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Sexual Energy, Celibacy, No Fap November

slyscorpion said:
How do men have multiple orgasms on one occasion or do sexual things with someone or masturbate without ejaculation. I have heard of this from plenty of places but haven't figured out the technique. It's some ancient yoga Meditation not per say spiritual I know that can someone explain it.

Also can an orgasm bypass the sexual parts all toghether and more be on the spiritual level somehow.

I can easily have multiple orgasms but I choose not to because it drains my energy as a man. My technique is that I just start up again after ejaculation......and then I stimulate till another orgasm comes along. There is a muscle between the anus and scrotum that some people press into while they orgasm so that they don't ejaculate, its a Taoist method. I personally don't use it Its not very safe if you don't know what you are doing.
It seems the method of the dry orgasm is based on just contracting the lower bandas. It sends all the energy up the spine.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
slyscorpion said:
How do men have multiple orgasms on one occasion or do sexual things with someone or masturbate without ejaculation. I have heard of this from plenty of places but haven't figured out the technique. It's some ancient yoga Meditation not per say spiritual I know that can someone explain it.

Also can an orgasm bypass the sexual parts all toghether and more be on the spiritual level somehow.

I can easily have multiple orgasms but I choose not to because it drains my energy as a man. My technique is that I just start up again after ejaculation......and then I stimulate till another orgasm comes along. There is a muscle between the anus and scrotum that some people press into while they orgasm so that they don't ejaculate, its a Taoist method. I personally don't use it Its not very safe if you don't know what you are doing.

I'd go into more detail but these methods are not entirely necessary as the semen will die anyway inside you and will be disposed likewise as if it were externally disposed. The intense hold makes someone feel a lot of pressure but this is not to be mistaken for a properly ascended energy.

Situations also happen where the ascent with a wrong method can have negative effects. "Edging" and drawing the energy up can produce the same effect without problems.

Many of these exercises aren't totally about functionality but also were created as part of a guilt factor.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I'd go into more detail but these methods are not entirely necessary as the semen will die anyway inside you and will be disposed likewise as if it were externally disposed. The intense hold makes someone feel a lot of pressure but this is not to be mistaken for a properly ascended energy.

Situations also happen where the ascent with a wrong method can have negative effects. "Edging" and drawing the energy up can produce the same effect without problems.

Many of these exercises aren't totally about functionality but also were created as part of a guilt factor.
I was obsessed with the idea of having multiple orgasms since I was like 12, for whatever reason (probably past-life stuff).
Over the years I have tried most of these special "methods" that would supposedly allow multiple orgasms in quick succession, and all of them for me just felt terrible.

The most reasonable (and pleasant) way I know of is to just push 15 - 45 minutes of downtime inbetween going for orgasms (for males only ofc) which could be filled with pleasuring your partner during this time, as one example.
I think the main reason for porn-addiction is anxiety. The orgasm relieves anxiety and can thus be used as a sort of medicine in that regard.
I have not seen this mentioned anywhere within the ridiculous "NoFap" movement though. According to them pornography is the only problem. One should look deeper than that; find out why the anxiety is there and try to get rid of it - instead of only trying to get rid of the symptoms.
You can tell what kind of person is into porn addiction by No Fap, its highly compulsive, obsessive personality types that because of their psychological behaviours become addicted to anything that gives them a rush from video games, any kind of stimulant from coffee, energy drinks, vaping, drugs to gambling to porn, even competition No Fap culture which is a sporting event where they compulsively compete and become obsessive on the subject.
I was raised in a xian home and taught that sex should be saved for marriage, that sex was dirty and you must be pure for your partner. I refrained from even thinking about it, and when I was younger it was not so easy to get a fix, you could not just push a button and have endless fantasies at your fingertips. When I escaped that prison of xianity I went wild. All the repressed urges came out. Now my life seems to be back at the beginning. I am in a position that has made it hard, and what very much seems impossible for me to have sex. Not by choice, but forced sexual suppression. It's very hard for me to get off using porn, and I have no partner that truly wants me in that way. Maybe making love is something of the past? Why hunt down, court, and make love to a mate when you can live on the internet and get max stimulation in a matter of minutes? Why waste the energy creating/ bringing a life into the world when you can have it all to yourself? People are losing their lust for each other. Not lust in a bad way but that subconscious urge to make love. Should I just deny my souls urning for connection and start flapping away? Should I continue to wait for the one person women or man that will selflessly satisfy all my deepest sexual desires? Should I change myself and become a being of pursuit and take what I believe I deserve?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the NoFap scene there are many endless lies and there is this Xian tint of things which has to do with self guilt in regards to masturbating, and it's no wonder the NoFap movement is sort of like a jewish movement of jewish celibacy, one of the many.

Celibacy, in people who actually have a sex drive and aren't sexually drive dead, can cause endless problems ranging from mental turmoil, complete inability to focus the mind, depression, and in even worse cases, can make one a rapist, or a sexually assaulting deviant. Any man with a normal and healthy sex drive cannot maintain this state for very long, and even if one tries, the body will try on it's own to either get the emissions to come out, or dispose the sex drive altogether, or a constant pressure will be maintain until relieved, or somehow is suppressed.

Celibacy practiced for very long periods of time can create all sorts of permanent insanity, that stays lingering within the soul, and this can last lifetimes. The intense bindings and fears on human sexuality are meant to create a shatter into the mind. Forced sexual celibacy and sexual deviancy can be easily observed of it's results in places like the Vatican. To lay off for a while shouldn't be considered going celibate or sexual repression. Sometimes this is a necessity to re-balance the system, especially in men.

Now in contrast to extreme celibacy, we have promotion of extreme and constant bombardment of sexuality, creating imbalances in some people same as the above. Because of a social background such as the above, we are on the entirely other end. Sexuality is everywhere, extremely pronounced, and bottomless desires are constantly generated on the populace, sexual addictions, and an over-insanity over sex has emerged. Porn is also a part of this.

The situation with both of the above is that none of these states are balanced states, and therefore, come with intense problems. A common situation is porn addiction, and yes, this thing does actually exist. Men who watch porn, masturbating numerous times a day in total addiction, unable to anymore perform with women or even relate to women, or have a relationship whatsoever. Distancing men and women in society creates a situation where there is openness for further imbalances between the gender and sexuality.

The "Seed Conservation" people are talking about how supposedly celibacy is going to give you superhuman powers and other things like that. But this is a lie. You will not feel better from celibacy nor grow any superpowers in particular, unless you so fondly believe this to be the case, a case of which the effect of self-belief and amending for one's guilt comes into play, which most people suffer from. Obviously amending strange guilt isn't the way to spiritual superpower, if even emotional relief at all. Many of these people have extremely sexually guilty backgrounds and feel relieved when they do not sexually engage].

For strange marketing reasons what should be commonsense is now made into movements that demand money and for people to buy books, and people behaving like a church, where the moment one faps once, they are sent again to Hell and must do penances in order to stop masturbating. Jews also own all porn Websites and push pornification of every level of life, and at the same time push the unnatural extremes of sexual celibacy - both making people insane. So I will inform about actual seed conservation and when it actually matters.

First of these strange and insane amounts of days people give to no masturbation are just absurd, and can make one very sick. People with low sex drive many actually manage to go the prescribed long periods like 60 days without an orgasm, only by ending up in a mental hospital, but people who have high sex drive, if this is done, they will wreck themselves and become highly neurotic or insane, possibly even murderous.

Some idiots also advise 365 days and more of sexual repression, which is clearly a pathway into insanity, or depravity. I can see a jew rubbing his hands really nicely behind the keyboard when they advise anyone on this world to take a 365 days break from orgasm all together, it must make them feel really well. After all it's this tribe that criminalized orgasm in the first place as a punishable offence liable to the death penalty [See Middle Ages and Judaism]. None of that is also in anyway healing or necessary. Maybe if one has a completely dead sexual drive in the first place, some of this could work, but still one is stacking the mental health deck against themselves even if they could theoretically do this, without going to prison or something midway.

On the other hand, if one knows their limit is to masturbate once a day or every two days, or so without problems, and they masturbate four times everyday until their willy starts to be totally unresponsive, and this is done over many extended periods of time, one is bound to end up having problems, and the more this is maintained, the more problems may emerge. Generally women respond to this way different than men, and having many orgasms a day doesn't really affect them in the same way it does to men.

There are metaphysical reasons to this as the traditional ejaculatory orgasm has connotations from the male energy, while women have more of the female energy type of orgasm. As such their orgasms last for more time, can have a lot of intensity, and can reach many high numbers, while with men it's drastically different.

Most people especially males who look in a solution and hop on NoFap are broken from masturbation or they won't be looking into the de-addiction things like NoFap in the first place. The ranges of broken range from "The body is in dismay", to "Medium problems when it starts bleeding into life", to "So over-masturbated one's eyeballs are about to pop out and the whole life is going downhill cause of this". To make this easier let's divide this on three levels. There is also no general consensus of what over masturbation means to one person and what to another, this is up to one's system to decide.

Typically one knows they are past limits when they start feeling broken, completely agitated, have aggressive erectile dysfunction, and generally life starts going downhill or one becomes severely limited because of porn. What I write below is for when masturbation starts becoming a problem, and not general advice or consensus for sexuality.

The first level shouldn't be a really big deal, one is just over-masturbating for a given period of time, and one has some losses, such as feeling a bit weak, or a bit gloomy, which when they stop with masturbation for a couple of days, they return back to normal and optimal function. At the worst, and with prolonged issues here, it may take anywhere from 72 hours to a maximum of a week [7 days] to just come off fine from this. Any so called problems can be alleviated within this period and there won't be any further need to retain anything. Meditation and good nutrition will have someone back and running in no time.

Most people are normal cases, so a couple of days off are going to be sufficient to balance things out when one feels masturbation is becoming an issue.

On a second level the above is just increased, and one starts to having life problems from their masturbation habit. Except of extremely low energy after the masturbation buzz ends, the health may start to slightly suffer from this, mentally and spiritually. Strong erectile dysfunction may start kicking in at this point, one may feel very anti-social, and depressive undertones exist all over this behavior. Many people who over-masturbate in the first place do so because they are bored, or because energy is not spent elsewhere. Older generations may not understand this, people below the age of 30 will understand this triangle better, it's called Masturbation - Videogames - Junkfood is also a disastrous triangle that many people especially newer generations are lost into, which can drive a brain and overall system into weakness. One also may feel too fried to engage any other activity. If one finds themselves on this state, one can abstain from 8 to 14 days. Supplementation such a multi-vitamin may also be required.

Lastly, there is a level where it's the totally broken level, this is rarely solved by some abstinence, but requires a life overhaul. This is a situation where one has lost control of masturbatory habit to the point it is running their life, I have read on such cases online. It's no wonder that these people are so desperately looking for help as by this time it's a total pathology and not just some "I was overly sexual" or "Need of relief". Hardly any relief is gained at this stage from masturbation, one is entirely broken and masturbates not to feel good, but rather out of mere extreme habit, or like a crack addict that takes more crack only to create the need for more crack, eventually leading to demise. Erectile dysfunction here can be a given, and most of the time this thing can emerge from a greater failure in life in general. There can be psychological damage such as deep feelings of inferiority, incompetence, or even other mental turmoil heaped upon someone, challenging their very identity in a way. This is not a given, as many people secretly suffer from this. In order for the body to get a grip and heal physically, up to 21 days of abstinence may be required. However nothing really past this point is going to do anything more, and even 21 days should be considered a maximum. And lifestyle changes so that one doesn't engage into the imbalance anymore and learns to maintain a balance with themselves. The days should be linked with proper diet and even supplementation so one can come even, as the above is always related to general loss physically.

The above three circles are decided over the number 7 which. among other things, from ancient medicine to today, to the diagnosis and treating of illnesses. 7 days, or a week, is how much in a time even the most serious illnesses and the fate of one's life can and is decided, when one drops ill. It's also a recuperation period, so the above is a reflection of this circle of 7 into three levels, 7, 14, 21. And clearly for one to have to go down this road, one has to first assess that one may actually be ill in some way. It's no shame to admit this anymore than it is to suffer by one's own admission.

Likewise, one in accordance to their nature, one should observe their own flows, and follow a relative harmony to sexual expression. One's harmony may be someone else's absolute limit in this case. The same is the case with diet and food.

In regards to seed conservation, the above doesn't play a major role. Just conserving one's seed and going celibate is deeply problematic. It creates more problems than it does create. It does not create any special psychic or spiritual abilities, and depending on how it's done, it may actually create blockages on the lower chakras, creating energy directional confusion, which can create other problems by itself, that it would take a book to rectify.

Within the context of keeping a balance in the system, balancing out your sexual expression may be required. But this doesn't have to be called anything fancy other than what it is, a balance of things.

A key point to keep in mind in regards to sexual energy, conservation and it's use in spiritual power, is that there is a point past which one will feel empty, and not recharged or good. This shows that one is at a limit and needs to wait to recharge. The body may be able to go past this point frequently, but after this the feeling of emptiness will increase. Naturally one needs to lay off for a while in order to recharge.

Now in regards to the lie that going celibate is somehow going to turn you from a Nerdlord into Superman, this is a lie. This is not going to do in particular nothing to develop you, and the best case scenario is that people who are entirely broken from masturbation will only go through a normalization phase when they lay off, that will make them think [because they are only balanced to an extent again] that this was due to celibacy or some magical art related to celibacy.

Without spiritual practice none of that matters. The with-holding from extreme addiction only creates a positive effect because of the re-balancing factor, nothing else, similar to closing an open wound. This is why when celibacy is practiced past a point, it can create a mental wreckage, and not only it does not produce any positive effects, let alone any spiritual effects, but a person can break down. People become psychotic, anxious, extremely nervous, and so forth.

Within the context of a spiritual advancement routine, it's just sensible use of the sexual energy [including both going the far end with orgasms and knowing when to hold back] you can have benefits from understanding your own flows. But just not touching your willy isn't the key to dolphin like telepathy, or hawk eyesight, or intuitive abilities that are seemingly supernatural.

The other end is also observed in the focus on many superficial matters such as people do in the east, thinking that if you eat as much as one piece of beef, your soul is going to go to Hell and burn for all eternity for it. None of these things have implications or should pose any issues unless one goes over into severe imbalance.

It's just that people who have no idea about spirituality and are also very guilty like to create these extreme excuses in order to lie to themselves in order to cross the lake. But when you lie to yourself and you cross the lake and nothing happens, you'll be demotivated as fuck. This is why I ass beat people who try to create false and humongous expectations in other people, as this works in the short term, and in the longterm people develop nihilism and quit. If the truth was stated to begin with, one wouldn't quit but rather positively know what to expect.

In regards to another circulating myth that girls will become more attracted to you, this is half or less than half a truth. The people who may experience more interest from women simply because they did a few days without masturbation are most of the time people who have been completely broken in in masturbation. If you're an over-masturbator chances are you don't engage women all that much.

When one has nothing to give in regards to sexual energy [depletion] this can create a situation in rare cases where one may not engage partners in the same way, as one who has overly eaten does not approach food. A severe masturbatory mindset also can become so deeply ingrained in some people that they completely forget the opposite gender, and any actual sensation or relation to the opposite gender ceases completely, which can create for awkwardness, that is naturally going to cause problems when it comes to women.

And let the porn lawyer people tell you it won't happen, but to most people it will. Humans aren't only attracted by visual appearances, and even in an unconscious level, some people make judgement on others based on things metaphysically observed. If one walks around smelling of lube and unwashed hair, this isn't going to in particular attract hardly anybody. A severe imbalance in someone shows itself in more than one areas of their life. Decent guys that you see everyday and you wouldn't expect this to ever be the case. So naturally, being a totally empty dam isn't a good strategy here, and it can make you issues where it comes to the opposite gender.

On the other hand maximum celibate mode isn't going to turn you into a woman magnet, or women would find the rat christian pastors attractive, which they clearly do not, as all these can do is rape women or men, or molest children. Another blatant symptom of what extensive celibacy can cause.

Lastly, people may have another question as in how one has to stop the imbalance. There are many ways to do this depending on your personal level of willpower. If you want to develop your willpower, just face the problem and stop doing it until you come even. Taking a decision and following it will build your willpower.

Alternatively what you can do is distance the object through which your addiction flares up, such as adding a porn blocker to your computer, or somehow blocking yourself from contacting the object of addiction. This is not the best way to do this. The only safeguarding way is that of Willpower, but in order for Willpower to develop, you may have to throw the object which saps it in away first.

Due to the extremely extensive topic, I'll stop at this for now, and I hope at least a few of you benefit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
didn't know that very informative thank you! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :ugeek: :ugeek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Put the guilt on the side with these subjects, many people are suffering and they are ashamed to say it. I think it's good one has the ability to face this and talk about something.

Do not think of the days, just think to not masturbate in this particular day. A general multi-vitamin with Zinc [labelled as "Men's Vitamins"] is going to bring your body back in motion. No need to put a days goal to this, even if you are on absolute rock bottom. Just think that the day today you aren't going to do this and let it out of your mind. It can be very difficult in the first 2-3 days but afterwards the mind will start ignoring it on it's own.

You may also find along the way that for example let's say after 7 days, you feel just fine again, and there may be no need to go further. However due to deficiencies that can happen (nutritionally speaking) you need to continue supplementation, I'd assume for at least 14 days. The people who are addicted have issues with these things for like half a decade, 10 years, 15 years even, or more.

I cannot give further medical advice on the other issues, you'll need to either get to a professional or ask on the health forum where there are professionals.

Catalincata94 said:
I have masturbated a lot on porn in the past and and had strong orgasms (from subliminal affirmations) now i masturbate only on nude pics but i have erectile disfuction and it's hard to get it up or somethimes to maintain it it's hard too and also it's hard to reach ejaculation so yeah i do the max 21 days abstience from masturbation and diet and i think now i have enough willpower to do the diet, i got rid of sugar for a while now i also got some help with that and i'm thankful for that, un fortunately i used now for some days honey for a little of coffe but i found out that it contains many honeys are filled with sugar so i will have to drink my coffee widouth honey, i also wanted to use honey because of energy and vitality that i heard in the bast about it... i just drink a little coffee because i got bronchial asthma that this autum apeared because in childhood i had asthmatic bronchitis and my mother has astma and she drinks coffee and this way she doesn't need medication but that's not the reason why she drinks it its for the energy, she said that in the past there wasn't any medicine for astma so people used coffee and that worked for them i use it too and it works, i know that this can be like the placebo effect or just the belief that it helps me but i think think this is better than the medication. and the docs said that it apeared because i'm allergic towards ambrosia and that activated it i had the simptoms.

Also i tried going by just imagination that worked for a while but got back to erotic photos, and i think imagination is better so i don't want erotic photos because that's also considered porn? (and there are also jews) and yeah vizualization with the one i want is better that erotic photos.

Also what supliments would be good to use, like a general supliment that contains the necesery vitamins? i know that zinc is good for sperm count and used it once in the past and it worked.

Also wanted to say something about my post on "why no one helps me" it really was a withdrawal of the antipsyhotics because i didn't reduced the injection gradualy, sometimes my brain and mind felt very bad at that time and coudn't really control my self now i had to get to hospital and now i take pills again but now i can reduce it gradualy and this way the withdrawal effects are much lower (i'm already reducing them) plus i use SaTaNaMa mantra with mudras for complete healing for the body, mind and emotions. I had mood swings and that's why once i felt very good once very bad.

Aquarius i was very angry at you because you said i'm pathetic i know my state was pathetic and still is but hope so that we get along and get over that.

This sermon was realy useful for me so thank you HoddedCobra666

I have heard that the frequency of ejaculation is dependant on the following factors: nutrient status (stores in the body); metabolism; age; hormonal status and how much 'adrenal burnout one has been subjected to. What are your thoughts HP Hooded Cobra on how frequent a healthy 30 year old should ejac? A site I discovered called 'magiclove' I believe by some guy named Dr.Lin an oriental claimed 2 times per week for that type of person. It would be good to establish some parameters on this subject for optimal health.
Aryan_Initiate said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Put the guilt on the side with these subjects, many people are suffering and they are ashamed to say it. I think it's good one has the ability to face this and talk about something.

Do not think of the days, just think to not masturbate in this particular day. A general multi-vitamin with Zinc [labelled as "Men's Vitamins"] is going to bring your body back in motion. No need to put a days goal to this, even if you are on absolute rock bottom. Just think that the day today you aren't going to do this and let it out of your mind. It can be very difficult in the first 2-3 days but afterwards the mind will start ignoring it on it's own.

You may also find along the way that for example let's say after 7 days, you feel just fine again, and there may be no need to go further. However due to deficiencies that can happen (nutritionally speaking) you need to continue supplementation, I'd assume for at least 14 days. The people who are addicted have issues with these things for like half a decade, 10 years, 15 years even, or more.

I cannot give further medical advice on the other issues, you'll need to either get to a professional or ask on the health forum where there are professionals.

Catalincata94 said:
I have masturbated a lot on porn in the past and and had strong orgasms (from subliminal affirmations) now i masturbate only on nude pics but i have erectile disfuction and it's hard to get it up or somethimes to maintain it it's hard too and also it's hard to reach ejaculation so yeah i do the max 21 days abstience from masturbation and diet and i think now i have enough willpower to do the diet, i got rid of sugar for a while now i also got some help with that and i'm thankful for that, un fortunately i used now for some days honey for a little of coffe but i found out that it contains many honeys are filled with sugar so i will have to drink my coffee widouth honey, i also wanted to use honey because of energy and vitality that i heard in the bast about it... i just drink a little coffee because i got bronchial asthma that this autum apeared because in childhood i had asthmatic bronchitis and my mother has astma and she drinks coffee and this way she doesn't need medication but that's not the reason why she drinks it its for the energy, she said that in the past there wasn't any medicine for astma so people used coffee and that worked for them i use it too and it works, i know that this can be like the placebo effect or just the belief that it helps me but i think think this is better than the medication. and the docs said that it apeared because i'm allergic towards ambrosia and that activated it i had the simptoms.

Also i tried going by just imagination that worked for a while but got back to erotic photos, and i think imagination is better so i don't want erotic photos because that's also considered porn? (and there are also jews) and yeah vizualization with the one i want is better that erotic photos.

Also what supliments would be good to use, like a general supliment that contains the necesery vitamins? i know that zinc is good for sperm count and used it once in the past and it worked.

Also wanted to say something about my post on "why no one helps me" it really was a withdrawal of the antipsyhotics because i didn't reduced the injection gradualy, sometimes my brain and mind felt very bad at that time and coudn't really control my self now i had to get to hospital and now i take pills again but now i can reduce it gradualy and this way the withdrawal effects are much lower (i'm already reducing them) plus i use SaTaNaMa mantra with mudras for complete healing for the body, mind and emotions. I had mood swings and that's why once i felt very good once very bad.

Aquarius i was very angry at you because you said i'm pathetic i know my state was pathetic and still is but hope so that we get along and get over that.

This sermon was realy useful for me so thank you HoddedCobra666

I have heard that the frequency of ejaculation is dependant on the following factors: nutrient status (stores in the body); metabolism; age; hormonal status and how much 'adrenal burnout one has been subjected to. What are your thoughts HP Hooded Cobra on how frequent a healthy 30 year old should ejac? A site I discovered called 'magiclove' I believe by some guy named Dr.Lin an oriental claimed 2 times per week for that type of person. It would be good to establish some parameters on this subject for optimal health.
Everyone is different by how much masturbation or sex (and ejaculation included) is best to have per week but porn does make people desire more masturbation/sex that they would normally need without porn, well there are some people that would fall in a category for example once every 2-3 days but i think first do a porn abstinence as Hoddedcobra said 7, 14 or 21 with "A general multi-vitamin with Zinc [labelled as "Men's Vitamins"]" do this if you watch porn, then you will see how much sex or masturbation you need then continue with that, and if i understood corectlly from HP Hodded Cobra's sermon is that porn would be ok rarely, now and then but except mainstream porn that are full of jews, i right now am on erotic photos and i choose the best that are just normal and also i do in a combination of vizualization with someone i like and tested it many time in comparation with porn (normal home made porn or other non-mainstream porns) the results are incredible, for me the home made porn or non-mainstream porn has made me more horny when whatching it but because of that i was too stimulated and ejaculated too fast (i had premature ejaculation) about 2-3 minutes and when i used erotic picture with vizualization i got 9-10 minutes and in the past even 15-20 min.
Aryan_Initiate said:
I have heard that the frequency of ejaculation is dependant on the following factors: nutrient status (stores in the body); metabolism; age; hormonal status and how much 'adrenal burnout one has been subjected to. What are your thoughts HP Hooded Cobra on how frequent a healthy 30 year old should ejac? A site I discovered called 'magiclove' I believe by some guy named Dr.Lin an oriental claimed 2 times per week for that type of person. It would be good to establish some parameters on this subject for optimal health.

Please read my response to this, found here, as I think I figured out the topic and why it is initially so confusing. The short answer to your question is that that is fine. Go based on the health of your body and natural desires. Do not go based off any desires artificially derived from pornography of any guide.

2x per week is a good frequency that is not too soon, yet not too infrequent such that energetic blockages occur.
No fap November, right after the largest month of jewish holidays. Jewish god forbids that you clean your soul after this, to make sure the curses set in good and hard.
Sundara said:
No fap November, right after the largest month of jewish holidays. Jewish god forbids that you clean your soul after this, to make sure the curses set in good and hard.
wow kikes really be sneaking their evil shit in everything :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
NoFap followers are just lost in enemy induced turmoil. Their intentions are good, but they are completely oblivious to enemy influence, who are involved in creating the initial problem, and offering the most extreme, unhealthy solution. And let's not forget the guilt created when most men can't stick to 'NoFap' - what's wrong with me!? Why can't I do this!? I am a sinner! Its the same Xian story dressed up for modern consumption.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
