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Abrahamic Ego Cults For Retards

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Eventually I was reading a book and I understood that this is yet another book that only deserves to be flung off of a window, because in particular it yet again contains zero spiritual information of any use. Still, one can consider themselves lucky that there is some information around. That's some progress.

That aside, it makes one feel strange when people aren't really seeing the obvious. In Christianity, you listen to all these great talks about "Humility", "Lowering yourself", "self punishment", and how "Pride Causes the Fall" and all sorts of other garbage, and how evil and sinful it is for any person to have any form of personal self existence.

At the same time, the only reason "Christianity" exists is because of an imagined rebel Rabbi, named Yeshua, or Rabbi Yeshu. All of these religions is about 2 things, the history of Jews, and then another chapter of the Rebel Rabbi and his disputes with other sweaty, unwashed, hooknose and flat feet jews somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the desert lands. Somehow this ended up to be very spiritual of a thing for humanity to follow.

So lacking of egoism is this religion, that if you don't believe in this Rabbi, not only you will lose heaven and earth, but you will suffer eternally and deserve to be roasted permanently in some sort of afterlife furnace. And what is the great story of this great and humble ego, which says "One can only find God through me" and other statements filled with intense psychopathy that somehow people take to be humility?

A scoliotic midget jew with kinky hair and a giant nose, had a beef with other similar subhumans somewhere in the desert. He made huge psychopathic claims about how self important and self holy he is. The great "Miracles" of "Jesus" are all sorts of important stuff such as turning water into wine! Oh my! Extremely important miracle. Humanity advanced a lot through this and not like the worthless works of Aristotle or Archimedes!

I think I know why this tree died by the curse of this Rabbi. It was actually because he was doing Teshuvah and hasn't washed in 40 days. He was so dirty that he went on the side of the tree and it died. The apocrypha may also mention dhiarrhea done around the tree, which is a very important scholarly subject to look into. Gotta give billions to universities to rectum-fy this question and if Rabbi Yeshua really farted or not!

Do not ask why billions are needed to be given to this, it's because obviously the potential fart of a jew, is more important than let's say finding cures of great diseases.

It really helped "mankind" all of this! We advanced by this! Lots! Where would we have been without the story of Rabbi Jesus. I mean this just makes NASA, creating boats, modern science, flying to the Moon, and everything else shrink! A midget jew with oily hair and flat feet just turned water into wine somewhere in Jerusalem! He also made some real big and inflated statements about how self important he is! And the dumb cattle is on board!

Arguably, Billy Gates made a company that turned shit water into drinkable water. So essentially one may argue and say that Billy Gates did a greater miracle than Jesus. Jesus was so powerful he once cursed a tree and it died! Really strong and meaningful miracle! He cursed a literal tree or some shit! The midget flat footed retard did another useful miracle.

However, all of "Christianity", or literally, the name of a religion following behind this useless crap, is about "Humility", "Not having an Ego", and "Making small of yourself" and not having "pride". While all the fellowship of this den of retards is just a fellowship around the inflated psychopathic ego of a jew, and stories written around him, that never existed. How selfless and non-prideful of them.

Rabbi Jesus is the only one in the ego cult which can make the extremely ego-less statements such as, "only through ME your soul will be saved!". "One meets God only through ME!".

Another cult of similar retardation is Islam, whose central retard in question is Mohammed. Mohammed was a jew, and a child molesting rapist, and for that, somehow, he deserves a lot of attention. What a miracle it is to marry a 9 year old bride. One cannot even remotely comprehend how much seduction, effort, and high intelligence one needs to fuck a donkey, a mule, or a goat, let alone marry a 9 year old girl such as in Mohammedanism.

Indeed, worthy of immaculate respect and loyalty for aeons to come! And somehow around this retarded stuff, people again build a religion around. Somehow if one doesn't comply to this jew, he will equally burn in eternal hellfire, experience mortal agony, and be slayed.

But this isn't all of it. Why I wanted to fling this book out of a window, is in particular because this book was about Falun Gong. You know, the so called spiritual art. This book was the lectures of a so called Master of Gong. In this book, the master was going on and on about how "Humility" and "Death of pride" and "all attachment" was a necessity. He was going ballistic about how one has to eradicate themselves and the mind, and praised Buddhism for this.

Being as selfless as he were, he went forth to make even more selfless statements. Such as for example on how spiritually advanced he was, and how "STUDENTS ARE OBLIGATED TO SIT THERE FOR HIM TO OPEN THEIR THIRD EYE AS NOBODY ELSE CAN DO THIS IN THE WORLD". The selfless and un-egoistic so called "master" was saying other non egoistical stuff also, such as how "HIS PERSONAL AURA ENCOMPASSES THE GALAXY", and writing huge rants about how "MANY SPIRITUAL POWERS HE HIMSELF POSSESSES THAT HE CAN NEVER DISPLAY BECAUSE ITS PROHIBITED".

When anyone asked a question on why he doesn't do anything further to help the world, his replies were "I AM PROHIBITED BY THE HIGHER POWERS OF DOING ANYTHING LIKE THIS AS IT WILL UPSET KARMIC LAW!". All of the universe was encompassed ["The aura of the teachers extends to the milky way!"] indeed based on this strange idiot, and his little gang of "Teachers", sort of how all salvation goes through Jesus and his 12 foolish apostles.

This is only the tip of the iceberg of claims. There were more claims such as by not following the him or questioning him, one would end up in some sort of Karmic Hell-Loop and be punished eternally. Selflessness, lack of pride, and humility. Amen goy, Amen.

Needless to say Satanism is falsely claimed as the "Egoistic" religion and all the related propaganda garbage. Next time a Xian talks to you, think how these are called? Christians and Mohammedans. What is it that they believe? Strange faith without anything into some strange scoliotic, leprotic short midget from the desert, that claims it were the "Son of God", or they believe in some strange "Holy" child molestor, and won't take any question about what is "Godly" or "Miraculous" or even "useful for humanity" out of this crap.

Advanced math? Bogus. Medicine? Haha! Astronomy? Lolwut? Farming? Useless. Modern computing? LOL, USELESS! NASA? Bunch of idiots!

A retarded child molestor or jew turd that cursed a tree and made it wither? God! He also did this other miracle of walking on top of water! Extremely important miracle! Jesus existed before the modern Jet Ski! Very important for a human to go over water like a Jet Ski! Proves a lot about humanity! Imagine before this the idiotic Greeks and Egyptians already had boats that could fit in 200 people. But some jew walked on the water like a Jet Ski, and that is the real miracle.

It should be obvious by these highlighted points that these people are flatline retarded, and the same goes for their so called "Spiritual expectations" and their "Spirituality" and cattle soul. These people are only fit for slaves and their faith is a slave faith.

In other words just remember we are dealing with very low IQ people here, almost flat retarded. A person who cannot see past this, isn't only in fault because they are being worked magick upon, but because one is a retard and has the IQ of a fish. We're talking about people who claim they believe in the "All powerful creator of the cosmos" and they pray to find their car keys to this thing and they can't find their keys inside their own bag.

Why these people dislike us? Because we say uhm...Humanity has to advance and that we should focus on advancing spiritually ourselves, and understanding true spirituality. How detestable! Humanity only existed to worship 2 or 3 jews, that's what a Rabbi said! How dare you transgress this paradigm, goyim animals! Oy vey! Holocausted!

We aren't talking about "Spiritual Religions" in regards to Abrahamism and many other similar crap, we are talking about modern cults for retards. We are talking about the systematic misdirection of people from everything spiritual, it's interpolation into useless garbage, and a dive in to eternal useless disinformation, only to benefit a very little amount of jews worldwide.

To not conform to this paradigm is also called "Evil Satanism" and the "Work of the Devil".

I am really happy that I am able to work for the Devil.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Literally just used some shit ass jew books to fuel the chimney, a mini shoah.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But this isn't all of it. Why I wanted to fling this book out of a window, is in particular because this book was about Falun Gong. You know, the so called spiritual art. This book was the lectures of a so called Master of Gong. In this book, the master was going on and on about how "Humility" and "Death of pride" and "all attachment" was a necessity. He was going ballistic about how one has to eradicate themselves and the mind, and praised Buddhism for this.

I watched all of Li Hongzi's videos on the subject the ones from a major Chinese interview to people sometime in early nearing mid 90's. And I'm still going to this day "Why did I waste my time". Basically he says I have the gong-system and I pass it out to people.

I'm not denying he did something good by revealing Falun Gong but it seems it all went to his head. It's a shame he even corrupted the Gong system as he leaves out the arm serpent mudras which seem like serpents moving about to a simple arm movement to limit spiritual advancement. It's kinda like HP. Lucius Ora he states the gong system might be corrupted or more precisely watered-down lacking certain mantras at certain points particularly during the second exercise if I recall.

So that book you were using was that one of Hongzi's books? or just some so-called Gong expert ranting some spiritual non-sense?

I don't want to seem this way but the more I study spirituality the more it turns me off and makes me go "Should humans really be messing with this stuff". It seems for every person who tries something good a bunch of retards make outlandish claims.

It seems like funny enough the more outlandish it is the more followers you get. I recall a while back someone posted information on a new-age website about 12 stranded DNA and funny enough scientist discovered 6K years ago 12-stranded DNA people disappeared but the new-age website made a huge deal about it. If I recall they even stated some bullshit that during a Venus transit people should meditate on Venus to activate the 3rd DNA strand.

Perhaps it's just me as someone who is a normal person and not spiritually advanced and very doubtful of it as it never worked out for me. But are there curses or what is the deal with the bullshit people state. I would not be surprised if such information on spiritually is very logical and very simplistic.

I just don't understand why there has to be such bullshit. I guess it just means Gods and spiritually advanced people need to be around to roundhouse kick people in the head who don't seem to have a clue what they are doing. It just seems like it's "Pimp dah spirituality" especially if it involves rabba krast bullshit.
I've read the book Falun Gong and seriously it's the Bible without the christ but with the "creator" of the Falun Gong...It made me doubt the exercise's all together.
This was some sort of strange translation of some Falun Gong "Masters" speeches. The similarity to the usual "Christianity without the Christos" was so staggering, and there were also not any parts of information into this book that were clear or decent exercises.

This could even be some sort of Communism translation in the work, like, hijacking the Falun Gong before they took it down, or strange propaganda.

Or they just tried to force the material in the context of the Communist party, which later on got really concerned and assaulted everyone. It can't be they eliminated all Falun Gong practicioners when they were practicing what was into these "speeches" and "book". There were clearly other deeper reasons involved. I'll update when I have more.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This was some sort of strange translation of some Falun Gong "Masters" speeches. The similarity to the usual "Christianity without the Christos" was so staggering, and there were also not any parts of information into this book that were clear or decent exercises.

This could even be some sort of Communism translation in the work, like, hijacking the Falun Gong before they took it down, or strange propaganda.

Or they just tried to force the material in the context of the Communist party, which later on got really concerned and assaulted everyone. It can't be they eliminated all Falun Gong practicioners when they were practicing what was into these "speeches" and "book". There were clearly other deeper reasons involved. I'll update when I have more.
I would like to know from you about what you think of the exercises of Falun Gong and if you think they have any power, if there is something interesting about what he says too but as far as I remember it was really bad, I really don't know like you said if it was done on purpose or it was corrupted, it's weird.
They just fear to change into better person knowing what is good and what is evil they are mentally challenged into believing that someone will "Save" them that after death and being "good" gentile some magical unicorn open them portal into the heavens and live with spooky man forever. As u said they chosen a path of being slaves they beyond the negative iq a completely NPC.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But this isn't all of it. Why I wanted to fling this book out of a window, is in particular because this book was about Falun Gong. You know, the so called spiritual art. This book was the lectures of a so called Master of Gong. In this book, the master was going on and on about how "Humility" and "Death of pride" and "all attachment" was a necessity. He was going ballistic about how one has to eradicate themselves and the mind, and praised Buddhism for this.

Being as selfless as he were, he went forth to make even more selfless statements. Such as for example on how spiritually advanced he was, and how "STUDENTS ARE OBLIGATED TO SIT THERE FOR HIM TO OPEN THEIR THIRD EYE AS NOBODY ELSE CAN DO THIS IN THE WORLD". The selfless and un-egoistic so called "master" was saying other non egoistical stuff also, such as how "HIS PERSONAL AURA ENCOMPASSES THE GALAXY", and writing huge rants about how "MANY SPIRITUAL POWERS HE HIMSELF POSSESSES THAT HE CAN NEVER DISPLAY BECAUSE ITS PROHIBITED".

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We aren't talking about "Spiritual Religions" in regards to Abrahamism and many other similar crap, we are talking about modern cults for retards. We are talking about the systematic misdirection of people from everything spiritual, it's interpolation into useless garbage, and a dive in to eternal useless disinformation, only to benefit a very little amount of jews worldwide.

To not conform to this paradigm is also called "Evil Satanism" and the "Work of the Devil".

I am really happy that I am able to work for the Devil.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was funny. Does this guy literally think the galaxy tilts every time he leans down to tie his shoes, with his all powerful galaxy encompassing aura? It's just ridiculous. If he gets some problematic illness in the next few decades, he's probably going to say he refuses to heal himself because of the need for humility. And if he suffers for literally years he will just make the same excuse. But the cult probably would not last that long anyways.

Many Christian 'kind gestures' are mirrored by an equally forthright 'Burn in hell forever nonbeliever scum!" if they're being honest about what their religion says. Realistically, they are mostly just broken people who try to forget how disgusting their religion is, at least that's how the good ones are. The rest are truly scum who really think it's good for tons of people to burn in hell for eternity.
And this is 'standard' morality. I guess the world is just that messed up.
Here the old Falun Gong topic if somebody want to try the exercises.

I tryed it a few days back then, it was relaxing, calming, and I had the feeling that it gives me more chi. (exercises good mindset not).
Fuchs said:
Here the old Falun Gong topic if somebody want to try the exercises.

I tryed it a few days back then, it was relaxing, calming, and I had the feeling that it gives me more chi. (exercises good mindset not).

If someone can provide what the exercises are, I can give you an opinion, but I have to do them for at least a while before a verdict. I test things sometimes for years before talking on them, and at least on numerous occasions, because I truly do hate disinformation on these subjects.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that Qi Gong exercises are strong and on point, and they do raise the Vril, such as the routines by Lee Holden. These can and will cultivate your energy in a similar manner to Yoga, but they can never replace Hatha or Kundalini Yoga.

These Qi Gong exercises clearly have spiritual teachers behind them with proper knowledge and they were passed down in a respectful manner and without corrosive lying. If one is suffering from stress and certain types of light Vril stagnation, then one can do these and help fix the flows. Yoga works better, but Qi Gong does a softer circulation which can help on emotional issues, such as high stress and needing to calm down.

Not sure about the Falun Gong exercises specifically. I'd need to see like the exercises themselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:
Here the old Falun Gong topic if somebody want to try the exercises.

I tryed it a few days back then, it was relaxing, calming, and I had the feeling that it gives me more chi. (exercises good mindset not).

If someone can provide what the exercises are, I can give you an opinion, but I have to do them for at least a while before a verdict. I test things sometimes for years before talking on them, and at least on numerous occasions, because I truly do hate disinformation on these subjects.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that Qi Gong exercises are strong and on point, and they do raise the Vril, such as the routines by Lee Holden. These can and will cultivate your energy in a similar manner to Yoga, but they can never replace Hatha or Kundalini Yoga.

These Qi Gong exercises clearly have spiritual teachers behind them with proper knowledge and they were passed down in a respectful manner and without corrosive lying. If one is suffering from stress and certain types of light Vril stagnation, then one can do these and help fix the flows. Yoga works better, but Qi Gong does a softer circulation which can help on emotional issues, such as high stress and needing to calm down.

Not sure about the Falun Gong exercises specifically. I'd need to see like the exercises themselves.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUQNdd91qXg These are all the exercises, in my opinion they are not better than any other QiGong exercise's. The creator just claimed that by only doing these and following the stupid xian rules you would become a God and develope quickly god-like powers, this is why many were interested plus he claims that when you do the exercise's a system called Falun is installed in your body and this will help you advance faster. I honestly don't know how much of what he says is bullshit (apart for the xian crap) but I don't think they are better than any QiGong routine. You said that if the Communists in China must have seen something in it for killing so many people, so it's interesting if there is something more to it than what we can see.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Not sure about the Falun Gong exercises specifically. I'd need to see like the exercises themselves.

Falun Gong is nearly useless being taught from books or static media like the websites.

You need to watch the videos to properly see the exercises. On youtube just type Falun Gong exercises the sets are 1-5. They CAN be done separately or all in one session. The exercises are both from private people or the official probably late 80s, early 90s renderings. Kinda surprised for such an era the digital media was so advanced gotta appreciate the digital artwork they did at those times.

I recall Li Hongzi's videos describing separate activities or all in one go. A basic Falun gong sessions should take about 15-20 minutes give or take. But can easily be something that takes nearly an hour particularly meditating extension.

FYI the videos are kinda corrupted in the sense it doesn't show you the first exercise set x3. In other words the first exercise set is done 3 times in a row. The rest is perfectly fine as long as you remember to do exercises 3 and 4, 9 or multiples of nine like 18, 27 etc.etc. So threading the two extremes and heavenly circuit is done x9 or multiples.

I should also point out when placing the hands one back side facing the palm you gotta hold it for about 40 seconds to 1.20 minutes. So the I believe Hyushu position in one of the books points out a hand hold in front of the other hand for that range of time.

Unfortunately in his videos from the interviews he does state another corruption, you will always do 9 reps no matter what. Actually that is wrong you need to keep count it's very easy to mess up, even Falun Gong in muscle memory it becomes easier to lose track of counts. No I've never done past 18 reps, stuck with 9 but did count incorrectly and went well lets do a multiple and went to 18.

Exercise 5 might possibly be corrupted as he explains you should get into padmasana(Lotus), he does state ardha padmasana(single-leg lotus) as an alternative but he states you should at some point do it. As someone who can't do padmasana and ardha padmasana is annoying and stressful I'll admit I've just been sitting Indian Style or easy pose and doing it from there. Exercise 5 ends the session and you perform meditation i.e. basic single or void at that stage. So in other words it begs the question if Falun Gong is a starting meditation or finisher meditation i.e. ends with void so should it be done last.

Either way Falun Gong to me personally doesn't seem all that special or spectacular or mind blowing. It's just another physical exercise of the soul. Perhaps as someone who isn't advanced doesn't appreciate it. But non-the less it seems like it's great for some people perhaps not everyone.

I recall the Portuguese JoS website mentioning to consider doing Falun Gong for 40 days straight particularly two times a day so once early and another later in the day.

Other than that, that is pretty much all the Falun Gong I studied.

FYI HP.Cobra the exercises take about a full week to remember without checking out any guides or thinking heavily back. So about two days to add it in and certainly within a week to JUST do it. So consider it takes time to remember and since your busy it may or may not impact your schedule.

Anyways HP.Cobra good luck.
Aquarius said:
Literally just used some shit ass jew books to fuel the chimney, a mini shoah.
I literally just woke up from a dream where i was in a roon full of jews..ugh i remember me just standing there felt like my aura was being polluted :( then i went on to finish reading this awesome sermon xD
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

We aren't talking about "Spiritual Religions" in regards to Abrahamism and many other similar crap, we are talking about modern cults for retards. We are talking about the systematic misdirection of people from everything spiritual, it's interpolation into useless garbage, and a dive in to eternal useless disinformation, only to benefit a very little amount of jews worldwide.

To not conform to this paradigm is also called "Evil Satanism" and the "Work of the Devil".

I am really happy that I am able to work for the Devil.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Spoken like a true Satanist, MAN! I love your sermon! Bring it out!
And then I happened to come across this video yesterday..


He's telling what life at a shaolin monk temple is actually like vs the things they want to show in movies to the public.
Hp In case you don't know, there is a story of mohammed french-kissing his toddler grandsons *litralley* just to know how scum he was there is also a lot of psychopaths that came after mohammed, there is joseph smith and the french hippie pervert cloud vorillon and the prophet of baha'ai faith and buddha and many other psychos with very weird belifs, its the same ideology but with a little bit of changes so that the 1 and 1/2 billion sheep will not get bored and become atheists, just to make sure that the jewish thoughtform will get its astral fuel.

And about vorillon he actually called for united world govrenment and he said clearly in his book that the leader of the aliens yahweh told him that there should be no armies and no weapons on earth and if someone punch you or strike you you should not strike back. This is communism but in cute name.
Uhhhh... Mmmm... .as a former muslim i learned that mohammed actually didn't marry aisha when she was 9.....he married her when she was 6 and he didn't penetrate her until she became 9...but during that 3 years he was having foreplay with her by puttin and moving his *thing* between her thighs.

Oh and there is a story about how the first followers of mohammed was drinking his spit sweat and the water after he shower and wash his arms and legs and feet to get blessings

And the story about mohammed cheating on his wife aisha with a coptic egyptian female sex slave called maria, and when aisha dicoverd this, he threaten her that if she told someone, the course of god will be upon her.

Ugh god i am crying right now... even jewus didn't reach this level of holyness and :cry:

Mohammed was a rabbi litralley he was the definition of the word rabbai by all means.

Also mohammed was a actually a light skinned jew not a mizrachi jew! from his discribtion in the islamic resources, he had a soft hair and white skin and he was meathead and with red cheeks and he was sweating a lot and had a *big nose*... Its so obvious.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That aside, it makes one feel strange when people aren't really seeing the obvious.

At the same time, the only reason "Christianity" exists is because of an imagined rebel Rabbi, named Yeshua, or Rabbi Yeshu.
My opinion is that one of the major reasons for the prosperity of xianity is the fact that it is imposed in the mind of the people since they are small babies. In that state, they have no judgement or ability to decide what is good or bad. This is how xianity roots in one's unconscious mind. This is the reason why people aren't seeing the obvious. One can show them dozens of facts and books proving the evidence, they are unconsciously programmed since age 1 to blindly believe the xian dogmas. They don't care about any evidence as in their mind xianity is the absolute truth and when it comes to xian crimes, there are always dump arguments to justify them, and the dump xians are believing them without asking a question.

This is why for many people just reading Exposing Christianity is not enough to realize the truth and they need to deprogramme their unconscious mind. I even saw cases in my native forum of people who performed the dedication ritual but after they were unsure if to go back to xianity or not...

I believe if one grow without any religion and someone tries to teach him xianity, is not going to work, probably at all. This is why so many xians, and probably is exactly the same with islam. On the other hand, in comparison, only a handful of people really had the free will to become SS
The Chinese Communists weren't afraid of them over spiritual standards, these existed for decades. It's when it started becoming a full blown movement with political undertones that they said "It refuses Marxist Ideology" and they decided to slay the poor people. What happened to them is tragic and real sad.

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:
Here the old Falun Gong topic if somebody want to try the exercises.

I tryed it a few days back then, it was relaxing, calming, and I had the feeling that it gives me more chi. (exercises good mindset not).

If someone can provide what the exercises are, I can give you an opinion, but I have to do them for at least a while before a verdict. I test things sometimes for years before talking on them, and at least on numerous occasions, because I truly do hate disinformation on these subjects.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that Qi Gong exercises are strong and on point, and they do raise the Vril, such as the routines by Lee Holden. These can and will cultivate your energy in a similar manner to Yoga, but they can never replace Hatha or Kundalini Yoga.

These Qi Gong exercises clearly have spiritual teachers behind them with proper knowledge and they were passed down in a respectful manner and without corrosive lying. If one is suffering from stress and certain types of light Vril stagnation, then one can do these and help fix the flows. Yoga works better, but Qi Gong does a softer circulation which can help on emotional issues, such as high stress and needing to calm down.

Not sure about the Falun Gong exercises specifically. I'd need to see like the exercises themselves.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUQNdd91qXg These are all the exercises, in my opinion they are not better than any other QiGong exercise's. The creator just claimed that by only doing these and following the stupid xian rules you would become a God and develope quickly god-like powers, this is why many were interested plus he claims that when you do the exercise's a system called Falun is installed in your body and this will help you advance faster. I honestly don't know how much of what he says is bullshit (apart for the xian crap) but I don't think they are better than any QiGong routine. You said that if the Communists in China must have seen something in it for killing so many people, so it's interesting if there is something more to it than what we can see.
ArabKnight said:
Uhhhh... Mmmm... .as a former muslim i learned that mohammed actually didn't marry aisha when she was 9.....he married her when she was 6 and he didn't penetrate her until she became 9...but during that 3 years he was having foreplay with her by puttin and moving his *thing* between her thighs.

Oh so it's even worse, thanks for letting me know.
Shaolin houses have strayed from spiritual exercise it's some weird situation going in there, I am certain of this. Glad someone talked about this.

Kung-fu even for practicioners of many years doesn't teach any spiritual things, one is lucky to even do a simple meditation in training centers.

Regardless, the fighting form itself is exceptional and very deep in itself.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
And then I happened to come across this video yesterday..


He's telling what life at a shaolin monk temple is actually like vs the things they want to show in movies to the public.
Thank you for this HP Cobra, this was a good one!
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:
Here the old Falun Gong topic if somebody want to try the exercises.

I tryed it a few days back then, it was relaxing, calming, and I had the feeling that it gives me more chi. (exercises good mindset not).

If someone can provide what the exercises are, I can give you an opinion, but I have to do them for at least a while before a verdict. I test things sometimes for years before talking on them, and at least on numerous occasions, because I truly do hate disinformation on these subjects.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that Qi Gong exercises are strong and on point, and they do raise the Vril, such as the routines by Lee Holden. These can and will cultivate your energy in a similar manner to Yoga, but they can never replace Hatha or Kundalini Yoga.

These Qi Gong exercises clearly have spiritual teachers behind them with proper knowledge and they were passed down in a respectful manner and without corrosive lying. If one is suffering from stress and certain types of light Vril stagnation, then one can do these and help fix the flows. Yoga works better, but Qi Gong does a softer circulation which can help on emotional issues, such as high stress and needing to calm down.

Not sure about the Falun Gong exercises specifically. I'd need to see like the exercises themselves.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUQNdd91qXg These are all the exercises, in my opinion they are not better than any other QiGong exercise's. The creator just claimed that by only doing these and following the stupid xian rules you would become a God and develope quickly god-like powers, this is why many were interested plus he claims that when you do the exercise's a system called Falun is installed in your body and this will help you advance faster. I honestly don't know how much of what he says is bullshit (apart for the xian crap) but I don't think they are better than any QiGong routine. You said that if the Communists in China must have seen something in it for killing so many people, so it's interesting if there is something more to it than what we can see.

luis was faster then I ;), here is the main Falun Gong website, with the exercises a little bit more explaned :
ArabKnight said:
Uhhhh... Mmmm... .as a former muslim i learned that mohammed actually didn't marry aisha when she was 9.....he married her when she was 6 and he didn't penetrate her until she became 9...but during that 3 years he was having foreplay with her by puttin and moving his *thing* between her thighs.

Oh and there is a story about how the first followers of mohammed was drinking his spit sweat and the water after he shower and wash his arms and legs and feet to get blessings

And the story about mohammed cheating on his wife aisha with a coptic egyptian female sex slave called maria, and when aisha dicoverd this, he threaten her that if she told someone, the course of god will be upon her.

Ugh god i am crying right now... even jewus didn't reach this level of holyness and :cry:

Mohammed was a rabbi litralley he was the definition of the word rabbai by all means.

Also mohammed was a actually a light skinned jew not a mizrachi jew! from his discribtion in the islamic resources, he had a soft hair and white skin and he was meathead and with red cheeks and he was sweating a lot and had a *big nose*... Its so obvious.

It's okay man, I cry a lot about all this stuff too, when I think about it. Congratulations for your escape, it's a horrifyingly aggressive program.
:twisted: best post ever. Learnt from this Buh I love the way you trashed these ill, sick, fraudulent mother fuvkers.
Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A retarded child molestor or jew turd that cursed a tree and made it wither? God! He also did this other miracle of walking on top of water! Extremely important miracle! Jesus existed before the modern Jet Ski! Very important for a human to go over water like a Jet Ski! Proves a lot about humanity! Imagine before this the idiotic Greeks and Egyptians already had boats that could fit in 200 people. But some jew walked on the water like a Jet Ski, and that is the real miracle.

This part made me actually laugh out loud.

But seriously the miracles that Jewsus preformed are a bunch of hype.

Wow dood he healed a cripple. Maybe if the church hadn’t held back science for so long we would be able to cure paralyzation.

I’m also surprised he didn’t turn that water into to urine instead of wine.

Remember Sloth states it’s all about the PISSTOS :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
