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  1. V


    Mabon is when the Sun enters Libra, which did happen Friday September 22
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    Zodiac Sanskrit

    Both long and shortened mantras have the same effect, imparting the sign's energies. The shortened mantras are simply the name of the sign but in Sanskrit. So "Simha" is the Sanskrit word for Leo and literally means "the lion". it's the same for the other signs.  You can use just the Sanskrit...
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    Specific Sermon/Piece of info - Body Type in the Natal Chart

    Does anyone remember the name of the sermon where HP HC(I think) wrote about how the body type can be seen in the natal chart? It may have been a comment he made in one of his sermons but I distinctly remember him talking about how the elements play a role in your body type. He mentioned...
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    Zodiac Sanskrit

    Zodiac Mantras + Shortened Mantras Use the Planetary Squares as a guide for pronunciation  As well as Azazels astrology for the sign and planetary characteristics/qualities Zodiac Mantras: Aries: Aum Dhim Shrim Lahksmi Narayana Nama Taurus: Aum Gopalay Uttar Dvajaya Nama Gemini: Aum Klim...
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    Group Links found Lost from Forum and Needing Some Others

    How to Obliterate Your Saturn (or at least make your life much more tolerable) From Lydia: Detailed, Step By Step Instructions Take a good look at your life right now. Are you completely happy with it? Chances are, almost everybody has at least one issue in their life. Either your life is...
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    Group Links found Lost from Forum and Needing Some Others

    How to find your Guardian Demon Some Demons do not have sigils on the Joy of Satan website because that was their desire. Here is a method of determining if Agaliarept is your Guardian Demon: If You Have Trouble Finding Your Guardian Demon By Caitlin/Silvercrab, Satanic Gay Community Member...
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    August - Dates for Magickal Workings

    I need clarification on what "anything occult related" means for Waxing Scorpio. My first thought is one's capability to do Magickal workings and their effectiveness.  If I'm correct on this, then I'd need to increase witchpower in order to improve the power of any occult workings I perform...
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    What size do you recommend?  Also, how do you use a stones properties?  Are these passive in that you just carry it with you and it works for whatever you want it to, or do you meditate with the crystal for the specific property that will help you attain your goal? be it calming an overactive...
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    Zodiac Sanskrit

    I agree. Each sign has their positive/negative traits. It would be up to the individual to determine which traits would be beneficial for them. I for one, am too dreamy and not so grounded. Therefore, I find the Earth signs more appealing to work with
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    Zodiac Sanskrit

    So to clarify, the sign you vibrate into the chakra will affect whatever the chakra rules Can you explain, for example, what effect Taurus would have on the throat chakra in particular? [/IMG]how [/B]th[/IMG]why [/B]it has the said effect
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    Consider me committed.  I'll be doing the full schedule of these and any future ones released
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    Zodiac Sanskrit

    Nice work aldric. I have been looking into these mantras as of late. In fact, I was considering starting full blown workings with Aries and Taurus this week to take on their energies, but I figured I did not know much about them. Through research I found that one characteristic of Taurus is that...
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    Fastest way to open the astral senses as posted by HP Maxine

    Someone posted the steps in the past but I don't remember who. I simplified the steps so that I could quickly glance at it during the meditation while I'm learning it. Theirs and yours were slightly different though. -- Opening Astral Senses This is the Sun/Moon, alternate nostril breathing...
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    Regarding "White Privilege"

    And because of this "white privilege" the minorities have their own "privileges" that they don't want to acknowledge. For example In America, minorities get favored over whites for jobs strictly because of their skin color. You have many large companies trying to meet minority quotas and thus...
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    Thoughtform guidelines

    Is Thoughtform creation bound by the same guidelines as performing magick? such as choosing a moon phase, day, or planetary hour that aligns with the thoughtform's purpose?
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    Re: Formal Protest!

    With or without evidence, a "formal protest" (witch hunt) against a member over hurt feelings is petty. This resembles the behaviour of the feminists and SJWs of Twitter stating "(Target of witch hunt here) did (wild accusation here) and he should (absurd punishment here) for what he did...
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    is this a throat blockage?

    What are other ways to repair and empower the sushumna? Or where can I find info about it?
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    I think I have an idea of what you're saying. It sounds like you need a schedule/routine? It should help you get an idea of what you should get done vs what you actually get done. When I was in school I didn't have anything that I *needed* to do, just things I *wanted* to do, but every night I'd...
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    Astral Projection!

    I can hardly even get to that state where my body is numb let alone get the falling sensation. Farthest I get is where my legs and arms are numb. Not even sure how to do the rest
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    square questions

    To answer your last question, yes. You stop the mantra and redo it. I have a question to add: Is there a point during a square that you can tell that "ok this is going to work" or "ok this is NOT going to work"?
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    I have earrings too. They look good on me but after thinking about it, it does seem like a small form of mutilation. It just doesn't seem so because it has become so "normal". If ear piercings were nonexistent, in my opinion, no one in their right mind would puncture an ear lobe to hang...
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    what are/is your favorite fruit(s) and why?

    Cantalouuupe.. and mangoes and oranges and other fruit like oranges. I used to eat several apples a day but only if they were firm. Also there's a fruit called Guava. I like it but I feel like it's a hit or miss, either you like it or you don't. For vegetables, have you tried getting the frozen...
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    The other reason not to go to JEWniversity: THE GODS ARE FAR BETTER

    Yeah I realized it after I posted. I was so eager to find out if I was right that I didn't think about it. Whoops! Haha well thanks for that
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    The afterlife

    The soul dissipates? Like to the point of no longer existing? If so, how do we go so long between lives? Also, Luka you said you know how to deal with energy drain.. To do so, is it just doing vibrations like SATANAS and the 666 meditation? Just want to be sure 
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    Manifesting the past

    On the site I read doing power meditations can manifest repressed emotions. For almost a week I've had vivid dreams of a recurring theme and an ex girlfriend. Our relationship and it ending messed me up for about a year, but I haven't really thought about her for a while. The recurring theme...
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    Images missing from Hell's Army!!

    Yeah I just checked the links that say "Image ..." Those don't work either but here's a link to the program in pdf format: http://web.archive.org/web/201504120723 ... Manual.pdf And also a copy of the site from March 2, 2016 from taolvan https://www.dropbox.com/s/pritpv1vdwtrn ... 6.zip?dl=0
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    The other reason not to go to JEWniversity: THE GODS ARE FAR BETTER

    Fake name, and here is more delusional, made up bs in your post. Fourth Reich pointed them out but I'd like to touch on two things.  One, there's that high priest thing. Now if jews didn't try to kill him then where did you get this from? This and other statements you've made like it sound like...
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    The other reason not to go to JEWniversity: THE GODS ARE FAR BETTER

    You're the one that's going to start up infighting with this delusional, passive aggressive bs. Saying you will not name people and "you know who you are" Like people can't go look on the thread to see who it was. Neither of those two called you a marxist. Only one said something that could...
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    Don't waste your money going to college. the system is totally JEWED

    Idk what college you went to but of the "jewish dens of marxists" I went to, I came in contact with 0 communist professors, 0 jew professors, 0 "marxist shitbags" for classmates, and 0 'kill yourself for being white' remarks. There are some numbers for you. Also, from what I remember, the words...
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    @luka what do you mean by this: "I can already see demons when I focus on my third eye". How do you focus on your third eye to see the astral? I wasn't aware of this. I thought your astral vision just gradually comes into place as you empower your third eye. Like as a new norm
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    Venus Square Notice

    Ok sweet. If I mess up a mantra, say accidentally vibrate DRAUM instead of DRAAM, do I redo it? Today I had to do 29 vibrations and I messed up a mantra like the example above, so I did an extra one to make up for it. in the end i had done 29 correct mantras and 1 incorrect mantra. Is this the...
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    Can a Demon's bioelectricity cause a rash?

    Well the only thing I changed was softener sheets and conditioner but my doc said my neck and eyelids were a weird place for it to show up if it was softener and my scalp woulda been on fire so.. Stumped still. It was out of the blue. I hid myself too lol had to wear sunglasses all day at work...
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    Venus Square Notice

    Ahh I've had my eye on this one. This is kinda late but I wanna do this square for my hair and skin (hair loss and acne scars). Not sure if I can combine the two but I've been thinking of an affirmation. This is what I have: “I now and eternally have flawless skin and a full scalp of...
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    Venus Square Notice

    Ahh I've had my eye on this one. This is kinda late but I wanna do this square for my hair and skin (hair loss and acne scars). Not sure if I can combine the two but I've been thinking of an affirmation. This is what I have: “I now and eternally have flawless skin and a full scalp of...
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    Can a Demon's bioelectricity cause a rash?

    I did the standard ritual listed on the site and invoked the Four Crowned Princes of Hell which I have never done before. So I'm not sure if it could have been that or when I offered the energy I raised. Although I don't think it was a rash until after I had been rubbing all day, just an itch on...
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    Can a Demon's bioelectricity cause a rash?

    Yeah once I got it on my eyelids I went to the doctors. Didn't want it to get any worse. It's gettin better now
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    Can a Demon's bioelectricity cause a rash?

    I performed the Beltane ritual Saturday night and woke up with an itch on my neck and behind my ears. It wasn't a rash until Sunday night, I assume from rubbing it so much. It's worsened since and is now on my eyelids as well. I've never had an allergic skin reaction aside from poison ivy so I'm...
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    New powerful meditation routine

    Impatient? I'd say driven. That's where I'd wanna be though, soaking up heat and light energy. Sounds like I may be right about focusing on the lower chakras. I just barely opened my chakras. I'm at the point where they opened but they're struggling to stay open. I haven't been meditating long...
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    New powerful meditation routine

    @luka can you elaborate more on this: "A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects associated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's...
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    Venus Square

    On JoS it says one of the body parts Venus rules is "the hair and skin in the cosmetic sense". Does that mean I could use the physical square to heal facial scarring and regrow my hair back to how it was before hair loss?
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    Funny Expirences with Meditations

    Had to find this thread lol just had the same experience when doing base chakra vibrations. And after 6th chakra vibrations my head felt almost like a balloon or how I'd imagine it feels
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    This is an old topic but one that needs attention again. TINNITUS IS

    Right, I understand the chakras and that's happening because you're working on them but awareness that we have chakras doesn't explain how retired vets would get ringing in their ears when they've never meditated to strengthen their astral senses. So I'm having trouble dismissing tinnitus. And...
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    This is an old topic but one that needs attention again. TINNITUS IS

    Pretty sure tinnitus is real. You're experiencing the ringing in your head. It may be your astral hearing but mine is more so in my ears. Idk about the kidney or high blood pressure thing, but I was told by my physician we have tiny hairs in our ears that process different tones. Being around...
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    Questions about guardian demons

    Do you consecrate a ouija board the same way as described for a black mirror on JoS?
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    Muslim Dead After Rape Attempt on Donkey

    They actually call themselves cloppers lol
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    how long is a spell good for?

    What if you do it twice the next day? For example, let's say you do the spell every night at 10:00pm. But you miss your mark on a Tuesday and make up for it at 2:00am or 4:00am Wednesday morning then do it again the same night at 10:00pm. Then continue your regular 10:00pm schedule. Would that...
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    More Satanic Allegories in games

    I grew up on Ocarina of Time, it's my all time favorite. It's nice to see those allegories in there
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    @... The main ones are in the center. And The crown doesn't have extensions.  http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... agram.html
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    @plotome I go through some stuff occasionally with my dad. When it does occur it's extreme. It's hard to deal with it because I'm still dependent on my parents. The last 2.5 yrs I've been in college so I was able to sleep in the evenings when they got home from work, that way I didn't have to...
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    Friend request.

    @... nah, I don't think it's really a big deal if she is or isn't. Unless our ppl are messaging her trying to get her to be their internet girlfriend. If that's the case, then sorry guys it's too late. I already proposed. We're having two kids. Alicia and Alex. And a chihuahua named captain...
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    Mercury Retrograde

    Dang it. I already have a difficult time trying to articulate my thoughts. Already lost that opportunity for a second interview too. I can feel this retrograde..
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    Friend request.

    @zola some ppl popped up outta nowhere, like their first post here is trying to befriend a young French girl lol that's what did it for me
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    Friend request.

    @fatherschild I know right? I'm a 20 yr old Italian girl now. Someone be my friend ;)
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    Mercury Retrograde

    Communications are blocked.. Meaning? Like how would they be blocked. I have a job interview, maybe 2 next week and Mercury rules "speech" and "words".. I'm a little worried
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    sincere question!

    I've had experienced before but yeah it's my first encounter since dedication (5months ago) that I'm aware of. I did freak out lol I stayed still but my heart was racing. If it's a good sign I'm all for it. Last night I was eating at the table and a rolled up paper fell off onto the floor. The...
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    sincere question!

    I was meditating on my third eye this morning and I heard what sounded like a pencil dropping on my desk from an inch high. It happened two times after that. That's never happened before and it was distracting cuz I didn't know what it could've been
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    Friend request.

    @taolvan hey so we dedicated around the same time. Mine was on 9/11/15. I found the website through searching about auras, thought forms, and ghosts 
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    Friend request.

    @Stan I was thinking the same thing lmao doesn't help that's she's a young French girl either. Ayy I'm almost her age lol hon hon hon I'll be your friend Alice, oui oui?
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    A New Day is Coming!! (IMPORTANT)

    Wow this info is interesting, I'll be 30 in ten years and in Sagittarius I have Pluto at 0 and Jupiter at 14. I'm gonna look into my natal chart more now
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    Powerful love spell?

    I'm not sure about the astrology aspect but here you can find how to breath energy in from Venus: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... agick.html
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    Using Runes Together

    @Yog So shouldn't Thurisaz be vibrated 3 times because it is the third rune? Or is it 9 in the example because it's used to empower Hagalaz and Hagalaz is 9 
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    Questioning Love

    Well I think you're in a vulnerable state right now, after that break up. I know when I go through that I get a longing for that closeness/connection with someone. Him being your first bf makes it incredibly hard to make a decision. My first gf cheated on me and it was just as hard to make that...
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    Star WHORES episode 7 is just a multicultural rehash of original

    Mad Max actually was pushing a feminist agenda. The movie was supposed to be about Max but it hardly was. Even the movie posters had him in the back. It was all about those women being "forced" to have children and escaping their "oppression". Their situation was the absolute best in the world...
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    How to Reverse the Damage of the Abrahamic Agenda?

    I keep reading "after I started meditating" but which are these? Aura cleansing, aura protection, energy meditation, SATANAS? Are there specific ones because I started the basic above, excluding SATANAS, a bit ago. And why do meditations make our genes purify themselves?
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    Supernatural Creatures

    @heinrich can you elaborate on its use in black magick? I figured vampirism could somehow be used for ones own benefit or getting back at someone but I wouldn't know how to do it because from what I understand, someone correct me if I'm wrong, taking someone's energy aligns you with their...
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    Xian's "blessing"

    @Light Before I dedicated any talk about "god" would just irritate me but now after I dedicated it does get me pretty upset. After I posted, I told my mom I wanted to go to University of Southern California for grad school and she proceeded to ask "is that one of your prayers?" to which I...
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    My path to Satanism

    Uh what's bullshit?
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    My path to Satanism

    It runs in the family on both sides, I'm Hispanic. About a few of my family members I've talked to have had at least one or more negative experiences, or a experience in general. On JoS I did read that Demons could not be of Satan, on the summoning or ouija board page, so I assumed that's what...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
