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Sexual Energy, Celibacy, No Fap November

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the NoFap scene there are many endless lies and there is this Xian tint of things which has to do with self guilt in regards to masturbating, and it's no wonder the NoFap movement is sort of like a jewish movement of jewish celibacy, one of the many.

Celibacy, in people who actually have a sex drive and aren't sexually drive dead, can cause endless problems ranging from mental turmoil, complete inability to focus the mind, depression, and in even worse cases, can make one a rapist, or a sexually assaulting deviant. Any man with a normal and healthy sex drive cannot maintain this state for very long, and even if one tries, the body will try on it's own to either get the emissions to come out, or dispose the sex drive altogether, or a constant pressure will be maintain until relieved, or somehow is suppressed.

Celibacy practiced for very long periods of time can create all sorts of permanent insanity, that stays lingering within the soul, and this can last lifetimes. The intense bindings and fears on human sexuality are meant to create a shatter into the mind. Forced sexual celibacy and sexual deviancy can be easily observed of it's results in places like the Vatican. To lay off for a while shouldn't be considered going celibate or sexual repression. Sometimes this is a necessity to re-balance the system, especially in men.

Now in contrast to extreme celibacy, we have promotion of extreme and constant bombardment of sexuality, creating imbalances in some people same as the above. Because of a social background such as the above, we are on the entirely other end. Sexuality is everywhere, extremely pronounced, and bottomless desires are constantly generated on the populace, sexual addictions, and an over-insanity over sex has emerged. Porn is also a part of this.

The situation with both of the above is that none of these states are balanced states, and therefore, come with intense problems. A common situation is porn addiction, and yes, this thing does actually exist. Men who watch porn, masturbating numerous times a day in total addiction, unable to anymore perform with women or even relate to women, or have a relationship whatsoever. Distancing men and women in society creates a situation where there is openness for further imbalances between the gender and sexuality.

The "Seed Conservation" people are talking about how supposedly celibacy is going to give you superhuman powers and other things like that. But this is a lie. You will not feel better from celibacy nor grow any superpowers in particular, unless you so fondly believe this to be the case, a case of which the effect of self-belief and amending for one's guilt comes into play, which most people suffer from. Obviously amending strange guilt isn't the way to spiritual superpower, if even emotional relief at all. Many of these people have extremely sexually guilty backgrounds and feel relieved when they do not sexually engage].

For strange marketing reasons what should be commonsense is now made into movements that demand money and for people to buy books, and people behaving like a church, where the moment one faps once, they are sent again to Hell and must do penances in order to stop masturbating. Jews also own all porn Websites and push pornification of every level of life, and at the same time push the unnatural extremes of sexual celibacy - both making people insane. So I will inform about actual seed conservation and when it actually matters.

First of these strange and insane amounts of days people give to no masturbation are just absurd, and can make one very sick. People with low sex drive many actually manage to go the prescribed long periods like 60 days without an orgasm, only by ending up in a mental hospital, but people who have high sex drive, if this is done, they will wreck themselves and become highly neurotic or insane, possibly even murderous.

Some idiots also advise 365 days and more of sexual repression, which is clearly a pathway into insanity, or depravity. I can see a jew rubbing his hands really nicely behind the keyboard when they advise anyone on this world to take a 365 days break from orgasm all together, it must make them feel really well. After all it's this tribe that criminalized orgasm in the first place as a punishable offence liable to the death penalty [See Middle Ages and Judaism]. None of that is also in anyway healing or necessary. Maybe if one has a completely dead sexual drive in the first place, some of this could work, but still one is stacking the mental health deck against themselves even if they could theoretically do this, without going to prison or something midway.

On the other hand, if one knows their limit is to masturbate once a day or every two days, or so without problems, and they masturbate four times everyday until their willy starts to be totally unresponsive, and this is done over many extended periods of time, one is bound to end up having problems, and the more this is maintained, the more problems may emerge. Generally women respond to this way different than men, and having many orgasms a day doesn't really affect them in the same way it does to men.

There are metaphysical reasons to this as the traditional ejaculatory orgasm has connotations from the male energy, while women have more of the female energy type of orgasm. As such their orgasms last for more time, can have a lot of intensity, and can reach many high numbers, while with men it's drastically different.

Most people especially males who look in a solution and hop on NoFap are broken from masturbation or they won't be looking into the de-addiction things like NoFap in the first place. The ranges of broken range from "The body is in dismay", to "Medium problems when it starts bleeding into life", to "So over-masturbated one's eyeballs are about to pop out and the whole life is going downhill cause of this". To make this easier let's divide this on three levels. There is also no general consensus of what over masturbation means to one person and what to another, this is up to one's system to decide.

Typically one knows they are past limits when they start feeling broken, completely agitated, have aggressive erectile dysfunction, and generally life starts going downhill or one becomes severely limited because of porn. What I write below is for when masturbation starts becoming a problem, and not general advice or consensus for sexuality.

The first level shouldn't be a really big deal, one is just over-masturbating for a given period of time, and one has some losses, such as feeling a bit weak, or a bit gloomy, which when they stop with masturbation for a couple of days, they return back to normal and optimal function. At the worst, and with prolonged issues here, it may take anywhere from 72 hours to a maximum of a week [7 days] to just come off fine from this. Any so called problems can be alleviated within this period and there won't be any further need to retain anything. Meditation and good nutrition will have someone back and running in no time.

Most people are normal cases, so a couple of days off are going to be sufficient to balance things out when one feels masturbation is becoming an issue.

On a second level the above is just increased, and one starts to having life problems from their masturbation habit. Except of extremely low energy after the masturbation buzz ends, the health may start to slightly suffer from this, mentally and spiritually. Strong erectile dysfunction may start kicking in at this point, one may feel very anti-social, and depressive undertones exist all over this behavior. Many people who over-masturbate in the first place do so because they are bored, or because energy is not spent elsewhere. Older generations may not understand this, people below the age of 30 will understand this triangle better, it's called Masturbation - Videogames - Junkfood is also a disastrous triangle that many people especially newer generations are lost into, which can drive a brain and overall system into weakness. One also may feel too fried to engage any other activity. If one finds themselves on this state, one can abstain from 8 to 14 days. Supplementation such a multi-vitamin may also be required.

Lastly, there is a level where it's the totally broken level, this is rarely solved by some abstinence, but requires a life overhaul. This is a situation where one has lost control of masturbatory habit to the point it is running their life, I have read on such cases online. It's no wonder that these people are so desperately looking for help as by this time it's a total pathology and not just some "I was overly sexual" or "Need of relief". Hardly any relief is gained at this stage from masturbation, one is entirely broken and masturbates not to feel good, but rather out of mere extreme habit, or like a crack addict that takes more crack only to create the need for more crack, eventually leading to demise. Erectile dysfunction here can be a given, and most of the time this thing can emerge from a greater failure in life in general. There can be psychological damage such as deep feelings of inferiority, incompetence, or even other mental turmoil heaped upon someone, challenging their very identity in a way. This is not a given, as many people secretly suffer from this. In order for the body to get a grip and heal physically, up to 21 days of abstinence may be required. However nothing really past this point is going to do anything more, and even 21 days should be considered a maximum. And lifestyle changes so that one doesn't engage into the imbalance anymore and learns to maintain a balance with themselves. The days should be linked with proper diet and even supplementation so one can come even, as the above is always related to general loss physically.

The above three circles are decided over the number 7 which. among other things, from ancient medicine to today, to the diagnosis and treating of illnesses. 7 days, or a week, is how much in a time even the most serious illnesses and the fate of one's life can and is decided, when one drops ill. It's also a recuperation period, so the above is a reflection of this circle of 7 into three levels, 7, 14, 21. And clearly for one to have to go down this road, one has to first assess that one may actually be ill in some way. It's no shame to admit this anymore than it is to suffer by one's own admission.

Likewise, one in accordance to their nature, one should observe their own flows, and follow a relative harmony to sexual expression. One's harmony may be someone else's absolute limit in this case. The same is the case with diet and food.

In regards to seed conservation, the above doesn't play a major role. Just conserving one's seed and going celibate is deeply problematic. It creates more problems than it does create. It does not create any special psychic or spiritual abilities, and depending on how it's done, it may actually create blockages on the lower chakras, creating energy directional confusion, which can create other problems by itself, that it would take a book to rectify.

Within the context of keeping a balance in the system, balancing out your sexual expression may be required. But this doesn't have to be called anything fancy other than what it is, a balance of things.

A key point to keep in mind in regards to sexual energy, conservation and it's use in spiritual power, is that there is a point past which one will feel empty, and not recharged or good. This shows that one is at a limit and needs to wait to recharge. The body may be able to go past this point frequently, but after this the feeling of emptiness will increase. Naturally one needs to lay off for a while in order to recharge.

Now in regards to the lie that going celibate is somehow going to turn you from a Nerdlord into Superman, this is a lie. This is not going to do in particular nothing to develop you, and the best case scenario is that people who are entirely broken from masturbation will only go through a normalization phase when they lay off, that will make them think [because they are only balanced to an extent again] that this was due to celibacy or some magical art related to celibacy.

Without spiritual practice none of that matters. The with-holding from extreme addiction only creates a positive effect because of the re-balancing factor, nothing else, similar to closing an open wound. This is why when celibacy is practiced past a point, it can create a mental wreckage, and not only it does not produce any positive effects, let alone any spiritual effects, but a person can break down. People become psychotic, anxious, extremely nervous, and so forth.

Within the context of a spiritual advancement routine, it's just sensible use of the sexual energy [including both going the far end with orgasms and knowing when to hold back] you can have benefits from understanding your own flows. But just not touching your willy isn't the key to dolphin like telepathy, or hawk eyesight, or intuitive abilities that are seemingly supernatural.

The other end is also observed in the focus on many superficial matters such as people do in the east, thinking that if you eat as much as one piece of beef, your soul is going to go to Hell and burn for all eternity for it. None of these things have implications or should pose any issues unless one goes over into severe imbalance.

It's just that people who have no idea about spirituality and are also very guilty like to create these extreme excuses in order to lie to themselves in order to cross the lake. But when you lie to yourself and you cross the lake and nothing happens, you'll be demotivated as fuck. This is why I ass beat people who try to create false and humongous expectations in other people, as this works in the short term, and in the longterm people develop nihilism and quit. If the truth was stated to begin with, one wouldn't quit but rather positively know what to expect.

In regards to another circulating myth that girls will become more attracted to you, this is half or less than half a truth. The people who may experience more interest from women simply because they did a few days without masturbation are most of the time people who have been completely broken in in masturbation. If you're an over-masturbator chances are you don't engage women all that much.

When one has nothing to give in regards to sexual energy [depletion] this can create a situation in rare cases where one may not engage partners in the same way, as one who has overly eaten does not approach food. A severe masturbatory mindset also can become so deeply ingrained in some people that they completely forget the opposite gender, and any actual sensation or relation to the opposite gender ceases completely, which can create for awkwardness, that is naturally going to cause problems when it comes to women.

And let the porn lawyer people tell you it won't happen, but to most people it will. Humans aren't only attracted by visual appearances, and even in an unconscious level, some people make judgement on others based on things metaphysically observed. If one walks around smelling of lube and unwashed hair, this isn't going to in particular attract hardly anybody. A severe imbalance in someone shows itself in more than one areas of their life. Decent guys that you see everyday and you wouldn't expect this to ever be the case. So naturally, being a totally empty dam isn't a good strategy here, and it can make you issues where it comes to the opposite gender.

On the other hand maximum celibate mode isn't going to turn you into a woman magnet, or women would find the rat christian pastors attractive, which they clearly do not, as all these can do is rape women or men, or molest children. Another blatant symptom of what extensive celibacy can cause.

Lastly, people may have another question as in how one has to stop the imbalance. There are many ways to do this depending on your personal level of willpower. If you want to develop your willpower, just face the problem and stop doing it until you come even. Taking a decision and following it will build your willpower.

Alternatively what you can do is distance the object through which your addiction flares up, such as adding a porn blocker to your computer, or somehow blocking yourself from contacting the object of addiction. This is not the best way to do this. The only safeguarding way is that of Willpower, but in order for Willpower to develop, you may have to throw the object which saps it in away first.

Due to the extremely extensive topic, I'll stop at this for now, and I hope at least a few of you benefit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
How do men have multiple orgasms on one occasion or do sexual things with someone or masturbate without ejaculation. I have heard of this from plenty of places but haven't figured out the technique. It's some ancient yoga Meditation not per say spiritual I know that can someone explain it.

Also can an orgasm bypass the sexual parts all toghether and more be on the spiritual level somehow.
slyscorpion said:
How do men have multiple orgasms on one occasion or do sexual things with someone or masturbate without ejaculation. I have heard of this from plenty of places but haven't figured out the technique. It's some ancient yoga Meditation not per say spiritual I know that can someone explain it.

Yes, but due to the complexity of the subject and the many methods this can be achieved with, I can't write on this right now. Not everyone can do these methods either, nor they are necessary.

One can reach orgasm through the orgasm of another, by focusing on their partner.

slyscorpion said:
Also can an orgasm bypass the sexual parts all toghether and more be on the spiritual level somehow.

Yes, an orgasm can be astral only, but this can be difficult to achieve with the imagination or a partner. It can happen in some cases with Succubi or Incubus.
Thank you for clearing up the topic. I think what a lot of people had trouble with reconciling, including me, was that the official stance here didn't address those who depleted their jing (or equivalent energy) through porn-induced excessive masturbation. Like you mentioned, it is possible to go overboard, and when one stops, they regain jing and experience the "superpowers" that were otherwise part of them all along. Given how much jing influences anxiety, willpower, feelings of wellbeing, it is not surprising that people do so well when they return to normal.

I think the real problem is how porn turns sexuality into something addictive and corruptive, then they advocate complete celibacy as the answer to that, however those two extremes prevent you from actually making practical use of the sexual energy. On some subs like /r/semenretention, there are a decent amount of people who actually recognize the Jewish influence in porn, but unfortunately they never get to hear the viewpoint from JOS on the whole thing, so they conclude that complete celibacy is the answer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the NoFap scene there are many endless lies and there is this Xian tint of things which has to do with self guilt in regards to masturbating, and it's no wonder the NoFap movement is sort of like a jewish movement of jewish celibacy, one of the many.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think short term seed retention in some cases is actually benefitul, in my case i personaly discoverd orgasms from a Very early age you may not beliave me but i was 5 years old when i expirnced my first orgasm but the problem started when i really went extrem and started doing it 4-5 times a day to a dgree that i get nervous and weak physicaly and mentaly and with a fucked up concentration and memory if i had a release on a daily basis and feel that its hard to focus during the void meditation and hard to maintain athletic performance, but i found it to be so healthy to have a release only when my prostate is filled by sperm its a clear sign from your body that say you should litrally "ejaculate", which mean that i release only on the weekends, anyway the idea here is that one should follow his gut, just like with food, if you don't get hungry you don't really have a reaosn to eat at the current moment, if you feel like "shit" after you release daily than you should lower the frequancy of releases you have, and on the other side, if you feel like you will litrally will rape someone, than you should consider having more orgasms or you will turn into either joe biden or deputy lyle from the show beyond scared stright.


Celibacy and NoFap are complete bullshit. Just look around these communities or anything adjacent to them and tell me they're sane or experiencing 'benefits'. Some of them seriously begin to resemble psychopaths who think torturing cats is 'not soy' and is '4d chess'. I would seriously sooner hang around porn stars than most of these individuals.

It's the same with the vegan clown crap, fasting, or the carnivore bullshit in reaction pushed by Dr. Peterstein and sverige, these are all cargo cult nonsense. They all violate the golden mean, often out of contrarianism. They are also in my opinion all just reinventions of shit the church pushed centuries ago and tie heavily into xian bullshit. All these communities have strong flat earthist contingents. I would call them all neo-Jainism.

As you wisely say, it was them who pushed this hyper-visual thing of boys being unable to masturbate without pornography, and now those boys are adults, the enemy pushes the 'solution'. Really they did the same thing centuries ago, when it was noted many children acted out (often because the enemy sexually abused them relentlessly and in Peter Damianus opinion 'the little boys are to fully blame for being so sexually enticing to men of god' or Bernardino of Siena's opinion 'it is more holy to gang rape little girls than boys so do that instead'), so the enemy shilled chastity devices, 'hysteria', circumcision and other nonsense.
I have masturbated a lot on porn in the past and and had strong orgasms (from subliminal affirmations) now i masturbate only on nude pics but i have erectile disfuction and it's hard to get it up or somethimes to maintain it it's hard too and also it's hard to reach ejaculation so yeah i do the max 21 days abstience from masturbation and diet and i think now i have enough willpower to do the diet, i got rid of sugar for a while now i also got some help with that and i'm thankful for that, un fortunately i used now for some days honey for a little of coffe but i found out that it contains many honeys are filled with sugar so i will have to drink my coffee widouth honey, i also wanted to use honey because of energy and vitality that i heard in the bast about it... i just drink a little coffee because i got bronchial asthma that this autum apeared because in childhood i had asthmatic bronchitis and my mother has astma and she drinks coffee and this way she doesn't need medication but that's not the reason why she drinks it its for the energy, she said that in the past there wasn't any medicine for astma so people used coffee and that worked for them i use it too and it works, i know that this can be like the placebo effect or just the belief that it helps me but i think think this is better than the medication. and the docs said that it apeared because i'm allergic towards ambrosia and that activated it i had the simptoms.

Also i tried going by just imagination that worked for a while but got back to erotic photos, and i think imagination is better so i don't want erotic photos because that's also considered porn? (and there are also jews) and yeah vizualization with the one i want is better that erotic photos.

Also what supliments would be good to use, like a general supliment that contains the necesery vitamins? i know that zinc is good for sperm count and used it once in the past and it worked.

Also wanted to say something about my post on "why no one helps me" it really was a withdrawal of the antipsyhotics because i didn't reduced the injection gradualy, sometimes my brain and mind felt very bad at that time and coudn't really control my self now i had to get to hospital and now i take pills again but now i can reduce it gradualy and this way the withdrawal effects are much lower (i'm already reducing them) plus i use SaTaNaMa mantra with mudras for complete healing for the body, mind and emotions. I had mood swings and that's why once i felt very good once very bad.

Aquarius i was very angry at you because you said i'm pathetic i know my state was pathetic and still is but hope so that we get along and get over that.

This sermon was realy useful for me so thank you HoddedCobra666
slyscorpion said:
How do men have multiple orgasms on one occasion or do sexual things with someone or masturbate without ejaculation. I have heard of this from plenty of places but haven't figured out the technique. It's some ancient yoga Meditation not per say spiritual I know that can someone explain it.

Also can an orgasm bypass the sexual parts all toghether and more be on the spiritual level somehow.

My next article will answer these questions.
Masturbation and ejaculation are very important in regards to growing the soul and your energy, and doing work on the soul, for men.

Conserving "seed" past a point causes an effect of death, not of life. This is because the semen inside a man starts dying after a point, which spiritually has a similar effect, and then one can also develop illnesses from this. First it starts to be mental, but then it becomes physical.

Mainstream books should also be taken with suspicion and giant grains of salt, as this subject is a subject filled with lies.

Methods to also supposedly "block" ejaculation as a replacement are also not going to have any spiritual effects as these promise either. Most of this is just insanity and causes other adverse spiritual problems.

Enjoy your sexuality in full as this opens the soul and you can use the force to empower the soul. In regards to those who may have went too far, just refrain a few days and you will be fine, that's all.

I wouldn't even write this but some people are so far down the road of overly masturbating and so forth that they need some help to balance things out.
Thank you for the reply, and yes, I have written again and again on how these are mere repeat plays of previous jewish insanity, into the modern "sinful pagan world".

It's just jews jewing people in order to destroy civilization.

Karnonnos said:
Celibacy and NoFap are complete bullshit. Just look around these communities or anything adjacent to them and tell me they're sane or experiencing 'benefits'. Some of them seriously begin to resemble psychopaths who think torturing cats is 'not soy' and is '4d chess'. I would seriously sooner hang around porn stars than most of these individuals.

It's the same with the vegan clown crap, fasting, or the carnivore bullshit in reaction pushed by Dr. Peterstein and sverige, these are all cargo cult nonsense. They all violate the golden mean, often out of contrarianism. They are also in my opinion all just reinventions of shit the church pushed centuries ago and tie heavily into xian bullshit. All these communities have strong flat earthist contingents. I would call them all neo-Jainism.

As you wisely say, it was them who pushed this hyper-visual thing of boys being unable to masturbate without pornography, and now those boys are adults, the enemy pushes the 'solution'. Really they did the same thing centuries ago, when it was noted many children acted out (often because the enemy sexually abused them relentlessly and in Peter Damianus opinion 'the little boys are to fully blame for being so sexually enticing to men of god' or Bernardino of Siena's opinion 'it is more holy to gang rape little girls than boys so do that instead'), so the enemy shilled chastity devices, 'hysteria', circumcision and other nonsense.
This shouldn't be called "Seed retetion" it should be called keep your hands from masturbating 5 times a day and feinting as a result if you suffer from it.

It's common sense there is no need to brand it with some strange New Age title to feel like one is doing anything but...the obvious.

ArabKnight said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the NoFap scene there are many endless lies and there is this Xian tint of things which has to do with self guilt in regards to masturbating, and it's no wonder the NoFap movement is sort of like a jewish movement of jewish celibacy, one of the many.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think short term seed retention in some cases is actually benefitul, in my case i personaly discoverd orgasms from a Very early age you may not beliave me but i was 5 years old when i expirnced my first orgasm but the problem started when i really went extrem and started doing it 4-5 times a day to a dgree that i get nervous and weak physicaly and mentaly and with a fucked up concentration and memory if i had a release on a daily basis and feel that its hard to focus during the void meditation and hard to maintain athletic performance, but i found it to be so healthy to have a release only when my prostate is filled by sperm its a clear sign from your body that say you should litrally "ejaculate", which mean that i release only on the weekends, anyway the idea here is that one should follow his gut, just like with food, if you don't get hungry you don't really have a reaosn to eat at the current moment, if you feel like "shit" after you release daily than you should lower the frequancy of releases you have, and on the other side, if you feel like you will litrally will rape someone, than you should consider having more orgasms or you will turn into either joe biden or deputy lyle from the show beyond scared stright.


Karnonnos said:
Celibacy and NoFap are complete bullshit. Just look around these communities or anything adjacent to them and tell me they're sane or experiencing 'benefits'. Some of them seriously begin to resemble psychopaths who think torturing cats is 'not soy' and is '4d chess'. I would seriously sooner hang around porn stars than most of these individuals.

Many pornstars are actually just normal and good people [except of the jews for obvious reasons], they just have sex as part of their job. Many of them are also far more sane minded than the celibate crowd. Sex is a line of work for many people and it should be kept at this, that's all it is to them, a job.

Also, the behavior you describe is just the beginning of this. Many serial killers and many other broken individuals, it all begins from celibacy or in some way sexual deviancy. This also means rape and other things coming from others at a young age and so forth.
Put the guilt on the side with these subjects, many people are suffering and they are ashamed to say it. I think it's good one has the ability to face this and talk about something.

Do not think of the days, just think to not masturbate in this particular day. A general multi-vitamin with Zinc [labelled as "Men's Vitamins"] is going to bring your body back in motion. No need to put a days goal to this, even if you are on absolute rock bottom. Just think that the day today you aren't going to do this and let it out of your mind. It can be very difficult in the first 2-3 days but afterwards the mind will start ignoring it on it's own.

You may also find along the way that for example let's say after 7 days, you feel just fine again, and there may be no need to go further. However due to deficiencies that can happen (nutritionally speaking) you need to continue supplementation, I'd assume for at least 14 days. The people who are addicted have issues with these things for like half a decade, 10 years, 15 years even, or more.

I cannot give further medical advice on the other issues, you'll need to either get to a professional or ask on the health forum where there are professionals.

Catalincata94 said:
I have masturbated a lot on porn in the past and and had strong orgasms (from subliminal affirmations) now i masturbate only on nude pics but i have erectile disfuction and it's hard to get it up or somethimes to maintain it it's hard too and also it's hard to reach ejaculation so yeah i do the max 21 days abstience from masturbation and diet and i think now i have enough willpower to do the diet, i got rid of sugar for a while now i also got some help with that and i'm thankful for that, un fortunately i used now for some days honey for a little of coffe but i found out that it contains many honeys are filled with sugar so i will have to drink my coffee widouth honey, i also wanted to use honey because of energy and vitality that i heard in the bast about it... i just drink a little coffee because i got bronchial asthma that this autum apeared because in childhood i had asthmatic bronchitis and my mother has astma and she drinks coffee and this way she doesn't need medication but that's not the reason why she drinks it its for the energy, she said that in the past there wasn't any medicine for astma so people used coffee and that worked for them i use it too and it works, i know that this can be like the placebo effect or just the belief that it helps me but i think think this is better than the medication. and the docs said that it apeared because i'm allergic towards ambrosia and that activated it i had the simptoms.

Also i tried going by just imagination that worked for a while but got back to erotic photos, and i think imagination is better so i don't want erotic photos because that's also considered porn? (and there are also jews) and yeah vizualization with the one i want is better that erotic photos.

Also what supliments would be good to use, like a general supliment that contains the necesery vitamins? i know that zinc is good for sperm count and used it once in the past and it worked.

Also wanted to say something about my post on "why no one helps me" it really was a withdrawal of the antipsyhotics because i didn't reduced the injection gradualy, sometimes my brain and mind felt very bad at that time and coudn't really control my self now i had to get to hospital and now i take pills again but now i can reduce it gradualy and this way the withdrawal effects are much lower (i'm already reducing them) plus i use SaTaNaMa mantra with mudras for complete healing for the body, mind and emotions. I had mood swings and that's why once i felt very good once very bad.

Aquarius i was very angry at you because you said i'm pathetic i know my state was pathetic and still is but hope so that we get along and get over that.

This sermon was realy useful for me so thank you HoddedCobra666
I don't think over doing it with play or ejaculation is a problem that is if you have a partner who is at least somewhat positive and meditates (I do) because you actually gain more energy from the experience and feel more fufulled. However doing this on your own or to porn will completely drain your energy and make you feel weak and all the problems you described. There is a difference with this. I personally think it's better to get a partner to balance things out than go abstenent for awhile. However I couldn't do that anyways I have too much of planets in the 8th house and a sex drive etc.

It's like literally even if I masturbate or look at porn or whatever if I don't do sexual things with a partner I feel imbalanced and get moody and depressed and all sorts of other things.

So yes it is a poor replacement for real sex and most porn is just garbage to be honest and has a bad vibe. I think this has put some guys in a very bad situation.

So if possible actually have sexual play with a partner that is safe to do so with. None of this over sexualizing of stuff is good I don't mean go do it with anyone that walks I mean try to gain a connection with someone and it is much more furfilling. This will balance most people out. It may take some practice though to get off of the expectations some of these fake things like porn put in your mind but it's worth it. You will feel so much better.
Thank you for this informative post HP. This is something that I have struggled with a lot-without going off on too much of a tangent, I fear I have really fucked up my brain with excessive Internet use. Around the time I was 18 I started using too much caffeine and speed-browsing the Internet several hours a day, spending a lot of that time on porn, I have done that for a few years now. I have a heavy Scorpio emphasis and, if I get it right, can focus and visualize things quite well, but most of the time my attention span feels fried. I realize this is an addiction and I need to toughen up and stop it. But my consistent failures make it seem daunting.

I did stop smoking completely, also haven't drunk in a while and don't want to go back to either of those, but I struggle to break my other addictions. One of the reasons I fear advancing is because I fear it will make me realize what a degenerate I really am and dislike myself more. I know that is no reason to not advance, but it's something I struggle with.
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
slyscorpion said:
How do men have multiple orgasms on one occasion or do sexual things with someone or masturbate without ejaculation. I have heard of this from plenty of places but haven't figured out the technique. It's some ancient yoga Meditation not per say spiritual I know that can someone explain it.

Also can an orgasm bypass the sexual parts all toghether and more be on the spiritual level somehow.

My next article will answer these questions.
Will be looking forward to it, High Priest Lucius. It's good to have you back.
Very good topic here.

I want to add something concerning the holding of ejaculation.
It's very dangerous thing to do it because it will start making imbalances at your hormones and brain. It's like refusing the pleasure and this will cause issues after some months that will start to arise slowly.

Erectile dysfunction and big loss of sexual drive will follow.
These techniques need to be practiced with caution and not become a habbit.

I started to do the semen hold and problems arised after 2-3 years and believe me it's not pleasant to see yourself become from a very active sexually man to someone who almost loses his sex drive.

I did and still doing a lot of work with meditations, yoga and training at the gym (dead lifts are a must for testosterone increase) and still I haven't became the horny beast (lol) I was once.

So...be physical, don't do abnormal things and follow your flow and energy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Put the guilt on the side with these subjects, many people are suffering and they are ashamed to say it. I think it's good one has the ability to face this and talk about something.

Do not think of the days, just think to not masturbate in this particular day. A general multi-vitamin with Zinc [labelled as "Men's Vitamins"] is going to bring your body back in motion. No need to put a days goal to this, even if you are on absolute rock bottom. Just think that the day today you aren't going to do this and let it out of your mind. It can be very difficult in the first 2-3 days but afterwards the mind will start ignoring it on it's own.

You may also find along the way that for example let's say after 7 days, you feel just fine again, and there may be no need to go further. However due to deficiencies that can happen (nutritionally speaking) you need to continue supplementation, I'd assume for at least 14 days. The people who are addicted have issues with these things for like half a decade, 10 years, 15 years even, or more.

I cannot give further medical advice on the other issues, you'll need to either get to a professional or ask on the health forum where there are professionals.

Catalincata94 said:
I have masturbated a lot on porn in the past and and had strong orgasms (from subliminal affirmations) now i masturbate only on nude pics but i have erectile disfuction and it's hard to get it up or somethimes to maintain it it's hard too and also it's hard to reach ejaculation so yeah i do the max 21 days abstience from masturbation and diet and i think now i have enough willpower to do the diet, i got rid of sugar for a while now i also got some help with that and i'm thankful for that, un fortunately i used now for some days honey for a little of coffe but i found out that it contains many honeys are filled with sugar so i will have to drink my coffee widouth honey, i also wanted to use honey because of energy and vitality that i heard in the bast about it... i just drink a little coffee because i got bronchial asthma that this autum apeared because in childhood i had asthmatic bronchitis and my mother has astma and she drinks coffee and this way she doesn't need medication but that's not the reason why she drinks it its for the energy, she said that in the past there wasn't any medicine for astma so people used coffee and that worked for them i use it too and it works, i know that this can be like the placebo effect or just the belief that it helps me but i think think this is better than the medication. and the docs said that it apeared because i'm allergic towards ambrosia and that activated it i had the simptoms.

Also i tried going by just imagination that worked for a while but got back to erotic photos, and i think imagination is better so i don't want erotic photos because that's also considered porn? (and there are also jews) and yeah vizualization with the one i want is better that erotic photos.

Also what supliments would be good to use, like a general supliment that contains the necesery vitamins? i know that zinc is good for sperm count and used it once in the past and it worked.

Also wanted to say something about my post on "why no one helps me" it really was a withdrawal of the antipsyhotics because i didn't reduced the injection gradualy, sometimes my brain and mind felt very bad at that time and coudn't really control my self now i had to get to hospital and now i take pills again but now i can reduce it gradualy and this way the withdrawal effects are much lower (i'm already reducing them) plus i use SaTaNaMa mantra with mudras for complete healing for the body, mind and emotions. I had mood swings and that's why once i felt very good once very bad.

Aquarius i was very angry at you because you said i'm pathetic i know my state was pathetic and still is but hope so that we get along and get over that.

This sermon was realy useful for me so thank you HoddedCobra666

For me right now the sexual needs starts in 4-5 days. Now for 1 year i think i did it like in every two days and not because i felt a big need as i was younger but just because i wanted the plesure so that's an adiction kind of but i know i can get over it it's just that i don't want to over do it with the abstinence part so that i wreak my orgasm or something or my mind but as you said porn and much masturbation can cause psyhosis that's the solution (7, 14 21 days abstinence) for my self, for the voices too (or just talking to people in my mind and they talking back) and also that this abstinence if not done over those limits will heal me is great to know this. I tried this kind of abstinence for 7 days some time ago i did it 5 days because i thought it would be bad to abstain from that first impulse of sexual need in the 5th day so i never realy exceed the 5 days widouth masturbation in my life but i also never used willpower in this soo. I thought it would be enough those 5 days but yeah now i know numbers tells much.
So if it takes me 4-5 days till i get the real need i should get the 21 days abstinence, that's what i think. or just 14. I see so i have this masturbation on porn for surely a decade so i better go for the max 21 days. Also i remembered i did it many times per day in the past till my bottom of my penis hurt (i think the canals) so that was a clear sign i was doing it to much but yeah porn.
Drakon said:
Very good topic here.

I want to add something concerning the holding of ejaculation.
It's very dangerous thing to do it because it will start making imbalances at your hormones and brain. It's like refusing the pleasure and this will cause issues after some months that will start to arise slowly.

Erectile dysfunction and big loss of sexual drive will follow.
These techniques need to be practiced with caution and not become a habbit.

I started to do the semen hold and problems arised after 2-3 years and believe me it's not pleasant to see yourself become from a very active sexually man to someone who almost loses his sex drive.

I did and still doing a lot of work with meditations, yoga and training at the gym (dead lifts are a must for testosterone increase) and still I haven't became the horny beast (lol) I was once.

So...be physical, don't do abnormal things and follow your flow and energy.
You do not need to do dead lifts to increase testosterone...just exercise's and that is it. I suggest you to do a working to making your sex drive nornal again. For the rest i agree with you holding your ejaculation is definitily not good, i do not care who say it, it's not something that you need to spiritualy advance.
HailVictory88 said:
Thank you for this informative post HP. This is something that I have struggled with a lot-without going off on too much of a tangent, I fear I have really fucked up my brain with excessive Internet use. Around the time I was 18 I started using too much caffeine and speed-browsing the Internet several hours a day, spending a lot of that time on porn, I have done that for a few years now. I have a heavy Scorpio emphasis and, if I get it right, can focus and visualize things quite well, but most of the time my attention span feels fried. I realize this is an addiction and I need to toughen up and stop it. But my consistent failures make it seem daunting.

I did stop smoking completely, also haven't drunk in a while and don't want to go back to either of those, but I struggle to break my other addictions. One of the reasons I fear advancing is because I fear it will make me realize what a degenerate I really am and dislike myself more. I know that is no reason to not advance, but it's something I struggle with.

Yeah the attention span stuff and nerve weakness as posted about others and personally experienced by myself when I used to masturbate daily are related to low kidney energy/jing, as described by traditional chinese medicine. I am unfamiliar of a direct JOS equivalent, and would be really curious if there was a way to rapidly restore jing through JOS, likely a mantra or rune. I think JOS is correct in what they say about celibacy being bad, but they also have to have an answer for the jing problem, because all these nofap guys go from low jing ----> high jing, and it does feel like you have superpowers when that happens. The time course for this is usually only 1 or 2 weeks, then any jing gains level off.

Personally, I had a few wet dreams recently, and I don't know if it is an enemy thoughtform attacking me, or something simply like my sleeping position putting pressure on my groin. It is kind of annoying though because I feel drained after and never had the chance to use the orgasm for anything, even if I knew how.

As for you, for you to have such an opinion means you are not a degenerate in my book. You further prove this by squashing your other vices. I can empathize because I used to be heavy into porn, and the addicitive powers of porn are very strong. They directly hijack your sexuality and jewify it, causing you to look up more and more messed up stuff. While you were exposed to such stuff, that does not mean you yourself are a degenerate, because once you remove the porn and heal the brain, you will not support such degenerate behaviors anymore, just as you didn't prior to watching. I wish you encouragment and hope for the best.
I concur that Porn and masturbation addiction will leave you sexually dysfunctional.

Years after that it's like I've worn my pecker out. I've never recovered to what I was sexually prowess wise.

However Jews keep healthy relations with the opposite sex. And Muslims must not use contraception and can have numerous wives.

Seems like another tactic like the unnatural food tactic to weaken and destroy us Gentiles.

Luckily we are working to restore the healthy and natural relations between sexes that the National Socialists in Germany were working to restore.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Put the guilt on the side with these subjects, many people are suffering and they are ashamed to say it. I think it's good one has the ability to face this and talk about something.

Do not think of the days, just think to not masturbate in this particular day. A general multi-vitamin with Zinc [labelled as "Men's Vitamins"] is going to bring your body back in motion. No need to put a days goal to this, even if you are on absolute rock bottom. Just think that the day today you aren't going to do this and let it out of your mind. It can be very difficult in the first 2-3 days but afterwards the mind will start ignoring it on it's own.

You may also find along the way that for example let's say after 7 days, you feel just fine again, and there may be no need to go further. However due to deficiencies that can happen (nutritionally speaking) you need to continue supplementation, I'd assume for at least 14 days. The people who are addicted have issues with these things for like half a decade, 10 years, 15 years even, or more.

I cannot give further medical advice on the other issues, you'll need to either get to a professional or ask on the health forum where there are professionals.

I went down this road so far since I was 16. Been more than a decade now.

My question is.. How many times or how much masturbation is considered as normal for a day or a week or a month.... I have multivitamin tablets. Should I take them for one month and when to restart taking them?

One interesting thing I wanna share about Kundakini Yoga is I was doing some kundalini poses from pink lotus website, then next day I noticed two things :

1. I did NOT feel the need to masturbate at all.
2. I was feeling so active. It was like I got energy boost that lasted from one evening to next day evening. It was surprising and new to me.

I did these poses while being in the present moment, focused and I enjoyed doing them.

So why didn't I feel the need to masturbate after I did these few Kundalini yoga poses?
This is beyond insanity, to be honest. If you will not fap, you will go insane, and if you will fap too frequently, you will go insane as well, because of addiction.

I wish there was some way to turn off your sexual arousal -- Shit can ruin your life. The only way for a young males is to find a girlfriend or you will lose your mind.
And in todays society it is difficult to get a girlfriend, all of them have super high demands.

Of course, one could fap in moderation, but I find masturbation to be such a waste of time. You will just get a temporary relief plus energy depletion.
I haven’t really got the courage until now to actually post a full reply until now. But reading this sermon answers a lot of questions that I had with sex and masterbation. I agree this can be a sensitive topic but I also feel like it was necessary to be discussed because there are people who are really confused with those topics since the Jews have pretty much corrupted them.
I was a bit hesitant as I would rather avoid these topics, but there is both deep suffering and an extensive amount of disinformation online.

Cartman1997 said:
I haven’t really got the courage until now to actually post a full reply until now. But reading this sermon answers a lot of questions that I had with sex and masterbation. I agree this can be a sensitive topic but I also feel like it was necessary to be discussed because there are people who are really confused with those topics since the Jews have pretty much corrupted them.
This is the life force. You are thinking this terribly wrong.

The energy of orgasm can be used to empower the soul, and is not wasted.

You sound more like you have an issue about finding a gf rather than the sexual energy in itself. This I'll address in the next post.

Vaal said:
This is beyond insanity, to be honest. If you will not fap, you will go insane, and if you will fap too frequently, you will go insane as well, because of addiction.

I wish there was some way to turn off your sexual arousal -- Shit can ruin your life. The only way for a young males is to find a girlfriend or you will lose your mind.
And in todays society it is difficult to get a girlfriend, all of them have super high demands.

Of course, one could fap in moderation, but I find masturbation to be such a waste of time. You will just get a temporary relief plus energy depletion.
When you do Yoga, the energy healthily spreads inside the body, and is moved from places where it was pooling. This allows for circulation, so your sex drive may be a little more quelled or raise alike. It depends.

I do not know if you are on the other end of imbalance, you need to see for yourself. If you suffer from large concetration problems, have lost apetite for actual women, and other issues, you need to cut back. You can judge yourself on this.

sahasrarabliss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Put the guilt on the side with these subjects, many people are suffering and they are ashamed to say it. I think it's good one has the ability to face this and talk about something.

Do not think of the days, just think to not masturbate in this particular day. A general multi-vitamin with Zinc [labelled as "Men's Vitamins"] is going to bring your body back in motion. No need to put a days goal to this, even if you are on absolute rock bottom. Just think that the day today you aren't going to do this and let it out of your mind. It can be very difficult in the first 2-3 days but afterwards the mind will start ignoring it on it's own.

You may also find along the way that for example let's say after 7 days, you feel just fine again, and there may be no need to go further. However due to deficiencies that can happen (nutritionally speaking) you need to continue supplementation, I'd assume for at least 14 days. The people who are addicted have issues with these things for like half a decade, 10 years, 15 years even, or more.

I cannot give further medical advice on the other issues, you'll need to either get to a professional or ask on the health forum where there are professionals.

I went down this road so far since I was 16. Been more than a decade now.

My question is.. How many times or how much masturbation is considered as normal for a day or a week or a month.... I have multivitamin tablets. Should I take them for one month and when to restart taking them?

One interesting thing I wanna share about Kundakini Yoga is I was doing some kundalini poses from pink lotus website, then next day I noticed two things :

1. I did NOT feel the need to masturbate at all.
2. I was feeling so active. It was like I got energy boost that lasted from one evening to next day evening. It was surprising and new to me.

I did these poses while being in the present moment, focused and I enjoyed doing them.

So why didn't I feel the need to masturbate after I did these few Kundalini yoga poses?
sahasrarabliss said:
My question is.. How many times or how much masturbation is considered as normal for a day or a week or a month...
I believe the "average" is once a day, but this varies heavily from person to person.

I always recommend to people to first "reset" through a couple days of rest (which HC has found are usually 7, 14, or 21 days) until they feel genuinely horny again. And then from there on, to go with masturbating once daily for a little bit, like maybe a week or two weeks. Then you should be able to level-headedly judge whether you feel you need more than this, or if you would like a bit less (or if it's perfect), and you can then adjust things accordingly.

I know people who fap irregularly, depending on how they feel each day, and also people who fap like 2 or 3 times every day as an average healthily (without porn). Sexdrive differs a lot for everyone, so it's a good idea to take the average and then make adjustments based on your personal needs. :)
Hmm okay.
Yeah what you said is correct. Loss of focus/concentration etc etc... Maybe watching too much porn caused this.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When you do Yoga, the energy healthily spreads inside the body, and is moved from places where it was pooling. This allows for circulation, so your sex drive may be a little more quelled or raise alike. It depends.

I do not know if you are on the other end of imbalance, you need to see for yourself. If you suffer from large concetration problems, have lost apetite for actual women, and other issues, you need to cut back. You can judge yourself on this.
Thank you HP for this post.
I am in the phase that I know I have to cure myself, because watching porn have done damages to me, to the point the has affected my sexual "mind".

A very useful tip that HP Mageson said was "don't connect to it", referring to porn. This, with a work to free myself from the addiction (thanks Lydia), was excellent and worked.

The problem I found now is to restore my mind to his natural state. I am in a insane state that watching a nude girl on a screen excites me more than a real girl in front of me. I can't find a way to modify my subconscious to his natural healthy way of approaching sex and sexuality.

Do you guys suggest a mantra, rune or spiritual work to heal this kind of mind damange?
Thank you very much.
I'm definitely someone who over does it with trying to achieve orgasm. I hardly go a day without having one or the occasional two or three orgasms because my sex drive seems to be so high, especially at night. Even just the mention of sex or orgasm like this sermon has me already slightly aroused which will build up quickly in a few hours.

I do notice though that there are quite a few times where I'll seemingly be craving an orgasm but am too physically exhausted or not motivated enough to do the work for it, but I definitely feel the need for it and will usually still decide to masturbate anyways. I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as too much when it comes to this and I definitely needed to see this, thus I'm glad it was urged to my attention.

I've tried abstaining once a few months back for 2 days and found that after doing so my orgasms were much, much more pleasurable and far more powerful in energy. I'm lead to believe that I'm likely burning myself out like this and should probably figure out when I need to take a day or two off of it. Definitely going to take at least today off or a couple more. Could probably be why my lower back has been sore for the past couple days, something to do with my lower chakras and spending too much sexual energy.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Also consider the possibility here that your orgasm frequency may be healthy, but with a lack on the nutritional side.

Orgasms work to clean yourself. Sometimes in the past when I was dirty and had a rough day, I would not feel like masturbating. But I always did it anyways, and I felt much more clean and relaxed afterwards. Keep in mind that this lack of motivation you describe could also be due to this, rather than due to masturbating "too much".

Once a day is the average, and should by no means be considered "too much" unless you are clearly having bad effects from it. If masturbating less has good effects for you then that's great too, but be mindful that the nutritional side is important with these things as well (as is general health-stuff like getting fresh air, exercise and enough sleep).
As Harry Palm sat there watching tranny porn he stood up waving a ewok looking palm in the air with a burning stare through his coke bottle glasses "THE JEWS ARE TURRRRRRRRING MUH GAY!' He then sat down in his chair with a furious fart echoing outwards and continued on as the meth pipe dangled from his mouth.
A lot of them seem to be on drugs.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many pornstars are actually just normal and good people [except of the jews for obvious reasons], they just have sex as part of their job. Many of them are also far more sane minded than the celibate crowd. Sex is a line of work for many people and it should be kept at this, that's all it is to them, a job.
luis said:
Drakon said:
Very good topic here.

I want to add something concerning the holding of ejaculation.
It's very dangerous thing to do it because it will start making imbalances at your hormones and brain. It's like refusing the pleasure and this will cause issues after some months that will start to arise slowly.

Erectile dysfunction and big loss of sexual drive will follow.
These techniques need to be practiced with caution and not become a habbit.

I started to do the semen hold and problems arised after 2-3 years and believe me it's not pleasant to see yourself become from a very active sexually man to someone who almost loses his sex drive.

I did and still doing a lot of work with meditations, yoga and training at the gym (dead lifts are a must for testosterone increase) and still I haven't became the horny beast (lol) I was once.

So...be physical, don't do abnormal things and follow your flow and energy.
You do not need to do dead lifts to increase testosterone...just exercise's and that is it. I suggest you to do a working to making your sex drive nornal again. For the rest i agree with you holding your ejaculation is definitily not good, i do not care who say it, it's not something that you need to spiritualy advance.

Most lower body and core exercises help to stimulate the nerves and muscles surrounding the sexual organs. I think it also helps increase blood flow to those areas. I personally think squats with added weight work well for this, I cant do heavy deadlifting because I have a herniated disc. Whenever I do leg day at the gym, I definitely feel more horny afterwards than on any other gym day. I agree that you don't need to do these to increase testosterone, but it you can do them, then it is definitely worth it. Just avoid overlifting.

Also in regards to holding my ejaculation, I actually have been having positive results from it. (felt more energetic, no dysfunction) But at the same time its important to note that I also decreased how often I would ejaculate at the same time. And also, while I am I masturbating on the daily, I usually hold my ejaculations during these sessions for a period of maybe 4-5 days, and then on the 6th or 7th day, I let it go. Seems to be working for me. Still titrating it to determine if there are better ways of going about it.

Blitzkreig said:
HailVictory88 said:
Thank you for this informative post HP. This is something that I have struggled with a lot-without going off on too much of a tangent, I fear I have really fucked up my brain with excessive Internet use. Around the time I was 18 I started using too much caffeine and speed-browsing the Internet several hours a day, spending a lot of that time on porn, I have done that for a few years now. I have a heavy Scorpio emphasis and, if I get it right, can focus and visualize things quite well, but most of the time my attention span feels fried.

Yeah the attention span stuff and nerve weakness as posted about others and personally experienced by myself when I used to masturbate daily are related to low kidney energy/jing, as described by traditional chinese medicine.

Personally, I had a few wet dreams recently, and I don't know if it is an enemy thoughtform attacking me, or something simply like my sleeping position putting pressure on my groin. It is kind of annoying though because I feel drained after and never had the chance to use the orgasm for anything, even if I knew how.

Yes when I used to masturbate daily, or even more often than not, I would constantly feel fatigued and tired. On the other hand if I don't masturbate for a long period of time, I would eventually start to get very horny and "on edge". Funny thing is, our bodies seem to have a natural mechanism for people who don't ejaculate: wet dreams

I remember my first wet dream. I laying in bed and the back of my head was resting on a squishy female butt. I woke up with a spill to say the least. I was maybe in 7,8, or 9th grade. I have also had other wet dreams where females try to attach themselves to my sexual organs or they press their body into mine and we sort of melt into each other. Also when I orgasm in the dream my physical body follows it right after with a real ejaculation.

Porn is dangerous territory because it makes your brain release round after round of dopamine and eventually the synapses that connect your dopamine receptors are going to get fried. And so things will become less exciting to you naturally. Its similar to what happens to meth heads. If I do, I only watch lesbian porn because the sight of other penises ruins my erection lol
With how society is nowadays be careful people you see sitting in a wheelchair at the elderly house may be on speed or something. This is the reality.

HP Mageson666 said:
A lot of them seem to be on drugs.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many pornstars are actually just normal and good people [except of the jews for obvious reasons], they just have sex as part of their job. Many of them are also far more sane minded than the celibate crowd. Sex is a line of work for many people and it should be kept at this, that's all it is to them, a job.
HP Mageson666 said:
As Harry Palm sat there watching tranny porn he stood up waving a ewok looking palm in the air with a burning stare through his coke bottle glasses "THE JEWS ARE TURRRRRRRRING MUH GAY!' He then sat down in his chair with a furious fart echoing outwards and continued on as the meth pipe dangled from his mouth.
LMAO it’s that guy
Porn culture is drug culture its normal to have lines of coke waiting on set of the movies.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
With how society is nowadays be careful people you see sitting in a wheelchair at the elderly house may be on speed or something. This is the reality.

HP Mageson666 said:
A lot of them seem to be on drugs.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many pornstars are actually just normal and good people [except of the jews for obvious reasons], they just have sex as part of their job. Many of them are also far more sane minded than the celibate crowd. Sex is a line of work for many people and it should be kept at this, that's all it is to them, a job.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
