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  1. General Yeager

    I have recurring dreams about a girl I know.

    Oh ,sorry. I hadn't read that with focus. I missed that part.
  2. General Yeager

    I have recurring dreams about a girl I know.

    What is Unethical here ?
  3. General Yeager

    "I AM" vs "I WILL BE" in Manifestation

    A very quick and easy fix for people having issues manifesting their desires into reality is to change the reference of their conscious mind from the "I will be X" to "I am X" or "I am being X." You've all read that the affirmations must be in the Present Continuous Tense. But just saying the...
  4. General Yeager

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    But they include the Killings from the Einsatzgruppen Death squads against the Russian Partisan Jews which they claim is around 2 million. And there is no real way to actually know how many of these jews were killed by the Nazis or if many of them were killed at all. It could be the case that...
  5. General Yeager

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    True Liberation is in Individuality while maintaining a Connection with the Super consciousness Field (GOD).
  6. General Yeager

    Homosexual relationships and "gender" roles

    I'm emailing you from [email protected] Im not going to reply to anyone randomly emailing me either
  7. General Yeager

    Homosexual relationships and "gender" roles

    What is your email ?
  8. General Yeager


    This cannot be a coincidence at all.
  9. General Yeager

    TIKTOK BANNED & The Anti Israel College Protests are the MOST IMPORTANT TURNING POINT of the Century against Israeli Occupation of the US

    I'm not talking about loser Skinheads. I'm talking about the emerging Right Wing Movement of the Trump Camp. Majority of them are anti intervensionist and Anti Semitic. Only Old Boomers support Israel nowadys. Statistics show that majority of Young People DO NOT support the Jews.
  10. General Yeager

    TIKTOK BANNED & The Anti Israel College Protests are the MOST IMPORTANT TURNING POINT of the Century against Israeli Occupation of the US

    It doesn't matter. Any movement that opposes the Jews in ANY way must be supported. The issues these people have with the West in whatever way can be debated after the Jews are ousted from the Positions of Power. And remember the most important thing - In 2024 , Whites could never have started...
  11. General Yeager

    TIKTOK BANNED & The Anti Israel College Protests are the MOST IMPORTANT TURNING POINT of the Century against Israeli Occupation of the US

    Understand this. The young people of the Elite Universities are the Statesmen of Tomorrow. Its just Tick-Tock Tick-Tock now till the Jews launch a World War. Because they need to take Iran out before the Support COMPLETELY runs out. They are literally running out of time. But make no mistake...
  12. General Yeager

    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    Tate converted to Islam because he wanted an Ethnic Shield against the Jews who were after him for Redpilling BILLIONS of people on topics of VACCINE DEATHS ,LOCKDOWNs and the ELITE MONEY MATRIX. Even if he didn't talk about the JEWS ,the fact that he Redpilled so many people made the Jews come...
  13. General Yeager

    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    I mean ,we have a more familiar Example. Donald Trump. Possibly the most Pro Israel president (publicly) but look at his actions. He mainstreamed the White Replacement issue. He started the Trade War against China. And he completed a lot of the Border Wall. Didn't start any new wars. Made...
  14. General Yeager

    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    Did you read what i just wrote ? Why are you arguing against Red Herrings that i never said ? I never said anything about his Personal development or money or applaud him in any way whatsoever. I simply said that him pointing out the WHITE (specifically) Birth rate issue is a win for us because...
  15. General Yeager

    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    Tate with his Massive Audience in the millions is SHOCKING the Mass Populace into looking at the issue. How many Millions of people weren't aware of this issue before Tate brought it up ? This is a win for us Nonetheless because it brings up tye Birthrate issue to millions of Young even if the...
  16. General Yeager

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    I was replying to ShadowCat who is a Woman. I'm not sure why YOU are replying to me. I didn't even quote or reply to you ,a single time in this Thread because you seem to be OFF the Deep End. The Christians took certain good things from Pre Existing Pagan Faith's. It doesn't mean because the...
  17. General Yeager

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    What are you saying. You CANNOT ADMIT DEFEAT. The average age for marriage nowadays is in your 30s. There is still time for you. Make ANOTHER account and don't FLAME this time. You shouldn't eliminate yourself from the Gene Pool. In extreme cases where for whatever reason NO MAN is supposedly...
  18. General Yeager

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    Well you can get married to a feminine man then, whats the problem there ? He might not be a leader or very Dominant but he may be a hard worker and a team player nonetheless and could provide you with a nice life. You can't have a child with a woman. Even with IVF and Sperm Banks that sounds...
  19. General Yeager

    Question #4448: Why did early Nordics race-mix with Asians/Indians?

    Jews generally preside over research groups and take credit over Gentile researchers. They are not working alone to Fake research. Generally research that has an incentive of profit from Investors investing in research groups in Colleges are FAKED (ex- mRNA Vaccines, Food, Health and Wellness...
  20. General Yeager

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    That seems to be statistically impossible. How about Agnostic or Culturally Christian but not practicing in any way (like Richard Dawkins.)Also i am having trouble understanding with so many single men why are they not approaching you and offering you the world ??
  21. General Yeager

    Question #4448: Why did early Nordics race-mix with Asians/Indians?

    The Genetic evidence suggests that there were two Genetic Groups - One From Iranian Pastoralists and One similar to Africans (or Australian Aboriginals i can't rem) during the Indus Valley Civilization. Then some thousands of years later there were migratory patterns from the Far North (Present...
  22. General Yeager

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    This just shows that there are differences and we still have some time. I personally do not think that the World is going to end up in a World War just yet. Although ,there are chances of this happening. I however hold the view that the War will start sometime into the Trump Presidency. If he...
  23. General Yeager

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Our Jihad is just beginning. The Head of the Snake will be Cut off and after that in some time ,the entire body will cease to function.
  24. General Yeager

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    They dont have to be actual Dedicated Satanists. Most people are actually Agnostic as they are just culturally Christian and don't believe and understand their own religion or pray or go to Church. They can be persuaded little by little From Yoga to Questioning Christianity to Meditation to...
  25. General Yeager

    Sex Magick

    Sexual Orgasm coupled with Strong Visualization where Thoughts are Transformed into Feelings of being "IN" the moment of the Visualization is a Powerful Manifestation technique. However Blasting Energy Into the Kundalini whether Sexual or through Yoga or Kundalini Yoga doesn't constitute Sexual...
  26. General Yeager

    British Foreign Office calls on UK citizens in Israel to leave IMMEDIATELY . Iran attack Imminent ?

    Start the Jihad. It's getting boring already. Either step up and take the plunge or be pussies forever.
  27. General Yeager

    Does a man ask the woman out?

    If you want ,you should check out Hypnotherapy, CBT ,EBT etc related instead of Classical Talk Therapy. Hypnotherapy is the most superior form of therapy that exists. Carl Jung talks about the Individuation process , in that the Unconscious must be made manifest through Conscious Actions for the...
  28. General Yeager

    Final Eclipse: Destroying Nazarene and Lies

    Do Eclipses Hold Power in places where they aren't visible ? Apparently it will be Totally Visible in the U.S but not in South East Asia. Will all the effects of the Eclipse still hold around the entire world or only in places where it is visible ?
  29. General Yeager

    Performed a Masonic Ritual - Iron Ring

    Don't be hesitant. Our Meditation methods are Lightyears ahead of anything they follow and our Gods protect us from all Harm and Foul. Keep moving up their ranks so you gain access to Power, Information and Important people as well as Career Prospects. And relay any important information that...
  30. General Yeager

    Stay or leave university - please help!

    Bro working ANY job is cringe anyway. If a Geologist gets paid by just doing Excel then that's great. Imagine with all that free time you can invest your time is Reading about Spirituality and Practicing it. Most of us have no time because our Jobs demand many hours of us. Ask yourself 1)Can...
  31. General Yeager

    weird question about sex

    It seems to me that just 50 to 60 years of Cultural Brainwashing has made it impossible to reach a Balanced Fertility situation in the West ,coupled with the Economy and meaningful work. All the Things that was Natural for possibly Hundreds of Thousands of Human History is seen as Immoral and...
  32. General Yeager

    Question #3376: Who are the Archons of our matrix?

    I don't know these names and they don't really matter. Ellilaos and Eloien seem analogous to Elohim which is another name for the Jew God. They stole the IAO from Dionysus and added that to the name of Yah ,which made it Yahou. When the Roman besieged their Temple ,the only thing they found is a...
  33. General Yeager

    Question #3376: Who are the Archons of our matrix?

    The Enemy ,Yahou (Yaltabaoth) and his Angelic Hosts. They are the Archons.
  34. General Yeager

    Jews set to Ban TikTok because of RELENTLESS Information Jihad against the Jews

    The Jews have been under Relentless Information Jihad on TikTok as the next Generation, THE YOUTH become increasingly Antisemitic because of the Jewish Genocide in Palestine. They are also being RedPilled in real time about 9/11 ,Osama Bin Laden's reasoning for attacking America because of its...
  35. General Yeager

    Question #4188: Libido during meditation

    Do one to two rounds of Kapalbhati (108 count) and apply Moola Bandha ,and take the Energy through the Spine to the Crown. Or circulate it for one or two rounds and end on whatever Chakra you want to Empower.
  36. General Yeager

    Obsessing Over Physical Looks; Personality

    Unfortunately, this is going to get much worse through time. Social Media really messed things up. And now it's a permanent part of our lives.
  37. General Yeager

    Road to Undeniable Wealth

    There already have that. Search Robot Fast Food in Youtube
  38. General Yeager

    Road to Undeniable Wealth

    I didn't say you have to be like Andrew Tate ,i was giving you an Example. And its a very pertinent one. Andrew Tate became very famous by highlighting a Serious Problem about Modern Dating Culture in the West and that men needed to make Money, be disciplined and Work Out in order to better...
  39. General Yeager

    Road to Undeniable Wealth

    Provide Services to people and SCALE the Business using Online. The Service can be anything. The Most money is made by Online Influencer's like Andrew Tate where they have a large audience and they monetize that Audience by selling products to them. Digital Products make the most Money because...
  40. General Yeager

    Question #4144: retroactive jealousy

    In this case the Guy has sexual experience with Multiple Women so he knows how to please them in bed. It doesn't matter if SHE doesn't have sexual experience. Infact she is going to get a man who already knows how to please her AND doesn't have anyone else to compare him to. If he has Money and...
  41. General Yeager

    Question #4144: retroactive jealousy

    Tell him to get married to you under the law. If he doesn't want to, he's possibly thinking of leaving you after sex. Only let go of your virginity after Marriage ,just to be sure.
  42. General Yeager

    ✡︎Rothschild✡︎ Has Died

    Their Karma's Manifested in a way that their Children are mumbling idiots who have no where near the competence to manage all these intricate Financial Situations that they've created. They falsely state that Rothschild's Fortune was in the Millions. While the Truth is, that him being the...
  43. General Yeager

    NATO Psychos Proclaim Ukraine WILL join NATO ,Imminently starting WW3

    (Numerology - 33 degrees of Freemasonry)
  44. General Yeager

    Emperor Jacob Rothschild Dead

  45. General Yeager

    Question #2304: View on women

    I dont want to ruin anyone's mood but there is a strong tradition of Tantra where the Menstruation of a Woman during the Full Moon (or New Moon) (i cant remember) is collected and drunk by her Husband and apparently this has Supreme Magickal Qualities.
  46. General Yeager

    Learn Any Language & Improve Your Grammar

    The Best way to start is the Michel Thomas method ,where they teach you the sentences and words that can help you survive in a Foreign country. 90% of all languages are not even used. Find it on Torrent.
  47. General Yeager


    Go a Love Working. Visualize the both of you Making Love and While Orgasming affirm that your are with them.
  48. General Yeager

    I received a good wish, meant in a bad way. I don’t know how to feel.

    Don't argue with your mother. Try to be more undercover and learn tact in order to deal with people. Interactions don't have to devolve to arguments, especially with your own blood. I know in the Teenage phase there is a tendency to assert your independence and that involves lashing out against...
  49. General Yeager

    A Magnificent, Priceless, Unspeakable Gift Was Given to me

    Why would she call you an Incel ,wasn't she your gf ? Did you two not have sex ?
  50. General Yeager

    Question #4106: Advancing without Gods?

    There are creatures that are already familiar with you if you are from a non pagan background (Christian of Muslim) that will start attacking you spiritually when you try to advance. You will need the Protection of the Gods in that situation.
  51. General Yeager


    Sorry you're right. I meant when in certain houses which has to be checked in their natal chart or if its aspecting Planets like Mercury and Venus or Conjunction with these planets which is actually worse. Someone with a Bad ketu placement is always going to "feel" that he's never understood by...
  52. General Yeager


    This indicates a retrogade KETU in your chart. Better look into that.
  53. General Yeager

    When the oil runs out

    I know that they have space based weapons that are actually Apocalyptic in their capacity. Although i do not know why they've created such weapons. Maybe it is for external Alien Species. Creating Space Nukes doesn't make sense when you have Hypersonic and Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles...
  54. General Yeager

    When the oil runs out

    The earth is an unlimited Oil producing machine. It will never run out. See this -
  55. General Yeager

    The nine hours in which Spain made the 100% renewable dream a reality

    Here is the Thread everyone should read.
  56. General Yeager

    Biden Admin Briefs Congress On Russian Developed Space Weapon (Foreshadowing of EMP Strike)

    Analysis starts - 14.20 Ends - 1.17.50. Other portions are unnecessary for us
  57. General Yeager

    The nine hours in which Spain made the 100% renewable dream a reality

    We have Unlimited amounts of Liquid Gold - Oil, Petroleum etc. The idea that these Fuels are created by Fossils is a Total Lie created by Companies to artificially drive up prices. This entire Sustainable Development Scam is just an agenda of Control. They will introduce Energy Rationing soon...
  58. General Yeager

    Biden Admin Briefs Congress On Russian Developed Space Weapon (Foreshadowing of EMP Strike)

    This could be the foreshadowing of a False Flag attack. I don't think the Russians have such a weapon tbh. However it is entirely plausible that the Jews who run the American State Department have such a weapon and would create a flase flag style scenario of a limited EMP attack (possible some...
  59. General Yeager

    Looking for Friends

    Don't pigeonhole yourself by limiting your mind to only socialize with Satanists. Its very uncommon to meet someone like that in real life. And online friends are not an actual substitute for Real Physical Friends. You can honestly make friends wherever you go. You can make friends with people...
  60. General Yeager

    Question #3982: Proof of Jesus

    The only "historical" account "seen" Jesus in the New Testament is of Paul (previously called Saul ,the Jew) who never actually met this Jesus (who had already been crucified at that time) but saw him in a "Vision" on the road. He then claimed he saw a vision of Jesus rising from the dead (and...
  61. General Yeager

    Question #2348: Gay adoption

    Historically Generals and Men with excess resources had multiple wives so i don't think Monogamy is a requirement here. Most of the Men in the West are average and are unable to live a prosperous life by themselves ,much less provide for a Woman and Women are increasingly taking on the burden of...
  62. General Yeager

    Question #2348: Gay adoption

    What you can do is adopt a homeless youth from Foster care and raise him to be a good,productive member of society. I remember some High priest saying such a function was served by Homosexuals in times past.
  63. General Yeager

    Question #2348: Gay adoption

    I think Bisexual Women getting married to men is certainly fine. Also a Bisexual Man with a woman. Because the child has both the Father and Mother in the house
  64. General Yeager

    Tucker Putin Interview - United States, China and Russia

    The Stage is set for a showdown with China. Unfortunately ,this doesn't end up well for either the West or the East.
  65. General Yeager

    Napoleon and Alexander

    M S King wrote a good book about Napolean. Napolean Vs the New and Old World Order
  66. General Yeager

    Question #3916: I find motherhood offensive

    What does madly Platonically Being in Love mean ?
  67. General Yeager

    Europe is ours

    This is good for morale. But these people probably got arrested and will serve prison time due to EU Hate Speech Laws
  68. General Yeager

    A Note About Psychiatric Drugs

    I think there might be some Natural herbs or something that may help addicts and depressed people but i don't know because i've never had those issues.
  69. General Yeager

    JoS TikTok Idea

    Relentlessly attack Christianity and link the JOS at the end
  70. General Yeager

    Regarding the pain and sufferings of life

    Its fine. Women are just naturally much more emotional than men so you kind of automatically expect this kind of reaction. Only when there a presence of a man who they admire and respect and more importantly trust to lead them ,will they ever back off from their points. Its somewhat hilarious...
  71. General Yeager

    Unhinged Jews trying to IMMINENTLY start a War with Iran

    Pretty Bad Escalation. Btw See Numerology (((Tower 22)))
  72. General Yeager

    Tate keeps poking the jewish bear

    Look at the top comments and the Views. Everyone is aware. Everyone is talking. Then Some will start to Walk and then starts the Fires. The First Order of Buisness is the Common Enemy. Everything else comes next.
  73. General Yeager

    Tate keeps poking the jewish bear

    Yes but you shouldn't let these morals stop you from furthering our objectives. The intelligent pragmatic people go to the comments of Tate's posts and blast non stop Anti Jewish material. So millions of people get Redpilled on the JQ everyday. I personally hate Islam but it is undeniable that...
  74. General Yeager

    Astrology is Nonsense

    Tbh ,whenever i hear these Aethists and Intellectuals rejecting spirituality and trying to say Astrology or Meditation or Magick is fake, i think to myself "Good job. You just eliminated yourself from being able to use magick and change your destiny for yourself. More for me and my bloodline." I...
  75. General Yeager

    Question #3811: JoS views on AI girlfriends

    Tbh , I forsee mass adoption of these AI Girlfriends and a Blade Runner type situation where a significant minority of men ,possibly upto 10 or 20 % completely opt out of dating. And massive explosion of the Single Mothers by Choice situation where Women left out refuse to have relationships...
  76. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    Thats a great sign. Keep Going Brother(y)
  77. General Yeager

    Sharing some useful books

    Just use a common affirmation like "In a healthy and positive manner for me "x" is falling deeply in love with me and becoming intimate with me NOW". The Visualization and "Feeling" is more important than any affirmation. You need to feel in the moment with alll the emotions as if the event were...
  78. General Yeager

    Putin seems reasonable here, what if he is trully a wild card?

  79. General Yeager

    Putin seems reasonable here, what if he is trully a wild card?

    In principle i support anyone attacking the Jews for whatever reason to specifically further the Jewish Question into the minds of the people. No one is our friend and yet everyone's attacks against the Jews can be used as a Battering Ram to further our Narrative. And therefore, Putin was only...
  80. General Yeager

    Putin seems reasonable here, what if he is trully a wild card?

    In principle i support anyone attacking the Jews for whatever reason to specifically further the Jewish Question into the minds of the people. No one is our friend and yet everyone's attacks against the Jews can be used as a Battering Ram to further our Narrative. And therefore, Putin was only...
  81. General Yeager

    Andrew Tate Questions the Holocaust and gets 8 million Views - The Breaking Of The Dam

    Yeah, even liberals supporting Palestine against the Jews. No matter who they are or what their beliefs are , our first order of priority should be the Jews. After the Common enemy is unseated , then comes the time to resolve the other conflicts.
  82. General Yeager

    Kanakadhara sanskrit mantra to wealth.

    Where is the Source for the Yantra ?
  83. General Yeager

    Andrew Tate Questions the Holocaust and gets 8 million Views - The Breaking Of The Dam

    This is very important. This just shows how much we've achieved since the inception of this organization. While Tate questions ,the truth about WW2 you see the Comments and people are getting Hundreds of Thousands of views on questioning the Holocaust and other Far Right Topics. Hate him or Love...
  84. General Yeager

    British citizens should be 'trained and equipped' to fight in a potential war with Russia, military chief says

  85. General Yeager

    Kanakadhara sanskrit mantra to wealth.

    Do you know how to read Sanskrit ?
  86. General Yeager

    Kanakadhara sanskrit mantra to wealth.

    What are these Indian Sources and Websites ,can you please share ?
  87. General Yeager

    Pluto Entering Aquarius: First Signs Of Satan's Era...

    It'll be the same as it was in the days of the American Civil War , when the Freemasons (who hadn't been compromised by the Enemy yet) started a Revolution against the British Monarchy which was corrupt and decadent. In that Century ,the French Revolution happened and then Napolean rose to...
  88. General Yeager

    What do the reptilians want?

    They Don't want Slaves. They Want Souls.
  89. General Yeager

    Conscription may be on its way back after Nato warns of all-out war with Russia

    https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/19/conscription-warning-nato-braces-all-war-russia-20139749/?ito=article.desktop.share.top.link Absolutely Crazy
  90. General Yeager

    Jewish Rabbi ADMITS to 2030 Mass Depopulation Plan & other hardcore tweets

    Yeah ,there's a new movie out called "Leave the World Behind" by BARACK OBAMA giving executive direction where the US is hit with a crippling Cyber Attack and the entire world attacks the US basically. Also there's going to be another move called "Civil War" which will be released just before...
  91. General Yeager

    Question #3723: What Do Healthy Polyamorous Relationships Look Like?

    Polyamory is unnatural. Humans are sexually dimorphic species and the most they can do is Polygamy. polyamory is a system for a species that are same in height,physical strength and hormones. This is observed in Bonoboes as i can remember. We are very different. Mostly in our society Men are...
  92. General Yeager

    A Matriarchy - When is it Preferable?

    Only in a very Equitable society that is brought about after decades of correct economic policy can there be a Matriarchal Society which is symbolized by equity.
  93. General Yeager

    A Matriarchy - When is it Preferable?

    Only in a perfect Economical Society can a Matriarchy Exist.
  94. General Yeager

    Political Warfare Infographics (Edited) (2nd part)

    Here are all the Flyers https://mega.nz/file/ImlTBb7L#30VM8a1s_D4lL4TXRIvuJ8JQM4eOFjoVc_YujuQme3A
  95. General Yeager

    Political Warfare Infographics (Edited) (1st part)

    These are Goyim TV Infographics where i removed the Pentagrams and other Satanic Imagery these people had bundled together.
  96. General Yeager

    How to train willpower?

    Create Monthly, Weekly and Daily Goals and complete the. This gives you extreme confidence. Materialistic Confidence comes from accomplishments.
  97. General Yeager

    Journaling, Writing to Yourself

    You might start this on a specific date. But this should be done everyday. Preferably at night when undisturbed. You don't need to do a formal ritual everyday. After you get back from work, take a nice bath and clean yourself. The do some rounds of SATANAMA and just respectfully invoke your...
  98. General Yeager

    German MoD Document Lays Out Path To World War III

    The Germany military is preparing for a potential attack by Russia in February which culminates in a wider war after the U.S. presidential election. German newspaper Bild reports on the details of a hitherto classified Berlin Ministry of Defense document called Alliance Defence 2025 with...
  99. General Yeager

    Journaling, Writing to Yourself

    What is stopping you from doing this ? Why don't you undertake a working of 666 vibrations each day of Munka.
  100. General Yeager

    What to expect 2024

    Thats going to be a false flag FAKE Alien Disclosure if it happens and they'll try to spin everything against our side. That is ,IF they'll go along with that particular plan. I see it mostly as a distraction.
  101. General Yeager

    Ran out of ink

    Wet the Paper and put it in the ground,don't put it in the trash. Preferably ground it near a tree so that it becomes part of the Earth again.
  102. General Yeager

    Journaling, Writing to Yourself

    You have to surrender the Ego before the Gods. May it be in a ritual before Satan himself or before your Guardian daemon. The False Ego is afraid of self assessment because it fears judgement of its unflattering traits and views it as an attack. If you cannot check yourself for who you are ...
  103. General Yeager

    Journaling, Writing to Yourself

    https://mega.nz/folder/t78HRCRY#biQZXHFaQSp32R0RGGut_g Here is a program for Journaling that i found really good.
  104. General Yeager

    Munka Audio

    Then the website needs to be corrected because what is stated in the Website with the lettering "YAY" being included and this sound "MUUU - ENNN - KHHHH" doesn't match. https://joyofsatan.org/Words-of-Power.html
  105. General Yeager

    Munka Audio

    No this is completely off base. The Yah in Sanskrit is pronounced ""Yyyaaahh", like "Yehhh". (Like Kanye of YE but drawn out and HHhhh). You can check any Rigvedic Chanting Videos and see the verse with its syllables and its pronunciation. The Website states the yay is pronounced like "Envay"...
  106. General Yeager

    Munka Audio

    This doesn't sound right at all.
  107. General Yeager

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

    There's a section in that same website about Positive Christianity where it shows that Hitler was trying to reform the Churches insofar that the Churches were preventing the National Socialist Worldview into coming into power and he was trying to undermine its powers. That doesn't mean he was...
  108. General Yeager

    The Occult Meaning Of Christ(os)

    I understand that point , but a random jew that was crucified and was leading a Messianic Cult was not uncommon in those times. There were many of these similar cults with similar figureheads. The pagan myths being superimposed on a random jew who wasn't divine in any sense but may have been a...
  109. General Yeager

    Munka Audio

    Do we have an official Munka Audio or someone who did it ? Asking for a friend.
  110. General Yeager

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

    Islam is going to be very easily destroyed in a couple decades except in some Countries like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia where the State is the problem. As modernization happens in these communities which is inevitable, Islam will be easily dismantled because of common sense and the fact that...
  111. General Yeager

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

    The plan is to either provoke Iran into doing something reckless or do a false flag to justify a war against Iran. And the ones who are going to fight this war on behalf of Israel is the US and the UK , like they always do. So a War actually doesn't benefit anyone because the Whites are going to...
  112. General Yeager

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

    To be honest , i prefer the Extreme Isolationist view of America First where the only Social Situation Whites should concern themselves is of their own countries. After the common enemy is defeated , i believe every race and country should take care of themselves and not involve themselves with...
  113. General Yeager

    The Occult Meaning Of Christ(os)

    Jesus (may his name and remembrance be blotted out for all eternity) is the Blood Atonement Sacrifice intermediary to initiate the Gentiles into serving the Jewish God. Because Judaism is an Ethnic Supremacist religion where you cannot convert a Gentile into a Jew. And Jesus (may his name and...
  114. General Yeager

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

    Jews want Iran to get involved directly. At this moment, their only Real Enemy is Iran in the region. And they desperately want to topple and destroy Iran. For that to happen they want to provoke direct attacks by Iran to which the US must respond.
  115. General Yeager

    US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

  116. General Yeager

    My wife cheated on me

    In addition to everything that has been said. After the divorce ,you should do a Cathartic Revenge Working and Absolutely Destroy her life with Brutal Runes like Hagl and similar. Check the Runic Meditation Page.
  117. General Yeager

    Sharing Good Materials for Workouts and Diet

    Don't name the Materials on forums, might get copyright. https://mega.nz/folder/hyFUiABY#CDZpI8YSEuLVZ0d4BcAJ7w (Workouts) https://mega.nz/folder/Nu03ACyS#BQFsLegmz875XM_FSNO9xg (Nutrition)
  118. General Yeager

    How to have sex in an islamic country?

    There are a lot of Aethists in these Countries. Connect with a woman who is an Aethist somehow.
  119. General Yeager

    Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

    Remember when these particular Jews were found literally raping Children ? Apparently the Tunnels go the the Bath Houses where the Child Rapes happened. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11 One thing that has me whitepilled is that EVERYTHING that...
  120. General Yeager

    What to expect 2024

    Another thing is that if Donald Trump gets elected , War against Iran is guaranteed. Many MAGA conservatives saw that Trump was the only candidate who never started a war in office and that is true. However he has been selected by the Jews as the one they consider their Messiah and i believe...
  121. General Yeager

    What to expect 2024

    BTC is going to pump and by the end of 2025 it'll touch 100k. Disclaimer - Not Financial Advice. May go to Zero.
  122. General Yeager

    Jewish Underground Tunnel System Uncovered in New York ( Pedophile Human Trafficking Network ?)

    NYPD arrests dozens of Hasidic Jews after illegal tunnel network discovered under Chabad world headquarters.Follow: @AFpost Hasidic Jew seen crawling out of sewer after NYPD busts Chabad tunnel network under New York City.Follow: @AFpost Very Weird don't you think. I wouldnt be...
  123. General Yeager

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    I am extremely proud that under our High Priest HoodedCobra , we are slowly but surely going from the more reactionary kind of mentality in Satanism to a more Civilizational approach. We cannot be just an organization that is in perpetual attack against our enemies. We must also be about...
  124. General Yeager

    Ask The Gods: "But I Cannot"

    Everytime i wanted an answer ,i got it. Not through a voice inside my head which is extremely rare and has happened only a couple of times. But towards books and information that addresses that particular question. Or the answer just comes to me intuitively out of the blue after some days i...
  125. General Yeager

    Dreams (Prophecies(?)) of War/Apocalypse/WW3

    When i was starting out in Satanism and Meditation, in the first few years i had profound spiritual experiences which i should have written down in great detail, many of whom i regret not writing down. They were some of the most insane vivid Dreams and visions i have had since my path on this...
  126. General Yeager

    New Year Gift - This year start with journaling everyday

    I'll just write this here and not create a separate post. Long story story, in order to know Thyself you have to know who you are right this moment. And Journaling is a great way to do that. Here you can write about your Emotions, Actions and Thoughts you have in your day to day life. This...
  127. General Yeager

    Happy New Year - 2024!

    Happy Winners Year 2024.
  128. General Yeager

    New Year Gift - This year start with journaling everyday

    I'll write another article about it later.
  129. General Yeager

    New Year Gift - This year start with journaling everyday

    https://mega.nz/folder/t78HRCRY#biQZXHFaQSp32R0RGGut_g This year if you haven't yet. Start journaling. Everyday. Above is a program to help you out with the basics. Before you master the world you must master yourself. And before you master yourself, you must know yourself.
  130. General Yeager

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    I understand that ,but i dont think the ancients were using that for casual sex with a bunch of people. I think Intimacy and sex is very important. They might have used these herbs to prevent unplanned pregnancies and they would have planned the pregnancy on certain astrological dates to...
  131. General Yeager

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    There is no proof for any of this. All the Data they have is from 2021 Pandemic years where everyone was within the house and women were forming imaginary relationships with men online. After that all Data as well as Data from historical years proves Assortative Mating. Only 20% of men and women...
  132. General Yeager

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    What Satanic Value does having Casual Sex with random people bring into a man's life ? The only way you could "embrace" physical and spiritual benefits from the other person is in a long term relationship where you are both spiritually clean and undertaking tantric practices together. And that...
  133. General Yeager

    Question #3547: is it a bad idea to use a sex toy as a male?

    That may desensitize him from actual vagina.
  134. General Yeager

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    It is a fact that most people after they get into an athletic shape, have their finances and fashion handled are going to see success with women. Thats because most people aren't extremely ugly or attractive. Most people are average by definition. And people generally tend to marry on same...
  135. General Yeager

    Question #3547: is it a bad idea to use a sex toy as a male?

    Sexual Energy isn't meant to be wasted in this way. When you're sexually frustrated ,that energy is supposed to be used to further your life goals. Instead of using a sex toy , you should masturbate doing deep breathing and orgasm to visions of success. And work towards that. That will be more...
  136. General Yeager

    The Crucible Of Life

    Nietzsche made one of the greatest revivals of Pagan Philosophy of his time and the National Socialists built upon him heavily. However its interesting that in his personal life he was just a scholar who was left a vegetable after he went insane encountering a Horse being beaten. I think a lot...
  137. General Yeager

    The new face of Joy of Satan

    Whites aren't responsible for Colonialism. After Napolean was defeated in the War against Europe, the Rothschild jewish Banking dynasty acquired England on pennies on the pound. They started these Colonial Expansionist Policies that you're talking about. The Major shareholders of the British...
  138. General Yeager

    How much should we love animals?

    Hatred against Dogs is a particularly Islamic Trait. https://youtu.be/JjUFV2idv4Y?si=8NAs6r8AYqLDOis8 I will however buy a dog in the future and care for him/her as i love dogs and almost all animals who are bonded to Humans.
  139. General Yeager

    Question #3386: brown-eyed people are an inferior race?

    I dont think Cancer is Genetic. This seems to be something borne out of modern day poisoning. I dont think previous generations of people had cancer. They had leprosy and other diseases though. But i think cancer and all these new genetic diseases are being caused by the poisoning of our...
  140. General Yeager

    Satan Lucifer Poseidon – Lord of the Seas

    Also the Ancient RigVedic God Varuna is the Lord of the Seas. There is knowledge to be gained here when looked at by the Initiated. Not for the Untrained.
  141. General Yeager

    Is this some kind of Negative Karma or something ?

    That can be possible too.
  142. General Yeager

    Pseudo-Satanism Will Be A Thing Of The Past

    I think they got infiltrated and corrupted later on. Just like the Illuminati Jews corrupted Freemasonry.
  143. General Yeager


    Not all Sanskrit words are supposed to be used as Mantras. Mantras generally contain Shakti Syllables embedded within them that make them stand out from just a name in Sanskrit or a Devotional Hymn that was never supposed to be used for a Mantra Working. The Deity for Love,Romance,Sex all...
  144. General Yeager

    Pseudo-Satanism Will Be A Thing Of The Past

    What do you think about the New Age stuff ? Starting from Alice Bailey and Blavatsky ,they've tried to reform Christianity. By replacing the Christ with a Symbolic Christos-Lucifer type character. Apparently there are a lot of New Agers who summon Angels and stuff. But as a whole i would say...
  145. General Yeager

    The Matrix?

    Just an Euphemism for "JEWS" for those too cowardly to say "Jew". Similar to other Euphemisms like "Globalist,Elite,Rothschild,Rockefeller,Soros,International Banking,World Economic Forum Etc." Any and all conspiracy against the Western World and world at general points to specifically Jews at...
  146. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    Femininity (Emotion) and Masculine (Will/Direction) always go hand in hand. One cannot become actualized to his true potential when being devoid of an integral element of himself. If you look at the best Orator's like Hitler or Trump , they are always Animated and Emotional. Boxers like Mike...
  147. General Yeager

    Is this some kind of Negative Karma or something ?

    Yes. Something along the lines of "I am now attracting women who are naturally attracted to me and are open,available and receptive to my romantic advances".
  148. General Yeager

    Is this some kind of Negative Karma or something ?

    Khhh - Lllll - eeeee - mmmmm (kh being the guttural sound at the back of the Throat.)
  149. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - Love

    Thank goodness they didn't decide that they didn't have enough resources yet. 😅
  150. General Yeager

    Random Thoughts - Love

    \ People might recognize that quote from the Bible which was taken from Ancient Mystery Religions and doesn't explain what is going on in the process of Creation. Because Divinity and Spirituality is stripped from Religion in Christianity and it inducts the Person in a Primitive and Backwards...
  151. General Yeager

    Question #3340: Authentic and legitimate testimonies of a partner relationship with a demon or demoness?

    I think i told you before that it was okay for you to make this choice. But looking at this situation i believe anyone who has made these Choices that you've made should keep them to themselves and not propagate this in our movement. Because this will Normalize in the Minds of Teenagers that...
  152. General Yeager

    Question #3340: Authentic and legitimate testimonies of a partner relationship with a demon or demoness?

    During Teenage Angst ,being alone Romantically is hard and thus your mind mind wander to desire a Non Physical Spiritual Partner. However this must be given thought after experiencing success with Human Partners, later in life when you are Mature and more understanding. The Spiritual Processes...
  153. General Yeager

    Elon Musk Reinstates Alex Jones on X ahead of the 2024 Election , Twitter Space goes Viral

    Interesting the Times and whats happening , https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/1733909736385331339?s=20
  154. General Yeager

    Is this some kind of Negative Karma or something ?

    This can be a symptom of Negative Karma. A guy with good Karma pertaining to relationships would meet his love in High School or College and they would stay together. He wouldn't encounter much problems while figuring out his Love Life. If even after repeated efforts ,you are failing in some...
  155. General Yeager

    My half sister doesn't want a relationship - help

    Do a Working of GEBO and WAUNJO with an appropriate affirmation that you form a healthy and loving relationship with your half sister. These aren't just form making Romantic Relationships, but also Bonds and Relationships with Friends. Family is very important and you should try to make it work...
  156. General Yeager

    Cold showers

    Thats exactly what i think when i see this stuff. This insane obsession going to the gym and posting Insta Reels and Tiktoks about doing "Hard Work" and taking Cold Showers while the Fat Nerd in IT makes Triple your Income. They think they're accomplishing something big by doing the Bare Minimum...
  157. General Yeager


    Take Valerian Root. It helps create Restful Sleep.
  158. General Yeager

    just venting here (long post)

    If you were actively trying to change then I would say that you were still an SS. If you had faith in the Gods and yourself that you would change. But if not then I couldn't tell the difference between anyone going down the wrong path and another one also going down the wrong path and doing...
  159. General Yeager

    Question #3291: Is it right to hit a woman?

    Besides all of this ,also change whatever bad behavior you displayed to make the Teacher Slap you.
  160. General Yeager

    just venting here (long post)

    I wouldn't consider someone who isn't actively trying to get rid of addictions and harmful activities like Smoking and Drinking as an SS. To me they seem like any worthless disposable Life tbh.
  161. General Yeager

    Unable to fall in love

    This is an abandonment issue situation. What is happening is your psyche is preeminently sabotaging the relationship so it can't get hurt but also contradictorily leading to the same conclusion. Basically the person feels that they are not worthy of love. So they also feel subconsciously they...
  162. General Yeager

    just venting here (long post)

    There are SS who smoke, drink and do drugs ? Wut ???
  163. General Yeager

    NSFM Library

    The best Translation is from the Dalton one. Mein Kampf Vol 1 Mein Kampf Vol 2
  164. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    I feel for you. You are of an age where the Women cant have children and you don't want to go down your age because of your preference. Perfectly fine and no one's forcing you to do anything. May Satan give peace to you in your heart.
  165. General Yeager

    Mass Murderer Henry Kissinger DEAD Finally

    Unfortunately he didn't die a painful gruesome death and did much damage using the US as a Battering Ram against the entire world for the Jews.
  166. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    To note ,I did not tell anyone that they should have Children because of Fear. I said in the beginning that the Primary reasons for Having Children must be Religious in Nature. I was elucidating the point about what not Having children for whatever reason eventually leads. In the best interest...
  167. General Yeager

    Question #3262: Which yoga kundalini or hatha yoga destroys and burns all your negative karma

    That doesn't happen completely till your Kundalini Rises. But you can specific Karma using Munka (check Meditation Section)
  168. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    Decree 770 was a success even if the Children were Neglected. Its not Unrealistic if the Non Whites are doing it. The Whites will wait to be economically Rich (which will never come to the vast majority of people) and then make atbest 2 children and in that time the Non Whites will have replaced...
  169. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    Well obviously he hasn't taken his ego out of the equation and approached the amount of women he needs because any man will find a woman when he approaches enough women. Im talking about the Root Cause of the issue. I dont really care why these people have barren love lives and honestly could...
  170. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    I don't think its that deep. The most probable answer is simply because they can't achieve the ideals of the opposite gender they have in their heads and that they are hateful of the opposite gender because of it. Instead of Healing their trauma and moving with a realistic ideal in mind, they...
  171. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    The one First World State with an Above Replacement Rate Birth Rate is Israel. And the One thing the Whites can learn from the Enemy is that they have a religious compulsion to have many children and are inherently Racist. Over the Years a major portion of White men have become Racist and have...
  172. General Yeager

    Masculine women and feminine men

    What is actually funny and hilarious is that the question about what do you do with the Migrants at the moment who are ethnically displacing you if you do not have babies and "It is your Choice" is never explained. Lets grant this hypthetical scenario that okay ,everyone should have free...
  173. General Yeager

    Jewish Foundation Myth - Jacob , Father of all Jews SCAMS Esau (Father of Whites) of his Birthright

    Jews falsely accuse Satan of being a Deceiver but it seems that this has been pure projection for thousands of years. I actually discovered this recently but the Jacob in the Foundational Myth of the Bible actually scammed Esau of his birthright. That seems to be the Religious Justification of...
  174. General Yeager

    YAKUB, the Father of the White Race Revealed

    This is actually pretty funny and just for laughs and giggles but apparently the Nation of Islam actually believes this. https://youtu.be/cxf_6A7IT9E?si=kOqPzmmi67rYU7yZ
  175. General Yeager

    Any NS books on Race and Eugenics?

    https://mega.nz/folder/Y7MAURjR Decryption key - qotCJi_UmzdcgIfhptxiug
  176. General Yeager

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    I remembered something just by reading the discussion of this thread. I read a lot of these "advise" books for men. And generally its all regurgitated drivel all the same. If you've read one you've probably read it all. There's not much spiritual depth or any kind of depth in general , and...
  177. General Yeager

    Question #3144: having sex with your aunt is okay?

    This sounds like a Islamic statement.
  178. General Yeager

    About self confidence / brain strengthening / Social Skills

    Sun rules the Willpower and so you can use the Sun Mantra for that. Or Raum for the Solar Chakra. And some Runes about some Social Skills.
  179. General Yeager

    Studies show that family karma patterns are real

    This is actually very true. This is called Pitra Dosh in Vedic Astrology.
  180. General Yeager

    To what extent is psychology useful?

    Extremely weird stuff like analyzing scat and incestuous theories that are insane. Not pretty stuff to base reality upon.
  181. General Yeager

    What does this quote from Mein Kampf mean?

    Those weren't just Homosexual clubs. They were Transgender Clubs. The first Transgender surgery were performed in Berlin by the Jews and the Jews were polluting the National spirit of Germany by producing Degenerate Media about Sexuality. And they had this Nexus of Clubs where they were...
  182. General Yeager

    Possible global blackout in 2024

    I never said that there was going to be a solar flare in 2024. I said in the future. Most probably nothing will happen in 2024 because the astrology doesn't support it. I have different dates but i don't think its time to reveal them yet as there's time for that. What i wrote above was a...
  183. General Yeager

    To what extent is psychology useful?

    Completely Useless and fake. The real psychology that was built upon the Zodiac signs was discarded and the Jewish psychology was forwarded. They will malign great such as Adolf Hitler as a malignant Narcissist. Their ideal psychology is of a domesticated ,compliant Vaccinated Slave that offers...
  184. General Yeager

    WHERE is the website ?

    Well thank you.
  185. General Yeager

    WHERE is the website ?

    I remember there was a website when Jews were quoted and had passages from Jewish Holy books about how their greatest enemy is Satan. Does anyone have the Website ,I can't seem to find it.
  186. General Yeager

    Guys this is my plan

    He certainly would. Only extremely advanced souls who have had multiple lifetimes of intense practice in the Occult would receive such blessings.
  187. General Yeager

    Guys this is my plan

    Naturally everything unfolds as what is destined for you. The only way that someone would get extremely powerful extremely quickly and everything unfolded naturally would be by aid of Divine Providence. Every other person has to walk the same path and grind it out.
  188. General Yeager

    Question #3125: Do I have to have children?

    Well its good that now he knows.
  189. General Yeager

    Question #3125: Do I have to have children?

    Your Ancestors look down upon you with shame that their descendant was so appalling that he didn't reproduce and have kids and didn't have the necessary qualities as a Good Parent. They are extremely disappointment in you and this is a cosmic travesty ,not just a Human One.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
