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  1. A

    Help! Me please crazy family

    I did used magic runes magic in an improporiate way to protect my self from my family and i don't have any protection at all because i have ben chaught help please my soul is weak because of thier abuse i am in saudi arabia in dammam city in tebat and i want to move away from my jealous muslim...
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    United States Threatening Iran, War Looming?

    Good post Hp... I don't know why people don't get it, the whole jewish zionist world order *somehow*.. Somehow... want iran in power because these fools in the white house think that iran is led by a jewish leadership because its islamic, however iranian govrenemnt from the other side think that...
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    Semitic + dinarid vs jewish features

    Semitic fece : Dinarid face : Jewish... :
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    Infiltration And Negative Advocacy

    Gays and transgenders and lesbians and stright people all have positions in society but the problem is if gays or lesbians increased in huge amounts this will create problems whithin society, some countries like the current germany take advantage and support the extremenist gay movements like...
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    Ageing is Reversible - at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice

    You forgot KFC'S secret formula... Its literally the reason why i suffered from leaky gut in the past :lol:
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    Ageing is Reversible - at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice

    How old was hitler when he finnished the magnum opus??? Knowing that he is 135 years old by now.
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    How arab women are treated (you are clicking and seeing this topic now) .

    As 21 yo saudi man, women here are considered whores ane hoes and just if they did one of the following list: - didn't wear the traditional islamic garbage bag over their bodies and heads. - laugthed or giggled in public - smiled with strangers (men) - talked with strangers - if they put...
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    Satan's Day Rituals + Spiritual Warfare Is Heating Up [Important]

    Thanks, btw that cat was so cute and *she* was a girl :D
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    Satan's Day Rituals + Spiritual Warfare Is Heating Up [Important]

    Guys... I just did the rtrs at 12 am and guess what? I went out to eat something and while waiting at the resturant a cute black cat came and was looking at me and she came closer but when i tried to put my hand on her head she got scared and ran away.
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    Satan's Day Rituals + Spiritual Warfare Is Heating Up [Important]

    Lets crush these rats for good! I will do it now!
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    Please watch this 5 min. clip - 'We're going to slaughter you'; The children of Syria's IS camp

    Thats why i like facist ideologies, it cleans the society from harmful elements just like playing chess you do a move and bang! You change the whole civilization.
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    Semetic does not mean cohen or jewish!!!

    Mishael aflaq (the founder of baath party the same party of assad and syria he is a natioal socialist! Just like hitler) Having attached ears and big nose doesn't neccery mean someone have jewish genatic or jewish soul system with four main chakras, this guy was a big enemy for israel...
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    Semetic does not mean cohen or jewish!!!

    I got what you said, and no i am not a kike, i meditate everyday and one of my meditations is meditating on satan's sigil and i could feel his energy, if i was a jew i would be totaly destroyed on many levels, satan is the biggest enemy of israel and the jewish people please think again! Look...
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    Please watch this 5 min. clip - 'We're going to slaughter you'; The children of Syria's IS camp

    Assad himself admit in the beginning of the war that there are tens of thousends of terroriats out there because the syrian regime failed in cleaning the people's minds from this shitty ideology, i really love assad more than our saudi zionist king salman. Atleast assad and his lovely wife do...
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    Semetic does not mean cohen or jewish!!!

    Not all iranians are persians, iran have many ethnic groups some iranians are arabs and some are semetic and some are even jews and the group of iranians anf the shia who wear black hats like the supreme leader ali khamenie claim that they have arab origions.
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    Semetic does not mean cohen or jewish!!!

    Ok brother thank you alot i appreicate. :D
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    Semetic does not mean cohen or jewish!!!

    Did you mean the two pdfs on how to recognice a jew? I know them but these books say that a jewish trait could exist in gentiles so we should not judge so fast unless someone is clearly supporting israel and unless you meet this someone in real life and feel his vibrations and aura.
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    Semetic does not mean cohen or jewish!!!

    Original Semetic race live and exist mostly in iran, bahrain, east region of saudi arabia, south reigon of saudi arabia, syria, palestine, jordan, uae, and yemen and oman and iraq and north africa. they are not and never been jews until some jews mixed with some of them, not all jews are...
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    Zinc and copper balance = spiritualy advanced

    Okey in short words.... Zinc is responsible of : - powers of the material world - masculine powers - athority and power and money - the void meditation and focus - atheletic performance and stamina - stamina both mental and physical - charisma and increased heat inside the body -...
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    Similarity between barbra streisand and triceratops dinsours.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: lol oh god...
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    On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

    Thats why i am so patient and cold blooded to a dgree that a lot of buddies here offeneded me and treat me like a total piece of......-fill the void with any slang word in your mind-...... just because i am an arab from a muslim background, its like saying all asians love communism which is...
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    Similarity between barbra streisand and triceratops dinsours.

    I did not mean to offend this peaceful animal by comparing it to this ugly mouse I mean this cockroach i mean... Who am i kidding all these are peaceful creatures...
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    How To Use The Ouroboros

    Mensioning the kundalini, isn't one of the mistakes too is to connect the kundalini at the sixth chakra and not at the crown? Which create imbalances and make these guys have something simmlar to parkinson's sizures?
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    About Hebrew Names On Gentiles

    The name sarah is very common here...
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    Cobra Story Time - "Friendly Charity"

    Thats a good seromon that came in the right time! i personaly suffered from the same problem that started when i was 6 on my first day at school, i used to have a lot of problems when it comes to being tricked by fake friends that used to take my money from me without even them trying to take...
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    Answers: "Are The Gods Responsible?"

    The gods have their own right to survive and to advance and evolve peacefuly in their own planet, its just pure stupidity to think that the gods should stay! Its like saying that a supreme militiry leader should go out in the battlefiled in the middle of war and put his existince in danger in...
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    My opinion on homosexuals (and sexuality in general).

    Yeah i agree besides third sex people are way more peaceful compared to hetros.
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    My opinion on homosexuals (and sexuality in general).

    I like discussing things ;)
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    My opinion on homosexuals (and sexuality in general).

    I accept All typs of sexuality, this countain gays, lesbians, bi's and people who have weird fetishes like people who are oppsessed with *farts* or *stool*, again i am not against any type of sexuality as long as all parts involved are :- 1- adults and responsible. 2- there are no children...
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    Why All Politcians Failed [Except One] To Free Nations From Jews

    The problem is that even if a christian/muslim quit, he will be attracted to figures like che guveara or carl marx they are real messaiahs themselves. I know many athiests here in saudi arabia and i could say 75% of them have communist ideas.
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    the most jewish celebraties i have ever heard of.

    You have a lot of things to learn bruh... You have a lot of things.... Jews could be recognized by :- - forehead - eyes - nose - lips - tounge - teeth - ears - lenth of the face - height - hair - skin - feet - body odor (they smell like shit) - they sweat a lot - 75%...
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    the most jewish celebraties i have ever heard of.

    Yep i know that picture i saw it once looks like she smiles but she bite her tounge in a weird way. She also have social anxeity which is very common between jews more than gentiles, most jews are senstive with a senstive nervous systems and senstive personalities they don't endure anything in...
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    the most jewish celebraties i have ever heard of.

    I love how you don't get the joke.
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    the most jewish celebraties i have ever heard of.

    1-sacha baron cohen (i heard he is joseph gobbles's grandson) 2- Demi lovato 3- meg griffin
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    Reason why saudis hate race mixing even though they are muslims

    Mmm... if look at me for example i personaly from al-zhahrani tribe and many people from this tribe look far away from the word "black" ... Far far away...zahran tribe rarely countain a person with brown skin or even black which is like 1% only. The actress mila al-zahrani The actress...
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    Mohammed had mental disorders (this is not a joke or funny you should read this post!!!)

    1- Acoording to islamic resources mohammed gone insane and had suicide attempets when the famous angel "gabriel" stopped giving him new revelations and new pharses of the quran. 2- when the angel gabriel came to mohammed for the first time inside the mountain in macca in the cave where mohammed...
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    Reason why saudis hate race mixing even though they are muslims

    The traditions of Arab tribes in saudi arabia and many gulf countries doesn't allow marrying from black people or from people who are from other tribes. While actually muslim clerics try to put pressure on these arab tribes to get rid of these traditions.
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    4 ways to get rid of idiot cockroaches in your life

    I think you should consider talking yourself out of the problem first, no need to use force in the begaining but There are many ways... If you really a risk taker and you have a strong aura and chakras and want to get a huge and satisfying revenge just sit or stand in front or close to that guy...
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    Abrahamic Ego Cults For Retards

    Uhhhh... Mmmm... .as a former muslim i learned that mohammed actually didn't marry aisha when she was 9.....he married her when she was 6 and he didn't penetrate her until she became 9...but during that 3 years he was having foreplay with her by puttin and moving his *thing* between her thighs...
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    Abrahamic Ego Cults For Retards

    Hp In case you don't know, there is a story of mohammed french-kissing his toddler grandsons *litralley* just to know how scum he was there is also a lot of psychopaths that came after mohammed, there is joseph smith and the french hippie pervert cloud vorillon and the prophet of baha'ai faith...
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    An effective meditation program for people who are serious about advancment

    Yes but not from a jew.. Its suicid if i did it with a jewish soul, its like if someone put both oil and acid on fire litrellay, even the jewish soul doesn't have 7 main chakras like that of ours they leak the heart chakra and the throat chakra and the 6th chakra, which explains why they have...
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    An effective meditation program for people who are serious about advancment

    I didn't say that i breath energy from jew because if i say so its insanity on so many levels.
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    Only if this happend... The world will be changed for good

    Not only islam but even the state of israel and jews in general will be open to attacks if such a thing happend.
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    Did mussolini finish the magnum opus like the nazi leaders?

    There is a pictures of hitler being dead does it mean its real? No not at all!
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    Muslims and christians are Masochists.

    Do you know whats really piss me off? Its the fact that jews whine about anti-semetism while muslims and christians get humilated without anyone doing anything, if this means somthing it only means that jews don't care about gentiles even those who follow rabbai jesus or rabbai mohammad, they...
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    Only if this happend... The world will be changed for good

    If a coup happend in saudi arabia and it turned into a republic The new leader could prevent the pilgrimage to Mecca, which would weaken Israel astraly and make it vulnerable to a possible attacks by Iran and its allies in the region. Also the new leader could win the hearts of the...
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    4 ways to get rid of idiot cockroaches in your life

    1- freeing the soul by a satanic roasry. (recommended to use against idiot relatives because it will not harm them but it will keep them away instad) 2- using astral vimpirism against them which will make their auras weaker and make that energy line they attached to your soul weaker and...
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    An effective meditation program for people who are serious about advancment

    This is a pic of number 2 meditation on the list "breathing through the balls technique" its actually a method of void meditation a strong method because it puts your body in uncomftruble pose and expect you to breath normaly... You will experince shaking and vibration during this meditation and...
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    An effective meditation program for people who are serious about advancment

    It will not be negative if you affirm that it transform into positive and healthy energy for you... You could also pull energy form the base chakra of the victim espically if the victim is a coward and fearfull which will actually make it easy for you to pull energy from his astral body.
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    On blood groups

    I personaly have B+ blood, i cant eat whole wheat or corn or oats and lentils without having problems in my system and i also can't eat pork and chicken and peanuts, i litrally make me sick and give me itchy skin What ethnic groups have b+ blood i read somewhere it is so rare blood group and...
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    An effective meditation program for people who are serious about advancment

    1- the full raum meditation 2- breathing through the balls.. This one increase grounding and sexual energies and make it easy for you to suck on more energy during other meditations 3- the pineal gland and third eye meditation while holding the breath 10 seconds. 4- practising astral...
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    Prophet mohammed was a jew.

    Yes he is, and to prove this... one should take a look at these islamic scriptures.. 1- "in the end of times a man decend from the blood of mohammed have a crooked nose and a curly hair and dandruff and have the body of an israeli man" 2- "a***h/god apeared to me in a picture of a skinny...
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    Beji Caid Essebsi R.I.P tunisian leader.

    "Women have the right to have the same inheritance as men, we don't care about the quran! if you want to use islamic sharia law in your own home you are free to do it and if you want to work with the civil seculer constitution you are also free" "We are supporting Any work that hezballah do...
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    Nasrallah makes a joke about israel.

    "It is in Israel's interest for Hezbollah to acquire precision-targeted missiles because if that happens, we will hit a military residence, But if we don't have such a missiles we will hit civilians, you can consider it a joke or a threat or consider it how you want" - hassan nasrallah the...
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    On Handling Spiritual Power In Satanic Context

    "In any country there must be people who have to die, they are the sacrificies any nation has to achieve law and order" "there is a freedom of speech but i can't guarantee freedom after speech" Idi amin. So this above considerd the law of nature, just like how hitler killed the armies...
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    Imprtent things that happened in november

    Nope i am actually saudi arabian but i am not a beduin and i am not from the desert regions of saudi arabia but from a small village *somewhere* between the mountins of the south but i look way more white than 99% of saudi people and if you see me in real life you will bet that i am syrian or...
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    Last night i summend a my first astral entitiy.

    i summoned the goddess haganti by just calling her name and summoning her through satan, anyway it was a matter of minutes until a very strange sound appeard on my room and a warm heat and i heard voices like a woman hissing and felt like she get closer to me and is toching my forehead but it...
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    Imprtent things that happened in november

    Bashar looks more like his mom mrs. anisa makhloof who died in 2016
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    Imprtent things that happened in november

    The Egyptian president and the strongman of eygpt "general abdel fattah elsisi" is also in our side but he work in a smart strategy he is a big supporter of syria and assad and isis once caught an egybtian fighters and with egybtian weapons in syria and they toture them. Anyway now israel and...
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    Imprtent things that happened in november

    He is from an ethnic group called dinarids he is also aryan just like most west asians and many syrians and armenians and azerbijanies look like this....anyway i know whats in your mind boyo... Just because he have a big forehead does't nesserly means that He is a kike, he actually was the most...
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    Imprtent things that happened in november

    1- the islamic revloution that was led by ayatollah al-khomenie against the puppet shah and the destruction of the american embassy in tahran. 2- the saudi militiry coup attempet that was led by sergeant juhaiman al-otaibi who was serving in the saudi national guards. 3- the syrian...
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    Sexual Energy, Celibacy, No Fap November

    I think short term seed retention in some cases is actually benefitul, in my case i personaly discoverd orgasms from a Very early age you may not beliave me but i was 5 years old when i expirnced my first orgasm but the problem started when i really went extrem and started doing it 4-5 times a...
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    Failed saudi coup attempet 20 november 1979

    "juhaiman al-otibi"..... Juhaiman was a Sergeant in the saudi national guards and had a poupilarity and had followers and led a rebilious armed group and tried to do a failed militiry coup attempet against the saudi regime in 20 november 1979, he and his men/followers went to the grand mosque...
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    Not only the saudi monorachs are jewish... Even the saudi Opposition is jewish too!

    Here are the main and the most famous saudi opposition figures :- 1- saad alfaqeeh. (lives in london as a political refugee and have a political party called the muslim reform party) 2- mohammad almassari. (he lives in london as a Political refugee and have a political party named...
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    Hamas (the palestinian resistince movment)

    The palestinian islamic resistince movement also known as "hamas" is an islamic resistince movement that beliave that israel has no right in the lands of palestine and palestine is only for the palstinian people from the river to sea, this movement was created in 15 december 1987...
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    The reason why iran and russia helped assad regime to stay in power

    Take a look at hassan nasrallah! He is way more charismatic than 99% of westren policians, he can't be a normal dude i could swear with confedence that he atleast have basic spritual and occult knowledge.
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    The reason why iran and russia helped assad regime to stay in power

    Brother i understand the situation 100000000%. more than any person in my enviroment, infact i am actually a pro assad even though i am saudi arabian...my goal on this topic is to make people understand two things :- 1- iran helps assad becauae he is a satanist and an aryan. 2- russia help...
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    The reason why iran and russia helped assad regime to stay in power

    No but as your 6th chakra advance you will start understanding the hidden meanings of all things, but anyway i know they are satanists for these reaons :- 1- you can't do a militiry coup and have an athority and rule over the masses unless if you are spiritualy advanced and atleast have a...
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    The reason why iran and russia helped assad regime to stay in power

    I know...but your last words about the rtrs are so wrong... Because both assad and his father before him are actually very intrested in the occult and they are spiritually advanced...if the rtrs alone protected them how did they survive before the rtrts even were a thing??? Anyway assad have a...
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    The reason why iran and russia helped assad regime to stay in power

    I know... And putin thinks that assad is communist just like nicolas maduro thats why he help both of them to stay in power.
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    No nut November testosterone hoax

    Borther... Please... I meditate everyday and one of my meditations countain absorbing energy from satan's sigil, which will naturally act to create a positive atmosphere, from the first time i stadrted countaining meditation on satan's sigil i started to exepirnce a lot of positivity, you should...
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    The reason why iran and russia helped assad regime to stay in power

    From the iranian view : the islamic republic of iran is led by aryan leader called ali khamenie who is a satanist secretly the same goes with the formar leader whos name is roahallah mosaoi al-khomenie the one who overthrow the puppet shah regime and they helpe assad because assad is from an old...
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    No nut November testosterone hoax

    Moderation folks.... Moderation..... Have one orgasm only when you are full of the "white manly sperm juice" becuase your bodu isn't supposed to store it safely for more than a week or two... And at the same time your body isn't designed to deal with the stress of refilling sperm stores resulted...
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    Famous arab leaders that are half jewish

    1- king salman of saudi arabia. The reason : he have beady eyes + hook nose + pro jewish pro zionist ideology infact he is the the most arab leader that love israel 2- king hamad of bahrain. The reason : he have beady eyes + hook nose + attached ear lobes + pro jewish pro zionist ideology...
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    Arab national socialist leaders

    1- Habib Bourguiba of tunisia 卍卍卍 (1957–1987) 2- Jamal Abdulnasser of eygpt 卍卍卍 (1938–1952) 3- muammar al-ghaddafi of libya 卍卍卍 (1961–2011) 4- hafez al-assad of syria 卍卍卍 (1952–2000) 5- bashar al-assad of syria 卍卍卍 (2000-still in power right now) I will not...
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    OY VEY SITUATION: One In Four Germans Hold Anti-Semitic Beliefs, Study Finds

    I could clearly see our rtrs working wounders... Even here in saudi arabia the poeple started to have haterd and anger toward the govrenment and i could clearly see chaos and the saudi police and the saudi intelligence services are in panic, its only a matter of time for the saudi regime who is...
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    No nut November testosterone hoax

    Short term seed retention is so powerfull and bestow charisma and expand personal power and authority and will give you an attractive aura but at the same time having a Moderate amount of orgasms will even open up your lower chakras to absorb more energy, anyway long term seed retention will...
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    Famous saudi arab tribes

    Some of the saudi tribes are mixed with jewish blood like the royal family as example and below are the most famous and well known tribes... :- 1- Zahran tribe aka al-zahrani or zahrani (a pure arab gentile tribe with armenian features) 2- bani malik tribe aka al-maliki...
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    Samhain [31st October] to November 7 - Ritual Schedule

    I just got a new coffee machine today and i have a feeling that i am gonna enjoy destroying these scums while relaxing on my lovely chair taking sips from my favorite cup 8-) i really feel happy and powerfull these days i don't know why. However i was about asking you about the demosntrations...
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    Speaking Of Crimes...

    Good morning hp... Does being chubby/fat nesscrly mean that a person is not healthy? Because i weight 105 kgs and i am short but i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back...
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    Proof The Aryan Race Is From Satan

    I am from south saudi arabia (will not name the city or villiage) but i look white and my tribte fought alonge side the royal family against the turkish ottmans invaders and i heard somewhere that these turkish scums raped our grandmas and we are actually mixed with them anyway i will give you...
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    On Approaching Satanism

    Sorry but i know only about arabs persians and afghans and pakistanies and russians but its my first time i hear about a group of people called armenian and i searched for it in google i found a groupe of people who look a bit jewish in thier appearness, they tend to be petite and hairy and they...
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    On Approaching Satanism

    I didn't exepirince any negativity during this october i actually feel way more positive than before...
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    Is Intelligence All That Matters?

    My zodiac sign is actually leo... This may explain why i have strong lower chakras and i have exetramly high levels of testosterone and DHT for a 20 yo man
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    Spiritual War The Battle Of 1919

    I am really curious to know did the soviet jewion allowed things like sex before marriage? And drinking Alcohol or it was the jews who are allowed to do these things only while the goyim are starving and poor?
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    On Approaching Satanism

    Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and...
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    Is Intelligence All That Matters?

    Hp good morning i have a quastion.. i personaly have very strong lower chakras and a strong aura and i could really feel this and i have a lot of sexual power and i sleep only 3-4 hours at night and wake up with huge amount of energy and i don't need to take any naps but the problem is that...
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    Yom "Kippur" Preparations [7th to 12th October]

    Good morning hp before a couple of minutes a fight happend between my older brother and my mom is this a curse of yom kippur???
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    US Army warns soldiers to be ready for potential 'incel' violence at ’Joker’ film screening

    The main reason why some men couldnt get the attention of the ladies is having low sexual energy and the main cause is too much mastrubating this is the reason why men who orgasm too much report things like people treating them like shit and being awkward when to talking to women.. However too...
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    Important Rosh Hashanah

    An Astrology expert told me that i will make an encounter with a person who is going to play a very important role in my life between Thursday, October 03rd 2019 and Tuesday, January 14th 2020 what does this mean??? Are jews planning to harm to do something on this date???
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    US Army warns soldiers to be ready for potential 'incel' violence at ’Joker’ film screening

    An arab satanist here watching a post about the westren problems caused by jews.... We have our problems too and gusse what??? the Causer is the same.. In my country sex before marrige could get your ass Whipped in public by the police and there is an organization in my country called (the...
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    Hitler had muslim troops fighting along side the SS and he allow them to pray and do thier islamic rituals... Christianity is way more dangerous than islam because christians worship jews and they are happy about it but muslims atleast worship the jews and they know they are evil and...
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    From what i know yemenite jews doesnt have blonde hair and they are very easy to spot as they tend to have big ears and a little weak facial hair and black hair
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    Having a big forehead doesnt always a jewish trait the formar syrian president hafez alassad had a big forehead and when i mean big i really mean big! and he wasnt a jew and btw he looks like the third kid
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    I am afraid that we have no choice... The only link between iran the reigon is islam if iran wasnt islamic the people of lebanon and yemen and iraq and syria whouldnt follow it if iran was national socialist like the libyan jamahiria we would have witnessed the end of iran from Decades. we gotta...
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    He may want to do such a thing but its not easy we dont live in a video game my brother we live in a Cruel Reality the most importent is the mindset of the people and if your really think about it deeply you will notice that iran doesnt want to go to war at the moment they actually want to...
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    Indeed the pagan arabs before islam worshiped astarot and they called it "al-ozza" and they worshiped a god that is a midget pictured sitting on the top of a qamel and their main god named "hopal" i think he is satan and i need to tell you that islam told alot of lies about arabian pagans like...
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    There is a full chapter in the old testment talking about some women giving blowjobs to horses and donkeys and there is a chapter talking about how could a jew cook his food using Literally "scat" and how yahweh or eal or whatever his fu*ing name is loved the smell of it and how prophet "lut"...
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    Well as a formar muslim i could tell you with my tounge that islam is garbage but the Revolutionary version of islam used by Iran is the perfect way to lead the masses against israel and against american domination in the reigon and i think it will librate nations in mid east and africa from...
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    Books like The quran and the bible are far away from letting people live alone I cant beliave that a book full of Violence murder, captivity, gang rape, genocide, torture, dirty language, cursing, intimidation and bestiality is beliaved by a a mature adult in the 21st century
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    Going to go through transition

    Lol, here’s a jew who would love to be a gentile It was an idea.. I didnt say that its 100% right
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    Going to go through transition

    Have you ever heard of shikh ahmed yasin the founder of hamas the resistince movment that fight israel???? ... will a jewish soul ever defend the palestinians against other jews??? And guss what... He was killrd brutly by an israeli air strike This is a proof that you cant and you will never...
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    Going to go through transition

    I dont think this is a rare case...i personaly have a lot of jewish features like the curved nose and the jewish smile and my height is short.. i think both me and anton levey may have somthing in common... i dont hope so because i really love my mother and i will be disappointed if she is a jew
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    About Weed and Smoking

    Mate please be sensible, meditate, study, and become a strong and a good man. And just stay safe. You live in an Arabic country and many people will not only not understand you but can even kill you if they find out about your allegience to your ancestral Gods, so think sensibly. Do not do...
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    About Weed and Smoking

    Good morning... I am satanist from an arab Country that is totaly ruled by jewish family and i seek help and guidance from the priesthood of the joy of satan Anyway in around 2017 i started to understand many things deeply and started having many dreams and thoughts that told me to join the...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
