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Speaking Of Crimes...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people do not seem to be quite aware or conscious about how many crimes the enemy has done against Pagan people. A lot of people on the world don't even know of the Inquisition or that other countries exist except their own, close mindedness is a big issue.

Most of these crimes, we will never know. They were recorded nowhere. Christians who were the only literates in the Middle Ages and who made every effort to write history to present them as good and great, only wrote some of these crimes here and there in order to scare their enemies. Other crimes did only leak, but the majority was never even mentioned in any book, historical or otherwise. The fact that these were not recorded, does not mean these haven't happened - and through this, the RTR and our Rituals will just bring them down completely.

For those who think they are Satanists but they are not actively fighting the plague of Christianity or the enemy, then you are not a Satanist, and your "Satanic Soul" is a lot under question of it's Satanism. We do not talk about compromising any safety here, as safety is essential in war - we are talking about doing what one can to replace the enemy and their odious programs, cleverly.

If hypothetically speaking one even felt anything about all this, they would do at least something to bring the odious systems of the enemy down, rather than do nothing on every single day.

One would do RTR's and take some form of action to obliterate this human hating plague, not sit down and complain about their dick and video games only all day. Indeed, one would consider it a matter of life and death whether or not these things emerge again, and would empower themselves seriously to be strong in order that these things are fought against and limited, and spiritually destroyed completely.

In regards to some fools who think that power is unimportant, and that things are fine, you are a domesticated idiot, foolish, or a blatant infiltrator. In more than half the planet, if one was a Satanist there, they would be killed. On the other hand, the only fine lines that keep a "Satanist" or a "Pagan" alive, are matters such as the rule of law and externalities, or the fact that Gentiles happen to be more peaceful than aggressive.

Fill these places with a few more Muslims, and soon, we will be in the Middle Ages again. This is another reason why the "Open Societies" espoused by Soros in particular love to bring all the people who believe you should be hanged in reverse and killed in our "Free Societies". Moving away from Abrahamism is a dead alert to the jews, and they want to make things come back again. This behavior is trying to bolster both Chirstianity and Islam at the same time through identity clashing between the enemies of jews. To keep the crime, misery, and stupidity going.

The reality of "Christianity" is that it was founded on rivers of blood. Specifically, Pagan Blood. The Inquisition is only a little example of all this. The slaughter of all Pagans systematically and for many centuries is a fact, and Christians know this. Do not be deceived. The Pope and all these Jews on the top know this, enjoy this, and they know full well they are sitting on an order built on stolen gold and endless crimes. Everything stated about "Love" is only a joke to keep the brain-dead swindled. In regards to Islam, there is no point to even discuss it.

To see the blatant lies, think for example, how they complain and whine that "Pagans did sacrifice a goat once a year!". To eat it, that is.

Anyhow, below is a picture of Eid Had, and below this one, there are pictures of Kapparot [Ritual Murder] infested streets. Google them. Vegans of course are sissies and all they know to whine about some male eating pork, they cannot complain about "meat eaters" elsewhere, as a machete will cut their head off. So instead they are focused on the important aspects of all this such as normal humans eating bacon. They are changing the world so much...Oy vey.

When you know a lot, the enemy can't lie to you anymore that we are the "Evil people" and all the related garbage. For example, they practice Human Blood Drinking simulation every Sunday. They sacrifice millions of animals yearly. The list goes and goes endless. Then, they just heap all of this onto their enemies, which do not even do 0,00001% of what they are accused of. This is how they typically act.

Below is a street during the yearly celebration of Muslims, in which they ritualistically slaughter possibly hundreds of millions of cattle, as a sacrifice to "Allah".


It should be common sense by now, that whenever these Abrahamics talk and accuse, they are just making fake and strange accusations to their enemies, that they themselves practice for thousands of years. These include slaughter, murder, loss of innocent life, ceaseless lying, brutality, and generally a death infested cult that they are part of.

In regards to the loving aspect of the Abrahamic programs, I won't post faces of women who had their face melted by Islam, nor mention that all of Europe almost perished due to Judeo Christianity, which took cats as "agents of the devil" and slaughtered them, giving rise to the Bubonic Plague, which almost killed Europeans entirely. No need to mention the Inquisition, or World War 1 and World War 2 created by Jews either.

Below are some comments by Christians who believe stuff that chanting prayers over your shit is actually a very spiritual thing to do, and took their tradition from Rabbinical drivel, and a rebel fictitious mythological Rabbi, named Rabbi Jesus. The religion of love and stuff like that.

"For that all superstition of pagans and heathens should be annihilated is what God wants, God commands, God proclaims!" -St Augustine. As to who is this "God"? Just a Hebrew retard that wrote a book once upon a time, which jews like Augustine later took and promoted on the Goyim, and slayed them over said book.

If any images stand even now in the temples and shrines...., they shall be torn from their foundations...The temples situated in cities or towns shall be taken for public use. Altars shall be destroyed in all places." -Honorius

"Marcian decreed, in the year 451, that those who continued to perform the pagan rites would suffer the confiscation of their property and be condemned to death." How nice and loving, the religion of Love at work.

"In the year 426, Theodosius II made it illegal for Christian apostates to convert to the old religion, and against those who pretended to become Christian but continued to perform pagan sacrifices.[13] He found it necessary to reiterate his prohibition of pagan rites and sacrifices in 435, this time increasing the penalty to death.[22] This law also ordered that all pagan shrines, temples and sanctuaries that still existed were to be destroyed by the magistrates. Magistrates who failed to carry out this order were ordered to be punished with death. In 438 Theodosius legislated again, forbidding pagan sacrifice once more.[45]" [All quotes above from Wiki, and there is much more in books]

As we can understand, loose brain retards such as "Pagans" who believe of a symbioti social level relations with xians, are not only deluded, but they might as well be considered our enemies, not as in direct opponents, but as dangerous idiots, who are causing confusion. There never was and there never will be any peace between the two, and whomever believes in these things, is an utter fool, or a shill.

Christians in their essence, are about murdering Pagans, elevating jews, doing Hebrew curses to their own kin, exterminating them for no reason, and in particular having sold their soul for 2 shekels to the enemy. All of this based only and justified only on ancient fiction books that were created by some retarded jews in the levant. They are ruled spirit and soul by the enemy, and their "culture" is just the common Hebraic filth. All they are about was based in the first place on a reaction to kill, enslave, replace, and destroy the Pagan people's, hijack their civilizations, and bring them to ruin. All the racial, cultural, and general ruin and degeneracy observed today is nothing but the eggs of Christianity manifested in civilization. It took what was consolidated for a thousand years, to fall a few decades, and Rome was split and did fall like a dead husk, after Christians took it over in political offices, and Jews controlled it through them.

As Marcus Eli Ravage stated, nobody blamed the jews for creating Christ or Christianity - the most obvious attack of domination towards the Gentile people and Pagans, and the most murderous. And he was appalled at Goyim stupidity for not mentioning this very fact, that is so obvious, and so evident, that he was laughing with himself how it skipped the Gentiles.

" But the upheaval which brought Christianity into Europe was — or at least may easily be shown to have been — planned and executed by Jews as an act of revenge against a great Gentile state. And when you talk about Jewish conspiracies I cannot for the world understand why you do not mention the destruction of Rome and the whole civilization of antiquity concentrated under her banners, at the hands of Jewish Christianity.

It is unbelievable, but you Christians do not seem to know where your religion came from, nor how, nor why. Your historians, with one great exception, do not tell you. The documents in the case, which are part of your Bible, you chant over but do not read. We have done our work propaganda too implicitly...

Yet here, if ever, was a great subversive movement, hatched in Palestine, spread by Jewish agitators, financed by Jewish money, taught in Jewish pamphlets and broadsides, at a time when Jewry and Rome were in a death-struggle, and ending in the collapse of the great Gentile empire. You do not even see it, though
an intelligent child, unbefuddled by theological magic, could tell you what it is all about after a hasty reading of the simple record. And then you go on prattling of Jewish conspiracies and cite as instances the Great War and the Russian Revolution! Can you wonder that we Jews have always taken your anti-Semites
rather lightly, as long as they did not resort to violence? " -Marcus Eli Ravage

Are you going to do your part in this to call yourself a Satanist so that times like this never return and our enemies finally pay spiritually all in triple double?

As much as Satanism is independent and tens of thousands years older than the enemy [they admit it also, the aliens and cohorts came only to replace and nullify our destiny] at this present point in time, what we have to do, is wage spiritual, intellectual, knowledge, and full on opposition and war to the enemy to bring them down. Those who do not understand this, are not Satanists all that much, or at least, Satanists of any major importance, just self inflated deluded idiots.

Of course, Satanism grows on someone, same as understanding does. And as one has understanding, there is no excuse to not do what one has to do.

Do not lose out, it's a wonderful opportunity to do things for the Gods and grow close to them now and for all time. Our Gods were always here and in our life, and they will be again.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Good morning hp... Does being chubby/fat nesscrly mean that a person is not healthy? Because i weight 105 kgs and i am short but i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems, my diet consist mostly of steak and eggs and some veggies and white bread and black coffee to drink, and i could feel and see my aura very well and i also read that there are chubby gods... Does being chubby go against being physicaly and spiritualy perfect here is the real quastion that been on my mind lately???
Just stay healthy and try to stay healthy. This is key point. Some extra weight, it's not a big issue in most cases.

ArabKnight said:
Good morning hp... Does being chubby/fat nesscrly mean that a person is not healthy? Because i weight 105 kgs and i am short but i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems, my diet consist mostly of steak and eggs and some veggies and white bread and black coffee to drink, and i could feel and see my aura very well and i also read that there are chubby gods... Does being chubby go against being physicaly and spiritualy perfect here is the real quastion that been on my mind lately???
ArabKnight said:
Good morning hp... Does being chubby/fat nesscrly mean that a person is not healthy? Because i weight 105 kgs and i am short but i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems, my diet consist mostly of steak and eggs and some veggies and white bread and black coffee to drink, and i could feel and see my aura very well and i also read that there are chubby gods... Does being chubby go against being physicaly and spiritualy perfect here is the real quastion that been on my mind lately???
No problems now, but things can catch up to you over time. I don’t think it’s a good idea to be chubby. The reason is your risks for heart problems, blood pressure problems, organ problems with excess fatty tissue around them, it all goes up. Joint and bone problems like osteoarthritis. The list goes on. It’s obvious, excess body fat isn’t good. Healthy eating isn’t enough. Same with being at a healthy body fat percentage isn’t enough for optimal health. You need healthy diet too and adequate activity levels to keep the body in a decent love of conditioning. Slim down a bit. You’ll feel better, have more energy and even more confidence and Improved self esteem. Yoga is safer, blood flow is improved everything is better. It’s not very hard either you don’t need extreme dieting. Just keep choosing healthy whole foods which usually have less calories. And exercise a bit.
Eric13 said:
ArabKnight said:
Good morning hp... Does being chubby/fat nesscrly mean that a person is not healthy? Because i weight 105 kgs and i am short but i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems, my diet consist mostly of steak and eggs and some veggies and white bread and black coffee to drink, and i could feel and see my aura very well and i also read that there are chubby gods... Does being chubby go against being physicaly and spiritualy perfect here is the real quastion that been on my mind lately???
No problems now, but things can catch up to you over time. I don’t think it’s a good idea to be chubby. The reason is your risks for heart problems, blood pressure problems, organ problems with excess fatty tissue around them, it all goes up. Joint and bone problems like osteoarthritis. The list goes on. It’s obvious, excess body fat isn’t good. Healthy eating isn’t enough. Same with being at a healthy body fat percentage isn’t enough for optimal health. You need healthy diet too and adequate activity levels to keep the body in a decent love of conditioning. Slim down a bit. You’ll feel better, have more energy and even more confidence and Improved self esteem. Yoga is safer, blood flow is improved everything is better. It’s not very hard either you don’t need extreme dieting. Just keep choosing healthy whole foods which usually have less calories. And exercise a bit.

I had a great grandmother who got to age 100 while having more weight than should be considered healthy on her.
It just (mostly) depends on what you eat and drink. Eat healthy foods and drinks. Also back in the day food and water wasnt ridden with chemicals and pesticides and foods probably also didnt have the lack of nutrients they do now.
Maybe white bread isnt the best option to eat either but Im not saying that you shouldnt eat it at all.
One more thing. If they ever measure your cholesterol, for most people the average value they consider healthy is simply too low. They get problems. Cholesterol in itself has some reason to be there. Lowering when you need it is just starving yourself.
ArabKnight said:
i weight 105 kgs and i am short (...)
Check this chart out, it is about Body Mass Index:

Not a doctor here, but I always suggest all my friends (and personally do) doing some physical activity to keep your body in optimal working conditions, this does not mean to become a bodybuilder or go gym 7/7. If you feel (and/or see on the BMI chart) that you are overweight, you might benefit by consulting a dietician and start doing some exercise on your own (like running) or even better consult a trainer.
ArabKnight said:
i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems (...)
Hopefully you verified your good health by medical exams
Pirate11 said:
ArabKnight said:
i weight 105 kgs and i am short (...)
Check this chart out, it is about Body Mass Index:

Not a doctor here, but I always suggest all my friends (and personally do) doing some physical activity to keep your body in optimal working conditions, this does not mean to become a bodybuilder or go gym 7/7. If you feel (and/or see on the BMI chart) that you are overweight, you might benefit by consulting a dietician and start doing some exercise on your own (like running) or even better consult a trainer.
ArabKnight said:
i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems (...)
Hopefully you verified your good health by medical exams

BMI is very vague. It's better to base oneself on body fat percentage. Some Adonis-type people with the right amount of muscles (gymnasts and swimmers) may be considered overweight by BMI, because BMI doesn't take into account body composition. Body fat percentages do. In general anything between 8% and 12% if they are harmoniously muscular is a good percentage for a man. Below there are problems because the fat is too little, above one starts looking chubby. Excessive (i.e. bodybuilders) and defective amounts of muscles are also a problem because in the first case one would have flexibility problems and look like a monster, in the second case one would have problems performing daily tasks and career-related tasks, other than look like a dried plum.

For women, I didn't care to study specific ratios as I'm not interested. Generally, though, women need a higher fat percentage because they need more essential fat to operate functionally.
I swear irrelevant questions on important topics are done on purpose.
Stormblood said:
BMI is very vague. It's better to base oneself on body fat percentage.
Yes, you are right. However @ArabKnight said:
ArabKnight said:
Does being chubby/fat nesscrly mean that a person is not healthy?
So I assumed he is in the situation where BMI would be actually "accurate" enough to be useful in his case :)
Pirate11 said:
ArabKnight said:
i weight 105 kgs and i am short (...)
Check this chart out, it is about Body Mass Index:

Not a doctor here, but I always suggest all my friends (and personally do) doing some physical activity to keep your body in optimal working conditions, this does not mean to become a bodybuilder or go gym 7/7. If you feel (and/or see on the BMI chart) that you are overweight, you might benefit by consulting a dietician and start doing some exercise on your own (like running) or even better consult a trainer.
ArabKnight said:
i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems (...)
Hopefully you verified your good health by medical exams

BMI for some is not only inaccurate but completely off. As an athlete in High Shool I weighed 20lbs OVER the maximum 'healthy' weight for my height, despite both being a runner and not eating much more than 2000 calories a day. And now as an adult I'm stable at about 40lbs over that 'maximum healthy weight' for my height.

Though I look like I weigh maybe 145-165. Not everyone has the same body type, and density (bone, muscle, fat, etc.) matters.

Also, this is not the correct place to be posting about health related issues. To @ArabKnight specifically.
Lydia said:
HP Cobra writes a sermon that is very inspiring for us to do the RTR... and someone comments about being chubby. That literally made me forget what I was going to add to this sermon.

I think everybody else feels the same way you do. They only respond to ArabKnight.

Well off to do the RTR.
ArabKnight said:
Good morning hp... Does being chubby/fat nesscrly mean that a person is not healthy? Because i weight 105 kgs and i am short but i don't have any health problems and i don't take any drugs and i don't have any breathing problems or heart problems or blood vissels problems or joints and back problems or diabetes or liver problems, my diet consist mostly of steak and eggs and some veggies and white bread and black coffee to drink, and i could feel and see my aura very well and i also read that there are chubby gods... Does being chubby go against being physicaly and spiritualy perfect here is the real quastion that been on my mind lately???
Speaking of your body, I'm telling you this is wrong. Yoga is for blood flow and energy flow in the body. You need muscle training. Muscle is pure health, fat is not health. Yoga does not burn fat. You don't have to go to the gym. Do regular and serious flexing along with some other muscle exercise plus yoga and meditation and you'll be fine. However, you must be respectful. You can freely open new discussions and talk about what interests you. Talking outside of the theme is not nice. Imagine if you had opened a new discussion and the others answered you talking about other things. I know you didn't ignore the sermon, but try to understand what I'm saying.
SATchives said:
I swear irrelevant questions on important topics are done on purpose.
Lydia said:
HP Cobra writes a sermon that is very inspiring for us to do the RTR... and someone comments about being chubby. That literally made me forget what I was going to add to this sermon.
Exactly. And as you can see by the sheer number of responses to this offtopic post, the thread got elegantly hijacked.
Stay on topic people, dammit!
To be on-topic.

Don't most people give a rats ass about this stuff. More and more as the time passes I notice we are the few that even care. And the worst part is many of these biblicalized methods used in regimes of the past aren't even known by that many xtians. Usually they have to research this stuff and in most cases go "ebul pagans".

It's almost as if they support the laws of those regimes due to being bible thumped. They see it as "Well if everyone hates pagans I'll join the bandwagon and hate them as well".

It's true what Cobra, clergy, and many members stated. Xtianity is just built on hate, not sure how the pagans handled xtianity but there sure wasn't enough hatred on our side.

I just hope in the future ritual for removing the psychic barrier next year that it does help out. Cause I really don't see the World doing so well in the next 20-30 years especially with the whole kalergification and rotting of society.
Master Darkness said:
Yoga is for blood flow and energy flow in the body. You need muscle training. Muscle is pure health, fat is not health. Yoga does not burn fat.
Yoga does burn fat and build muscle. If you're not noticing it, then try advancing in yoga. Balancing your entire bodyweight on only 2 or even just 1 hand, while simultaneously keeping in check your core and all other parts of your body to stay balanced, that is an intense workout.
Lydia said:
Master Darkness said:
Yoga is for blood flow and energy flow in the body. You need muscle training. Muscle is pure health, fat is not health. Yoga does not burn fat.
Yoga does burn fat and build muscle. If you're not noticing it, then try advancing in yoga. Balancing your entire bodyweight on only 2 or even just 1 hand, while simultaneously keeping in check your core and all other parts of your body to stay balanced, that is an intense workout.

Yeah, exactly. Many muscles need to be strong and flexible enough before doing any balancing exercise, especially true for handstands and headstands. People can break their collarbone and damage themselves in other way, if they lunge into it and force the position, instead of developing proper muscular strength first. I will be writing a progressive guide into how develop the handstand with minimal risk.
Lydia said:
Master Darkness said:
Yoga is for blood flow and energy flow in the body. You need muscle training. Muscle is pure health, fat is not health. Yoga does not burn fat.
Yoga does burn fat and build muscle. If you're not noticing it, then try advancing in yoga. Balancing your entire bodyweight on only 2 or even just 1 hand, while simultaneously keeping in check your core and all other parts of your body to stay balanced, that is an intense workout.
Are you a ninja? :eek:
Lydia said:
Master Darkness said:
Yoga is for blood flow and energy flow in the body. You need muscle training. Muscle is pure health, fat is not health. Yoga does not burn fat.
Yoga does burn fat and build muscle. If you're not noticing it, then try advancing in yoga. Balancing your entire bodyweight on only 2 or even just 1 hand, while simultaneously keeping in check your core and all other parts of your body to stay balanced, that is an intense workout.
You're right. Yoga is a full-body workout. Meditation is a superior thing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
