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On Approaching Satanism

LaconicLion said:
Master Darkness said:
I am permanently free from Jewish lies. The problem is work in the material world. During the day you have to work and at night you have to rest and sleep. Work at least 8 hours a day, plus time to prepare and go to work and come home and the day is over. And then sleep to get up and do the same thing again. I know you can find 15 minutes of time to meditate, but this is not balance between material and astral. The Astral that is most important, dedicate them 15 minutes, while to the material dedicate them all day and every day. I would like to free myself from the work on the material world. I've been thinking for a long time, but unfortunately I can't find the solution. If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. I would like a job that requires little time and effort. I would like to work all day in the astral dimension and not in the material dimension. I would like to be paid for this. However, in this world of slaves, to survive it is necessary to be slaves and not free, powerful and important. I fully understand the importance of work and that without it we could not exist and by this I mean work in both the material and astral dimensions. I wish there was a choice. And not just work in the material dimension. But, as I said, this world is a world of slaves and the question of work could not be otherwise. However, it is not the fault of the Gentiles, because they are victims. It's the fault of the hateful and disgusting enemies, the Jews and their superiors. When the Gentiles are saved, everything will be at its best and best, meaningfully and freely. This is the current condition. Because of this condition of slave life, I have thought of several solutions without any proving effective. From having authority over slaves to having authority over free. From having a robot that works in my place and in my name and that I can have free time for the astral and for my soul. I am not a fool, I am just looking for a way to free myself from this slave society. I even thought to exist only in the form of spirit, to free myself from slavery on this world, by the way, I also thought to leave this planet. All this for freedom. Thank you for the wonderful sermon as always. I would like to thank you personally once I am advanced with actions and favors of course. Hail Satan in Eternity.

>If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. To survive it is necessary to be slaves.
Negative, limited thinking/belief. Your self-talk here obviously isn't helping. But I understand why you're frustrated. You value your time and you're not getting enough in return. I'll do my best to help with that in this post.

>(Stuff about leaving the planet, robots)
Escapism isn't the answer of course. Empower yourself, take responsibility for your life and your financial situation. You are in control over your own thoughts, actions, and beliefs. You can achieve a successful life, whatever your definition of success. (as long as it lies within the possibilities of the universe, it can be done.) Never believe that there is a 'scarcity' of success, that 'success is for other people', or 'success is just something that happens'. It is a limiting belief, and limitations are not part of Satanism. You must reach out and 'create' success for yourself. As an SS, consider it your ethical duty to be successful. Empower yourself to become an ideal for your race, and a worthy warrior for the Gods.

>I would like a job that requires little time and effort.
Usually - a job that requires little time and effort pays little. Because the entry barrier is low, and anyone can do it, which drives down rates. If you spend little time & effort, generally, you also generate little value, which reflects in your pay. Think of money as 'value vouchers'. E.g. Dishwashers earn 10 value vouchers/hour, according to the marketplace, while Executives & Doctors earn ~200 value vouchers/h. Perceived value is different from actual value, and value changes according to circumstances.

To earn more, deliver more value. Extraordinary value usually requires extraordinary action. Get rich easy = usually doesn't work, because of this.

>(Stuff about how much time work takes) I would like to free myself from the work on the material world.
I've studied these subjects in-depth. You have a few choices you can make here. Being creative, you can combine aspects of the different options into something that works best for you. Think on it deeply, study the paths available, but you may want to explore several over the course of your life.

0. The "Default" Path - Raise your intrinsic value with education and/or training, pursue a career path, work for a company. If you don't like your job right now, switch to a different company, or study something different to get a job in a different field.
Worth it if there's a particular job or career that you really want, or an industry you're devoted to. Such as a scientist that wants to work at NASA. You can also learn a lot from a company, understand the inner workings, and later start your own. Trade offs are, your employer has the control, and your wages are capped. There is no real 'security' with this option, as you can get cut loose on a whim, or w/ economic downturns, 'company downsizing'. This path starts to become a nightmare when you hate your job, but you have to pay the bills.

1. Early Retirement Extreme -- Keep working full time, save hugely, spend very little, retire in a couple years on compound interest $$, continue to spend very little.
  • Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) is a movement of individuals integrating ideas from anti-consumerism, DIY, the Renaissance man ideal, home economics, individualism, environmentalism, and rentier capitalism toward the goal of achieving financial independence extremely rapidly. Putting ERE principles into practice yields a lifestyle that meets all needs while minimizing ongoing inputs of money, natural resources, friction, and effort.
    By embracing simple living, self-sufficiency, and prudence, a worker with a typical wage income can comfortably achieve a savings rate of 50-80%. The mathematics of compound interest and safe withdrawal rates dictate that an individual with such a high savings rate can achieve financial independence after only 5-10 years. At that point, they may choose to retire permanently from work, perform non-remunerative work, or pursue other goals.
    (Resources - earlyretirementextreme.com, and the book which you can get for free in links I'll post below.)

1b. The above, but work part time, and keep expenses low. If you don't earn much over your expenses, you can't save much and you won't be able to retire early, but you'll work less right now.

2a. Home-Based Online Freelance Work -- Learn a profitable skill, get good at it, earn high rates w/ more autonomy, while working less.
  • 57 million Americans already do this.
    Here's all the skills people are paying for on this top freelancing platform -- https://www.upwork.com/hire/
    Here's a report by the leading freelance platform for the highest paid skills. https://www.upwork.com/blog/indcategories/
    The gist of this strategy is that you learn a profitable skill (online, free, through self-education), then you get paid for it through freelance work. Instead of one boss, you have many clients. You have more autonomy, and more control over the rates you get paid.
    By raising your intrinsic value to the marketplace, (e.g. washing dishes 10$/h to software development $100/h), it's possible to work less hours while earning more money. To set your own schedule, with more income growth potential. For example, you can work 10-20 hours a week, or full time for 2 weeks, and no work for 2 weeks, or whatever you want. But you have to put in the initial effort to learn the skill, and to be proactive to get clients, to become valuable in the marketplace, otherwise you won't be able to pay the bills.
    You want a balance between your natural inclinations/personality(how 'suited' you are to learn a skill, enjoy the work, etc.), time investment needed to reach entry-level rates (start getting paid in 1-2 wks vs. having to learn for months), and how much that skill is valued and needed(which is indicated by the $$ they're paying & how many people post gigs for that skill).
    Of course, you can also use your skill to start your own platform, like how Lydia sells her valued skill (Astrology), on her own site. In the early stages, you'll have to go to where your customers are. Later on, as you have a reputation, referrals, a portfolio, etc, you can bring them to you. (This is preferred, because most platforms take a % cut for connecting you w/ your client, among other benefits.)

2b. Same as the above, but on an offline skill/trade.
  • Just like the above, you'll need a suitable skill that's fulfills a need. Can be local or global. For example, there are master artisans/tradesmen like master masons that travel around the world to custom-make castle-walls, staircases, furniture for the ultra-wealthy. Their skills are valued, and the demand is high, and the supply of these skills are low. So they can demand high rates, and have quite a bit of autonomy and control over their working schedule, and which projects to take on.

2c. Superstar status. Extreme intrinsic value.
  • Think famous actors, movie stars, musicians, artists, elite athletes, singers, who earn millions of dollars. Reaching the top of a field in fame (not necessarily talent), gives you the stage to affect millions and earn millions. Generally requires extraordinary efforts. (Although it's well known that the Oy Vey's are muddying the waters with blackmail, nepotism, cultural corruption and what not.) Still achievable and possible for many Gentiles, (without having to "join the Illuminati" as Xians claim) especially SS with magick & soul understanding.

3. Entrepreneurship - Educate yourself, & work to build a *system* that creates $$, to free yourself from the time/money equation. Then you can sell that system for a lump sum (liquidation), or keep that system as an 'income stream'.
  • The above paths are based on getting education/training/experience to increase your intrinsic value to earn more money for your time. In the entrepreneur mindset, you use what you learn, and your time, to build your business system. You can eventually sell your business, or offload it to others to keep it running. It's also possible to delegate 95% of your work, and work a few hours a week while making a respectable income. ("Lifestyle Businesses").
    If you want to go beyond that, then you need to put in extraordinary effort. To be rich young, and make millions, your business system has to operate on a scale & magnitude that affects millions.
    Example: Twenty-four-year-old Sheila Hinton quits her job to become a roving computer technician, eradicating viruses and cleaning computers. At first, her business operates in the local metropolitan area, but growth forces her to hire additional technicians. Her growth to additional cities is explosive and driven by demand. In a few years, Sheila owns a company that operates in 27 states. She moves from a technician to a facilitator of the system, and her company enjoys an impressive $2.9 million profit. After enjoying the profits (and saving most of it), she sells her company for $24 million to a large computer manufacturer. She built an asset from nothing to something. The asset was her system, and now with a $30 million nest egg, she never has to work again.

Resources (If you decide to read them, please do not just read 'summaries' of the books, it's not enough to get the cliffnotes version, you need to delve deep into these titles to build the right mindset and knowledge base. It's your mental and emotional foundation that will sustain you on a uncommon, long-term, life path.):
  • https://www.pdfdrive.com/ For "free" Ebooks.
    Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker (For those interested in #1)
    The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    UNSCRIPTED by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    For those interested in freelancing, look for resources online to learn your skill of choice. You need to learn just enough to start earning with your skill Just enough to know how to pitch clients, and communicate. Do not be stuck in the initial learning stage for too long, otherwise you'll never get started. The bulk of your learning is from doing the work and getting feedback from clients.
    "Free" courses: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/9mfpt4/websites_that_have_pirated_courses_from_udemy/ (None of these are vetted by me, use malwarebytes to scan, and your own discretion, don't open any shady .exes, use common sense.)

    Additional tips: Never EVER buy into expensive seminars, infomercials, $5000 courses from gurus that'll make you rich in 3 weeks, or whatever. Do not fall for the shortcut scams. They are unethical people who are selling outdated/oversaturated/ineffective methods to people who want to get rich easy. You will waste time and money if you buy into the shortcuts. It's a process. You have to put in the effort to learn the process and succeed in it. Just like spiritual advancement is a process - we have to study and meditate and make mistakes and grow. We can't pay some guy $6600 to do some fancy ritual for us and he'll make our kundalini rise instantly. Any information you need, you can find online for free, or for very cheap, and the 'cheap' resources are usually the most valuable as well.

Thank you for this :)
LaconicLion said:
Master Darkness said:
I am permanently free from Jewish lies. The problem is work in the material world. During the day you have to work and at night you have to rest and sleep. Work at least 8 hours a day, plus time to prepare and go to work and come home and the day is over. And then sleep to get up and do the same thing again. I know you can find 15 minutes of time to meditate, but this is not balance between material and astral. The Astral that is most important, dedicate them 15 minutes, while to the material dedicate them all day and every day. I would like to free myself from the work on the material world. I've been thinking for a long time, but unfortunately I can't find the solution. If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. I would like a job that requires little time and effort. I would like to work all day in the astral dimension and not in the material dimension. I would like to be paid for this. However, in this world of slaves, to survive it is necessary to be slaves and not free, powerful and important. I fully understand the importance of work and that without it we could not exist and by this I mean work in both the material and astral dimensions. I wish there was a choice. And not just work in the material dimension. But, as I said, this world is a world of slaves and the question of work could not be otherwise. However, it is not the fault of the Gentiles, because they are victims. It's the fault of the hateful and disgusting enemies, the Jews and their superiors. When the Gentiles are saved, everything will be at its best and best, meaningfully and freely. This is the current condition. Because of this condition of slave life, I have thought of several solutions without any proving effective. From having authority over slaves to having authority over free. From having a robot that works in my place and in my name and that I can have free time for the astral and for my soul. I am not a fool, I am just looking for a way to free myself from this slave society. I even thought to exist only in the form of spirit, to free myself from slavery on this world, by the way, I also thought to leave this planet. All this for freedom. Thank you for the wonderful sermon as always. I would like to thank you personally once I am advanced with actions and favors of course. Hail Satan in Eternity.

>If you want to exist in the material dimension, you must be slaves to it. To survive it is necessary to be slaves.
Negative, limited thinking/belief. Your self-talk here obviously isn't helping. But I understand why you're frustrated. You value your time and you're not getting enough in return. I'll do my best to help with that in this post.

>(Stuff about leaving the planet, robots)
Escapism isn't the answer of course. Empower yourself, take responsibility for your life and your financial situation. You are in control over your own thoughts, actions, and beliefs. You can achieve a successful life, whatever your definition of success. (as long as it lies within the possibilities of the universe, it can be done.) Never believe that there is a 'scarcity' of success, that 'success is for other people', or 'success is just something that happens'. It is a limiting belief, and limitations are not part of Satanism. You must reach out and 'create' success for yourself. As an SS, consider it your ethical duty to be successful. Empower yourself to become an ideal for your race, and a worthy warrior for the Gods.

>I would like a job that requires little time and effort.
Usually - a job that requires little time and effort pays little. Because the entry barrier is low, and anyone can do it, which drives down rates. If you spend little time & effort, generally, you also generate little value, which reflects in your pay. Think of money as 'value vouchers'. E.g. Dishwashers earn 10 value vouchers/hour, according to the marketplace, while Executives & Doctors earn ~200 value vouchers/h. Perceived value is different from actual value, and value changes according to circumstances.

To earn more, deliver more value. Extraordinary value usually requires extraordinary action. Get rich easy = usually doesn't work, because of this.

>(Stuff about how much time work takes) I would like to free myself from the work on the material world.
I've studied these subjects in-depth. You have a few choices you can make here. Being creative, you can combine aspects of the different options into something that works best for you. Think on it deeply, study the paths available, but you may want to explore several over the course of your life.

0. The "Default" Path - Raise your intrinsic value with education and/or training, pursue a career path, work for a company. If you don't like your job right now, switch to a different company, or study something different to get a job in a different field.
Worth it if there's a particular job or career that you really want, or an industry you're devoted to. Such as a scientist that wants to work at NASA. You can also learn a lot from a company, understand the inner workings, and later start your own. Trade offs are, your employer has the control, and your wages are capped. There is no real 'security' with this option, as you can get cut loose on a whim, or w/ economic downturns, 'company downsizing'. This path starts to become a nightmare when you hate your job, but you have to pay the bills.

1. Early Retirement Extreme -- Keep working full time, save hugely, spend very little, retire in a couple years on compound interest $$, continue to spend very little.
  • Early Retirement Extreme (ERE) is a movement of individuals integrating ideas from anti-consumerism, DIY, the Renaissance man ideal, home economics, individualism, environmentalism, and rentier capitalism toward the goal of achieving financial independence extremely rapidly. Putting ERE principles into practice yields a lifestyle that meets all needs while minimizing ongoing inputs of money, natural resources, friction, and effort.
    By embracing simple living, self-sufficiency, and prudence, a worker with a typical wage income can comfortably achieve a savings rate of 50-80%. The mathematics of compound interest and safe withdrawal rates dictate that an individual with such a high savings rate can achieve financial independence after only 5-10 years. At that point, they may choose to retire permanently from work, perform non-remunerative work, or pursue other goals.
    (Resources - earlyretirementextreme.com, and the book which you can get for free in links I'll post below.)

1b. The above, but work part time, and keep expenses low. If you don't earn much over your expenses, you can't save much and you won't be able to retire early, but you'll work less right now.

2a. Home-Based Online Freelance Work -- Learn a profitable skill, get good at it, earn high rates w/ more autonomy, while working less.
  • 57 million Americans already do this.
    Here's all the skills people are paying for on this top freelancing platform -- https://www.upwork.com/hire/
    Here's a report by the leading freelance platform for the highest paid skills. https://www.upwork.com/blog/indcategories/
    The gist of this strategy is that you learn a profitable skill (online, free, through self-education), then you get paid for it through freelance work. Instead of one boss, you have many clients. You have more autonomy, and more control over the rates you get paid.
    By raising your intrinsic value to the marketplace, (e.g. washing dishes 10$/h to software development $100/h), it's possible to work less hours while earning more money. To set your own schedule, with more income growth potential. For example, you can work 10-20 hours a week, or full time for 2 weeks, and no work for 2 weeks, or whatever you want. But you have to put in the initial effort to learn the skill, and to be proactive to get clients, to become valuable in the marketplace, otherwise you won't be able to pay the bills.
    You want a balance between your natural inclinations/personality(how 'suited' you are to learn a skill, enjoy the work, etc.), time investment needed to reach entry-level rates (start getting paid in 1-2 wks vs. having to learn for months), and how much that skill is valued and needed(which is indicated by the $$ they're paying & how many people post gigs for that skill).
    Of course, you can also use your skill to start your own platform, like how Lydia sells her valued skill (Astrology), on her own site. In the early stages, you'll have to go to where your customers are. Later on, as you have a reputation, referrals, a portfolio, etc, you can bring them to you. (This is preferred, because most platforms take a % cut for connecting you w/ your client, among other benefits.)

2b. Same as the above, but on an offline skill/trade.
  • Just like the above, you'll need a suitable skill that's fulfills a need. Can be local or global. For example, there are master artisans/tradesmen like master masons that travel around the world to custom-make castle-walls, staircases, furniture for the ultra-wealthy. Their skills are valued, and the demand is high, and the supply of these skills are low. So they can demand high rates, and have quite a bit of autonomy and control over their working schedule, and which projects to take on.

2c. Superstar status. Extreme intrinsic value.
  • Think famous actors, movie stars, musicians, artists, elite athletes, singers, who earn millions of dollars. Reaching the top of a field in fame (not necessarily talent), gives you the stage to affect millions and earn millions. Generally requires extraordinary efforts. (Although it's well known that the Oy Vey's are muddying the waters with blackmail, nepotism, cultural corruption and what not.) Still achievable and possible for many Gentiles, (without having to "join the Illuminati" as Xians claim) especially SS with magick & soul understanding.

3. Entrepreneurship - Educate yourself, & work to build a *system* that creates $$, to free yourself from the time/money equation. Then you can sell that system for a lump sum (liquidation), or keep that system as an 'income stream'.
  • The above paths are based on getting education/training/experience to increase your intrinsic value to earn more money for your time. In the entrepreneur mindset, you use what you learn, and your time, to build your business system. You can eventually sell your business, or offload it to others to keep it running. It's also possible to delegate 95% of your work, and work a few hours a week while making a respectable income. ("Lifestyle Businesses").
    If you want to go beyond that, then you need to put in extraordinary effort. To be rich young, and make millions, your business system has to operate on a scale & magnitude that affects millions.
    Example: Twenty-four-year-old Sheila Hinton quits her job to become a roving computer technician, eradicating viruses and cleaning computers. At first, her business operates in the local metropolitan area, but growth forces her to hire additional technicians. Her growth to additional cities is explosive and driven by demand. In a few years, Sheila owns a company that operates in 27 states. She moves from a technician to a facilitator of the system, and her company enjoys an impressive $2.9 million profit. After enjoying the profits (and saving most of it), she sells her company for $24 million to a large computer manufacturer. She built an asset from nothing to something. The asset was her system, and now with a $30 million nest egg, she never has to work again.

Resources (If you decide to read them, please do not just read 'summaries' of the books, it's not enough to get the cliffnotes version, you need to delve deep into these titles to build the right mindset and knowledge base. It's your mental and emotional foundation that will sustain you on a uncommon, long-term, life path.):
  • https://www.pdfdrive.com/ For "free" Ebooks.
    Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker (For those interested in #1)
    The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    UNSCRIPTED by MJ DeMarco (For those interested in #3)
    For those interested in freelancing, look for resources online to learn your skill of choice. You need to learn just enough to start earning with your skill Just enough to know how to pitch clients, and communicate. Do not be stuck in the initial learning stage for too long, otherwise you'll never get started. The bulk of your learning is from doing the work and getting feedback from clients.
    "Free" courses: https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/9mfpt4/websites_that_have_pirated_courses_from_udemy/ (None of these are vetted by me, use malwarebytes to scan, and your own discretion, don't open any shady .exes, use common sense.)

    Additional tips: Never EVER buy into expensive seminars, infomercials, $5000 courses from gurus that'll make you rich in 3 weeks, or whatever. Do not fall for the shortcut scams. They are unethical people who are selling outdated/oversaturated/ineffective methods to people who want to get rich easy. You will waste time and money if you buy into the shortcuts. It's a process. You have to put in the effort to learn the process and succeed in it. Just like spiritual advancement is a process - we have to study and meditate and make mistakes and grow. We can't pay some guy $6600 to do some fancy ritual for us and he'll make our kundalini rise instantly. Any information you need, you can find online for free, or for very cheap, and the 'cheap' resources are usually the most valuable as well.

Thank you for this :)
bluebow said:
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

"What does Armenian mean anyway?" had a bit of a laugh at that haha. Armenia is small country next to Turkey. According to my grandparents ( I am also Armenian), the Turks attempted to genocide Armenians before WWII. So before the supposed genocide of the Jews. But we don't get taught that in school. nooooo…..

Anyways I'm sure youre a Gentile..... because youre here and youre dedicated?

Hail Satan Forever

Sorry but i know only about arabs persians and afghans and pakistanies and russians but its my first time i hear about a group of people called armenian and i searched for it in google i found a groupe of people who look a bit jewish in thier appearness, they tend to be petite and hairy and they have big noses and weird head shapes and i also searched about another group of people called dinarids and i found that i look a bit like them... To be more honest i look like a very weird mix of arab/armenian/dinarid even though i am actually a villager from saudi arabia i am not a Bedouin and i don't live in the desert my original hometown is actually a place where there are mountains and forests (i am not gonna tell its name here)
Gear88 said:
I've had this thought before when hearing voices, makes me wonder such possibilities. I've typed up in some of your threads you posted.

The only thing we can really suggest is try getting involved more with void. I know I'm one to talk but lately after Yom Kippur offensive, I've been trying to get back into more basic meditations and not skip around or jump around.

Anyways good luck with your situation. It's a shame to hear the negativity of it causing in your life. It shouldn't be negative but a wonderful gift of nature.

You may want to be careful when manipulating quote tags. You quoted me by mistake :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I think I'll be putting it on PDF for the library, it's a great reply.

Bear in mind, much of this only works in the United States or other financially developed countries. In no other countries other than Northern Europe, or Canada, or United States, can part time work to keep you alive or anything remotely close to that.

Oh, that's great, HP. :) What did you title it as? And yeah, it was written with a North American perspective, feel free to add that in if you like. To those that gave thanks, you're welcome. I'm glad to serve my allies.
Gear88 said:
Stormblood said:
bluebow said:
You guys might want to read, re-read the sermon on Armenians.https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=176&p=649

I've had this thought before when hearing voices, makes me wonder such possibilities. I've typed up in some of your threads you posted.

The only thing we can really suggest is try getting involved more with void. I know I'm one to talk but lately after Yom Kippur offensive, I've been trying to get back into more basic meditations and not skip around or jump around.

Anyways good luck with your situation. It's a shame to hear the negativity of it causing in your life. It shouldn't be negative but a wonderful gift of nature.

Thanks bro. i'm the hostipat and taking medicine again and also got another, asthma. in childhood i had Asthma bronchitis but then idid got rid of it and now its back stronger as asthma, just one i could completerly ignore the voice and in 1 day it disapeared for a while, but for that i had to be concentrated almoust the whole day ai but i had it for almoust a year now and im so done with it so i had to thake medicine i was feeling moustly anoyences like little fears it keeapt talking to me the whole day and coudnt resist eny more when i got engry i asked who hi es but i had the impresion that is satan but i didnt believe its him because it talked bad to me and it said it doesnt want me or that he is going to kill me and stull, sometimes i did some litle things widouth realizing... i think the only was is yoga to get healed. Wondering are you still taking your medicines?

When i talked to the voices and asked who they are
And what they want it was just silence who are you and what do you want feom me it said enemy dogmas that i dont want to tell so people here
dont understand me wrong

There was also voices that contradicted themselves by saing no dont listen to him

My mother said she has some things like this too
That it easy for her not to do if not he will not let her do what she wants, so she had this for many years now but she can ignore it by leaving that what it said and doing something else

Could be this my karma and will i only have sucess later like my birth chart says? im going this to post in another topic, to create another topic
Stormblood said:

Oh okay, sorry about that.

Catalincata94 said:

The voices that I hear are positive nothing negative. Have they said something negative sure but only as a joke.

I sometimes wonder if it's the succubus ritual I did years ago or if it's something else. Plus then there is the male voice of Satan, but I highly, highly doubt I'm some sort of VIP master that can interact with him. It feels very awkward I reply back but usually apologize and the voice replies No problem my son.

If it's them or him or her. I wouldn't have the faintest idea. I never knew I would be come a mentally ill person at some point. And funny enough as much as I'd like to be a hardcore Satanist, I genuinely can't say I ever meditated to anything that would open me up or something. It's very weird either meditation is really powerful or very subtle and takes a long time and I just don't notice any shifts or anything.

Sounds bad many are gonna look at this and state you barely if anything practice what you learned. But I guess I'm not a person that is supposed to meditate. I enjoy all the sermons, I enjoy all the National Socialists stuff, I enjoy all the spiritual stuff. But when it comes to me it's like I'm not even 0.01% of what it is.

Not sure if it's a sign of intelligence or idiocy to bash one self or doubt yourself. I guess if you do it too often it becomes a situation of hurting yourself rather than helping.

Anyways Catalincata94 hope you do better, it's a shame the voices aren't positive.
Gear88 said:
Stormblood said:

Oh okay, sorry about that.

Catalincata94 said:

The voices that I hear are positive nothing negative. Have they said something negative sure but only as a joke.

I sometimes wonder if it's the succubus ritual I did years ago or if it's something else. Plus then there is the male voice of Satan, but I highly, highly doubt I'm some sort of VIP master that can interact with him. It feels very awkward I reply back but usually apologize and the voice replies No problem my son.

If it's them or him or her. I wouldn't have the faintest idea. I never knew I would be come a mentally ill person at some point. And funny enough as much as I'd like to be a hardcore Satanist, I genuinely can't say I ever meditated to anything that would open me up or something. It's very weird either meditation is really powerful or very subtle and takes a long time and I just don't notice any shifts or anything.

Sounds bad many are gonna look at this and state you barely if anything practice what you learned. But I guess I'm not a person that is supposed to meditate. I enjoy all the sermons, I enjoy all the National Socialists stuff, I enjoy all the spiritual stuff. But when it comes to me it's like I'm not even 0.01% of what it is.

Not sure if it's a sign of intelligence or idiocy to bash one self or doubt yourself. I guess if you do it too often it becomes a situation of hurting yourself rather than helping.

Anyways Catalincata94 hope you do better, it's a shame the voices aren't positive.

The voices are sometimes pozitive but if i ask somthing like who is he and other questions because of doubts it thransforms in someone else

But it's also tells me to go and learn every day like this nesesary for me. (Well its necessary because in the past i didnt learned enough or almoust nothing) and sometimes it tells me do to a thing then another voice sais , no dont do it.
Catalincata94 said:
Gear88 said:

I've had this thought before when hearing voices, makes me wonder such possibilities. I've typed up in some of your threads you posted.

The only thing we can really suggest is try getting involved more with void. I know I'm one to talk but lately after Yom Kippur offensive, I've been trying to get back into more basic meditations and not skip around or jump around.

Anyways good luck with your situation. It's a shame to hear the negativity of it causing in your life. It shouldn't be negative but a wonderful gift of nature.

Thanks bro. i'm the hostipat and taking medicine again and also got another, asthma. in childhood i had Asthma bronchitis but then idid got rid of it and now its back stronger as asthma, just one i could completerly ignore the voice and in 1 day it disapeared for a while, but for that i had to be concentrated almoust the whole day ai but i had it for almoust a year now and im so done with it so i had to thake medicine i was feeling moustly anoyences like little fears it keeapt talking to me the whole day and coudnt resist eny more when i got engry i asked who hi es but i had the impresion that is satan but i didnt believe its him because it talked bad to me and it said it doesnt want me or that he is going to kill me and stull, sometimes i did some litle things widouth realizing... i think the only was is yoga to get healed. Wondering are you still taking your medicines?

When i talked to the voices and asked who they are
And what they want it was just silence who are you and what do you want feom me it said enemy dogmas that i dont want to tell so people here
dont understand me wrong

There was also voices that contradicted themselves by saing no dont listen to him

My mother said she has some things like this too
That it easy for her not to do if not he will not let her do what she wants, so she had this for many years now but she can ignore it by leaving that what it said and doing something else

Could be this my karma and will i only have sucess later like my birth chart says? im going this to post in another topic, to create another topic

To me, it seems like you are giving these 'voices' too much attention and power. If these are infact astral entities pestering you, the best thing to do is banish them. Have you performed a banishing ritual before? It is quite simple and easy.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.ange...6/Aura_Cleaning.html[url] Hail Satan Forever
bluebow said:
Catalincata94 said:
Gear88 said:
I've had this thought before when hearing voices, makes me wonder such possibilities. I've typed up in some of your threads you posted.

The only thing we can really suggest is try getting involved more with void. I know I'm one to talk but lately after Yom Kippur offensive, I've been trying to get back into more basic meditations and not skip around or jump around.

Anyways good luck with your situation. It's a shame to hear the negativity of it causing in your life. It shouldn't be negative but a wonderful gift of nature.

Thanks bro. i'm the hostipat and taking medicine again and also got another, asthma. in childhood i had Asthma bronchitis but then idid got rid of it and now its back stronger as asthma, just one i could completerly ignore the voice and in 1 day it disapeared for a while, but for that i had to be concentrated almoust the whole day ai but i had it for almoust a year now and im so done with it so i had to thake medicine i was feeling moustly anoyences like little fears it keeapt talking to me the whole day and coudnt resist eny more when i got engry i asked who hi es but i had the impresion that is satan but i didnt believe its him because it talked bad to me and it said it doesnt want me or that he is going to kill me and stull, sometimes i did some litle things widouth realizing... i think the only was is yoga to get healed. Wondering are you still taking your medicines?

When i talked to the voices and asked who they are
And what they want it was just silence who are you and what do you want feom me it said enemy dogmas that i dont want to tell so people here
dont understand me wrong

There was also voices that contradicted themselves by saing no dont listen to him

My mother said she has some things like this too
That it easy for her not to do if not he will not let her do what she wants, so she had this for many years now but she can ignore it by leaving that what it said and doing something else

Could be this my karma and will i only have sucess later like my birth chart says? im going this to post in another topic, to create another topic

To me, it seems like you are giving these 'voices' too much attention and power. If these are infact astral entities pestering you, the best thing to do is banish them. Have you performed a banishing ritual before? It is quite simple and easy.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.ange...ly an enemy but I don't remember right now...
bluebow said:
Catalincata94 said:
Gear88 said:
I've had this thought before when hearing voices, makes me wonder such possibilities. I've typed up in some of your threads you posted.

The only thing we can really suggest is try getting involved more with void. I know I'm one to talk but lately after Yom Kippur offensive, I've been trying to get back into more basic meditations and not skip around or jump around.

Anyways good luck with your situation. It's a shame to hear the negativity of it causing in your life. It shouldn't be negative but a wonderful gift of nature.

Thanks bro. i'm the hostipat and taking medicine again and also got another, asthma. in childhood i had Asthma bronchitis but then idid got rid of it and now its back stronger as asthma, just one i could completerly ignore the voice and in 1 day it disapeared for a while, but for that i had to be concentrated almoust the whole day ai but i had it for almoust a year now and im so done with it so i had to thake medicine i was feeling moustly anoyences like little fears it keeapt talking to me the whole day and coudnt resist eny more when i got engry i asked who hi es but i had the impresion that is satan but i didnt believe its him because it talked bad to me and it said it doesnt want me or that he is going to kill me and stull, sometimes i did some litle things widouth realizing... i think the only was is yoga to get healed. Wondering are you still taking your medicines?

When i talked to the voices and asked who they are
And what they want it was just silence who are you and what do you want feom me it said enemy dogmas that i dont want to tell so people here
dont understand me wrong

There was also voices that contradicted themselves by saing no dont listen to him

My mother said she has some things like this too
That it easy for her not to do if not he will not let her do what she wants, so she had this for many years now but she can ignore it by leaving that what it said and doing something else

Could be this my karma and will i only have sucess later like my birth chart says? im going this to post in another topic, to create another topic

To me, it seems like you are giving these 'voices' too much attention and power. If these are infact astral entities pestering you, the best thing to do is banish them. Have you performed a banishing ritual before? It is quite simple and easy.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.ange... enemy part in that case it was just silence.
Catalincata94 said:
bluebow said:
Catalincata94 said:
Thanks bro. i'm the hostipat and taking medicine again and also got another, asthma. in childhood i had Asthma bronchitis but then idid got rid of it and now its back stronger as asthma, just one i could completerly ignore the voice and in 1 day it disapeared for a while, but for that i had to be concentrated almoust the whole day ai but i had it for almoust a year now and im so done with it so i had to thake medicine i was feeling moustly anoyences like little fears it keeapt talking to me the whole day and coudnt resist eny more when i got engry i asked who hi es but i had the impresion that is satan but i didnt believe its him because it talked bad to me and it said it doesnt want me or that he is going to kill me and stull, sometimes i did some litle things widouth realizing... i think the only was is yoga to get healed. Wondering are you still taking your medicines?

When i talked to the voices and asked who they are
And what they want it was just silence who are you and what do you want feom me it said enemy dogmas that i dont want to tell so people here
dont understand me wrong

There was also voices that contradicted themselves by saing no dont listen to him

My mother said she has some things like this too
That it easy for her not to do if not he will not let her do what she wants, so she had this for many years now but she can ignore it by leaving that what it said and doing something else

Could be this my karma and will i only have sucess later like my birth chart says? im going this to post in another topic, to create another topic

To me, it seems like you are giving these 'voices' too much attention and power. If these are infact astral entities pestering you, the best thing to do is banish them. Have you performed a banishing ritual before? It is quite simple and easy.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.ange... of it... Relax and just ignore it, honestly.
bluebow said:
Catalincata94 said:
bluebow said:
To me, it seems like you are giving these 'voices' too much attention and power. If these are infact astral entities pestering you, the best thing to do is banish them. Have you performed a banishing ritual before? It is quite simple and easy.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.ange...so that i dont have nasty side effects again.
I don't know if the quotes above are for me or just Catalincata94. Not sure whom your referring to but if your wondering I did do banishing rituals.

In fact the entity when I told her she said "Go right ahead". Basically she even insisted on it.

Recalling the events I did not just do 108 but also 216 reps on two separate occasions. I did banishing and I did sananda during the appropriate time.

Not sure how powerful banishing is; I highly doubt doing a simple 9 reps or 10 sananda reps is going to help much. I'm really unsure how powerful low reps are compared to high reps. I've always been under the assumption if you see a number on JoS website multiply it higher.

Also I even did one time the old banishing ritual. The previous banishing ritual which was pretty much there from 2002-2008ish? I guess. Anyways the old banishing ritual is where you perform a very basic summoning of the Gods Orobas and Flauros. I understand these two Gods are very busy and perhaps it's a form of making us do the work ourselves. But if people are using Sanskrit to banish and later bless with Sananada. Then something is not right because I highly doubt most people are even at levels of doing anything like this ritual. It seems there have been posts of people stating banishing doesn't work and Sananda doesn't work. In fact I recall some people state be careful with Vinasa as it acts to destroy, you might not want to destroy spirits or entities around who mean no harm.

I mean the instructions on the JoS page are so lack luster and cold. Vibrate Vinasa x9, then "You are no more" and then later on the appropriate moon vibrate Sananda x10 particularly in a group. But then what should the affirmation be. There is no instructions, is Sananda some sort of radiation that stays imprinted on the house or what. I've read of people "WILLING" the energy but non the less affirmations are important.

I honestly gave up with banishing. I don't FEEL attacked nor negative nor nothing. So not sure what I'm even doing vibrating something that seems like a being of higher power has a more clear view of the situation.
Good morning fellow Brothers and Sisters in Satan

Since this week started I've been having weird hallucinations, seeing shadows at the corner of my eyes and seeing smoke after my meditation session just slightly I open my eyes. SO COULD IT BE THAT THERE'S A SPIRIT THAT WANTS COMMUNICATE A CERTAIN MESSAGE OR FATHER SATAN WAS TRYING TO SHOW THAT SOMETHING IMPORTANT IS COMING ?
(just wondering as it's been too long)
Gear88 said:
I don't know if the quotes above are for me or just Catalincata94. Not sure whom your referring to but if your wondering I did do banishing rituals.

In fact the entity when I told her she said "Go right ahead". Basically she even insisted on it.

Recalling the events I did not just do 108 but also 216 reps on two separate occasions. I did banishing and I did sananda during the appropriate time.

Not sure how powerful banishing is; I highly doubt doing a simple 9 reps or 10 sananda reps is going to help much. I'm really unsure how powerful low reps are compared to high reps. I've always been under the assumption if you see a number on JoS website multiply it higher.

Also I even did one time the old banishing ritual. The previous banishing ritual which was pretty much there from 2002-2008ish? I guess. Anyways the old banishing ritual is where you perform a very basic summoning of the Gods Orobas and Flauros. I understand these two Gods are very busy and perhaps it's a form of making us do the work ourselves. But if people are using Sanskrit to banish and later bless with Sananada. Then something is not right because I highly doubt most people are even at levels of doing anything like this ritual. It seems there have been posts of people stating banishing doesn't work and Sananda doesn't work. In fact I recall some people state be careful with Vinasa as it acts to destroy, you might not want to destroy spirits or entities around who mean no harm.

I mean the instructions on the JoS page are so lack luster and cold. Vibrate Vinasa x9, then "You are no more" and then later on the appropriate moon vibrate Sananda x10 particularly in a group. But then what should the affirmation be. There is no instructions, is Sananda some sort of radiation that stays imprinted on the house or what. I've read of people "WILLING" the energy but non the less affirmations are important.

I honestly gave up with banishing. I don't FEEL attacked nor negative nor nothing. So not sure what I'm even doing vibrating something that seems like a being of higher power has a more clear view of the situation.

They are written for Catalinacata94..
Generally, if you can't get rid of it yourself, you should then ask for help from your Guardian Demons or Satan...
Sorry to read of this... Don't really know what else to say. The banishing ritual has always worked for me but if I haven't been able to get rid of the entity, I've asked Satan or my Guardian Demon(s) for help...and they always have/do.
bluebow said:
Gear88 said:
I don't know if the quotes above are for me or just Catalincata94. Not sure whom your referring to but if your wondering I did do banishing rituals.

In fact the entity when I told her she said "Go right ahead". Basically she even insisted on it.

Recalling the events I did not just do 108 but also 216 reps on two separate occasions. I did banishing and I did sananda during the appropriate time.

Not sure how powerful banishing is; I highly doubt doing a simple 9 reps or 10 sananda reps is going to help much. I'm really unsure how powerful low reps are compared to high reps. I've always been under the assumption if you see a number on JoS website multiply it higher.

Also I even did one time the old banishing ritual. The previous banishing ritual which was pretty much there from 2002-2008ish? I guess. Anyways the old banishing ritual is where you perform a very basic summoning of the Gods Orobas and Flauros. I understand these two Gods are very busy and perhaps it's a form of making us do the work ourselves. But if people are using Sanskrit to banish and later bless with Sananada. Then something is not right because I highly doubt most people are even at levels of doing anything like this ritual. It seems there have been posts of people stating banishing doesn't work and Sananda doesn't work. In fact I recall some people state be careful with Vinasa as it acts to destroy, you might not want to destroy spirits or entities around who mean no harm.

I mean the instructions on the JoS page are so lack luster and cold. Vibrate Vinasa x9, then "You are no more" and then later on the appropriate moon vibrate Sananda x10 particularly in a group. But then what should the affirmation be. There is no instructions, is Sananda some sort of radiation that stays imprinted on the house or what. I've read of people "WILLING" the energy but non the less affirmations are important.

I honestly gave up with banishing. I don't FEEL attacked nor negative nor nothing. So not sure what I'm even doing vibrating something that seems like a being of higher power has a more clear view of the situation.

They are written for Catalinacata94..
Generally, if you can't get rid of it yourself, you should then ask for help from your Guardian Demons or Satan...
Sorry to read of this... Don't really know what else to say. The banishing ritual has always worked for me but if I haven't been able to get rid of the entity, I've asked Satan or my Guardian Demon(s) for help...and they always have/do.

Munka for those who are attached in some way and more open to some enemy entities. Banishing barely works if for some reason connection to some of those entities are made.

Xians and related filth can strongly connects themselves to the enemy and lot of them lose control over it. They put those energies deeply in their soul, engrave it and it almost acts as a portal to the other worlds. Somehow those entities just keep coming to them, there are endless streams of those beings invited inside of their mind and in the astral space around them.

It's really creepy, but in some way some traumas, energies, dirt in the soul and curses can be an invitation and an open door for some entities and enemy energies that will mess with your mind even more. We don't want to be connected to the enemy, that's why we have munka to stop that shit if we feel like we are connected to them.

Also, balancing the soul and connecting more right and left hemisphere will grant you more understanding and control over those things. So breathing exercises can help.

Void and control over the mind will really make your life easier. The more you practice it, the better. Correct mental attitude is also needed, without it people go nowhere. Okay I will just leave this here lol
Pudro4 said:
Good morning fellow Brothers and Sisters in Satan

Since this week started I've been having weird hallucinations, seeing shadows at the corner of my eyes and seeing smoke after my meditation session just slightly I open my eyes. SO COULD IT BE THAT THERE'S A SPIRIT THAT WANTS COMMUNICATE A CERTAIN MESSAGE OR FATHER SATAN WAS TRYING TO SHOW THAT SOMETHING IMPORTANT IS COMING ?
(just wondering as it's been too long)

Could be your clairvoyance developing?
Weird hallucinations? Like bad/good?
bluebow said:
Catalincata94 said:
bluebow said:
To me, it seems like you are giving these 'voices' too much attention and power. If these are infact astral entities pestering you, the best thing to do is banish them. Have you performed a banishing ritual before? It is quite simple and easy.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.ange...ng Satanama for now to get completely healed.
Catalincata94 said:
bluebow said:
Catalincata94 said:
I did vinasa two times from full moon to new moon but it still kept going. And im doing my aura of protection and aura cleaning daily. When i was with some one and talked alot and when i came home i barely heard the voices. i feelt so bad and that i keept repalying to it even if i didnt wanted just like an impulse, when i was first time on medication i didnt heard them but when i quit witch was also spontaneous widout reducing the dosage because i coudnt because it was an injection type and my psychiatrist said if i dont take my tratement then i should leave so i intrerupted that injection that had an effect for 3 months.... then now almost a year later I felt really bad with my mind that it still kept talking and that I was afraid of anything that it may say, now that I take the medicine I hear it still but I'm not afraid any more maybe that was the side effect of that injection (the constant fear, insecurity) not sure what to do I just thought that If I do now Satanama will help me. I had a clear indication that it is really an enemy but I don't remember right now...

Yeah it definitely sounds like an enemy entity.... although at the same time it could be a thoughtform you've created out of insecurities and fear/ a mixture of both....but more sounds like an enemy entity that you keep feeding because you mentally go back it...
These mental institutions are not going to help you! I've got no idea why'd you even think about admitting yourself there!
Have you talked to Satan or your Guardian Demons about this? I'm sure if you ask for help they will answer....
Focus on Satan's sigil and let him know about it?
Another piece of advice would be to work on the way you see this entity/voice. Don't make yourself so impressionable, intimidated by it. You're only scared because your astral sight/hearing isn't properly developed. From the sounds of it... Relax and just ignore it, honestly.

To correct it, i was scared of it because of the nasty fucking side effects of the treatement that i got rid of and now that i'm taking another one it doesnt bother me and it rarely talks to me. When i got rid of the treatement I didn't reduced it gradualy (the injection) because my psychiatrist said if i don't take it as she gives it to me then i should leave and i also tried to search for another psychiatrist but she didn't wanted becaue she was to tired that day... And i asked for Satan's help and it dissapeared for a while but it reapeared and these fucking psychiatrist keep fuking with me that it is an illness and can't be healel and i told them that it isn't true it can be healed but they are so closed minded and ignorant that they keep repeating the same thing. I ignored it but why did my mind speak back to it, i remembered when i was at someones house (a guy) and talked to him when i got home i barely heard the voice. what happend was that i coudnt stand it and i got a strong intention that he wants to kill me by making me kill my self and i did my meditations it dissapeared moust of it but i got a sing from Satan and the gods that i'm on the right path there is an egyptian story and what i understood was that story will hapen to me but not literraly of course so things hapened and realized them like in the story as i see it, it stil goes but de good part it's a happy and successful ending and a reunion with my family and the one that did something against me will be dead.

Now i have the chance to gradualy reduce the treatement because i take pills now, for now said the psycho xtian psychiatrist. I'm using Satanama for now to get completely healed.

Bind them. Psychiatrists aren't needed as they know nothing true about how the mind works.
Good morning Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Satan

Will a shoe lace also work perfect when making my own pendulum ?
Good morning Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Satan

Will a shoe lace also work perfect when making my own pendulum ?
Stormblood said:
Catalincata94 said:
bluebow said:
Yeah it definitely sounds like an enemy entity.... although at the same time it could be a thoughtform you've created out of insecurities and fear/ a mixture of both....but more sounds like an enemy entity that you keep feeding because you mentally go back it...
These mental institutions are not going to help you! I've got no idea why'd you even think about admitting yourself there!
Have you talked to Satan or your Guardian Demons about this? I'm sure if you ask for help they will answer....
Focus on Satan's sigil and let him know about it?
Another piece of advice would be to work on the way you see this entity/voice. Don't make yourself so impressionable, intimidated by it. You're only scared because your astral sight/hearing isn't properly developed. From the sounds of it... Relax and just ignore it, honestly.

To correct it, i was scared of it because of the nasty fucking side effects of the treatement that i got rid of and now that i'm taking another one it doesnt bother me and it rarely talks to me. When i got rid of the treatement I didn't reduced it gradualy (the injection) because my psychiatrist said if i don't take it as she gives it to me then i should leave and i also tried to search for another psychiatrist but she didn't wanted becaue she was to tired that day... And i asked for Satan's help and it dissapeared for a while but it reapeared and these fucking psychiatrist keep fuking with me that it is an illness and can't be healel and i told them that it isn't true it can be healed but they are so closed minded and ignorant that they keep repeating the same thing. I ignored it but why did my mind speak back to it, i remembered when i was at someones house (a guy) and talked to him when i got home i barely heard the voice. what happend was that i coudnt stand it and i got a strong intention that he wants to kill me by making me kill my self and i did my meditations it dissapeared moust of it but i got a sing from Satan and the gods that i'm on the right path there is an egyptian story and what i understood was that story will hapen to me but not literraly of course so things hapened and realized them like in the story as i see it, it stil goes but de good part it's a happy and successful ending and a reunion with my family and the one that did something against me will be dead.

Now i have the chance to gradualy reduce the treatement because i take pills now, for now said the psycho xtian psychiatrist. I'm using Satanama for now to get completely healed.

Bind them. Psychiatrists aren't needed as they know nothing true about how the mind works.
Good idea, yeah they just know the effects of the antipsyhotics over the brain, the rest they just suppose.
This is awesome. Freeing the soul workings and detaching rituals give deprogramming the boost. During meditation and trance, when I work to open chakras, sometimes an energy will be released or exposed that is disgusting and alarming, because they’ve been embedded within us. It’s not fun to notice how shitty you are in so many ways all at once, but bit by bit it can change. Just don’t run from yourself or take these negatives as who you really are. Break ties with it. Like if you discovered that you were mentally blocking out one of the Gods without intending too, this doesn’t mean that you wholly wanted to block out the Gods. It’s how we’ve been programmed because our knowledge was lost. We’ve been bound from full communication with our Gods for a long time.
bluebow said:
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

"What does Armenian mean anyway?" had a bit of a laugh at that haha. Armenia is small country next to Turkey. According to my grandparents ( I am also Armenian), the Turks attempted to genocide Armenians before WWII. So before the supposed genocide of the Jews. But we don't get taught that in school. nooooo…..

Anyways I'm sure youre a Gentile..... because youre here and youre dedicated?

Hail Satan Forever

Heyyy! I saw you are Armenian. Im Armenian too and i am beginner in satanism (also i want to have satanist friends) so can we contact?

Hail Satan!
Jack said:
I was thinking about this and you wrote this piece about deprogramming and the spiritual and material aspects to this.
I have been having occult dreams since yom Kippur ended and I've come to realize many things after doing the RTR so many times. There was a dream I had where my hands were bound inside a black sphere . And I felt that the binding was not strong and I had more than enough spiritual pressure to break it and yet no matter how much I tried I couldn't break it. There's someone either beside me or behind me and he says "Ancient Kaballistic Magick" . He says "Why do you suffer ?" and replied to his own question "Because your Father is already Dead." I've been thinking about it but I still can't figure out what this means. Any hints ?

Maybe some kind of a nightmare?
I had problems with those since yom kippur too, they didn't let me sleep without waking up every couple hours.
I managed to somehow get rid of them but i still remember the thing, they were mostly related to RTR's, Satanism and my beloved ones suffering.
ArabKnight said:
Purified666 said:
ArabKnight said:
Thank you hp i am curious to know from you is there a possibilty that i am a gentile soul born in a jewish body? Just like anton lavey? Or it was a rear case? Because i look like a sphardic jew i am very short in height and i have petite body shape and i am very hairy but my hair isnt curly and i have a curvy nose and small pink lips and light skin and a when i smile my upper gum is exposed and i don't look like an arab at all i once asked an Anthropology expert and i gave him my picture and he told me that i look armenian (what does armenian mean anyway? )

But anyway i am very sure that i have gentile soul because i could feel my heart and throat and 6th chakras and jews doenst have these three chakras in thier system as i know and they only have the base, the sacral, the solar palexs and the crown.

Do a lot of final RTRs and you'll find out :). If you feel horrible after the final RTR, keep doing them :D

I didn't exepirince any negativity during this october i actually feel way more positive than before...

If you feel ok while and after doing RTR's then you are not jewish. A jew would basically destroy themselves doing that.
Also, if you are dedicated and ok with it, you are probably ok.

I had a similar problem not long ago as i was really concerned about my not-too-pretty hooked nose which is really jewish looking to me. (I HATE it :lol: ) Still I'm ok, i do the RTR's and feel good with it. I'm probably not a jew then.
Also, you would probably knew if you had any jewish ancestry, this rats are proud of even slight amount of this genetic crap in their blood.
I'm quite fortunate to know my family over 5 generations back now and happily no possible j-shit there.

If you are armenoid, from what i know jews are considered to be within that type, but armenoid is not always a jew, rats just belong to this group.
A couple months ago an "angel" tried to have me killed cause, like a fool I questioned it about the gods and such. He then told me I was more advanced for what I know. Another one of them passed by me and the angel to me, " he is going to do it" referring to killing me. It's a long story but point is, I've had my proof that this site is right about christianity and the enemy. The angel told me that what I know is advanced bu there's also stuff I don't know meaning spiritual senses.
He pull out a crack pipe and loaded it with purple rings(incense) and was lighting it. He never smoked from it. While we were talking he had handed me a cigarette and told me to hold it for him and he was lighting the "crack pipe". I'm pretty sure he cursed me. Like a fool I let it happen because I was afraid. Eventually I just took off running because I started to get a paranoid feeling that there was more of "them" around. Anyways this might sound like a crazy story, take it as you will. Be careful what you say in public especially if an "angel" comes and "saves" you from a situation they created.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
