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  1. D

    Advice for those studying astrology...

    That's what happens when they are supposed to follow something which is clearly against their nature and their nature resists. They can't follow all of it so they end up being hypocrites. I'm sure a real xian following everything their "religion" says would end up in a psychiatric hospital or...
  2. D

    Advice for those studying astrology...

    Their buybull contradicts itself in the subject of astrology, some passages condemn it others allow it. A xian that likes astrology can cherry-pick a scripture allowing it while ignoring the others. That's how their "holy text" works...It is pointed out here...
  3. D

    Advice for those studying astrology...

    Finding a good book is hard, because many people that write astrology books go by what they are taught and have little experience with readings. Or they put their own bullshit there to get some extra bucks. I've even seen a book called "christian astrology", no kidding!!
  4. D


    That's a question to ask its webmaster, I think it is independant from the JoS site. How to fight in Spiritual Warfare, see this page: http://www.666blacksun.com/Tactics.html and join this group for more: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/
  5. D

    Dream about Prometheus.

    I've already addressed this, He isn't Satan (who is Poseidon actually).
  6. D

    More discrimination

    Another weird thing I noticed in catho-holics is their obsession with fish symbols. I mean the Pope and bishop's fish head mitre, the fish-vagina symbol (this is explained in Luciferian Liberation Front site LOL), the name "Mary" coming from a latin root meaning "of the sea" e.t.c. They even eat...
  7. D

    More discrimination

    I used to believe that bullshit too when I was a xian. It doesn't matter if it is real or not or if people believe it, it is still a representation of a sacrifice and cannibalism.
  8. D

    More discrimination

    greater good(in any RHP or jewish propaganda context)= benefit of the jews.
  9. D

    More discrimination

    My mistake here, it would be a lizard sacrifice, since a fictitious reptilian zombie kike wants us to "eat his flesh and drink his blood". Next time a xian rambles about witchcraft and how bad/wrong it is tell him about the mock sacrifice in a catholic mass and watch his reactions closely. :P
  10. D

    More discrimination

    Not to mention their mock human sacrifice and cannibalism "eat my flesh drink my blood" thing. Funny how they are quick to blame this one on us LOL.
  11. D

    More discrimination

    "I always thought there was an awful lot of rituals going on the catholic 99% of which are stolen from us, Pagans/Satanists :):):):)Oh didn't they kill millions of Pagans in the inquisition for practicing "witchcraft"? Pfff their hypocrisy has no limits really.
  12. D

    Hefaistos, who is he?

    To sum it up, every Pagan God is a Demon on Satan's site.
  13. D

    Dream about Prometheus.

    And after reading his story carefully I think this whole Prometheus being is an allegory, since he is a titan and his name means "forethought" in Greek. Most of other titans are personified celestial objects (like the sun, time) or concepts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus
  14. D

    Dream about Prometheus.

    Only one problem there, just because the xians stole Lucifer's "fallen angel" story from Zeus and Prometheus doesn't mean it is analogous. Because first off, Satan has no superior who punishes him. He IS the leader. Zeus is also a God on Satan's side, he has contacted me plenty of times, he...
  15. D

    More discrimination

    Aren't xian prayer sites dealing with spells and incantations and supernatural things as well? They choose a victim and launch a psychic attack, but they only call it a differnt name. "This category includes sites which discuss or deal with paranormal or unexplained events." Oh why don't...
  16. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    Yeah great, besides zombie jewsus more undead creatures will be held in high regards in the next 3 years...
  17. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    Well, telling others what to wear and promoting consumerism and materialism are the kike things in fashion industry. If you don't do these that then its ok. The kikes made it as if we are to depend on them for what to wear, what to believe, how to have some entertainment e.t.c. I sure don't...
  18. D

    Shadowed Lust

    Just a little reverse xian, but otherwise good. I'm referring to "darkened" and "master", unless master is meaning teacher or guru not a slave master.
  19. D

    Now who could it be...?

    I like their blame-shifting when both are working for the kikes, either through xianity or political correctness. Both are kike tools. Look what this brainwashed idiot said: "One thing I like to say is: America is great, not because of our genetics. We're great because we created a place and...
  20. D

    Satan 2 jewsus 0

    Maybe that's why arguing with a xian is like arguing with a rock, both can't listen to what you say.
  21. D

    Satan 2 jewsus 0

    Dogs are already smarter than xians.
  22. D

    A Room for Satan

    Well i'd like a Satanic Temple close to where I live, but you're gonna say I'm dreaming, at least for the next 2 years :( But anyway about meditations for money, see the "money spells" ebook here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoS4adults/files/MONEY/
  23. D

    Satan 2 jewsus 0

    Enemy religions look down on animals. Jewsus called a gentile woman a dog in the buybull and mudslimes call non-mudslimes "infidel dogs".
  24. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    LOL They're like "LA LA LA I'm not listening!"
  25. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    It should be noted that even their jewsus in the buybull encourages and praises blind faith and condemns questioning. This is the blatant buybull verse I love to use against xians: John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not...
  26. D

    Something I use against younger xians

    Actually xianity doesn't even get you on a high, it *promises* that you'll have it *after* you die while in your life now you are miserable. A better comparison is xianity with politics, both promise to do great things *after* you vote for them but once you vote for them they're like...
  27. D

    Just curious

    First look at these: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... SHTAR.html http://www.666blacksun.com/About_MKB.html and also at these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashta_Lakshmi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_of_Lakshmi Now you see which Hindu Goddess is Astaroth :)
  28. D

    dettering astral parasites

    If every Satanist throws a curse against xianity and puts 20 tracts every week there'll be some BIG news. Like "Pope is dead", "Number of xians is declining" "people no longer trust xianity" and other interesting titles.
  29. D

    About the war that is won, and the enemies of Father.

    No, only those two "factions" are at war with each other because of disagreement in how to treat humanity. That's why the whole split between Nordics started, the enemy wanted us as slaves and our Gods wanted us as Gods. There are other ET's who are neutral, our Gods have no problem with those.
  30. D

    Monroe institute

    Exactly, if you want to try brainwave entrainment do so, but don't depend on it for your meditations. You could use it if you are new but then you must learn to live without it, we have natural power enhancers (power meditations) which don't need any kind of device. But if you like hemi sync...
  31. D


    Exodus 34:11-14 is a blatant example of this, jewhova orders the kikes to drive out several pagan tribes and destroy their altars and places of worship. "he" also says in 34:14 that "his" name is jealous and therefore he doesn't tolerate other gods!! The same situation is repeated in...
  32. D


    No, its actually the opposite, there's thousand times in the OT where the kike god orders the kikes to mass murder millions of people because they worship pagan gods. Sometimes "he" orders to kill people because of stupid reasons, like 42 thousand people who could not pronounce "shibboleh" like...
  33. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Well according to xians they die because they don't have enough "faith" to heal them, or they still have some "sins" lol.
  34. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    If he recites "hail mary" then chant OM NAMO NARAYANAYA, reminding him where his religion stole it from.
  35. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Here's a short xian dictionary: "You'll burn in hell" ---- translation: "I'm pissed off because you debunked all my stupid arguments and i've nothing else to say". "I'll pray for you" ---- translation same as above. It could also mean "f**k you" "god works in mysterious ways" ----...
  36. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    There are fundie xians who believe diseases are punishments from "god" and they should heal them only by "praying". If i'm not mistaken, a while ago a fundie xian let his daughter die and he refused to take her to a hospital, he just prayed for her. This just goes to show how sick xianity is.
  37. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    A nice question for this type of xians is "why worship a god that makes you suffer without a serious reason?" Really she must be very sick to think that AND worship jewhova. Unless she's a masochist.
  38. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Not to mention their stolen church steeples, LOL.
  39. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    Yep, my lovely xian mom said that lol.
  40. D

    Sermon 7/05/10

    It pisses me off when some zero iq xians say accepting sex as a natural thing can give rise to pedophilia and other perversions. This is their main excuse. All those are from SEXUAL REPRESSION, see catholic priests for example. Our society has been repressed for long enough and that's why...
  41. D

    I am lost on this situation. I need an opinion.

    She sounds awfully like one of those "psychic vampires" Anton Lavey mentioned. I don't think she was ever a real Satanist or will become one until she changes her ways. It is obvious as she needs always to depend on others and not study for herself. Best thing to do is ignore her.
  42. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    Kundalini yoga helps release all repressed sexual energy. I dunno if its just me, but I've noticed i feel more liberated and with higher energy and bioelectricity levels after practicing kundalini yoga for about a year.
  43. D

    How do you get over sexual hang-ups?

    I was a xian too, but when I turned away from xianity I viewed it as a natural thing immediately, It came naturally as I contemplated the bad things of xianity. It wasn't such problem for me. I guess you should sit with a candle lit and contemplate on sexuality for a few moments, and its...
  44. D


    And it is only in english that has 2 alternate spellings. In Greek where the original word comes from, exacly the same word with the same spelling is used to refer to xian slander against our Gods, as well as the helpful spirits in ancient mythology. Because that's where xianity stole this from.
  45. D


    It is the same thing, Demons is an alternate spelling of "Daemons". Much like oedema is also spelled "edema". No matter how you call them, D(a)emons refers to the same beings.
  46. D

    Budhism SUCKS

    Umm no, the original buddhist books are in Pali and Sanskrit, not in Chinese, sorry. They were translated to chinese later on somewhere in the 13th century. How do you know that the chinese translations are not wrong either? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripi%E1%B9%ADaka And yes, real...
  47. D

    Do you need to be sexually active to raise the kundalini?

    There are 8 practices that help your spiritual empowerment greatly, one of them is sexual activity (from the JoS site): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... SHTAR.html
  48. D

    My demon is immediate supervisor, Satan owns the company

    Thanks for informing everyone about that, yes I've had this with Satan myself. I noticed some people here complain that they don't get to see Satan or answer from Him. But they should understand that the higher ranking Gods are exceptionally busy now.
  49. D

    DO humans have souls?? please answer high preists

    Its common sense we have souls, there are several meditations in the JoS site that can help you see and feel your astral body/soul. Chakras and other stuff are also part of the human soul. There are some other situations worse than not existing, like your astral body being trapped in a...
  50. D

    Do you need to be sexually active to raise the kundalini?

    Of course yes, its common sense here because it stimulates the two lowest chakras, and the kundalini resides in the base chakra. In fact, kundalini yoga which is the fastest path in raising the Serpent, is also the only form of yoga that allows sexual activity. It is related to Left Hand Path...
  51. D

    Unfounded prejudice.

    *sigh* why do they come here once in a while and spew some politically correct BS?Don't they ever learn from this? :O
  52. D


    Remember, the word "Demon" isn't bad, it is of Greek origin and means "intermediate spirit" or "supernatural power": http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aemon.html
  53. D

    Unfounded prejudice.

    According to the article below, buddhists do avoid every form of material desires, not only the eccess ones although they try to claim otherwise. Before accusing me of being ignorant, study the behavior of buddhists first. Also note that *ANY* form of abstaining is *RHP*. One more reason that...
  54. D

    Unfounded prejudice.

  55. D

    Unfounded prejudice.

    It doesn't matter if they have a deity or not. Read the RHP definition from old Kikipedia here, buddhism has all those characteristics so its RHP: "The Right-Hand Path is commonly thought to refer to magical or religious groups which adhere to a certain set of characteristics: * They...
  56. D

    Re: The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program...

    They may as well say the devil made him do it. Its a common excuse, even the pope made a lame excuse about pedophile priests, that there's "devil worshipping" inside the vatican. A xian even said ""god" will judge them, not us" when i told him about pedophile priests!!Some people are just...
  57. D

    Re: The xtian view: rape and incest are what their false program...

    Better show her some buybull verses where her "god" orders the kikes to rip open pregnant women and dash their babies against stones, as in Hosea 13:16. And ask her if she's against abortion after that. LLOL.
  58. D

    The world as we See it

    Yes, how can you hail Satan and yahweh/allah both at the same time?Shemblahblahblah means "hail yahweh": http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... orash.html
  59. D

    Budhism SUCKS

    And that's the hypocrisy here, no desires, but they do have a desire to "liberate" themselves from suffering... "but if you have no desires, what good is living for, you may as well be dead." They've predicted and made an excuse for this part as well, they think there are higher planes of...
  60. D

    Budhism SUCKS

    Yeah, it's rules are meant to be applied to power meditation only, not in real life. If you apply them in real life you'll destroy yourself. For example if you start power meditations you should not have any attachments to your senses or worries or criticism, you won't advance with those. But in...
  61. D

    was raised as a satanic and is relative new to theistic way

    When I said music and poetry i meant as a gift to Satan. He likes those things, I said that in contrast to burning churches and giving Satan a bad reputation that the reverse xian said. Spreading the truth and enlightening xians or using black magick against the real evil ones isn't bad...
  62. D

    was raised as a satanic and is relative new to theistic way

    Hey, fighting against xianity is part of Satanism. However, we don't call us "evil" and xianity "good" and make it as if we are blindly attacking them for no reason. Thats what most black metal bands do and "judas" seems to do. We are instead fighting for a noble cause, and against a HOAX...
  63. D

    That Parker woman...

    A gentile that converts to judaism is not fully accepted like a racial jew, he's still a goyim and treated as such by the ultra-orthodox ones. They allow some gentiles to convert to their "religion" just for show. It is like a jew interested in Spiritual Satanism, he can fool himself and use...
  64. D


    Knowledge, persistence (not abandoning the fight or Satan's work), putting advancement of Satanism and help to Satan above your personal interests, experience in astral dealings and of course having the kundalini risen.
  65. D

    Opinions on my satanic Newsletter (trust me this will work this time

    Here's an idea, why don't you make it in a FAQ form, or add a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section with short answers?I can't speak for others, but if i wanted to look at another religion i would appreciate it if they presented it in an form easier to understand than a big wall of text. I...
  66. D

    Opinions on my satanic Newsletter (trust me this will work this time

    Another little correction too, the longest night of the year is on December 21st or 0 Degrees of Capricorn and technically the day the Yule is celebrated. The reason we celebrate it in 23 rd or night of 22nd December is it because its Satan's special day, 2 degrees into Capricorn. This is...
  67. D

    That Parker woman...

    Bwahaha sexy?You're kidding me, she's as ugly as shit!!
  68. D

    Christians forcing people to fight for them?

    Yahoo's problems probably. I'm supposed to be unmoderated but some things i post get posted after lots of hours or a day or never. And wtf is sinfully?Satanists don't believe in "sin", the only "sins" are stupidity and ignorance.
  69. D

    Opinions on my satanic Newsletter (trust me this will work this time

    Hell/Duat is NOT on Nibiru, it is in the Orion constellation. I know many people get confused with that because the LBoE info is BEFORE the Gods lost the battle with enemy angels and got bound and fled to Orion. Nibiru is maybe taken over by enemy angels now. The other info is correct.
  70. D

    That Parker woman...

    Her father was a kike for sure. She is at least half-kike. Her husband is also a kike.
  71. D

    Psychic Xian Attacks...Any tips?

    You can use the Isa rune or Earth/Water Element to 'bind' them, preventing them from attacking you. Visualize them encased in a block of ice or buried under the earth and being immobile, and then focus on their aura and affirm that they are incapable of taking any action against you.
  72. D

    Mega Yoga

    Here's a secret on yoga asanas, try doing chakra spining or other chakra work while in a asana that stimulates the chakra. For example crown chakra spinnig while doing a headstand and third eye/6th chakra in any asana which your forehead is on the ground. This adds lots more power. You could...
  73. D

    was raised as a satanic and is relative new to theistic way

    Or a better way to fight against xianity and make Satanism better is enlighten xians, SHOW them that their "religion" is a STOLEN HOAX and their "god" and jewsus are INEVENTED with arguments and proof. or c+ping http://www.exposingchristianity.com and http://www.jesusneverexisted.com Make xians...
  74. D

    The Demons and Humanity

    Yup, and notice no one of Them contacted any of the Gods or had any of their own experiences, they simply look at the stories of xianity, add some reptillians and the old Gods in the mix, make them as the bad guys supporting the buybull, a litle bit of bull and shit too and publish it in a book...
  75. D

    was raised as a satanic and is relative new to theistic way

    One thing too, Satan/Enki isn't evil or bad or negative, He is very nice and friendly to people. He is also the Bringer of Light and has a very bright aura, has nothing to do with darkness. So to show Him your love you should do positive things I said. Its the enemy lies and slander that give...
  76. D

    was raised as a satanic and is relative new to theistic way

    No, we aren't bad guys or negative, we don't burn churches and Satan doesn't want that anything that gives us a bad name to people. Ask Him if you don't believe me, don't believe what anyone says. You'll only get people to hate you with that, nothing more. There are ways to show how we love...
  77. D

    how would i bash judiastic and islamic beliefs

    Actually, Spiritual Satanists don't use any inverted crosses in rituals, or in the rare cases they could be used for *deprogramming* from xianity if you have been a xian for long time. It is also optional, one can deprogram himself in other ways too. Mostly poser pseudo-Satanists use inverted...
  78. D

    was raised as a satanic and is relative new to theistic way

    Sure, read http://www.joyofsatan.org What you said you were part of sounds like reverse xianity or poser Satanism, true Satanists are law abiding and we realize that acts like church burning only gives us a bad name as a whole. We actually have plenty of mind and magick abilities to use...
  79. D

    pleasing Satan :)

    Well before listening to someone you should apply some common sense :) Remember above everything else Satanism is about freedom and self-empowerment and independance, the whole religion isn't focused on pleasing Satan, thats what xianity is about. We don't view Him as a master and worship...
  80. D

    pleasing Satan :)

    No. You'll benefit directly if you power meditate, do yoga e.t.c. you'll see the results after some time. Besides that, every action you do you should do it because you feel it is right, not because it might please somebody else including Satan. That's the principle in Satanism. Satan actually...
  81. D

    Just too combative?

    Its in their talmud too, doesn't it say that if a "goy" hits a jew he'll be put to death or something?And when a jew kills a "goy" is like killing a wild animal?Well their twisted mind thinks they did nothing wrong because they killed lowly "goyim". I'm pretty sure if one of the kikes died...
  82. D

    Just too combative?

    Yep you're right i saw the video. No country would do this, however there are still stupid people who want to support israel after that. Remember the petition that many of us signed?Well i was searching for simillar petitions on that site and there were more of them that were asking to support...
  83. D

    Satanic Track

    No, actually those descendants aren't Isis and Osiris, its Sitchin's fault here. And Osiris isn't Azazel, he is the Goetic God Orias, they are two different beings.
  84. D

    Just too combative?

    It is questionable whether the volunteers in the ship attacked them, more like a jewish lie. They said they saw the kikes coming in and attacking without second thought, which i believe.
  85. D

    Just too combative?

    This is kike behavior, like most kikes do something and play the victim afterwards. Seems that those rat assholes have influenced many gentile people's thinking...
  86. D

    A small victory for me

    I think everyone should put the word god in quotation marks like this: "god", when referring to the xian false non-existent thoughtform so as to avoid creating confusion. I always do that when i'm talking about the xian thoughtform, in contrast to God/Goddess (always capitalized) when i'm...
  87. D


    Its the enemy angels that mislead people, not our Demons. You maybe heard this from xian/pseudosatanic sources, of course Succubi don't mislead people, unless they are angels pretending to be succubi or angels that *some stupid xians* mistake as Demons. If you are not sure if this "Krystale" is...
  88. D

    hello all new here

    The letters you got, "Ea" is Satan's original name, EA/Enki.
  89. D

    Sermon: Others Will Try To Manipulate Your Thoughts and Emotions.

    Yes the xians are idiots believing blindly in a non-existant jewish god and a non-existant jew both ripped off from Pagan Gods and concepts, but don't forget they are normal people brainwashed by jews. The jews are the real enemies and behind xianity. Its better if the xians realize that they...
  90. D

    Re: The Music Industry Exposed... WTF? [MORE]

    Well they are everywhere, but in the figurative sense. For a racial/religious minority they've gotten all the key positions like lawyers, doctors e.t.c. I even visualize a hook nosed jew when somebody mentions the word "lawyer".
  91. D

    Satan did it! Satan did it!

    Epic win, I might add :)
  92. D

    Satan did it! Satan did it!

    Lord Enlil did it probably, I'm gonna thank him for sure :) http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/Beelzebub.html "He is the God who hurls his thunderbolts and lightning against the enemies of Satan. (More than one xian church has met with disaster on occasion). "
  93. D


    Wahahahaha magic ring!! Good laugh, i didn't see that. Me thinks this guy's holy books are Harry Potter and the Dungeons and Dragons manual, he'll soon start quoting verses from them regarding his beliefs.
  94. D


    The site's title is misleading, it should be Yahweh's heaven. All its rituals are about how yahweh and the angels are holy and powerful and command and insult our Gods in the name of those assholes. I wonder why some people think sites like that represent Satanism.
  95. D

    More xian plagiarism

    What's ironic is the pics are from xian bible-thumping sites that say the catholics are not xians but pagans. LLOL. Which is exactly why i just showed the pics not the sites. If only they could see their stories of jewsus and how they are ripped off from Pagan Sun Gods... Some xian sources...
  96. D

    Satanic Track

    Its because their thinking is based on a pre-accepted idea, that "jesus" and xianity are real and not stolen from Paganism. They don't even think of refuting or even questioning this idea. If they did apply some healthy skepticism (not the Randi style, he is like xians too he has a pre-accepted...
  97. D

    daemon names

    And Darius could be one of the Persian kings, like Darius II. Maybe she had to do with one of them in her past lives? :))
  98. D

    More xian plagiarism

    Pope is wearing a fish's head: http://xfb.xanga.com/55485321c62b820866 ... 510135.jpg http://www.cuttingedge.org/Dagon_Priests_Hat.jpg
  99. D

    Satanic Track

    Well xianity replaced paganism because the inquisitors killed every pagan and forced their suicidal bs on them. Or in case of protestantism, the witch trials. They've got to learn some history i think. If it wasn't for the inquisition or witch trials we'd still be Pagans and practicing magick...
  100. D

    Satanic Track

    Only my mother has no problem with magazines or TV or media of mass brainwashing, but with the only source of information that is free and uncontrolled, the internet. She hears some news once in a while in that brainwashing TV about pedophiles and other retards in internet and thinks people here...
  101. D

    Satanic Track

    The sad thing is some stupid xians won't visit any sites, they dismiss all info from the internet because they are too close-minded. I know my mother does this, she says the internet is all lies and everyone writes whatever he wants. Not only when i tell her to visit a site, but when i say that...
  102. D

    People who have "died"

    This planet won't be so miserable when the Gods come back to earth again. And you can get incarnated in other places than earth too, even the physical place the gods live now. There are a few claiming to be incarnated from other constellations. But the problem is you can't reach godhead if you...
  103. D

    People who have "died"

    Why do you need to tell them something in the first place?If they have an astral projection they'll see what happens when you're dead and lose your physical body. Let them believe anything they want until then.
  104. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    Gravity and evolution are both facts, not theories. They started off as theories like Walter said but now they have overwhelming evidence supporting them and there are no alternative "theories" in explaining the same situation. Unless we consider the stupid xian creationism and intelligent...
  105. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    Yep, it is "well-tested" but we don't have enough evidence of that so that it remains in theory a form. UNLESS it becomes a fact like a black hole it still remains a theory and not proven. Are we supposed to believe it?I thought Satanism isn't about believing something that isn't fully...
  106. D

    This Man is slandering Satan/Enki and Maxine lets do a destruction r

    There's another basher, a kikeboy owning the spiritualsatanism.com site and forum. He basically cherry-picks the JoS site (and only the JoS site, I've never see him use another source) for things he likes while he says the rest is made up to control people, and does admit he never asked Satan if...
  107. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    Yes, but it is STILL called a THEORY. That means it isn't fully proven or else it would be a FACT.
  108. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CI/CI200.html http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CE/CE440.html
  109. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    There's no starting point by a being, since it MUST have been created by something else more complex, it can't exist by its own. A being does need to have a starting point too. Read my other post, I explained why it is completely stupid to think the entire universe is created by a BEING. And...
  110. D

    Israel's execution of American teen

    I'm a bit late but signed it too :)
  111. D

    The Universe, quite important.

    IMO you never had your question answered because we don't know and we'll prolly never learn for sure. Unless one can travel back billions of years in time which is impossible, no one can learn the truth. Everyone just can make theories and speculations, even Satan. And if you notice, no religion...
  112. D

    Can someone break it down for me!

    And I'm not saying this, the JoS site says it, capitalization mine: "If you have questions, feel free to ask them in the groups, but we strongly encourage you to READ THROUGH THE INFORMATION ON THE JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE FIRST. Too many people NEGLECT PERSONAL STUDY."...
  113. D

    Can someone break it down for me!

    Ask everything you need to ask, but don't complain if i answer sarcastically. Deal?
  114. D

    Can someone break it down for me!

    I never said that.
  115. D

    Can someone break it down for me!

    "You answer questions as if your trying to say, "How stupid can you be." No, i answer some questions as if i'm trying to say "umm, wtf, read the site first, you didn't need to ask this in the first place". How about the other questions like "how do i dedicate my soul", "how do i find my...
  116. D

    Can someone break it down for me!

    Actually, you aren't a newbie so i expected you to know this. Its pretty commonsensical for Satanists to search and discover on our own. " We are looking for answers, not your smart a** sarcasm." And why do we have the JoS site then?Sure look for answers, but read the entire damn site...
  117. D

    Why have my dreams changed?

    It does sound like you need to do HP Baghie's meditation for breaking the tube in your 6th chakra... And don't listen to the stupid troll saying "his meditations harm people blah blah blah", I've felt instantly better after doing that. Although it does seem this is the case, it could be...
  118. D

    Can someone break it down for me!

    I take it you haven't ever done the complete chakra meditation in the beginners section, because it is right there: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html Its also at the end of the newly posted info about the important dates: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ...
  119. D

    Ask Not What Father Satan can do for Me.!! But What Can I Do For Fat

    Sure, you can thank him for the slightest thing. But remember you won't get any extra points or anything in return for doing that. That comes from the xian mentality, in which some people think Satan is gonna get flattered by almost every kind of slavish worship including thanking him for...
  120. D

    Can someone break it down for me!

    I think this is answered 250 gazillion and two times in both JoS site and here. Its a single word: CHRONOS XP!! http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/ And also some google for moon sign online calendars.
  121. D

    direction needed

    There are also lots more ebooks here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoS4adults/files/
  122. D

    What The F**K is Wrong With People?

    http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures ... 5+Minutes/
  123. D

    Ask Not What Father Satan can do for Me.!! But What Can I Do For Fat

    *sigh* Yes, many people that first hear about Satanism are like "gimme, gimme", sadly. I've also noticed some here try to put this in a subtle way, like "i'm interested in knowledge but i need money...blah...blah..." or "i am very spiritual but i need help in a street fight..." There are also...
  124. D

    praying to satan?

    Try programming your aura, this is stuff you can do on your own.
  125. D

    My Last Ritual

    You realize that Satan and the Gods are VERY busy now right?Instead of typing a whiny message and damning yourself by not becoming a God in this life, take the life in your hands. We as Satanists don't depend on Satan for anything nor is Satanism based solely on Satan, it is about developing...
  126. D


    Of course Satan and the Gods are very busy (ESPECIALLY now), they can't talk to you every week. Duh.
  127. D


    "most likely he's one of those kykeswho thinks by saying "god bless you" when someone sneezes, it's preventing the Demons they sneezed out from coming back." WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHH!!!!Are there seriously people who believe this kind of garbage? Ok, next time I see a xian trying to preach at me...
  128. D

    The band Devildriver... spiritually satanic?

    Nice one, the logo seems like the diagram of the 3 sets of chakras and their extensions :)Well it seems that there is some Satanism there, I take back what I said about no Satanic bands.
  129. D

    I like this...

    "Nargaroth Genre(s):Black Metal Lyrical theme(s): Hatred, War, Misanthropy" http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=961 This is info for one of the bands you recommended. I sincerely hope you don't believe, looking at their lyrical themes, that it is about balance...If it was Satanic...
  130. D

    I like this...

    "They are generally about balance" Actually no, they are not about balance since they only focus on the negative side. I've yet to see some song talk about "undying, perfect love". If you're gonna claim you're about balance then also focus on the positive side as well as the negative one...
  131. D

    I like this...

    I know Satanism is about Balance. What I'm saying, is when a SONG refers to SATAN, it should do it in a positive way. What gets me here isn't the emotions generated by this kind of music, but the fact most refer to Satan in a negative way and many people dub it "Satanic music". I honestly think...
  132. D

    Jews murdering again

    I don't seem to have the link now, but i've found a nice expose of the talmud, written by a jew. He admits that their talmud is about hating non-jews, and any jew revealing this info is killed according to their talmud!!Of course you can't trust a filthy kike but one who admits that is quite an...
  133. D

    I like this...

    "Black Metal is always about the lyrics and atmosphere of the music" Not even the lyrics are pleasing, most have to do with the xian idea of Satan and are about bs like darkness, gore, sacrifices. We do know Satan is the bringer of light and their description is false. I don't know what other...
  134. D

    Jews murdering again

    Its because, a jew NEVER admits his crime, he does try to always soft-soap or make it as if nothing happened. And most people are brainwashed to always believe the excuse of the jew instead of using their brains. And they're specifically trained by the jews to believe that criticizing another...
  135. D

    Jews murdering again

    Because jews are mixed, they come in different varieties, ranging from white to black to mongoloid. Askenazi jews are white for example. But they all have the same characteristics like large forehead, hooked noses, rat ears e.t.c. I really don't know where humans first came from, but for sure...
  136. D


    No, Dior, I was calling "lucifersshadow83" a troll bcuz she said HP Baghie's meditations harm people.
  137. D


    It took me 5 secs of google search to find it. The pic on the right of this kikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damballa
  138. D

    Information about Lilith

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ilith.html
  139. D


  140. D

    [No title]

    You agree that a Satanist gives souls?Where is this written in the dedication ritual prayer?And where you got the impression that dedicate something means giving it?
  141. D

    he who dare try to bind Asmodeus and the Gods

    Hahahah!!From his description, he's clearly mentally unstable. And he doesn't have any real power, nor does he know what he's talking about. So don't let it bother you, if he continues to mix angelic magick with Demons he's gonna get destroyed by himself.
  142. D

    Dead Chritians

    Hey, the innocent brainwashed xians are not to blame actually. The enemy brainwashed and turned them against their Creator (Satan). Well, the pope and the other arch-pedophiles are to blame but not my mother for example.
  143. D

    how the enemy uses void meditation

    Xians don't use void meditation, excluding some emotions except of love isn't void meditation. Void meditation is not getting attached to your THOUGHTS. I don't know any xian that focuses on the present and relaxes and lets things go. They're quite stressed about their lives or the fear of going...
  144. D

    En Haradren Amlug

    Oops my bad I didn't see your reply before posting my simillar one.
  145. D

    to satan

    To become a SS (Spiritual Satanist) you just need to start doing power meditation (and/or Hatha yoga) and dedicate when you're ready. No need to be with other people. Also, forget any xian lies you have, it isn't about cults doing orgies and sacrificing people. That's a product of the twisted...
  146. D

    to satan

    There are no cults in Satanism, xianity is a cult. Satanism is also a completely personal religion, you don't have to be together to practice it, it is a personal relationship with Satan and self-empowerment. There are no mediators.
  147. D

    The truth about Lucifer

    Sorry,but actually reversing xianity in a religion that has nothing to do with xianity is bad. It is as if you aknowledge this stolen and contradictory piece of shit called xianity is good. Satanism has nothing to do with xianity: http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/Origins.html We don't...
  148. D

    The truth about Lucifer

    I don't know what you're a high priestess of, but that's certainly not Spiritual Satanism (our type). It sounds like more reverse xianity. I do know that HP's do communicate with Satan directly and they don't need a "superior". No offense here, but we don't believe that the "god" of xianity is...
  149. D

    En Haradren Amlug

    I think he didn't refer to a simple "Hail Satan", but entire posts in caps lock. Of course a simple expression or word doesn't hurt, I often write some words in capitals to show emphasis. I agree it isn't spam, but it does hurt one's eyes. The same with guys posting entire walls of text with no...
  150. D

    Dead Chritians

    Satan TRIES to get them reincarnated or transport them to Duat, but in some cases they get stuck in negative energy holes or in earth (like the spirits that haunt houses). This kind of thing only happens with lower souls. And a nice thing I learned, because there's spiritual warfare going on...
  151. D

    [No title]

    A Satanist *doesn't* give their soul. Otherwise it would defeat the point, as Satanism is empowering your own soul. You *dedicate* it, you *don't* give it. YOU own your soul, noone else. Look up the definition of the word dedicate, it doesn't mean give or pass to someone else.
  152. D

    Where are the Hp's

    Oh and consider that it could be yahoo messing sometimes. I posted another answer to this topic of yours and hasn't been posted, although i'm not supposed to be moderated. And another one posted after 2 days.
  153. D

    Where are the Hp's

    I said that because people do get banned for those reasons...Well anyway.
  154. D

    The Gods relationship with us

    Most people actually reincarnate, especially now when there is spiritual warfare on earth...And not reincarnating BEFORE having reached godhead is actually a bad thing, because you can't develop yourself or reach godhead without a physical body.
  155. D

    Dictated from Satan.

    Yes, exactly. And this is happening for long enough, its not just a single person who said something was dictated by Satan. Not only in this group, but in many other non-JoS groups i'm a member of, there have always been people claiming a message came from Satan or they are antichrists or a...
  156. D

    Where are the Hp's

    But just because you were banned for a reason you don't know, it doesn't mean that people with false info get banned. I highly suspect that you were saying bad things about nazis or supporting the jews. You'll see ignorant people saying things they heard from xianity all the time. With the...
  157. D


    If knowledge is your main goal, how come you're asking for money (in an indirect way) in your first post? Are you even dedicated?And if you are, did you do the dedication while expecting nothing? Its better not to summon a God if you're not dedicated or at least having some experience in...
  158. D


    Uhmm...shadows...you shouldn't post this illegal info here...Its better to practice using magick!!
  159. D

    Where are the Hp's

    And seriously, there were no arguments caused by the "Lucifer vs. Satan" post itself. Just an infiltrator who likes insulting people and claiming he's a god or something. And posting nonsensical reverse xian crap. If you searched for his past messages you'll see he does nothing else.
  160. D

    Where are the Hp's

    Like I said, there's no rule on the groups that false info is deleted. There's even in the JoS page a warning about that: "It is obvious in the groups regarding those who make statements with a serious lack of knowledge. You will be able to discern truth from bullshit if you take the time to...
  161. D

    The best exercise...

    BUT, there's a hidden thing here. You shouldn't do hatha yoga the same way you do a physical exercise or you'll not feel any effects on your bioelectricity. The Asanas are done for the objective of relaxation and concentration, not forced like a physical exercise. I think Maxine said about this...
  162. D

    [No title]

    Didn't you read the site or the purpose of this group?Definitely Satanism is NOT for you, there's no soul trading in Satanism. Satan is a good guy and doesn't demand souls or give instant power. He also doesn't like lazy people who do nothing and want instant money and power. However, if you...
  163. D

    PDF Books

    The first book is the entire http://www.666blacksun.com site in an ebook, it is IN the site The others are in the files of other egroups, like the Hell's Army.
  164. D

    Dictated from Satan.

    It isn't moderated because it doesn't violate any rules. In fact, there was a guy that impersonated Dagon, a guy that impersonated Nergal and another one that impersonated Abaddon. Interesting is the guy pretending to be Nergal also made up a message that is supposed to be dictated from Satan...
  165. D

    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    I know that...It is a parody of the Westboro baptist church. And thats why I like their bible quizzes, they expose the entire xian bible. Hahahah :) I do laugh my ass when people take them seriously in their forums though lol.
  166. D

    Dictated from Satan.

    Of course the Gods CAN materialize in another place, but they need hella lots of energy even to make a single finger of their hand appear physically and touch you. And they can merge their conciousness. But they can't hold this for years. But as for incarnated, what i mean is all those people...
  167. D

    dreams of lion?

    Most of the Demons are Egyptian Gods and can appear in their Egyptian form. Could it be because you have been in Egypt in your past lives? Or you have egyptian origins?They do change their appearance according to a person's ancestry. But I don't know about the lion.
  168. D

    Dictated from Satan.

    It could also be an angel interference, though it does seems like its the product of a bored human mind seeking attention. "You don't need to understand this, you need only to trust me." Satan would never say that, he doesn't require blind trust without using our minds to understand...
  169. D

    Dictated from Satan.

    Congratz, you're the one that didn't buy this. *sigh* its amazing that people will believe things like this without even questioning. Guys, ASK SATAN before believing it. So many people make up things like that its not even funny. You can see by the inconsistensies that this is not Satan's way...
  170. D

    Dictated from Satan.

    Yep, it is definitely made up. Satan is a real physical being, he can't be incarnated as he can't die. He can come through a wormhole or something from Orion, together with the other Gods. Funny is people making up those things seem to think he's a spirit and needs to posess people in order to...
  171. D

    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    Ever seen the stupid xian bible quizzes?Well if a xian pushes their bs use those quizzes in this page to counter them: http://www.landoverbaptist.org/quizlist.html This is actually stuff from their bible...Don't look at those if you're easily disgusted or pissed off :)
  172. D

    Lucifer vs. Satan

    I read your past messages and you do nothing but insult members calling them fools and claim you are powerful. You obviously don't belong here, get out.
  173. D

    Lucifer vs. Satan

    P.S. Light and darkness are NOT elements. Light comes from the element of fire and darkness of water. You should "learn your shit" it seems...
  174. D

    Azazel being Thoth

    Hmm, interesting because a new age girl said the same thing in the old JoS group before it got hacked. And this girl said she communicates with the Gods yet she is neutral and on the other hand she did say the archasshole Michael is her closest friend or something and blabber bs about peace and...
  175. D

    Lucifer vs. Satan

    Wtf?The crowned princes represent the 4 directions as well those elements. It there a fifth direction. Also, if you want to talk about stupid things at least some punctuation. "do you see how stupid you sound?" Yeah, says the guy who thinks he is possessed by the 72 Demons, and a person...
  176. D


    This page pretty much exposes the entire site, it says that Satan is "evil"... http://www.templeoftheblacklight.net/li ... ideal.html And why, how could it miss the kike qlippoth?Except this site calls it "kliffot" LOL. Note the kike bullshit symbols on this page...
  177. D


    Wahahahahah!!Seems this site is made by a fan of H.P. Lovecraft. Tiamat and the "old ones" are NOT real beings. They are allegories for planets and other celestial bodies, Tiamat is the old earth before it crashed with Nibiru and Kingu is its moon. Yet this site mentions those as real and the...
  178. D

    What exactly is supposed to happen in 2012?

    And the Olympic games will be hosted in London.
  179. D

    Black Metal Bands

    Yep, Amon Amarth is awesome :)
  180. D

    Black Metal Bands

    The Pagan metal bands do have the Ancient Pagan heroic warlike mentality, they're not fluffy bunny like neopagans/wiccans. In fact wiccans and xianized pagans avoid this kind of music. But it does have the added advantage of not giving our Gods/Demons a bad name...
  181. D

    Lucifer vs. Satan

    And Shamyaza/Azazel is mentioned as "Shamgaz" in the Lost Book of Enki, it does say that he is the leader of the Igigi (younger Gods). While Enki is the leader of the Annunaki (Elder Gods). Its easy to confuse them because they're both leaders of something.
  182. D

    Is the church of satan in the uk that of spiritual satanism

    No, it could be Laveyan or Theistic Satanism. There are "Satanists" who do believe that Satan and the Gods are real, but they are the same as xianity describes them and that the xian god exists. Those are not Spiritual Satanists either. If they don't know who Enki is they're not Spiritual...
  183. D

    Lucifer vs. Satan

    No, they are the same being: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Satan.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html Kingu is the old earth's satellite, before it crashed with Nibiru, not a real being. Samael...
  184. D

    Satan an Archangel

    You mean the Altered yezidi perspective actually :)Melek Taus doesn't mean peacock angel, because melek also means "king". There was some site that explained how Melek Taus is actually Melek Taurus, meaning Lord of the Earth (Taurus is the earth's sign), the same title as Enki!!
  185. D

    Black Metal Bands

    And if you want something closer to Satanism, you've got to look for Pagan themed metal instead of reverse xian "black metal". Isn't Satanism supposed to be ancient Paganism after all?
  186. D

    Satan an Archangel

    Also, you left out the contradiction here. Just before what you quoted it says: "there is no god but myself, Archangel over all the host..." See, it does say he is a God. He can't be an archangel if he's a God, that's a contradiction!!You can see that it is altered from that.
  187. D

    Black Metal Bands

    If you look at those bands, their members are not even Satanist, yes in some cases some members are xians. Its obvious they do use Satan for shock value. For example the vocalist Tom Araya of Slayer is a xian, and he did say "hail Satan" at one time and then said he did that for fun. And went on...
  188. D

    Satan an Archangel

    Its because the quret al yezid is ALTERED. It DOES say that He is both a God and an angel, the yezidis altered that on purpose to avoid stupid muslims. If you read the article on yezidi books, it does mention that: "The Yezidi people have been severely persecuted and are very suspicious of...
  189. D

    great site for Satanic texts

    Damn, it needs signup first and when i try to do it it replies: "Sorry We have reached our maximum open signup limit (23,000). We now require an invite to join. Please try to get one from a friend." ...
  190. D

    i did it right or?

    Peter, you did the right thing. But there's one problem...If she's interested in Satanism just for gaining money then it is probably not for her, until she changes her thinking. She'll get disappointed (and its disrespectful for the Gods too) if she thinks she'll become rich after dedicating...
  191. D

    Re: Is it possible to cancel your dedication to Satan with prayer?

    Anything that is actually not under you control, is no problem with Satan because He understands you didn't really mean to do this. Like renouncing Him when you're drunk or manipulated or forced by xian parents.
  192. D

    Re: Honest critiques, please; no sputum or offers of sex.

    Another bad thing i noticed is you list the "wiccan rede", which is a Gerald Gardner's invention and corruption. More of the kike qlippoth and symbols and anti-nazi bigotry and blind hate in this page: http://www.churchofkali.com/real_tree_of_life.htm What's with the "We are Niggers and...
  193. D

    Re: Honest critiques, please; no sputum or offers of sex.

    1st link is wrong, here's the real one: http://www.holocaustdenialvideos.com/
  194. D

    Re: Honest critiques, please; no sputum or offers of sex.

    UHHH, what does this have to do with SPIRITUAL SATANISM??Also, true Satanists ask Satan for things, they don't mix different traditions. I noticed 2 things about this site: 1) The baphomet with kike symbols 2)"THE ONLY TRUE G*D". "G*D's word. The only one." Are you a kike?Because kikes...
  195. D

    Where can I get REAL Satanic literature?

    Look at this reading list from JoS, its from the topics I said and you can find most of the books except from some rare ones: http://www.freewebs.com/eridu666/ReadingList.html
  196. D

    Mosque on Ground Zero? WTF!

    Not exactly, the kikes did 911 not the muslims. They staged it in order to start a new war in Iraq, as they always have others fight for them. Someone posted a great video about this: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/14026
  197. D

    Where can I get REAL Satanic literature?

    Like I said recently, there are no real books on Spiritual Satanism except those in the JoS site. If you want to find books on the topics of SS you've got to look for yoga, witchcraft and sumerian mythology books. And most recommended books on these topics are on free pdf in the files section...
  198. D

    Kundalini meditation back-pain

  199. D

    listen to me please

    Wtf?Is this serious?!There are many free online guitar lessons that can help you, this one for example: http://www.guitarplayerworld.com/Guitar_Lessons.html Its disrespectful to ask for something that you can do on your own or with other people because the GODS (yes, the Demons are Gods...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
