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  1. Egon

    Agenda de Guerra Espiritual: 9 a 20 de abril de 2023

    Saudações a todos, Muito em breve haverá o Novo Ano Satânico no final de Abril. Este é mais um Ano da Agenda para a Alegria de Satanás e para nós crescermos colectivamente, apesar do que acontece neste mundo e quais são os obstáculos nele existentes. Mais informações a este respeito serão...
  2. Egon

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Thank you very much I have re-sent that email but with proper astro information and a few details. All that described in the pdf is very much appreciated and might be what I needed.
  3. Egon

    Como Derrotar o Alcoolismo, Abuso de Drogas, e Vício em Comida

    Saudações ao meu irmão nos Deuses, Agora, essa situação em que se encontra, tem de compreender, não é a única em que está metido. Muitos Satanistas Espirituais entraram no Satanismo Espiritual e lutaram com muitos problemas semelhantes, e a surpreendente maioria do nosso povo escapou às...
  4. Egon

    ⚠️Helpful HTML Code For JoS Pages - Site Editors and Translators

    The detailed page link is next to the Sigil, see Abrasax example (Gods C - F), or the High Rank Gods. These can work well multitasking. I don't understand the second stantement, they were never all expanded in one page, each section is contained separately.
  5. Egon

    ⚠️Helpful HTML Code For JoS Pages - Site Editors and Translators

    There are plenty of pages in the JoS that are mostly empty with one index, that lead to more index pages, tons of very small pages, and it can be quite frustrating to edit. But there is this very easy code in Html you can use to make the pages more dynamic, and save time from creating tons of...
  6. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    The curse kills you by petrification. You can see yourself turned into a spiky effigy as soon as the curse hits, and leftovers by other players too if you play online.
  7. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    I forgot to mention that, Gwyn has a slavish monotheist cult. Patches hates the clerics and the false gods, and greedy people. You have to use gold coins to get Gwyn's miracles, and his clerics are obsessed with it and with selling salvation. You are also not required to kill any dragons...
  8. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    Nah you're reading too much into it. They do not refer to our Demons they work just like Titans for the ignorant masses. Also what Japanese media has adapted into "Demons" for Western audiences usually means completely different things for them. The point of the game is to Rekindle the flame...
  9. Egon


    My dedication anniversary 😄
  10. Egon

    None of you would stand up

    "Barking dogs never bite." Guess your imaginary holy ghost can't do shit against us so you have to threaten w/ your meek fists, which by the way didn't get any stronger due to your excessive masturbation to virgin mary.
  11. Egon

    Question #937: How to recover a broken relationship with an SS ex-partner

    Isn't this your own mind making a resistance against letting this attachment go? I don't think the Gods would be insisting on who you have friendships with.
  12. Egon

    Feliz Ostara a todos os Satanistas Espirituais - Homenagem de 3 dias a Astarte

    Como caminho para a iniciação com os Deuses, o Satanismo Espiritual segue os fluxos da natureza e as nossas crenças são baseadas nas leis cósmicas eternas da natureza. Actualmente, é Ostara. É um tempo para contemplar o poder da criação na natureza, o poder generativo que misteriosamente traz...
  13. Egon

    O que devo fazer

    Você pode formular um trabalho de banimento/amarração com a runa Isa e outras https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/cabala-runica
  14. Egon


    Satanás abomina o comunismo e sua esposa Lilith irá destruir esse sistema. Igualizar os humanos é um crime contra a humanidade e faz o ser humano perder o sentido de identidade, individualidade, e conquista individual do trabalho. As entidades negativas que mais querem misturar e igualar todos...
  15. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    Dope friends you have. Elden Ring is an Allegory for Alchemy: https://youtu.be/oilS07zu3JY I myself won't indulge in much videogames I hope, but if you do you should try the other Miyazaki games too like Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne and Sekiro. It is a shame many people only know Elden Ring and...
  16. Egon

    if you were fuhrer,what would be your policies?

    I thought about it lately, this is mostly only present in capitals and more cosmopolitan cities in Europe and whatnot. 90% of the rest of the country areas yes the people do see those things in movies etc. - however they are most of the time normal people, and don't take that things to their...
  17. Egon


    Eu tive que dar uma lida bem superficial e rápida no seu texto mas deixa eu tentar responder. Deixa o seu pai ser quem ele quer, não precisa tentar converter ninguém nem convercer as pessoas das coisas que você sabe serem reais ou mentiras, se ele não aprender nessa vida, com a tua presença...
  18. Egon


    Refer to my reply above. Valefor has medicinal powers so Mercury, Abraxas teaches the mysteries of the Moon, etc.
  19. Egon

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    Serpent is Free and Serpent Ascended rituals links/descriptions are switched, the first should be labeled Serpent Ascended and the second Serpent is Free, on the affirmation and evilgoy.com list.
  20. Egon

    Rituais 6 a 17 de Março

    O Segundo Ritual da agenda foi postado no início do tópico.⬆️
  21. Egon

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    What do you mean? They look as they should ᛉ ᚹ Don't think so, the upper line is too long and the diagonal lines too short ᛓ The actual Fehu looks exactly as the JoS picture version ᚠ
  22. Egon

    Question #883: Support a Square with Other Workings?

    Definitely. I do that at any time if possible to match both timings. I make the affirmation slightly different just in case.
  23. Egon

    Buddhism is a Death Cult - Sokushinbutsu

    "Did you achieve anything spiritually?" "Nope, but I look cool af now" "Bruh I'm dead 💀"
  24. Egon

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    Those seem fine to me, I guess it doesn't make much of a difference like hand-drawing a sigil to a printed graphic, they will differ slightly. My only issue is with the Kauna ᚲ there that is too small compared to the others. Anyway I'm happy that there is this alternative of copy-pasting...
  25. Egon

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    It could be some systems aren't updated for this. Try another browser or computer to smartphone/vice versa.
  26. Egon

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    :) Now Runic unicode exists so you can type with actual runic letter as well as to not rely on an image link that may or may not disappear. List of Runic letters to copy-paste from: https://www.personal.psu.edu/ejp10/blogs/gotunicode/charts/runes.html ᚠ Fehu x10, ᛋ Sowilo x10, ᛟ Odthal x10, ᚨ...
  27. Egon

    Contribuindo para o JoS: Eis o que você pode fazer

    Boa tarde, obrigado pela tradução, mas teria como postar isso de novo consertando a formatação do texto?
  28. Egon

    Question #839: Tolkien - LOTR - Boyhood Fan

    You are not required to like or dislike things, no one is policing anyone's feelings. As you advance your Soul you might come with terms with your true self by your own advancement and starting liking new things, or apreciating more some things you took for granted, or abandon old ones and old...
  29. Egon

    Feliz Dia da Mulher - Às Nossas Mulheres

    É preciso um tipo especial de mulher para ser Satanista Espiritual, há um elemento no coração de uma mulher que tem de acordar para que ela procure o caminho. Em muitas mulheres, ele ainda está adormecido, em muitas outras, em sono profundo. Mas não em vocês: Em vós, mulheres do fórum e...
  30. Egon

    Está difícil continuar desse jeito

    Até eu também senti isso várias vezes, e vários aqui. Não existe essa besteira de algum ser humano que "não tenha sido feito" pra alguma coisa. Todos nascem com coisas ruins no mapa astral, e com a capacidade de superá-las. É nos momentos em que se sente mais patético e derrotado, que quando...
  31. Egon

    Purim: The Type Of Spells They Do To The Goyim - Explained

    I just had a nightmare about it a day ago. Go figure.
  32. Egon

    Está difícil continuar desse jeito

    Hoje eu tenho, todos os que pisaram em mim agora abaixam a voz quanto eu levanto a minha mesmo sabendo o que eu acredito (incluindo a minha própria mãe que ela própria uma deprimida suicida que quase me levou pro mesmo buraco *eu não recomendo ninguém sair dizendo por aí que é SS*). Eu morei...
  33. Egon

    Está difícil continuar desse jeito

    "Dar um basta" não vai resolver nada, e pode garantir que esse karma vai continuar na próxima vida se ele não for eliminado NESSA VIDA que você já conhece sobre meditação, sobre os Deuses etc. A garantia do melhor existe sim, continua a viver e a lutar, e os Deuses ouvem sim as nossas preces eu...
  34. Egon

    Está difícil continuar desse jeito

    Muitos de nós passamos por isso inclusive eu, e pra quem permanece firme nessa luta da vida e resiste, a gratificação é muito superior do que o tamanho dos sofrimentos. A vida é guerra, contra o inimigo dentro de nós mesmos. Limpeza da aura e avanço não acontecem de um dia pro outro, o que faz a...
  35. Egon

    Vingança é necessário?

    (Inglês) Acerca da Ética Satanista de Vingânça - Sobre Raiva: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=82412
  36. Egon

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    The Runes are constructive work (in this case) to build and attract those things stated, and the RTRs are just undoing existing curses or following along as the jews cast new curses, and undoing their holidays. So no what you state is a waste of time and effort unless we are collectively...
  37. Egon

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    For the old RTRs you vibrate/recite the whole text, and count it as one time.
  38. Egon

    Rituais 6 a 17 de Março

    SEGUNDO RITUAL: Bênçãos da Comunidade Para Todos os Satanistas Espirituais Vibra em série as seguintes runas 10x cada. ᛒ Berkano x10, ᚨ Ansuz x10, ᛞ Dagaz x10, ᛋ Sowilo x10 Então entoe AUM uma vez e daí vibra as seguintes palavras 20 vezes: AJOHA SOK APA KRÔ NA KA BI PÂ-RUST-HA SATYA YAJA...
  39. Egon

    Question #800: How can I protect myself and my family from an animal?

    You can put an aura of protection around yourself and the baby, see the links below. You can also ask the Gods directly by a prayer to protect your family, and maybe even do some Gods/Demon Rituals daily such as Andras who protects the innocent and helpless, or other Gods too, these can be found...
  40. Egon

    Question #783: Summoning

    You can speak with the Gods everyday at any time, it is not always necessary a full summoning, though it is not wrong to do so either. Read: How Does A Demon Teach You? https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=387334#p387334 Experiences With The Gods: Levels of Experiences...
  41. Egon

    Question #787: rtrs

    It's a waste of time and energy, with all that insane effort for meager past stuff you could be doing other constructive workings meanwhile, more cleaning, squares and whatnot. Work smarter not harder. The only daily RTR that is needed right now is the Final RTR+Tetra+Shattering, maybe also a...
  42. Egon

    Preciso de auxílio

    Por favor pare de escrever perguntas no Ask-Satan que é só para os usuários anónimos que enviarem perguntas ao https://ask-satan.net e escreva no fórum português como já dito acima. Não é necessário responder a minha mensagem.
  43. Egon

    Music thread

    Some great metal songs that inspired me: Inno a Satana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnyx9w4dP-0 At The Left Hand Ov God https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd4hmHH5NGo
  44. Egon

    Question #743: Doubt about the dense energy of Lent (Brazil)

    Aside from usually being stolen from Pagan power dates, there is nothing special with christ cuck festivals. For magical workings, look for the actual astrological dates on the Satanic Calendar with the planetary placements, the proper moon etc...
  45. Egon

    Question #744: Interracial guilt

    Freeing the Soul: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=64076 Sexual energy: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83178 Deep Cleaning: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615 About cleaning the Soul...
  46. Egon

    Hypocrisy against women

    Gosh people what a depressing topic, no one here is going to die at childbirth. :shock: Also I'm not so sure it is a male only thing, from many accounts I've heard and from a survival standpoint, I'm pretty sure the attachment to an unborn child is much lower for the mother even, to be able to...
  47. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    Speaking of which there are some cool movies on this subject, like The Devil's Violinist, on Paganini. Clip from the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy6N077xXZs Paganini is mentioned in the sermon Music: Satan's Gift to Humanity It seems the christard church didn't want him from even...
  48. Egon

    Sem esperanças para o meu país e futuro / Capitalismo Favorece os Judeus

    Eu não sei se ajuda mas aqui está um relato do Daharkan que saiu de Portugal e foi morar na Suiça, com vários argumentos interessantes e opinião do SS Hooded à respeito: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=22731 Ou no interior da França onde há menos migrantes que nas grandes...
  49. Egon

    Question #725: Better understanding and comprehension

    The Ritual for Abrasax might help with this as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=76092 "Uses of the Ritual:... 5. To increase understanding"
  50. Egon

    RTR Links??

    Final RTR full video https://odysee.com/@RTR_Videos:9/FINAL:c2
  51. Egon

    Question #718: Enlil and God are the same entity?

    "God" (Deus) is a title stolen from Zeus who is Enlil, the King of the Gods & Daemons. Zeus name is also "Diós" in Ancient Greek, later the Romans integrated with the Greek Culture and spread it through Europe, so you have for instance how Greek-Roman words like "Deus" and "Dios" became words in...
  52. Egon

    Question #706: How can I live with the haters of Satan?.

    You are not required to reveal to anyone your personal inner life, you are on a higher understanding than the people around you even if you like them, doesn't mean they are able to learn everything you do in this lifetime, like you wouldn't teach things to your flock of sheep. Read Marcus...
  53. Egon

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Another idea could be for people who earn less is to stack months and send in one go so one doesn't need to pay multiple fees per operation each time they donate - so long they're organized.
  54. Egon

    Question #695: deal with the devil

    Satan doesn't need any deals or Souls, He entlightens us and helps our growth if we decide to dedicate ourselves to Him. Read everything at https://www.joyofsatan.org
  55. Egon

    Falta de comunicação

    Sobre experiências com os Deuses: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=411229#p411229 Os Deuses podem dar sinais mais "óbvios" no início da vida do dedicado a Satanás, em comparação com as formas de comunicação mais "sutis" para aqueles que já passaram por um amadurecimento maior e podem...
  56. Egon


    Não. A única alternativa é limpar e curar a alma.
  57. Egon

    The Subconscious Mind And Its Role In Manifesting Our Reality

    10 affirmations is a great default number for several types of workings. Please keep reading everything at: https://www.joyofsatan.org Sermon and discussion about the numbers: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=74710
  58. Egon

    Temple of Set

    No, to all of the questions. Please read everything at https://www.joyofsatan.org
  59. Egon


  60. Egon

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Fair enough, I think I still don't have the mindset of a millionaire then.
  61. Egon

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    I have been thinking about this very subject lately. What would be a considerate and ethical amount to be donated as a millionaire. Donate in one go an extraordinary amount instead of a "salary", then the JoS decides how to handle the amount given, lets say you have a clear idea of a safe...
  62. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    In the morality sense, yes. Without much spoiler, the occult powers doing justice, evildoers being sent to dimensions they deserve etc.
  63. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    I was just about to recommend Oats Studios antology. The very first episode "Rakka" is a somewhat accurate depiction of the worst case scenario of the kike reptilian overlords physically taking over Earth, with some downsides of ignorant humanity refering to the good aliens as "angels" or...
  64. Egon

    Embracing your Gentile beauty - Fighting against false beauty standards

    Even AI knows what "Handsome" means... ... And spoiler it is not a hybrid pile of fat competing for an isreal eurovision, nor an emaciated "holy denier of the physical world". Reality is too problematic gotta censor and destroy the meaning and value of everything...
  65. Egon

    Joy of Satan Poll For Enslaving Jews - Thoughts?

    It is my thinking that all incurable criminals should be castrated then forced into heavy labor - pedos, drug dealers, serial killers etc. Jews should not feel they are entitled to special punishment, they are non-special goyim like every other psychopathic goyim. The damage they have done to...
  66. Egon


    I've just realized with this Ritual we close a full week worth of Gods' Rituals, one corresponding to each day: Azazel on Sunday (Apollo, Sun God) Abrasax on Monday (Mysteries of the Moon) Andras on Tuesday (Day of Mars) Valefor on Wednesday (Mercury, medicine) Baalzebul on Thurday (Day of...
  67. Egon

    Question #630: rituals

    Every once in a while we will have new Rituals to Honor specific Gods. Right now we have 7 Rituals for Gods, whose links you can find at the bottom of the Ritual timer page: https://www.evilgoy.com For the posts with the context for each of those: Satan’s Absolution Ritual...
  68. Egon

    Saturn in Pisces - xtianity in crises 2023?

    As HP HC mentioned previously, as we move into the Age of Aquarius some lies will manifest blatantly, "We are entering a stage before the Kali Yuga were lies will be prevalent in this world, and lies will be 'almost indistinctive from the Truth'. I have explained this before and this was from...
  69. Egon

    Question #598: Please help me deprogram from christianty completely

    You can do these consistently: Deep Cleaning: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615 Soul cleaning page and also check the Returning Curses part at the bottom: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html The Ritual for Valefor has to...
  70. Egon

    O Início da Joy of Satan & Desmistificação dos Judeus

    A Suma Sacerdotisa Maxine estava fora das facções do chamado “Nacional Socialismo” no sentido estrito, apesar da sua compreensão dos valores de raça desde cedo. A articulação mais clara destas ideias chegou após anos de estudo extensivo, meditação e comunicação com os Deuses. O reconhecimento...
  71. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    God of War is popular because it is extremely smart in subversion, specially the new ones. It is very successful because it appeals to Gentile values that the kikes destroyed in society to begin with, while using that to blaspheme the High Ranking Gods. It appeals to many of the innate needs of...
  72. Egon

    On Satanic Revenge Ethics - About Anger

    That is essentially true. You ought as a Satanist to get used to some level of "abuse" by the andrapoda/NPC's. I used to only think about this negatively in terms of christard weakness (christards are aggressive hypocrites and never really "give the other cheek"), and that as a proud SS I should...
  73. Egon


    It was an awesome Ritual following very nice events in my personal life, I felt inspired in doing it further after the dates given to get closer to both Andras and Baalzebul, their energy of true manhood inspired on me further serenity and self-control, and a harmonious family life.
  74. Egon

    Kali Yuga & AI: Be Prepared For Fake Recordings, Fake "Statements" etc - About JoS and Future [Updated 8 February]

    He is indeed, his Metal Gear Solid V exposes another aspect of it, the communist technique of subverting and destroying language to make the population dumber and more subservient, and the CIA inside job involvement with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhseWPWYPBA It is set in 1984 (like...
  75. Egon

    Cannot write Ubuntu onto USB

    You will likely be able to easily format your USB back to normal using Discs in Ubuntu, or GParted. Windows won't do the trick with Cmd or even editing Registry.
  76. Egon

    Cannot write Ubuntu onto USB

    But does it count now as flashed and can you use it from the Boot menu now? You are not supposed to let it connected while using Windows, and that system won't let you erase it as it is for now, but you will while in the Ubuntu system. That is my second warning in the tutorial...
  77. Egon


    For the word "Weald", should I keep it "untranslated" (I don't think it has a localization in romance languages that is not vague like a "thicket") always since in the first sentence since it is in capital letter with "Great King of the Weald" as in King of that Region in Britannia, or do I...
  78. Egon


    Χαίρε Andras! Btw translators and site makers I'm using these Runic unicodes to write with the rituals: https://www.personal.psu.edu/ejp10/blogs/gotunicode/charts/runes.html Maybe it is not even necessary like the rituals don't have those but I thought it is pretty cool that you could type...
  79. Egon


    Saudações a todos na Família Satânica, Abaixo encontrará o Ritual para o Senhor Andras. Andras é um Deus muito importante, formalmente conhecido como Ares e Marte na mitologia. Este Ritual deve ser feito por 5 dias consecutivos, a começar por hoje. Estejas ciente que foi relatado que este...
  80. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    Nice reference of the terrorist/antifa self-insertion wet dream written by drug-filled caviar communist Alan Moore and starred by kike Natalie Portman.
  81. Egon

    Question #517: Prostitution

    Yes just be safe, then clean yourself spiritually a lot after that. You said you want to give women warmth, so you might be the type who needs an actual loving relationship at some point, do a working to attract a romantic partner regardless - 40, 80 days if needed, or even more. Topic on...
  82. Egon

    Question #523: I Am 15.

    You don't need to buy any ritual props, nor have anything printed. Your privacy comes first, what is required is consistence with your meditation program (you can do it quietly as well).
  83. Egon


    Mp3 para SATANÁS: https://web.archive.org/web/1id_/https://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/SATANAS.mp3
  84. Egon


    :) Reposte aqui: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12675
  85. Egon

    The Beginning Of The Joy of Satan & Demystifying Jews [PART 1]

    Jew Baruch explains jewish superiority to the goyim: https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/Jew-Baruch-Explains-Jewish-Superiority:9
  86. Egon

    Red hair and freckles not a white trait (?)

    People are agreeing to disagree but there is no semantic interpretations here, she did say that, but also it is not being said that Blonde was the only type of Whites that originally existed: "You also have to take into account old European races also had auburn hair, something that gets...
  87. Egon

    Lidar Com O Mundo Exterior Como Satanista Espiritual

    AskSatanOperator escreveu: ↑ ... 1- Como se lida com ser satanista enquanto se tem uma esposa, filhos, amigos? (suspeitei que o padrão poderia ser a solidão e as tendências para a marginalidade para a maioria aqui, como foi para mim quando o peso da verdade caiu no meu coração...
  88. Egon

    Demotion Of Clergy - New Rules

    Damn this simple thread about "you don't do a job, you mustn't carry on its title" has hit a nerve of entitled freeloaders who aren't even whom this topic is talking about :lol: Not a single serious Satanist got offended with anything said here. Then these elements start behaving like a jewish...
  89. Egon

    Microsoft Edge Not Opening JOS ENCY PDF

    Bro get yourself rid of all the microsoft-related trash if you can, Browser security (you can open pdf files in your Firefox Browser as well, besides proper pdf apps): https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=80307 How to move from Windows to Ubuntu...
  90. Egon

    Deletar conta

    Pedir no fórum inglês ou diretamente ao Sumo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra por email: [email protected]
  91. Egon

    Dealing With The Extrenal World As A Spiritual Satanist

    No. There are several topics in favor of it. Unless you have brain-control powers you cannot "save them", we aren't christians who try to "convince" individuals, it is an unproductive waste of time. But we make the truth avaliable to people who want to learn abou it. You save the world as a...
  92. Egon

    Dealing With The Extrenal World As A Spiritual Satanist

    If people aren't willing to be receptful to the truth then it's like the book of the christards say, "giving pearls to the swine" - Only that Satan is the one who have the pearls. Your safety and wellbeing comes first. You have to judge the individuals and evaluate the level of truth their...
  93. Egon


    Bem dito. Algumas dessas ideias estranhas quanto a questão racial eram compartilhadas pelo ex-Sumo Sacerdote Jake, que no caso não o é mais.
  94. Egon


    Se você fez de coração, o Pai Satanás aceita. https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/qlippoth Pode, mas deve atrapalhar no que diz respeito a focar/se lembrar do que está dizendo, tenta pelo menos cochichar. Se não perder a intenção e concentração não vejo mal nisso.
  95. Egon

    Desistir do pacto

    Nós sempre cansamos de dizer aqui, "não se envolvam nesses grupos paralelos". Enfim, por causa de coisas como essa, nós não podemos nos responsabilizar ao que acontece fora daqui, o grupo oficial e com moderadores. Rensponsabilidade ao responsável. Aprende a lição, sê firme em Satanás e segue em...
  96. Egon

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Do Gods Have AI? [Updated 26th Jan 2023]

    The novel Dune tells of a post-war against AI future, not in the traditional sense when people think of it as in Terminator or the Matrix, but people became so mentally lazy that evil companies using AI enslaved and almost destroyed mankind, then themselves. What followed was a literal "Jihad"...
  97. Egon

    Any friends try to convert my wife?

  98. Egon

    Dispensen su dictamen

    ¡Gloria a Satanás! :)
  99. Egon

    Question #336: Started RTR too soon gonna back off

    You never stop your cleaning and protection, the recommended time spam means just that you start warfare, not stopping anything else. Also, the Spiritual Warfare on time might also bring blessings built on top of your Aura of Protection. You can also do Satan's Power Rituals or other Demons'...
  100. Egon

    Any friends try to convert my wife?

    Elaborating on that a bit further... The above was the type of guy who literally managed to marry and have a kid with the woman below. It occurs to me that loving one's self first is the primary key to "attracting" whatever type of relationship. You will see the shittiest men with pretty...
  101. Egon

    How to Migrate From Windows to Ubuntu - Extra Steps For Newbies

    Bro move to Ubuntu or Linux if you haven't yet ⬆️ :)
  102. Egon

    Como Migrar do Windows Para Ubuntu - Passos Extras Para Novatos

    Ao invés de Photoshop eu uso o Krita que é gratuito e vem como padrão na página inicial da loja de apps do Ubuntu, não sei se vai atender às tuas necessidades. Apesar de ser (supostamente) mais limitado eu creio que basta usar a criatividade, há vários tutoriais online que lhe permitem meios de...
  103. Egon

    Question #326: A Demon Lover

    There might be other men in muslin families that are on the same situation as you, and who are not only compatible with you but also approved by your family (the Gods could help on this side too). So yes on top of the previous reply, a working to attract a suitable partner might be the best...
  104. Egon

    Experiências com os Deuses: Níveis de Experiências

    Pactos com Entidades Demoníacas? - Respostas & Caminho Rápido angramainyu escreveu: Percebo que não há serviços do Pacto Demoníaco aqui. Os Demónios são contra isso? (Belial disse a uma pessoa no Discord para entrar em contato comigo alguns anos atrás. Foi assim que nos conhecemos. Fiz um...
  105. Egon

    Control, wisdom, and patience.

    Same. What helped me was reading the work of Marcus Aurelius, his book Meditations, and doing the Falun Gong exercises every now and then when these symptoms felt the worst, but also in general: https://youtu.be/f9mZAg43WO4 I will be reading other masters of Stoicism as well, but shout out to...
  106. Egon

    Question #312: How to heal sexual trauma

    You can do these consistently: Deep Cleaning: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615 Soul cleaning page and also check the Returning Curses part at the bottom: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html The Ritual for Valefor has to...
  107. Egon

    Dionysus - Madness - Nietzsche

    Thank you for sharing, this was very interesting for learning details of Father Satan's Mysteries.
  108. Egon

    Experiências com os Deuses: Níveis de Experiências

    É muito frequente que, quando alguém começa a mergulhar na meditação, queira comunicar-se com os Deuses e começar a compreendê-los mais. Afinal, isso é completamente natural e muito importante, e no qual deve-se estar no ponto para avançar em direção a eles. Como regra geral, existem “tipos” e...
  109. Egon

    Experiences With The Gods: Levels of Experiences

    Thank you very much this is very enlightening on the real process and helps clear confusion from delusions by some people who claim contact with high ranking Gods and such, and about ourselves even.
  110. Egon

    Can you I use SATANAMA to open and empower Third Eye?

    I'm experimenting with this: https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/Satanama-meditation:c
  111. Egon

    Is this the end for the Catholic Church and Christianity in general?

    Well the pope of Brazil, last politician retard who actually believed in christardanity (Bolsonaro) fled to Florida... No words to the millions of supporters who spent a lot of their time, money and effort with useless activism and prayers (many traveled to the capital, sleeping in an open...
  112. Egon

    Canal de vídeos em português

    Esse é o meu canal que eu anunciei antes e está na minha assinatura. :)
  113. Egon

    Question #248: revenge

    Be wary Mars is retrograde right now, wait for the proper moment using the Satanic Calendar. You can follow the model on Satan's Absolution Ritual, the line about destroying his enemies, and modify to your own needs: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Satan_Absolution_Ritual.html For instance...
  114. Egon

    How to Migrate From Windows to Ubuntu - Extra Steps For Newbies

    Nice so you have the opportunity to get it as your starter OS then even taking into account the other posts, wish you luck. I have not, I'm myself a beginner, but that is a very interesting concept, thank you for sharing this might be useful in the future.
  115. Egon

    Question #211: The Eternal Outcast

    Being a respectful Gentile in this community, nothing is going to stop you from fitting here. Feel welcome. Most other "tribes" in this world are a waste of time you don't need to feel bummed about them, you are your own being.
  116. Egon

    Question #159: People on the forums

    The 4 Fundamental Achievements In Satanic Life: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=46150
  117. Egon

    Como Migrar do Windows Para Ubuntu - Passos Extras Para Novatos

    Feliz Yule a Todos! Preparei este tutorial para a nossa comunidade para que finalmente possam se livrar do windows para um sistema operacional mais seguro. Eu quis esperar até o fim da agenda de rituais para postá-lo e assim evitar que alguém fique sem acesso ao computador durante rituais...
  118. Egon

    How to Migrate From Windows to Ubuntu - Extra Steps For Newbies

    Now that the rituals are over it is a good time to replace your windows for good. For web browsers I've only quoted Firefox for being more common and user friendly - the ones you should actually avoid are Chrome and Edge. Here's some detailed instructions for Firefox safety and other...
  119. Egon

    Question #177: Struggling with Childhood Trauma

    You should do a Deep Cleaning and stay extra focused on protection: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615 It is not that "fate is against you", but rather as you're getting cured from the inside out the dross coming out might feel unpleasant and cause disturbances. Soul...
  120. Egon

    Info on Mother Lilith

    All the Demons' section is going to be updated little by little.
  121. Egon

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    To not go much off topic than already, yes Berserk started in 1989, that's why you have the "oldie" feeling to it. The 1997 anime can be a replacement for people who can't handle the graphic depictions of sexual violence, but it does not go into the Occult details I talked about in the separate...
  122. Egon

    Question #192: meditation rtr failure

    You don't have to bump your head around it, you just have to do it like you go to the gym. You don't go to the gym and just sit to think whether or not the muscle will grow. If you need to get into a meditative state, you can do this easy and quick Falun Gong exercise so you can calm your mind...
  123. Egon

    Question #153: What kind of ritual would help me get rid of this filth on my soul

    Deep Cleaning: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615 You can try this yoga session with mantras but instead of the given mantras, do Suryae for each chakra and the aura: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=227&p=97721#p97721 (Suggention: 12 for each chakra then...
  124. Egon

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    I don't remember ever recommending that series :shock: I've only got into it recently, simplistic beginnings and childish at first, but nice character development and overall a positive message. I have no further interest in it, to each their own. BERSERK then :P https://youtu.be/fWJxVDnmM1U...
  125. Egon

    Question #36: How should I structure a working for a legal case involving substantial money?

    You can include Sowilo. Aside from doing a Runic working, you can do The Power Ritual for Valefor: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77132 Uses of the Ritual: "To protect from financial theft and especially through unjustly aimed form of litigation, that might lead to theft"
  126. Egon


    Just to confirm, so the "H" after the vowel is like the audio of the PTAH meditation? https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=61420
  127. Egon

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    I think Tezuka is an overrated degenerate from the get go and he is the godfather of (all the things cringe in) anime. That is why the actual good manga genre back then called Gekiga was an anti-Tazuka movement, based on values of stoicism and overcoming of hardship (like this one Gekiga I read...
  128. Egon

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    Zionist insanity vs Nordic kindness: https://www.redd.tube/video/ceeaafffe4fac9224868bf2d0d93c2455b5d2936 (just for the lolz, take either series with a grain of salt) I've come to dislike the series as well because the fandom is super cringe and doesn't learn anything, Isayama has a bunch of...
  129. Egon

    How to Migrate From Windows to Ubuntu - Extra Steps For Newbies

    Happy Yule Everyone! I prepared this tutorial for our community so you can finally get rid of your windows for a safer OS. I would suggest trying this after the current Ritual Schedule just in case you could lose access to your PC for a while. ***** Why you should migrate from Windows to...
  130. Egon


    Agora que Yule está entre nós e o dia do Pai Satanás chega, é um momento feliz e um tempo para pensar em esperanças, sonhos e aspirações futuras. Todos os anos, nesta data, somos recordados de que a noite mais longa do ano, como com qualquer dificuldade na existência, sempre passará...
  131. Egon

    Question #18: To always have a job and keep busy

    You might consider doing a Falun Gong session every day: Quick step by step: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9mZAg43WO4 Full version: https://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-video-audio.html And/or this hatha yoga routine with mantras...
  132. Egon


    Não, só o próprio Pai Satanás. Se não for nada que envolva hebraico e entidades angelicais, és livre para brincar com o que quiser, mas quando aprender mais vai perceber a diferença entre espiritualidade verdadeira e outros "rituais" ou coisas do tipos que não passam de estilismo e passa-tempo.
  133. Egon

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    No I meant in that order, in other words weakling race mixers not kind gentlemen.
  134. Egon

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    Vovim was kicked off the clergy for being a delusional individual high on meth, why such a thing could happen you can learn more here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=80179 You don't need to worry about the meditation section, it is taking a while but that is going to be...
  135. Egon

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    The White men married to foreign races are some of the cringiest nerds I've ever seen, one can't simply blame White women in general and call it a day on this matter. You can see the reality of this situation, all these couples of for instance a Black woman and a White dude (usualy VERY White...
  136. Egon

    Remembering Naruto Shippuden and its parallels with Our Current World

    There's nothing negative about Gods here, they aren't mentioning any of our literal creator Gods, nor there a "moralist" fight against evil parasytes either. "Consuming energy" or uncontrollable energy that can become negative, "Titans eating of Gods or humans" etc. are all allegorical symbolism...
  137. Egon

    Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?

    This could be solved with some sort of disclaimer for new people, that they might encounter this type of posts here but these does not represent our intents or image etc. or they should not be afraid of posting because aggressive posters or trolls.
  138. Egon

    Recomendações livros ou links

    Expondo o Cristianismo: https://web.archive.org/web/20200404120238/http://www.bibliadocetico.net Vídeo expondo o mito de "cristo": https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/cristianismo:d Bíblia do Cético Comentada: https://web.archive.org/web/20200404120238/http://www.bibliadocetico.net Bíblia do...
  139. Egon


    Baixa o pdf no teu computador, depois entra no site e clica em "Selecionar no seu computator" e escolhe a língua, depois "traduzir". Parece que o pdf que eu te mandei é muito grande para ser traduzido, é melhor selecionar pdf's com menos páginas, você pode achar várias dos pdf's incluindo o que...
  140. Egon

    More High Priests?

    This is of the most inspiring sermons of the year. I want to become qualified one day for whatever, anything the Gods see fit, I have near zero initiative (no fire) to start anything of my own except sites, but if told what to do and how, I am thorough. I hope others who aren't of any titles and...
  141. Egon

    Eu consigo sentir o meu terceiro olho no meio da testa

    Sim esse é um sinal bastante positivo, continue a focar nele e trabalhar também nos teus demais chakras todos os dias.
  142. Egon

    A question about non-Satanic Kundalini yoga

    The general theme of these posts are "what else can I do to avoid at all costs the practices in Spiritual Satanism, like anything else". Then proceed to abuse the good will of dedicated members and the general rule to answer respectfully even the most ignorant (in the true sense of the word not...
  143. Egon


    Leia tudo em https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com Esse pdf em inglês pode ser o que procura sobre entidades astrais ou espiritualidade: https://satanslibrary.org/English/Dealing_With_Astral_Entities_Series-_HP_Cobra.pdf Pode usar este site para traduzir pdf's...
  144. Egon

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    This is a christcuck website that defends the jewish sect of catholicism, half of the links in that dossier are bitching that Adam doesn't believe jeebus? And the picture of him (?) wearing a yarmulke is very questionable. I don't know if he said or is actually doing those things, he seems to...
  145. Egon

    How about non-formulaic spiritual advancement?

    There's nothing the Gods can do to save you from starving if you quit eating food to just read about it. Oh how humble you are, you wanna get rewarded for sitting here and learning the rewards the Gods gave us, just so you don't have to apply any of these.
  146. Egon

    Retro games

    The Legend of Zelda games, specially the N64 era ones. They are works of art of great taste, and there's also some European and Japanese mysticism in them which is all the better.
  147. Egon

    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    Clip of ADL vampire confirming they control social media platforms: https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/122/272/435/playable/1aa3365d579fca26.mp4
  148. Egon

    Can i get a demon as a sexual partner?

    That was more of a general response, to the original poster as well. I hope you didn't miss the links I posted as well: This sermon about Demon lovers is a good start: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=64584 Meditation to empower the astral senses...
  149. Egon

    Can i get a demon as a sexual partner?

    I'm not implying anything, you don't neet to get deffensive, I'm stating the obvious that if someone doesn't know where to find in the site for themselves about Demon lovers and rituals, then it is better to state first things first, guide them to advance and get ready themselves, much better we...
  150. Egon

    Can i get a demon as a sexual partner?

    I don't think it is constructive to be putting these ideas for a newbie who barely started or is ready for a Demon Lover, let alone incentive these dreams of some too good to be true arrangements with multiple lovers. Let him mature first and advance then decide later.
  151. Egon

    Punk Rock and the Joos

    And besides, this is the most lazy ass music style in existence. You can literally be musically illiterate and learn in a weak how to "play" all the instruments (aka repeat patterns), and you can manage to make it sound like every punk rock song in existence. Even other jewish garbage like...
  152. Egon

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    So far he hasn't deffended any Jewish agendas, and he exposed before some touchy subjects many Jewish "anti-semites" don't dare to mention, like the biblical programming bullshitery of "Esau vs Amalek" (Arabs vs Whites and Persians). So I remain skeptical that the only proof of his jewishness...
  153. Egon


    Podes fazer respiração nos chakras e outros exercícios de respiração: https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/respirar-nos-chakras https://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/respiracao-yogue
  154. Egon

    Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?

    I'd say a way to remove the English announcements from the non-English sub-forums' upbars - some new people click the pages and are like wtf, it's all in English - and give a higher limit of topics per-page because the fixed important topics in the sub-forums reached their limits and they are...
  155. Egon

    Sending Some Protective Energy To Our Own [Thanks everyone who participated]

    Iran Official Claims End Of ‘Morality Police’, To Appease Protesters https://www.iranintl.com/en/202212043012
  156. Egon

    Meme warfare

    Alexandre de Moraes - Brazilian judge at electoral and supreme federal courts. Also known as Kim Jong-un wannabe:
  157. Egon

    Enviar Energia Protectora Para Os Nossos

    Saudações a toda a nossa Família Satânica, Queria escrever a todos sobre algumas coisas para ter em mente. A Alegria de Satanás é global, e temos muitas pessoas que vivem em territórios oprimidos. Estas podem ir desde territórios onde não se aceita seriamente nem sequer ser da nossa fé, até...
  158. Egon

    Alright, look folks... I wanna talk about physical strength and physique...

    How do we fail to see that if we literally encourage working out? HPS Maxine encouraged body weight exercises (pages 3478-3480): https://satanslibrary.org/English/JoSNewsletter_Yahoo_Group_Digest.pdf This thread in general: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=374199#p374199
  159. Egon

    RTR Win: Kanye names the jews on Timcast

    Escalating further, Dave Chappelle on Kanye and Jewish control during Jewish show SNL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YqD_Qeukko Secondary link in case the above is shoahed: https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/Dave-Chappelle-Roasts-Jews-on-SNL:8
  160. Egon

    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    Dave Chappelle on Kanye and Jewish control during Jewish show SNL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YqD_Qeukko Secondary link in case the above is shoahed: https://odysee.com/@joyofsatanpt:c/Dave-Chappelle-Roasts-Jews-on-SNL:8 A bit of the clip in case someone is short in time (it only gets...
  161. Egon

    AGENDA DE RITUAIS - A Igreja Real de Satanás / Marte Retrogrado

    Os links já estão a funcionarem novamente. De qualquer forma, Links substitutos: Ritual de Despertar Racial (para Satanistas Brancos): https://web.archive.org/web/20200929031914id_/http://paisatan.deathofcommunism.com/wp-content/uploads/Ritual_14_88.pdf Ritual de Despertar Racial (para...
  162. Egon


    Aqui tem um post sobre Tarot incluindo baralhos recomendados, podes usar o google tradutor: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=319671#p319671
  163. Egon

    On Today's Episode of Jewish Paranoia

    That would be the film The Northman, though it has the usual slander. Got "cancelled" anyway, not slandering Whites enough. I'd like to note the this highly violent film copied a scene from soviet White Genocide porn movie Come and See, ie., of Germanic/Northern peoples genociding Slavs. As the...
  164. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    The Wonder (2022) is an excellent movie about christard insanity and how it ruins families and children. Somewhat similar to The Witch (2015), if you like that one too.
  165. Egon

    Two questions that may seem like troll questions

    I don't know the answer to most of these questions, let alone the one about the secret method if there is one. I too just went back at doing Falun Gong to deal with too much anger and stimulation, I don't feel "pumped up" unless in the sense of being pumped up to be further meditative. Everyone...
  166. Egon

    Where can I read JOS trusted sources about pagan Gods?

    Theoi has been sourced in some sermons and is very informative: https://www.theoi.com
  167. Egon

    Two questions that may seem like troll questions

    None of these are troll questions, they are very valid doubts. Trolling is being dumb on purpose for the sake of being disrespectful. 1. Because modern people's brains are overloaded with useless information and stimuli: endless social media, crap funny videos, crap music, pornography, you...
  168. Egon

    [PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism

    Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHlpmxLTxpw The Car-Replacement Bicycle (the bakfiets) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQhzEnWCgHA
  169. Egon

    Buddha is Sakyan - Satyan - Satan

    Maybe at some point what is known as Tantric Buddhism was a legit ascension path like Mithraism, that later got hijacked into mainstream Buddhism (like christardanity is to Mithraism). That includes "taboo" and "sinful" practices like having Willpower and obviously as the name tantra implies...
  170. Egon

    I need help about my fears

    Do the ritual for Abrasax: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=76092&sid=4360b9c4ed35424cf0bfecb59b4142d4 "Uses of the Ritual: 1. Can be used to banish negative entities 2. Can be used to bless yourself and other Satanists 3. Can be used as preliminary Ritual or thanksgiving to...
  171. Egon

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    How about instead of 'charity' per se, Earth healing projects like Mossy Earth, they seem to be legit from the few things I saw from them, like putting money into actual constructive work, in contrast to useless bioterrorists. Some of them might be legit at least, this reminds me about the...
  172. Egon

    AGENDA DE RITUAIS - A Igreja Real de Satanás / Marte Retrogrado

    Saudações a todos os nossos Guerreiros Satânicos. Antes de mais nada, gostaria de mencionar algo aqui. Alguns SS aqui continuam geralmente a dizer repetidamente como "uma Igreja" é necessária. Certamente que sim, mas vamos olhar mais longe para ver o que realmente existe, para compreender o que...
  173. Egon

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    I think Azazel's Astrology page should be on the menu of the front page instead of that small hyperlink as a sub-part of witchcraft.
  174. Egon

    How to advance? Also please rate my plan

    You can try my hatha yoga routine if you like it: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=227&p=97721#p97721 It's just normal hatha yoga but you vibrate mantras for each chakra while doing the asanas. I have replaced those listed mantras for Suryae instead, and focused on cleaning.
  175. Egon

    FTX Collapse: Jews Infiltrated Cryptocurrency To Destroy It

    Bro it's just a conspiracy, Bankman, Goldman, Gold Sacks, Goldberg... Pure cohencidences.
  176. Egon

    O Mundo Está A Melhorar, Não A Piorar - Estamos A Ganhar & Permanecendo Positivo

    Constantemente nos meios de comunicação social inimigos ser-lhe-á dito repetidamente que o mundo está a ir "mal" e que tudo está a ir "para pior". À medida que fazem tudo o que torna isto "pior" e preparam o cenário de condições prévias para que este "pior" se manifeste, então continuam a...
  177. Egon

    Screenshot of Twitter posts

    Excellent. I thought for a while that Adam Green was a cristcuck, good for him he is not.
  178. Egon

    Celebrate Kristallnacht with KFC!

    So on November the 9th I spotted a black bird on a tree in front of my house, which caught my attention where I usually don't look at, then right alway I found money next to this tree and other happy signs during the day. Lmao I had no idea 🤣
  179. Egon

    Não Estás A Tirar Proveito do Teu Poder Como Satanista

    Ultrapassar Grandes Limitações Como SS: Ganhar Tempo Livre Post original por Blitzkreig: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=78950 Introdução Como SS, podemos agradecer ao Clero pela sua investigação passada, pois agora temos basicamente todas as ferramentas para avançar. Por...
  180. Egon

    Não Estás A Tirar Proveito do Teu Poder Como Satanista

    Este é um teste do tradutor DeepL https://www.deepl.com/pt-PT/translator Eu não revisei-a. Se todos acharem-na satisfatória esta pode ser uma ferramenta bem útil para aqueles que não tem tanta habilidade com a língua inglesa e/ou não podem esperar ou fazer traduções de sites ou textos avulsos...
  181. Egon

    Some Hard Talk

    Because it's all fun and games when they're looking at the rewards, but then they have a reality check of what the actual painful work to get there looks like. I've had many people come and go wanting to make "their own websites", "their own translations" etc., some have done wonderful jobs...
  182. Egon

    About Napoleon Bonaparte...

    Taking the opportunity to ask if you know anything about Cnut The Great - as a Soul, or was he not so "Great". The sources on for one treat him like a devote christian who would pay huge lip service for the christian church, for others he led a great Pagan army that fought real nutcases...
  183. Egon

    Movies, games, series

    https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=79249 A nice quote from Vinland Saga that reminded me of the quote from the sermon above. The context from this page is that this character is the Viking King of the England, Cnut The Great. The sources on him about him are very confusing...
  184. Egon


    Thanks, excellent page, translated immediately. Looking forward Valefor and Ares. Note that in the page about the Gnostics there is a broken like. "Do note that both of these “Sects” of “Valentinus” and “Basileides” ... or following confused ideology between Christianity and Pag "
  185. Egon


    Mais informação foi finalmente acrescentada sobre a Abraxas. Em breve, a informação de Valefor também será publicada. Todos devem ler estas páginas, pois elas dar-lhe-ão os conhecimentos necessários. Esta é a melhor página que foi escrita sobre Abraxas e os seus seguidores gnósticos. ABRAXAS...
  186. Egon

    Como funciona a reencarnação para os mestiços?

    Vai continuar a reencarnar como mestiço (mais provável que outras opções). Pode ter filhos sim só escolha um parceiro/a equivalente/que se pareça consigo.
  187. Egon

    Meme warfare

    A meme template I created for Berserk: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17677 Another example featuring Kanye situation:
  188. Egon

    Right rises in Brazil, RTR at work

    No, he cursed himself by being even more meek and cucked than Trump, during his regime he voted along all his left wing opposition like a hypnotized puppet, as being the only Right Wing "leader" out there who actually took christardanity seriously rather than a political tool. Now the Far Left...
  189. Egon

    Feliz Samhain - Satanás é Deus & Trabalhar Para Ele Como "Obra de Deus"

    Eu queria dar a todos os melhores desejos de Samhain. Não se esqueça de entrar em contato com nossos Deuses, orar com seu coração e falar com eles durante esta data tão importante. Quanto à Alegria de Satan, estamos apenas começando. Tudo o que viste nos últimos anos foi treinamento e...
  190. Egon

    Music thread

    Some of my favorite Mediterranean culture music (Portuguese and Greek): Κατερίνα Λιόλιου - Στην Υγειά μας ρε παιδιά: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad4G5e0z2gQ Ana Moura no Forte da Trafaria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OuH9Q60km4
  191. Egon

    You're Not Taking Advantage of Your Power as a Satanist

    Great post, this deserves a pin. Whenever my mind tries to bait me into self pity, I remember this scene as to not fall for it:
  192. Egon

    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    He may be cursed to death even, in the worst case. I think that is what happened to Miura after I posted in the forum about his messages in Berserk. Relatively young man always happy of his work, exposes the depravity of judeo-christianity, then suddenly dies of "heart compliocations". Adam...
  193. Egon

    Perception And The Difference Between The Spirit World And The Demons + A Personal Story

    Very interesting topic, thanks for sharing your experience. Just yesterday I've watched a spooky film about séances (Host, 2020) - it sums up all that. The Sixth Sense (1999) is one of the only films that addresses the ignorant fear of the spiritual, because the director is Indian.
  194. Egon

    Agenda Curta de Rituais & Diwali Hindu [Agendinha de 4 Dias - Vamos Abençoar-nos]

    Sumo Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666: Neste momento, à medida que o Eclipse se aproxima, a celebração do Diwali também está próxima. A religião hindu é baseada na tradição que os Deuses deixaram para trás e na sabedoria dos Vedas, um livro dos Deuses e dos sábios rishis. O Satanismo Espiritual como...
  195. Egon

    Consertar Tua Saúde Permanentemente

    Postagem original por Blitzkreig: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=78851 Certificas-te de reservar um tempo para os trabalhos de cura com a runa Auruz. Podes deixar a afirmação sem ser específica, exceto com a condição de que ela funcione "da melhor maneira para mim". Em...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
