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Cobra Story Time - "Friendly Charity"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Not sure if this is going to become a series, but I think some people will benefit. Not sure if people will find this story a black pill, white pill, red pill, or somewhere in the middle.

Many many years ago, there was a case of me having some buddies which in the very least weren't good people, or let's say very decent people. One might as well totally call them beggars or worthless dipshits. Our so called friendship was based on some strange aspect of mercy from my side to their side, which needless to say broke on me and taught me an important lesson for the years to come.

This enlightened me to all the faults of Christianity, Communism, Socialism, and all the related "merciful" systems, but I did not rationalize this understanding until some years later. Even on the most fundamental level they do not work, not even on a personal level. The amount of problems these create are exponentially higher than the problems that they solve. We choose to remain blind to this reality for the same reason people willfully remain blind about things such as the abusive character of Abrahamic religions. It's victimhood.

One person of these so called buddies, was basically what one would call a beggar, almost in the literal sense, not the figurative one. One day, they started complaining to me that they didn't have a Playstation which was new the fad at the time. At the time, they were 10 years or more older than me, so they had a job and everything, but they were one of these "extremely" and not "just a little" lazy people. Eventually, and eventhough I had only one Playstation which I really liked, I decided to sacrifice it and give it to my so called "friend", assuming it would give them happiness and also strengthen our so called "friendship", and gave it away happily and without many thoughts. This was common behaviour from my behalf, whatever was requested, I gave, thinking this was a normal thing to do, and telling myself some strange lies such as "Oh, my friends will definitely return the favor, only if they could!".

Later on this person requested from me a bike, and of course, without thinking, I also gave my only bike. "Can I borrow this gameboy from you and return it next week?", "Sure buddy why not!". I also gave the Gameboy, which I surely knew my family would not appreciate the loss of the item, so I kept this secret from them.

Eventually out of this gesture this person went around to other people, some friends and others not much friends, and what happened was the reverse of what was expected. Not only we did not in anyway become better friends, but essentially they kept asking for more and more favors, such as money, which I was giving up until a point, out of friendship. The primary thought of this was "That is my friend!".

In the end of this my behaviour became totally unsustainable as I was found out and was of course got a big shout for this, and I was told that I should go and demand all the things I gave back. I chose back then to not do it. I was "convinced" that my so called "Friends" would always have my back, since in my view I was a really helpful friend.

Wasn't exactly the case in their view, though.

This same expectation exists in many normal people. Generous people can in some cases have an innate personality, considering it normal, that what they give to other people will strengthen bonds, or make their relations with other people better. As it turned around this particular person told other people that he thought I was extremely wealthy, assumptions. After this they started devising plans to get to me emotionally to provide more gurbs, including the general guilt tripping methods that all parasites and bullies of the world engage in.

The real moment of revelation came down in two cases. After my family back then found out, they clearly disapproved of my behavior and tried to reason it out with me that this situation was really and totally wrong. Of course I refused this, but had no longer to squander around Playstation, or another gaming console for that liking.

And this is when things took the downwards slide. Before this, the existing hatred and jealousy in said people which were before "Friends" only revealed itself. The gurbs stopped and I was obviously in the wrong for not giving them more gurbs. I was confronted with the reality that none of my gestures were taken not as gestures of friendship, but rather were taken as gestures of a "Justly deceived reward" for their ability to emotionally coerce and exploit a silly goyim.

Looking back at least a couple of these were jews to begin with. Eventually as I drove away this parasitic hive, I further had to deal with slander by these people, who only went forth and said the worst about the person who did the best they could to them.

Clearly in the mind of a young person things like this have quite a toll. The recovery however in my case was very quick. After I cleared my mind and I had a conversation with them as to why "We were friends no more" [their complaints] I merely replied that "I do not want a parasite like you as a friend anymore". If I knew better, I'd have added "jewish worthless slime" in the quote as well, and be doubly evil. This very truthful statement was of course used to make me look evil to all other people involved, and how I was a bad and evil person who mistreated the poor victim. But I knew the truth so it was OK.

Sort of how a jew goes up to someone with slander, demands, and attacks, and when the goyim recoils and refuses to cave in, the Goyim is a total Nazi. This was my first step towards the direction of moral and spiritual strength. Now it clearly means nothing but back then it meant a lot. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany, the jews were enjoying sanctuary of theft, cultural perversion, destruction, and enjoying the fruits of those stupid enough to keep them in, whom they were driving to the grave.

The moment the victim woke up and requested them to cease, they of course did not do this. And today we have the slander about how "Evil" the Germans were for just cutting off the crap with this intense exploitation of themselves.

Many of you can possibly relate here on a personal level also. The so called "Friend" you did a favor to and never returned it, your so called "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" you completely went out of the way and did personal sacrifices in order to help, or some scum employer in a workplace that one day fired you over a silly argument, the list goes on. A bully at school that gets punched in the face and goes crying to the principal that you punched them in the face while they have frequently been terrorizing the whole school. Many examples here.

Out of the tens of people one has as friends, it comes down to a final inspection of one or two people that may actually see and understand "giving help" means. Normally these are the strong, and not the weak types. The same goes unfortunately in many families, with people whom are caring and dependable are only few people. Do not make the mistake that I am talking about "EVERYONE" above, but this is the striking majority of people, and that is a reality.

Let me tell you how these people behave is not only immoral, but one can deduct many examples of my experiences, as I did. One understanding that this caused me, is that every relationship has to be a two way street. If it is an one way street, it is not a relationship, it turns towards parasitism. And parasitism only always end with the parasite sitting there with an open mouth and attacking you for not sucking the last fibre of your soul out, merely because it's a parasite.

Another understanding is that "charity" is only a deadly weapon. The more charitable you are, the more the person on the receiving end is going to hate you. The solution to the worlds problems is not free garbage and charity, but restoring the generative and self empowering powers in people. Granting wishes to everyone else always will get you to be the evil person for not granting more wishes. If you ever fail to this end, people will humiliate you, attack you and discredit you.

The xian paradigm of "Charity" is the worst paradigm there is for social development. Not because charity is evil. Charity is totally fine. What the xian paradigm does is put charity as a purpose to the totally ungrateful, the totally botched, and the total parasites. This is deadly for a civilization. A millionaire walking down the street and going to the nasty suburbs, and giving people there 500$ for the month, one after another, won't last long until some junkie cuts his throat to steal his phone and a few more dollars to waste it into nothingness.

Needless to say, what "Christian Charity" tells us is that every person who is weak and worthless, is there because they were wronged by someone stronger than them, criminalizing the power of those stronger and make it always look as immoral and evil [since the strong in the bible are the Gentiles whom the jews wanted to destroy]. This can be an outrageous lie. What Gentiles are blamed for in the bible, as an "immoral behaviour" is that they did not blindly and openly allowed themselves to be dominated by the jewish parasites and cater to all of their demands and robbery.

"How evil of these Egyptians they didn't give us all their swords for free so that we can use them to kill them with! Oy vey! Let's cast curses on them to get them to give us free gurbs so that we can kill them later with this! *dirty handrubbing intensifies* " - Some Levantine Kike in 800 BC

This is why "charity" has always got to be protected by common sense and cases have to be checked individually. And on a fundamental level there has to be a status of deserving something for something else. Otherwise all one does is breed parasites more and more until everyone is consumed.

I see this all the time in White people, wrong charity. They kiss everyone else's ass, do favors to all that is foreign and aggressive to them, and hostile, hand advanced technology to people who did not develop it and would gladly use it to kill them, get out of their way constantly to give help to jews and other similar parasites that will essentially only kill them in the end.

People going down in some desolate 3rd world place, expect them somehow that they will be treated with love and that this help that they give will be some sort of mutual bond of friendship, but the other party only thinks that when it grows up, it will just extinct whitey. Like yay we helped these people how good and moral of us, why these people dislike us tho? One wants to avoid this question and keep lying to one's self because this shows a fundamental flaw of wrong into their own self, not on the person doing parasitism on them.

Needless to say this is psychological insanity and for a life-form to behave in this way is liable to a dazed or confused life-form that is hit with some sort of toxin from another impending predator. In the case of White people that is the jews. The toxin is the morals of christianity.

I see dozens of White women going down in Africa to play the maternal infertiles in some extremely remote village, and pretend they have any great maternal instinct that is better than this of a blind dog, but even a blind dog would at least understand to take care of it's own puppies first to the best of their power. Make no mistake I have no hate for the blind dog, I think that is highly honourable coming from an animal, it still has sense and it still has smell.

For White people it's moral to abandon your own puppies to die and go onwards to cater the babies of a crocodile or a panda or another species. Then the other species kills you and people experience a mental clash as to why it happened. Maybe because you weren't supposed to act like a dumb idiot and go feed crocodiles because they are the least likely to give a shit about you realistically speaking?

We will have a better humanity with a better behaviour, properly spiritually balanced, when more people meditate and face their own attics as individuals. Currently the enemy rules because the psychology and mentality of people is similar to that of the enemy, so within people like this, the worst types always get to rule the others and define their rules.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Could you also talk a little on how you found Satanism? Obv. by keeping some aspects secrets Id love to read about how our HP's came to be
Christianity creates the never ending need for charity by causing the conditions for it. The charities are run by the church and this forces people to become depended on the church for existence. Now its the Marxist welfare state the new form of the church. Poverty is violence and Christianity creates the poverty consciousness into the mass mind to manifest this into society. That way all the money goes to the Jews who do numerous rituals for wealth for themselves.

When Jewsus was ranting against Mammon this is a title of Jupiter which rules wealth. This was wrote by the Jews to attack the spiritual paradigm of wealth for Gentiles and they also rant against praying like the Heathen which they call babbling which means to repeat a word over and over again its mantra practice. Can't have the Goyim using mantra's to obtain anything. I note Mammon this is a title of the deity of the crown chakra Mam or Maum….on which relates to the lord of the crown chakra attacking this is also a curse on the crown chakra by the kikes to fuck Gentiles over spirituality. The enemy also removed the mantra for the crown chakra in Hinduism as well.
This is a subject that causes me great pain with my parents. I've fallen into that trap.

I now live and work in Scotland. My aging parents are divorced but living separately in South Africa.

Over the years I've got into the habit of sending money for family maintenance.

I grew up with my mother who is a totally lost and unsalvageable xtard.

The whole relationship has become totally nonexistent. She doesn't know anything about me or what I go through. There's no interest or support. It's just her problems, how hard things are for her and of course always needs money.

I've become extremely disgusted and estranged from my mother. We never had a good relationship it was only material all along. But now it's totally only a money relationship.

I've nipped it in the bud now. But I still do send money for Xmas and birthdays but I say its for them to get a certain agreed gift.

I've had to put up with all of the emotional blackmail. And sob stories and that I'm ungrateful for what they did for me when I was growing up etc. How I don't care that they struggle financially.

Well being a xtard she's tying into the curses of it being hard and a struggle and that's nothing to do with me.

It's painful to have a xtard for a mother because the jooish soul in her is overbearing. She's so far gone she's one of them plastic zombies with the pasty Xtian face. Totally disgusting and fake. Truly sacrificed her soul to joosus and totally materialistic.

Life is too short to waste giving too much to stupid xtard parents. The money I earn is a token of my life force. I parted my labour and energy for that money. It's a part of my life force. Looking at money in energy terms.

My father talks a good talk and is good at giving me advice and being support to me.

But he's a lazy pothead. And I send him money because he's too lazy to get anything done so I bail him out. I cannot see him pulling himself right now.

He was nowhere when I grew up and never did anything for me. Now I send him money because he supports me when I call.

I fear my relationship I now have with my dad could become a money one as well.

I just don't understand it. Really it boggles my mind how people are so funny about money.

I'm sensible. Mind my money not squandering it and save some monthly by direct debit.

And I'm generous with my surplus. I earn it, use it well and want to do good with some of it.

Spread the love.

But it's very strange how by giving. People come to expect it and not realise they should be grateful.

And kindness turns into resentment because they become entitled.

Giving can ruin relationships. People become lazy, entitled, demanding and ungrateful.

Don't know how but it definitely does.

Maybe the saying: 'You have to be cruel to be kind.' Has a key to the giving dilemma.
Thanks a lot for the story i very much relate to this on a personal level. In my case the story is with Junkies they pretended to be my friend and either stole stuff from me or kept asking me for stuff. I literally gave multiple homeless people a place to stay too and they basically kind of took over. I lost thousands of dollars and all sorts of stuff on this.

I still feel bad when i see someone suffering though but I don't want this to ever happen again and now I don't even like or care for these types or anyone who is that low in vibration. I also notice they don't seem to like me much now either which i actually don't mind :lol: enemy people and Lower vibration people seem to be now very cold to me and look wierd at me whether at work or in general day to day life i find this kind of odd. Here is an example there is two people at my work place who are nice to everyone else but I step in the room they do not like it at all. One gets angry at me for no reason anytime I walk by and kind of makes fun of me the other just stands there and looks at me coldly etc. Another person is so borg like and connected to the enemy it's creepy. It's like something else takes over when he speaks I feel black energy etc.

Whenever I have to work around these people I focus negative thoughts on them or whatever without that much fail so far they are out of my sight within about 10-15 minutes. The first time I did this within like ten minutes the guy spills like hot food all over himself and has to go home or something. So yeah we as Satanists have the ability to do stuff like this and the Normies never know.

I try now not to let relationships be one sided. With Pisces in my first house I still have issues with being overly taken in by these kinds of things but I am trying to stand up for myself more.
Yeah, 9/10 people will totally exploit your generosity. My step brother only messages me when he wants money, and I've just recently started telling him off and that he owes me hundreds of dollars. And then it's "OHHH , THIS" and "OOOH, THAT" and "YOU KNOW I'D DO IT FOR YOU" when he's never done a single thing for me, not even things he's promised. Like, fucking pay me homes, stop spending all your money on video games and drugs and fucking pay me, you make more than I do, don't think I won't slap ya up and down the fuckin road just cause you're family...fucking prick. "I will! You know I will!" No. I fucking don't. Fuckin A, is he really that lost in his own sea of bullshit...you know it! :x
MoonlessNight666 said:
Could you also talk a little on how you found Satanism? Obv. by keeping some aspects secrets Id love to read about how our HP's came to be
Where would the lesson be there? That would just be a story.
How I became SS: I found JOS and dedicated.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The primary thought of this was "That is my friend!".
Thank you for sharing. Wow. And I thought I was the only gullible sucker when growing up. I've been there and I've learned from it just like you did. This falls into the same category with misplaced compassion and can have quite devastating effects.
You can't transform a relationship into a genuine friendship with nice presents and/or self-denying help because nearly everyone who is without has a hidden agenda to some extent.
This may work only between people of integrity and high morale, i.e. Satans people.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I love these kinds of stories. It's very interesting to hear some bits about the past of an HP, and the lessons that can be learned along with this.

As for doing favors for others, I do not do anything for NPCs. This is out of mere principle. If it is required for the sake of not getting shunned or kicked out, then the favors I do will be as minimal as possible.

When it comes to SS, a similar principle applies. However, in these cases I am constantly doing my best to try and understand the individual person on a deep level, so that I can properly discern the few cases in which bigger favors would be worthwhile to give.
With some few people, I give small favors to them even when I am not 100% sure yet that it'd be a good thing to do. By the reaction of the person, you can easily tell if they are morally mature or immature. There are the people who will take it and demand 10x more on top of it, or who take it and when you refuse to give more, just toss you away, and then there are the people who resolve for themselves that they will repay the favor tenfold in the future.

I have close SS friends whom I frequently do favors for. Even if some things may be an inconvenience for me at times, I realize that it is for the best in these cases. This is because I know these people on a deep level, and I have over long periods of time come to the conclusion that they are morally mature individuals.
Every past favor that I did for them, they always did their best to repay it in some way or another. These relationships have caused mutual elevation and advancement on many levels, benefiting everyone involved. This is what true friendship is supposed to be in a Satanic world.
Thats a good seromon that came in the right time!

i personaly suffered from the same problem that started when i was 6 on my first day at school, i used to have a lot of problems when it comes to being tricked by fake friends that used to take my money from me without even them trying to take it by force! I was so innocent to a unbeliavbul dgree, you know what? I don't even know until now what the word *f r i e n d* means or what are these so called feelings that you guys are calling : *friendshhhhhhhhhhhhhhipppppp*
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
(...) but had no longer to squander around Playstation, or another gaming console for that liking (...)

I can wonder, that missing Playstation triggered a domino effect to increase unconscious hate (if ever needed!) towards the jewish enemy.
Can relate to this HPHC, too many false users so called friends who are really just rats.
The thing is the exaggerated and alien extent of poverty only exists lately and in racially fragmented societies, as sympathy and honesty between the members just drops to nothingness. Ask any person from the old country whom one descends who is now 80 or 90 years old and you will see even the poor were taken care of, not in the context of "Charity", but in the context of actual neighbourhood and friendship. This goes beyond the church it's just racial care speaking here. Plus most of the time everyone did something. Unemployment was rarely if ever out of choice back then. 30s and 40's American was the same.

Xian "Charity" came in and told people to universalize what makes sense in the neighbourhood, racial, and creative elements mode of charity. So that the jew can steal money while doing absolutely nothing and not even belonging within a creative people whole.

The only logical conclusion to the racially fragmented society is the halting of empathy to some extent so that you can survive in the context of all sorts of different cultural agendas. The more a society goes down the rabbit hole the more "The State", "The Church" and "Professional Charities" have to handle this aspect of society, to give all the gibs to the jews and general invaders or just consume it to buy Rolls Royce for themselves.

Makes me wonder in Israel are there many charities for the sole benefit non jews?

HP Mageson666 said:
Christianity creates the never ending need for charity by causing the conditions for it. The charities are run by the church and this forces people to become depended on the church for existence. Now its the Marxist welfare state the new form of the church. Poverty is violence and Christianity creates the poverty consciousness into the mass mind to manifest this into society. That way all the money goes to the Jews who do numerous rituals for wealth for themselves.

When Jewsus was ranting against Mammon this is a title of Jupiter which rules wealth. This was wrote by the Jews to attack the spiritual paradigm of wealth for Gentiles and they also rant against praying like the Heathen which they call babbling which means to repeat a word over and over again its mantra practice. Can't have the Goyim using mantra's to obtain anything. I note Mammon this is a title of the deity of the crown chakra Mam or Maum….on which relates to the lord of the crown chakra attacking this is also a curse on the crown chakra by the kikes to fuck Gentiles over spirituality. The enemy also removed the mantra for the crown chakra in Hinduism as well.
I've experienced manipulations of my charitable behavior in my life in so many ways. This sermon when I think about it extends to so many things. And then there is the witnessing of the perverse kind of charity of others which is something in itself.


An example of this type of crap in action. Where are the 'rehabilitative writing' workshops for carers, or victims of crimes, or ex-Muslims, or anyone else who is stuck because of this society for reasons beyond their control? Are they 'underdogs? Oh right... they apparently don't matter.

IMO, there is something really weird about the psychology of liberal people that gives them some kind of eternal principle that they must only defend people who commit major crimes. Unless it's someone who committed a hate crime, and then for some reason this is some type of special and actual true crime that damns someone to hell eternally, or when an incident of rape can be equivocated with 'privilege' and feminist concepts easily, like say the Brock Turner case. But other types of rape, all murder, theft and pedophilia, perpetrators of these are all worthy of defending if they don't have political undertones, or belong to 'the underdog' (frequently just a paraphrase of what these people consider righteous, because Bill Clinton is certainly NOT an underdog according to their own analysis, yet they defend him because... ???)

Even the father of the victim is doing overtime on twitter, saying we need to abolish sentencing and open the borders, and this is what his son believed as well. Where is the sense of responsibility in this? What about the other victim this man killed? What about justice being nailed to the wall?

At a certain point this mentality in some flips from trying to be helpful and charitable to being some kind of psychotic weapon to enhance the social standing of them being the true believer in the pig farm. Even if doing so is Russian roulette.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Makes me wonder in Israel are there many charities for the sole benefit non jews?
Yeah, think about Soros, his whole business is based around charity and it’s all for control. All the huge charity events, etc. like the live aid concerts in 1985 which were one of the most watched around the world televised events at the time. Raising hundreds of millions of dollars to help Africa. Right after the funds were raised, African countries were armed with powerful weapons and civil wars and the like rampantly spread through the continent. The money didn’t save the hungry, but fueled crime lords and set up corrupt militaries and resulted in countless deaths. Yeah but nobody talks about it of course. It’s all run out of Israel. That particular charity was run and organized by two jews. But all they big ones are of course. It’s at the point even most small local charities are corrupt in the inside to a degree. It’s all politics. I was shocked when years ago I got involved in local stuff myself to see the insanity behind closed doors and the petty bs that stopped so much potential good stuff. And I was working just for animals. Human causes must be terrible.

The charities give the jews control and gives them money. That’s why some of the biggest philanthropist are jews. Soros, Bob Geldof, etc. It’s not kind hearts fueling their donations. It’s for power.
Personal Growth said:
I've become extremely disgusted and estranged from my mother. We never had a good relationship it was only material all along. But now it's totally only a money relationship.
Hi again. I'm wondering, what's keeping you from banishing them from your life?

I've had my fair share of guilt-based manipulations from a woman who calls herself a mother. It was always by force, fear or guilt. She always made sure I was down and submissive. I grew out of this and banished them from my life. At first I felt sorry for my dad but then he showed me on several occasions that he is just her drone whenever she sees fit. Made it easy for me. At first it feels tough. In time you'll feel the bliss. Freedom is not having to say or feel sorry.
slyscorpion said:
Thanks a lot for the story i very much relate to this on a personal level. In my case the story is with Junkies they pretended to be my friend and either stole stuff from me or kept asking me for stuff. I literally gave multiple homeless people a place to stay too and they basically kind of took over. I lost thousands of dollars and all sorts of stuff on this.

I still feel bad when i see someone suffering though but I don't want this to ever happen again and now I don't even like or care for these types or anyone who is that low in vibration. I also notice they don't seem to like me much now either which i actually don't mind :lol: enemy people and Lower vibration people seem to be now very cold to me and look wierd at me whether at work or in general day to day life i find this kind of odd. Here is an example there is two people at my work place who are nice to everyone else but I step in the room they do not like it at all. One gets angry at me for no reason anytime I walk by and kind of makes fun of me the other just stands there and looks at me coldly etc. Another person is so borg like and connected to the enemy it's creepy. It's like something else takes over when he speaks I feel black energy etc.

Whenever I have to work around these people I focus negative thoughts on them or whatever without that much fail so far they are out of my sight within about 10-15 minutes. The first time I did this within like ten minutes the guy spills like hot food all over himself and has to go home or something. So yeah we as Satanists have the ability to do stuff like this and the Normies never know.

I try now not to let relationships be one sided. With Pisces in my first house I still have issues with being overly taken in by these kinds of things but I am trying to stand up for myself more.

Hi Mate,

You know I have the same thing with people. I think with me it's because I'm not sociable.

I'm quiet and don't have anything to say. But then I find their moans and complaining so futile and boring I'm always avoiding everyone.

So because I'm different they feel uncomfortable because they don't know how to deal with it.

Luckily there are a couple people with decent souls who accept me as I am. That I really appreciate.

Interesting how people seem to have this need to talk. And are uncomfortable with quiet. Wierdo' so weak even scared of the quiet.

They don't like to see someone better than them because we're strong and confident in ourselves.

They're sheep and feel weak and need their flock.

We're Goats and show traits of strength, intelligence and determination. Figuratively speaking of course.

Also people in society have changed.

Older generations were different with each other. People have more attitude and are more judgemental today.

In the past when you looked at someone looking at you they would look away. Now they keep looking at you. To keep looking is a sign of power. The weaker person will look away first. To stare at each other is a sign of dominance.

People want to own us but they can't so they're haters. They're jealous because they can see your difference and individuality.

Don't let the bastards get you down.

By all means fit in but remain true to yourself.
Apprentice said:
Personal Growth said:
I've become extremely disgusted and estranged from my mother. We never had a good relationship it was only material all along. But now it's totally only a money relationship.
Hi again. I'm wondering, what's keeping you from banishing them from your life?

I've had my fair share of guilt-based manipulations from a woman who calls herself a mother. It was always by force, fear or guilt. She always made sure I was down and submissive. I grew out of this and banished them from my life. At first I felt sorry for my dad but then he showed me on several occasions that he is just her drone whenever she sees fit. Made it easy for me. At first it feels tough. In time you'll feel the bliss. Freedom is not having to say or feel sorry.

Exactly pal. My mother was exactly the same. With the force to make you feel down and submissive.

When I think about it I'm sure she must have a mental illness the way she is and how she carried on.

Her husband my stepfather is exactly like your dad. A puppet that always backs her up. Suppose he's been trained.

Onwards and upwards. Cut all ties.
The Judeo-Capitalist system has caused most of the economic problems that have level society down to poverty this system was created by Jews and their Protestant movement in Holland and exported outwards. Its the manifestation of the thoughtform of the enemy and it connects to all their curses and agenda of global control and making Gentiles slaves. Marxism simply speeds up the same agenda. The same thoughtform energy always manifests through the emerging zeitgeist of any time that is why it needs to be dissolved for good spiritually. Christianity needs to be banned or it will destroy the world.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The thing is the exaggerated and alien extent of poverty only exists lately and in racially fragmented societies, as sympathy and honesty between the members just drops to nothingness. Ask any person from the old country whom one descends who is now 80 or 90 years old and you will see even the poor were taken care of, not in the context of "Charity", but in the context of actual neighbourhood and friendship. This goes beyond the church it's just racial care speaking here. Plus most of the time everyone did something. Unemployment was rarely if ever out of choice back then. 30s and 40's American was the same.

Xian "Charity" came in and told people to universalize what makes sense in the neighbourhood, racial, and creative elements mode of charity. So that the jew can steal money while doing absolutely nothing and not even belonging within a creative people whole.

The only logical conclusion to the racially fragmented society is the halting of empathy to some extent so that you can survive in the context of all sorts of different cultural agendas. The more a society goes down the rabbit hole the more "The State", "The Church" and "Professional Charities" have to handle this aspect of society, to give all the gibs to the jews and general invaders or just consume it to buy Rolls Royce for themselves.

Makes me wonder in Israel are there many charities for the sole benefit non jews?

HP Mageson666 said:
Christianity creates the never ending need for charity by causing the conditions for it. The charities are run by the church and this forces people to become depended on the church for existence. Now its the Marxist welfare state the new form of the church. Poverty is violence and Christianity creates the poverty consciousness into the mass mind to manifest this into society. That way all the money goes to the Jews who do numerous rituals for wealth for themselves.

When Jewsus was ranting against Mammon this is a title of Jupiter which rules wealth. This was wrote by the Jews to attack the spiritual paradigm of wealth for Gentiles and they also rant against praying like the Heathen which they call babbling which means to repeat a word over and over again its mantra practice. Can't have the Goyim using mantra's to obtain anything. I note Mammon this is a title of the deity of the crown chakra Mam or Maum….on which relates to the lord of the crown chakra attacking this is also a curse on the crown chakra by the kikes to fuck Gentiles over spirituality. The enemy also removed the mantra for the crown chakra in Hinduism as well.
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Makes me wonder in Israel are there many charities for the sole benefit non jews?
Yeah, think about Soros, his whole business is based around charity and it’s all for control. All the huge charity events, etc. like the live aid concerts in 1985 which were one of the most watched around the world televised events at the time. Raising hundreds of millions of dollars to help Africa. Right after the funds were raised, African countries were armed with powerful weapons and civil wars and the like rampantly spread through the continent. The money didn’t save the hungry, but fueled crime lords and set up corrupt militaries and resulted in countless deaths. Yeah but nobody talks about it of course. It’s all run out of Israel. That particular charity was run and organized by two jews. But all they big ones are of course. It’s at the point even most small local charities are corrupt in the inside to a degree. It’s all politics. I was shocked when years ago I got involved in local stuff myself to see the insanity behind closed doors and the petty bs that stopped so much potential good stuff. And I was working just for animals. Human causes must be terrible.

The charities give the jews control and gives them money. That’s why some of the biggest philanthropist are jews. Soros, Bob Geldof, etc. It’s not kind hearts fueling their donations. It’s for power.
Exactly. Even the more trusted, big names like the red cross are total skeevers. Tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in donations for rebuilding haiti after the big quake several years ago are still unaccounted for to this day.

Even domestic charities like the wounded warrior project got exposed for corruption. Execs embezzling millions in "administrative costs" to piss it all away doing what bored rich suits do best. None of which had anything to do with helping vets or furthering the organization. NGOs are crooked all the way around.

Then there's international organizations like the world bank and UN that basically just prop up communist despots. They don't do anything to bring countries on their feet or free them from oppression but feed into the very problems they claim to try to solve.

Charities are such a scam, even if it's not run by jews. Real "charity" starts at home. I think anything much more than offering understanding and guidance is pushing it and just sets you up for exploitation, outside of special cases. Seems like compassion causes more damage than cruelty. At least people aren't totally blind to the dangers of the latter.
Personal Growth said:
Apprentice said:
Personal Growth said:


Onwards and upwards. Cut all ties.

Don't destroy your family out of the blue. Better learn how to handle these situations.

Severing all ties should be in serious cases. Think it through as much as you can first.

If people are abusive, of course, self assertion is key. But people have their own personalities. After all you have your own free will and free as a grown up, one makes their own decisions now, so how they behave is more of an emotional issue, one would think.
Personal Growth said:
Onwards and upwards. Cut all ties.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Don't destroy your family out of the blue. Better learn how to handle these situations.
Severing all ties should be in serious cases. Think it through as much as you can first.
Trying to handle, adapt, overcome is exactly what I tried to do before going silent on parents and not visiting them anymore. I surmise that such a decision can be hard to imagine or even understand for people who have had at least quasinormal family relations.

I need to mention the importance of the development of self-confidence and self-determination in children, especially adolescents. Unresponsible, overbearing parents can easily fuck up the minds of their offspring. Sadly, in some cases, this leaves them deformed for life.

Some believe that, in life, you get exactly what you deserve and every shitty situation is a lesson. This is a lovely, kosher xtian way of explaining this but we ain't the ones to turn the other cheek, now are we?

So, in retrospect, this woman always had her own agenda about my life and my choices. I don't even remember having my own genuine feelings about who I want to be. All I remember is she pushing her ideas and dreams she never fulfilled. She was obsessed with it. She railroaded my education and extracurricular activities. I was to become this nicely paid executive yuppie. My inner compass didn't exactly align with it. Whenever I resisted, she tried to persuade me but quickly resorted to manipulating with fear, pure coercion and guilt-tripping. Guilt-tripping was her weapon of choice, she always tried to make me feel sorry for all the sacrifices she had made "for me". Virtually all my life choices (career, clothes, vehicles etc) got vilified and resented. This was a continuous process. It didn't stop even after I had created a family and had my own offspring.

Seeking parental approval and emotional support is a phenomenon virtually all offspring is hardwired to do. Later, during my university years, I stopped even trying because I was never good enough or worthy. I only wanted her to mind her own damn business so we could have peaceful conversations over a cup of coffee but that didn't happen. She became financially self-sacrificing, trying to buy my compassion and submission. I told her that I'm my own man now, I don't want her help and she should care for other, younger siblings. Who was I to tell her something?

Then there was physical abuse, of course. Got hit into the balls with a belt buckle as a child. Once she didn't want to answer my question but I persisted. So she gave me a huge blister with a hot hair curling wand. I was about 8 then. I won't go into more details on this topic because these two examples should suffice.

Someone very powerful obviously disliked her because she got hit with lightning, sitting inside a house within my arms reach. She suffered a serious nervous breakdown, muscle pains and some skin burns. I felt no fear and had no injuries, only witnessed the huge amount of current that made a cable on the wall shine like the sun for several seconds. To this day, she is overwhelmingly afraid of the thunder.

Once I saved her life. Dad called that she is in pain, she was diagnosed with kidney stones and he is taking her to the hospital. I felt that this is going to be the end for her. I insisted that despite her acute pain she must be brought to a bigger, more qualified hospital 50 miles away. Dad was dead set against it but finally caved in. You had to know the right people in order to get admitted to this hospital fast and luckily I did. The same night surgeons removed her appendix which bursted in the process. All this transpired within 8 hours.
I visited her the next day when she woke up from anesthesia. Afterwards she told me that she saw 3 men dressed in black overcoats standing behind me. She thought that I came with my colleagues when in fact I was alone. Was she hallucinating or actually seeing something hidden - who knows.
I was kinda hoping that she would mellow out and let me be me after this but she never showed any signs of appreciation whatsoever.

In conclusion, despite numerous attempts to make this relationship work, I finally gave up and moved on. When I allowed myself to be subjected to her, I felt like I couldn't evolve, I couldn't breathe. The bridges you burn can light your way. I have never repented this decision.

Some people may find it overwhelming when they can't "go back home" when shit hits the fan. I don't.

I hope this little story helps someone who is still on the fence about relationships.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Apprentice said:

Onwards and upwards. Cut all ties.

Don't destroy your family out of the blue. Better learn how to handle these situations.

Severing all ties should be in serious cases. Think it through as much as you can first.

If people are abusive, of course, self assertion is key. But people have their own personalities. After all you have your own free will and free as a grown up, one makes their own decisions now, so how they behave is more of an emotional issue, one would think.

Hi Commander Cobra,

As always sound advice.

Thank you and I take your advice to heed.

You also gave some good insight on 20 November 2018 on the thread, 'Surviving into the Mass Mind.'

Where you warned against my theories that everyone is out to get me because they can see I'm different and hate on me.

It is a concern that a person that's quiet seems to attract people's attention for their keeping to themselves.

But you said on the observation that I can see the insecurity in others. Or whatever their looking with curiosity is.

That I must watch out for this perception of reality because it can harm my development in life.

Thanking you.
I’m glad I saw this post at the best time for me. Just when I am deciding to end a very toxic and parasitic girlfriend from my life. I have so give my money, soul, bought her phones and done practically nothing for myself that’s tangible. And she’s singing about getting married to someone else cos presently I’m financially boyant to marry(irony). And so I don’t loose, I have decided to rip of her energy(life force) and every other parasitic person I have had relationship with especially sexually.
Hail Satan.
Aquarius said:
MoonlessNight666 said:
Could you also talk a little on how you found Satanism? Obv. by keeping some aspects secrets Id love to read about how our HP's came to be
Where would the lesson be there? That would just be a story.
How I became SS: I found JOS and dedicated.

While I also agree that our time needs to be spend learning and improving ourselfs this forums also act as a way to communicate and learn about other peoples experiences which is something I value, especially if that said person has made it far in the what I consider to be only important hierarchy we have today.
Manofsatan said:
I’m glad I saw this post at the best time for me. Just when I am deciding to end a very toxic and parasitic girlfriend from my life. I have so give my money, soul, bought her phones and done practically nothing for myself that’s tangible. And she’s singing about getting married to someone else cos presently I’m financially boyant to marry(irony). And so I don’t loose, I have decided to rip of her energy(life force) and every other parasitic person I have had relationship with especially sexually.
Hail Satan.

Be happy she didn't marry you as she would be a danger to your household with this mentality. You would be many times worse if she actually did marry you with that mindset.

Relating to gold diggers like this may be fun in the beginning for sexual reasons in some cases but when the relationship may get more serious you have to abandon ship.

Find another woman who will truly love you and instead help you grow, rather than attack you for not being more advanced financially. A good woman would give you confidence to advance in this and any other department and bring you help and hope.
I totally understand how you feel as I see this strongly in astrology charts, either the parents are extremely controlling and want to make the child a puppet, or they are totally absent. Most charts have at least one of problem with one parent or a sibling, and this can be life, all in all.

Some parents destroy their own children with the above behaviour. Parenting can't always be perfect, one has to even the lines on their own later on.

Parents aren't perfect but at least they give life. Some parents are horrible, others medium, others very good, it's numerous factors involved. Parenting methods to one child do not help on another child. When one becomes a parent themselves they understand their own parents a bit better. A parent can be highly dysfunctional emotionally like any other person.

The good news are that you become an adult and have your own free will after a point. You can look back and fix things when you come of age. Self assertion is mandatory.

Parenting requires knowledge and in a society where the family unit is abolished as the lowest value, with all the abomination values above this, it's normal that people commit more and more mistakes. This is purposeful.

Just learn from the mistakes of your parents and try to not commit them yourself, and remember from your own childhood what you really disliked and try to work it around with your own offspring.

Apprentice said:
Personal Growth said:
Onwards and upwards. Cut all ties.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Don't destroy your family out of the blue. Better learn how to handle these situations.
Severing all ties should be in serious cases. Think it through as much as you can first.

Trying to handle, adapt, overcome is exactly what I tried to do before going silent on parents and not visiting them anymore. I surmise that such a decision can be hard to imagine or even understand for people who have had at least quasinormal family relations.

I need to mention the importance of the development of self-confidence and self-determination in children, especially adolescents. Unresponsible, overbearing parents can easily fuck up the minds of their offspring. Sadly, in some cases, this leaves them deformed for life.

Some believe that, in life, you get exactly what you deserve and every shitty situation is a lesson. This is a lovely, kosher xtian way of explaining this but we ain't the ones to turn the other cheek, now are we?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
I’m glad I saw this post at the best time for me. Just when I am deciding to end a very toxic and parasitic girlfriend from my life. I have so give my money, soul, bought her phones and done practically nothing for myself that’s tangible. And she’s singing about getting married to someone else cos presently I’m financially boyant to marry(irony). And so I don’t loose, I have decided to rip of her energy(life force) and every other parasitic person I have had relationship with especially sexually.
Hail Satan.

Be happy she didn't marry you as she would be a danger to your household with this mentality. You would be many times worse if she actually did marry you with that mindset.

Relating to gold diggers like this may be fun in the beginning for sexual reasons in some cases but when the relationship may get more serious you have to abandon ship.

Find another woman who will truly love you and instead help you grow, rather than attack you for not being more advanced financially. A good woman would give you confidence to advance in this and any other department and bring you help and hope.

Thank you HP
Thought I was gonna start crying around the part where you kept giving to those cruel freaks as a kid and they just kept using you. Such parasitism truly disgusts me, I would've done something drastic if I was there to witness all of that. I've had my fair share of abuse in 'charity' as a kid under the choking blanket of xianity, just thinking back on it sends a crawl of hatred and anger rattling up my spine.
Ariton 666 said:
I have also heard from other SS I know, that this kind of approach did help in stopping the physically abusive behaviour.

I think that, as long as you know to control yourself and not go overboard, this can be a good way to solve things in certain cases. Caution is advised though, as in some cases this could lead even to murder or atleast to them kicking you out or something (if you still live with them). This all depends heavily on each specific case and on the people involved.
Personal Growth said:
This is a subject that causes me great pain with my parents. I've fallen into that trap.

I now live and work in Scotland. My aging parents are divorced but living separately in South Africa.

Over the years I've got into the habit of sending money for family maintenance.

I grew up with my mother who is a totally lost and unsalvageable xtard.

The whole relationship has become totally nonexistent. She doesn't know anything about me or what I go through. There's no interest or support. It's just her problems, how hard things are for her and of course always needs money.

I've become extremely disgusted and estranged from my mother. We never had a good relationship it was only material all along. But now it's totally only a money relationship.

I've nipped it in the bud now. But I still do send money for Xmas and birthdays but I say its for them to get a certain agreed gift.

I've had to put up with all of the emotional blackmail. And sob stories and that I'm ungrateful for what they did for me when I was growing up etc. How I don't care that they struggle financially.

Well being a xtard she's tying into the curses of it being hard and a struggle and that's nothing to do with me.

It's painful to have a xtard for a mother because the jooish soul in her is overbearing. She's so far gone she's one of them plastic zombies with the pasty Xtian face. Totally disgusting and fake. Truly sacrificed her soul to joosus and totally materialistic.

Life is too short to waste giving too much to stupid xtard parents. The money I earn is a token of my life force. I parted my labour and energy for that money. It's a part of my life force. Looking at money in energy terms.

My father talks a good talk and is good at giving me advice and being support to me.

But he's a lazy pothead. And I send him money because he's too lazy to get anything done so I bail him out. I cannot see him pulling himself right now.

He was nowhere when I grew up and never did anything for me. Now I send him money because he supports me when I call.

I fear my relationship I now have with my dad could become a money one as well.

I just don't understand it. Really it boggles my mind how people are so funny about money.

I'm sensible. Mind my money not squandering it and save some monthly by direct debit.

And I'm generous with my surplus. I earn it, use it well and want to do good with some of it.

Spread the love.

But it's very strange how by giving. People come to expect it and not realise they should be grateful.

And kindness turns into resentment because they become entitled.

Giving can ruin relationships. People become lazy, entitled, demanding and ungrateful.

Don't know how but it definitely does.

Maybe the saying: 'You have to be cruel to be kind.' Has a key to the giving dilemma.

I remember when I went to school in Florida, whenever I was walking on the street I would be begged by countless old homeless people in their 40's and 50's. At first I tried to give them just food, like apples, oranges, bananas, nuts, seeds, but they didn't want any of that! They said no thank you I don't eat that. LOL

Sometimes when I didn't have food on me, I would just tell them, "Dude, I'm like 20 years old and you are like 50 years old. You've had your entire life to work and earn money, why are you asking people who are half your age for money? They would just scoff at me and revert back to their crackery.

Although when I was there, there was one homeless guy who stood out from the rest. One time I was walking on the street and this guy asked me for a nickel so he could buy a beer. I said to him "you only want a nickel? He said "ya I just need 5 more cents to get this beer." This was quite unusual for me because most homeless people ask for a dollar or more. And at the same time this guy was being honest with how he was going to spend his money. So I gave him the nickel and we became good friends after that. Hes still a worthless bum who sits on his lazy ass all day though
Manofsatan said:
I’m glad I saw this post at the best time for me. Just when I am deciding to end a very toxic and parasitic girlfriend from my life. I have so give my money, soul, bought her phones and done practically nothing for myself that’s tangible. And she’s singing about getting married to someone else cos presently I’m financially boyant to marry(irony). And so I don’t loose, I have decided to rip of her energy(life force) and every other parasitic person I have had relationship with especially sexually.
Hail Satan.

A lot of people here have recommend against energy ripping and vampirism as revenge tactics, as the energy of others is often dirty. It might be a good idea to consider other (spiritual and legal) methods if revenge is needed.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have close SS friends whom I frequently do favors for. Even if some things may be an inconvenience for me at times, I realize that it is for the best in these cases. This is because I know these people on a deep level, and I have over long periods of time come to the conclusion that they are morally mature individuals.
Every past favor that I did for them, they always did their best to repay it in some way or another. These relationships have caused mutual elevation and advancement on many levels, benefiting everyone involved. This is what true friendship is supposed to be in a Satanic world.

SS friends are better investments than normies because they can advance themselves spiritually and fix any past problems that might have required aid from others to solve. This is why the Gods also protect us, because they know we will become strong and be good allies, with time.

Following this thought, the best thing you can do for normies is get them to start doing SS stuff, piece by piece. I think it is not beyond the scope of reasonabilty to try to convert close, but normie, friends, done out of desire to see them improve.
HailVictory88 said:
Manofsatan said:
I’m glad I saw this post at the best time for me. Just when I am deciding to end a very toxic and parasitic girlfriend from my life. I have so give my money, soul, bought her phones and done practically nothing for myself that’s tangible. And she’s singing about getting married to someone else cos presently I’m financially boyant to marry(irony). And so I don’t loose, I have decided to rip of her energy(life force) and every other parasitic person I have had relationship with especially sexually.
Hail Satan.

A lot of people here have recommend against energy ripping and vampirism as revenge tactics, as the energy of others is often dirty. It might be a good idea to consider other (spiritual and legal) methods if revenge is needed.

Buh cleaning the aura thoroughly will make it only beneficial

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
