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Final Answer About "Christian Antisemitism" - SPREAD THIS!

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I reply this as the ultimate reply to pass to any person who questions or shills about the following:

1. "Christianity is not of the jews"
2. "Jews hate christianity"
3. "Christianity is somehow going against the jews or it has in the past"
4. "Jews kill goyim because they are christians as the sole reason"

And other common shilling lines.

Whomever reads this to the end and does not comprehend the answer, needs to study further in history, and have a functioning brain.

Hunchoz said:
Hi I am trying to understand the beliefs of this website. This website says the Jews hate Goyim and That satanist are the true followers of the real God who is satan and that the bible was written by Jews , rabbis.

Let's pretend this is not some strange backhanded trolling. Unfortunately, this level of disinformation, is common in people, and in particular, Americans and many others who never really study, but go by what they read randomly in Youtube or what they listen to TV.

Yes, all the Gospels were written by racial jews, this is what this whole thing is about. The life of a rebel jew and his jewish disciples, and how they go to Gentile Nations to propagandize the new faith in this particular jew. All the commentary that came later is also from jews.

The Old Testament was directly penned by jews, and so is the New Testament, Matthew, and all these characters, who are ficticious and stolen from Pagan names of Gods and deities, are in the accepted sense, just some kikes rabbi jewsus picked up to be his disciples, to preach what he believed was "True Judaism".

The above isn't rocket science it's just obvious data one can find anywhere. And this data should suffice on the origin and purpose of the jewish religious program. Any self honest person would know the above and see it for what it is.

Hunchoz said:
But what doesnt make sense is that The enemies of the jews or the ones that they seem to hate the most seem to be Christians or specifically european christians, But if the Jews made the bible like this website says, they would have no reason to hate christians, since they are in control of them and are the slaves and if this website was right the real enemy of the jews should be satanist or paganist but it doesnt seem that way.

Christianity existed in the FIRST PLACE, as a reaction to the religious, moral and ethical values of the Roman and Non-Jewish tribes of people, their religions, their tenets, and them as a racial species. Christianity is a reactionary program, so is Judaism, a mere reaction to the old Pagan religious and moral values. This is in the Bible.

In the Bible, it's sought, celebrated, and promoted that disbelievers and Gentile people got genocided, wiped out of existence, and "conquered" by the imposition of Judaism and in the "New Testament", the imposition of Christianity as a form of displacement of the Ancient religions and moral values. Jews sent their emissaries to this end and created a program for Gentile consumption, namely, "Christianity".

These people, the Gentiles, or Non-Jews were hated on a religious but above all, racial level. The religious element gave in with the imposition of "Christianity". What remained later, is the Racial dimension of slaying them out of existence. So the jews hate "European Christians", because they are European, and not because they are "Christian".

Marcus Eli Ravage elaborates on how this goes, and how the jews subverted Europeans culturally through Christianity, and later on, slayed, suppressed, and ruined Europe for around 18 full centuries.

The major enemy of the "Bible" is Satan, a term emerging from the state of mind relating to Truth Knowing in Sanskrit, Hinduism and so forth, in different alterations from Sat, Satya, Satyam, Satyan in the above faiths. In Hebrew, "Ha-Satan", this text merely means "The Adversary", the "Adversary" of the jews. A jew when he wants to call another person his enemy, the word for this is "Ha-Satan".

The main enemies of the Bible, except Satan Himself, are Beelzebub, Astaroth and the Gods of the Gentiles, Zeus also included. Their displacement and loss of power is the aim of the Christian program. In deeper Judaism, they name the Gods of the Gentiles that they are against in full lists.

These Gods above used to be the Gods of the Gentiles, and the foundation upon which Gentiles affirmed power into their own lands. Xianity comes to promote a Jewish Rabbi, and to displace these Gods as insignificant. That aside, it dismisses the rule of the Gentiles into their own land.

You are highly historically illiterate, dangerously so, but your opinions and their superficiality, and lack of historical knowledge, is common in Jewish Propaganda about these subjects. Christianity imposed itself as a rule of the sword, and slaying all the Pagans and non-jewish people who had other beliefs. All of Christian dogma is how these people must die, will go to "hell" and will be toast as sinners for all eternity.

The Middle Ages was the systematic bastardization, bad breeding, enslavement, illiteracy, and eternal weakening of the Europeans for their "Paganism" and them as a species. This was done by the Christian church. After everyone was dead of the old faiths, and old great people, "Christianity prevailed".

Hunchoz said:
I was just in vatican city 3 months ago and I was quite shocked of all the satanic statues there. Also christians are being genocided in large numbers, but I have seen info on genocide of satanist or pagan.

The Vatican kept the statues of the Pagans for propaganda reasons, and for trophies of a dead people, as someone who murders someone keeps their skull to show it proudly around to everyone else. Due to the desert cult having no culture, and being nothing but an empty rabbinical religion without content, it had to incorporate foreign Pagan elements in order to appeal to the people it was imposed over, ie, those who were Pagans before. So it kept some elements to parade as a religion and not as a straight up jewish mafia cult.

The Vatican, hides behind the people that it has conquered, and constantly blames them, even after they are all dead, for it's transgressions. Everything they do is done by the "Devil" and "Satan" and scapegoated to their enemies. A simple and convenient tactic, they are the good, their enemies are bad.

Hunchoz said:
Also anyone who has read the talamud knows that its very anti christian but it doesnt seem anti pagan or anti satanist. The new testament seems to be more anti-jew. There are many verses in the new testament like this 1 : Revelation 2:9- “‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Jews hate "Christians" on a fundamental level, which is not a religious level, but a racial level. They don't hate these people for believing in "Christ", because they imposed the "Christ". They hate them and want them dead for racial reasons, explained in the genocides of the Old Testament. To add insult to injury, they no longer recognize them as a racial entity, but when their lips slip. Christian means "Enslaved by our Jew founded dogma", a "Slave of Christ".

Jews attack Christ because they know it's a fraud, a hoax, and only viable to be believed by the inferiors, ie, the "Gentile Christians". So of course the Jews attack it, they know it's a disease, and they keep it away from Judaism, as it's a hoax. They do not want this in their midst. This disgusting fake program is for their enemies.

By "hating" this, they make Gentiles who understand their plan of genocide, recoil straight back into the trap of believing the false program, like you do.

In regards to the stupid statement of the bible, which idiots constantly cite in Revelations, you need to provide the full context of it, and not the selective phrase. Rabbi Yeshua, or "Jewsus", judges his own tribe for transgression of his rabbinical teaching and re-definition of Torah law. Jewsus returns in this part of the story as the re-defined, reicarnated savior of the "True Jews", to save those of his jewish tribe who really believed in him and his definition of the Torah and Jewish lore.

Jews who disagree with him are called "Synagogue Of Satan" and accused of practising, like the enemies of the jews, cockblocking towards Rabbi Jewsus's planning. This is just a racial slur Rabbi Jeboo throws on his own jews, to show them that they are acting in an "Anti-jewish" manner. The jew tells them essentially they are acting against "The ways of the Gentiles", which is nothing but a slur of jews between jews. He merely accuses them of turning against him, and not accepting the newfound "Judaism", positing his own self as messiah, and the other jews as wrong for not accepting him, and acting like they are under the influence of his enemies for not accepting him.

In Jewish Language, "Satan" means "enemy", so Jewsus merely accuses those who refuse them of being "enemies" to him, as the new incarnation of the "Torah law that has come to pass". He just calls them enemies of the tribe for showing disobedience to his redefinition of what it means to be a Jew. Jewsus posits himself as being the ultimate and real jew, in contrast to these jews who are practicing Judaism and have not accepted his new form of Judaism.

Of course, given the bible is around 2500+ pages of a book, Christians had to somehow create a strange wing of Xian anti-semitism, to guarantee that the racial hatred of the Gentiles towards the jews, would always be controlled on a higher level by the jews themselves, and therefore, never bear any fruit. Christians have never really harmed the jews. Christianity always served them, and their interests.

Xianity created "anti-semetic" wings in the 15th century, when the hatred of jews was too powerful to be contained any longer. This hate emerged due to Pagan and Hellenistic education, and the European people being treated like deplorable animals for centuries by Jewish Christianity. The jews opened up an "Anti-Semetic" wing with xianity, to contain this rage, and make sure it never comes to any fruit.

Popular rage was always successfully contained, and opposition never really lasted, all while the Gentiles remained away from their Gods, their power to assert their own laws, and so forth. Christianity was the means of this control. Jews are alive and ruling, stayed in European courts from the emergence of xianity and onwards, and jews had a very good time.

Christians also elevated jews into a group of people that controls the world now. And jews lived happily ever after with christians, milking them, abusing them, and raping them based on a victim mentality imposed by christianity.

Your statement on Satanic channels is a lie, because all Spiritual Satanist channels have been removed. Jew controlled Satanism such as LaVeyanism, is never banned, because it's not Paganism, but Atheism. Christian channels are all over Youtube and they are thriving endlessly, and so are Islamic channels. A few may get removed as they go further in the "Racial" questions, which piss off jews.

Jews banned a jew Youtube channels of "Christians"? What about school education which is Christian, how they bring "Christian Refugees" to extinct European people, Vatican popes who were jews for centuries, and how the pictures of every pope have the jewish nose, snout and forehead? How come all injustices and destruction and empowerment of jews is based on the incapability, weakness, stupidity, and servile nature of Christians, who are constantly abused by jews? Why in all Christian governments, the jews always have the top posts and the higher power than ever before? What morals allow this if not the Christian ones?

Finally, I will post two important documents of the Jews, which explain their plot of Christianity on their own. In these manuscripts, Marcus Eli Ravage, a top Zionist Jew, admits the jewish plot of Christianity, and it's role in subverting the Pagan European peoples, and turning them into jewish slaves. The jew lies of course that "Jesus Existed", but what is obvious, is that he considers him one of the tribe - the emissary the jews had to create to enslave the Gentile. His sympathies for his fellow race comrade are obvious, eventhough Jews largely reject their racial fellows, Rabbi Jeboo psychopathic jew rants.

"A Real Case Against The Jews", and "Commissary to the Gentiles" by Marcus Eli Ravage are to be downloaded below.



To understand the deeper weaving of this implicit jew lying hoax:


If someone reads these and does not comprehend this, one is a either too stupid, too braindead, or too servile to the enemy as it is, and too loyal to the jewish fraudulent Rabbi.

They deserve no further answer about anything. They are a born retard and slave, homebred fool of the jew, and their mind is lower than an animal, and as such, they require no further convincing as they do not matter at all in this fight against the Jews, in any other form than being enslaved.

They are a criminal to their race, practice high sacrilege to the Ancient and Eternal Gods, and they are not superior material that the Gods seek. As such further dialectic and kosher arguing against us is of no purpose, and no further time will be wasted.

Let those who belong to the Gods come to them, and let the cattle that belongs to jews and cannot escape their mental prison, die in it. We gave the opportunity and from there on these people are on their own, with their favorite jew.

This is for people who can think for themselves. We Satanists do not believe in a flat "equality of opinion" where this slave "christian" species is concerned, as this slave species is the criminal footsoldier of the jew, purposefully oblivious to the deadly jewish virus it carries around and it spreads actively.

We do not want you, we do not need you, and we will kick you from our midst as a down syndromic person has to be kicked out from NASA. We do not want nobody with severe down syndrome. We want people who are mentally free and brave, and can handle the idea of living away from the Jewish paradigm, as our ancestors did once upon a time.

Christians spend your life worshipping a rebel jew, keep the jewish book at the hand, promote a total jewish hoax, scorn their own Pagan Culture, promote jewish cults that glorify jews, and then somehow pretend they are against the jews. This requires a level of extremely profound stupidity, which has no place in Spiritual Satanism.

At this level of stupidity, the jew runs the planet easily and flawlessly.

We want powerful and free spirits who can face this and change this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Oy vey goyim it's just a coincidence that Satan, the adversary of the Jews, and Hitler are considered evil by the brainwashed masses while Rabbi Jesus who stated that salvation is of the jews is considered a savior along with who fought against Nazi Germany.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Old Testament was directly penned by jews, and so is the New Testament, Matthew, and all these characters, who are ficticious and stolen from Pagan names of Gods and deities, are in the accepted sense, just some kikes rabbi jewsus picked up to be his disciples, to preach what he believed was "True Judaism".

May I add, there is evidence of who exactly might have written the new testament.


It's about the Piso family, a jewish family from the roman Empire, descendants of the herodian dinasty (jewish rulers of ancient Judeea).

According to the second article, the new testament was written in aproximativelly 70 years by multiple generations of the same jewish greek speaking family, with 73-75 years after the time of supposed Jesus. This also explains why old testament was written in hebrew and the new testament in greek. They were jews raised in the Roman Empire.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Old Testament was directly penned by jews, and so is the New Testament, Matthew, and all these characters, who are ficticious and stolen from Pagan names of Gods and deities, are in the accepted sense, just some kikes rabbi jewsus picked up to be his disciples, to preach what he believed was "True Judaism".

May I add, there is evidence of who exactly might have written the new testament.


It's about the Piso family, a jewish family from the roman Empire, descendants of the herodian dinasty (jewish rulers of ancient Judeea).

According to the second article, the new testament was written in aproximativelly 70 years by multiple generations of the same jewish greek speaking family, with 73-75 years after the time of supposed Jesus. This also explains why old testament was written in hebrew and the new testament in greek. They were jews raised in the Roman Empire.

It was written in Koine ie Common Greek which was the common tongue at the Roman Empire times, most people spoke it or could understand it. Writing it in Hebrew would just mean nobody even cared to read that shit. It had to somehow infiltrate on the empire that it did seek to submit.

Then it was also translated in Latin to keep the infestation going. The Latin gospel grew more influential as time progressed. Before this, the jews took a good three to four centuries perverting and destroying Ancient Greek culture, burning libraries, copying manuscripts and then setting the originals on fire, and infiltrating all philosophical and other circles deliberately with jews like Philo Judeus.

They chose this language as this was more common to the lower classes of the time. Best reach of a language for the time. Today Jews speak English and spread Jewish Communism in the US Senate or TV, while talking the English tongue. It's English goyim we are England Goy like you and we promote England Good Stuff For you.

Endless "Heretical" Cults of judaism existed back then, this fraud of Xianity was purposefully developed to deceive the ruling Gentiles at the time. So they wrote it in the language of their enemies and used the racial infiltrator jews of the time to promote this through.

Nothing new with jews, all a replay of their total garbage.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Oy vey goyim it's just a coincidence that Satan, the adversary of the Jews, and Hitler are considered evil by the brainwashed masses while Rabbi Jesus who stated that salvation is of the jews is considered a savior along with who fought against Nazi Germany.

The main parties that bring in all the rapefugees in Europe by the droves, and did this even in Hitler's times, are the same parties: The Socialist Party, and the "Christian Nationalist" party which is the precursor of Merkel. The main ideology of Merkel's Part is "Christian Democracy". All the charity rackets who cater for, pay, and bring in rapefugees, or pay Israel billions and billions, are all "Christian Charities".

The main morality that says it's ok and nice to keep everyone in your Nation and get extinct are two factions which are one and the same: The Christians of the Right Wing and the Marxist Communist and Marxist Socialists.

But yea goyim let's just call them "Synagogue of Satan" and deny the obvious cause I clearly feel muh brainwashed feelings harmed when someone talks shit about my favorite Levantine Rabbi. Trust me goyim that's a gentile thing to pray to the jew and have him as the master of your soul and civilization. Oy vey!
In the oral Torah, there is instruction about how jesus was literally a jew who was undergoing rabbinical studies and before he could finish he fucked up something and went to preach to gentiles. Theres no shred out doubt that Jesus is a jew.
Christianity is not even a European religion it originated in the Levant. What about the Pagan religions that persecuted the jews before Christianity came ? How can Pagans persecute jews if jews are Satanists in Christian eyes. Its hilarious to even consider this bullshit.

Adopting a desert religion of a jew and sacrificing your natural ,hereditary pagan religions wtf.
Irrefutable Proof-
James White needs to see and hear this from a real Satanist. The so called expertise on Christianity and Judaism. He's well known and appraised by the entire Abrahamic religious society. This whole article will debunk and destroy his entire organization on sight.
Xians are allergic to logic. Why would Jews fear a religion that destroys your self esteem by teaching you that you are a filthy maggot sinner (which (((coincidentally)) is how the Jews view the goyim), worse than an animal and you need to give all your shekels to your church and worship a Jewish zombie on a stick to be saved, that spreads fearmongering about the occult and keeps you blind and ignorant about it, that teaches you to be submissive and turn the other cheek e.t.c e.t.c.? Why would they not fear one that tells you you are a child of the Aryan Gods themselves and your Destiny is to become like them, and teaches you all about True Occult Knowledge and how to use it to better yourself and your people and fight the jews?
Ankh666 said:
Jews own and control all the worlds communications. Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. Go figure out the rest.

Nothing becomes or is allowed to remain mainstream or reach a large amount of people without a jewish approval stamp on it.
I don't think they control ALL, even in the communication sector. It's just that they have a good grip on the monetary system and have their jews in key positions who try to influence things towards their cause but now one can see they are failing(thanks to the Final RTR and the Gods) The jews want the woke to believe they own and control everything, especially now when they are in panic, they want to show off their fake power by instilling the fear of 'They own everything and they kill those who expose them' 'they know where you are' type of bullshit.

They want to keep people fearful towards this because most of the people have become weak enough that they will accept the system and those who at least know about the jews will just whine about it and do nothing because of fear, though it's true that lets say somehow people come to know what will happen to them in future if they accept the jewish system, then one can say they may revolt. But here's the problem, people don't really know about the real future of the jewish system. The people(including those who only know about jews but not about Father Satan and his Demons) have been misled with a different aspect of future(The one like cyberpunk & the expanse) most of the people who come here are ignorant and would say "Oh all this slave and alien stuff happens in movies", little do they know and ever think that Hollywood is actually used to create and program reality into fiction and fiction into reality in the minds of the people this is the very reason why people ignore the fact that there are reptilian hybrids here on earth who look like us because they are genetically engineered, all this looks like a plot of a movie to most of the people because of the programming, so they ignore it but they do believe the cyberpunk type reality because the jews are letting it happen cuz they too want to introduce the brain chips.
People can see how technology is heading a little towards the future which is shown to them in movies and video games, so they accept cyberpunk and expanse fiction as reality.
But people have seen nothing happening regarding the extraterrestrials/alien which is why people just dump it out of their brains.

The thing is humans don't look up at the night sky anymore because there is nothing to see due to light pollution, so humans have forgotten their place in the Universe, they have forgotten how big the Universe is, most of them have forgotten the Universe itself. It was shocking when one of my friends said, "the world should get destroyed, it's so shit" That's how low people have become.

When we say control, we can say China & NK are under full Jewish control whilst the rest of the world is under heavy Jewish influence and heading towards one global commie govt because people are asleep and ignorant. True that there is not much freedom in Europe but Whites can still turn the tides.
At least this is how I see it. Because this "Jews control the whole world" is being used by the jews themselves to show themselves as some dominant creature, this makes many woke people lose hope.
Please spread the jesusisajew.com link as well. Its irrefutable proof of Christianity being of the jews and thus making it inconceivable that it can be antisemitic.
I'm just adding this comment from HP Mageson:

Postby HP Mageson666 » Mon May 27, 2019 2:30 pm
The Jews themselves created Christian anti-Semitism, this came from the Jewish, Jesuit agent, Luther. Its just another branch of Christianity to keep the Goyim feeding the Jewish spell. What the Jews don't want is Gentiles to understand they created Christianity to destroy them.

Jack said:
Please spread the jesusisajew.com link as well. Its irrefutable proof of Christianity being of the jews and thus making it inconceivable that it can be antisemitic.

We are currently studying " Christian Crusades against jews ", our books in Italy are filled up with a lot of lgarbage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I reply this as the ultimate reply to pass to any person who questions or shills about the following:

1. "Christianity is not of the jews"
2. "Jews hate christianity"
3. "Christianity is somehow going against the jews or it has in the past"
4. "Jews kill goyim because they are christians as the sole reason"

How many christians in the world?
2 million ? If so, than thats fine, but what do you say if i told you that 1.5 billion idiots have the same mindset but with another evil rabbai idol? Disaster right? Atleast christains are a bit secular and way more peaceful than the *cockroaches* and *pigs* in my inveroment. Yeah some of them are inoccent but most of them are neanderthals, a saudi woman from my tribe *zahran* escaped to canada because of the islamic law here, here name is *salwa al-zahrani* also a guy who's name is abdelrahman al-motairi also escaped to usa and became a total athiest and he sufferd from bi polar because of islam... No comment...

*Slawa al-zahrani*


*Abdelrahman almutari*


And many other who sufferd from this shitty ideology. Anyway all of you should consider praying to yahwah (or whatever his name is) million times a day as a way to thank him that you was born in *usa* and not in *ksa*... I am really lucky that i got my shit together and i am still sane until now in this hell i am living in.
ArabKnight said:
How many christians in the world?
2 million ? If so, than thats fine, but what do you say if i told you that 1.5 billion idiots have the same mindset but with another evil rabbai idol?
Not sure if this is a typo, but there are roughly 2.18 billion xians in the world.
Yaweh is a name for the Jewish god.

Christians incessantly claim that "The Devil Deceives" "The Devil Deceives..." What they fail to see is that everything they accuse the Devil of is really the God that they worship, known as Yaweh/Jehova.

"YHVH" aka "Yaweh" "Jehova" is nothing more than a system of Jewish magick.

ArabKnight said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I reply this as the ultimate reply to pass to any person who questions or shills about the following:

1. "Christianity is not of the jews"
2. "Jews hate christianity"
3. "Christianity is somehow going against the jews or it has in the past"
4. "Jews kill goyim because they are christians as the sole reason"

How many christians in the world?
2 million ? If so, than thats fine, but what do you say if i told you that 1.5 billion idiots have the same mindset but with another evil rabbai idol? Disaster right? Atleast christains are a bit secular and way more peaceful than the *cockroaches* and *pigs* in my inveroment. Yeah some of them are inoccent but most of them are neanderthals, a saudi woman from my tribe *zahran* escaped to canada because of the islamic law here, here name is *salwa al-zahrani* also a guy who's name is abdelrahman al-motairi also escaped to usa and became a total athiest and he sufferd from bi polar because of islam... No comment...

*Slawa al-zahrani*


*Abdelrahman almutari*


And many other who sufferd from this shitty ideology. Anyway all of you should consider praying to yahwah (or whatever his name is) million times a day as a way to thank him that you was born in *usa* and not in *ksa*... I am really lucky that i got my shit together and i am still sane until now in this hell i am living in.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
