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On Approaching Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

The situation with relating to Satan is that most people, especially as this relates to past life, or inner brainwashing, may actually dedicate or come close to Satan 'in paper', but the real dedication to Satan is proved by allowance of internal change and developing spiritually, working one's self to a sensible pace, to that end. Doing the Dedication Ritual is your registration to the school, after this, you have to study to pass classes, all the way to the top.

A mere dictionary meaning of the word "Dedicate" means this: "​to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important" [Oxford]. Dedication in other words means, to apply one's self onto something, because one considers it to be important. In this case, one Dedicates themselves to Satan and the Gods, as they consider the values, benefits, power, Truth and so forth therein, and understands on some level this is important.

One understands that they have a soul, and that this soul is important, and that they need to advance it, so to say, to make it better etc. The goal of Satanism is to set a goal such as the Godhead, and to walk towards it, all while making the Gods one's friends, and while developing, rectifying, and bettering the self. Needless to say, the actual level of Dedication, ranges. That is understandable as we are all different, we are human, we have our lives, and so forth. Everyone also has different life and different responsibilities, or even aims - that is all great and understandable.

There is however a level from which below something stops tie into the meaning of the above word. When one does hardly anything, or just is sloppy, careless, or even leaves.

The above should answer sufficiently in why some people are like "I dedicated 10 years later and then I went to "I don't give a fuck at all mode" cause I crapped my pants for 9 years, has Satan left me?". The question should be in reverse, where was your "Dedication" during all this time? Clearly, nowhere. "I registered to this school 10 years earlier, but then I left, will I be given a degree now, does my registration matter?". You are registered, yes, and this doesn't change.

Work needs to be done, ie, spiritual work. And work through the Satanic end, which is a focused type of spiritual work.

Every faction of so called 'spiritualists' has their own version of 'advancing spiritually'. Spiritual advancement is not solely focused on "increasing power", but also, in deprogramming. What leads in failure in many ways is lack of focus in deprogramming one's self, or staying on the spiritual path for a prolonged period of time, after which, it has become habitual, and as one doesn't want to stop going to the gym when they feel so great and have solid foundations, they never want to quit. The danger of quitting is mostly early, when one cannot clearly observe the gains, and this is why one has to be steadfast in the beginning.

Arguably, advancing the mind in power, also means, deprogramming from the mind games of the enemy, so in that outlook, yes, that is also a form of power. And a very important one. So deprogramming should be done early. A good deprogramming for example, is to study the websites in depth, to allow the new information to get in the mind, which one puts there willingly, or reading in depth to understand that xianity is a hoax. The knowledge exists. What one needs to do, is fight the programming out of themselves, as one fights a cold or a flu.

New Agers and many others in occult societies, do assume that by simply doing 'spiritual exercises' [mostly hebrew things, useless], that they are gaining some form of power, but this form of power that they gain [if any whatsoever, which most of the cases they get none] they are under control of beings devoted in keeping them from being anything but slaves to the jewish agenda. Ie, no "power" is really gained.

Some forms of botched meditation are practiced even by the enemy, in their own form. The enemy has their own version of yoga, and even serpent, and serpent meditation. The people who pretend they only worship 'money' are just naive. The jews stay focused on spiritual and mental subjects [the high adepts] for hours on end, daily. Even xians of the top order such as the Gnostic types, do 'meditate' and delve into the jewish crap on end for many hours a day. They get a great shower of their own disgusting filth that they generate and keep alive.

Ultimately, these types get nowhere, but a form of their kosher power can be developed. Due to this, they also stay to keep doing what they are doing.

Our goals are clearly infinitely different than theirs, greater, more pure, more serious. We're beyond. But the enemy is also to an extent "Dedicated" to what they are doing. They are devoted to keep the ruin of everything going. We must also be dedicated and steadfast to the opposing end, if we are to free ourselves and our world from the enemy.

Even the enemy has their own spiritual system, which many falsely downplay as 'materialistic' and contrast it to the 'world of spirit', which is the mentality of Christianity. Xianity pretends a false spiritual domain, and then points the finger on what it itself created - an imbalanced material domain full of chaos, created by lack of spirituality. The imbalances between these two keep each other going, that is how the lie is kept alive and going. The mistakes in one domain reinforce the mistakes on the other.

Christians came up with the lie that the jews are 'materialistic' in order for them to pretend that they are 'spiritual', instead, in a form of contraction. Christians are far more materialists than jews are. Jews love the shekel and if you want to fit a thousand of them in a bus, you just have to throw a shekel in, that is correct, yet, you have to do this when these things aren't actively reading their cultural neolithic ass-wipe, named "Torah".

A bad relationship with the material world, a problematic psychology of the jews, was transferred over to the Gentiles the moment the jewish programs were enforced. As such we have false and vain spirituality, and at the same time, physical imbalances. Few if any people are balanced between the two, or at all. Most people obviously are on the far end, shackled in boundless materialism.

Jews invented the lie that the material world is evil and disgusting, and filthy. After all, the jews, as a species, only knew how to wander in the desert and steal the copious efforts of other people's, they have no relation to developing anything material, other than writing curse scrolls and refraining from taking a shower in 40 or more days, so they can smell from a mile away. This they consider some form of pious power.

This idea resonated with other idiots on the parellel level of jews. Where it did not resonate, the jews put their slaves to use the sword and impose these ideas. Naturally, all notions of balance between the worlds were permanently lost. What is a "Spiritual Heaven"? A strange place where one worships a jew. And what became of the material world? A strange place where one must slave for them in order to win a pass to worship them again in the next lifetime.

This insanity had catastrophic consequences, to the point people ended up abhorring "Spirituality", since "Spirituality" became essentially only jewish psychopathy. The physical became an escape from the worthless projection of a jewish "supernal" world. Many people that you see and they hate any word about "God" or "Spiritual" or "Magic" and so forth, are preconditioned that this is all the jewish paradigm, and rightfully, they detest it.

But it has nothing to do with any of that. Our job is therefore to also re-educate to that end, and show the Truth, which will cleanse the endless showering of enemy lies.

The Pagan conception before all this corruption of the material world, is essentially a simple representation of the spiritual. There is no war between the two, but the meme was too powerful, especially amongst the repressed, the unsuccessful, and the stupid. Still this category of fools exists to this day - notice how all the New Agers, and hebrew magicians, and other retards, try to constantly reconcile these disgusting ideas, and do promote them, to the benefit of nobody, let alone humanity.

It is quintessential for a mind to escape these strange modes of brainwashing and thinking, and this is done progressively by meditation, studying to open the mind, and moving away from these corrupted forms of thinking. We managed to escape xianity in the Middle Ages, but as for it's mental leftovers, we are only on the beginning steps.

The irony of the situation is that when something like this is taking place, one may be evolving since they are meditating, but essentially, the mind is not getting more free, or more original. One is increasing power but is revolving back into mindsets that are essentially toxic to the person, and then, one also fortifies these with meditation, creating their own perception faulty perception of things. This then is exported as a general wrong relation with reality itself, and the power developed from meditation traps these people in these beliefs.

Imagine if you have a vessel and you 'supposedly' dedicate it to Satan, but it has dirty water from the jews in it. Increasing the water in said vessel is only increasing and spreading the jewish taints within the vessel. For this reason, if one says they respect their decision and they have honesty in their mind, they need to clean this vessel. Cleaning this means to advance one's self. This is what will make someone more of a Satanist.

This is evident in many people, who do always try to blend things out with enemy dogma or things that stem from it. I've seen attempts by some Satanists here to reconcile ideas which are disgusting and alien to one another, even enemy dogma into our own. This creates a permanent block in the mind, which disallows one from advancing in Satanism, or in Satan's trust. Satan and the Gods can see it clearly but people tend to try to fool themselves for the wrong reasons.

Another deception that has been going around is that being "Anti-Jewish" essentially makes you a "Satanist" by some sort of default. But Satanism is a path on it's own. We existed before the enemy, we'll exist as a path after them. The enemy in all is a great problem like a health problem on the body of mankind. The fact that due to temporary reasons we are fighting the enemy for what is world struggle, doesn't create a dualism out of the fact.

During this particular time, one's dedication has to outdo the "dedication" of the enemy, because they are an opposing force to us. This is why we do warfare and other things.

The person who seeks to really get close to Satan, should move away from what they have been drummed into prior to Satanism. This is definitely hard because we take ourselves with us and our experiences, but that is like the high goal one would have to follow, to have an open mind so that new and better self knowledge and power can flow in.

Making this even simpler, if one had an illness and then they received surgery and they healed, it is wrong to still behave after one is healed, as a sick person. But unless someone fixes the mental issue, one will still, in their mind, be trapped.

Everyone has to take seriously the fact that they are Satanists, as it's a very important Soul level situation. From there on, the work of someone is to advance and integrate this better into themselves, the will of the Soul into the more linear aspects of one's self, such as the mind, even the body [to develop it] and empower the Soul itself to get better in touch with Satan's values that are requested, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth and so forth.

The above touches on the mystery on how a Satanic Soul was always Satanic, but it has to regain it's Satanism again. One has to learn to Become what they already Are...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The above touches on the mystery on how a Satanic Soul was always Satanic, but it has to regain it's Satanism again. One has to learn to Become what they already Are...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes, beautifully said and also when practicing, we make mistakes. That’s why it’s practice. You see a lot people getting down on themselves when they fail at an attempt at something or whatever on this path. Maybe they stopped meditating for a bit, or whatever, but as you said we’re kind of relearning who we are. This is the downside to reincarnation and why we seek to evolve beyond it, but we only fail when we stop. There’s nothing I’m good at now that I wasn’t horrible at in the beginning. Embarrassingly so sometimes. But there’s literally magic and talent inside us all and it’s waiting to resurface and with patience and diligence we can uncover those big and beautiful dinosaur bones and with luck, there will be only little breaks and most all pieces will be there. Maybe they’ll come back to life too.
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people when they are new, they don't want to "bother" with cleaning and deprogramming themselves because it'd take time to do and it'd be "boring". But cleaning is really the first thing anyone should do. Not only will it make everything a lot easier afterwards, it will also prevent you from empowering your own dirt.

There is a passage in the Book of Five Rings that explains this well, "If you do not follow your true path to the end, a little evil at first will become a big perversion later".
If you try to push towards power and advancement but refuse to clean and deprogram yourself properly, even a small bit of dirt can turn into a huge issue over time. You need to follow your "true path", and first restore your true self before trying to shoot for huge amounts of power. Trying to advance to high levels while you don't even know yourself yet is just asking for trouble. If you do not know yourself, this is a sign that there is dirt in one or more areas that prevents you from seeing/accepting your true self. This is a sign that more deep-cleaning is necessary.

Also, let me briefly touch on the MerKaBa here because I've seen a bunch of people here who use this and only ended up extensively empowering their own dirt with it. If you want to do the MerKaBa, first make sure you have full control over your mind, and that you can properly direct and program energies.
Then, optimally, you would wait until your soul and chakras are reasonably clean. If you feel that you're ready, then you can start doing it. But it's essential that you give that MerKaBa disc a proper affirmation and program the energies. If you want to stay safe, then program the disc itself with an affirmation to clean yourself, like "In a positive way for me, I am completely free from any and all hangups and traumas about myself, now, continously, and forever". That is just an example of course, you can use whatever affirmation you want as long as it has this general purpose.
So how do we completely deprogram ourselves from the enemy programs?

I was a hardcore muslim in my last past life and then was raised xian in this life, I've done the Final RTR everyday and I affirm that I denounce the enemy programs hundreds of times everyday but I can still feel the programming in my soul and it feels horrible. Besides hypnosis sessions, I feel like I need to do a spiritual working to deprogram from them but I have no idea what planetary time, affirmations and words of power to use for deprogramming from Pisslam/Judaism/Xianity.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

The situation with relating to Satan is that most people, especially as this relates to past life, or inner brainwashing, may actually dedicate or come close to Satan 'in paper', but the real dedication to Satan is proved by allowance of internal change and developing spiritually, working one's self to a sensible pace, to that end. Doing the Dedication Ritual is your registration to the school, after this, you have to study to pass classes, all the way to the top.

A mere dictionary meaning of the word "Dedicate" means this: "​to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important" [Oxford]. Dedication in other words means, to apply one's self onto something, because one considers it to be important. In this case, one Dedicates themselves to Satan and the Gods, as they consider the values, benefits, power, Truth and so forth therein, and understands on some level this is important.

One understands that they have a soul, and that this soul is important, and that they need to advance it, so to say, to make it better etc. The goal of Satanism is to set a goal such as the Godhead, and to walk towards it, all while making the Gods one's friends, and while developing, rectifying, and bettering the self. Needless to say, the actual level of Dedication, ranges. That is understandable as we are all different, we are human, we have our lives, and so forth. Everyone also has different life and different responsibilities, or even aims - that is all great and understandable.

There is however a level from which below something stops tie into the meaning of the above word. When one does hardly anything, or just is sloppy, careless, or even leaves.

The above should answer sufficiently in why some people are like "I dedicated 10 years later and then I went to "I don't give a fuck at all mode" cause I crapped my pants for 9 years, has Satan left me?". The question should be in reverse, where was your "Dedication" during all this time? Clearly, nowhere. "I registered to this school 10 years earlier, but then I left, will I be given a degree now, does my registration matter?". You are registered, yes, and this doesn't change.

Work needs to be done, ie, spiritual work. And work through the Satanic end, which is a focused type of spiritual work.

Every faction of so called 'spiritualists' has their own version of 'advancing spiritually'. Spiritual advancement is not solely focused on "increasing power", but also, in deprogramming. What leads in failure in many ways is lack of focus in deprogramming one's self, or staying on the spiritual path for a prolonged period of time, after which, it has become habitual, and as one doesn't want to stop going to the gym when they feel so great and have solid foundations, they never want to quit. The danger of quitting is mostly early, when one cannot clearly observe the gains, and this is why one has to be steadfast in the beginning.

Arguably, advancing the mind in power, also means, deprogramming from the mind games of the enemy, so in that outlook, yes, that is also a form of power. And a very important one. So deprogramming should be done early. A good deprogramming for example, is to study the websites in depth, to allow the new information to get in the mind, which one puts there willingly, or reading in depth to understand that xianity is a hoax. The knowledge exists. What one needs to do, is fight the programming out of themselves, as one fights a cold or a flu.

New Agers and many others in occult societies, do assume that by simply doing 'spiritual exercises' [mostly hebrew things, useless], that they are gaining some form of power, but this form of power that they gain [if any whatsoever, which most of the cases they get none] they are under control of beings devoted in keeping them from being anything but slaves to the jewish agenda. Ie, no "power" is really gained.

Some forms of botched meditation are practiced even by the enemy, in their own form. The enemy has their own version of yoga, and even serpent, and serpent meditation. The people who pretend they only worship 'money' are just naive. The jews stay focused on spiritual and mental subjects [the high adepts] for hours on end, daily. Even xians of the top order such as the Gnostic types, do 'meditate' and delve into the jewish crap on end for many hours a day. They get a great shower of their own disgusting filth that they generate and keep alive.

Ultimately, these types get nowhere, but a form of their kosher power can be developed. Due to this, they also stay to keep doing what they are doing.

Our goals are clearly infinitely different than theirs, greater, more pure, more serious. We're beyond. But the enemy is also to an extent "Dedicated" to what they are doing. They are devoted to keep the ruin of everything going. We must also be dedicated and steadfast to the opposing end, if we are to free ourselves and our world from the enemy.

Even the enemy has their own spiritual system, which many falsely downplay as 'materialistic' and contrast it to the 'world of spirit', which is the mentality of Christianity. Xianity pretends a false spiritual domain, and then points the finger on what it itself created - an imbalanced material domain full of chaos, created by lack of spirituality. The imbalances between these two keep each other going, that is how the lie is kept alive and going. The mistakes in one domain reinforce the mistakes on the other.

Christians came up with the lie that the jews are 'materialistic' in order for them to pretend that they are 'spiritual', instead, in a form of contraction. Christians are far more materialists than jews are. Jews love the shekel and if you want to fit a thousand of them in a bus, you just have to throw a shekel in, that is correct, yet, you have to do this when these things aren't actively reading their cultural neolithic ass-wipe, named "Torah".

A bad relationship with the material world, a problematic psychology of the jews, was transferred over to the Gentiles the moment the jewish programs were enforced. As such we have false and vain spirituality, and at the same time, physical imbalances. Few if any people are balanced between the two, or at all. Most people obviously are on the far end, shackled in boundless materialism.

Jews invented the lie that the material world is evil and disgusting, and filthy. After all, the jews, as a species, only knew how to wander in the desert and steal the copious efforts of other people's, they have no relation to developing anything material, other than writing curse scrolls and refraining from taking a shower in 40 or more days, so they can smell from a mile away. This they consider some form of pious power.

This idea resonated with other idiots on the parellel level of jews. Where it did not resonate, the jews put their slaves to use the sword and impose these ideas. Naturally, all notions of balance between the worlds were permanently lost. What is a "Spiritual Heaven"? A strange place where one worships a jew. And what became of the material world? A strange place where one must slave for them in order to win a pass to worship them again in the next lifetime.

This insanity had catastrophic consequences, to the point people ended up abhorring "Spirituality", since "Spirituality" became essentially only jewish psychopathy. The physical became an escape from the worthless projection of a jewish "supernal" world. Many people that you see and they hate any word about "God" or "Spiritual" or "Magic" and so forth, are preconditioned that this is all the jewish paradigm, and rightfully, they detest it.

But it has nothing to do with any of that. Our job is therefore to also re-educate to that end, and show the Truth, which will cleanse the endless showering of enemy lies.

The Pagan conception before all this corruption of the material world, is essentially a simple representation of the spiritual. There is no war between the two, but the meme was too powerful, especially amongst the repressed, the unsuccessful, and the stupid. Still this category of fools exists to this day - notice how all the New Agers, and hebrew magicians, and other retards, try to constantly reconcile these disgusting ideas, and do promote them, to the benefit of nobody, let alone humanity.

It is quintessential for a mind to escape these strange modes of brainwashing and thinking, and this is done progressively by meditation, studying to open the mind, and moving away from these corrupted forms of thinking. We managed to escape xianity in the Middle Ages, but as for it's mental leftovers, we are only on the beginning steps.

The irony of the situation is that when something like this is taking place, one may be evolving since they are meditating, but essentially, the mind is not getting more free, or more original. One is increasing power but is revolving back into mindsets that are essentially toxic to the person, and then, one also fortifies these with meditation, creating their own perception faulty perception of things. This then is exported as a general wrong relation with reality itself, and the power developed from meditation traps these people in these beliefs.

Imagine if you have a vessel and you 'supposedly' dedicate it to Satan, but it has dirty water from the jews in it. Increasing the water in said vessel is only increasing and spreading the jewish taints within the vessel. For this reason, if one says they respect their decision and they have honesty in their mind, they need to clean this vessel. Cleaning this means to advance one's self. This is what will make someone more of a Satanist.

This is evident in many people, who do always try to blend things out with enemy dogma or things that stem from it. I've seen attempts by some Satanists here to reconcile ideas which are disgusting and alien to one another, even enemy dogma into our own. This creates a permanent block in the mind, which disallows one from advancing in Satanism, or in Satan's trust. Satan and the Gods can see it clearly but people tend to try to fool themselves for the wrong reasons.

Another deception that has been going around is that being "Anti-Jewish" essentially makes you a "Satanist" by some sort of default. But Satanism is a path on it's own. We existed before the enemy, we'll exist as a path after them. The enemy in all is a great problem like a health problem on the body of mankind. The fact that due to temporary reasons we are fighting the enemy for what is world struggle, doesn't create a dualism out of the fact.

During this particular time, one's dedication has to outdo the "dedication" of the enemy, because they are an opposing force to us. This is why we do warfare and other things.

The person who seeks to really get close to Satan, should move away from what they have been drummed into prior to Satanism. This is definitely hard because we take ourselves with us and our experiences, but that is like the high goal one would have to follow, to have an open mind so that new and better self knowledge and power can flow in.

Making this even simpler, if one had an illness and then they received surgery and they healed, it is wrong to still behave after one is healed, as a sick person. But unless someone fixes the mental issue, one will still, in their mind, be trapped.

Everyone has to take seriously the fact that they are Satanists, as it's a very important Soul level situation. From there on, the work of someone is to advance and integrate this better into themselves, the will of the Soul into the more linear aspects of one's self, such as the mind, even the body [to develop it] and empower the Soul itself to get better in touch with Satan's values that are requested, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth and so forth.

The above touches on the mystery on how a Satanic Soul was always Satanic, but it has to regain it's Satanism again. One has to learn to Become what they already Are...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am permanently free from Jewish lies. The problem is work in the material world. During the day you have to work and at night you have to rest and sleep. Work at least 8 hours a day, plus time to prepare and go to work and come home and the day is over. And then sleep to get up and do the same thing again. I know you can find 15 minutes of time to meditate, but this is not balance between material and astral. The Astral that is most important, dedicate them 15 minutes, while to the material dedicate them all day and every day. I would like to free myself from the work on the material world. I've been thinking for a long time, but unfortunately I can't find the solution. If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. I would like a job that requires little time and effort. I would like to work all day in the astral dimension and not in the material dimension. I would like to be paid for this. However, in this world of slaves, to survive it is necessary to be slaves and not free, powerful and important. I fully understand the importance of work and that without it we could not exist and by this I mean work in both the material and astral dimensions. I wish there was a choice. And not just work in the material dimension. But, as I said, this world is a world of slaves and the question of work could not be otherwise. However, it is not the fault of the Gentiles, because they are victims. It's the fault of the hateful and disgusting enemies, the Jews and their superiors. When the Gentiles are saved, everything will be at its best and best, meaningfully and freely. This is the current condition. Because of this condition of slave life, I have thought of several solutions without any proving effective. From having authority over slaves to having authority over free. From having a robot that works in my place and in my name and that I can have free time for the astral and for my soul. I am not a fool, I am just looking for a way to free myself from this slave society. I even thought to exist only in the form of spirit, to free myself from slavery on this world, by the way, I also thought to leave this planet. All this for freedom. Thank you for the wonderful sermon as always. I would like to thank you personally once I am advanced with actions and favors of course. Hail Satan in Eternity.
Jack said:
He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?
I think this is just an enemy entity messing with you. Perhaps even a thoughtform that managed to attach itself to you because of some dirt you have. Some deep-cleaning should help to free your hands from this black sphere easily.
Jack said:
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?

I asume enemy attack=
I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere / fake boundaries,
Why do you suffer / implying spiritual warfare is suffering
Because your Father is already Dead / a referenze to satan which is wrong.

Summary: Stop doing the evil rtrs be a good goy. Greetings the enemy
Jack said:
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?

Such 'Answers' aren't always answers.. more like an addition to the question.
So.. what is it that you need to let go of?
The dead can't come back..
Jack said:
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?
This is simply the enemy taunting you.
The black sphere around your hands is a sign of spiritual binding, his reference to 'ancient kaballistic magick' is him trying to say that this is what was used to bind you.
He is then further taunting you by saying 'your father is dead, that is why you suffer', "father" most likely referring to Satan, i guess he doesn't have the balls to say the name 'Satan'.

Your hands being bound is also a figure of speech, that comes from 'your hands are tied' which means that you're controlled by someone else or can't act freely.
Bindings are essentially programming done by others, so this is most likely enemy programming.
Your concern sounds a bit like too much as you basically look how at least half Arab people look from description. Armenian sounds about correct.

Many Arabs have similar feautres to jews, as jews have a lot of blood from the region. Jews have blood from all nations.

Anton LaVey was a singular case.

I would assume you were in the clear as many people in Saudi Arabia and everywhere else look that way, without necessarily being jews.

ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The above touches on the mystery on how a Satanic Soul was always Satanic, but it has to regain it's Satanism again. One has to learn to Become what they already Are...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?

The fact you know you can break out and you do not only shows to me that you are a bit self filled in the perception that they can bind you, and not reality of power terms.

Do some good cleaning and move ahead,close yourself to negative ideas.
Academic Scholar said:
So how do we completely deprogram ourselves from the enemy programs?

I was a hardcore muslim in my last past life and then was raised xian in this life, I've done the Final RTR everyday and I affirm that I denounce the enemy programs hundreds of times everyday but I can still feel the programming in my soul and it feels horrible. Besides hypnosis sessions, I feel like I need to do a spiritual working to deprogram from them but I have no idea what planetary time, affirmations and words of power to use for deprogramming from Pisslam/Judaism/Xianity.

I will write instructions on this. You'll definitely feel better.

Hypnosis does touch an aspect which is different than workings. So you may have to do both whenever necessary until you are mentally free.
Shael said:
Jack said:
He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?
I think this is just an enemy entity messing with you. Perhaps even a thoughtform that managed to attach itself to you because of some dirt you have. Some deep-cleaning should help to free your hands from this black sphere easily.
I've been doing regular RTR and I switched to VISHUDDHI from Raum for deep cleaning purposes so things might be coming up and the enemy might be using these to double down on me. Regardless I'm going to double down on that cleaning
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?

Such 'Answers' aren't always answers.. more like an addition to the question.
So.. what is it that you need to let go of?
The dead can't come back..
I read this reply again and I don't know how I forgot but as he was saying "why do you suffer ?",I was shown a vision of my late grandfather as I became extremely emotional and then he said "because your father Is already dead." I experienced the peak of what could only be considered sadness. More than likely this was some kind of enemy tactic to use my emotional feelings that have not been sorted out to make problems for me.
Rook said:
Jack said:
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?
This is simply the enemy taunting you.
The black sphere around your hands is a sign of spiritual binding, his reference to 'ancient kaballistic magick' is him trying to say that this is what was used to bind you.
He is then further taunting you by saying 'your father is dead, that is why you suffer', "father" most likely referring to Satan, i guess he doesn't have the balls to say the name 'Satan'.

Your hands being bound is also a figure of speech, that comes from 'your hands are tied' which means that you're controlled by someone else or can't act freely.
Bindings are essentially programming done by others, so this is most likely enemy programming.
There seems to be a distinct possibility this is the case . Regardless they can't stop me fighting for Father.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The above touches on the mystery on how a Satanic Soul was always Satanic, but it has to regain it's Satanism again. One has to learn to Become what they already Are...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes, beautifully said and also when practicing, we make mistakes. That’s why it’s practice. You see a lot people getting down on themselves when they fail at an attempt at something or whatever on this path. Maybe they stopped meditating for a bit, or whatever, but as you said we’re kind of relearning who we are. This is the downside to reincarnation and why we seek to evolve beyond it, but we only fail when we stop. There’s nothing I’m good at now that I wasn’t horrible at in the beginning. Embarrassingly so sometimes. But there’s literally magic and talent inside us all and it’s waiting to resurface and with patience and diligence we can uncover those big and beautiful dinosaur bones and with luck, there will be only little breaks and most all pieces will be there. Maybe they’ll come back to life too.

The fact you know you can break out and you do not only shows to me that you are a bit self filled in the perception that they can bind you, and not reality of power terms.

Do some good cleaning and move ahead,close yourself to negative ideas.
Huh? :? I think I was just being weird with the end of my reply, but I have no clue what you’re talking about haha
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The above touches on the mystery on how a Satanic Soul was always Satanic, but it has to regain it's Satanism again. One has to learn to Become what they already Are...

That's what it feels like for me; a restoration. I'm thankful my child and future children won't have to "start all over again from scratch" essentially, as I felt like I have.
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eric13 said:

Huh? :? I think I was just being weird with the end of my reply, but I have no clue what you’re talking about haha

My bad, the reply was going on another post, it's fixed now.
Jack said:
I've been doing regular RTR and I switched to VISHUDDHI from Raum for deep cleaning purposes so things might be coming up and the enemy might be using these to double down on me. Regardless I'm going to double down on that cleaning
Not sure if you made a typo there, but just in case let me mention that 'Visuddhi' is the version that most people (including me) use. So without the first "h". Probably both will work since it's just a small change, but I thought I should let you know nonetheless.
Darkphoenix8 said:
Ciao a tutti .sono nuovo,avete altri modi di comunicare oltre il forum?
Sul forum c’è il subforum italiano, usa quello per scrivere in italiano.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?

Such 'Answers' aren't always answers.. more like an addition to the question.
So.. what is it that you need to let go of?
The dead can't come back..
I read this reply again and I don't know how I forgot but as he was saying "why do you suffer ?",I was shown a vision of my late grandfather as I became extremely emotional and then he said "because your father Is already dead." I experienced the peak of what could only be considered sadness. More than likely this was some kind of enemy tactic to use my emotional feelings that have not been sorted out to make problems for me.

I see. Those things can happen. Stay strong brother :)
And don't let them get to you. (and if they do, punch em in the face, hard! xD)
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

Hahahahaha. Final RTR working over time. Hey guys, nose smacks the mirror. Has like the black bangs whatever those are called hanging. So I am Looking like Sephradic Rabbi. Hebrew respectfully. As I talk now my big jewlips are smacking together. OY!

But yes so I am wanting to be one of you's. I think Satan took an Aryan soul and placed it in this rat body for a mission. That Is now totally blown because I posted here about said mission.

Oy vey! Takes a mouse bite out of a Bagel. But I am still one of you's?

Watch em line up. Tell me are you willing to not be here? Because I pledge myself to Satan everyday and from time to time I tell him if I am a jew. Please destroy me. I will go down with the rest of them. My loyalty is to you.

If I know I did some good and then bit the dust to help be rid of the problem I would be happy. You notice jews are ever self serving. They want to be here for what prizes and safety they get.

Take that away and their loyalty falls away. I am forever Loyal to Satan. Death I proved once did not even sway me. I didnt expect to be over joyed by it though. That shocked me.

I would not even be swayed if I found out I was a Jew. My loyalty is absolute. To Eternal Death I would go. Its quite poetic. But I wouldnt say it unless I truly meant it.

Why do you come here? Think you might hide within us? Like we wont figure you out. Our Anti Christ is coming back, our Gods are coming back. Where will you hide?

No gentile asks hey could I be a anton lavey? Never. This is coming from already knowing the answer to the first question, am I a jew?

Whereas a Gentile would be asking am I jewish? Then once told yes, we would be to crushed to think of anything else. They always have this strange hyper active mind.

Spazzes around. Hey! Hey! Hey guys! I am probably a jew! But im the next anton lavey? Flicks tounge. Which is how youre coming off completely.


Theres nothing left to say. I think its pretty obvious to everyone.
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

Do a lot of final RTRs and you'll find out :). If you feel horrible after the final RTR, keep doing them :D
Master Darkness said:
I am permanently free from Jewish lies. The problem is work in the material world. During the day you have to work and at night you have to rest and sleep. Work at least 8 hours a day, plus time to prepare and go to work and come home and the day is over. And then sleep to get up and do the same thing again. I know you can find 15 minutes of time to meditate, but this is not balance between material and astral. The Astral that is most important, dedicate them 15 minutes, while to the material dedicate them all day and every day. I would like to free myself from the work on the material world. I've been thinking for a long time, but unfortunately I can't find the solution. If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. I would like a job that requires little time and effort. I would like to work all day in the astral dimension and not in the material dimension. I would like to be paid for this. However, in this world of slaves, to survive it is necessary to be slaves and not free, powerful and important. I fully understand the importance of work and that without it we could not exist and by this I mean work in both the material and astral dimensions. I wish there was a choice. And not just work in the material dimension. But, as I said, this world is a world of slaves and the question of work could not be otherwise. However, it is not the fault of the Gentiles, because they are victims. It's the fault of the hateful and disgusting enemies, the Jews and their superiors. When the Gentiles are saved, everything will be at its best and best, meaningfully and freely. This is the current condition. Because of this condition of slave life, I have thought of several solutions without any proving effective. From having authority over slaves to having authority over free. From having a robot that works in my place and in my name and that I can have free time for the astral and for my soul. I am not a fool, I am just looking for a way to free myself from this slave society. I even thought to exist only in the form of spirit, to free myself from slavery on this world, by the way, I also thought to leave this planet. All this for freedom. Thank you for the wonderful sermon as always. I would like to thank you personally once I am advanced with actions and favors of course. Hail Satan in Eternity.

>If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. To survive it is necessary to be slaves.
Negative, limited thinking/belief. Your self-talk here obviously isn't helping. But I understand why you're frustrated. You value your time and you're not getting enough in return. I'll do my best to help with that in this post.

>(Stuff about leaving the planet, robots)
Escapism isn't the answer of course. Empower yourself, take responsibility for your life and your financial situation. You are in control over your own thoughts, actions, and beliefs. You can achieve a successful life, whatever your definition of success. (as long as it lies within the possibilities of the universe, it can be done.) Never believe that there is a 'scarcity' of success, that 'success is for other people', or 'success is just something that happens'. It is a limiting belief, and limitations are not part of Satanism. You must reach out and 'create' success for yourself. As an SS, consider it your ethical duty to be successful. Empower yourself to become an ideal for your race, and a worthy warrior for the Gods.

>I would like a job that requires little time and effort.
Usually - a job that requires little time and effort pays little. Because the entry barrier is low, and anyone can do it, which drives down rates. If you spend little time & effort, generally, you also generate little value, which reflects in your pay. Think of money as 'value vouchers'. E.g. Dishwashers earn 10 value vouchers/hour, according to the marketplace, while Executives & Doctors earn ~200 value vouchers/h. Perceived value is different from actual value, and value changes according to circumstances.

To earn more, deliver more value. Extraordinary value usually requires extraordinary action. Get rich easy = usually doesn't work, because of this.

>(Stuff about how much time work takes) I would like to free myself from the work on the material world.
I've studied these subjects in-depth. You have a few choices you can make here. Being creative, you can combine aspects of the different options into something that works best for you. Think on it deeply, study the paths available, but you may want to explore several over the course of your life.

0. The "Default" Path - Raise your intrinsic value with education and/or training, pursue a career path, work for a company. If you don't like your job right now, switch to a different company, or study something different to get a job in a different field.
Worth it if there's a particular job or career that you really want, or an industry you're devoted to. Such as a scientist that wants to work at NASA. You can also learn a lot from a company, understand the inner workings, and later start your own. Trade offs are, your employer has the control, and your wages are capped. There is no real 'security' with this option, as you can get cut loose on a whim, or w/ economic downturns, 'company downsizing'. This path starts to become a nightmare when you hate your job, but you have to pay the bills.

1. Early Retirement Extreme -- Keep working full time, save hugely, spend very little, retire in a couple years on compound interest $$, continue to spend very little.
  • Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) is a movement of individuals integrating ideas from anti-consumerism, DIY, the Renaissance man ideal, home economics, individualism, environmentalism, and rentier capitalism toward the goal of achieving financial independence extremely rapidly. Putting ERE principles into practice yields a lifestyle that meets all needs while minimizing ongoing inputs of money, natural resources, friction, and effort.
    By embracing simple living, self-sufficiency, and prudence, a worker with a typical wage income can comfortably achieve a savings rate of 50-80%. The mathematics of compound interest and safe withdrawal rates dictate that an individual with such a high savings rate can achieve financial independence after only 5-10 years. At that point, they may choose to retire permanently from work, perform non-remunerative work, or pursue other goals.
    (Resources - earlyretirementextreme.com, and the book which you can get for free in links I'll post below.)

1b. The above, but work part time, and keep expenses low. If you don't earn much over your expenses, you can't save much and you won't be able to retire early, but you'll work less right now.

2a. Home-Based Online Freelance Work -- Learn a profitable skill, get good at it, earn high rates w/ more autonomy, while working less.
  • 57 million Americans already do this.
    Here's all the skills people are paying for on this top freelancing platform -- https://www.upwork.com/hire/
    Here's a report by the leading freelance platform for the highest paid skills. https://www.upwork.com/blog/indcategories/
    The gist of this strategy is that you learn a profitable skill (online, free, through self-education), then you get paid for it through freelance work. Instead of one boss, you have many clients. You have more autonomy, and more control over the rates you get paid.
    By raising your intrinsic value to the marketplace, (e.g. washing dishes 10$/h to software development $100/h), it's possible to work less hours while earning more money. To set your own schedule, with more income growth potential. For example, you can work 10-20 hours a week, or full time for 2 weeks, and no work for 2 weeks, or whatever you want. But you have to put in the initial effort to learn the skill, and to be proactive to get clients, to become valuable in the marketplace, otherwise you won't be able to pay the bills.
    You want a balance between your natural inclinations/personality(how 'suited' you are to learn a skill, enjoy the work, etc.), time investment needed to reach entry-level rates (start getting paid in 1-2 wks vs. having to learn for months), and how much that skill is valued and needed(which is indicated by the $$ they're paying & how many people post gigs for that skill).
    Of course, you can also use your skill to start your own platform, like how Lydia sells her valued skill (Astrology), on her own site. In the early stages, you'll have to go to where your customers are. Later on, as you have a reputation, referrals, a portfolio, etc, you can bring them to you. (This is preferred, because most platforms take a % cut for connecting you w/ your client, among other benefits.)

2b. Same as the above, but on an offline skill/trade.
  • Just like the above, you'll need a suitable skill that's fulfills a need. Can be local or global. For example, there are master artisans/tradesmen like master masons that travel around the world to custom-make castle-walls, staircases, furniture for the ultra-wealthy. Their skills are valued, and the demand is high, and the supply of these skills are low. So they can demand high rates, and have quite a bit of autonomy and control over their working schedule, and which projects to take on.

2c. Superstar status. Extreme intrinsic value.
  • Think famous actors, movie stars, musicians, artists, elite athletes, singers, who earn millions of dollars. Reaching the top of a field in fame (not necessarily talent), gives you the stage to affect millions and earn millions. Generally requires extraordinary efforts. (Although it's well known that the Oy Vey's are muddying the waters with blackmail, nepotism, cultural corruption and what not.) Still achievable and possible for many Gentiles, (without having to "join the Illuminati" as Xians claim) especially SS with magick & soul understanding.

3. Entrepreneurship - Educate yourself, & work to build a *system* that creates $$, to free yourself from the time/money equation. Then you can sell that system for a lump sum (liquidation), or keep that system as an 'income stream'.
  • The above paths are based on getting education/training/experience to increase your intrinsic value to earn more money for your time. In the entrepreneur mindset, you use what you learn, and your time, to build your business system. You can eventually sell your business, or offload it to others to keep it running. It's also possible to delegate 95% of your work, and work a few hours a week while making a respectable income. ("Lifestyle Businesses").
    If you want to go beyond that, then you need to put in extraordinary effort. To be rich young, and make millions, your business system has to operate on a scale & magnitude that affects millions.
    Example: Twenty-four-year-old Sheila Hinton quits her job to become a roving computer technician, eradicating viruses and cleaning computers. At first, her business operates in the local metropolitan area, but growth forces her to hire additional technicians. Her growth to additional cities is explosive and driven by demand. In a few years, Sheila owns a company that operates in 27 states. She moves from a technician to a facilitator of the system, and her company enjoys an impressive $2.9 million profit. After enjoying the profits (and saving most of it), she sells her company for $24 million to a large computer manufacturer. She built an asset from nothing to something. The asset was her system, and now with a $30 million nest egg, she never has to work again.

Resources (If you decide to read them, please do not just read 'summaries' of the books, it's not enough to get the cliffnotes version, you need to delve deep into these titles to build the right mindset and knowledge base. It's your mental and emotional foundation that will sustain you on a uncommon, long-term, life path.):
  • https://www.pdfdrive.com/ For "free" Ebooks.
    Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker (For those interested in #1)
    The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    UNSCRIPTED by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    For those interested in freelancing, look for resources online to learn your skill of choice. You need to learn just enough to start earning with your skill Just enough to know how to pitch clients, and communicate. Do not be stuck in the initial learning stage for too long, otherwise you'll never get started. The bulk of your learning is from doing the work and getting feedback from clients.
    "Free" courses: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/9mfpt4/websites_that_have_pirated_courses_from_udemy/ (None of these are vetted by me, use malwarebytes to scan, and your own discretion, don't open any shady .exes, use common sense.)

    Additional tips: Never EVER buy into expensive seminars, infomercials, $5000 courses from gurus that'll make you rich in 3 weeks, or whatever. Do not fall for the shortcut scams. They are unethical people who are selling outdated/oversaturated/ineffective methods to people who want to get rich easy. You will waste time and money if you buy into the shortcuts. It's a process. You have to put in the effort to learn the process and succeed in it. Just like spiritual advancement is a process - we have to study and meditate and make mistakes and grow. We can't pay some guy $6600 to do some fancy ritual for us and he'll make our kundalini rise instantly. Any information you need, you can find online for free, or for very cheap, and the 'cheap' resources are usually the most valuable as well.
I've been wondering for years now after reading HP HC666's pdf titled SATANIC REVELATION in 2015. What was exactly the message when father Satan said to you that we should all operate how the current world works ? SHOULD WE GO TO COLLEGES, GET JOBS, GET CERTAIN THINGS USING HIDDEN MEANS, LIE FOR SURVIVAL, CHEAT WHERE WE SEE FIT...HP HC666 would highly appreciate if you give me an input as I've been wondering for over 5 years now...
Aldrick Strickland said:
No gentile asks hey could I be a anton lavey? Never. This is coming from already knowing the answer to the first question, am I a jew?

Whereas a Gentile would be asking am I jewish? Then once told yes, we would be to crushed to think of anything else.
This isn't completely true. There can be many different reactions in gentiles when presented with the "am I jewish?" attack. It's not a good idea to put these kinds of things in "absolute" wording if they arent actually absolute.

For example, when a gentile starts becoming scared of potentially being a jew, they can in some cases get quite caught up inside this type of attack. I mean I have 0 jewish features and when I had that attack 2 years ago I was almost certain I'd be a jew, because enemy attacks don't work through logic, but through emotions.
So when someone in that situation was to start thinking, "Wait maybe I am a gentile soul even if this body had some kind of jewish genes", then this doesn't automatically make them a jew. They are just being delusional due to fear induced by an enemy attack, that's all. Of course LaVey was a singular case and thinking that you'd be like that too is just delusional, but it really doesn't "100%" make a person jewish just by the thought of it.

Also, I am not trying to pick on you in any way (since you said this in another post). I may word some things a little harshly but all I am trying to do is to prevent other members from potentially getting harmful ideas from posts like these. Imagine a person in a situation like I described above, coming to this thread and reading what you wrote. They may just become even more depressed and open to enemy attacks from this. I want to prevent something like that from happening.
Shael said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
No gentile asks hey could I be a anton lavey? Never. This is coming from already knowing the answer to the first question, am I a jew?

Whereas a Gentile would be asking am I jewish? Then once told yes, we would be to crushed to think of anything else.
This isn't completely true. There can be many different reactions in gentiles when presented with the "am I jewish?" attack. It's not a good idea to put these kinds of things in "absolute" wording if they arent actually absolute.

For example, when a gentile starts becoming scared of potentially being a jew, they can in some cases get quite caught up inside this type of attack. I mean I have 0 jewish features and when I had that attack 2 years ago I was almost certain I'd be a jew, because enemy attacks don't work through logic, but through emotions.
So when someone in that situation was to start thinking, "Wait maybe I am a gentile soul even if this body had some kind of jewish genes", then this doesn't automatically make them a jew. They are just being delusional due to fear induced by an enemy attack, that's all. Of course LaVey was a singular case and thinking that you'd be like that too is just delusional, but it really doesn't "100%" make a person jewish just by the thought of it.

Also, I am not trying to pick on you in any way (since you said this in another post). I may word some things a little harshly but all I am trying to do is to prevent other members from potentially getting harmful ideas from posts like these. Imagine a person in a situation like I described above, coming to this thread and reading what you wrote. They may just become even more depressed and open to enemy attacks from this. I want to prevent something like that from happening.

You are entitled to your wrong opinion.
Pudro4 said:
I've been wondering for years now after reading HP HC666's pdf titled SATANIC REVELATION in 2015. What was exactly the message when father Satan said to you that we should all operate how the current world works ? SHOULD WE GO TO COLLEGES, GET JOBS, GET CERTAIN THINGS USING HIDDEN MEANS, LIE FOR SURVIVAL, CHEAT WHERE WE SEE FIT...HP HC666 would highly appreciate if you give me an input as I've been wondering for over 5 years now...
Yes, there is no reason to not get a wealthy and fulfilling life and a career you like, we aren’t stupid xians.
LaconicLion said:
Master Darkness said:
I am permanently free from Jewish lies. The problem is work in the material world. During the day you have to work and at night you have to rest and sleep. Work at least 8 hours a day, plus time to prepare and go to work and come home and the day is over. And then sleep to get up and do the same thing again. I know you can find 15 minutes of time to meditate, but this is not balance between material and astral. The Astral that is most important, dedicate them 15 minutes, while to the material dedicate them all day and every day. I would like to free myself from the work on the material world. I've been thinking for a long time, but unfortunately I can't find the solution. If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. I would like a job that requires little time and effort. I would like to work all day in the astral dimension and not in the material dimension. I would like to be paid for this. However, in this world of slaves, to survive it is necessary to be slaves and not free, powerful and important. I fully understand the importance of work and that without it we could not exist and by this I mean work in both the material and astral dimensions. I wish there was a choice. And not just work in the material dimension. But, as I said, this world is a world of slaves and the question of work could not be otherwise. However, it is not the fault of the Gentiles, because they are victims. It's the fault of the hateful and disgusting enemies, the Jews and their superiors. When the Gentiles are saved, everything will be at its best and best, meaningfully and freely. This is the current condition. Because of this condition of slave life, I have thought of several solutions without any proving effective. From having authority over slaves to having authority over free. From having a robot that works in my place and in my name and that I can have free time for the astral and for my soul. I am not a fool, I am just looking for a way to free myself from this slave society. I even thought to exist only in the form of spirit, to free myself from slavery on this world, by the way, I also thought to leave this planet. All this for freedom. Thank you for the wonderful sermon as always. I would like to thank you personally once I am advanced with actions and favors of course. Hail Satan in Eternity.

>If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. To survive it is necessary to be slaves.
Negative, limited thinking/belief. Your self-talk here obviously isn't helping. But I understand why you're frustrated. You value your time and you're not getting enough in return. I'll do my best to help with that in this post.

>(Stuff about leaving the planet, robots)
Escapism isn't the answer of course. Empower yourself, take responsibility for your life and your financial situation. You are in control over your own thoughts, actions, and beliefs. You can achieve a successful life, whatever your definition of success. (as long as it lies within the possibilities of the universe, it can be done.) Never believe that there is a 'scarcity' of success, that 'success is for other people', or 'success is just something that happens'. It is a limiting belief, and limitations are not part of Satanism. You must reach out and 'create' success for yourself. As an SS, consider it your ethical duty to be successful. Empower yourself to become an ideal for your race, and a worthy warrior for the Gods.

>I would like a job that requires little time and effort.
Usually - a job that requires little time and effort pays little. Because the entry barrier is low, and anyone can do it, which drives down rates. If you spend little time & effort, generally, you also generate little value, which reflects in your pay. Think of money as 'value vouchers'. E.g. Dishwashers earn 10 value vouchers/hour, according to the marketplace, while Executives & Doctors earn ~200 value vouchers/h. Perceived value is different from actual value, and value changes according to circumstances.

To earn more, deliver more value. Extraordinary value usually requires extraordinary action. Get rich easy = usually doesn't work, because of this.

>(Stuff about how much time work takes) I would like to free myself from the work on the material world.
I've studied these subjects in-depth. You have a few choices you can make here. Being creative, you can combine aspects of the different options into something that works best for you. Think on it deeply, study the paths available, but you may want to explore several over the course of your life.

0. The "Default" Path - Raise your intrinsic value with education and/or training, pursue a career path, work for a company. If you don't like your job right now, switch to a different company, or study something different to get a job in a different field.
Worth it if there's a particular job or career that you really want, or an industry you're devoted to. Such as a scientist that wants to work at NASA. You can also learn a lot from a company, understand the inner workings, and later start your own. Trade offs are, your employer has the control, and your wages are capped. There is no real 'security' with this option, as you can get cut loose on a whim, or w/ economic downturns, 'company downsizing'. This path starts to become a nightmare when you hate your job, but you have to pay the bills.

1. Early Retirement Extreme -- Keep working full time, save hugely, spend very little, retire in a couple years on compound interest $$, continue to spend very little.
  • Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) is a movement of individuals integrating ideas from anti-consumerism, DIY, the Renaissance man ideal, home economics, individualism, environmentalism, and rentier capitalism toward the goal of achieving financial independence extremely rapidly. Putting ERE principles into practice yields a lifestyle that meets all needs while minimizing ongoing inputs of money, natural resources, friction, and effort.
    By embracing simple living, self-sufficiency, and prudence, a worker with a typical wage income can comfortably achieve a savings rate of 50-80%. The mathematics of compound interest and safe withdrawal rates dictate that an individual with such a high savings rate can achieve financial independence after only 5-10 years. At that point, they may choose to retire permanently from work, perform non-remunerative work, or pursue other goals.
    (Resources - earlyretirementextreme.com, and the book which you can get for free in links I'll post below.)

1b. The above, but work part time, and keep expenses low. If you don't earn much over your expenses, you can't save much and you won't be able to retire early, but you'll work less right now.

2a. Home-Based Online Freelance Work -- Learn a profitable skill, get good at it, earn high rates w/ more autonomy, while working less.
  • 57 million Americans already do this.
    Here's all the skills people are paying for on this top freelancing platform -- https://www.upwork.com/hire/
    Here's a report by the leading freelance platform for the highest paid skills. https://www.upwork.com/blog/indcategories/
    The gist of this strategy is that you learn a profitable skill (online, free, through self-education), then you get paid for it through freelance work. Instead of one boss, you have many clients. You have more autonomy, and more control over the rates you get paid.
    By raising your intrinsic value to the marketplace, (e.g. washing dishes 10$/h to software development $100/h), it's possible to work less hours while earning more money. To set your own schedule, with more income growth potential. For example, you can work 10-20 hours a week, or full time for 2 weeks, and no work for 2 weeks, or whatever you want. But you have to put in the initial effort to learn the skill, and to be proactive to get clients, to become valuable in the marketplace, otherwise you won't be able to pay the bills.
    You want a balance between your natural inclinations/personality(how 'suited' you are to learn a skill, enjoy the work, etc.), time investment needed to reach entry-level rates (start getting paid in 1-2 wks vs. having to learn for months), and how much that skill is valued and needed(which is indicated by the $$ they're paying & how many people post gigs for that skill).
    Of course, you can also use your skill to start your own platform, like how Lydia sells her valued skill (Astrology), on her own site. In the early stages, you'll have to go to where your customers are. Later on, as you have a reputation, referrals, a portfolio, etc, you can bring them to you. (This is preferred, because most platforms take a % cut for connecting you w/ your client, among other benefits.)

2b. Same as the above, but on an offline skill/trade.
  • Just like the above, you'll need a suitable skill that's fulfills a need. Can be local or global. For example, there are master artisans/tradesmen like master masons that travel around the world to custom-make castle-walls, staircases, furniture for the ultra-wealthy. Their skills are valued, and the demand is high, and the supply of these skills are low. So they can demand high rates, and have quite a bit of autonomy and control over their working schedule, and which projects to take on.

2c. Superstar status. Extreme intrinsic value.
  • Think famous actors, movie stars, musicians, artists, elite athletes, singers, who earn millions of dollars. Reaching the top of a field in fame (not necessarily talent), gives you the stage to affect millions and earn millions. Generally requires extraordinary efforts. (Although it's well known that the Oy Vey's are muddying the waters with blackmail, nepotism, cultural corruption and what not.) Still achievable and possible for many Gentiles, (without having to "join the Illuminati" as Xians claim) especially SS with magick & soul understanding.

3. Entrepreneurship - Educate yourself, & work to build a *system* that creates $$, to free yourself from the time/money equation. Then you can sell that system for a lump sum (liquidation), or keep that system as an 'income stream'.
  • The above paths are based on getting education/training/experience to increase your intrinsic value to earn more money for your time. In the entrepreneur mindset, you use what you learn, and your time, to build your business system. You can eventually sell your business, or offload it to others to keep it running. It's also possible to delegate 95% of your work, and work a few hours a week while making a respectable income. ("Lifestyle Businesses").
    If you want to go beyond that, then you need to put in extraordinary effort. To be rich young, and make millions, your business system has to operate on a scale & magnitude that affects millions.
    Example: Twenty-four-year-old Sheila Hinton quits her job to become a roving computer technician, eradicating viruses and cleaning computers. At first, her business operates in the local metropolitan area, but growth forces her to hire additional technicians. Her growth to additional cities is explosive and driven by demand. In a few years, Sheila owns a company that operates in 27 states. She moves from a technician to a facilitator of the system, and her company enjoys an impressive $2.9 million profit. After enjoying the profits (and saving most of it), she sells her company for $24 million to a large computer manufacturer. She built an asset from nothing to something. The asset was her system, and now with a $30 million nest egg, she never has to work again.

Resources (If you decide to read them, please do not just read 'summaries' of the books, it's not enough to get the cliffnotes version, you need to delve deep into these titles to build the right mindset and knowledge base. It's your mental and emotional foundation that will sustain you on a uncommon, long-term, life path.):
  • https://www.pdfdrive.com/ For "free" Ebooks.
    Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker (For those interested in #1)
    The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    UNSCRIPTED by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    For those interested in freelancing, look for resources online to learn your skill of choice. You need to learn just enough to start earning with your skill Just enough to know how to pitch clients, and communicate. Do not be stuck in the initial learning stage for too long, otherwise you'll never get started. The bulk of your learning is from doing the work and getting feedback from clients.
    "Free" courses: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/9mfpt4/websites_that_have_pirated_courses_from_udemy/ (None of these are vetted by me, use malwarebytes to scan, and your own discretion, don't open any shady .exes, use common sense.)

    Additional tips: Never EVER buy into expensive seminars, infomercials, $5000 courses from gurus that'll make you rich in 3 weeks, or whatever. Do not fall for the shortcut scams. They are unethical people who are selling outdated/oversaturated/ineffective methods to people who want to get rich easy. You will waste time and money if you buy into the shortcuts. It's a process. You have to put in the effort to learn the process and succeed in it. Just like spiritual advancement is a process - we have to study and meditate and make mistakes and grow. We can't pay some guy $6600 to do some fancy ritual for us and he'll make our kundalini rise instantly. Any information you need, you can find online for free, or for very cheap, and the 'cheap' resources are usually the most valuable as well.
I'm gonna do my best to do something smart to fix my life. I liked entrepreneurship better. Thank you so much for your help, you're a real friend.
Purified666 said:
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

Do a lot of final RTRs and you'll find out :). If you feel horrible after the final RTR, keep doing them :D

I didn't exepirince any negativity during this october i actually feel way more positive than before...
I think I'll be putting it on PDF for the library, it's a great reply.

Bear in mind, much of this only works in the United States or other financially developed countries. In no other countries other than Northern Europe, or Canada, or United States, can part time work to keep you alive or anything remotely close to that.

LaconicLion said:
Master Darkness said:
I am permanently free from Jewish lies. The problem is work in the material world. During the day you have to work and at night you have to rest and sleep. Work at least 8 hours a day, plus time to prepare and go to work and come home and the day is over. And then sleep to get up and do the same thing again. I know you can find 15 minutes of time to meditate, but this is not balance between material and astral. The Astral that is most important, dedicate them 15 minutes, while to the material dedicate them all day and every day. I would like to free myself from the work on the material world. I've been thinking for a long time, but unfortunately I can't find the solution. If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. I would like a job that requires little time and effort. I would like to work all day in the astral dimension and not in the material dimension. I would like to be paid for this. However, in this world of slaves, to survive it is necessary to be slaves and not free, powerful and important. I fully understand the importance of work and that without it we could not exist and by this I mean work in both the material and astral dimensions. I wish there was a choice. And not just work in the material dimension. But, as I said, this world is a world of slaves and the question of work could not be otherwise. However, it is not the fault of the Gentiles, because they are victims. It's the fault of the hateful and disgusting enemies, the Jews and their superiors. When the Gentiles are saved, everything will be at its best and best, meaningfully and freely. This is the current condition. Because of this condition of slave life, I have thought of several solutions without any proving effective. From having authority over slaves to having authority over free. From having a robot that works in my place and in my name and that I can have free time for the astral and for my soul. I am not a fool, I am just looking for a way to free myself from this slave society. I even thought to exist only in the form of spirit, to free myself from slavery on this world, by the way, I also thought to leave this planet. All this for freedom. Thank you for the wonderful sermon as always. I would like to thank you personally once I am advanced with actions and favors of course. Hail Satan in Eternity.

>If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. To survive it is necessary to be slaves.
Negative, limited thinking/belief. Your self-talk here obviously isn't helping. But I understand why you're frustrated. You value your time and you're not getting enough in return. I'll do my best to help with that in this post.

>(Stuff about leaving the planet, robots)
Escapism isn't the answer of course. Empower yourself, take responsibility for your life and your financial situation. You are in control over your own thoughts, actions, and beliefs. You can achieve a successful life, whatever your definition of success. (as long as it lies within the possibilities of the universe, it can be done.) Never believe that there is a 'scarcity' of success, that 'success is for other people', or 'success is just something that happens'. It is a limiting belief, and limitations are not part of Satanism. You must reach out and 'create' success for yourself. As an SS, consider it your ethical duty to be successful. Empower yourself to become an ideal for your race, and a worthy warrior for the Gods.

>I would like a job that requires little time and effort.
Usually - a job that requires little time and effort pays little. Because the entry barrier is low, and anyone can do it, which drives down rates. If you spend little time & effort, generally, you also generate little value, which reflects in your pay. Think of money as 'value vouchers'. E.g. Dishwashers earn 10 value vouchers/hour, according to the marketplace, while Executives & Doctors earn ~200 value vouchers/h. Perceived value is different from actual value, and value changes according to circumstances.

To earn more, deliver more value. Extraordinary value usually requires extraordinary action. Get rich easy = usually doesn't work, because of this.

>(Stuff about how much time work takes) I would like to free myself from the work on the material world.
I've studied these subjects in-depth. You have a few choices you can make here. Being creative, you can combine aspects of the different options into something that works best for you. Think on it deeply, study the paths available, but you may want to explore several over the course of your life.

0. The "Default" Path - Raise your intrinsic value with education and/or training, pursue a career path, work for a company. If you don't like your job right now, switch to a different company, or study something different to get a job in a different field.
Worth it if there's a particular job or career that you really want, or an industry you're devoted to. Such as a scientist that wants to work at NASA. You can also learn a lot from a company, understand the inner workings, and later start your own. Trade offs are, your employer has the control, and your wages are capped. There is no real 'security' with this option, as you can get cut loose on a whim, or w/ economic downturns, 'company downsizing'. This path starts to become a nightmare when you hate your job, but you have to pay the bills.

1. Early Retirement Extreme -- Keep working full time, save hugely, spend very little, retire in a couple years on compound interest $$, continue to spend very little.
  • Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) is a movement of individuals integrating ideas from anti-consumerism, DIY, the Renaissance man ideal, home economics, individualism, environmentalism, and rentier capitalism toward the goal of achieving financial independence extremely rapidly. Putting ERE principles into practice yields a lifestyle that meets all needs while minimizing ongoing inputs of money, natural resources, friction, and effort.
    By embracing simple living, self-sufficiency, and prudence, a worker with a typical wage income can comfortably achieve a savings rate of 50-80%. The mathematics of compound interest and safe withdrawal rates dictate that an individual with such a high savings rate can achieve financial independence after only 5-10 years. At that point, they may choose to retire permanently from work, perform non-remunerative work, or pursue other goals.
    (Resources - earlyretirementextreme.com, and the book which you can get for free in links I'll post below.)

1b. The above, but work part time, and keep expenses low. If you don't earn much over your expenses, you can't save much and you won't be able to retire early, but you'll work less right now.

2a. Home-Based Online Freelance Work -- Learn a profitable skill, get good at it, earn high rates w/ more autonomy, while working less.
  • 57 million Americans already do this.
    Here's all the skills people are paying for on this top freelancing platform -- https://www.upwork.com/hire/
    Here's a report by the leading freelance platform for the highest paid skills. https://www.upwork.com/blog/indcategories/
    The gist of this strategy is that you learn a profitable skill (online, free, through self-education), then you get paid for it through freelance work. Instead of one boss, you have many clients. You have more autonomy, and more control over the rates you get paid.
    By raising your intrinsic value to the marketplace, (e.g. washing dishes 10$/h to software development $100/h), it's possible to work less hours while earning more money. To set your own schedule, with more income growth potential. For example, you can work 10-20 hours a week, or full time for 2 weeks, and no work for 2 weeks, or whatever you want. But you have to put in the initial effort to learn the skill, and to be proactive to get clients, to become valuable in the marketplace, otherwise you won't be able to pay the bills.
    You want a balance between your natural inclinations/personality(how 'suited' you are to learn a skill, enjoy the work, etc.), time investment needed to reach entry-level rates (start getting paid in 1-2 wks vs. having to learn for months), and how much that skill is valued and needed(which is indicated by the $$ they're paying & how many people post gigs for that skill).
    Of course, you can also use your skill to start your own platform, like how Lydia sells her valued skill (Astrology), on her own site. In the early stages, you'll have to go to where your customers are. Later on, as you have a reputation, referrals, a portfolio, etc, you can bring them to you. (This is preferred, because most platforms take a % cut for connecting you w/ your client, among other benefits.)

2b. Same as the above, but on an offline skill/trade.
  • Just like the above, you'll need a suitable skill that's fulfills a need. Can be local or global. For example, there are master artisans/tradesmen like master masons that travel around the world to custom-make castle-walls, staircases, furniture for the ultra-wealthy. Their skills are valued, and the demand is high, and the supply of these skills are low. So they can demand high rates, and have quite a bit of autonomy and control over their working schedule, and which projects to take on.

2c. Superstar status. Extreme intrinsic value.
  • Think famous actors, movie stars, musicians, artists, elite athletes, singers, who earn millions of dollars. Reaching the top of a field in fame (not necessarily talent), gives you the stage to affect millions and earn millions. Generally requires extraordinary efforts. (Although it's well known that the Oy Vey's are muddying the waters with blackmail, nepotism, cultural corruption and what not.) Still achievable and possible for many Gentiles, (without having to "join the Illuminati" as Xians claim) especially SS with magick & soul understanding.

3. Entrepreneurship - Educate yourself, & work to build a *system* that creates $$, to free yourself from the time/money equation. Then you can sell that system for a lump sum (liquidation), or keep that system as an 'income stream'.
  • The above paths are based on getting education/training/experience to increase your intrinsic value to earn more money for your time. In the entrepreneur mindset, you use what you learn, and your time, to build your business system. You can eventually sell your business, or offload it to others to keep it running. It's also possible to delegate 95% of your work, and work a few hours a week while making a respectable income. ("Lifestyle Businesses").
    If you want to go beyond that, then you need to put in extraordinary effort. To be rich young, and make millions, your business system has to operate on a scale & magnitude that affects millions.
    Example: Twenty-four-year-old Sheila Hinton quits her job to become a roving computer technician, eradicating viruses and cleaning computers. At first, her business operates in the local metropolitan area, but growth forces her to hire additional technicians. Her growth to additional cities is explosive and driven by demand. In a few years, Sheila owns a company that operates in 27 states. She moves from a technician to a facilitator of the system, and her company enjoys an impressive $2.9 million profit. After enjoying the profits (and saving most of it), she sells her company for $24 million to a large computer manufacturer. She built an asset from nothing to something. The asset was her system, and now with a $30 million nest egg, she never has to work again.

Resources (If you decide to read them, please do not just read 'summaries' of the books, it's not enough to get the cliffnotes version, you need to delve deep into these titles to build the right mindset and knowledge base. It's your mental and emotional foundation that will sustain you on a uncommon, long-term, life path.):
  • https://www.pdfdrive.com/ For "free" Ebooks.
    Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker (For those interested in #1)
    The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    UNSCRIPTED by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    For those interested in freelancing, look for resources online to learn your skill of choice. You need to learn just enough to start earning with your skill Just enough to know how to pitch clients, and communicate. Do not be stuck in the initial learning stage for too long, otherwise you'll never get started. The bulk of your learning is from doing the work and getting feedback from clients.
    "Free" courses: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/9mfpt4/websites_that_have_pirated_courses_from_udemy/ (None of these are vetted by me, use malwarebytes to scan, and your own discretion, don't open any shady .exes, use common sense.)

    Additional tips: Never EVER buy into expensive seminars, infomercials, $5000 courses from gurus that'll make you rich in 3 weeks, or whatever. Do not fall for the shortcut scams. They are unethical people who are selling outdated/oversaturated/ineffective methods to people who want to get rich easy. You will waste time and money if you buy into the shortcuts. It's a process. You have to put in the effort to learn the process and succeed in it. Just like spiritual advancement is a process - we have to study and meditate and make mistakes and grow. We can't pay some guy $6600 to do some fancy ritual for us and he'll make our kundalini rise instantly. Any information you need, you can find online for free, or for very cheap, and the 'cheap' resources are usually the most valuable as well.
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

"What does Armenian mean anyway?" had a bit of a laugh at that haha. Armenia is small country next to Turkey. According to my grandparents ( I am also Armenian), the Turks attempted to genocide Armenians before WWII. So before the supposed genocide of the Jews. But we don't get taught that in school. nooooo…..

Anyways I'm sure youre a Gentile..... because youre here and youre dedicated?

Hail Satan Forever
bluebow said:
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

"What does Armenian mean anyway?" had a bit of a laugh at that haha. Armenia is small country next to Turkey. According to my grandparents ( I am also Armenian), the Turks attempted to genocide Armenians before WWII. So before the supposed genocide of the Jews. But we don't get taught that in school. nooooo…..

Anyways I'm sure youre a Gentile..... because youre here and youre dedicated?

Hail Satan Forever

Actually, in my country, during the day if remembrance, teachers talk about most of the mass killings, both real ones and fake, the Armenian one included. I remember once in school we watched a film about the Armenian one.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

The situation with relating to Satan is that most people, especially as this relates to past life, or inner brainwashing, may actually dedicate or come close to Satan 'in paper', but the real dedication to Satan is proved by allowance of internal change and developing spiritually, working one's self to a sensible pace, to that end. Doing the Dedication Ritual is your registration to the school, after this, you have to study to pass classes, all the way to the top.

A mere dictionary meaning of the word "Dedicate" means this: "​to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important" [Oxford]. Dedication in other words means, to apply one's self onto something, because one considers it to be important. In this case, one Dedicates themselves to Satan and the Gods, as they consider the values, benefits, power, Truth and so forth therein, and understands on some level this is important.

One understands that they have a soul, and that this soul is important, and that they need to advance it, so to say, to make it better etc. The goal of Satanism is to set a goal such as the Godhead, and to walk towards it, all while making the Gods one's friends, and while developing, rectifying, and bettering the self. Needless to say, the actual level of Dedication, ranges. That is understandable as we are all different, we are human, we have our lives, and so forth. Everyone also has different life and different responsibilities, or even aims - that is all great and understandable.

There is however a level from which below something stops tie into the meaning of the above word. When one does hardly anything, or just is sloppy, careless, or even leaves.

The above should answer sufficiently in why some people are like "I dedicated 10 years later and then I went to "I don't give a fuck at all mode" cause I crapped my pants for 9 years, has Satan left me?". The question should be in reverse, where was your "Dedication" during all this time? Clearly, nowhere. "I registered to this school 10 years earlier, but then I left, will I be given a degree now, does my registration matter?". You are registered, yes, and this doesn't change.

Work needs to be done, ie, spiritual work. And work through the Satanic end, which is a focused type of spiritual work.

Every faction of so called 'spiritualists' has their own version of 'advancing spiritually'. Spiritual advancement is not solely focused on "increasing power", but also, in deprogramming. What leads in failure in many ways is lack of focus in deprogramming one's self, or staying on the spiritual path for a prolonged period of time, after which, it has become habitual, and as one doesn't want to stop going to the gym when they feel so great and have solid foundations, they never want to quit. The danger of quitting is mostly early, when one cannot clearly observe the gains, and this is why one has to be steadfast in the beginning.

Arguably, advancing the mind in power, also means, deprogramming from the mind games of the enemy, so in that outlook, yes, that is also a form of power. And a very important one. So deprogramming should be done early. A good deprogramming for example, is to study the websites in depth, to allow the new information to get in the mind, which one puts there willingly, or reading in depth to understand that xianity is a hoax. The knowledge exists. What one needs to do, is fight the programming out of themselves, as one fights a cold or a flu.

New Agers and many others in occult societies, do assume that by simply doing 'spiritual exercises' [mostly hebrew things, useless], that they are gaining some form of power, but this form of power that they gain [if any whatsoever, which most of the cases they get none] they are under control of beings devoted in keeping them from being anything but slaves to the jewish agenda. Ie, no "power" is really gained.

Some forms of botched meditation are practiced even by the enemy, in their own form. The enemy has their own version of yoga, and even serpent, and serpent meditation. The people who pretend they only worship 'money' are just naive. The jews stay focused on spiritual and mental subjects [the high adepts] for hours on end, daily. Even xians of the top order such as the Gnostic types, do 'meditate' and delve into the jewish crap on end for many hours a day. They get a great shower of their own disgusting filth that they generate and keep alive.

Ultimately, these types get nowhere, but a form of their kosher power can be developed. Due to this, they also stay to keep doing what they are doing.

Our goals are clearly infinitely different than theirs, greater, more pure, more serious. We're beyond. But the enemy is also to an extent "Dedicated" to what they are doing. They are devoted to keep the ruin of everything going. We must also be dedicated and steadfast to the opposing end, if we are to free ourselves and our world from the enemy.

Even the enemy has their own spiritual system, which many falsely downplay as 'materialistic' and contrast it to the 'world of spirit', which is the mentality of Christianity. Xianity pretends a false spiritual domain, and then points the finger on what it itself created - an imbalanced material domain full of chaos, created by lack of spirituality. The imbalances between these two keep each other going, that is how the lie is kept alive and going. The mistakes in one domain reinforce the mistakes on the other.

Christians came up with the lie that the jews are 'materialistic' in order for them to pretend that they are 'spiritual', instead, in a form of contraction. Christians are far more materialists than jews are. Jews love the shekel and if you want to fit a thousand of them in a bus, you just have to throw a shekel in, that is correct, yet, you have to do this when these things aren't actively reading their cultural neolithic ass-wipe, named "Torah".

A bad relationship with the material world, a problematic psychology of the jews, was transferred over to the Gentiles the moment the jewish programs were enforced. As such we have false and vain spirituality, and at the same time, physical imbalances. Few if any people are balanced between the two, or at all. Most people obviously are on the far end, shackled in boundless materialism.

Jews invented the lie that the material world is evil and disgusting, and filthy. After all, the jews, as a species, only knew how to wander in the desert and steal the copious efforts of other people's, they have no relation to developing anything material, other than writing curse scrolls and refraining from taking a shower in 40 or more days, so they can smell from a mile away. This they consider some form of pious power.

This idea resonated with other idiots on the parellel level of jews. Where it did not resonate, the jews put their slaves to use the sword and impose these ideas. Naturally, all notions of balance between the worlds were permanently lost. What is a "Spiritual Heaven"? A strange place where one worships a jew. And what became of the material world? A strange place where one must slave for them in order to win a pass to worship them again in the next lifetime.

This insanity had catastrophic consequences, to the point people ended up abhorring "Spirituality", since "Spirituality" became essentially only jewish psychopathy. The physical became an escape from the worthless projection of a jewish "supernal" world. Many people that you see and they hate any word about "God" or "Spiritual" or "Magic" and so forth, are preconditioned that this is all the jewish paradigm, and rightfully, they detest it.

But it has nothing to do with any of that. Our job is therefore to also re-educate to that end, and show the Truth, which will cleanse the endless showering of enemy lies.

The Pagan conception before all this corruption of the material world, is essentially a simple representation of the spiritual. There is no war between the two, but the meme was too powerful, especially amongst the repressed, the unsuccessful, and the stupid. Still this category of fools exists to this day - notice how all the New Agers, and hebrew magicians, and other retards, try to constantly reconcile these disgusting ideas, and do promote them, to the benefit of nobody, let alone humanity.

It is quintessential for a mind to escape these strange modes of brainwashing and thinking, and this is done progressively by meditation, studying to open the mind, and moving away from these corrupted forms of thinking. We managed to escape xianity in the Middle Ages, but as for it's mental leftovers, we are only on the beginning steps.

The irony of the situation is that when something like this is taking place, one may be evolving since they are meditating, but essentially, the mind is not getting more free, or more original. One is increasing power but is revolving back into mindsets that are essentially toxic to the person, and then, one also fortifies these with meditation, creating their own perception faulty perception of things. This then is exported as a general wrong relation with reality itself, and the power developed from meditation traps these people in these beliefs.

Imagine if you have a vessel and you 'supposedly' dedicate it to Satan, but it has dirty water from the jews in it. Increasing the water in said vessel is only increasing and spreading the jewish taints within the vessel. For this reason, if one says they respect their decision and they have honesty in their mind, they need to clean this vessel. Cleaning this means to advance one's self. This is what will make someone more of a Satanist.

This is evident in many people, who do always try to blend things out with enemy dogma or things that stem from it. I've seen attempts by some Satanists here to reconcile ideas which are disgusting and alien to one another, even enemy dogma into our own. This creates a permanent block in the mind, which disallows one from advancing in Satanism, or in Satan's trust. Satan and the Gods can see it clearly but people tend to try to fool themselves for the wrong reasons.

Another deception that has been going around is that being "Anti-Jewish" essentially makes you a "Satanist" by some sort of default. But Satanism is a path on it's own. We existed before the enemy, we'll exist as a path after them. The enemy in all is a great problem like a health problem on the body of mankind. The fact that due to temporary reasons we are fighting the enemy for what is world struggle, doesn't create a dualism out of the fact.

During this particular time, one's dedication has to outdo the "dedication" of the enemy, because they are an opposing force to us. This is why we do warfare and other things.

The person who seeks to really get close to Satan, should move away from what they have been drummed into prior to Satanism. This is definitely hard because we take ourselves with us and our experiences, but that is like the high goal one would have to follow, to have an open mind so that new and better self knowledge and power can flow in.

Making this even simpler, if one had an illness and then they received surgery and they healed, it is wrong to still behave after one is healed, as a sick person. But unless someone fixes the mental issue, one will still, in their mind, be trapped.

Everyone has to take seriously the fact that they are Satanists, as it's a very important Soul level situation. From there on, the work of someone is to advance and integrate this better into themselves, the will of the Soul into the more linear aspects of one's self, such as the mind, even the body [to develop it] and empower the Soul itself to get better in touch with Satan's values that are requested, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth and so forth.

The above touches on the mystery on how a Satanic Soul was always Satanic, but it has to regain it's Satanism again. One has to learn to Become what they already Are...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As you said Hoddedcobra, enemy dogmas, i have them too and i know this was all an answer to the reply i posted well thanks but i didn't fully understood them and now i have to stop meditation because being with them and the enemy all day talking in my mind will just empower them so yeah.... and yeah i was carelless and didn't read much in the beginning after dedication. Or atleast i don't know yet how to get fully over them (enemy dogmas) maybe i won't, i just know that i have to learn and research. when they talk i try to understand what they mean like instead of ignoring those voices i think about what they mean by what they are saying, like i concentrate on what they are saying and didn't saw a way to direct my attention in other places completely, what would all this mean?

so i coudnt be a satanist now if i wasn't a satanist before
so now i am a satanist because i was a satanist?
Other thing i know about this voice is that once i have an impresion It is Satan or My Guardian Demon and once someone from the enemies and then that is just my mind sometimes i just talk to people in my mind and they talk back usually about what i would believe that they may say
Stormblood said:
bluebow said:
ArabKnight said:

You guys might want to read, re-read the sermon on Armenians.https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=176&p=649

Zevi marched to the Ottoman's capital to demand Jerusalem from the Sultan, to which the Sultan ordered him to convert to Islam or be executed, to which Zevi converted to save himself. This was officially the end of his movement. As this move disillusioned most of his following. However this conversion of him and his immediate following was a ruse. They went underground as the Donmeh Jews. And kept their teachings so secret they would only reveal the actual religion to their children upon turning 14. So as to hide this easier among the greater Gentile community. The Donmeh later were able to accomplish their agenda by forming the Young Turk movement via the Free Mason lodges they set up in Turkey and with this were able to take over the Turkish Empire and this included the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian community was the major obstacle to the Donmeh grab for power so they exterminated them. Upon stealing the vast wealth of the Armenian's as well. This also forced the Turk's to only be able to deal with International Jewish bankers for finances as the Armenian banks were gone. Putting the Turks under their control. The Donmeh sabotaged the Ottman's war effort as the Rothschild's and other Zionists need the Ottoman Empire destroyed to grab the Levant for their Messianic mission of Israel. After the war Atta Turk the leader of the Turkish republic was a Donmeh. They forced in secularization at the time as they didn't want any Imperial resurgence in the region from the Turks. The Donmeh community along with the Rothschild's also created the Saudi regime to gain control of Sunni Islam. The Donmeh still run Turkey.

Catalincata94 said:
Other thing i know about this voice is that once i have an impresion It is Satan or My Guardian Demon and once someone from the enemies and then that is just my mind sometimes i just talk to people in my mind and they talk back usually about what i would believe that they may say

I've had this thought before when hearing voices, makes me wonder such possibilities. I've typed up in some of your threads you posted.

The only thing we can really suggest is try getting involved more with void. I know I'm one to talk but lately after Yom Kippur offensive, I've been trying to get back into more basic meditations and not skip around or jump around.

Anyways good luck with your situation. It's a shame to hear the negativity of it causing in your life. It shouldn't be negative but a wonderful gift of nature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
