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Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

Jan 9, 2024

Ironically, almost all the women he sleeps with (hundreds) are White. This is what happens when the jews corrupt the mass mind. Masculinity is all about money and gross material things, not about your own people and being a responsible man toward them.

Andrew talks about beating the Matrix while he just succeeded within the Matrix, not actually beat it. Islam which he values so much is part of the Matrix or as we call it, the jewtrix. Endless gross materialism to where everything is about money is also silly and unnatural.

For him, all his friends and allies, everyone close to him has to be making money. It's all about money which is how the enemy has designed the jewtrix to be. He is also known to ridicule people who work regular jobs as being silly or lazy for not trying to own Bugattis. In reality, these people are the backbone of civilization and are what allows the rich to enjoy their money by doing all the work and providing their needed goods and services.

The funny thing about White birth rates is that it wouldn't be such an existential issue if there weren't non Whites like Andrew in White countries. Populations can go up and down due to things like diseases (the Black Plague is a good example) but the people always remain. This is the only time the White race has globally faced extinction and to reduce it to inane things like having one wife and being loyal to her is plain silly. Remove the non Whites and illegals and suddenly an Arab or Indian guy having five kids in his home country is no longer any White man's problem.
Varg has 1 wife and lots of kids. You have to want to build a family, it has nothing to do with monogamy.

The issue is that smart people tend to put off having kids because of a misplaced sense of social responsibility(world "overpopulation" instead of the fact that their race is literally dying out), or because resources are not as abundant as they want, or they are holding out for an upgrade.

It's approached like a business deal, and all too often people only look at the expense instead of the reward, which is not quantifiable.

Idiocracy could be a possible future if the intelligent and conscientious people don't devote their lives to building a legacy instead of meaningless things. The dregs of society will breed like rabbits regardless.
White men make up the majority of his audience, and without whom nobody would've ever heard of this clown lol.

Hopefully he'll end up spending the rest of his natural life in moldy 6ft square Romanian prison cell, and upon hearing this happening I'll be able to gleefully say:

Dear Andrew Tate.

You're fucked.

Please change your username to something that does not sound so official, as the Clergy has not designated a news account of any kind. You may change it to anything else.

The reason for this is, newcomers may come onto the forum and take your posts as the official JoS stance, which can lead to them becoming confused.

Thank you
Nobody said he is or was.

Ironically, almost all the women he sleeps with (hundreds) are White. This is what happens when the jews corrupt the mass mind. Masculinity is all about money and gross material things, not about your own people and being a responsible man toward them.

Andrew talks about beating the Matrix while he just succeeded within the Matrix, not actually beat it. Islam which he values so much is part of the Matrix or as we call it, the jewtrix. Endless gross materialism to where everything is about money is also silly and unnatural.

For him, all his friends and allies, everyone close to him has to be making money. It's all about money which is how the enemy has designed the jewtrix to be. He is also known to ridicule people who work regular jobs as being silly or lazy for not trying to own Bugattis. In reality, these people are the backbone of civilization and are what allows the rich to enjoy their money by doing all the work and providing their needed goods and services.

The funny thing about White birth rates is that it wouldn't be such an existential issue if there weren't non Whites like Andrew in White countries. Populations can go up and down due to things like diseases (the Black Plague is a good example) but the people always remain. This is the only time the White race has globally faced extinction and to reduce it to inane things like having one wife and being loyal to her is plain silly. Remove the non Whites and illegals and suddenly an Arab or Indian guy having five kids in his home country is no longer any White man's problem.
Andrew just makes a show for Internet jerks, which has a bad effect. I've already noticed a lot of fucking guys under Andrew's posts. I saw that when a girl gives them a compliment, they are still not happy and insult or make fun of the girl.

Money is freedom, which he's right about.
Example, travelling.
And I think it's right to choose friends according to your wealth.

In fact, if he converted to Islam and married white women who gave him many white children, that's great... because it's more white children. And the bad thing is that he promotes it (Islam)

Sorry for my bad English
Andrew just makes a show for Internet jerks, which has a bad effect. I've already noticed a lot of fucking guys under Andrew's posts. I saw that when a girl gives them a compliment, they are still not happy and insult or make fun of the girl.

Money is freedom, which he's right about.
Example, travelling.
And I think it's right to choose friends according to your wealth.

In fact, if he converted to Islam and married white women who gave him many white children, that's great... because it's more white children. And the bad thing is that he promotes it (Islam)

Sorry for my bad English
He is race-mixed, half white and half black, or something.

Please change your username to something that does not sound so official, as the Clergy has not designated a news account of any kind. You may change it to anything else.

The reason for this is, newcomers may come onto the forum and take your posts as the official JoS stance, which can lead to them becoming confused.

Thank you
Thanks for your notification. I've clarified in your email. HPHC authorised this account.
He's a human trafficking degenerate orc Muslim piece of shit.
I don't think he's a human trafficker. Just a guy who became rich. He does have excellent work ethic as he says. The problem is he is totally oblivious to race reality. He has no soil he is loyal to. He was once British, then after some issues with the local authorities he went to Romania.

Now with the situation there he wants to go to Dubai. The problem with pushing this kind of mentality is that no great country was founded by disloyal people. Countries are not built by money, they are built by their people. If every White guy only lived for money and moving to the next decent foreign country like Dubai or Japan, Europe would collapse within the decade.

Undoubtedly, Andrew does good work in teaching men all over the world how to make money, including White men. But life and our current struggles are about way more than money. When the concept of race itself is being erased, now more than ever should Gentiles make their important decisions with race (blood) and their own nations (soil) in mind.

Andrew offers but a half solution for the West. Let's not forget he pushes Islam too and rampant race mixing as in this example below.

Telling people to get as many kids as possible or get replaced is no solution either. This solution implies that there is a competition for Europeans in their own land. A competition that otherwise wouldn't be there if everyone stayed loyal to their home country, something Tate himself doesn't have.

The solution is mass remigration and then fixing the factors that lower birth rates like removing fiat debt based money which makes it harder to raise kids due to inflation.
Tate with his Massive Audience in the millions is SHOCKING the Mass Populace into looking at the issue. How many Millions of people weren't aware of this issue before Tate brought it up ? This is a win for us Nonetheless because it brings up tye Birthrate issue to millions of Young even if the issue is brought up in a deriding way.

This is because these Masculinity Gurus tend to operate in a Tough Love kind of Motovational Content. If someone is Fat ,they'll make fun of you for being Fat in hope that you will change.

After this tweet went Viral ,I watched Tates Emergency Meeting and he clarified in No Uncertain Terms that he is Team White and the purpose of antagonizing people in such a way was to make everyone look at the problem and then begin to Tackle it. He gave many examples that it was ONLY White people being targeted by this Climate Change stuff and the Feminism and Overpopulation stuff.

Regardless of who he is ,the Satanic Spirit of Resistance and Rebellion is working through Tate to wake up White People.
Tate with his Massive Audience in the millions is SHOCKING the Mass Populace into looking at the issue. How many Millions of people weren't aware of this issue before Tate brought it up ? This is a win for us Nonetheless because it brings up tye Birthrate issue to millions of Young even if the issue is brought up in a deriding way.

This is because these Masculinity Gurus tend to operate in a Tough Love kind of Motovational Content. If someone is Fat ,they'll make fun of you for being Fat in hope that you will change.

After this tweet went Viral ,I watched Tates Emergency Meeting and he clarified in No Uncertain Terms that he is Team White and the purpose of antagonizing people in such a way was to make everyone look at the problem and then begin to Tackle it. He gave many examples that it was ONLY White people being targeted by this Climate Change stuff and the Feminism and Overpopulation stuff.

Regardless of who he is ,the Satanic Spirit of Resistance and Rebellion is working through Tate to wake up White People.
Basicaly he is puppet who can do or say something good, but mainly do bad or non-sense things.

He is controversial in a toxic manner.

He is not worth of our direct consideration with his "psyops" or whatever he is doing.

There are other better figures when it comes to personal growth.
If I may give an example, for the past few months an Italian youtuber, Marco Tommasin, started his own personal growth channel. His target audience is mainly young people. He has made a couple of videos in which he talks about video games, tiktok, sleep and the like.
He is not rich and tries to earn money with his private community, but in his videos he nonetheless gives valuable hints and tips to improve one's routine and more. And probably there are more people better than tate in this.

In this unlike tate, he won't tell you that drugs are bad for you while drinking whisky and smoking cigars, and he won't call out the name 'mohamed' or any other bullshit.

And I will go further, how can a person self-proclaim himself as 'alpha male' or 'top G' when he is so far from the truth?
Having lots of money and race-mixing with 50 different girls does not make you alpha.
Aren't you simp? Wow, you want a medal for that too?
He just had the discplination and intelligence to find his place in the wheel of life and nothing more.

The most important thing in the end is the Gods and only them, that wheel of 'life' will eventually collapse and drag everyone to destruction by nature itself.
The way out has always been Satya.

So essentially I refuse to call anyone who is not a successful SS 'alpha male', 'top G', etc. Satanism is the starting point for getting to be top G.

He is just a puppet, that's all.
Tate with his Massive Audience in the millions is SHOCKING the Mass Populace into looking at the issue. How many Millions of people weren't aware of this issue before Tate brought it up ? This is a win for us Nonetheless because it brings up tye Birthrate issue to millions of Young even if the issue is brought up in a deriding way.

This is because these Masculinity Gurus tend to operate in a Tough Love kind of Motovational Content. If someone is Fat ,they'll make fun of you for being Fat in hope that you will change.

After this tweet went Viral ,I watched Tates Emergency Meeting and he clarified in No Uncertain Terms that he is Team White and the purpose of antagonizing people in such a way was to make everyone look at the problem and then begin to Tackle it. He gave many examples that it was ONLY White people being targeted by this Climate Change stuff and the Feminism and Overpopulation stuff.

Regardless of who he is ,the Satanic Spirit of Resistance and Rebellion is working through Tate to wake up White People.
How noble! is trying to save the white race, but how? By indirectly promoting islam by suggesting that you will have eight children in the name of 'mohamed'?
By promoting the same death programme designed to eliminate white people, white culture? Just look at what "isis" has done and what they want to do with the "gog and magog" war.

What would happen? Dark Ages 2.0 under islam, and I have a feeling that the inquisition will eliminate whites and not just wizards and witches.
This bullshit where people attack Andrew Tate when he goes up and brings up this topic in front of millions, makes me wonder what the IQ of Whites is at this point.

A man takes the risk to say what millions of white cowards won't say, and the whites only call him a jew, a black, or whatever, and then go back to playing video games.

The Western cowardice at this point is to where Bjorn is sitting in a sauna with a finger up his ass, and other people have to say it, and when they say it, Bjorn takes his thumb out of his ass, to blame others for being "Impure", "jews", "shitskins" and then he is back on playing minecraft in a childless life with his basement dwelling mommy who still brings him breakfast at 40 years old, sitting comfortably on that thumb while he pays 77% taxes, feeds migrants, and is about to be invaded by Russia but not giving a fuck about that, and not doing any Spiritual Satanism thing because that doesn't approve Jesus and that would be scary for him to do.

But he will comment on Tate being half black in the meantime and that will be his duty to his race accomplished, and of course, saying a prayer to Jesus or something.

Seriously, I think situations like the above say a lot about the dwindling birthrates.

He just had the discplination and intelligence to find his place in the wheel of life and nothing more.

The most important thing in the end is the Gods and only them, that wheel of 'life' will eventually collapse and drag everyone to destruction by nature itself.
The way out has always been Satya.

So essentially I refuse to call anyone who is not a successful SS 'alpha male', 'top G', etc. Satanism is the starting point for getting to be top G.


Tate brothers are objectively and materially verifiably successful despite of if people have their heads in their asses or not about that objective fact. It is objectively a fact. They are just a Muslim and a Christian, these are the choices of having poor knowledge or for the show, or whatever reason.

Yes, Tate is objectively maxed out when it comes to wealth and the related accomplishments on attracting attention. I know of course people have other views about "How" and everything else he did that - my point is not to engage in a moralistic conversation here, but just show that yes, success is an objective measurement and these people are only living in a material life and that's the only life they know. And they are successful in the sphere of financial activity.

Him "just having discipline" and this downplay of all of his achievements only make people look retarded, it's a way to demean them instead of seeing what they have done and thinking to one's self "Hmm, maybe I can succeed in something, too".

That's not a just, that's life and death in the real world we live in. Most people here are quick to say negative things about others, while they don't show many of these Satanic qualities or apply them.

Tate's only pitfalls from becoming a Spiritual Satanist is indeed the way he talks (bad expression), and a few other conceptions. Other than that he has many things of this path laid down, and I hate to say, applied at quite a decent level, while he is being "criticized" with the first error being that he is not one of us.

If he is not one of us, how is one expecting him to be consistent with our conclusions? He does not know what we know.

He has done many achievements in his life that are relative to his own incarnation and life. Downplaying others isn't going to help. It would help more if people recognized these things as real and asked "Hmmm, so how can I become something good like this for Spiritual Satanism?".

One "Andrew Tate" could bail out the whole of the JoS and propel us to a future never seen before, financially speaking. Meanwhile however, I keep hearing for the last 10 years all sorts of nonsense about how people are going to fart millions instead of making successful careers, efforts, or developing other types of higher end capacities.

The above is called delusional, and I am not siding with "Tate" here, I am just using him as a focal point to say this: Don't underestimate people and take what's good from each of them.

If one is not a Spiritual Satanist, they aren't going to be a perfect Spiritual Satanist, because newsflash, they aren't one.
Outsiders and non-Spiritual Satanists cannot be judged against the ethics, morals or perception of a Spiritual Satanist. If one judges them, they cannot really and truly demand them to be that way. They haven't meditated a single day. They haven't done many things. They aren't one of us. Not awake to many, many facts.

Outsiders should be given caring incentive and some congratulations for coming at least to SOME positive conclusions. Unlike many who are guided by the Gods, these people are still guided unconsciously to SOME conclusions and do SOME good things.

If they figure even 25% of the Truth, that is good news. It can help them and other people evolve and at least that 25% is better than nothing.

Instead of scorning them, people should try to see the good in them and separate it from the bad.

Lastly, I want to mention, that worse from a retard outsider who might be lost or retarded, is a Spiritual Satanist who doesn't do what they should be doing, when they have everything in front of them.

It's one thing to not know, and another to know and to have the path laid open in front of you, and to do nothing. That's a more major problem than anything else.

Ironically, almost all the women he sleeps with (hundreds) are White. This is what happens when the jews corrupt the mass mind. Masculinity is all about money and gross material things, not about your own people and being a responsible man toward them.

Andrew talks about beating the Matrix while he just succeeded within the Matrix, not actually beat it. Islam which he values so much is part of the Matrix or as we call it, the jewtrix. Endless gross materialism to where everything is about money is also silly and unnatural.

For him, all his friends and allies, everyone close to him has to be making money. It's all about money which is how the enemy has designed the jewtrix to be. He is also known to ridicule people who work regular jobs as being silly or lazy for not trying to own Bugattis. In reality, these people are the backbone of civilization and are what allows the rich to enjoy their money by doing all the work and providing their needed goods and services.

The funny thing about White birth rates is that it wouldn't be such an existential issue if there weren't non Whites like Andrew in White countries. Populations can go up and down due to things like diseases (the Black Plague is a good example) but the people always remain. This is the only time the White race has globally faced extinction and to reduce it to inane things like having one wife and being loyal to her is plain silly. Remove the non Whites and illegals and suddenly an Arab or Indian guy having five kids in his home country is no longer any White man's problem.

"For him, all his friends and allies, everyone close to him, has to be making money."

Mine too, that would be best.

Because I don't want nobody to die and because I want people to be prosperous so they can build something materially in this world, too. And not die out of missing teeth or something. Or with some freak infection because one couldn't pay an insurance.

Do you think your "worth" is something disconnected and standing up high in imagined and delusional "heavens"? Your own people what? What are you going to do "for your people" if you cannot provide let's say the basics of life for them? How are you being responsible when you are morbidly weak and cannot even properly maintain them, for example?

Yes, it would be best if everyone had higher expectations about the material aspect of life, such as having a roof above their heads, ability to buy and have groceries, or better houses. If people out there started having at least some demands, they wouldn't be giving them 1.60$ per hour to fuck their whole life up in some places of Europe for example.

How are you going to be a responsible man towards your children, if you don't have food to put in their mouth, or you are able to provide high level education for them? Or to shelter them inside a proper home? By giving a speech about responsibility as they live in the streets?

That bullshit against money and "Muh Materialism" is retarded and has to go. Boo-Hoo-Hoo my materialism but it's THEM who will be going to hospitals and it's the one who has these false beliefs that will die.
Tate with his Massive Audience in the millions is SHOCKING the Mass Populace into looking at the issue. How many Millions of people weren't aware of this issue before Tate brought it up ? This is a win for us Nonetheless because it brings up tye Birthrate issue to millions of Young even if the issue is brought up in a deriding way.

This is because these Masculinity Gurus tend to operate in a Tough Love kind of Motovational Content. If someone is Fat ,they'll make fun of you for being Fat in hope that you will change.

After this tweet went Viral ,I watched Tates Emergency Meeting and he clarified in No Uncertain Terms that he is Team White and the purpose of antagonizing people in such a way was to make everyone look at the problem and then begin to Tackle it. He gave many examples that it was ONLY White people being targeted by this Climate Change stuff and the Feminism and Overpopulation stuff.

Regardless of who he is ,the Satanic Spirit of Resistance and Rebellion is working through Tate to wake up White People.
I agree, I think it matters not who is who when something is helping us. The Gods even allowed Jew Mageson to be present here on the forums until they deemed him not to be. Even the Jews and Muslims at this point are helping us with their stupidity in Gaza.

Energies don't have their own preferred route, or consciousness for choosing a channel/path to work, they choose the shortest path and work with accordance to what has been vibrated or willed by the enchanter. Beloved Spiritual Satanists here should take a look at the provided affirmations on all RTRs, the affirmations don't say that Jews will be defeated from xyz side or persons, instead it is always that they are being destroyed from all sides by everyone.

And we can witness that Jews are being destroyed from within and also from all side.
It was not tate who told me the truth about the current situation of the white race.

It is undeniable that he was materially successful and that we can learn something from him.

The main problem I have with him is that he does not teach anything, he just makes fun of you because you are not like him. He is not a teacher or anything like that and I cannot take him 100 per cent seriously because of his contradictions.

Being teased only makes you angry and doesn't teach you anything, or provide any solutions.
You need real guidance, practical advice to do. Create a program that you have to follow to the letter to be successful.

I can dedicate myself to that and improve.
I do not agree with the public sentiment that is against Tate. Some form of impartiality, judgement, respect and "attacking and agreeing" on points must happen MORE than reactiveness in regards to subjects of this magnitude. This goes beyond him, but any public figure of influence or worth of discussion.
Basicaly he is puppet who can do or say something good, but mainly do bad or non-sense things.

He is controversial in a toxic manner.

He is not worth of our direct consideration with his "psyops" or whatever he is doing.

There are other better figures when it comes to personal growth.
If I may give an example, for the past few months an Italian youtuber, Marco Tommasin, started his own personal growth channel. His target audience is mainly young people. He has made a couple of videos in which he talks about video games, tiktok, sleep and the like.
He is not rich and tries to earn money with his private community, but in his videos he nonetheless gives valuable hints and tips to improve one's routine and more. And probably there are more people better than tate in this.

In this unlike tate, he won't tell you that drugs are bad for you while drinking whisky and smoking cigars, and he won't call out the name 'mohamed' or any other bullshit.

And I will go further, how can a person self-proclaim himself as 'alpha male' or 'top G' when he is so far from the truth?
Having lots of money and race-mixing with 50 different girls does not make you alpha.
Aren't you simp? Wow, you want a medal for that too?
He just had the discplination and intelligence to find his place in the wheel of life and nothing more.

The most important thing in the end is the Gods and only them, that wheel of 'life' will eventually collapse and drag everyone to destruction by nature itself.
The way out has always been Satya.

So essentially I refuse to call anyone who is not a successful SS 'alpha male', 'top G', etc. Satanism is the starting point for getting to be top G.

He is just a puppet, that's all.
Did you read what i just wrote ? Why are you arguing against Red Herrings that i never said ? I never said anything about his Personal development or money or applaud him in any way whatsoever.

I simply said that him pointing out the WHITE (specifically) Birth rate issue is a win for us because it Redpills the Youth about Dwindling WHITE Birth Rates. Him talking about Islamic Polygamy was to show that WHILE Whites are not reproducing Moslems are. Its a comparison to show the seriousness of the situation.

If he had wrote all of this in a direct ,non- deriding manner it wouldn't have gotten as much traction as it got. The OUTRAGE is what propelled this issue onto Millions.

We will never win the Information War if we expect everyone fighting for us to be Perfect.

Do you know who Redpilled the Youth most on Israel ? On the Right ,it was Fuentes and on the Left it was Socialists and Leftists. Regardless of where the info is coming from what are the results ? The Right Wing is slowly but surely becoming Anti Israel and the Entire Liberal Youth is Anti Israel.

Would you not appreciate the END RESULT of this ,regardless of who is delivering the message ?

We are NOT supporting ANYONE. We are amplifying the voices of WHOEVER is speaking about the Jews. I don't care if its Liberals, Moslems, Catholics, Leftists if they are speaking out AGAINST THE JEW ,that means a Satanic Spirit is working through them. The Jews are Enemy Number One. All Hatred ,animosity and RAGE is to be directed at the Jew first and foremost. You need to learn to separate your emotions from pragmatic actions. Once the Jew is dethroned ,the Races and Nations will come into the Natural Equilibrium of their Roots.

Hitler had to make various Pro Christian Statements when his movement was Small in order to be in good graces of the Majority of the Populace of Germany which was Christian. And then slowly turning them away from Christianity which he viewed as a Decades and possibly Centuries long process while secretly being a Satanist and his entire Higher Ups being against the Church.

Andrew making this issue Foremost in the Minds of the Youth Activates the WHITE RACIAL SPIRIT. A Moslem Race Mixed Half Breed has done what many of the Pure White Nationalists could never do. GALVANZIE THE YOUTH in the Millions.


Look at the results. Be WISER.
Outsiders and non-Spiritual Satanists cannot be judged against the ethics, morals or perception of a Spiritual Satanist. If one judges them, they cannot really and truly demand them to be that way. They haven't meditated a single day. They haven't done many things. They aren't one of us. Not awake to many, many facts.

Outsiders should be given caring incentive and some congratulations for coming at least to SOME positive conclusions. Unlike many who are guided by the Gods, these people are still guided unconsciously to SOME conclusions and do SOME good things.

If they figure even 25% of the Truth, that is good news. It can help them and other people evolve and at least that 25% is better than nothing.

Instead of scorning them, people should try to see the good in them and separate it from the bad.

Lastly, I want to mention, that worse from a retard outsider who might be lost or retarded, is a Spiritual Satanist who doesn't do what they should be doing, when they have everything in front of them.

It's one thing to not know, and another to know and to have the path laid open in front of you, and to do nothing. That's a more major problem than anything else.
I mean ,we have a more familiar Example.

Donald Trump. Possibly the most Pro Israel president (publicly) but look at his actions.

  • He mainstreamed the White Replacement issue.
  • He started the Trade War against China.
  • And he completed a lot of the Border Wall.
  • Didn't start any new wars. Made Peace in the Middle East.
And Should we not appreciate the results of his actions just because he might be Pro Israel ? The Genocide against the Palestinians didn't start until Bidens Presidency.

Lets look at another Familiar Face. Fuentes, possibly the one that will incur the most Hate from the members here. But what are the results of his actions ?
He Single handedly drove the Conservative Inc Charlie Kirk Colorblind Meritocracy sphere to a bunch of Avowed Racist Rhetoric in a span of 4 years. They were talking about stapling Green Cards to College Diplomas. Now every Conservative Commentator sounds like Funetes did and all of us do in specifically the White Replacement issue.

He went on these Manosphere Podcasts and MAINSTREAMED Holocaust Denial to Millions of Young men. And the way that all of these Podcasters survived and thrived after being cancelled and debanked for Holocaust Denial opened the Gates for every other Right Winger on Twitter to go full Anti Israel.

Ben Shapiro and Jordan peterson on the other hand support Israel and Genocide and Actual Colorblind RACE MIXING. They are the Actual Enemy that is FAR WORSE.

Kanye West who is a legitimate mental patient went on Alex Jones show and said he Loved Hitler and exposed Jewish Run Media. That was monumental in redpilling millions of people.

Did we not move towards our Final Goal. The destruction and dethronement of the One Common Enemy first instead of wanting everything to be perfect. It would be extremely unlikely that a Perfect Spiritual Satanist rise up and gain millions of followers and say these things without being cancelled and debanked and survive.

Instead of the person themselves. I just look at one metric.

Is whatever they're doing or saying HURTING THE JEW or its AGENDA in any way. If yes, i will count that as a W.

That doesn't mean we support their personal or religious beliefs in any way. We just want all the attacks to be concentrated on the Jew and whoever does that ,helps in this fight.
Ironically the fact that this conversation is even entertained suggests the type of problems we currently face.

If any other race was being shat on by someone else, that would be enough to make them an enemy. They wouldn't sift through their conversations trying to find a reason for a different opinion. But Whites are so desperate to look for good in other peoples, so desperate to believe our enemies don't really hate us, that we will move mountains convincing ourselves that they're on our side. They aren't. Certainly some muslim race-mixer who shits on our people doesn't care about what happens to us. muslim brown people are the ones who celebrate every time some little kid riding their bike encounters a truck of peace. Tate spends plenty of time shitting on white people, how come he can't shit on the muslims who desecrated Ebba Akerlund's grave? I guess to him desecrating some 11 year old's grave is a sign of primal alpha masculinity. It's only ever whites who can be criticized, never the inbred genetic defectives who are so weak and worthless they get off on attacking the most vulnerable.

Even if tate is informing some people of these problems, that doesn't mean he's a net positive. Many people would come to these conclusions soon enough. The primary thing we're lacking isn't knowledge of these problems, it's an ethnocentrism/self-loyalty that will enable us to focus on ourselves and overcome our enemies. There are many, many people who are aware of these problems but feel that any solution is hopeless, so they do nothing. Certainly tate shitting on the people who try to do something and trying to demoralize people doesn't help this.

If Dr. Pierce was the one waking people up, they could be made aware of the problems while also remaining motivated to address them. But now we have a race-mixing muslim whose primary mode of income comes from instructing people on how to spread venereal disease.

Anyone who tries to reduce the little ethnocentrism we have is an enemy, it doesn't matter if they make people aware of a few things they would soon know about anyway. The issue isn't that we're unaware of these problems, it's that we feel unable to take own side. So fuck tate, and fuck the swarthy little petri dish in the screenshotted DMs. Maybe if we weren't so busy supporting all of YOUR people, who YOU are too weak to support, we would have time to take our own side.

Ethnocentrism. Love your friends, hate your enemies. Only love (for ourselves) and hate (for our enemies) will save us. Focus on the essential, not political shell games.
"For him, all his friends and allies, everyone close to him, has to be making money."

Mine too, that would be best.

Because I don't want nobody to die and because I want people to be prosperous so they can build something materially in this world, too. And not die out of missing teeth or something. Or with some freak infection because one couldn't pay an insurance.

Do you think your "worth" is something disconnected and standing up high in imagined and delusional "heavens"? Your own people what? What are you going to do "for your people" if you cannot provide let's say the basics of life for them? How are you being responsible when you are morbidly weak and cannot even properly maintain them, for example?

Yes, it would be best if everyone had higher expectations about the material aspect of life, such as having a roof above their heads, ability to buy and have groceries, or better houses. If people out there started having at least some demands, they wouldn't be giving them 1.60$ per hour to fuck their whole life up in some places of Europe for example.

How are you going to be a responsible man towards your children, if you don't have food to put in their mouth, or you are able to provide high level education for them? Or to shelter them inside a proper home? By giving a speech about responsibility as they live in the streets?

That bullshit against money and "Muh Materialism" is retarded and has to go. Boo-Hoo-Hoo my materialism but it's THEM who will be going to hospitals and it's the one who has these false beliefs that will die.
Thank you for your insight. I fully understand and agree.
Did you read what i just wrote ? Why are you arguing against Red Herrings that i never said ? I never said anything about his Personal development or money or applaud him in any way whatsoever.

I simply said that him pointing out the WHITE (specifically) Birth rate issue is a win for us because it Redpills the Youth about Dwindling WHITE Birth Rates. Him talking about Islamic Polygamy was to show that WHILE Whites are not reproducing Moslems are. Its a comparison to show the seriousness of the situation.

If he had wrote all of this in a direct ,non- deriding manner it wouldn't have gotten as much traction as it got. The OUTRAGE is what propelled this issue onto Millions.

We will never win the Information War if we expect everyone fighting for us to be Perfect.

Do you know who Redpilled the Youth most on Israel ? On the Right ,it was Fuentes and on the Left it was Socialists and Leftists. Regardless of where the info is coming from what are the results ? The Right Wing is slowly but surely becoming Anti Israel and the Entire Liberal Youth is Anti Israel.

Would you not appreciate the END RESULT of this ,regardless of who is delivering the message ?

We are NOT supporting ANYONE. We are amplifying the voices of WHOEVER is speaking about the Jews. I don't care if its Liberals, Moslems, Catholics, Leftists if they are speaking out AGAINST THE JEW ,that means a Satanic Spirit is working through them. The Jews are Enemy Number One. All Hatred ,animosity and RAGE is to be directed at the Jew first and foremost. You need to learn to separate your emotions from pragmatic actions. Once the Jew is dethroned ,the Races and Nations will come into the Natural Equilibrium of their Roots.

Hitler had to make various Pro Christian Statements when his movement was Small in order to be in good graces of the Majority of the Populace of Germany which was Christian. And then slowly turning them away from Christianity which he viewed as a Decades and possibly Centuries long process while secretly being a Satanist and his entire Higher Ups being against the Church.

Andrew making this issue Foremost in the Minds of the Youth Activates the WHITE RACIAL SPIRIT. A Moslem Race Mixed Half Breed has done what many of the Pure White Nationalists could never do. GALVANZIE THE YOUTH in the Millions.


Look at the results. Be WISER.
Yeah you have a good point.
Many of his younger fans take his word as the words of God and will produce a whole host of reels/tiktoks of influencers trying to milk content off this issue and further bring it to everyone's attention. This is an amazing win.

Being teased only makes you angry and doesn't teach you anything, or provide any solutions.
You need real guidance, practical advice to do. Create a program that you have to follow to the letter to be successful.

You'd be pissing in your pants on a daily basis in Ancient Rome.

It actually does teach you something. It is indicative of your weaknesses/sensitivities which you need to work on.

You need to learn how to take what is useful, and ignore what is useless. Seperate the message from the messenger. Information filtering.

If you want to follow a program to the letter you are just being brainless who wants to be spoon fed everything without developing critical thinking skills. Maxine had to sort through mountains and mountains of bollocks and jewish dung to provide us with what we have here today.

Learning the mysteries is not so easy, and no one's gonna spoon feed you anything... the diamond gems are hidden amongst the trash. You need to be able to seperate the two.
Also andrew has said its just tough love
Yes, after seeing that 99% of the comments were Whites enraged at him.

Tate is mixed and a muslim, I don't think he really cares if whites are replaced by blacks, which he is, and muslims which he also is. He, like many others (especially being mixed and a complete narcissist) doesn't see anything bad with race-mixing. He probably thinks it's a very good thing (since he does himself lol). And he's supposed to be against Europe becoming a muslim continent? While he himself is a muslim? I don't really buy this "tough love" thing, meaning I don't think it was his intent, I think he was just laughing at Whites to be honest (I read the post very quickly and skipped some parts of it), but I agree with Jack in the sense that, yes, a post like this puts a big light on the extreme gravity of this issue, that many Whites still ignore.
Guys the whole thing Andrew Tate is selling is that he agitates people in order to get their attention, if everyone is triggered, they should understand it, he wants people to be triggered. It's what he is selling. The same goes for exaggeration and things like that. Like a streamer or whatever.

I believe he's a fine person on a personal basis. Lots of work to do on so many areas intellectually and in so many others. But what goes? He's just a person.

I also don't believe he trafficked people but he got girls into the cam business which let's be honest with ourselves, quite a few women are doing all the time now, so it's not like he's a dark pimp from Israel that sells organs. People with his personality don't tend to do these things.

Similarly I don't believe Trump was stealing taxes and many other con-man legal attacks that many people who stand for more "straight up" approach to life and "masculine" approach have to constantly face.

I could be wrong but unless verified by court I won't believe a word. Even then I will have my doubts as I know he has agitated too many people and I know people in power can manufacture anything about someone. Tate, he is also very rich and it's very easy for old partners he had to say whatever. He's not a pure sky heaven guy, but I don't think he is "that" bad fundamentally as a human being.

He has endless work to do on himself but he has attained some certain aims in life, to deny this would be to have one's head up one's ass.

The same women that have OnlyFans at nights in this world, are outside complaining men are pigs and have double standards, or they claim it's woman's rights and who knows what else.

It's the situation of the time, too much visual stimulus and they take advantage of it, and they want to later on avoid responsibility, which is not consistent with a grown up female mindset. A lot of people who find themselves in situations like working for certain things in life, aren't victims, they went there themselves to do it.

None of that is an endorsement, nor I think he is a direct "ally" or whatever. He is who he is, and as I stated about, judging him for whatever else, is not important, as he is a random outsider. He has therefore random beliefs, actions and he is inconsistent with endless things. Which is normal.
Tate is mixed and a muslim, I don't think he really cares if whites are replaced by blacks, which he is, and muslims which he also is. He, like many others (especially being mixed and a complete narcissist) doesn't see anything bad with race-mixing. He probably thinks it's a very good thing (since he does himself lol).

Tate doesn't really care fundamentally on an emotional level. But he understands when the Western World goes down, his pipe ass dreams of a "rich life" and "freedoms" are going down the drain. Therefore he understands it's in his best interest that Whites make it, partly because of this exaggerated persona he has.

That is also a proper mindset that many other people like him have, and it's logical. Nobody taught him any racial virtues so to judge him against that is stupid, because he applies the values he knows about, which are the values of "whatever goes if it's beautiful", which is also what most people in his caliber are doing.

Look at the results. Be WISER.

It's more important now to become AWARE of problems, than the quality of it. The quality will arrive later as people start figuring out the problem and start going around it to solve it.
If you watch this, you'll see most of what you said about him is wrong: https://rumble.com/v4pybwi-emergency-meeting-episode-46-white-people.html

30mins if you're watching on x2 speed, and it's quite insightful into his position on the matter. If he found out about SS he'd literally convert tomorrow. He's very close to the truth.

He seems to identify more with being white than black tbh, or at least Tristan does, and clearly is very pro-white. I think he actually does care on an emotional level.
I will never ever accept a human/sex trafficker or pimp as my role model. He is "brave enough" to say that bc at the moment he has enough money and power/influence to protect himself.
I will listen to what he has to say, but the above will always be true.
Ironically the fact that this conversation is even entertained suggests the type of problems we currently face.

If any other race was being shat on by someone else, that would be enough to make them an enemy. They wouldn't sift through their conversations trying to find a reason for a different opinion. But Whites are so desperate to look for good in other peoples, so desperate to believe our enemies don't really hate us, that we will move mountains convincing ourselves that they're on our side. They aren't. Certainly some muslim race-mixer who shits on our people doesn't care about what happens to us. muslim brown people are the ones who celebrate every time some little kid riding their bike encounters a truck of peace. Tate spends plenty of time shitting on white people, how come he can't shit on the muslims who desecrated Ebba Akerlund's grave? I guess to him desecrating some 11 year old's grave is a sign of primal alpha masculinity. It's only ever whites who can be criticized, never the inbred genetic defectives who are so weak and worthless they get off on attacking the most vulnerable.

Even if tate is informing some people of these problems, that doesn't mean he's a net positive. Many people would come to these conclusions soon enough. The primary thing we're lacking isn't knowledge of these problems, it's an ethnocentrism/self-loyalty that will enable us to focus on ourselves and overcome our enemies. There are many, many people who are aware of these problems but feel that any solution is hopeless, so they do nothing. Certainly tate shitting on the people who try to do something and trying to demoralize people doesn't help this.

If Dr. Pierce was the one waking people up, they could be made aware of the problems while also remaining motivated to address them. But now we have a race-mixing muslim whose primary mode of income comes from instructing people on how to spread venereal disease.

Anyone who tries to reduce the little ethnocentrism we have is an enemy, it doesn't matter if they make people aware of a few things they would soon know about anyway. The issue isn't that we're unaware of these problems, it's that we feel unable to take own side. So fuck tate, and fuck the swarthy little petri dish in the screenshotted DMs. Maybe if we weren't so busy supporting all of YOUR people, who YOU are too weak to support, we would have time to take our own side.

Ethnocentrism. Love your friends, hate your enemies. Only love (for ourselves) and hate (for our enemies) will save us. Focus on the essential, not political shell games.
Tate converted to Islam because he wanted an Ethnic Shield against the Jews who were after him for Redpilling BILLIONS of people on topics of VACCINE DEATHS ,LOCKDOWNs and the ELITE MONEY MATRIX. Even if he didn't talk about the JEWS ,the fact that he Redpilled so many people made the Jews come after him on Sex Trafficking claims which may or may not be true. They came after Julian Assange and Donald Trump in the same way with the same attack Vector - SEX CRIMES. There are various CRIMINAL PIMPS in these Eastern Slavic Countries like Romania etc. who will never be targeted in the specific High Profile case that Tate was targeted in.

The reason why they specifically targeted Tate is not because of the Talking Points against Women because there are many people talking against women in a negative way. He was targeted specifically because of Vaccine Deaths and Covid Lockdown Talking points which was what they couldn't have him talking about.

I've never seen Tate proselytizing Islam which is also know as Giving Dawah. Most of the time ,he is making comparisons about how Islamic countries do not tolerate Degeneracy that the Western countries do and that Christians do which is why their countries are being overrun and destroyed. There are old video of him targeting Muslims on being terrorists and calling for them to be hanged on the streets.

The reason he Converted to Islam is because he wanted to ESCAPE to Qatar or Dubai. A Muslim country where you can disappear and not be targeted by the Jews like in the West.

Yes ,i agree fuck Tate and fuck his beliefs.

But his actions against our common enemy is what i support. Him Redpilling more and more White Young Men that they are being outbred in their OWN countries and they need to get ANGRY about this and take action.
It was not tate who told me the truth about the current situation of the white race.

It is undeniable that he was materially successful and that we can learn something from him.

The main problem I have with him is that he does not teach anything, he just makes fun of you because you are not like him. He is not a teacher or anything like that and I cannot take him 100 per cent seriously because of his contradictions.

Being teased only makes you angry and doesn't teach you anything, or provide any solutions.
You need real guidance, practical advice to do. Create a program that you have to follow to the letter to be successful.

I can dedicate myself to that and improve.

These people learned this now that he told them about it, and many people are also young people who needed to hear this and would otherwise never even hear about this problem.

The anger is something one can use for effective change. What Tate does is do this in order to drive attention there. He is not a master teacher or anything, just a person who has a very functioning mind and can understand where things are going with certain matters, be this the enemy's world order or the White depopulation.
These people learned this now that he told them about it, and many people are also young people who needed to hear this and would otherwise never even hear about this problem.

The anger is something one can use for effective change. What Tate does is do this in order to drive attention there. He is not a master teacher or anything, just a person who has a very functioning mind and can understand where things are going with certain matters, be this the enemy's world order or the White depopulation.
It's easy to take for granted what we know here. The times when I was ignorant to the situation in the world and regarding the jews, seems like forever ago. It's like it wasn't even my life or my timeline. You forget what you didn't used to know and what ordinary people aren't aware of.
It's easy to take for granted what we know here. The times when I was ignorant to the situation in the world and regarding the jews, seems like forever ago. It's like it wasn't even my life or my timeline. You forget what you didn't used to know and what ordinary people aren't aware of.

Correct, and many people here are sitting on a mountain of understanding and knowledge that they think other people "must have". They go as far as to judge outsiders for not knowing or not behaving in a 'proper way'.

How can they behave in the proper way if they never heard ANYTHING of these matters in their lives? They simply cannot. The knowledge is not there.

Many people don't have 1% of the knowledge given here. Any move to give them even 1%, is a win for us, no matter who does it.

As about the so called "insults and anger" that Tate does, the situation is that he is mentioning what is happening in this world as it is right now, which causes anger and yes, feelings of inferiority.

But the realistic situation is that this is the case of the world and people have to face this somehow. Of course many people get enraged, but this anger is something that comes with waking up and understanding things like you are being genocided or something.

Most people here are way above this state, but everyone should look back and remember how they were before they knew anything.
Jews are also on an onslaught to try to claim Tate is:

1. Human trafficker/Rapist/Who knows what else
2. Mossad Jew (they do this to all their enemies)
3. Use bots to attack him and discourage him by showing white people are "stupid", so he stops doing anything
4. Drag him in courts all day, up to now what it looks like without proof

Now the real enemy has reared it's head in front of Tate, who thought it was all about Buggati's and bullshit flexing in front of a randomized "matrix system".

Tate will now see who really runs the show, and maybe that will alert him to a few things. He is extremely arrogant and now that he is moving up, he is seeing now the final ugly boss which is the jews.

Somewhere in his head, he wants to actually improve other people, in the limited ways that he understands. Even if limited, he still understands way more than the average joe.

People who even, in a little amount, try to maintain a formal logic, speak too openly, or try to but even a little break in Israel's plans, are dragged always into destruction. That should prove to anyone who runs the world.

We don't have to agree with Alex Jones or whomever else, or whatever they are doing. We have to stay focused on the proof that the persecution of ANYONE, by the jews for their agenda.

If that's what they do to people who upwards to 80% agree with them or don't know them, one can only imagine what they would do to people who genuinely try to wake up.
Andrew is black. I have watched his videos for ages. He has iterated his view that keeping monogamous commitments with women is totally pointless and that men should aim as young as possible for years. It's not a new revelation.

He knows that somewhere like Niger has a birth rate of 7 kids per woman... because it is part of the polygyny belt of West Africa (most men have multiple wives) and the average marriage age is 15-17. That's also his point. No polygyny, no cheating, no younger marriage? No birth rate!

This is not the only thing about this being related lately. There are loads of rappers with harems and endless kids. Ne-yo just went public about having two girlfriends. Elephant Man (dancehall guy) just said he had 38+ kids.

What Tate is saying is what Tate's father related to him. It's black male culture, in general.

What he is not saying is that the standards white men are broadly subjected to and incessantly nitpicked over are way beyond what was ever hoisted on Ray Ray, Pookie and Abdul, while having to carry society on our backs and being spited for giving people who are not us more rights than any other group in history (sorry, if you don't believe me, read more and watch this at least).

These "standards" crafted by feminist bitches and social media mobs full of the lowest scum, all the while attempting to indoctrinate boys at every stage with self-hatred in the education system, are going to make a lot of young white boys into lunatics. I've spoken to Gen Alpha white boys and the future is not looking so good with sex relations. The situation is way beyond the solution Tate is pushing.
Many people actually support Tate. Much of the hate is from liberals and other ZOG-bots. However, he shoots himself in the foot when he posts things like this.I
think if he can just lay back with throwing unnecessary strays at Whites, he'll keep gaining massive traction as he has been for the past few years. Look at Candace Owens, she is supported by everyone, even the most radical right wingers.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
