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On Handling Spiritual Power In Satanic Context

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Most of the Left Hand Path, preaches something in regard to it's ethics being to completely lacking any source of ethics when it comes to magickal and spiritual practice. Clearly for all the tough talk, there isn't as much tough action or anything coming out of it...

The "Right hand path" on the other hand is also severely imbalanced and sick, promoting eternally turning the other cheek, never taking any defense or any revenge, and accepting all sorts of random calamity and injustice without opposition and consequence. Total injustice.

Both add oil into the same fire of generally and continuously perpetuating injustice. The idea of the Satanist as some scouldrel and worthless desert dwelling bandit is a creation of the Jews, who in particular promote the worst of the worst stereotypes to their enemies, to make them fail. The same has been done to the people of all Ancient Civilizations, whom their identity, name and legacy was driven through the mud.

Indeed, lacking any form of ethics when one has zero power is also of zero consequence. So indeed the people above can continue things such as "Curse the Joy of Satan because my feelings told me so", or "Because a kike in my coven of Rainbow Kabbalah Nuts said so because jews don't run everything as the JoS claims" types of arguments.

Spiritually as inferior bandits who just discovered the knife, and feel very happy using their newfound invention. The advise that one reads on these books also calls on the summoning of just about any entity, random astral filth, even hebrew angels, and all sorts of strange stuff done in order to 'exact ones will'.

So long one is a very weak magician whose actions have no consequence, one can always give long rants about how there are no ethics in magick or how the "Demons have no ethics", or whatever. One hardly produces a force, and therefore any counter-force to this, isn't really of any importance.

And they can keep writing books about assaulting and annihilating random people spiritually, or strange mentally ill produced justifications, trying to claim this is some sort of "Law of the strong" or "Law of life" and other strangely unnatural behavior, which is not akin to a great animal but only a virus or a spore.

Indeed, many of the Demons do teach ethics. I know firsthand as their follower, lending them my mind for many years. When the Gods were on earth, they also instated what we know as Laws, as early as the code of Hammurabi, and way earlier than this.

You don't see Lions stepping on ants as part of a hobby, but you will see these people doing all sorts of negative stuff to innocents for what they claim to be the "Law of the strong". That is the law of the spore, and not the law of the strong. The law of the strong is different.

The strong also do have their own rules and proportions, which these people do not understand, as they are weak people. In particular, our cultural enemies, the Jews and Judaism exercise constant disproportionate force on innocent and random people, in the sense of merely doing them evil. This is because inherently the jew is weak, and weakness breeds a necessity for brutality, and this is why jews are "brutal" in the way that they are. Similar is their behavior and acting to a spore/virus/parasite mindset, and this is why they ceaselessly attack humanity like a virus, and all the innocent people, for what is particularly no reason at all.

In contrast to this psychopathic behavior, we, Satanists, are not to emulate these weak examples, but move forward, and also, remove these from the earth, so that a healthy and natural order takes place, where there isn't power abuse and injustice as it is today.

This is because a society run on these "claimed" animalistic urges and retribution, or blind aggression, cannot advance. As explained above even animals have a better justice system in place than what many of these nutcases believe is "Natural Law". Even a chimp can have better reasoning in that regard.

Development of a psychopathic mentality against all other people, isn't Satanism. It's more like Talmudic Judaism to just hate on everyone one meets without any particular reason, let alone practicing strange spiritual assaults on random individuals or people who have done little wrong and one thinks they deserve giant punishments.

The Gods aren't going to punish someone for acting with disproportionate force on a "random" target, but they will observe how one behaves. However for the person doing these actions, it's a question of their own development to understand how force and power works, and the Gods do take notes on people and how reckless or wise they are in the use of their power. Some may be acting less than necessary, and others way more than necessary. Eventually one needs to find their own balance.

As a parent watches their child train with a shortsword, and how they behave with it, they adjust their behavior in teaching said individual the arts of exacting justice. If a parent sees that one of their kids uses the little dagger to threaten every person on the neighborhood, that is definitely not the son you are going to put as head of a military unit, to give a simple example.

One the other hand, we have exemplary uses of power, such as for example, the child who was just given a shortsword, fights a bigger opponent and subdues them. They behave in a way of a protector to their own, rather than a stupid aggressor and creator of strife. They have more glory in their behavior. Then they get the bow...then they get the Chariot... Then they lead an unit. The story goes.

So eventually, the more said child practices the short sword, then you transfer them over to the bigger sword when they come of age. Many people falsely also think that "Power" has somehow got to do with dysfunctional behavior and being constantly aggressive and touchy all the time. Indeed the child that runs the battle chariots can exponentially more harm you, compared to the other one who chases people down with the butter knife as a display of "strength".

Our role spiritually is more like knights, rather than bandits.

As you advance spiritually, your power will mean something, both to yourself and to other people. How you will use it is up to you. But if one has aims to reach highly in power, one should better try to also expand their consciousness and try to always make the best decisions on exacting their power towards themselves and other people.

Your thoughts will start being important to you, to the people in your environment, too. The same goes for what you do. I have a saying that I go by, every household with a good Spiritual Satanist is a blessed household. The good things you can do to protect yourself and other people are priceless, by positive application of powers. Others may never know and it's better they never do, but you will know.

The stories of our Gentile civilizations should suffice to teach us ethical use of power, are sufficient to teach moral values. This is why we have epics like the Illiad and the Odyssey and they are classics to this day.

Another thing that Power is going to bring, is responsibility, so one's relation with one's self and their responsibility, as a person, family member, citizen, and every other role, also gets affected by this context. The same goes for rise in knowledge, understanding, or any other form of power.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes we are to use our powers to defend ourselves and fellow Gentiles from the decadence and abuses our jewish enemies are causing.

What's amazing is how when you're spiritually powerful things just fall into place and work out in your favour.

But I don't believe in visualising and trying to manifest say a million dollars out of thin air anymore.

I believe a person needs to be fixed on the physical reality with material things.

So to manifest say a million dollars a person would need a viable business model or idea. But not just to summon a million dollars out of thin air as I learned from the law of attraction gurus.

I have been more powerful in the past years. I was a consistent meditator and was buzzing with energy. In a way I'm now scared to advance and just like to do the cleaning and Final RTR.

When I was more spiritually powerful I couldn't sleep. And I was hot and sweating when I was sleeping. Also my senses were heightened and I felt annoyed and angry much easier. Yes I know void meditation to have a strong and controlled mind. But increasing spiritual power was increasing my emotions and it was not fun feeling like en emotional roller coaster.

I know that it's my duty and a necessity to advance because I deprive our side of much needed energy and power if I'm not advancing.

And it's true we are balanced. We are sound. Bullies are brutal because they're weak. The strong don't abuse power.
Mom: Son why are you sitting there playing video games, go brush your teeth and do something productive. You'll catch a cold...

News edgy Teen going through a phase :
*Goes to his room,locks the door.,draws nine foot circle, starts chanting angelic magick while coughing as his breath reeks.*
Thank you, HP!
This post came at a perfect time. :)
Yeah the right hand path satanic organizations need to get themselves in order. Their accepting a lot of insults to their nature and being. I'm more of a left hand path guy myself, and I'm learning to put more time and effort into my practice of magick, mostly in the class of healing and energy work.
"In any country there must be people who have to die, they are the sacrificies any nation has to achieve law and order"

"there is a freedom of speech but i can't guarantee freedom after speech"

Idi amin.


So this above considerd the law of nature,
just like how hitler killed the armies of the british and the soviet even though they are gentiles that are moved by jewish leaders like stalin and winston cherchil.

But i think this foundation/base shouldn't be overused in daily life because if so...one will litrellay turn into a *communist* mentaly.
Personal Growth said:
In a way I'm now scared to advance and just like to do the cleaning and Final RTR.
What you are doing here is actually a very good thing. Because you still have dirt and traumas in some places, you instinctively dont want to "power up" more until this is gone. This is healthy and very much a good thing to follow.

After you reach a certain point, it's very important that you make sure you address any and all internal issues you may have, and clean them away. If you try to push past this point without cleaining anything, out of impatience and because "muh is already clean enough", then you will either fail, or end up like some long-term people here who are now a mental wreck. If you do not first clean away the dirt, you will end up empowering it further and making it even stronger. This is likely what these "emotional rollercoasters" you described were hinting at.

Keep cleaning yourself and addressing your hangups/issues one by one with dedicated workings. Over time you will have fixed all of them and feel much more stable, grounded, and ready for higher levels of power. :)
ArabKnight said:
"In any country there must be people who have to die, they are the sacrificies any nation has to achieve law and order"

"there is a freedom of speech but i can't guarantee freedom after speech"

Idi amin.

So this above considerd the law of nature,
just like how hitler killed the armies of the british and the soviet even though they are gentiles that are moved by jewish leaders like stalin and winston cherchil.

But i think this foundation/base shouldn't be overused in daily life because if so...one will litrellay turn into a *communist* mentaly.
This is actually incorrect in a specified instance. Hitler showed utmost compassion and deliverance when he DID NOT massacre the British Army when they were stuck in Dunkirk. His refusal to be cruel can be considered the most disastrous event in WW2. I think with Britain gone, they would have survived the Soviet pushback after the failing to conquerRussia(where many generals mutinied. ) The US and the British were supplying the Soviets with loads of arms ammunition and goods without which they definitely would have collapsed. And Hitler also diverted many of his forces towards areas where the Italians were losing,which also had a disastrous effect. Hitler also refused to earlier firebomb cities with civilian populations but after repeated british firebombing against their civilians they had to retaliate in kind. Hitler actually loved the British and stated to one of his generals how the British people were so similar to the Germans and how we only had to fight due to the World Jewry.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Please list and explain the power you're talking about and what can one do with it ?
Hes talking about spiritual power. Are you new to this forum ?
Read the entire,
Joyofsatan.org first or you won't get what we're talking about here
Personal Growth said:
So to manifest say a million dollars a person would need a viable business model or idea
If I remember right, it has been said to attract things which are *achievable* for your power. One million dollars is not really that achievable, so trying to use magik to get 1 million dollars when you are not strong enough is just a waste of time. Instead, people can use magik for getting a better job or a payrise or things like this, which are easier to achieve.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Please list and explain the power you're talking about and what can one do with it ?

The power to be a God yourself.

When you have a strong mind and aura your thoughts and emotions will affect the outer reality much more.

That's like your mind being your own personal genie. You can usually get your way and what you want.

What I've noticed is that if I'm hating on someone they will land up in some serious accident or some tragedy will strike them so as to get them away from being a bother to me.

Also you can pick up the vibe of a persons energy if they feel dirty and disgusting or clean and healthy.

I'm sure I was able to hear people's thoughts like they were speaking but they weren't speaking I could just pick up their thoughts and know exactly where I stand with them.

Also you can get like a premonition of the future. Like if you feel something bad is going to happen you are alerted to be extra aware and careful and you could prevent some harm coming your way because of the feeling putting you on notice of danger.

There are other siddhi's like putting your thoughts into other people's minds to get them to do what you want. And others like setting things on fire with your hand chakras or levitation etc.
Personal Growth said:
I have been more powerful in the past years. I was a consistent meditator and was buzzing with energy. In a way I'm now scared to advance and just like to do the cleaning and Final RTR.

When I was more spiritually powerful I couldn't sleep. And I was hot and sweating when I was sleeping. Also my senses were heightened and I felt annoyed and angry much easier. Yes I know void meditation to have a strong and controlled mind. But increasing spiritual power was increasing my emotions and it was not fun feeling like en emotional roller coaster.

I know that it's my duty and a necessity to advance because I deprive our side of much needed energy and power if I'm not advancing.

And it's true we are balanced. We are sound. Bullies are brutal because they're weak. The strong don't abuse power.

Would not the increased energy also give more energy for the RTR's? Sure, you experienced some sort of hiccup in your advancement, but aren't new obstacles supposed to be expected? Did you try seeking guidance from a Demon or from others who may have underwent similar situations? I do not mean to make light of your feelings on the matter, but I do not think the best decision was made, even if it is temporarily easier. More importantly, I do not think what you experienced was not resolveable.
Blitzkreig said:
Personal Growth said:
I have been more powerful in the past years. I was a consistent meditator and was buzzing with energy. In a way I'm now scared to advance and just like to do the cleaning and Final RTR.

When I was more spiritually powerful I couldn't sleep. And I was hot and sweating when I was sleeping. Also my senses were heightened and I felt annoyed and angry much easier. Yes I know void meditation to have a strong and controlled mind. But increasing spiritual power was increasing my emotions and it was not fun feeling like en emotional roller coaster.

I know that it's my duty and a necessity to advance because I deprive our side of much needed energy and power if I'm not advancing.

And it's true we are balanced. We are sound. Bullies are brutal because they're weak. The strong don't abuse power.

Would not the increased energy also give more energy for the RTR's? Sure, you experienced some sort of hiccup in your advancement, but aren't new obstacles supposed to be expected? Did you try seeking guidance from a Demon or from others who may have underwent similar situations? I do not mean to make light of your feelings on the matter, but I do not think the best decision was made, even if it is temporarily easier. More importantly, I do not think what you experienced was not resolveable.

I know mate. That was long ago before the RTR's like before the 2008 recession.

These days I'm always tired from work. So now I just do the Final RTR and cleaning. And 20 mins twice a day meditating on that sushumna nadi between nostrils on the nose.

I do what I can being busy with long hours at work. And it's true what you say, empowering would also create more energy to get things done.
Well I hate posting this as many will state you should find power in some way. Something has power. Kinda like an astrological chart statement I read whereby it states that as much power as I have in being such a way, the opposite or showing emotions is a form of power as well. In other words whether your strong or show what some now a days consider weakness, is a strength, i.e. showing emotion.

But what if you feel powerless and have been for a really long time? Like ever in other words what if you've never felt powerful.

I can't genuinely state a situation in which magick is involved whereby I did it for revenge or anything. In fact I have no idea what to do in revenge. I'm not gonna sit there doing days or weeks or some 40 day ritual on some random person for pissing me off only to never see the person ever again.

I hate to sound like a retard cause many will state this is xtianistic talk. But what is the point of all these offensive magicks if you never know what happens? Am I gonna advance spiritual in years and then have my GD for example tell me my ritual was successful or what.

For example I would love to do a magick ritual of revenge on a person that comes to our neighborhood who called in the police years ago and basically they stormed my house with a paddy wagon with police drawn with pistols and shotgun, all for simply having a mental health breakdown and doing something that is considered illegal. I feel like the force was excessive and all could have been resolved in a few minutes by a lone police officer instead of calling in 5 vehicles and a paddy wagon to "storm" my house. Hell they could have called an ambulance and taken me to some hospital rather than put me in holding for 3 days all the while suffering a mental illness.

But that occurred years ago does it bother me sure. But what can I say the person is a police officer called it in and shit broke lose. Hell it was such a chaotic day, it seems like the chaos was added unto the chaos.

But in the end, not to sound turn the other cheek. But what would be the point now of doing something against them?

I'm not asking a how-to on magick but more like "What is the point?" your never gonna see the person again. I'd rather be more satisfied beating the shit out of them. At least I see what my efforts have done rather than wonder forever if it did anything. Despite the fact I'm not in any way, shape, or form strong enough to beat anyone up. Just saying it, that physical effect seems more satisfying.

In fact it gets to the point of does this offensive magick even exists or is just the natural chaos of life itself.

Again I'm probably gonna get told I'm a xtian in Satanic clothing. Yeah I'll admit over the last few years I feel that way just being in here in a xtainistic matter. Not literally of course don't get me wrong just kinda unsure on things.
Gear88 said:
Well I hate posting this as many will state you should find power in some way. Something has power. Kinda like an astrological chart statement I read whereby it states that as much power as I have in being such a way, the opposite or showing emotions is a form of power as well. In other words whether your strong or show what some now a days consider weakness, is a strength, i.e. showing emotion.

But what if you feel powerless and have been for a really long time? Like ever in other words what if you've never felt powerful.

I can't genuinely state a situation in which magick is involved whereby I did it for revenge or anything. In fact I have no idea what to do in revenge. I'm not gonna sit there doing days or weeks or some 40 day ritual on some random person for pissing me off only to never see the person ever again.

I hate to sound like a retard cause many will state this is xtianistic talk. But what is the point of all these offensive magicks if you never know what happens? Am I gonna advance spiritual in years and then have my GD for example tell me my ritual was successful or what.

For example I would love to do a magick ritual of revenge on a person that comes to our neighborhood who called in the police years ago and basically they stormed my house with a paddy wagon with police drawn with pistols and shotgun, all for simply having a mental health breakdown and doing something that is considered illegal. I feel like the force was excessive and all could have been resolved in a few minutes by a lone police officer instead of calling in 5 vehicles and a paddy wagon to "storm" my house. Hell they could have called an ambulance and taken me to some hospital rather than put me in holding for 3 days all the while suffering a mental illness.

But that occurred years ago does it bother me sure. But what can I say the person is a police officer called it in and shit broke lose. Hell it was such a chaotic day, it seems like the chaos was added unto the chaos.

But in the end, not to sound turn the other cheek. But what would be the point now of doing something against them?

I'm not asking a how-to on magick but more like "What is the point?" your never gonna see the person again. I'd rather be more satisfied beating the shit out of them. At least I see what my efforts have done rather than wonder forever if it did anything. Despite the fact I'm not in any way, shape, or form strong enough to beat anyone up. Just saying it, that physical effect seems more satisfying.

In fact it gets to the point of does this offensive magick even exists or is just the natural chaos of life itself.

Again I'm probably gonna get told I'm a xtian in Satanic clothing. Yeah I'll admit over the last few years I feel that way just being in here in a xtainistic matter. Not literally of course don't get me wrong just kinda unsure on things.

Mate that's why we do the Final RTR.

The world is rotten and unfair. We're winning and working to end that type of abuse you had to experience.

You're suffering what they call trauma by learning how poorly the police can treat a person. And I'd suggest you trying to put it into the history books of your life experience.

I think throwing a ritual for something in the past is pointless and a waste of valuable energy. I'd only focus more energy and attention on something or someone that's actively causing me hassle now.

And when your aura is strong your enemies will get sorted out automatically.

You're not alone we are all in the same boat here. And we are all working with you here to end that sort of injustice.

I've also experienced something like that with the police. And it felt like the UK is communist and no one can see it. It broke my spirit and now I know not to bust an idiot deserving of a hiding up because the police will come and bust me up.

Remember straight out of the Talmud the goyim are not allowed to defend themselves.

Let that be motivation to keep doing what you do here my brother in arms.
It took me some time to realize how wrongly I was doing some things all my life.

Just now I see that with being too nice and good, loving and caring towards everyone made me super rotten from the inside over few lifetimes, and in all my attempts to make this world a better place I just make myself and others feel like shit.

Constantly reaching out to everyone, neglecting my own needs and emotions, turning the other cheek and being stepped on all the time looked like a nice idea always. I always loved to take a bullets for others and to suffer all the time because I thought I'm doing something good then and I will get lots in return.

The more I was trying to neglect myself and to help everybody else instead, the more evil I was becoming and more harm I done. I kept saying how nice I am and how sweet my soul is, but so often I would become almost psychotic, toxic and unstable to the point of wanting to kill everybody and myself. Not everybody gonna be nice to me and not everybody deserves to be protected or helped.

Then I turned all evil and didn't even noticed it. That's what's happens when you are too nice and loving everybody even when they are cold and cruel towards you. You become psychopath full of hate labeling yourself like a sweetheart but you are far, far away from that.

That's what xianity teaches us, that's why they all go crazy. Just love love and love, never care about yourself and then shut yourself down emotionally and you are done then most likely. I'm not suprised anymore nobody really wants to talk to me and looked at me like I am the enemy. In my biggest wish to help everybody I became an enemy and pushed everybody away from me. Cause I was fucking retarded piece of crap. I don't even understand how I thought that I can even be sane acting like that all the time. I was almost mentally ill. Fucking retarded idiot that I was. Too much love and care creates evil as every imbalance creates chaos and evil, so if you really care and love somebody you gotta like let them go and breathe often, and if they are hurting you you leave them or even hurt them back.

Now I will be cursing without any guilt. I will create really nice AoP and I have no intention of being too nice again and opening up to everybody.

I know that lot of people even here would never curse anybody or defend themselves properly. It comes to that point where they are refusing to even have a normal AoP because curses and hate might bounce back to some other Gentiles. Lol.

If you want to be a nice person don't forget to be nice to yourself.

That's why I'm taking it easy now...
For the past 3 years I have been active as a Spiritual Satanist and i have learned how important it is to Control the Power that we build as we Progress and Advance as S.S.Our Random thoughts,Focused thoughts..be it Positive or Negative have ConseQuences..You can use the Power that you have to Advance your Life and those of those around you.And at the same time that Power can wreck havoc especially if you can't keep it in check.But Luckily,we have Father Satan and The Powers of Hell who are directing us as we navigate this Satanic Path.
Hail Horus.
Personal Growth said:
I do what I can being busy with long hours at work. And it's true what you say, empowering would also create more energy to get things done.

I do not know what your specific cause of exhaustion is, but sleep deprivation will be hard to counter, although you could always take caffeine for that. A non-stimulating alternative to caffeine that also promotes wakefulness (by blocking the adenosine receptors in the brain, like caffeine) is theacrine. Otherwise you will have to do as much as possible to get more sleep. The caveat is that blocking adenosine receptors within 4-6 hours of sleep actually decreases the restfulness of the sleep by about 1/8.

As far as physical exhaustion goes, perhaps a small nap or rest period, combined with workings to increase energy may aid the physical aspect of exhaustion. Working on sleep hygiene can additionally offset some of the toll from working. UVA + IR light (morning sunlight) is necessary on the eye to produce melatonin. Additionally, blue light exposure on the skin and eye destroys melatonin, and prevents its proper secretion. Getting your morning sunlight and/or blocking all blue light will alone do wonders for the restful quality of your sleep.

As far as willpower exhaustion, you can actually regenerate willpower, acutely, through void meditation, thereby offsetting the willpower used during your job. Additionally, kidney qigong can give you a boost in willpower (especially after a long day of work) and this boost can be enough to propel you to starting void meditation. This kidney qigong is essentially 5 minutes of work and requires no mental effort, hence why it is so good for getting people out of rut. Any kidney qigong video on youtube will do. Particularly helpful to me is stimulating the leg meridians (the 6th exercise of 8 pieces of brocade) combined with rubbing my ears (search "kidney ear rub" on youtube).

Given that you willpower or overall energy is drained from work, you should try to schedule your workings to before the period that consumes the majority of willpower. This means waking up prior to work, however much time you need. I personally wake up 4-5 hours before my morning classes, some days at 5am, just to get in my work. I am like you where, once the day goes by, I feel less motivated to do additional mental work. This is a normal feeling, but not unsolveable. This could mean you have to sleep much sooner, perhaps right after work, however, but then all you need to do is the cleaning, and everything else could be done prior to work, when you are fully rested.

I give you these tips because you and I both know the importance of spiritual progression. While it is noble of you to continue to do RTR's, I also feel bad that you said your progression has waned, at least from the bioelectrical standpoint. There are not many people like you, so I don't like seeing a reduction in your power. Hopefully some of these tips help you, good luck!
Personal Growth said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Please list and explain the power you're talking about and what can one do with it ?

The power to be a God yourself.

When you have a strong mind and aura your thoughts and emotions will affect the outer reality much more.

That's like your mind being your own personal genie. You can usually get your way and what you want.

What I've noticed is that if I'm hating on someone they will land up in some serious accident or some tragedy will strike them so as to get them away from being a bother to me.

Also you can pick up the vibe of a persons energy if they feel dirty and disgusting or clean and healthy.

I'm sure I was able to hear people's thoughts like they were speaking but they weren't speaking I could just pick up their thoughts and know exactly where I stand with them.

Also you can get like a premonition of the future. Like if you feel something bad is going to happen you are alerted to be extra aware and careful and you could prevent some harm coming your way because of the feeling putting you on notice of danger.

There are other siddhi's like putting your thoughts into other people's minds to get them to do what you want. And others like setting things on fire with your hand chakras or levitation etc.
Thanks personal. Love your name btw.
Personal Growth said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Please list and explain the power you're talking about and what can one do with it ?

The power to be a God yourself.

When you have a strong mind and aura your thoughts and emotions will affect the outer reality much more.

That's like your mind being your own personal genie. You can usually get your way and what you want.

What I've noticed is that if I'm hating on someone they will land up in some serious accident or some tragedy will strike them so as to get them away from being a bother to me.

Also you can pick up the vibe of a persons energy if they feel dirty and disgusting or clean and healthy.

I'm sure I was able to hear people's thoughts like they were speaking but they weren't speaking I could just pick up their thoughts and know exactly where I stand with them.

Also you can get like a premonition of the future. Like if you feel something bad is going to happen you are alerted to be extra aware and careful and you could prevent some harm coming your way because of the feeling putting you on notice of danger.

There are other siddhi's like putting your thoughts into other people's minds to get them to do what you want. And others like setting things on fire with your hand chakras or levitation etc.
Thanks personal. Love your name btw.
Jack said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Please list and explain the power you're talking about and what can one do with it ?
Hes talking about spiritual power. Are you new to this forum ?
Read the entire,
Joyofsatan.org first or you won't get what we're talking about here
No, I've dedicated in 2012 or 13. I've just been in and out. Getting to it slowly but surely.
Personal Growth said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Please list and explain the power you're talking about and what can one do with it ?

The power to be a God yourself.

When you have a strong mind and aura your thoughts and emotions will affect the outer reality much more.

That's like your mind being your own personal genie. You can usually get your way and what you want.

What I've noticed is that if I'm hating on someone they will land up in some serious accident or some tragedy will strike them so as to get them away from being a bother to me.

Also you can pick up the vibe of a persons energy if they feel dirty and disgusting or clean and healthy.

I'm sure I was able to hear people's thoughts like they were speaking but they weren't speaking I could just pick up their thoughts and know exactly where I stand with them.

Also you can get like a premonition of the future. Like if you feel something bad is going to happen you are alerted to be extra aware and careful and you could prevent some harm coming your way because of the feeling putting you on notice of danger.

There are other siddhi's like putting your thoughts into other people's minds to get them to do what you want. And others like setting things on fire with your hand chakras or levitation etc.
Hey personal, how long did it take you to unlock you gifts and hear people's thoughts.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Please list and explain the power you're talking about and what can one do with it ?

The power to be a God yourself.

When you have a strong mind and aura your thoughts and emotions will affect the outer reality much more.

That's like your mind being your own personal genie. You can usually get your way and what you want.

What I've noticed is that if I'm hating on someone they will land up in some serious accident or some tragedy will strike them so as to get them away from being a bother to me.

Also you can pick up the vibe of a persons energy if they feel dirty and disgusting or clean and healthy.

I'm sure I was able to hear people's thoughts like they were speaking but they weren't speaking I could just pick up their thoughts and know exactly where I stand with them.

Also you can get like a premonition of the future. Like if you feel something bad is going to happen you are alerted to be extra aware and careful and you could prevent some harm coming your way because of the feeling putting you on notice of danger.

There are other siddhi's like putting your thoughts into other people's minds to get them to do what you want. And others like setting things on fire with your hand chakras or levitation etc.
Hey personal, how long did it take you to unlock you gifts and hear people's thoughts.

About two months. It's not nice really what I was hearing them think.
Personal Growth said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Personal Growth said:
The power to be a God yourself.

When you have a strong mind and aura your thoughts and emotions will affect the outer reality much more.

That's like your mind being your own personal genie. You can usually get your way and what you want.

What I've noticed is that if I'm hating on someone they will land up in some serious accident or some tragedy will strike them so as to get them away from being a bother to me.

Also you can pick up the vibe of a persons energy if they feel dirty and disgusting or clean and healthy.

I'm sure I was able to hear people's thoughts like they were speaking but they weren't speaking I could just pick up their thoughts and know exactly where I stand with them.

Also you can get like a premonition of the future. Like if you feel something bad is going to happen you are alerted to be extra aware and careful and you could prevent some harm coming your way because of the feeling putting you on notice of danger.

There are other siddhi's like putting your thoughts into other people's minds to get them to do what you want. And others like setting things on fire with your hand chakras or levitation etc.
Hey personal, how long did it take you to unlock you gifts and hear people's thoughts.

About two months. It's not nice really what I was hearing them think.
Wow two month !?!?!? Awesome. Lol sorry about that :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Hey personal, how long did it take you to unlock you gifts and hear people's thoughts.

About two months. It's not nice really what I was hearing them think.
Wow two month !?!?!? Awesome. Lol sorry about that :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It doesen’t mean that you’re gonna develop it too in two months. Spiritual advancement is different for everybody, and it could take you even years.
Personal Growth said:
In a way I'm now scared to advance and just like to do the cleaning and Final RTR.
Also my senses were heightened and I felt annoyed and angry much easier. Yes I know void meditation to have a strong and controlled mind. But increasing spiritual power was increasing my emotions and it was not fun feeling like en emotional roller coaster.
How are you doing, Personal Growth? Long time no see.
I can relate, partially. I'm working on cleaning the house a bit deeper now so to speak.
For example, many years ago I had promised myself to be in charge of certain aspects of life, because, until literally yesterday, I felt that it would be a noble thing to do. The very same aspects were causing me to worry excessively and gave me anxiety episodes, finally driving me nearly friggin nuts. I was trying to fully control the outcome of something that is nearly impossible to control. Somehow I received a nudge from beyond, started peeking inside me, recognized it as trash and undid this promise. I can't describe the feeling of inner peace that followed.
And for some reason, just like you, I was only doing the rtr, ac and aop daily. For some reason I just couldn't make myself add more to my routine. About two months ago I started with hatha and breathing excercises.
I agree with you that one should not add power if the foundation becomes unstable but how can one become smart enough to deep clean the house without evolving? One really needs to build the ability to recognize trash when sifting through ones past. OTOH, said ability can only be improved through gradual advancement. IMO it's all interconnected.
Take care, mate!
Jack said:
Mom: Son why are you sitting there playing video games, go brush your teeth and do something productive. You'll catch a cold...

News edgy Teen going through a phase :
*Goes to his room,locks the door.,draws nine foot circle, starts chanting angelic magick while coughing as his breath reeks.*
My face just met my desk on this on :lol:
Apprentice said:
Personal Growth said:
In a way I'm now scared to advance and just like to do the cleaning and Final RTR.
Also my senses were heightened and I felt annoyed and angry much easier. Yes I know void meditation to have a strong and controlled mind. But increasing spiritual power was increasing my emotions and it was not fun feeling like en emotional roller coaster.
How are you doing, Personal Growth? Long time no see.
I can relate, partially. I'm working on cleaning the house a bit deeper now so to speak.
For example, many years ago I had promised myself to be in charge of certain aspects of life, because, until literally yesterday, I felt that it would be a noble thing to do. The very same aspects were causing me to worry excessively and gave me anxiety episodes, finally driving me nearly friggin nuts. I was trying to fully control the outcome of something that is nearly impossible to control. Somehow I received a nudge from beyond, started peeking inside me, recognized it as trash and undid this promise. I can't describe the feeling of inner peace that followed.
And for some reason, just like you, I was only doing the rtr, ac and aop daily. For some reason I just couldn't make myself add more to my routine. About two months ago I started with hatha and breathing excercises.
I agree with you that one should not add power if the foundation becomes unstable but how can one become smart enough to deep clean the house without evolving? One really needs to build the ability to recognize trash when sifting through ones past. OTOH, said ability can only be improved through gradual advancement. IMO it's all interconnected.
Take care, mate!

How's it Pal,

Yes we're both busy with work and making sure we get the important spiritual things done as well as the necessary physical and material. It's a juggle to look after yourself and work and carry out spiritual practice and carry out Final RTR's. Shoo, good to be busy in a good, productive and focused way.

True it's a process and cannot be rushed.

I do have traumas from my past and I feel depressed sometimes when they surface. I think that's what's been draining me lately because I've been feeling a bit tired and burnt out. I don't think it's just the hectic schedule and long work hours but a bit of depression with past scars and traumas on my soul surfacing.

I'm not sure how they are cleared. I think when they come up you need to feel the emotions and think about it to come to a resolve and let go of it. And then after logically dealing with it you remove the spiritual dross by mentally doing the aura cleaning.

And yes mate you need to be good to yourself before you can help others. If you made a commitment that was too much for you to bear of course you can change your mind and pull out of it. It's not like it was carved in stone or a legally binding contract so yea you decided you don't' want to do it anymore and that's a weight off of your shoulders.

I've been told over and over that this is the eight fold path and I need to start practicing yoga. I'm still planning on it but so busy and you know how time flies. So good on you too for taking up the practice of yoga. One day I'll go get a yoga mat and a hatha yoga book and take that up too.

I trust with your good work ethic, skill and spiritual practices your business is thriving.

It's been good catching up.

Take care and look after yourself Mate!
Νίκος said:
Shittu Ur I really like your signature picture!! :!: ;)

Why thank you :twisted:
Shittu Ur said:
Jack said:
Mom: Son why are you sitting there playing video games, go brush your teeth and do something productive. You'll catch a cold...

News edgy Teen going through a phase :
*Goes to his room,locks the door.,draws nine foot circle, starts chanting angelic magick while coughing as his breath reeks.*
My face just met my desk on this on :lol:

How do I post a signature like yours?
Aquarius said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Personal Growth said:
About two months. It's not nice really what I was hearing them think.
Wow two month !?!?!? Awesome. Lol sorry about that :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It doesen’t mean that you’re gonna develop it too in two months. Spiritual advancement is different for everybody, and it could take you even years.
Aduhh!!!! I know. You don't have to rub it in. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
