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Christians: Professional Hypocrites

Ha, seeing this hypocrisy daily did wonders to me, when I was new into JoS.
Having read all materials, any semblance of doubt disappeared immediately, when witnessing another example of such behavior. Like a mad cycle, iterations of which echo within each member of these cults. Borgs to a lesser or a greater extent, especially when they get older, "trying to catch up". Though some meet their nearing end with decency.
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Some mormons made the mistake of Knocking on my door and I have been hitting them right where it hurts. I notice on the exposing Christianity page from what I can see. It doesn't have the Inquisition section. Anymore, there like fucking robots but with these two guys i can tell I've been making them realize things And actually think They're scared of the truth they really are. They are all so deeply in denial it is sad They are more comfortable living in ignorance.
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Man, all of this is spot on.

🔥Hail Satan🔥
One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra

One thing that leads everyone away from Christianity, except of the fact that it is jewish and flat out retarded, is the amount of hypocrisy Christians have. Their cowardice brings endless hypocrisy.

Christianity is the par excellence religion of the dishonest, the cowardly, the "want to be with two legs on two boats".

When I meet a Christian and they are a good person, I take that in consideration. I believe in the potential of all human beings after all, or I would not try to help them return to their roots, to spirituality, or to achieve enlightenment through spirituality. But if they are a good, easygoing, smart or intelligent person, it almost always is the case that they don't follow Christianity more than 10%. Most of the Good Christians wouldn't be "enough" to gain the "heaven" according to their book.

They just have to lie to themselves that they do, in order to not feel guilty or afraid that they have "deserted the faith", in most cases because they are afraid of the severe claimed punishments that come with this. The more one follows "Christianity", the more fake, hypocritical and evil they become - their inner soul becomes a house where hypocrisy and evil festers insider. That's when things get to the epitome of evil and hypocrisy.

The amount of lying and self deception you have to have, in order to be a Christian or a Muslim, or generally a follower of the Abrahamic cults, is exactly what has deterred everyone sensible in history to deny this toxic mind virus.

Christians are the first to claim "love", but question them and you will see the borg activating. It won't be long before they wish your death or want to kill you. They somehow will beat their kids senseless or start a crusade to bring everyone under of course, "The love of the Lord".

As a token of their love and acceptance, that is as they claim too much, if you don't return the courtesy, you are going to burn into an Eternal lake of fire.

If you deny this forced love, they will quickly try to remind you how you shall anguish for all eternity. They want to feel good in their measly hearts that if you deny to become a hypocrite and as worthless as they, you shall burn for denial to participate into their historical fraud.

That is not even up to the universal consciousness to decide: They know because they read it in a book from the jews apparently. Wait, they never read this boring book because it's worthless. But they just know it anyway.

They will read their extremely big jewish book (that they never read), that has endless contradictions and lies; out of cowardice, they will try to bend all the rules in them. "Turn the other cheek" when the time justifies it for pretense, "Tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye", when they need it. Old Testament is bad when it doesn't fit, but then, Jesus was building upon the Old Testament.

Somehow, in this world where Christians are all having this bible in their house, they are also the first to rank Pornhub into the top site of the world. Granted the demographics, Christians rank very highly up there. The "Lord" also watches them as they masturbate, but they feel guilt about this topic. After all, the creator of the universe should in their mind be very much interested in what the most important Christians do with their genitals.

Albeit the warnings that anyone into the occult will go to Eternal Hellfire or should get executed, or how they are an abomination, they will still try to make New Age Jesus in order to follow their "forbidden" inclinations and make up their own versions of anything.

The woman down the New Age local shop, she will do her Angel Magic and try to get a boyfriend, but she will also support Jesus Christ who said explicitly she is an abomination to be executed for these types of "Pagan Interests". Meditation is punishable by death in Christianity in the large bonfire, but you will always find a lazy Christian that will essentially has opened the "sinful books" about Chakras and the like.

After they are done with pornhub and magic research, then they fall on their knees for "forgiveness" (the 25th time they ask for it for this week), they are ready to type to me that I am going to "Hell", to extrapolate their guilt on the Devil on something.

Little do Christians know, that the real Gods of the universe, who do exist, register these actions and they will be the ones they will face in the so called "afterlife". They will not forget these offenses they have done, no matter if they were sold a couple lies or not about their crimes. These Gods expect humanity to truly rectify itself, not just press a comfortable "forgiveness" button.

They will be sent back to reincarnate until they even out their errors and truly rectify them. Only then they will be entitled to any so called "Heaven". Heaven by the way is also nothing like what they have been deceived to believe, either.

Nothing seethes the heart of a Christian, more than you reminding them of their own slave identity: They have chosen a cultural and spiritual capitulation to the jews. Not even on gunpoint, just on an imaginary threat that they will burn forever. Now of course, they don't take this matter very seriously as their totally impious lives do prove on the daily: The button that writes on it "forgive" is what they think they can always press. Like a monopoly get out of jail card.

Assumption of responsibility? Hell no. The Devil made you do it love. Ask for a quick forgiveness, all set, let's go do the same things again tomorrow.

While their "religions" forbid any sort of things like movies or heavy metal, you always also have a Christian that will say "Hail Satan" in a concert of a metal band, but they will be wearing a cross - got to be good with two sides, just to be sure. They will do drugs and have mindless sex this day with a passerby, but they are always ready for the Sunday Sermon as well the next day.

They are also highly convinced about the afterlife, they do certainly know about this topic also. They will go a heaven to sing Hallelujah all day with the Angelic host, that's a very interesting afterlife in heaven.

As a Christian is young, he will of course do his earnest to engage in any sin possible under the sun. Eventually as the coward grows old, they will be on their knees and they suddenly become very "pious". It's a little trick: You can always ask for forgiveness toward the end, after you have fucked your whole life and everyone's life up. Of course, you'll be excused. Now that will certainly cheat the supernal consciousness, since Jesus, after all, shall "forgive" you.

Christians are also jacking themselves with steroids, trying to be like Gladiators of the Roman times; but they are too measly and too afraid of an imaginary hellfire that they might burn into, for their "sins", also. Then they somehow pretend that while they are psy-op'd by the jews and they are total cowards, they are somehow paragons of masculinity.

Christians who are also very studied, they will even cite Marcus Aurelius or some other wise Pagan like Plato or Socrates. They found that quote online after all, their levels of wisdom are very high. After they cite 1 line that is consistent with their recent nonsense that they espouse only temporarily, they will not tell you that Plato or Socrates were doing Rituals to Zeus, or that Marcus Aurelius, a paragon of ethical and noble character, was a most impressive follower of the Pagan Gods - who Christians burned off, by the way.

I also love it when the "Ubermenschen" quote Nietszche and so on: "When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you!". Now, they are sounding very tough. But they won't really open the other book of Nietszche where he literally destroys them of their hypocrisy, because that would be like looking into the actual abyss of their own deserted and dishonest mind.

When you ask about Christian history, they will tell you it was all a mere accident. Middle Ages? Who has time to think about that. Yes, technology is forbidden and of the Devil, and the phone has a mircochip with the 666 etched in it or whatever, but still having an iPhone 15 to send the naked nudes on snapchat, of course.

Of course, they also follow the example of Jesus Christ, with bread, olives and wine as a diet. Diet is important for any Christian. But they are also will indulge until their tummies explode in MacDonalds and elsewhere, yet they will pretend they are fasting.

Christian Nations are also top tier where obesity is concerned, thankfully, that tummy will be real full before they go to heaven, probably holding their MacDonald's bag at the same time while they are at it. Thanks to Rabbi Jesus who taught them moderation; no wait, he did not, that is stolen from Aristotle's "Everything in moderation", but I digress.

But they also will tell you of fasting, that's among the keys of heaven. Apparently the Creator of the Universe is very much interested if the Christians don't eat this or that food; that's pivotal in their soul journey on if they will go to hell or not. What did you eat the other day? A very important topic in the mind of the Creator for sure. He even surveils what you eat.

Christians also have at least 50 denominations. Jesus Christ the Jedi, the warlord, a honorable killer in the book of Revelations, but also the little weak thing hanging upon the cross that you must cry about, since it died for your sins. They will pick one version in accordance to their needs at the given time. What's your choice? There is one.

As the Bible is a book of Communism, they will somehow make their own version of it; suddenly, the savior of the Jews has become an Aryan, or an African, or whatever - And he's all in for racial preservation also. Jesus told them if you have 2 pairs of clothing to give the other, but God Bless these billions that they all want to amass for themselves in order to do dope and hookers (you can ask for forgiveness later on - remember?).

That's how they feel about the topic, so they will conveniently deny all the teachings of Christ that they claim have "value". They have so much "value", that not a single one of them is actually following them. You can always accept them later, after you are done living your life first.

The Christian according to the "Faith", could kill around 50 people, but lo and behold, if you drop on your knees and just say a quick forgiveness prayer, Jesus always forgives, or so they think. You're done, your hands are clean - that's what they are told on the "Confessional". Get some water on your head and now you are "Baptized", everything is erased. The fundamental issues of evil and errors always remain - then, they rinse and repeat.

Jesus also done very important miracles of humanity: He helped a whole leper (modern science helps 10,000 of these per day or whatever), made water into wine (Holy shit, very important), and he also walked on water like a Jet Ski does every other day. Speaking of Jet Skis, that giant cross tattooed on their arm is going to let you know how much they believe in "God", down in the California beach, as they are there to look at big round asses again.

Speaking of adultery, Christians really use their adulterous eye, that they were supposed to "pluck it out" according to the Bible, but of course nobody would do this, or 99% of the Christian population would be walking around with eyepatches or blind already.

Ask a Christian to take any responsibility and if "the Devil has not made them do it", they are ready with the other line: "Only God can judge me, bro.". That's the epitome of psychological maturity - they are a very responsible folk.

The average Protestant, will first amass 5 million dollars, because his treasures as Rabbi Jesus said "are in the heavens and not in the earth". It's after all a non materialist religion.

Christian girly has three men going, but she wears a cross: She will certainly go to heaven. When she feels bad, she opens up the bible and reads about it once per 6 months, asks for forgiveness, then back in business again. She will get huge implant titties, but at least there is a crucifix of the Great Lord between them, she will go to heaven with those bags.

Christians also will prove to you how loyal they are despite of the above and other ten thousand hypocrisies they do not follow. They will post memes online, or lecture you about how evil Satan is and how he will eat your soul. That now has verified all they are and do.

Meanwhile, they themselves have no soul but they haven't figured it out. Ask them what a soul is and they literally have no clue; never worked spiritually on their "soul". What is a soul, you ask a Christian? The answer is deafening silence. "It's that thing bro, I cannot explain". Plato has written a treatise or some other Pagan philosopher on the topic. Christians are satisfied with the answer "That thing".

I mean who would care about cars or their compartments, if one doesn't even have a car? Similarly, they have no soul, but they will lecture you about the advanced topics also involving it's salvation. Imagine now owning a car and asking someone "How do I drive this thing", and the answer is "Just believe in Jesus".

Ask a Christian what his spirituality is exactly, they will tell you broad nonsense like "faith" and "prayer". Faith means to believe in one dude that will automatically get you to heaven. Prayer in Christianity means uttering some nonsense about the holy tribe of Jacob, somewhere down in Israel. They call this "spirituality".

Christians also seem to of course oppose gayness, bisexuality, or anything else. Meanwhile, many of them had to bend over in the boyscouts, and it appears also the leaders of their sanctum on the Vatican, are very busy being both homosexuals, or engage in any depravity known to man. At least they do this upon a golden throne, while the Christians are told that "thou shall not seek wealth" in your life and so on, so forth.

I could keep on going, but the point is made. For one to be a Christian, you have to be either entirely a hypocrite or very much stupid, or just super lazy and dishonest with yourself. Typically in a Christian, these are combined.

Christians are professional hypocrites and the highest ranking cowards of the earth. The moment a soul starts becoming honest with itself, it will instantly desert this religion. Whomever is in it, is just another weakling and a hypocrite.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Once you are on your higher self, there cannot withstand it.


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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
