.002 (2 per thousand) or about 1 in every 480 people in the world are Jews.

In my personal opinion and personal research. I believe what it should say is jews account for 2-3% of the entire World's population. Anywhere from 200ish million to approximately 300ish million assuming the current population is anywhere from 10-12 billion if the population is closer to 12 rather than 10 probably add maybe a few 10s of million more nearing 400 million. Remember back around early-mid 2000s the 8 billion amount popped in. So with a population nearing 13-14-15 billion as of current times in 2020s.

Of course your quote Jack, seems to be a rabbinical quote. According to judiac rules and regulation of their religion only about 22ish million jews are real jews. The rest are either failed jews or atheistic jews and or mamzers(mixed) or something along those lines in various levels of mixing from an inkling to fully 50/50. So according to their orthodox and deep judiac religions the rest of the jews are garbage. Like the Rabbi said 99.999% of humanity is garbage even their own non-religious or semi-religious jews. Basically according to rabbis most jews fail to climb the tree of life and thus are failed jews. They are still jews and are used by the jews and thrown under the bus many times since they use them as (schmuck useful idiots). But in reality there are a lot more jews in the World than people believe of course again it might be that there are a lot of mixed jews and thus it begs certain questions on statistical analysis of their races and sub-races basically their OWN O.R.I.O.N. principle.

Even though secular Bibi mentioned "The reason why we are jews is because we come from judea". Is funny but there has never, ever, not ever been a territory named judea much less acknowledged by the World as judea. The reason jews are called jews is because they stole the highest rank of Egyptian Priesthood whereby they called themselves jew or Yew as in the British tree famous for the British Longbowmen.

It reminds me of skipping the channels and seeing the late jew Anthony Bourdain mentioning there are about 700,000 hasidim jews in Israel. The reality is he was lying according to some research the number is closer to 1 million hasidim jews and by now I would not be surprised if they are near, at, or above 1 million hasidim in Israel.

So in my opinion there are a lot more jews around mixed but definitely some full-on jews around. They like to lie and hide their numbers famous for their so-called less than 1% something like 0.3-0.5% but the actual reality in my personal opinion is closer to 2-3% in comparison to the Gentile population.

Again I could be wrong but I'm saying truthful things in the sense of jews lying about their population growth. Sure there were a lot of pogroms and destruction and calamity to jews for the past several millennias but that doesn't mean they didn't grow their numbers. Sure we controlled their population but again they like to remain small to hide from peering eyes.

Which is funny cause in the Bible shehameforash promised the jews they will be as great in number as the stars in the Universe. No such thing has ever happened and really only in the last like 100-200 years have the jews really boomed in population.

For example supposedly according to the jewish almanac there were like 18ish million jews World wide in 1945 even though 160,000-240,000-300,000 maybe have died(+/- 6,000-8,000) the fact their population experienced a great boom. As a matter of fact they probably grew about 2 million throughout the early-mid 40s.

So again it begs the question if that is correct 18ish million even though Human population was at about 2.3 billion during the 40s. It's not a wrong statistic but again begs the question if they were hiding their numbers both through being unable to count everyone nor being everywhere nor wanting(read:lying) in keeping their population hidden.

So basically to end it here I personally believe there are more jews around than they state. It's just they might be lying or not counting everyone with judiac blood as it's both their race and religion all packaged into one. Mamzers are still jews just not full-on jews rather mixed with Gentiles.

And yes I'm aware some might state what about the DNA tests mixed with jewish genes to promote "(((We wuz all heebs and sheit)))" unfortunately that is another piece of the puzzle on the lies heaped unto humanity. Gentiles aren't all heebs and sheit but a lot of them are being tested and stating stupid shit due to being under kosher supervision.

Again these are just my personal observations. I COULD be completely wrong but not outright incorrect just not necessarily having all the data available for me to research.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Ghost in the Machine said:
Let me pull me out my 'intuition' skills here and state that it's quite odd you decided to focus on the one thing in that entire post that I 'wasn't able to do' as if you could attack my pride and distract me from the situation at hand or even somehow change the subject because you're in a panic from the pressure and want to stop talking about it.

The reason was: I was angry about you, for spreading dissinfo. I thought you did choose to spread it on purpose, just to talk bad my post / knowledge for everyone. Good thing you didn´t. Also good to know that only with intution, one can never be allknowing. I still suggest rune working 2 for you. The reason I thanked GG Allin, was he did contribute knowledge to the working I use, instead of stealing knowledge, or pretending it was my own as the former HP Mageson 666 did. I don´t feel any pressure from you or anybody else see below ....

[ !Warning for your own safety! ].

Ghost in the Machine said:
Of the purpose of this entire discussion that's the most unrelated thing you could've brought up in response and even further encouraged with a second post on pushing the change of subject because you're avoiding the questions.

"Throughout the entirety of that week, my housemates for the first time in probably a year kept cooking and baking things for me in the morning, from pancakes to peanut-butter cookies to keep my blood sugar levels up and gradually with this I was able to get my strength and health back." Ghost in the Machine


"Another time I was coming off work, I think this was 5 weeks ago and badly wanted some sugar cookies, I was craving them and went to the store on my way home to pick some up. The very second I reached for the container of cookies I was practically jolted back in the urge of a strong "No" that made me pull my hand away." Ghost in the Machine

"The desire almost won but I ultimately knew it never could've because every time I was thinking "Yeah nope, I'm getting it" and picked up the cookies to make my way to the cash register I'm immediately turning around and putting them back and then staring at them again. I was frustrated and eventually caved and gave in to what I ultimately deduced I was being told for my own good." Ghost in the Machine

"But I kid you not, when I took it home to finally eat it thinking it would just be boring old yogurt, I'm gonna tell you right now it was the best damn tasting yogurt I ever had and it beat those sugar cookies tenfold. I don't know if the gods somehow altered my perception of flavour with synethesia in reward or if they made me pick a very specific tub because I was urged to only one in particular but yeah... they understand the frustrations and such but they do it because they care about us and our well-being." Ghost in the Machine


"This isn't to say social needs are just plain banned in general though, but this is literally our only communications platform, to overrun it with the asking of everyone's favourite colour and "Do you want to join my super cool rebel gang on FB, we make cookies every second Friday" Ghost in the Machine


The highlights:

"I don't know if the gods somehow altered my perception of flavour with synethesia in reward or if they made me pick a very specific tub because I was urged to only one in particular but yeah... they understand the frustrations and such but they do it because they care about us and our well-being." Ghost in the Machine


"donating brand new t-shirts for free of the perfect size that fits me" Must have been many cookies.


Why did I pick this personal flaw of GISM?

Because it shows how he acts when he wants something compulsively. He want it so badly, like his cookies. He is obsessed and only satisfied if he has eaten this so called "cookie". Leading to logical errors and false assumptions. Which cause trouble for others/ JOS / decreased spiritual warfare.


""Oh well Shannon trusts these books of science by the jews, why can't I trust these bibles right here by the jews? And what about this (((science))) behind fasting, it's written by jews but it makes sense because of it's (((science))), surely starving the body of energy and life doesn't also starve the soul of energy and life or anything right, there must be something positive about it, right? If she, a HPS doesn't see anything bad in trusting things like this written by the enemy, why should I?"." Ghost in the Machine


Cookies = Energy/Life according to GISM

He stalked HPS Shannon, accused her the same things, that he did about me.

A good summary:

"I urge anyone who has stumbled upon this thread to read the messages of Ghost here. It's a great example of how it looks like when a delusional idiot finally loses it completely.

Take note of this, and keep it in mind for any further fools like this who will come around in the future, so you can spot them more effectively. It's important to train your mind for these things, so you do not end up taking potentially devastating advice or other things from these people during their time here before they finally implode completely.

I myself will do so, as well. I still remember when this guy was going on about how aliens are trying to abduct him and are stalking him, but I naively gave him the benefit of the doubt. It already was a very obvious sign of his mental instability and insanity.
" Shael


Disappear Cookie Monster:


You won´t get here any cookies!!!

GISM is NOT BAD, but when he goes

_[ !Warning for your own safety! ]._

Whoever tryes to curse me, will get his attack reflected and amplified back.

Ontop of this, are the curses and punishments from the gods for cursing a nother SS.

At the moment Mars is retrogade, so Black-magic will backfire, won´t work. Mars will be direct motion again at 14.11.2020.

I don´t want to hurt other SS, so please don´t do. This would only help the enemy. Like the rants of GISM when he is in CRAVING-COOKIE-MODE.
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
Why don´t you answer my question first and then I will answer yours:

How can you not know about numerology, if you are supposatly abel to get every "knowledge" from the astral with your intution?

We Gentiles - unlike you jews - are not drones. We can choose what we study and improve and we have individual strengths and weaknesses.

Good, that you did change your plans, to kill every SS and instead try to break free from your drone mind state.
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Ghost in the Machine said:
Let me pull me out my 'intuition' skills here and state that it's quite odd you decided to focus on the one thing in that entire post that I 'wasn't able to do' as if you could attack my pride and distract me from the situation at hand or even somehow change the subject because you're in a panic from the pressure and want to stop talking about it.

The reason was: I was angry about you, for spreading dissinfo. I thought you did choose to spread it on purpose, just to talk bad my post / knowledge for everyone. Good thing you didn´t. Also good to know that only with intution, one can never be allknowing. I still suggest rune working 2 for you. The reason I thanked GG Allin, was he did contribute knowledge to the working I use, instead of stealing knowledge, or pretending it was my own as the former HP Mageson 666 did. I don´t feel any pressure from you or anybody else see below ....

[ !Warning for your own safety! ].

Ghost in the Machine said:
Of the purpose of this entire discussion that's the most unrelated thing you could've brought up in response and even further encouraged with a second post on pushing the change of subject because you're avoiding the questions.

"Throughout the entirety of that week, my housemates for the first time in probably a year kept cooking and baking things for me in the morning, from pancakes to peanut-butter cookies to keep my blood sugar levels up and gradually with this I was able to get my strength and health back." Ghost in the Machine


"Another time I was coming off work, I think this was 5 weeks ago and badly wanted some sugar cookies, I was craving them and went to the store on my way home to pick some up. The very second I reached for the container of cookies I was practically jolted back in the urge of a strong "No" that made me pull my hand away." Ghost in the Machine

"The desire almost won but I ultimately knew it never could've because every time I was thinking "Yeah nope, I'm getting it" and picked up the cookies to make my way to the cash register I'm immediately turning around and putting them back and then staring at them again. I was frustrated and eventually caved and gave in to what I ultimately deduced I was being told for my own good." Ghost in the Machine

"But I kid you not, when I took it home to finally eat it thinking it would just be boring old yogurt, I'm gonna tell you right now it was the best damn tasting yogurt I ever had and it beat those sugar cookies tenfold. I don't know if the gods somehow altered my perception of flavour with synethesia in reward or if they made me pick a very specific tub because I was urged to only one in particular but yeah... they understand the frustrations and such but they do it because they care about us and our well-being." Ghost in the Machine


"This isn't to say social needs are just plain banned in general though, but this is literally our only communications platform, to overrun it with the asking of everyone's favourite colour and "Do you want to join my super cool rebel gang on FB, we make cookies every second Friday" Ghost in the Machine


The highlights:

"I don't know if the gods somehow altered my perception of flavour with synethesia in reward or if they made me pick a very specific tub because I was urged to only one in particular but yeah... they understand the frustrations and such but they do it because they care about us and our well-being." Ghost in the Machine


"donating brand new t-shirts for free of the perfect size that fits me" Must have been many cookies.


Why did I pick this personal flaw of GISM?

Because it shows how he acts when he wants something compulsively. He want it so badly, like his cookies. He is obsessed and only satisfied if he has eaten this so called "cookie". Leading to logical errors and false assumptions. Which cause trouble for others/ JOS / decreased spiritual warfare.


""Oh well Shannon trusts these books of science by the jews, why can't I trust these bibles right here by the jews? And what about this (((science))) behind fasting, it's written by jews but it makes sense because of it's (((science))), surely starving the body of energy and life doesn't also starve the soul of energy and life or anything right, there must be something positive about it, right? If she, a HPS doesn't see anything bad in trusting things like this written by the enemy, why should I?"." Ghost in the Machine


Cookies = Energy/Life according to GISM

He stalked HPS Shannon, accused her the same things, that he did about me.

A good summary:

"I urge anyone who has stumbled upon this thread to read the messages of Ghost here. It's a great example of how it looks like when a delusional idiot finally loses it completely.

Take note of this, and keep it in mind for any further fools like this who will come around in the future, so you can spot them more effectively. It's important to train your mind for these things, so you do not end up taking potentially devastating advice or other things from these people during their time here before they finally implode completely.

I myself will do so, as well. I still remember when this guy was going on about how aliens are trying to abduct him and are stalking him, but I naively gave him the benefit of the doubt. It already was a very obvious sign of his mental instability and insanity.
" Shael


Disappear Cookie Monster:


You won´t get here any cookies!!!

GISM is NOT BAD, but when he goes

_[ !Warning for your own safety! ]._

Whoever tryes to curse me, will get his attack reflected and amplified back.

Ontop of this, are the curses and punishments from the gods for cursing a nother SS.

At the moment Mars is retrogade, so Black-magic will backfire, won´t work. Mars will be direct motion again at 14.11.2020.

I don´t want to hurt other SS, so please don´t do. This would only help the enemy. Like the rants of GISM when he is in CRAVING-COOKIE-MODE.
It's not even about GITM. It's about the fact that if one was to read GG Allin's posts and read yours, there is absolutely no difference. Same grammatical errors, habits like quoting HP HC, painting the enemy in a positive light etc.

Dude, keep convincing yourself that the Gods have accepted you. Do all the RTRs you want. Bash and attack your tribe. You can even drop a nuke on Israel. But never forget this: the Gods have zero time and zero regard for you and when your people start paying for their crimes against humanity and everyone else they have wronged, you won't be spared at all.
Fuchs said:

That was also a closed discussion in sharing honest experiences and theories with another SS, I literally have no idea why you even brought up such an unrelated thing. I'm still not distracted at your weird nit-pickings and weird 'cookie' bull.

Here's mine I guess though if that's you're ball-game.

Fuchs said:
I´m in many different groups against corona, I also said online things which were not wise to say identity wise. Either I´m in the right groups, or the enemy does give me content which they want here posted (because they know I will share if I see something important).

You imply good deeds of 'the joo' and that you cooperate with the enemy, knowingly enough to refer to them as 'the enemy' and, what, they want you in particular to share content here? That implies a relationship and that whoever it is you're communicating with in your "groups" is aware of the Joy of Satan ministries and that you're on the forum. Does this 'content' include your little working here too?

GG Allin or not you don't exactly exude the most trustworthy of vibes after a post like that, now do you?
Blackdragon666 said:
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Ghost in the Machine said:
Let me pull me out my 'intuition' skills here and state that it's quite odd you decided to focus on the one thing in that entire post that I 'wasn't able to do' as if you could attack my pride and distract me from the situation at hand or even somehow change the subject because you're in a panic from the pressure and want to stop talking about it.

The reason was: I was angry about you, for spreading dissinfo. I thought you did choose to spread it on purpose, just to talk bad my post / knowledge for everyone. Good thing you didn´t. Also good to know that only with intution, one can never be allknowing. I still suggest rune working 2 for you. The reason I thanked GG Allin, was he did contribute knowledge to the working I use, instead of stealing knowledge, or pretending it was my own as the former HP Mageson 666 did. I don´t feel any pressure from you or anybody else see below ....

[ !Warning for your own safety! ].

Ghost in the Machine said:
Of the purpose of this entire discussion that's the most unrelated thing you could've brought up in response and even further encouraged with a second post on pushing the change of subject because you're avoiding the questions.

"Throughout the entirety of that week, my housemates for the first time in probably a year kept cooking and baking things for me in the morning, from pancakes to peanut-butter cookies to keep my blood sugar levels up and gradually with this I was able to get my strength and health back." Ghost in the Machine


"Another time I was coming off work, I think this was 5 weeks ago and badly wanted some sugar cookies, I was craving them and went to the store on my way home to pick some up. The very second I reached for the container of cookies I was practically jolted back in the urge of a strong "No" that made me pull my hand away." Ghost in the Machine

"The desire almost won but I ultimately knew it never could've because every time I was thinking "Yeah nope, I'm getting it" and picked up the cookies to make my way to the cash register I'm immediately turning around and putting them back and then staring at them again. I was frustrated and eventually caved and gave in to what I ultimately deduced I was being told for my own good." Ghost in the Machine

"But I kid you not, when I took it home to finally eat it thinking it would just be boring old yogurt, I'm gonna tell you right now it was the best damn tasting yogurt I ever had and it beat those sugar cookies tenfold. I don't know if the gods somehow altered my perception of flavour with synethesia in reward or if they made me pick a very specific tub because I was urged to only one in particular but yeah... they understand the frustrations and such but they do it because they care about us and our well-being." Ghost in the Machine


"This isn't to say social needs are just plain banned in general though, but this is literally our only communications platform, to overrun it with the asking of everyone's favourite colour and "Do you want to join my super cool rebel gang on FB, we make cookies every second Friday" Ghost in the Machine


The highlights:

"I don't know if the gods somehow altered my perception of flavour with synethesia in reward or if they made me pick a very specific tub because I was urged to only one in particular but yeah... they understand the frustrations and such but they do it because they care about us and our well-being." Ghost in the Machine


"donating brand new t-shirts for free of the perfect size that fits me" Must have been many cookies.


Why did I pick this personal flaw of GISM?

Because it shows how he acts when he wants something compulsively. He want it so badly, like his cookies. He is obsessed and only satisfied if he has eaten this so called "cookie". Leading to logical errors and false assumptions. Which cause trouble for others/ JOS / decreased spiritual warfare.


""Oh well Shannon trusts these books of science by the jews, why can't I trust these bibles right here by the jews? And what about this (((science))) behind fasting, it's written by jews but it makes sense because of it's (((science))), surely starving the body of energy and life doesn't also starve the soul of energy and life or anything right, there must be something positive about it, right? If she, a HPS doesn't see anything bad in trusting things like this written by the enemy, why should I?"." Ghost in the Machine


Cookies = Energy/Life according to GISM

He stalked HPS Shannon, accused her the same things, that he did about me.

A good summary:

"I urge anyone who has stumbled upon this thread to read the messages of Ghost here. It's a great example of how it looks like when a delusional idiot finally loses it completely.

Take note of this, and keep it in mind for any further fools like this who will come around in the future, so you can spot them more effectively. It's important to train your mind for these things, so you do not end up taking potentially devastating advice or other things from these people during their time here before they finally implode completely.

I myself will do so, as well. I still remember when this guy was going on about how aliens are trying to abduct him and are stalking him, but I naively gave him the benefit of the doubt. It already was a very obvious sign of his mental instability and insanity.
" Shael


Disappear Cookie Monster:


You won´t get here any cookies!!!

GISM is NOT BAD, but when he goes

_[ !Warning for your own safety! ]._

Whoever tryes to curse me, will get his attack reflected and amplified back.

Ontop of this, are the curses and punishments from the gods for cursing a nother SS.

At the moment Mars is retrogade, so Black-magic will backfire, won´t work. Mars will be direct motion again at 14.11.2020.

I don´t want to hurt other SS, so please don´t do. This would only help the enemy. Like the rants of GISM when he is in CRAVING-COOKIE-MODE.
It's not even about GITM. It's about the fact that if one was to read GG Allin's posts and read yours, there is absolutely no difference. Same grammatical errors, habits like quoting HP HC, painting the enemy in a positive light etc.

Dude, keep convincing yourself that the Gods have accepted you. Do all the RTRs you want. Bash and attack your tribe. You can even drop a nuke on Israel. But never forget this: the Gods have zero time and zero regard for you and when your people start paying for their crimes against humanity and everyone else they have wronged, you won't be spared at all.

I would be higly dissapointed, if not all jews get punished for there crimes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
