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  1. M


    I personally find this post weird to say the very least. The op appears proud of the fact they were raped. Having been the victum of rape long before i dedicated of course (when i was following the fake jewass) there is so much that just does not add up. You are proud and haughty where I was...
  2. M

    more updates

    perhaps im totally wrong here but your saying your ready for more meditations but wouldnt if you had completed and mastered every meditation on the site not need more especially from a site wouldnt you be getting them directly from the gods or already have the information neneeded
  3. M


    thankyou serpentfire for saying what i wanted to but was to angry and disgusted to say. Im not ashamed to say i was a victum of rape by the church in the childrens home i was raised in becuase mum was in a nursing home and nothing about rape is natural nothing
  4. M


    Im going to step in on this as I actually remember the post being raised here and the advice that was given to that person and yes the advice given by many was destructive I for one applauded Don in putting a quick end to the posts and the path of destruction that many were putting the poster on
  5. M

    Question about Pact....

    ok i have no idea where you got the parchment or dragonsblood from or for that matter what you mean by pact please please read JoyofSatan.org and then when you have read it if your ready to dedicate the instructions are on the site
  6. M

    For the Australians in the group

    Well tonights winter Solstice how are you all going to celebrate any rituals or what im doing a thanksgiving ritual
  7. M

    necklace question

    while in theory this sounds like a fantastic idea as crystals absorb energy wearing it around your neck its also going asorb the energies of things around you including negative energy so personally i would just be concentrating on your own aura of protection and meditations rather than relying...
  8. M

    Newly dedicated Satanist

    My first suggestion is to read the joyofSatan site especially the link exposing christianity because our father has nothing to do with angels
  9. M


    well thankyou Hp Don for giving me the benefit of the doubt I do appreciate that
  10. M


    actually Don ive stop posted on that group as well for the very same reason I admit openly for all to see ive frked up big time in the past I won't deny that and all i wish now is to grow spiritually and learn the truth I will openly admit for all to see right now I honestly don't know who to...
  11. M


    honestly this is why ive personaly stopped responding to alot of threads just read the posts and work quietly on myself in the background its because of all the politics and infighting on this group
  12. M

    Gloria Jeans and the Australian Christian Lobby

    thanks for the thumbs up sister another one to add to my boycott list
  13. M

    I'm committing suicide tomorrow

    you say you have a toddler so at least think of his/her welfare and dont leave the child motherless there are charities you can get accomadation till you can get back on your feet yes i know most are xtian im not talking long term staying there im talking as a stop gap measure so your not on the...
  14. M


    there is aways time to meditate im sure you bathe or shower everyday do your meditations in the shower or when you go to the bathroom im sure you have 5-10 minutes here and there during the day when you can be alone
  15. M

    Selling my soul

    there is no such thing as seeling your soul please read joyofsatan.org especially exposing christianity
  16. M

    Making a dedication gone wrong!

    here is no need to repeat the dedication ritual if your intentions were pure there are many many of us here who have had a less than perfect dedication
  17. M

    Need to know satanic church in Bangalore (INDIA)

    there is no satanic church or at least not a building we the people are i guess what you can call a church as for praying we don't pray like the xtian church expecting everything for nothing Spiritual Satanism is about empowering ones self to help ourselves yes the gods guide us but we need...
  18. M


    Satan does not punish thats a xtian mindset and we don't slavishly worship him like the xtians worship there fake god. He is our friend and guide who helps us to empower ourselves
  19. M


    ok this may be a bit out there but my daughter had a similar problem awhile ago she is a singer she didnt have larengitis she had nodules on the voice box it was wrongly diagnosed as larengitis keep an eye on it and get it checked if dont improve
  20. M


    honey is great for larengitis
  21. M

    Working with Crystals.

    Im what some class as an empath i physically feel things from people and objects example a friend was having emotional problems and i felt it as a pain in the chest similar i guess to a heart attack so i physically feel the vibrations the energies of the crystal and know instantly what its...
  22. M

    Working with Crystals.

    yes some crystals have higher vibrations than others but its not the typen of crystal is the crystal itself you can have four peices of amythest for example and one peice will be more potent it depends on the energies the crystal has absorbed. As for measuring for me I hold the crystal and can...
  23. M

    good books to read?

    everything you need is wriiten on the joyofsatan site you dont need any other books
  24. M


    seriously guys why are we even continuing this I thought the purpose of these groups was to assist each other get advice and knowledge when we are uncertain and to empower each other, not to argue etc
  25. M

    Working with Crystals.

    crystals should be available from any shop that sells gems or jewlery
  26. M

    Help please.

    If your expecting people to email you directly to answer you its not going to happen you will get answers on the egroups and yes you will get proper answers
  27. M

    Working with Crystals.

    hi magus I own crystals and work with them for me i charge the crystals with white gold energy while programming them with what ever Im actually using them for, and then when using them I attune myself with there vibrations each crystal has its own vibration
  28. M

    new to this

    start with the beginner meditations such as aura cleanse and aura of potection, summoning a deamon is a waist of time unless your spiritually open as you wont be able to sense there presence until this happens. As for dedication do that when you are ready not before and no you don't need...
  29. M

    a good start

    melvin first step i would suggest is to read joyofsatan.org especially the part on exposing xtianity as Satan was not an angel thrown out of heaven that is a xtian hoax and lie
  30. M

    help me i think i messed up on the dedication ritual

    no Satan is not mad at you, many here have had less than perfect dedications its your hearts intention that matters most not a perfect dedication. If you did the ritual and fully meant it then its valid
  31. M

    i can't clean my aura !! or protect it

    yes you still need to cleanse and protect your aura for some it takes awhile before you can see and feel, may i also suggest that you do a balancing, aligning and meditations to unblock as the reason you may not feel anything may be due to them being blocked. I can't honestly say thats the...
  32. M

    Message from Brian

    just because a name pops up does not mean they are close or personal friends like everyone here some people like to read posts and get differing view points on things
  33. M


    Yesterday my 16 year old daughter went to attend a parade and multicultural festival in our area, I let her go alone as she is mature and almost an adult. After the street parade and looking at some of the stalls and street performers she decided to walk into the city to the nearest source of...
  34. M


    where is the proof dont make allegations without providing proof
  35. M

    Am I worthy?

    Jennifer as long as your not jewish your worthy and just don't tell your family
  36. M

    Christian Holidays (BS)

    lol when they say oh you have to eat fish on this day bdecause jewsus was a fisherman so we eat fish I say well you also say he was a lamb that was slain so why not eat lamb. They have no idea how to respond while i walk away laughing my ass off
  37. M

    hi i am new here and i need help

    first and foremost read www.joyofsatan.org when ready you can start the meditations and dedicate everything you need to know is on the site
  38. M

    Please Help!!!!

    ok firstly if you are only going to dedicate to obtain wealth and fortune your wasting your time and to perform magic means meditating empowering etc
  39. M

    dear sir

    ok read www.joyofsatan.org the meditations are on there also perhaps join the beginners meditation group
  40. M

    hi i am new here please read

    first read the website www.JoyofSatan.org/ be wary of telling those who are without and this is a solitary practice no one will teach you and its not a get rich or get me out of my situation thing
  41. M

    Need some clarification

    not the hell that the opposite to heaven and is a great abyss as the poster wrote
  42. M

    Need some clarification

    ok I have no idea where you got this information from 1. Heaven does not exist nor does Hell so Enki can't have been kicked out. 2. Niribu doesnt exist its fiction please read www.JoyofSatan.org
  43. M

    lack of privacy

    think the guy may need some education before even attempting to get a job i had to read the post 10 times to work out what he/she was saying
  44. M

    for dogs homemade food

    This is what i feed both my cats and dogs eat im a registered breeder of burmese and judges often comment on how silky my cats fur is. minced chicken lamb or beef boiled with a cup of rice or pasta grated carrot grated apple cabbage or green beans sweet corn when in season and 1/2 cup of...
  45. M

    Disturbing and Urgent question!

    do you not think the gods would have said if this is true come on use a little common sense here and seriously why would you believe something said on kike book of all places
  46. M

    Oils and Herbs I'm not getting???

    thanks keeper of stone will definetly give it a try
  47. M

    Oils and Herbs I'm not getting???

    am going to jump in on this as you guys seem to know what your talking about this advice is for my daughter she needs nutritional supliments like raven she also is allergic to fish but i cant use walnut oil as she is also allergic to all tree nuts anaphalatic shock and to complicate things even...
  48. M

    Satan loves you.

    thankyou very much for this timely post it really helped im been going through a very rough time with the unnecessary death of a loved one i say unnecessary because i fully believe the kike ass dr let her die in agony
  49. M

    Ex-Christian wants to follow Satan

    jim im glad you want to follow the truth but firstly there is no sin that a xtian thing i suggest you read joyofsatan.org thouroughly then come back and ask questions will be happy to help you in your journey
  50. M

    asking for help

    dr berkowitz geelong hospital victoria australia
  51. M

    asking for help

    dr berkowitz don't know first name
  52. M

    asking for help

    Am asking my brothers and sisters to help me in destroying a smug assed kike dr. Im asking for help because im not in the right frame of mind emotionally. Will explain why briefly My mum in law went in for a hip replacement drs frked it up so in they went for a second op which they...
  53. M

    Help please

    I know the answer is on the site but as i cant access my computer at the moment so cant access the site im asking for help. My Patners mum recently went in for a hip replacement and as a result has developed a blood infection which is causing the symptoms of a stroke and also her heart and...
  54. M

    December 11 2012 starts Day One Of Meditation Training

    am all in for this damn i know when i first started i was so wishy washy didnt know where to start was not regular and got frustrated as didnt know if i was even doing things correctly
  55. M


    jacob you dont need a teacher or a mentor spiritual satanism is a solitary thing all you need is on joyofsatan.org
  56. M

    Using fire for killing

    best cure for cold and flu is make up a herbal tea with echinecia fever few flower and dandelion root, drink it then retire to bed you will perspire like hell but the cold will be gone overnight
  57. M

    I think I had sex with a Succubus in my dream?

    christopher our gods are loving you need to read exposing christianity and learn the truth
  58. M


    krazy im bi-polar due to being born missing some gland that secretes the stuff found in those meds. Ive found personally that by meditating ive been able to lower my dosages even though im not weaned off them as yet, my advice to you is empower yourself and see where it leads you
  59. M

    Help. My pineal gland does not have a soul.

    you have a soul everyone does maybe you need to empower yours maybe its weak which is why you cant help as for jewsus he cant steal anything he don't exist except as a thought form
  60. M

    rare disease.

    never ever believe there is no cure, i have crohns of which they say there is no cure one night while doing a cleansing and concentrating on my solar plexus i heard in my mind a female voice say while sage tea and well since drinking a cup every night(ok at first i hated the taste and didnt...
  61. M

    I've lost my path and I'm lost. Can anyone please help me out?

    My advice is to simply make time for meditation. Do it in the shower if necessary, if you honestly feel you havent got time to meditate. Im 100% sure you shower daily so use that time not only to wash but to meditate.
  62. M

    Leaving this group. Miss the old ways of life

    Having read previous posts by this particular person I believe they are leaving because they dedicated believing they would receive instant happiness and healing and of course this has not happened because we all know dedication is only the beginning not an instant fix
  63. M

    Waking up during night

    what is going on i counted how many times ive had this message and its 67 times
  64. M


    Im 49 and have only come to spiritual satanism within the last year so am still i guess you could say a baby and learning my way but so glad to now know the truth
  65. M

    Need Help/Advice

    I understand you feel out of control of your situation,aka that there controlling you. First and foremost relax take some deep cleansing breaths. Secondly I would continue my meditations etc but perhaps do everything on the astral plain for now, and just pretend to do as they wish. Basically...
  66. M

    i need chat room site

    how about no i don't have a kikebook account and im not going to make one not going on a site owned by the enemy
  67. M

    Dedication ritual fail?

    no you didnt fail Satan knows of your heart and intentions many of us didnt have a perfect dedication i for one had trouble getting blood
  68. M

    i need chat room site

    there isnt a chat room site as most of us are to busy empowering ourselves to chat
  69. M

    selling your soul to satan

    omg firestarter i just spit my coffee thats so dam funny
  70. M

    selling your soul to satan

    we don't sell our soul we dedicate it and if you mean the ritual on the joyofsatan.com site yes to become a satanist we need to do the ritual which leads me to my next question if you read the ritual why do you not know whats required or did you like so many others only read bits and...
  71. M


    shantel we dont sell our souls please read joyofsatan.com
  72. M


    Tristan if your in the southern hemisphers for example australia where I am its nesting season and many birds especially magpies which from your description is possible, they are very protective of there young and will swoop and attack anything they see as a threat
  73. M

    Hi all...please i'd really appreciate any/every advice and comments

    It the entire message that is disrespectful it states in every sentence i will follow if Satan gives gives gives Yes Satan will give he will give us the path to Godhead if we work at it not if we beg plea and whine like those dam kikes
  74. M

    I need help guys!

    if you joined just to get rich quick then this site is not for you
  75. M

    Something odd that ive noticed

    I often have to have blood tests due to various medical conditions and have always been wary as i know our dna is precious and the kikes can manipulate us if they get hold of samples etc But since dedicating and becomeing serious in my meditations that drs cant find veins at all having to...
  76. M

    Is it possible to physically drain ones energy when directing to som

    My daughter had a extreamely severe allergic reaction last night and i was directing energy towards her both to keep her calm and also to keep her airways open until paramedics could arrive This morning i woke with the worst headache in the history of headaches and felt weak so my question...
  77. M

    A question on past life regression

    thanks for the reply lydia and i will be careful as the point is i dont know why this area of my life is missing i jumped from 13 to 21 with nothing inbetween
  78. M

    A question on past life regression

    I know past life regression helps us to access some of our past lifes and to help us with hangups me may have brought into this life. My question is would it be beneficial to helping someone access areas in this life that due to some unknown reason they have blocked out. The reason I...
  79. M

    Is this a sign that my chakras are now fully opened or is it my kuli

    I have always felt that I had a blockage somewhere in my chakras or an i guess you could call it an inbalance in my aura. Its hard to explain what exactly I mean it was just a general feeling that something was not right and that I really needed to concentrate on certain areas over others...
  80. M


    congratulations on the birth of your child
  81. M


    ok chap I have one question how are you going to know if a summoning will work or not as you have done nothing to become astrally open. Also our gods aka Deamons are extreamely busy and are not going to appear just to prove their existance unless you have an extreamely good reason for...
  82. M

    To anyone that might show concern

    Alvin you seriously need to deprogram yourself go onto the Joyofsatan website and read the exposing christianity link, because only by doing that can you see the buybulln and your definition of a burning pit are deluded
  83. M

    health issues affecting my focus

    thankyou shannon i will try the red clover as for diet im not sure how i can cut down any more i dont eat processed foods at all even to making my own bread live on mainly steamed vegetables rice and fruit and even that now causes pain and bloating
  84. M

    health issues affecting my focus

    As I have stated in a previous post, I have the serious and at times debilitating condition of crohns,currently im in an exaggerbated attack which is seriously attacking my energy levels which in return is affecting my concentration. My question is should I slow down on my yoga meditations...
  85. M

    asked this before but no response

    The dodgy crystal thing is a valid answer and it is something i considered but my black onyx orange jasper blood stone are all fine all brought same time and same place its just the purple crystals that are loosing colour i know crystals absorb energy its why im asking if anyone knows why this...
  86. M

    help answering a question

    before i found satan i was a xtian and actually studdied how the hebrew bible was translated as there are no written vowels in the hebrew language only accents on letters to make the vowel sound i would have thought 3 so im as confused as you on the answer
  87. M

    asked this before but no response

    My puple crystals keep loosing colour even within days of buying new ones. This is only happening to my purple crystals. Any one have any insight to why Is my chakras out of alignment or something? Hail Satan
  88. M


    all i can say is wow this guy has some serious issues
  89. M

    why is this happening

    have always had and used crystals for various things my grandmother taught me crystal magic and healing at a young age said it was part of our celtic heritage. Lately ive noticed that my purple crystals are all turning white to counteract these i cleaned them with white energy and recharged...
  90. M

    A question

    I am of celtio origan and have always had an interest in my heritage an am curious if the ancient celtic magic and language (not the new age wiccan b/s) has any link at all to satanism
  91. M

    need advice

    Had a small stroke, power meditations have helped with getting movement etc back though still weak in my left side, but am seriously having trouble focusing and my memory is a real issue. Any advice and help would be greatly appreciated Hail Satan
  92. M

    I need guidence on helping my son who's 9 yrs old,,,,,,

    athiest ?apostolic? or agonostic i leaning towards the later two only because i was caught in the line of lies before i found the truth.
  93. M

    Members from Victoria, Australia

    is from geelong vic but no way am i joing jew book to speak to you
  94. M

    The stupid catholic church is starting to buckle

    Cardianal Pell the head of the catholic church in australia was on some talk show last night that was a question and answer debate type of thing and actually said the story of adam and eve is a made up elaborate myth. I almost fell over laughing. If the fucken Kikes are admitting there made...
  95. M

    Trouble commiting to Satan

    the way to do the dedication ritual is on the jos site
  96. M

    I have another question

    you dont write the whole thing in blood just your signature and even then it does not have to be the whole signature just enough to get your dna its the condition of your heart
  97. M

    Any Aussies ?

    im an aussie not to sure if there are others not that far from you im in geelong
  98. M

    really not sure if this is normal

    As of late I have noticed at random times throughout the day and night, I have been getting what begins as a tingle in my bottom thst there turns into an intense heat that radiates up my spine normally ending around my shoulder area. I have found its more noticable if I have done...
  99. M


    yes it affects healing and yes it polutes your aura
  100. M

    Are you an overt Satanist?

    Im sorry but your saying you have lost everything, I ask how you still have your life, you still have your health, and to be able to post you still have material things such as a computer or i phone or some other means to get on the internet. Therefore you have things. Father Satan loves you but...
  101. M

    Help ! New Satanist

    what do you mean make a deal ok im fairly new and inexperienced but i dont believe demons make deals
  102. M

    public notice of true love

    congrats to you both my best wishs fpr you both. Don't let anyone put you down true love with a soul mate is a true gift from father
  103. M

    Please someone answer

    do't really know if this will help but i also have trouble with visualization so to go into trances i stare at a flickering candle flame while concentrating on my breating it takes time but eventually it as if im inside the flame and not my body.
  104. M


    well before you do anything you need to learn we don't sell our soul thats kike inspired bull shit we dedicate
  105. M


    simply without the power meditations and opening your chakras how are you going to know when your guardian contacts you as you wont be open to communication so begin with the beginner meditations
  106. M

    Had en encounter with something.

    hello a guardian or a god wouldnt be taunting you and trying to evoke fear its pure common sense
  107. M

    help wanted!

    why do you wish to destroy your sex drive 1. Sex is pure and natural and 2 without sex you wouldnt have been born
  108. M


    help with what noone can help if they dont know what you need help with
  109. M

    Yule in Australia

    thamkyou for asking this as it affects me as well and hadnt thought to ask
  110. M


    would like to suggest that you download antivir personal its a free program if it is used for personal use and not for business and have personally found it to be one of the best it has actually picked up viruses trojans etc that both macafee and norton missed hopes this assists all
  111. M

    help please

    Was diagnosed with chrones disease approximately 20 years ago and until last week it was controlled both with meditations and medication well recently it became quiet active now to the stage i cant eat most foods have constant pain bloating and diahrea my question is how do i adjust...
  112. M

    Virus email from infiltrator.

    think that was the guy who sent me some u tube link to what hell is meant to be like which of course was a kike version with tormented screaming souls
  113. M

    A serious question

    Thank you very much HP Mac Friday
  114. M

    A serious question

    yes my Dom allows me to meditate and do the rituals in fact he encourages me and will often reward me with candles crystals and incense for rituals even brought me a most beautiful pentagram to adorn my collar
  115. M

    A serious question

    Am having trouble trying to word this so please excuse me if it doesnt flow or im tending to babble and rant a little. I know that spiritual satanism is all about empowering ourselves and this is kind of where my dilemma lies. while i do my meditation, rituals etc to empower myself and...
  116. M

    being honst with me and you

    well cant offer any advice but applaud your honesty and hope everything words out in the future. I know that wouldnt have been easy to post
  117. M

    being honst with me and you

    cant offer suggestions but can offer an applaud for your honesty and strength as that would have taken a hell of alot of strength to write, big hugs and hopes that your life changes for the better and you find the happiness you seek.
  118. M

    Is our father or any of the gods or demons trying to tell me somethi

    thanks Matt i do need to work on my chakras alot more have been lazy on that issue so maybe Father is giving me a bit of a shake and kick up the backside lol
  119. M


    the meditations will allow you to empower yourself but the jos site also contains vast amounts of other knowledge it is literally my book of knowledge insight guidence and learning. Im not an expert am still learning but the site gives me the directions i need to empower myself.
  120. M


    read the web site it will tell you everything you need to know and all the meditations etc
  121. M

    Is our father or any of the gods or demons trying to tell me somethi

    Over the last week have had a reoccuring dream sometimes upto 3 or four times a night In the dream i feel bound and i see an alter, im not sure if im near the alter kneeling before it or physically on the alter. As its kind of fuzzy but i do know there is shadows moving around me. I...
  122. M

    Just wanted to share this experience

    I know many of our Gods and there Deamons lived in Ancient Egypt but havent really done alot of research into it as still class myself as a baby in satanism(ie: still growing learning and awakening my chakras). Well recently went to the Tutankharman exhibition to see the relics etc...
  123. M

    something weird happened

    recently dedicated like a few weeks ago. Today a old friend came to visit, things were fine untill she began preaching to myself and my daughter. Before to long I was suffering a terrible headache and my daughter was complaining of intense burning back pain and finding difficult to...
  124. M

    Annoyed at these filthy kikes

    have seen this occur as well can understand the peanut butter sandwiches as my daughter can die if a peanut is near her but denying all food is wrong wrong and wrong
  125. M


    as its summer in Australia how do we alter our rituals etc ton cover that
  126. M

    Father Satan has blessed me

    Before dedicated myself to satan searched and searched for work for over 6 years to no avail, was constantly knocked back due to my poor health well to cut along story short did the dedication ritual and got a job within a week
  127. M

    where do I go now

    have very recently done the dedication ritual but am at a loss to where I go now as in where to start in mediation etc. Some guidance please

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
