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Dreams (Prophecies(?)) of War/Apocalypse/WW3


Dec 12, 2023
I've always experienced prophetic dreams, probably at least once a month, or every few weeks. Sometimes they're important, usually they're useless, but they oft end up being true regardless.

Recently, I've been experiencing dreams I've had from the ages of 12-16 and 18-22 years old. Many of them, I'm only now realising, were actually hidden messages from the Gods, or perhaps specifically my Guardian Daemon. For example, there were several instances of pagan worship, of which, both scared and confused me at the time due to my prior religious leanings, and the Xian hatred and vehemence towards idolatry. Regardless, I always felt a conflicted attraction towards them.

Jung specifically mentions that images of the home (within a dream context) is a representation of the individual's psyche, and hidden rooms suggest hidden parts of the unconscious. There were oft dreams of me in a sort of "cave"-like space within my own home, where I'd have small shrines built into the walls of Hindu-like statues. I still don't know which Gods they were specifically, though.

There were also a few dreams with strange [Hebrew] lettering mixed with obscure intuitions and prophecies, which oft felt ominous. For example, I once opened a ["cursed"] book filled with Hebrew text (I didn't know it was Hebrew at the time, and I'm still not entirely sure, but I vaguely felt it was, or some other weird ancient language). And I could understand and intuit the meanings, whereby there were mentions of an Armageddon/Apocalypse or WW3-esque situation. And soon after I felt it within the dream. However, I didn't take any of this to be literal at the time, but rather, symbolic, like "a destruction of the old world; rebuilding of the new", although, I haven't figured out whether or not I was actually correct here, and am starting to doubt I was. Maybe some HP's have information pertaining to what's to come, and so, it's understandable if you choose to decline this thread.

There was another one that came back to me yesterday, but I can't remember what it was about, just that there was a voice saying something about Jevv's and the J3w W0rld 0rder when I was probably like 15 or 16, maybe even 17. I was annoyed I didn't write it down so I thought I'd at least write this other stuff down now that it came back to me. I didn't really have any opinions about them back then so I doubt it was any sort of "unconscious cache" coming to the surface, and whatever was said felt somewhat important.

I've finally been able to scratch a six year itch after discovering (or some would say "Re-discovering") the JoS and I feel relieved for the first time in a very long time. It goes to show, the Gods always guide you back towards the path, one way or another.

Also, on a side note: I changed my name a few years ago, and wrote my new name when doing the dedication, but it's not my birth name. Is this a problem, lol? I'm assuming it's not but I might as well ask here instead of making 2 threads since it's a basic question.
When i was starting out in Satanism and Meditation, in the first few years i had profound spiritual experiences which i should have written down in great detail, many of whom i regret not writing down. They were some of the most insane vivid Dreams and visions i have had since my path on this journey of spirituality. Only few recent dreams come close to such vivid ness in the character of the dreams or the visions in my third eye.

The most terrifying dream i had was when i first read Revelations which was a terrible idea and i advise no one read that godforsaken Book. I had a dream where i was inside a volcano and a large beast with horns was chained up (almost looking like baphomet). And when the supermassive beast moved the chains grinded along the flesh and it caused the creature immense discomfort. I think i was peering into the Hatred the Jews had for Gentiles in that vision and what they wanted for us collectively. I could literally feel the heat and hear the screams although the creature looked terrifying.

There were two dream i had during the pandemic where everyone was locked inside their houses. One where i say a great flood wipe out most of the people and in the aftermath greenery and Nature return to earth along with Tall Whites with Red Hair. I saw this vivid dream and interpreted it as an ongoing transformation of our current world.

Another ,where i cried was when i saw a conception of the Antichrist or The Great One. It was a small boy with a small sword with glistening blue eyes. And small children of all races were bowing down infront of him. Along with all the adults in the room. That dream was when i woke up tearing up and felt enormous joy for the future of the world. I was in a confused and paranoid state ,thinking about Doom Scenarios and Mass Death. But that transformative experience solidified in my mind , that Humanity was going towards a positive future and that whatever odds there were against us, we would win and that nothing could defeat us. And that the spirit of Humanity ,the spirit of the Great One ,the leader of all people would rise in rebellion to the tyranny of our times, and would lead us to certain glory. I've never doubted our future since then. That was a sign from the Gods that everything was flowing as a river and that everything that has to happen with happen and that we will perservere in the end and win.
I've recently posted a post whereby I believe in the year 2027 about a billion people will die.

I don't know if it's a sign of the Gods or something. But overhearing the neighbor talk about it. It stuck with me. In fact like with coof and in recent times with other things.

Conspiracy theories actually = Conspiracy facts.

Also don't forgot Pluto in Aquarius January 20 to about October/November return to Pluto in Capricorn until 2025. And then 2025 Neptune/Uranus fixed signs like Maxine was told to talk about in the coming decades.

28/March/2019: Message from Azazel by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich » Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:57 am

Also the next 7 years is gonna be rough. As General Yaeger(Jack/Jack the Good Guy) predicted:

FLASHBACK - JACK predicted THE GREAT TRIBULATION that started with the ISRAEL-PALESTINE GENOCIDE Post by General Yeager » Sat Oct 14, 2023 9:47 am
2020 the beginning of the Pandemic was craziest year of my life. And I had some crazy dreams. Ive written in another account how I saw for multiple times UFOs, and one time one actually signaled to me. But the scariest dream Ive actually had was actually last month. Where I saw hybrid creatures hiding in christian monasteries. They were actually reptilian/ black human hybrids with spikes on their body. And with strange facial features. But Il never forget the most scary thing Ive seen and this was actually a live vision in my third eye. Was in 2021 summer, I saw a hybrid blonde/reptilian bearded male running a torture ring, kinda like the hostel movies, and he was the boss. Then they mauling and violating the bodies of innocents.

But so much strange thing has happened in my life I will keep posting in this forums in the chance people will read it and find it informative and interesting.
I could write for hours if was to share everything.
sinbad said:
I've always experienced prophetic dreams, probably at least once a month, or every few weeks. Sometimes they're important, usually they're useless, but they oft end up being true regardless.

Recently, I've been experiencing dreams I've had from the ages of 12-16 and 18-22 years old. Many of them, I'm only now realising, were actually hidden messages from the Gods, or perhaps specifically my Guardian Daemon. For example, there were several instances of pagan worship, of which, both scared and confused me at the time due to my prior religious leanings, and the Xian hatred and vehemence towards idolatry. Regardless, I always felt a conflicted attraction towards them.

Jung specifically mentions that images of the home (within a dream context) is a representation of the individual's psyche, and hidden rooms suggest hidden parts of the unconscious. There were oft dreams of me in a sort of "cave"-like space within my own home, where I'd have small shrines built into the walls of Hindu-like statues. I still don't know which Gods they were specifically, though.

There were also a few dreams with strange [Hebrew] lettering mixed with obscure intuitions and prophecies, which oft felt ominous. For example, I once opened a ["cursed"] book filled with Hebrew text (I didn't know it was Hebrew at the time, and I'm still not entirely sure, but I vaguely felt it was, or some other weird ancient language). And I could understand and intuit the meanings, whereby there were mentions of an Armageddon/Apocalypse or WW3-esque situation. And soon after I felt it within the dream. However, I didn't take any of this to be literal at the time, but rather, symbolic, like "a destruction of the old world; rebuilding of the new", although, I haven't figured out whether or not I was actually correct here, and am starting to doubt I was. Maybe some HP's have information pertaining to what's to come, and so, it's understandable if you choose to decline this thread.

There was another one that came back to me yesterday, but I can't remember what it was about, just that there was a voice saying something about Jevv's and the J3w W0rld 0rder when I was probably like 15 or 16, maybe even 17. I was annoyed I didn't write it down so I thought I'd at least write this other stuff down now that it came back to me. I didn't really have any opinions about them back then so I doubt it was any sort of "unconscious cache" coming to the surface, and whatever was said felt somewhat important.

I've finally been able to scratch a six year itch after discovering (or some would say "Re-discovering") the JoS and I feel relieved for the first time in a very long time. It goes to show, the Gods always guide you back towards the path, one way or another.

Also, on a side note: I changed my name a few years ago, and wrote my new name when doing the dedication, but it's not my birth name. Is this a problem, lol? I'm assuming it's not but I might as well ask here instead of making 2 threads since it's a basic question.

Hello, as I have weird dreams about anything and everything that come true, I'm going to tell you what I dreamed about in relation to the 3rd World War :

- In a dream, I dreamed of army soldiers (I recognized them as they were in green camouflage) who charged straight towards a "black" enemy who carried some kind of rifles, then shells/missiles which fell on the army, sounds of explosions and nothing more.

- In another, I dreamed of my brother being shot because he did not want to go to war, which my brother also reported in one of his dreams. Also, the water and air were really disgusting (like oil to water, the air was cloudy with a strange smell).

- And again in another dream, I saw a single street lamp lit on a whole "black" road with an old woman (who was holding a cane and seemed to be 70-80 years old when I look at her face, this is for that I say she is old) which went to the bright street lamp and a lot of light comes from there. I thought it was me, but when I tried to focus on myself, I saw that I had died of a heart attack, so it was impossible. For me, the old woman represents an old country.
Very interesting! It seems a lot of people had a similar experience during the pandemic. My "apocalyptic dream" also happened around the same time. I can't be bothered to reply to each one, but I am enjoying reading through these.

Would be cool to have this as a thread where people keep updating/sharing any new dreams related to our collective futures.
Only just seeing this post: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18603

Illuminates quite a lot, and the date also corresponds to the whole pandemic dream phenomenon.
I often dream about the end of the world, and these dreams are often very impressive.

Once I dreamed that the moon in the sky broke and turned red, that the planets of the solar system were arranged according to a certain pattern, and that the doomsday predictions circulating among people gradually came true. These dream scenes were frightening, and I was awakened. I dreamed of the universe and the earth, I foresaw the disaster, I tried to save my loved ones, I watched the earth being destroyed, but I could do nothing.

I often have these dreams too: I dream that I am constantly running away from being hunted. Sometimes I am like a bird, sometimes like a butterfly, but it is always me who grows wings, keeps flying, keeps running away. It's because my enemies are after me and I have to run away. I would always run away to an island, or to an isolated place, or hide in a tree. But I could not escape in any way, and the enemy was always close behind me.

I think these dreams are the reflection of my inner thoughts, and maybe there are other factors causing these dreams. Anyway, these dreams are interesting and I'd love to share them with you.
I often dream about the end of the world, and these dreams are often very impressive.

Once I dreamed that the moon in the sky broke and turned red, that the planets of the solar system were arranged according to a certain pattern, and that the doomsday predictions circulating among people gradually came true. These dream scenes were frightening, and I was awakened. I dreamed of the universe and the earth, I foresaw the disaster, I tried to save my loved ones, I watched the earth being destroyed, but I could do nothing.

I often have these dreams too: I dream that I am constantly running away from being hunted. Sometimes I am like a bird, sometimes like a butterfly, but it is always me who grows wings, keeps flying, keeps running away. It's because my enemies are after me and I have to run away. I would always run away to an island, or to an isolated place, or hide in a tree. But I could not escape in any way, and the enemy was always close behind me.

I think these dreams are the reflection of my inner thoughts, and maybe there are other factors causing these dreams. Anyway, these dreams are interesting and I'd love to share them with you.
Sounds really interesting. I'd love to hear more.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
