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US BOMBS YEMEN (12-01-24)

Dec 3, 2022
I was expecting this. Hoping it wouldn't happen but really not a surprise at all. It pisses me off to see humans fighting each other because of these reptard fucks. Each war, each move they make adds to the punishment that will rain down hard on them very soon. Brave Yemen will take the heat now but as the title sais this was a BIG MISTAKE !

Yeah well if you attack the global trading community like a bunch of retard pirates this is what you get morons why the hell would you start a fight with a world super power and expect to not get slapped back to be honest its kind of a good thing that trump ain't in charge right now he would have saved Israels ass like a little Jew lover he is but he also would have been dropping MOAB's on the houthis right now and likely steam rolled their whole country in a matter of hours idiots get what they deserve blockade the port sure but don't stop and raid all international trade passing through ridiculous.

What i like is that Israel has suffered thousands of casualties now with military experts like scott ritter saying he has heard sources saying 5000 casualties from Gaza deploying reservist's or pretty much the equivalent to civilian militia's with guns and equipment to the front line and expecting them to do well against an opponent like Hamas is not going to end well i think its hilarious that HAMAS bet that the stock market of israel was going to crash on the date they ambushed Israel and made billions of dollars off of Israel in this way i had to laugh how they really did think of everything when it came to screwing over these kike dogs.

Northern Gaza has been leveled and still HAMAS fires rockets at them and continues with regular ambush attacks using rpg 7's and assualt rifles made by north korea, north korea has been delivering arms to HAMAS via submarines i know that the M70 rockets that Hamas continue to rain on Israel are made in North Korea but im not sure about the M90's they might be home made those ones are larger and more long range or atleast supplied by Iran or Yemen.

I think it will be interesting with Hezbollah they have recently gone from being less militant and more towards focusing on being elected politically in the election with Lebanon is in serious trouble economically and the last thing they want right now is a war with israel but they still are helping HAMAS anyway i have also heard a rumor that Iran and Turkey said they will be joining the war but i still have yet to see proof of that i know Algeria was talking about it and i know egypt and Algeria have amassed a total of two battle battlions on the egyptian boarder but at the moment no movement any further they have amassed over 1000 tanks and all soldiers are being recalled and put back onto active duty.

i also have seen that syria responded with a large missile barrage and unlike the israel missiles the syrian ones actually hit their targets the iron dome only has about 3000 interceptors left even after the USA supplied them with more.

I've also heard of unconfirmed reports that Iraq has lobbed a bunch of missiles at israel as well in retaliation for Mossad street bombing high value targets in their country that are helping Iran backed terrorist groups like islamic Jihad and such but like i said rumors usually i hear about it from an unoffical source then a much more credible source like hindustan times or Scott Ritter or Colnel Douglus might chime in on the issue then usually a few days after a main stream media might make a mention of it i knew a good two weeks faster about the houthi's hijacking that first trade ship before main stream media said anything about it probably because they need to ask permission before reporting on such things first.

My biggest hope is that Iran gets involved directly and unleashes its full arsenal on Israel they have thousands of rockets and missiles they would easily wipe israel out it will be interesting what happens in the region.

regardless of the above you must all realise that this is a literal manifestation of us returning their curses every dead or injured jew, every blown up israel building every destroyed tank, air craft, stock market crash, politcal unrest, disease this is all a returning of our curses this is us manifesting on them this is what we can do to them every sacrfice they make they will loose more this is the beginning of the end for them let the main enemy stronghold on this world collapse in their entirety and let us humans rise to reclaim our world from the parasite.

We destroy their nation
then we destroy their banking control with crypto
then we reclaim our governments
I admit I haven't been keeping abreast of this conflict, but it has my attention now that the US is dropping bombs. I'd be surprised if it didn't fully escalate into a land invasion at this point. The Houthi seem to have a 'suck my dick, kike-lover' attitude towards the US and their morale is high. They're gonna keep fighting, probably even harder now. My deep dive into investigating Iran, Yemen, the Houthis, and the 'axis of resistance' as it's being dubbed by zionist news outlets. Anyone with good information about these Houthi people is appreciated. Send informational links from non-ZOG sources, please.
I was just waiting for this to happen since obviously US Navy ships patrolling the Red Sea couldn’t stop the attacks.

And I don’t know what they hope to accomplish, wasn’t Yemen already bombed by Saudi Arabia back to Stone Age virtually, and what happened?

Israel is a rabid dog. As long as it exists, Middle East will not know peace
I admit I haven't been keeping abreast of this conflict, but it has my attention now that the US is dropping bombs. I'd be surprised if it didn't fully escalate into a land invasion at this point. The Houthi seem to have a 'suck my dick, kike-lover' attitude towards the US and their morale is high. They're gonna keep fighting, probably even harder now. My deep dive into investigating Iran, Yemen, the Houthis, and the 'axis of resistance' as it's being dubbed by zionist news outlets. Anyone with good information about these Houthi people is appreciated. Send informational links from non-ZOG sources, please.
scott ritter type that name into youtube a lot of his videos use multiple youtube channels and overlay on their videos to stop youtube from banning his voice and content anymore he has a lot of old intelligence contacts and was a USA intelligence officer working in Afghanistan and Iraq so he knows people who know whats actually going on in the region.
Yeah well if you attack the global trading community like a bunch of retard pirates this is what you get morons why the hell would you start a fight with a world super power and expect to not get slapped back to be honest its kind of a good thing that trump ain't in charge right now he would have saved Israels ass like a little Jew lover he is but he also would have been dropping MOAB's on the houthis right now and likely steam rolled their whole country in a matter of hours idiots get what they deserve blockade the port sure but don't stop and raid all international trade passing through ridiculous.

What i like is that Israel has suffered thousands of casualties now with military experts like scott ritter saying he has heard sources saying 5000 casualties from Gaza deploying reservist's or pretty much the equivalent to civilian militia's with guns and equipment to the front line and expecting them to do well against an opponent like Hamas is not going to end well i think its hilarious that HAMAS bet that the stock market of israel was going to crash on the date they ambushed Israel and made billions of dollars off of Israel in this way i had to laugh how they really did think of everything when it came to screwing over these kike dogs.

Northern Gaza has been leveled and still HAMAS fires rockets at them and continues with regular ambush attacks using rpg 7's and assualt rifles made by north korea, north korea has been delivering arms to HAMAS via submarines i know that the M70 rockets that Hamas continue to rain on Israel are made in North Korea but im not sure about the M90's they might be home made those ones are larger and more long range or atleast supplied by Iran or Yemen.

I think it will be interesting with Hezbollah they have recently gone from being less militant and more towards focusing on being elected politically in the election with Lebanon is in serious trouble economically and the last thing they want right now is a war with israel but they still are helping HAMAS anyway i have also heard a rumor that Iran and Turkey said they will be joining the war but i still have yet to see proof of that i know Algeria was talking about it and i know egypt and Algeria have amassed a total of two battle battlions on the egyptian boarder but at the moment no movement any further they have amassed over 1000 tanks and all soldiers are being recalled and put back onto active duty.

i also have seen that syria responded with a large missile barrage and unlike the israel missiles the syrian ones actually hit their targets the iron dome only has about 3000 interceptors left even after the USA supplied them with more.

I've also heard of unconfirmed reports that Iraq has lobbed a bunch of missiles at israel as well in retaliation for Mossad street bombing high value targets in their country that are helping Iran backed terrorist groups like islamic Jihad and such but like i said rumors usually i hear about it from an unoffical source then a much more credible source like hindustan times or Scott Ritter or Colnel Douglus might chime in on the issue then usually a few days after a main stream media might make a mention of it i knew a good two weeks faster about the houthi's hijacking that first trade ship before main stream media said anything about it probably because they need to ask permission before reporting on such things first.

My biggest hope is that Iran gets involved directly and unleashes its full arsenal on Israel they have thousands of rockets and missiles they would easily wipe israel out it will be interesting what happens in the region.

regardless of the above you must all realise that this is a literal manifestation of us returning their curses every dead or injured jew, every blown up israel building every destroyed tank, air craft, stock market crash, politcal unrest, disease this is all a returning of our curses this is us manifesting on them this is what we can do to them every sacrfice they make they will loose more this is the beginning of the end for them let the main enemy stronghold on this world collapse in their entirety and let us humans rise to reclaim our world from the parasite.

We destroy their nation
then we destroy their banking control with crypto
then we reclaim our governments
Jews want Iran to get involved directly. At this moment, their only Real Enemy is Iran in the region. And they desperately want to topple and destroy Iran. For that to happen they want to provoke direct attacks by Iran to which the US must respond.
Jews want Iran to get involved directly. At this moment, their only Real Enemy is Iran in the region. And they desperately want to topple and destroy Iran. For that to happen they want to provoke direct attacks by Iran to which the US must respond.
The problem with Iran is that, while it is an actual threat to Israel, it is still a radical muslim country where a woman will be beat to death for not covering her face. Thus, we SS can only consider Iran a temporary ally. Their victory aganist Israel will be welcome, but pisslam is still a jewish poisonous brew.
Jews want Iran to get involved directly. At this moment, their only Real Enemy is Iran in the region. And they desperately want to topple and destroy Iran. For that to happen they want to provoke direct attacks by Iran to which the US must respond.
Well that may have been the case at the start of this conflict and yes they keep saying that Hamas, Hezbollah and Yemeni attacks are all Iran in their mainstream media but honestly i think the situation as spiralled out of their control they thought they would crush Hamas and Hamas has made them look like a total clown show slaughtering and horribly maiming 1000s of their soldiers and destroying 100s of their tanks and armoured vehicles even managing to destroy several of their helicopters even their lampshade looking elite soldiers have gotten slaughtered by Hamas they pretty much laid waste to the surface of northern gaza rolled themselves into a literal death trap of an ant hill and now Hamas pops out attacks run away rinse and repeat and it's working a massive battle of attrition has been taking place and its working against Israel.

Even hazebollah recently laid waste to an northern Israeli airfield and just from cross border fire they have destroyed over 23 tanks and they have destroyed hundreds of millions of dollars of surveillance equipment gradually blinding israel more and more if the Russians make good on their promises to Lebanon they will also receive their aid in the use of anti air weapons designed to destroy fighter jets and helicopters.

Israel only has a total "military" of 360,000 soldiers 75% of that are army reserves so they arent full time soldiers they have or rather had around 4000 tanks and they a couple hundred aircraft about half of which is support helicopters for resupply and deployment purposes their navy they have about i do believe 21 naval vessels.

So they said they were going to attack gaza with 100,000 soldiers and 1000 tanks obviously they never did send their soldier's in such large force which is smart because they would have gotten totally wiped out by a couple of missile barrages from hamas and mortar strikes so the jews this whole time have been making their tanks do all the hard work which is really dumb because if you send tanks into urban warfare unsupported by infantry thats why you see Hamas or even gaza civilians walking up to tanks throwing c4 on them and blowing them up they have no infantry support why because the infantry are mostly reserves who don't want to fight these are civilians that have been given a gun and told to go fight for their country with 6 months of training probably about 2 to 3 years ago for most of them they don't know how to fight effectively you see them out there overweight or they have women doing their fighting for them you think they can carry 35kg to 45kg around all day long this is why they are loosing they are unprepared ill discplined force fighting against well prepared defender's.

They are getting slapped around by HAMAS if hezbollah wasn't trying to win an election right now and Lebanon's economy wasn't in shambles they would have engaged full force into Israel which they might still do if they keep on escalating tensions in the region.

Either way they have isolated themselves on the global stage their one and only friend is America right now they have permanently destroyed their reputation with every other nation around the world and even then America is holding onto them by a thread.

The world again other then America has imposed sanctions on Israel everyone has opposed them continuing this war a large number of countires have removed their embassy this has all been a massive win for us
The problem with Iran is that, while it is an actual threat to Israel, it is still a radical muslim country where a woman will be beat to death for not covering her face. Thus, we SS can only consider Iran a temporary ally. Their victory aganist Israel will be welcome, but pisslam is still a jewish poisonous brew.
Let iran and israel flatten and burn each other.
scott ritter type that name into youtube a lot of his videos use multiple youtube channels and overlay on their videos to stop youtube from banning his voice and content anymore he has a lot of old intelligence contacts and was a USA intelligence officer working in Afghanistan and Iraq so he knows people who know whats actually going on in the region.
Thanks, I'll check him out. Trying to get as much good intel as I can.
The problem with Iran is that, while it is an actual threat to Israel, it is still a radical muslim country where a woman will be beat to death for not covering her face. Thus, we SS can only consider Iran a temporary ally. Their victory aganist Israel will be welcome, but pisslam is still a jewish poisonous brew.
To be honest , i prefer the Extreme Isolationist view of America First where the only Social Situation Whites should concern themselves is of their own countries. After the common enemy is defeated , i believe every race and country should take care of themselves and not involve themselves with the Internal Affairs of other countries. This is why America is Hated throughout Africa and the Middle East because they constantly bomb these countries and then force them to accept Social Changes in exchange for Monetary Aid. While China couldn't care less about who is having sex with whom or who is being oppressed and just wants to do trade relations. They literally give out predatory loans of building roads, hospitals and ports and when the Africans can't pay it back they take over that area for 200 years. This is actually a brilliant business strategy which the US could have used. But instead the US just loses money by bombing countries, displacing popular dictators and then giving them aid.

I believe whoever is against the Jews is our temporary ally and after we deal with the common enemy the races and countries should just separate and concern themselves with their own matters. The US and Europe is obviously one large whole. After the Migrants are deported , i see no moral obligation for Whites to impose or try to effect social change in Muslim countries. They need to deal with their own problems , themselves. Just like the Africans should.
Let iran and israel flatten and burn each other
The plan is to either provoke Iran into doing something reckless or do a false flag to justify a war against Iran. And the ones who are going to fight this war on behalf of Israel is the US and the UK , like they always do. So a War actually doesn't benefit anyone because the Whites are going to be targeted in the war and this isn't even their fight.
I believe whoever is against the Jews is our temporary ally and after we deal with the common enemy the races and countries should just separate and concern themselves with their own matters. The US and Europe is obviously one large whole. After the Migrants are deported , i see no moral obligation for Whites to impose or try to effect social change in Muslim countries. They need to deal with their own problems , themselves. Just like the Africans should.
You're right, but they themselves would have to realise that they must get rid of pisslam, just as we need to get rid of xianity.
You're right, but they themselves would have to realise that they must get rid of pisslam, just as we need to get rid of xianity.
Islam is going to be very easily destroyed in a couple decades except in some Countries like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia where the State is the problem. As modernization happens in these communities which is inevitable, Islam will be easily dismantled because of common sense and the fact that in order to Modernize, people need a system of government that can modernize society which is definitely not Islam.

After the destruction of US influence over the world, i see Secular dictators taking over Iran and the Middle East who will greatly aid in the faster dismantling and dissolution of Islam. Europe hasn't ever been that religious for Christianity except for Poland and Russia for all i know and their main issue is the Migrants ,the Low Birth Rate and the Economic problems they're facing. They'll quickly get back on track when the Migrants are gone and very long reaching discoveries of breakthrough technologies are made.

The Main issue is with the US i have noticed is that the Emerging Right has become extremely antisemitic and radicalized which we all want , but at the same time having taken a particularly Christian form of Antisemitism. I don't know if this is intentional with Bad Actors at play or the leaders themselves have made a mental assessment that this is the most quickest path to turn everyone against the Jews. But the main problem after the Common Enemy is the persistent emerging Catholic influence that has taken over the New Right. And while i am happy that the Whites are turning against the Jews en masse , i can't help but wonder how this will turn out in the future.

Hitler tried to reform Christianity and failed in his time ,although we don't know what he could have achieved in a long enough timeline. Christian Antisemitism can be used to rally the populace, but it eventually traps people into worshiping the same Jew God and we can't go back to our roots which is the real Gods. They will agree on every single gripe with us against the Jews, but on a fundamental level worship the same Jew God. I couldn't understand what level of Cognitive Dissonance these people are operating under to hold such Fundamentally Contradictory views. After talking with a couple of these people ,i understood that the Rot is too deep.

I think there is going to be massive change within the Christian circles themselves after the Common Enemy is eliminated and eventually the entire system will be completely dismantled but it may take some time.
Hitler tried to reform Christianity and failed in his time ,although we don't know what he could have achieved in a long enough timeline. Christian Antisemitism can be used to rally the populace, but it eventually traps people into worshiping the same Jew God and we can't go back to our roots which is the real Gods.
While I agree with most of what you said, I have to disagree on both things you said in the specific part I have quoted;

1) Hitler never settled accounts with xianity, he actively fought the churches with the help of Himmler and Heydrich among others. The difference was that he was more diplomatic and patient, while Himmler was open about Paganism.

2) Xian antisemitism is basically the Spanish Inquisition. It's only the lower class jews who are persecuted, but the ruling jews are untouchable, just like in the jewSSR.

Excerpt from https://blacksun666.org/Adolf_Hitler.html:

What did Hitler have to say about "pure, original Christianity" and an "Aryan Christ?"
"Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both."

"Hitler made it clear that he was not interested in an "Aryanized Christianity" or the "Aryan Jesus" myth promoted by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Von Liebenfels, and certain party members. "You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus, that's nonsense. What needs to be done you say? I will tell you: we must prevent the churches from doing anything but, what they are doing now, that is, losing ground day by day. But we can hasten matters. The parsons will be made to dig their own graves." he stated."
While I agree with most of what you said, I have to disagree on both things you said in the specific part I have quoted;

1) Hitler never settled accounts with xianity, he actively fought the churches with the help of Himmler and Heydrich among others. The difference was that he was more diplomatic and patient, while Himmler was open about Paganism.

2) Xian antisemitism is basically the Spanish Inquisition. It's only the lower class jews who are persecuted, but the ruling jews are untouchable, just like in the jewSSR.

Excerpt from https://blacksun666.org/Adolf_Hitler.html:

What did Hitler have to say about "pure, original Christianity" and an "Aryan Christ?"
"Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both."

"Hitler made it clear that he was not interested in an "Aryanized Christianity" or the "Aryan Jesus" myth promoted by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Von Liebenfels, and certain party members. "You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus, that's nonsense. What needs to be done you say? I will tell you: we must prevent the churches from doing anything but, what they are doing now, that is, losing ground day by day. But we can hasten matters. The parsons will be made to dig their own graves." he stated."
There's a section in that same website about Positive Christianity where it shows that Hitler was trying to reform the Churches insofar that the Churches were preventing the National Socialist Worldview into coming into power and he was trying to undermine its powers. That doesn't mean he was settling any score with Xianity. He was just a pragmatic ruler and was using the best use of resources in his capacity. He was essentially waiting till the end of the War to go full frontal assault against the Churches.

But he made a lot of speeches appropriating Christian talking points against the Jews and painting Jesus Christ as an Aryan reformer against the Jewish Materialism in his early speeches. He moved away from that after he got power and didn't have any need to get favour of Christians in a voting sense. You can say he was a clever politician and playing the long game in a pragmatic sense , because his actions while in power and conversations in private showed his true beliefs.

I read an entire book on this situation which maps his viewpoints and dealings with the Church throughout his career ,called "Hitler's Religion" which contains all the quotes and references of his views. When i said "reforming the Church" i meant undermine its powers that they had on German Society which was preventing the National Socialist Wordview into being fully integrated into society.

Another good book on this subject is "The Nazi Persecution of the Churches"

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
