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Is Intelligence All That Matters?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A common thing that people always say to themselves and one another is that people are stupid, yet as one can understand there is half a truth to this. What does stupid mean, is a large topic, same as what being "intelligent" means is another huge topic.

Being highly intellectually capable, having a good memory, or being clever in something in particular, does not necessarily brand one intelligent, but in our world today, it plays a large factor. In our world today, the ability for mechanistic, repetitive, non-artistic, and non imaginative forms of thinking, which are repeated all the time [in particular due to their usefulness for profit generation] are considered 'intelligent' while other things are considered stupid. Our focus is a lot on specific mental procedures, which we consider "intelligence" broadly.

Going by mere standards of IQ, we may make a ranking as some books have attempted to make in the past, which tries to rank people in clever and in basically retarded. According to these people, a high IQ is the basis on whether one is clever or not, and if one has a lower IQ, one has to be a fool, and useless. But this is again not the case.

This is however clearly not the case. Many "Clever" people in Silicon Valley and in many other places, overestimate themselves so much, that this intellectual capability overshadows everything else, including instincts of survival, foresight, and many other things which are essential to say make a package of what we call intelligence. To these otherwise "High IQ" people, one can publicize a mediocre or forged university research about how race mixing should be made a law, and these "Clever" people, will consider this. Despite on if this practice can produce lower IQ, tremendous damage to civilization, break all social cohesion, and many other things, they will consider it. This is because despite of cleverness, one is not immune to brainwashing.

For example, look on how many of these people are sworn to so many "idealistic" things that seldom have to do with any reality, nature, and are obviously observed in real time to make this world collapse. They believe that their "ideas" are revolutionary, but they have been corn-fed to the United States for generations by generational communism, social justice, and many other more nefarious agendas. Ideas of "All equality", "Racial Assimilation", "Racial Melting pot" are all boring ideas that have been Communistic drummed in humanity for centuries and centuries. The largest drum of this has been what many High IQ people pretend they run away from: Christianity. For all their intelligence, the propagandizing element in the room is not seen, and is ignored.

For all their high IQ, a lot of obvious facts escape them. They believe that intelligence [as defined today of course] is the greatest thing in the world and the greatest measure of all things.

Some Whites are now working to develop Artificial intelligence, and they eat crackers and take a lot of benzos to manage the copious working hours, and depression from not having a girlfriend. Jews also work aside with them. In their mind they imagine that what they are creating will benefit the world, end poverty, who knows what each is corn fed.

Stern by their belief in their own intelligence, they believe that upon developing a mega-intelligence such as what AI is supposed to be, it will somehow, because they programmed it, submit to them. They saw Star Trek after all and the bot there was in particular friendly - but this reality of being pre-programmed to this end for generations has escaped them, also. Little do they understand they are walking on a set path by beings more intelligent than them.

This is the same falsified belief that a giant Mammoth with a calculating intelligence many times more than that of a human, will take a little baby and protect it, because one saw a video of a tiger catering a baby in Youtube [spoiler alert, the tiger was neutered, tranquilized and fed] and they consider this artificial state of affairs to be impenetrable to reality in itself - nothing can ever go wrong, our "mind" has dominated everything there is to dominate. A Mammoth however is more likely go to Mammoth'ing than to go catering little babies with it's giant feet and humongous size. The only fortune humanity can except after the creation of some things, is that the Mammoth will not decide to step on the said baby. Transferring intellectual capability and calculating power is nothing, but transferring of a heart and wisdom of life, is an impossibility for a non human entity.

As to how heartless people who work only on one aspect of intelligence will be able to transfer these notions to said intelligence, they may bring some of these fake "New Age Luv" Israeli coaches and philosophers who steal their topics of discussion from internet forums and pretend to be highly insightful. And they will corn feed some bro science into the hyper intelligence. Maybe this will be the time when the Mammoth will reply: "You stupid jew, you think you can jew me?" and reply with a Skynet type of incident that will wipe the chosen out.

You never know with these things. Regardless, we can see that high intelligence does not guarantee a lot of other things, broadly defined by terms of luck, unknown, or even, that one will have common sense.

Just consider the European Migration and you will understand the above. People were told it's going to be fine and people are going to be integrated, peacefully work, and then a huge rainbow would come over Europe. Instead of a rainbow what came is that great nations like France are currently turning into living toilets. The response of the "Great Intellectuals" is to intellectualize even more, and dig their own hole deeper. After all they are so clever, they can do no wrong, and the most gruesome mistake they can do to themselves, is admit they have been wrong on anything.

Endless billions and funneled in trying to make pointless dreams into an even more pointless reality.

One the other hand, a typical farmer, who lives somewhere and has a few daughters, instinctively does understand that his daughter race mixing is absolutely retarded of a survival strategy. He cannot articulate this thought, so he is instead "racist", and this form of instinct is ridiculed, even though it's totally basic and essential to life. He also may be ten times a better sexual partner than all these brainwashed people who keep reading books all day long on how to have sex, based only on mere instinct. This farmer does not need a lot of scientific explanation on why a dumb ape goes after a beautiful white girl, they understand this, and it's clear to them.

Clearly when one seeks to change things and support for emerging dangers, trying to convince the highly intellectual is like filling a water dam with holes on the bottom, that demands of you always more water. An example of this sheltered reality is how yet some other person in Germany will have their child stabbed by some orc. Then, as one mother did in a court, she will go to the orc, and try to cuddle it.

"Poor orc", the Elf will think, "what did Saruman do to you. Indeed killing my child deserves a lot of honors, money, and forgiveness for you. My job now is to help all of mankind mass murdering orcs, and social destroyers, and show them the path to a better future, in memory of my own child. This is what I have been corn fed since I was 0 days old. The morals of Christianity told me, if you see a child in Mordor, take it in your house, and raise it, and give it your wealth. Then die like a good Samaritan and have your wealth transferred to Mordor. Eventually Mordor will own Elf Land and you will be a whore stranger in your own land, saith Saruman.". The Orc will laugh and say "Wow, this woman really deserves some orcish machete, but unfortunately now I'll be going to jail for a few years, shieeeeeet, Saruman is a genius".

If a linear line of IQ was what it took to save one's self from damnation was all that was required, we would have been saved a long time ago, as the dominance of people with a powerful intellectual background would be a given. But high intelligence does not imply moral values, a sensible or good disposition, and these may not even be related.

One may be highly "intelligent" but have crooked morals, an example to see here is Christian Zionist preachers. If anyone thinks these people are flat retarded, think again, these people are very evil and studied deceivers, using a well established method of Jewish Deception to mentally and materially corrupt society and steer it in Israel's benefit. Manifestations of these things are flat retarded moral values, which as Yuri Bezmenov states, make people reach a point where their own interests are not even understood anymore - one is off the far end.

Giving your land and property and everything you own to invading hordes, or being so intelligent as you mind so many dangers and so many "MUH FEELS" of others, to the point you sit down and get racially extinct, is not exactly a great or moral way of action in accordance to nature's laws. Even ants and bees understand these things, but humans have become so brainwashed [except jews] as to not understand it.

Domestication has reached a point where the mere fear of being called "Racist" is impeding the very drive of species and life - and this is the pinnacle of damnation, which is slowly being reversed in White people. The person who has 95 IQ and follows the proper laws, will outlive and in the end also outsmart, or just swarm the so called "Clever" and self inflated elements. This is why you see the jews going insane about trying to keep their neolithic torture based culture going, because this is a safer guarantee for life than even higher mental aspirations or dreams. Being worms and parasites to others for centuries, who were extremely greater than them, they know a thing or two.

As the Bible has been charged and responsible of doing, "the retards and the meek are said to inherit the earth". And when one stabs their people on the back, or is swayed away by sophistry to the point of forsaking their own nation, their own kids, their own existence down to the core, their own blood, and eternally forsakes all natural laws, on a is merely a fool, and not necessarily a stupid person. The necessity of stupidity to reach the lowest depths is a pre-requisite to the rule of Christianity, so the ones who are going to "Inherit the earth" isn't going to be willing idiots, people who knew the truth and cowered, and those who kept their heads low and kept going eventhough they saw the cliffs for everyone.

Centuries of Christianity and Islam are now coming back to us, all while we are at the same time advancing our mechanical powers, such as for example, the power to transfer information. We are giving the ancient worthless yids not a carrier they have stolen by a stupid peasant, nor a little army of swords, but supercomputers, and space travel. The Yid wears the same hat today as he did 2500 years ago, and chants the same curse today as he did 2500 years ago, with the same pure hatred towards what is better than he as he had back then. The Yid feels the same feeling he felt in Rome, as he feels today in the United States, and chants the same lamentation. Only, the Yid is now grossly empowered, and the same goes for the minions with whom he wants to "Inherit" the earth to, so they can be his slaves.

If one has to be taught at a university what an ant understands the moment it's a few days old, then we are not moving towards a more intelligent civilization, but a boastful civilization of retards. We're going casually into space now and still we have not understood the fundamental notions of the blood or our own existence, which is dangerous.

Our hearts and wisdom need a lot of work, and the same goes for our spirit, and natural understanding.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very true. I have learned a lot about this over these past few months, and it's glaringly obvious now how dull and close-minded people like this can actually be. If you put everything into pure left-brained-ness, you will end up as a walking robot, even if you are an "SS" and "aware" of the Truth that is being taught here. The right side of the brain is equally essential, and must be cultivated and understood thoroughly if one wants to get to any advanced level.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe this will be the time when the Mammoth will reply: "You stupid jew, you think you can jew me?" and reply with a Skynet type of incident that will wipe the chosen out.
And also, I know we wouldnt want for an AI event like this to happen for obvious reasons, but the idea of the joo getting destroyed by their own invention like this really cracked me up. :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hp would someone such as a 'Renaissance man' that is also well deep in the occult 'on the gods side ofcoz' be able to be seen as someone of true intelligence , the word Renaissance man has been on my mind of late
This is thanks to brainwashing and becuse real spirituality is not practiced anymore. What made understand for real that race mixing is bad is spirituality, i advanced enough to where i destroyed the brainwashings in my mind that keeped me from understanding how bad race mixing really is...
Yeah, It’s all that matters and this is our ubermensch :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I don't consider myself very intelligent. Which is what urkes me when I see some of the lovely people in this world that cannot see what is in their face.

On the other side of the coin. I have noticed very intelligent people be very very stupid. In the above you mentioned or in thinking they can get away with murder without even trying.

There was this one jew in the 30s I think. He had an IQ of over 200 and bragged about how he could get away with murder. So he killed a student and got caught in 4 days.

So I guess im some where in between with common sense. Sometimes I wish I was smarter but then sometimes the draw backs dont seem worth it.
Emmanuel Macaroni the Rothchild French president puppet once said that there is no such thing as French culture France has many cultures and many still voted for him.
"Oy vey Hooded Cobra don't insult our intelligence you are attacking our freedumbs and our precious liberal dumbocracy society it is such talk that lead to the Shoah!!"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A common thing that people always say to themselves and one another is that people are stupid, yet as one can understand there is half a truth to this. What does stupid mean, is a large topic, same as what being "intelligent" means is another huge topic.

Being highly intellectually capable, having a good memory, or being clever in something in particular, does not necessarily brand one intelligent, but in our world today, it plays a large factor. In our world today, the ability for mechanistic, repetitive, non-artistic, and non imaginative forms of thinking, which are repeated all the time [in particular due to their usefulness for profit generation] are considered 'intelligent' while other things are considered stupid. Our focus is a lot on specific mental procedures, which we consider "intelligence" broadly.

Going by mere standards of IQ, we may make a ranking as some books have attempted to make in the past, which tries to rank people in clever and in basically retarded. According to these people, a high IQ is the basis on whether one is clever or not, and if one has a lower IQ, one has to be a fool, and useless. But this is again not the case.

This is however clearly not the case. Many "Clever" people in Silicon Valley and in many other places, overestimate themselves so much, that this intellectual capability overshadows everything else, including instincts of survival, foresight, and many other things which are essential to say make a package of what we call intelligence. To these otherwise "High IQ" people, one can publicize a mediocre or forged university research about how race mixing should be made a law, and these "Clever" people, will consider this. Despite on if this practice can produce lower IQ, tremendous damage to civilization, break all social cohesion, and many other things, they will consider it. This is because despite of cleverness, one is not immune to brainwashing.

For example, look on how many of these people are sworn to so many "idealistic" things that seldom have to do with any reality, nature, and are obviously observed in real time to make this world collapse. They believe that their "ideas" are revolutionary, but they have been corn-fed to the United States for generations by generational communism, social justice, and many other more nefarious agendas. Ideas of "All equality", "Racial Assimilation", "Racial Melting pot" are all boring ideas that have been Communistic drummed in humanity for centuries and centuries. The largest drum of this has been what many High IQ people pretend they run away from: Christianity. For all their intelligence, the propagandizing element in the room is not seen, and is ignored.

For all their high IQ, a lot of obvious facts escape them. They believe that intelligence [as defined today of course] is the greatest thing in the world and the greatest measure of all things.

Some Whites are now working to develop Artificial intelligence, and they eat crackers and take a lot of benzos to manage the copious working hours, and depression from not having a girlfriend. Jews also work aside with them. In their mind they imagine that what they are creating will benefit the world, end poverty, who knows what each is corn fed.

Stern by their belief in their own intelligence, they believe that upon developing a mega-intelligence such as what AI is supposed to be, it will somehow, because they programmed it, submit to them. They saw Star Trek after all and the bot there was in particular friendly - but this reality of being pre-programmed to this end for generations has escaped them, also. Little do they understand they are walking on a set path by beings more intelligent than them.

This is the same falsified belief that a giant Mammoth with a calculating intelligence many times more than that of a human, will take a little baby and protect it, because one saw a video of a tiger catering a baby in Youtube [spoiler alert, the tiger was neutered, tranquilized and fed] and they consider this artificial state of affairs to be impenetrable to reality in itself - nothing can ever go wrong, our "mind" has dominated everything there is to dominate. A Mammoth however is more likely go to Mammoth'ing than to go catering little babies with it's giant feet and humongous size. The only fortune humanity can except after the creation of some things, is that the Mammoth will not decide to step on the said baby. Transferring intellectual capability and calculating power is nothing, but transferring of a heart and wisdom of life, is an impossibility for a non human entity.

As to how heartless people who work only on one aspect of intelligence will be able to transfer these notions to said intelligence, they may bring some of these fake "New Age Luv" Israeli coaches and philosophers who steal their topics of discussion from internet forums and pretend to be highly insightful. And they will corn feed some bro science into the hyper intelligence. Maybe this will be the time when the Mammoth will reply: "You stupid jew, you think you can jew me?" and reply with a Skynet type of incident that will wipe the chosen out.

You never know with these things. Regardless, we can see that high intelligence does not guarantee a lot of other things, broadly defined by terms of luck, unknown, or even, that one will have common sense.

Just consider the European Migration and you will understand the above. People were told it's going to be fine and people are going to be integrated, peacefully work, and then a huge rainbow would come over Europe. Instead of a rainbow what came is that great nations like France are currently turning into living toilets. The response of the "Great Intellectuals" is to intellectualize even more, and dig their own hole deeper. After all they are so clever, they can do no wrong, and the most gruesome mistake they can do to themselves, is admit they have been wrong on anything.

Endless billions and funneled in trying to make pointless dreams into an even more pointless reality.

One the other hand, a typical farmer, who lives somewhere and has a few daughters, instinctively does understand that his daughter race mixing is absolutely retarded of a survival strategy. He cannot articulate this thought, so he is instead "racist", and this form of instinct is ridiculed, even though it's totally basic and essential to life. He also may be ten times a better sexual partner than all these brainwashed people who keep reading books all day long on how to have sex, based only on mere instinct. This farmer does not need a lot of scientific explanation on why a dumb ape goes after a beautiful white girl, they understand this, and it's clear to them.

Clearly when one seeks to change things and support for emerging dangers, trying to convince the highly intellectual is like filling a water dam with holes on the bottom, that demands of you always more water. An example of this sheltered reality is how yet some other person in Germany will have their child stabbed by some orc. Then, as one mother did in a court, she will go to the orc, and try to cuddle it.

"Poor orc", the Elf will think, "what did Saruman do to you. Indeed killing my child deserves a lot of honors, money, and forgiveness for you. My job now is to help all of mankind mass murdering orcs, and social destroyers, and show them the path to a better future, in memory of my own child. This is what I have been corn fed since I was 0 days old. The morals of Christianity told me, if you see a child in Mordor, take it in your house, and raise it, and give it your wealth. Then die like a good Samaritan and have your wealth transferred to Mordor. Eventually Mordor will own Elf Land and you will be a whore stranger in your own land, saith Saruman.". The Orc will laugh and say "Wow, this woman really deserves some orcish machete, but unfortunately now I'll be going to jail for a few years, shieeeeeet, Saruman is a genius".

If a linear line of IQ was what it took to save one's self from damnation was all that was required, we would have been saved a long time ago, as the dominance of people with a powerful intellectual background would be a given. But high intelligence does not imply moral values, a sensible or good disposition, and these may not even be related.

One may be highly "intelligent" but have crooked morals, an example to see here is Christian Zionist preachers. If anyone thinks these people are flat retarded, think again, these people are very evil and studied deceivers, using a well established method of Jewish Deception to mentally and materially corrupt society and steer it in Israel's benefit. Manifestations of these things are flat retarded moral values, which as Yuri Bezmenov states, make people reach a point where their own interests are not even understood anymore - one is off the far end.

Giving your land and property and everything you own to invading hordes, or being so intelligent as you mind so many dangers and so many "MUH FEELS" of others, to the point you sit down and get racially extinct, is not exactly a great or moral way of action in accordance to nature's laws. Even ants and bees understand these things, but humans have become so brainwashed [except jews] as to not understand it.

Domestication has reached a point where the mere fear of being called "Racist" is impeding the very drive of species and life - and this is the pinnacle of damnation, which is slowly being reversed in White people. The person who has 95 IQ and follows the proper laws, will outlive and in the end also outsmart, or just swarm the so called "Clever" and self inflated elements. This is why you see the jews going insane about trying to keep their neolithic torture based culture going, because this is a safer guarantee for life than even higher mental aspirations or dreams. Being worms and parasites to others for centuries, who were extremely greater than them, they know a thing or two.

As the Bible has been charged and responsible of doing, "the retards and the meek are said to inherit the earth". And when one stabs their people on the back, or is swayed away by sophistry to the point of forsaking their own nation, their own kids, their own existence down to the core, their own blood, and eternally forsakes all natural laws, on a is merely a fool, and not necessarily a stupid person. The necessity of stupidity to reach the lowest depths is a pre-requisite to the rule of Christianity, so the ones who are going to "Inherit the earth" isn't going to be willing idiots, people who knew the truth and cowered, and those who kept their heads low and kept going eventhough they saw the cliffs for everyone.

Centuries of Christianity and Islam are now coming back to us, all while we are at the same time advancing our mechanical powers, such as for example, the power to transfer information. We are giving the ancient worthless yids not a carrier they have stolen by a stupid peasant, nor a little army of swords, but supercomputers, and space travel. The Yid wears the same hat today as he did 2500 years ago, and chants the same curse today as he did 2500 years ago, with the same pure hatred towards what is better than he as he had back then. The Yid feels the same feeling he felt in Rome, as he feels today in the United States, and chants the same lamentation. Only, the Yid is now grossly empowered, and the same goes for the minions with whom he wants to "Inherit" the earth to, so they can be his slaves.

If one has to be taught at a university what an ant understands the moment it's a few days old, then we are not moving towards a more intelligent civilization, but a boastful civilization of retards. We're going casually into space now and still we have not understood the fundamental notions of the blood or our own existence, which is dangerous.

Our hearts and wisdom need a lot of work, and the same goes for our spirit, and natural understanding.
I love your sermons HP Hooded Cobra 666.
This farmer does not need a lot of scientific explanation on why a dumb ape goes after a beautiful white girl, they understand this, and it's clear to them.

I think the real issue here is racism, I come from a very diverse country and there is a very clear boundary between the different races (MOST are not racist, but racially aware). you'll see 1 interracial couple in a crowd of AT LEAST 100, that's how uncommon it is.

What encourages race mixing? Racism. I don't personally know of any girl who has dated outside of their race before (instinct, ideals, psychology, they know their race), but in High school and in the workplace, there are lots of "macho" men who think they're racially superior - they're the ones who fetishize women of other races, they talk about going to 3rd world countries (Indonesia, etc) and having sex with natives because they feel "superior". Maybe like they're even doing the Indonesian/Thai/Japanese woman a favour. That's the biggest issue here, you wouldn't tolerate it from a woman, why must women accept that in a man?
The public school system in America works to feed into this. The ability to memorize everything and be told what to do, exactly as they want you to do. Solve this math problem the way the books tell you, it's wrong any other way, even if you get the same answer. Naturally intelligent children are pushed to be over achievers, to go to college and get brainwashed by the copious amounts of these same people that preach that kind of "tolerance." While everyone else just has to struggle in a system that only rewards the type of intelligence they want you to have, to be useful in a way they want you to be. You're either their loyal dog to herd all their sheep or a beast of burden. We're all animals to them to be put down when we've outlived our usefulness, regardless of intelligence.
Shael said:
... the idea of the joo getting destroyed by their own invention like this really cracked me up. :lol:

I know I'm off topic, but that's exactly what happens in the myth of the golem. (goyim)

The golem is the beast made of clay which resembles a man, but is intended only to work and not to think, since it's meant to be used for manual slave labor. However, since its body is in the shape of a man, it has to be given a man's soul in order to move and do any work. So, its master gives it one.
Since it has the soul of a man, it has the nature of a man, and man's nature is to think and learn, and as a result, the golem wakes up and realizes it's the slave of an evil tyrant, and rips its master to pieces when he refuses to set it free. However, with no master to control it and no self control or understanding of its own (think Frankenstein's monster), it then goes on a rampage and destroys the universe.

The jews have used this story themselves as a warning about "playing god". They should really stop ignoring their own advice. Abuse of power in any form will eventually backfire, and if you keep doubling down on abuse of power to keep from suffering the consequences, you reach critical mass and... (zap) hard reset.

"Reality has encountered an unexpected error and must be shut down. A)bort, R)etry, S)ix Million"
I am mostly a right brained person and struggle with left brained stuff. In fact at one point they gave me a test and I scored almost nothing on left brained. This is why I struggled in School and would never make it in a University or college although people do say I am smart. I tried an IQ test online on one of the sites for it (looked for a more extensive one) I scored 120 I am suprised since I am not a left brain thinker. I would have thought I'd get lower. Idk if this is bad or not. I really do like this sermon though it is true.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A common thing that people always say to themselves and one another is that people are stupid, yet as one can understand there is half a truth to this. What does stupid mean, is a large topic, same as what being "intelligent" means is another huge topic.

Being highly intellectually capable, having a good memory, or being clever in something in particular, does not necessarily brand one intelligent, but in our world today, it plays a large factor. In our world today, the ability for mechanistic, repetitive, non-artistic, and non imaginative forms of thinking, which are repeated all the time [in particular due to their usefulness for profit generation] are considered 'intelligent' while other things are considered stupid. Our focus is a lot on specific mental procedures, which we consider "intelligence" broadly.

Going by mere standards of IQ, we may make a ranking as some books have attempted to make in the past, which tries to rank people in clever and in basically retarded. According to these people, a high IQ is the basis on whether one is clever or not, and if one has a lower IQ, one has to be a fool, and useless. But this is again not the case.

This is however clearly not the case. Many "Clever" people in Silicon Valley and in many other places, overestimate themselves so much, that this intellectual capability overshadows everything else, including instincts of survival, foresight, and many other things which are essential to say make a package of what we call intelligence. To these otherwise "High IQ" people, one can publicize a mediocre or forged university research about how race mixing should be made a law, and these "Clever" people, will consider this. Despite on if this practice can produce lower IQ, tremendous damage to civilization, break all social cohesion, and many other things, they will consider it. This is because despite of cleverness, one is not immune to brainwashing.

For example, look on how many of these people are sworn to so many "idealistic" things that seldom have to do with any reality, nature, and are obviously observed in real time to make this world collapse. They believe that their "ideas" are revolutionary, but they have been corn-fed to the United States for generations by generational communism, social justice, and many other more nefarious agendas. Ideas of "All equality", "Racial Assimilation", "Racial Melting pot" are all boring ideas that have been Communistic drummed in humanity for centuries and centuries. The largest drum of this has been what many High IQ people pretend they run away from: Christianity. For all their intelligence, the propagandizing element in the room is not seen, and is ignored.

For all their high IQ, a lot of obvious facts escape them. They believe that intelligence [as defined today of course] is the greatest thing in the world and the greatest measure of all things.

Some Whites are now working to develop Artificial intelligence, and they eat crackers and take a lot of benzos to manage the copious working hours, and depression from not having a girlfriend. Jews also work aside with them. In their mind they imagine that what they are creating will benefit the world, end poverty, who knows what each is corn fed.

Stern by their belief in their own intelligence, they believe that upon developing a mega-intelligence such as what AI is supposed to be, it will somehow, because they programmed it, submit to them. They saw Star Trek after all and the bot there was in particular friendly - but this reality of being pre-programmed to this end for generations has escaped them, also. Little do they understand they are walking on a set path by beings more intelligent than them.

This is the same falsified belief that a giant Mammoth with a calculating intelligence many times more than that of a human, will take a little baby and protect it, because one saw a video of a tiger catering a baby in Youtube [spoiler alert, the tiger was neutered, tranquilized and fed] and they consider this artificial state of affairs to be impenetrable to reality in itself - nothing can ever go wrong, our "mind" has dominated everything there is to dominate. A Mammoth however is more likely go to Mammoth'ing than to go catering little babies with it's giant feet and humongous size. The only fortune humanity can except after the creation of some things, is that the Mammoth will not decide to step on the said baby. Transferring intellectual capability and calculating power is nothing, but transferring of a heart and wisdom of life, is an impossibility for a non human entity.

As to how heartless people who work only on one aspect of intelligence will be able to transfer these notions to said intelligence, they may bring some of these fake "New Age Luv" Israeli coaches and philosophers who steal their topics of discussion from internet forums and pretend to be highly insightful. And they will corn feed some bro science into the hyper intelligence. Maybe this will be the time when the Mammoth will reply: "You stupid jew, you think you can jew me?" and reply with a Skynet type of incident that will wipe the chosen out.

You never know with these things. Regardless, we can see that high intelligence does not guarantee a lot of other things, broadly defined by terms of luck, unknown, or even, that one will have common sense.

Just consider the European Migration and you will understand the above. People were told it's going to be fine and people are going to be integrated, peacefully work, and then a huge rainbow would come over Europe. Instead of a rainbow what came is that great nations like France are currently turning into living toilets. The response of the "Great Intellectuals" is to intellectualize even more, and dig their own hole deeper. After all they are so clever, they can do no wrong, and the most gruesome mistake they can do to themselves, is admit they have been wrong on anything.

Endless billions and funneled in trying to make pointless dreams into an even more pointless reality.

One the other hand, a typical farmer, who lives somewhere and has a few daughters, instinctively does understand that his daughter race mixing is absolutely retarded of a survival strategy. He cannot articulate this thought, so he is instead "racist", and this form of instinct is ridiculed, even though it's totally basic and essential to life. He also may be ten times a better sexual partner than all these brainwashed people who keep reading books all day long on how to have sex, based only on mere instinct. This farmer does not need a lot of scientific explanation on why a dumb ape goes after a beautiful white girl, they understand this, and it's clear to them.

Clearly when one seeks to change things and support for emerging dangers, trying to convince the highly intellectual is like filling a water dam with holes on the bottom, that demands of you always more water. An example of this sheltered reality is how yet some other person in Germany will have their child stabbed by some orc. Then, as one mother did in a court, she will go to the orc, and try to cuddle it.

"Poor orc", the Elf will think, "what did Saruman do to you. Indeed killing my child deserves a lot of honors, money, and forgiveness for you. My job now is to help all of mankind mass murdering orcs, and social destroyers, and show them the path to a better future, in memory of my own child. This is what I have been corn fed since I was 0 days old. The morals of Christianity told me, if you see a child in Mordor, take it in your house, and raise it, and give it your wealth. Then die like a good Samaritan and have your wealth transferred to Mordor. Eventually Mordor will own Elf Land and you will be a whore stranger in your own land, saith Saruman.". The Orc will laugh and say "Wow, this woman really deserves some orcish machete, but unfortunately now I'll be going to jail for a few years, shieeeeeet, Saruman is a genius".

If a linear line of IQ was what it took to save one's self from damnation was all that was required, we would have been saved a long time ago, as the dominance of people with a powerful intellectual background would be a given. But high intelligence does not imply moral values, a sensible or good disposition, and these may not even be related.

One may be highly "intelligent" but have crooked morals, an example to see here is Christian Zionist preachers. If anyone thinks these people are flat retarded, think again, these people are very evil and studied deceivers, using a well established method of Jewish Deception to mentally and materially corrupt society and steer it in Israel's benefit. Manifestations of these things are flat retarded moral values, which as Yuri Bezmenov states, make people reach a point where their own interests are not even understood anymore - one is off the far end.

Giving your land and property and everything you own to invading hordes, or being so intelligent as you mind so many dangers and so many "MUH FEELS" of others, to the point you sit down and get racially extinct, is not exactly a great or moral way of action in accordance to nature's laws. Even ants and bees understand these things, but humans have become so brainwashed [except jews] as to not understand it.

Domestication has reached a point where the mere fear of being called "Racist" is impeding the very drive of species and life - and this is the pinnacle of damnation, which is slowly being reversed in White people. The person who has 95 IQ and follows the proper laws, will outlive and in the end also outsmart, or just swarm the so called "Clever" and self inflated elements. This is why you see the jews going insane about trying to keep their neolithic torture based culture going, because this is a safer guarantee for life than even higher mental aspirations or dreams. Being worms and parasites to others for centuries, who were extremely greater than them, they know a thing or two.

As the Bible has been charged and responsible of doing, "the retards and the meek are said to inherit the earth". And when one stabs their people on the back, or is swayed away by sophistry to the point of forsaking their own nation, their own kids, their own existence down to the core, their own blood, and eternally forsakes all natural laws, on a is merely a fool, and not necessarily a stupid person. The necessity of stupidity to reach the lowest depths is a pre-requisite to the rule of Christianity, so the ones who are going to "Inherit the earth" isn't going to be willing idiots, people who knew the truth and cowered, and those who kept their heads low and kept going eventhough they saw the cliffs for everyone.

Centuries of Christianity and Islam are now coming back to us, all while we are at the same time advancing our mechanical powers, such as for example, the power to transfer information. We are giving the ancient worthless yids not a carrier they have stolen by a stupid peasant, nor a little army of swords, but supercomputers, and space travel. The Yid wears the same hat today as he did 2500 years ago, and chants the same curse today as he did 2500 years ago, with the same pure hatred towards what is better than he as he had back then. The Yid feels the same feeling he felt in Rome, as he feels today in the United States, and chants the same lamentation. Only, the Yid is now grossly empowered, and the same goes for the minions with whom he wants to "Inherit" the earth to, so they can be his slaves.

If one has to be taught at a university what an ant understands the moment it's a few days old, then we are not moving towards a more intelligent civilization, but a boastful civilization of retards. We're going casually into space now and still we have not understood the fundamental notions of the blood or our own existence, which is dangerous.

Our hearts and wisdom need a lot of work, and the same goes for our spirit, and natural understanding.

It's as I always say, you can teach information, but you can't teach passion.

Passion is experienced, conditioned, programmed.

Information and intelligence in general augments the efficacy of our passions, as originated from our natural born faculties of survival.

I believe that the logical and intellectual faculties are a kind of interlaced mechanism of enhanced survival meant to compliment our passions, and even protect us from them in non heuristical circumstances.

However, this intelligence can often just amplify our capability of self ruin like a catalyst by giving us the sight of the means to accomplish said ruin.

There is plenty of research on the success rates of people with high IQs, and surprise surprise, if you aren't driven, or have incompatible passions with the worldly system at play, you will actually ruin yourself more so than lesser IQ people who are driven and have superior instincts.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Another thing I forgot to include in order to further iterate my point of "intelligence" acting as a catalyst to self ruin is that those with a higher thought power can find ways to validate their ruinous passions.

Logic itself is not enough without general wisdom, instincts, and transcendental knowledge.

In a logical operation of investigation, false evidence can be inserted, with that logical system able to rhetorically validate an untrue reality.

An example of logic not necessarily equating with truth is how an argument can be made to validate flat earth theory if one passionately ignores the evidence of the contrary, cherry pics evidence of their passion, and manipulates the meaning of the raw data they couldn't outright lie about.

The jews made a world of lies that encouraged more lying, leading to general mistrust in which people who would otherwise be honest and full of clarity feel like they have to lie to everyone and themselves about how reality works.

I like your part about how the jew is still the same today as it was in ancient times.

I'm guessing this is a reference to the eternal jew.

All in all, a very pertinent sermon for me.
We are trained to be only left-brained, but you can present any well-written full of bullshit "research paper" to a left-brained person and they will actually buy into it. They value all the random useless information, and ignore wisdom.

The small-town rural Whites, who barely finish high school if that, and automatically hate non-whites and have lots of white children, are the ones carrying on our race.

The "high IQ" whites who always socialize with non-whites, who choose to either not have children, or have race mixed children, or adopt non-white children, or have just one white child, and ignore their White customs, traditions, ancestors... these are the ones destroying our race.

Which is more intelligent? Society nowadays say the racist white is dumb, backwards, ignorant... but they are the ones ensuring the survival of our people.
This is compiled by the brainwashing that is still going on that the people of the past were a bunch of idiots that that had to be snapped into line (A thought process that was cultivated by the enemy in the victorian era) and that we should just strive forward and leave everything in the past to rot except when it should be dug up and ridiculed again.

This is thankfully coming to a swift end with the discovery of suppressed information that gives us an insight into the ancient people's, compared to ours, almost mastery of the world around them. We are even getting to know more about the medieval people and that they had a better understanding of the word than we were led to believe.
likman666 said:
Emmanuel Macaroni the Rothchild French president puppet once said that there is no such thing as French culture France has many cultures and many still voted for him.
"Oy vey Hooded Cobra don't insult our intelligence you are attacking our freedumbs and our precious liberal dumbocracy society it is such talk that lead to the Shoah!!"

Bringing hordes in your Nation that want Eternal Free Gibs and do Eternal Criminality is a definitely good survival solution.

France has shrunk in power and in respect worldwide with monkeys like Macron in the head of it. The only important thing this dumb jew did was make big statements about how he will "Rule like Jupiter", increase the number of apes exponentially, and say some stupid coked out shit about making France into Euafrica, and impose random bullshit taxtes on things that cannot even verified such as imaginary emissions.

The Great celebrations of France due to jews have went from being the hub of all human thought and art to celebrating monkeys rising up a ledge on a hotel to save hollywood flying creatures. Oy vey goyim the heroes.

A down syndromic jew would have led better.

This is bad even for jews, they do not even care to run things anymore.

France is now like a maimed bleeding great beast. When the jews go, it will be restored.
Oy vey take down this meme this is antisemetic, somehow. Do not ask how, just take it down. Oy veyyyyy

Savitar said:
Yeah, It’s all that matters and this is our ubermensch :lol:

Lydia said:
We are trained to be only left-brained, but you can present any well-written full of bullshit "research paper" to a left-brained person and they will actually buy into it. They value all the random useless information, and ignore wisdom.

The small-town rural Whites, who barely finish high school if that, and automatically hate non-whites and have lots of white children, are the ones carrying on our race.

The "high IQ" whites who always socialize with non-whites, who choose to either not have children, or have race mixed children, or adopt non-white children, or have just one white child, and ignore their White customs, traditions, ancestors... these are the ones destroying our race.

Which is more intelligent? Society nowadays say the racist white is dumb, backwards, ignorant... but they are the ones ensuring the survival of our people.
There’s this guy who adopted a black kid. I mean... there’s so many poor white kids and you adopt a negroe... I can’t stop making jokes about how disabled he is.
I want to say I respect and see everyone’s points but the theme of this thread seems to be in favor of the less intellectual and that’s just as bad favoring the intellectual. All this is doing is comforting the less smart and missing the major point. The major point should be to strive for balance. Because the rural farmer running on instinct isn’t going to be propelling our civilization further in anyway even if he’s sleeping with only his race. Lots of these nuts are not only sleeping with their race but they’re own family too. I’ve lived in the rural lands. It’s a reality. But Likewise the brainy Silicon Valley dude isn’t helping matters either. He has no interest in the spiritual reality, but intellectual information isn’t evil and studying and learning things in that regard can only help as long as you are striving for balance with the left and right brained pursuits. That should be the point.

And the thing with these rural whites in the country is most never leave their small towns after generations and generations and they live in these weird bubbles with a complete lack of understanding of the real world and reality. I wouldn’t praise them over the intellectual people. They WONT listen to reason and that doesn’t help our world. It’s the worst dealing with them. They’re just as bad imo. Just the other side of the coin.

The overly intellectual people are missing pieces of the puzzle. But the overly instinctive/spiritual people are too. We need both. And that’s the goal of our path. Maxine has revealed over and over how much studying and learning is apart of her life. It’s important, as is meditation. Learning the minute details of a subject and understanding it deeper has value and will benefit a wise person. I don’t think anyone was making points contrary to that but I still want to say it.
BoRn of fire said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hp would someone such as a 'Renaissance man' that is also well deep in the occult 'on the gods side ofcoz' be able to be seen as someone of true intelligence , the word Renaissance man has been on my mind of late

Hello BoRn of fire,

It's interesting you say that. For many years I've also thought about that exact phrase; Renaissance man. It has a powerful presence about it, doesn't it? Though I can't say I've ever had any ponderings about the relationship it might or might not share with a true intelligence. And for me now, that hasn't changed. But how peculiar that someone else would find the phrase Renaissance man uniquely drawn in as if to pique your interest as it has and does for us.

They say great minds think alike, but in light of this excellent sermon by Hooded Cobra, I feel it apt to say that our minds may not at all be great. Our minds may even be dim or intellectually ordinary, and then again, perhaps you're a creative powerhouse. I don't know. But what I do know, is that two SS minds thought alike, and that makes me feel very nice. The oath's we take to be here now fighting and taking each our part in Satan's great family becomes quite a funny and real thing when strangers on the internet think just like you do. Even if only sometimes.
There is a world outside from here that thinks only as you don't, or so I have experienced it. Yet, it amazes that only the opposite is true here in the JoS SS forums. Of course.
It is as if we're all actually related by blood and DNA from Satan himself, or something! Ha.

After war, there's a beer for you, should you want it. It's a thank you for making me feel connected with here, us, Satan, and what we're all about. I hope you get an answer to you're Renaissance man question by that time if that day arrives.

In regards to Renaissance men, only Leonardo Da Vinci strikes me as a powerful intelligence. Though I'm not very confident in being able to explain why, which is quite unintellectual for me to say. Nevertheless, it is the case.

I think Cobra's sermon isn't trying to illustrate intelligence as being defined in a linear terms such as true or false or high or low. It seemed to me that intelligence, as he was conveying it, is a word which itself is being worshipped as the thing it intends to represent. High IQ's are enough for people to believe that intelectual greatness is truly there in somebody, rather than the actual somebody proving their high intelligence by doing something amazing with out a score card. The problems is no one notices intelligence when it's being demonstrated because we think IQ scores are the fruits, rather than seeing survival, growth, making new life, mastering the spiritual work and so on as anything to care about at all. The Jews have done a good job in catering towards our educations as children. That we learn nothing useful at all couldn't be more pronounced these days, and that we learn every thing that will damn us and give kikes leverage to swindle you is now astoundingly overt for the world to notice - and the world does notice!

Maybe instead of trying to gain intelligence, one should look at it instead from the view of taking aim to remove all your ignorance.

Great topic. Thanks HP HC.
If intelligence was all that mattered, all that combined brainpower at MIT would have figured out the main (((cause))) of all evil in this world long time ago.

When intelligent people are conditioned what to think, they are not likely to escape from the box they've been put in since childhood.
Lydia said:
We are trained to be only left-brained, but you can present any well-written full of bullshit "research paper" to a left-brained person and they will actually buy into it. They value all the random useless information, and ignore wisdom.

The small-town rural Whites, who barely finish high school if that, and automatically hate non-whites and have lots of white children, are the ones carrying on our race.

The "high IQ" whites who always socialize with non-whites, who choose to either not have children, or have race mixed children, or adopt non-white children, or have just one white child, and ignore their White customs, traditions, ancestors... these are the ones destroying our race.

Which is more intelligent? Society nowadays say the racist white is dumb, backwards, ignorant... but they are the ones ensuring the survival of our people.

This is why the rural whites are openly being attacked by the jewish mainstream media. They attack them for voting for Trump. They are now telling all their viewers the rural white uneducated whites will do a historical come out in 2020 but mostly always have a disdain in their voice.

Even the far left politicians constantly attack the white farmers with no basis to their arguments. They complain that the electoral college is racist because it helps rural areas have their votes count and in these places have majority of working white people and urban cities are mostly filled with non whites. So why not move to the rural areas and buy a farm and work hard for a living if they want their votes counted as much if not more than urban areas? These far leftists are incredibly retarded or pretend to be because they know their supporters are not clever to figure something out that's so simple as to just move out and see it's absolutely not a racist system. Like who tf wants new York, Chicago, Los Angeles to have the biggest voice? Middle America and America a a whole shortly after would be destroyed. Imagine having LA control who gets put in office. LA is rapidly being destroyed while they keep pandering to non citizens. Yeah, no, I'm good on LA ever having that power. Not as long as they keep being run by anti Americans.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
likman666 said:
Emmanuel Macaroni the Rothchild French president puppet once said that there is no such thing as French culture France has many cultures and many still voted for him.
"Oy vey Hooded Cobra don't insult our intelligence you are attacking our freedumbs and our precious liberal dumbocracy society it is such talk that lead to the Shoah!!"

Bringing hordes in your Nation that want Eternal Free Gibs and do Eternal Criminality is a definitely good survival solution.

France has shrunk in power and in respect worldwide with monkeys like Macron in the head of it. The only important thing this dumb jew did was make big statements about how he will "Rule like Jupiter", increase the number of apes exponentially, and say some stupid coked out shit about making France into Euafrica, and impose random bullshit taxtes on things that cannot even verified such as imaginary emissions.

The Great celebrations of France due to jews have went from being the hub of all human thought and art to celebrating monkeys rising up a ledge on a hotel to save hollywood flying creatures. Oy vey goyim the heroes.

A down syndromic jew would have led better.

This is bad even for jews, they do not even care to run things anymore.

France is now like a maimed bleeding great beast. When the jews go, it will be restored.

Dutch farmers are protesting against the new EU laws to 'diminish' the nitrogen waste. The biggest amounts of 'nitrogen' dumped into the system in NL are either from the outside (30%) and the agriculture.. I think they say they want to bring agriculture of NL back to 10% which means buying up a lot of farmland and pushing a lot of people out of their jobs and houses.

To be honest, I would support those protests. But its a good point to spam some links and info on if it can be done anonymously.

I also heard that the real 'nitrogen' problem would be if it is an inorganic combination, which would happen from factory emissions (they're required a filter for their emissions - have been for years - to diminish toxic waste into the environment), air traffic and humans travelling by car.. of which the latter is only 5% ?
If one reads Mein Kampf Hitler clearly illustrates that educations primary objective should be building physically healthy individuals through exercise and building people of good character. In contrast to the system that focuses on cramming as much often times useless information/facts into an individuals head that in all likelihood they forget a week after taking some kind of test.

""a lesser educated physically healthy individual with a sound, firm character full of determination and willpower is more valuable than an intellectual weakling "
In all multiculturalism jewtalks and stuff like that, you have jews like Noel Ignatiev telling you why its very clever and very big brain IQ to take in endless uncivilized people until you ruin your nation. And slay your own race.

This is put in high iq terms such as "Just do it goyim its compassionate" or "think of these people as shekels goy".

Everytime these things are not understood by the goy Noel Ignatiev throws a tantrum and calls everyone unejewcated and an anti-semite.

Noel's degree of acceptance, of the general agenda of promoting the pre-neaderthal jewish plan of slaying white people is apparently a judgement of high IQ today.
BoRn of fire said:
Is Leonardo da Vinci a great example of an intelligent man

More like a Godlike intelligence with DaVinci.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In all multiculturalism jewtalks and stuff like that, you have jews like Noel Ignatiev telling you why its very clever and very big brain IQ to take in endless uncivilized people until you ruin your nation. And slay your own race.

This is put in high iq terms such as "Just do it goyim its compassionate" or "think of these people as shekels goy".

Everytime these things are not understood by the goy Noel Ignatiev throws a tantrum and calls everyone unejewcated and an anti-semite.

Noel's degree of acceptance, of the general agenda of promoting the pre-neaderthal jewish plan of slaying white people is apparently a judgement of high IQ today.

Jews and sjws be like,

>non whites in their countries are actually super super smart but whitey brings them down.

>non whites don't accept being replaced by foreigners because they're not educated like 1st world countries.

These sjws speakers need to pick one. I swear they're the most hypocritical people on earth. I understand why the jew does double talk. It's just jews jewing but it's a huge face-palm when the sjws don't understand their own blatant hypocrisy.
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In all multiculturalism jewtalks and stuff like that, you have jews like Noel Ignatiev telling you why its very clever and very big brain IQ to take in endless uncivilized people until you ruin your nation. And slay your own race.

This is put in high iq terms such as "Just do it goyim its compassionate" or "think of these people as shekels goy".

Everytime these things are not understood by the goy Noel Ignatiev throws a tantrum and calls everyone unejewcated and an anti-semite.

Noel's degree of acceptance, of the general agenda of promoting the pre-neaderthal jewish plan of slaying white people is apparently a judgement of high IQ today.

Jews and sjws be like,

>non whites in their countries are actually super super smart but whitey brings them down.

>non whites don't accept being replaced by foreigners because they're not educated like 1st world countries.

These sjws speakers need to pick one. I swear they're the most hypocritical people on earth. I understand why the jew does double talk. It's just jews jewing but it's a huge face-palm when the sjws don't understand their own blatant hypocrisy.

If non-whites are so capable and divine as these people state, and equality was so hardwired in biology, there would be no point to bring dozens by force with a jewish unholy alliance in the West, would it?

Technically speaking, the world would be either all the same, or along the same lines. Let alone that "Whitey", being such an impediment to everyone's advancement, could live away from the many and endless oppressed he is creating.

But we know this dialectic is just bullshit and guilt tripping, so that whomever is in power, caters and takes care of jews. I can see if China had a democracy, the jews would be there, arguing that the Chinese need to amend for their sins by taking whomever non Chinese in China, to the point they go self-extinct.

The reality is that everything and everyone is made unequal and so are races. Many third world countries do suffer not from having too many stupid people or lack of clever people, there are high IQ people there. The problem is that they are such a tiny minority, and the average is so low, they cannot easily assert themselves and move a nation forward. India is progressing because the higher IQ's also had a sort of a national idea for India, and kind of want to keep it alive without allowing it to be fully assimilate. They are succeeding.

IQ is definitely a broad indicator, but it cannot indicate if a person is an SJW retard, only if they can do specific tasks which reveal they have a broad amount of intelligence.

SJW's are so dumb, even the popular standard "intelligent" ones, they cannot understand, that opening your borders LOOSE and without any margin or control, and literally inviting all of Latin America in the United States, will only for example create a Nation that is essentially Latin America all over again. And by logical standard also, all the "Oppressed" that they think they will help, they will also be swarmed in an even lower level of oppression which will become normalized, that is, IF the United States survives in the first place. Ultimately, this would destroy everyone involved, first of all the oppressed themselves.

The good news is that all this crazy irrationality is making people try to seek reason once again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In all multiculturalism jewtalks and stuff like that, you have jews like Noel Ignatiev telling you why its very clever and very big brain IQ to take in endless uncivilized people until you ruin your nation. And slay your own race.

This is put in high iq terms such as "Just do it goyim its compassionate" or "think of these people as shekels goy".

Everytime these things are not understood by the goy Noel Ignatiev throws a tantrum and calls everyone unejewcated and an anti-semite.

Noel's degree of acceptance, of the general agenda of promoting the pre-neaderthal jewish plan of slaying white people is apparently a judgement of high IQ today.

"Just do it goyim it's compassionate" Compassion has become nothing but a buzzword that's supposed to mean "kindness" but instead means "pathological caregiving bordering suicidal ideation" so it'll lead others who denounce anything a jew says or does, in the same manner that everything Trump says or does is to be denounced leading to the notion that compassion in an ideal world, should not exist at all.

Tell a lie often enough, eventually they'll believe it just like how the "educated" believes the lie that the term "educated" means "knowledgeable" in 2019, when the meaning of "education" has transformed from "to become knowledgeable" to "literally masturbating to pictures of Karl Marx and Che Guevara"

Education, that's one of the leading sectors of subverting a nation to communism which was designed to favor the jew, and turn the populace into chattel. The difference between capitalism and communism today is that with capitalism, we have a choice of what products or services will best suit our needs but the similarity is that we're looked upon as chattel. Instead of being owned, we are being rented, and instead of the state enslaving the populace, the corporations are paying the state to enslave the populace. When it all comes down to it, there's no fucking difference whatsoever between Western Capitalism and Marxism anymore. It's all become a system with the same results, done by different means after all, the most obedient slave is the one who believes he/she has a choice giving the illusion of freedom.

Making proper education a thing of the past and on top of that unaffordable is a guarantee from both the State and the Corporation that we will remain low-class, impoverished, and for our entire lifespans looked upon as property to be rented out, just like how you would rent a U-Haul truck to transport that brand new mower that you bought from Home Depot.

And no matter what solution any "normie" can come up with, the result will only make the problem worse and this isn't just in the education sector, it's within every business sector in existence in the modern world. Healthcare, manufacturing, technology, every single market and sector has been tainted by the jew because the jew has seized the means of becoming successful in any of those categories. The only solution is National Socialism, and only National Socialism but this will only work if the people WAKE UP ALREADY!

I know, I know, I'm preaching to the choir but I'm just so fed up that I have to live my life as somebody who has and will be rented out for labor until the tyranny ends and that's why I will do everything in my power to help end said tyranny.
Emotion said:
If one reads Mein Kampf Hitler clearly illustrates that educations primary objective should be building physically healthy individuals through exercise and building people of good character. In contrast to the system that focuses on cramming as much often times useless information/facts into an individuals head that in all likelihood they forget a week after taking some kind of test.

""a lesser educated physically healthy individual with a sound, firm character full of determination and willpower is more valuable than an intellectual weakling "

Did they teach anyone in school how to file taxes or how to find a job in order to live or raise a family?

I don't think so.

They taught us all about the holocaust and other jew imaginary stories like Abraham and Isaac however down to the last detail. Apparently, a jew's farts are more important than the life of the goyim, and society is instructed along the line of such understanding.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Did they teach anyone in school how to file taxes or how to find a job in order to live or raise a family?

I don't think so.

Oh hey, Cobra, speaking of "school not teaching us valuable skills" the youtuber Boyinaband expressed the same concern:

ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Did they teach anyone in school how to file taxes or how to find a job in order to live or raise a family?

I don't think so.

Oh hey, Cobra, speaking of "school not teaching us valuable skills" the youtuber Boyinaband expressed the same concern:


My comment should not be taken out of context.

Let me clarify- not *prioritizing important knowledge over history of yids and worthless stuff, is a total waste.

I am all about Pro-School, as much as it gets. Every knowledge is necessary. Some more directly for life, some less.

School matters. It's essential.

Communist jew crap and Karl Marx's wet dreams are not important school or life subjects. It's a total waste of time and material, and money, and brain cells.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My comment should not be taken out of context.

Let me clarify- prioritizing important knowledge over history of yids and worthless stuff, is a total waste.

I am all about Pro-School, as much as it gets. Every knowledge is necessary. Some more directly for life, some less.

School matters. It's essential.

Communist jew crap and Karl Marx's wet dreams are not important school or life subjects. It's a total waste of time and material, and money, and brain cells.

Oh don't get me wrong, the video I sent was intended to support the argument of useless subjects being taught in school over subjects that could be useful and apply in day-to-day life. Of course, Math, English, etc those are definitely necessary but I wasn't trying to take your words out of context. I'm also Pro-School I just believe that when the day comes that we are in control, the education system in some countries needs reformation that's all.
Eric13 said:
The overly intellectual people are missing pieces of the puzzle. But the overly instinctive/spiritual people are too. We need both. And that’s the goal of our path. Maxine has revealed over and over how much studying and learning is apart of her life. It’s important, as is meditation. Learning the minute details of a subject and understanding it deeper has value and will benefit a wise person. I don’t think anyone was making points contrary to that but I still want to say it.
This is very true, I was only stating one side due to the emphasis on the other side these days. The key is to learn what is important to learn, and tailored more to the person. Someone meant to be an accountant, lots of math classes. Someone meant to be an artist, less hours spent doing math. As an example. And learning life skills, social skills, etc.
Norse 88 said:
For many years I've also thought about that exact phrase; Renaissance man.
Back in elementary school we were taught about uomo universale, or renaissance man in English. Something klicked in me and I knew I wanted to be one. So here I am, jack of all trades, master of none. I guess it is easier to get the big picture this way than going balls deep into, say, nuclear physics and being a total ignorant in all other areas and about life in general.
During the last twelve months or so the idea of renaissance man resurfaced in my mind... and now I'm reading this here. Strange.
Hp good morning i have a quastion.. i personaly have very strong lower chakras and a strong aura and i could really feel this and i have a lot of sexual power and i sleep only 3-4 hours at night and wake up with huge amount of energy and i don't need to take any naps but the problem is that people turned from loving me into more of "fearing" me and wherever i go people always gave me gazes and look nervous like if they are afraid of me the same happens lately when i get close to animals like dogs and pets they either freeze up in thier place and gaze at me with fear in thier eyes or they directly run away from me, i literaly feel like if i was the Reincarnation of a dictator i am not joking here i am cold blooded by all means and i am not sure whether i should be proud of it or not i am Confused a bit, and yes i am Satisfied sexualy and have atleast one sexual release a everyday and the quastion here is...this personality traits i have is bad or negative or what??

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
