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Pluto Entering Aquarius: First Signs Of Satan's Era...

Thank you Brother HP HoodedCobra666!♥️🦾⚡
The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It was very interesting and informative. Coincidentally, I started another planetary square for Saturn yesterday and noticed that shift concerning Pluto afterwards.
I believe this symbolizes that I made the right call besides the energy felt, as it would yield the transformation of what I wasn't into what I am supposed to be.

This post made me excited to see what's upcoming and also pushed me to amplify my warfare efforts, especially during these times when it's most required.
I am eagerly waiting for illumination regarding these matters and how things will progress by researching first-hand what implications are held for the future.
Today is a historic day as Pluto is finally entering Aquarius. That will be an era of massive developments, freedom of humanity, futurism and many technological developments that will change humanity's lifestyle. As we know the enemy is ever-vigilant to turn these into slave technology, but the nature of Aquarius will betray them and give the consequential opposite result.

Our side, is the side of the humanists. Those who want humanity to survive into the aeons and move forward. Those who seek the enlivening of the human spirit, human creativity, the joy in the creation of humanity's tools of survival.

The enemy side is the side of those against humanity, spearheaded by the jews and other soul-disabled entities, that will use the uprising powers and developments to declare humanity worthless or obsolete. That side of history must be mercilessly crashed, as humanity belongs to the earth and to life, not to death and irrelevance.

I have been reading the news; those in power envision still major societal control, among other well known things. The next 20 years will represent a clash with these ideals, but this clash might not arrive in the same way as people expected. They will not know what to expect. For all I can say, those who are not in alignment with the goals of Satan in the future, will eventually find themselves in major surprises, but also crashing force, maybe so by the very tools they created with the hopes of enslaving everyone else...

As Spiritual Satanists we can be in peace knowing that Pluto will govern over Father Satan's Sign. We must not dwell in worry in anyway. Instead, we must forward in the future with confidence, no matter what happens or is claimed to happen in the world. No matter what, we will have one another and our world will eventually advance. Satan will assign to His agents massive power to install His decrees, but those who fail to do this will be crushed.

As a responsive reaction, there will be clashes of wars and also clashes which involve around mass population control. Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.

Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Psychologically this era will have people concerned about our collective future. Regardless of Nations battling it out, slowly, a coherent understanding of a collective future of the stars for humanity will slowly start to become an idea closer to us.

We certainly live in an era of massive arrogance now, and many of those in power are in power trips, trying to play "God" and all the rest of it. These elements will eventually be weeded out, but as it appears with other planetary alignments, clashes between Nations will occur. Israel's plans will fail and everyone will also see these "people" and their conspiracy for what it is. It's already happening.

Obsolete jewish conspiracies are heading to the death throes, but they will try to adjust to the time and fail ultimately due to their nature. They will keep losing influence in the next 20 years, rapidly so.

Regular people out there will be shocked at the dismantling of conspiracies and hoaxes that will surface in the next two decades. Incidents like Epstein or the crimes of Israel will look like small scandals in the future, child's play. We have a lot of things to see yet.

People are getting disillusioned and they will see that we are right to be very stern and critical towards this prelithic conspiracy of the jews. It was always normal to be wary of them, but only recently they used empty excuses to absolve them from what they wanted to commit. Their excuses of being sorry little eternally persecuted ones will not fly in the next 20 years, they will be seen solely on what they are doing. The era of irrational lying will have only so much power in the next 20 years; lies will increase, but so will the filtering mechanisms of human beings. Now that is changing.

Long-term conspiracies like the above, will be exposed in front of the world to see, judged under the light and power of Aquarius. Due to the nature of Aquarius, revolutions in mind and thought are expected, that will look intense compared to the last years from 2008 until today.

We are offically entering Father Satan's Era. We are not there yet, but we will get a "breath of it's air" so to say.

Systems that have long been used as slavery mechanisms, will change in their essence. That won't be in the hands of those in power to control. We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist. That will be a wake up call for humanity. But that might not arrive exactly now; we will get a few breaths of the air of the future of this, however.

Humanity is now standing on the crossroads between dystopian and utopian developments; the battle will rage on. If there was ever a time to stay close to the Gods and fight for this cause, right now is the time. We must be vigilant and strong. But also calm and in knowing that we will manage everything.

The next 19 years ahead of us [Aquarius will be left behind by Pluto in 2043] are going to be years of monumental growth. It is now time for all of us, big or small, to play our part that we were sent here to play by the Gods. Even if it is the smallest part. Without delusion and with proper confidence, we will embark into the new Era. May the Gods bless their house to grow powerfully, more than ever before and may all of you be blessed.

The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
We need to make the most of this opportunity we will make the infinite empire that Hitler envisioned for us and become like our gods or as close to them as possible we need to stay close keep our defences up and stay close to the wise one's guidance.
This is music to all our ears, Brother. I can't wait to see these revolutions and innovation as long as they bring us closer to Satan and the Gods of Hell.

Let's all do our part and make this transition into the Satanic Age as smooth as possible!

Today is a historic day as Pluto is finally entering Aquarius. That will be an era of massive developments, freedom of humanity, futurism and many technological developments that will change humanity's lifestyle. As we know the enemy is ever-vigilant to turn these into slave technology, but the nature of Aquarius will betray them and give the consequential opposite result.

Our side, is the side of the humanists. Those who want humanity to survive into the aeons and move forward. Those who seek the enlivening of the human spirit, human creativity, the joy in the creation of humanity's tools of survival.

The enemy side is the side of those against humanity, spearheaded by the jews and other soul-disabled entities, that will use the uprising powers and developments to declare humanity worthless or obsolete. That side of history must be mercilessly crashed, as humanity belongs to the earth and to life, not to death and irrelevance.

I have been reading the news; those in power envision still major societal control, among other well known things. The next 20 years will represent a clash with these ideals, but this clash might not arrive in the same way as people expected. They will not know what to expect. For all I can say, those who are not in alignment with the goals of Satan in the future, will eventually find themselves in major surprises, but also crashing force, maybe so by the very tools they created with the hopes of enslaving everyone else...

As Spiritual Satanists we can be in peace knowing that Pluto will govern over Father Satan's Sign. We must not dwell in worry in anyway. Instead, we must forward in the future with confidence, no matter what happens or is claimed to happen in the world. No matter what, we will have one another and our world will eventually advance. Satan will assign to His agents massive power to install His decrees, but those who fail to do this will be crushed.

As a responsive reaction, there will be clashes of wars and also clashes which involve around mass population control. Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.

Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Psychologically this era will have people concerned about our collective future. Regardless of Nations battling it out, slowly, a coherent understanding of a collective future of the stars for humanity will slowly start to become an idea closer to us.

We certainly live in an era of massive arrogance now, and many of those in power are in power trips, trying to play "God" and all the rest of it. These elements will eventually be weeded out, but as it appears with other planetary alignments, clashes between Nations will occur. Israel's plans will fail and everyone will also see these "people" and their conspiracy for what it is. It's already happening.

Obsolete jewish conspiracies are heading to the death throes, but they will try to adjust to the time and fail ultimately due to their nature. They will keep losing influence in the next 20 years, rapidly so.

Regular people out there will be shocked at the dismantling of conspiracies and hoaxes that will surface in the next two decades. Incidents like Epstein or the crimes of Israel will look like small scandals in the future, child's play. We have a lot of things to see yet.

People are getting disillusioned and they will see that we are right to be very stern and critical towards this prelithic conspiracy of the jews. It was always normal to be wary of them, but only recently they used empty excuses to absolve them from what they wanted to commit. Their excuses of being sorry little eternally persecuted ones will not fly in the next 20 years, they will be seen solely on what they are doing. The era of irrational lying will have only so much power in the next 20 years; lies will increase, but so will the filtering mechanisms of human beings. Now that is changing.

Long-term conspiracies like the above, will be exposed in front of the world to see, judged under the light and power of Aquarius. Due to the nature of Aquarius, revolutions in mind and thought are expected, that will look intense compared to the last years from 2008 until today.

We are offically entering Father Satan's Era. We are not there yet, but we will get a "breath of it's air" so to say.

Systems that have long been used as slavery mechanisms, will change in their essence. That won't be in the hands of those in power to control. We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist. That will be a wake up call for humanity. But that might not arrive exactly now; we will get a few breaths of the air of the future of this, however.

Humanity is now standing on the crossroads between dystopian and utopian developments; the battle will rage on. If there was ever a time to stay close to the Gods and fight for this cause, right now is the time. We must be vigilant and strong. But also calm and in knowing that we will manage everything.

The next 19 years ahead of us [Aquarius will be left behind by Pluto in 2043] are going to be years of monumental growth. It is now time for all of us, big or small, to play our part that we were sent here to play by the Gods. Even if it is the smallest part. Without delusion and with proper confidence, we will embark into the new Era. May the Gods bless their house to grow powerfully, more than ever before and may all of you be blessed.

The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Will we do special rituals to specifically direct the massively powerful energy from this new era soon?
Or is the FINAL RTR doing that already?
We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist.

It'll be the same as it was in the days of the American Civil War , when the Freemasons (who hadn't been compromised by the Enemy yet) started a Revolution against the British Monarchy which was corrupt and decadent. In that Century ,the French Revolution happened and then Napolean rose to prominence. The same Astrology. These 20 years will bring Major Changes but one thing is certain. We are reaching the climax of our cause and Humanity is waking up more and more to the common enemy. And no matter what major catastrophe they plunge us into, their Fate is sealed. As Father ,said. A special Ending is coming for this Rat Infestation. I hope all of you are along for this bumpy ride. The Thousand Year Blood War will come to an end when all Races separate ,all eliminate the Common Rat Infestation that is constantly bringing Conflict to all Nations.
Man, I am so excited for this. I hope this also helps me turn some bad things around myself.
But the most important thing is that things will finally change for everyone.
I am extremely eager to see how humanity will react to this.
I have high hopes, and I've never felt so blessed, so Hail Satan and His Wondrous Age!
Let’s burn the jewworld and start anew. A world in Lord Satan’s image and essence!

Build yourselves brothers and sisters! Become powerful, earn wealth, power, and become as powerful and influential as you can! For a world in father Satan’s image is our future! BUILT BY US.

We have eternal and infinite power, potential, strength waiting to be claimed. As @Hp. Hoodedcobra666 said before we are investing, first-adopters and innovators into the best opportunity mankind has ever seen in thousands of centuries. Each of us are metaphorically claiming millions of Bitcoins before it skyrockets.

Let’s become the Highest Versions of ourselves and Become like the Gods on Earth! Spiritually AND Materially.
This age of pisces sucked for the most part, we must be living in one of the most boring and bleak ages, I wonder if the last pisces age was like this one? Anyway im really looking forward to aquarius♒
I've felt a change in the air since earlier this month. Powerful and transformative and forward-looking. This must have been it.

High Priest, should SS focus on establishing themselves in aquarian careers moving forward: technology, research, innovation, humanitarianism, etc?
Today is a historic day as Pluto is finally entering Aquarius. That will be an era of massive developments, freedom of humanity, futurism and many technological developments that will change humanity's lifestyle. As we know the enemy is ever-vigilant to turn these into slave technology, but the nature of Aquarius will betray them and give the consequential opposite result.

Our side, is the side of the humanists. Those who want humanity to survive into the aeons and move forward. Those who seek the enlivening of the human spirit, human creativity, the joy in the creation of humanity's tools of survival.

The enemy side is the side of those against humanity, spearheaded by the jews and other soul-disabled entities, that will use the uprising powers and developments to declare humanity worthless or obsolete. That side of history must be mercilessly crashed, as humanity belongs to the earth and to life, not to death and irrelevance.

I have been reading the news; those in power envision still major societal control, among other well known things. The next 20 years will represent a clash with these ideals, but this clash might not arrive in the same way as people expected. They will not know what to expect. For all I can say, those who are not in alignment with the goals of Satan in the future, will eventually find themselves in major surprises, but also crashing force, maybe so by the very tools they created with the hopes of enslaving everyone else...

As Spiritual Satanists we can be in peace knowing that Pluto will govern over Father Satan's Sign. We must not dwell in worry in anyway. Instead, we must forward in the future with confidence, no matter what happens or is claimed to happen in the world. No matter what, we will have one another and our world will eventually advance. Satan will assign to His agents massive power to install His decrees, but those who fail to do this will be crushed.

As a responsive reaction, there will be clashes of wars and also clashes which involve around mass population control. Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.

Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Psychologically this era will have people concerned about our collective future. Regardless of Nations battling it out, slowly, a coherent understanding of a collective future of the stars for humanity will slowly start to become an idea closer to us.

We certainly live in an era of massive arrogance now, and many of those in power are in power trips, trying to play "God" and all the rest of it. These elements will eventually be weeded out, but as it appears with other planetary alignments, clashes between Nations will occur. Israel's plans will fail and everyone will also see these "people" and their conspiracy for what it is. It's already happening.

Obsolete jewish conspiracies are heading to the death throes, but they will try to adjust to the time and fail ultimately due to their nature. They will keep losing influence in the next 20 years, rapidly so.

Regular people out there will be shocked at the dismantling of conspiracies and hoaxes that will surface in the next two decades. Incidents like Epstein or the crimes of Israel will look like small scandals in the future, child's play. We have a lot of things to see yet.

People are getting disillusioned and they will see that we are right to be very stern and critical towards this prelithic conspiracy of the jews. It was always normal to be wary of them, but only recently they used empty excuses to absolve them from what they wanted to commit. Their excuses of being sorry little eternally persecuted ones will not fly in the next 20 years, they will be seen solely on what they are doing. The era of irrational lying will have only so much power in the next 20 years; lies will increase, but so will the filtering mechanisms of human beings. Now that is changing.

Long-term conspiracies like the above, will be exposed in front of the world to see, judged under the light and power of Aquarius. Due to the nature of Aquarius, revolutions in mind and thought are expected, that will look intense compared to the last years from 2008 until today.

We are offically entering Father Satan's Era. We are not there yet, but we will get a "breath of it's air" so to say.

Systems that have long been used as slavery mechanisms, will change in their essence. That won't be in the hands of those in power to control. We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist. That will be a wake up call for humanity. But that might not arrive exactly now; we will get a few breaths of the air of the future of this, however.

Humanity is now standing on the crossroads between dystopian and utopian developments; the battle will rage on. If there was ever a time to stay close to the Gods and fight for this cause, right now is the time. We must be vigilant and strong. But also calm and in knowing that we will manage everything.

The next 19 years ahead of us [Aquarius will be left behind by Pluto in 2043] are going to be years of monumental growth. It is now time for all of us, big or small, to play our part that we were sent here to play by the Gods. Even if it is the smallest part. Without delusion and with proper confidence, we will embark into the new Era. May the Gods bless their house to grow powerfully, more than ever before and may all of you be blessed.

The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Will in the future be Satanists people with power? Is it possible they will be few of people from this forum if they will want to be?
As someone who works in construction, I too want this aspect of development to move into much more efficient and beneficial methods to make people's lives better and easier. From the treatment of workers to better budgeting and competence to much more efficient methods of resource usage, and even things that benefit the quality of the environment. I have high hopes for Pluto in Aquarius to usher in many positive new methods of doing things for the better.

People who have their Mars in this sign or the ruler of their 10th house will have openings to make big changes in their field of work as well as possibly bring forth new ideas and changes that will bring much positive growth in relation to what has been said. These people will be very largely recognized for their work and efforts.

If you work in technology, any humanitarian field of work, or anything having to do with essentials to sustain the quality of human life in any aspect don't be surprised if your career takes off followed by a big promotion. Conversely, there might be a backlash to many new ideas and methods but this will only be initially, especially if proof is shown of an outdated way of doing things.
Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Hi HP, but will another fake pandemic really happen? If so, will the social environment be like last time? (for example lockdown, general chaos, everyone against those who don't adapt, work difficulties, swabs for working, etc.)
This is also a time to celebrate! And give thanks to Father Satan and to ourselves for this victory! Was meant for us and this is our time to think about father Satan and make plans for ourselves. Meditate relax enjoy and keep going strong! We are on the right path! And we are warriors! And we will still keep fighting no matter what! For what is right and for what is rightfully ours and for our Lord father and King Lucifer Satan
Today is a historic day as Pluto is finally entering Aquarius. That will be an era of massive developments, freedom of humanity, futurism and many technological developments that will change humanity's lifestyle. As we know the enemy is ever-vigilant to turn these into slave technology, but the nature of Aquarius will betray them and give the consequential opposite result.

Our side, is the side of the humanists. Those who want humanity to survive into the aeons and move forward. Those who seek the enlivening of the human spirit, human creativity, the joy in the creation of humanity's tools of survival.

The enemy side is the side of those against humanity, spearheaded by the jews and other soul-disabled entities, that will use the uprising powers and developments to declare humanity worthless or obsolete. That side of history must be mercilessly crashed, as humanity belongs to the earth and to life, not to death and irrelevance.

I have been reading the news; those in power envision still major societal control, among other well known things. The next 20 years will represent a clash with these ideals, but this clash might not arrive in the same way as people expected. They will not know what to expect. For all I can say, those who are not in alignment with the goals of Satan in the future, will eventually find themselves in major surprises, but also crashing force, maybe so by the very tools they created with the hopes of enslaving everyone else...

As Spiritual Satanists we can be in peace knowing that Pluto will govern over Father Satan's Sign. We must not dwell in worry in anyway. Instead, we must forward in the future with confidence, no matter what happens or is claimed to happen in the world. No matter what, we will have one another and our world will eventually advance. Satan will assign to His agents massive power to install His decrees, but those who fail to do this will be crushed.

As a responsive reaction, there will be clashes of wars and also clashes which involve around mass population control. Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.

Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Psychologically this era will have people concerned about our collective future. Regardless of Nations battling it out, slowly, a coherent understanding of a collective future of the stars for humanity will slowly start to become an idea closer to us.

We certainly live in an era of massive arrogance now, and many of those in power are in power trips, trying to play "God" and all the rest of it. These elements will eventually be weeded out, but as it appears with other planetary alignments, clashes between Nations will occur. Israel's plans will fail and everyone will also see these "people" and their conspiracy for what it is. It's already happening.

Obsolete jewish conspiracies are heading to the death throes, but they will try to adjust to the time and fail ultimately due to their nature. They will keep losing influence in the next 20 years, rapidly so.

Regular people out there will be shocked at the dismantling of conspiracies and hoaxes that will surface in the next two decades. Incidents like Epstein or the crimes of Israel will look like small scandals in the future, child's play. We have a lot of things to see yet.

People are getting disillusioned and they will see that we are right to be very stern and critical towards this prelithic conspiracy of the jews. It was always normal to be wary of them, but only recently they used empty excuses to absolve them from what they wanted to commit. Their excuses of being sorry little eternally persecuted ones will not fly in the next 20 years, they will be seen solely on what they are doing. The era of irrational lying will have only so much power in the next 20 years; lies will increase, but so will the filtering mechanisms of human beings. Now that is changing.

Long-term conspiracies like the above, will be exposed in front of the world to see, judged under the light and power of Aquarius. Due to the nature of Aquarius, revolutions in mind and thought are expected, that will look intense compared to the last years from 2008 until today.

We are offically entering Father Satan's Era. We are not there yet, but we will get a "breath of it's air" so to say.

Systems that have long been used as slavery mechanisms, will change in their essence. That won't be in the hands of those in power to control. We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist. That will be a wake up call for humanity. But that might not arrive exactly now; we will get a few breaths of the air of the future of this, however.

Humanity is now standing on the crossroads between dystopian and utopian developments; the battle will rage on. If there was ever a time to stay close to the Gods and fight for this cause, right now is the time. We must be vigilant and strong. But also calm and in knowing that we will manage everything.

The next 19 years ahead of us [Aquarius will be left behind by Pluto in 2043] are going to be years of monumental growth. It is now time for all of us, big or small, to play our part that we were sent here to play by the Gods. Even if it is the smallest part. Without delusion and with proper confidence, we will embark into the new Era. May the Gods bless their house to grow powerfully, more than ever before and may all of you be blessed.

The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great, Magnificent post, thanks!

Congratulations to the entire SS family on entering the Age of Aquarius!

In the next 20 years, the enemy will seriously weaken, mind in 50 years the enemy will completely fall, I believe in it.

In the end, the enemy will not be able to control the spiritual, material and political reality, because he will lose all power.

The SS will take all power into their own hands, because someone has to rule the world, right?

The Jews will be thrown out of history, we will throw them out and crush them!

I am glad that every day I see the enemy becoming more and more powerless, which used to seem like a distant dream, but dreams quickly turn into reality, because each of us (SS) gives shape to thoughts, turns dreams into reality.

The day will come when the whole world will know the Spiritual Satanist, and this day is approaching by the minute, Hail Satan!
This begins the change into the Age of Aquarius, Satan’s Era.

A big focus you might see is on the negative, such as microchipping, increased surveillance everywhere, and AI getting out of control. This is certainly what the enemy wants, but with the war won against them, they will not have their way here.

The Earth is Satan’s planet. As we all spiritually advance more, and increase here the influence of Satan and all the Gods aligned with Him, then things will go our way. Keep up with the God Rituals and establishing a close bond to your GD.

Those of you who are in the fields of science and engineering, technology, inventions and innovations, get close to the Gods to ensure the best outcomes. This will be for your own benefit as well.

Certain technologies will come out that will improve our lives… but make no mistake, laziness is stagnation then death. Use the resources you have (and will have) to convenience your life, but then spend the extra free time on improving yourself, getting ahead in your career, refining your skills and talents, spiritual advancement, solving problems in your life, working towards goals. Always work towards goals. HPS Maxine used to emphasize this. Always have something to work towards.

For those of you with a resistance to change and technological advancement, the JoS gives all the tools you need to help you become more receptive. Life is kinder to those who are able to adapt, to those who can roll with the times. Even just using Orange energy with an affirmation that you are embracing change in beneficial ways for you will have an effect; Yellow energy helps with learning and studying.

Tying in with technology: energetically, food that is cooked over open flame has the best prana, the strongest chi; especially if it is wood or straw being burned. If you are able to cook over a fireplace or fire pit, utilize it when you can, your body will thank you for it. Next strongest are barbecues and gas-flame stoves. Microwaved food has the weakest chi; electric burner stoves (the most common in kitchens) are adequate but not ideal. If you have canned soup to heat up, for example, even a small gas-flame burner will add extra chi into the food.

Hail Satan!
The wonderful addition to the post!

I and almost all young people easily adapt to new technologies, but older people (my parents' age and older) have problems with new technologies, especially if they do not live in large cities.

I help my parents, relatives and good friends (elderly) use new technologies.
Will in the future be Satanists people with power? Is it possible they will be few of people from this forum if they will want to be?
Brother, I am sure that there will be and I think there will be quite a few of us!

It is also important to remember that in addition to people who are in power (in the field of management), there are intermediate positions, both lower-level and middle-level positions, so each SS will be in its place and always have the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

There are people among the SS of all ages and specialties.

As I see (in my opinion), Spiritual Satanists are the elite of humanity and in the future this will be expressed legally when the system becomes ours and the SS will form a new Matrix in which people will be free, old matrix and the enemy will be destroyed!
As someone who works in construction, I too want this aspect of development to move into much more efficient and beneficial methods to make people's lives better and easier. From the treatment of workers to better budgeting and competence to much more efficient methods of resource usage, and even things that benefit the quality of the environment. I have high hopes for Pluto in Aquarius to usher in many positive new methods of doing things for the better.

People who have their Mars in this sign or the ruler of their 10th house will have openings to make big changes in their field of work as well as possibly bring forth new ideas and changes that will bring much positive growth in relation to what has been said. These people will be very largely recognized for their work and efforts.

If you work in technology, any humanitarian field of work, or anything having to do with essentials to sustain the quality of human life in any aspect don't be surprised if your career takes off followed by a big promotion. Conversely, there might be a backlash to many new ideas and methods but this will only be initially, especially if proof is shown of an outdated way of doing things.
I really believe and hope that new technologies in construction, especially with regard to the construction of private houses, will become available to all people, while these technologies will also be used to support the working poor (in my country there is such a class of people), i.e. to support people who work a lot but earn little becausedue to the fact that their specialty (in my country, these are mainly agricultural specialties) is not in demand from the point of view of the state, or rather those people who run a particular state, while my country needs these specialists.

My mom was actually an agricultural worker with two higher educations and at one time was a teacher at the university, the state left her with nothing (deceived), although it gave guarantees that they would financially support agricultural workers.

Since I work in a completely different field - in the field of law (now the state is trying to make legal education inaccessible to the middle class), I fully support my mother and she does not need anything.
Today is a historic day as Pluto is finally entering Aquarius. That will be an era of massive developments, freedom of humanity, futurism and many technological developments that will change humanity's lifestyle. As we know the enemy is ever-vigilant to turn these into slave technology, but the nature of Aquarius will betray them and give the consequential opposite result.

Our side, is the side of the humanists. Those who want humanity to survive into the aeons and move forward. Those who seek the enlivening of the human spirit, human creativity, the joy in the creation of humanity's tools of survival.

The enemy side is the side of those against humanity, spearheaded by the jews and other soul-disabled entities, that will use the uprising powers and developments to declare humanity worthless or obsolete. That side of history must be mercilessly crashed, as humanity belongs to the earth and to life, not to death and irrelevance.

I have been reading the news; those in power envision still major societal control, among other well known things. The next 20 years will represent a clash with these ideals, but this clash might not arrive in the same way as people expected. They will not know what to expect. For all I can say, those who are not in alignment with the goals of Satan in the future, will eventually find themselves in major surprises, but also crashing force, maybe so by the very tools they created with the hopes of enslaving everyone else...

As Spiritual Satanists we can be in peace knowing that Pluto will govern over Father Satan's Sign. We must not dwell in worry in anyway. Instead, we must forward in the future with confidence, no matter what happens or is claimed to happen in the world. No matter what, we will have one another and our world will eventually advance. Satan will assign to His agents massive power to install His decrees, but those who fail to do this will be crushed.

As a responsive reaction, there will be clashes of wars and also clashes which involve around mass population control. Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.

Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Psychologically this era will have people concerned about our collective future. Regardless of Nations battling it out, slowly, a coherent understanding of a collective future of the stars for humanity will slowly start to become an idea closer to us.

We certainly live in an era of massive arrogance now, and many of those in power are in power trips, trying to play "God" and all the rest of it. These elements will eventually be weeded out, but as it appears with other planetary alignments, clashes between Nations will occur. Israel's plans will fail and everyone will also see these "people" and their conspiracy for what it is. It's already happening.

Obsolete jewish conspiracies are heading to the death throes, but they will try to adjust to the time and fail ultimately due to their nature. They will keep losing influence in the next 20 years, rapidly so.

Regular people out there will be shocked at the dismantling of conspiracies and hoaxes that will surface in the next two decades. Incidents like Epstein or the crimes of Israel will look like small scandals in the future, child's play. We have a lot of things to see yet.

People are getting disillusioned and they will see that we are right to be very stern and critical towards this prelithic conspiracy of the jews. It was always normal to be wary of them, but only recently they used empty excuses to absolve them from what they wanted to commit. Their excuses of being sorry little eternally persecuted ones will not fly in the next 20 years, they will be seen solely on what they are doing. The era of irrational lying will have only so much power in the next 20 years; lies will increase, but so will the filtering mechanisms of human beings. Now that is changing.

Long-term conspiracies like the above, will be exposed in front of the world to see, judged under the light and power of Aquarius. Due to the nature of Aquarius, revolutions in mind and thought are expected, that will look intense compared to the last years from 2008 until today.

We are offically entering Father Satan's Era. We are not there yet, but we will get a "breath of it's air" so to say.

Systems that have long been used as slavery mechanisms, will change in their essence. That won't be in the hands of those in power to control. We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist. That will be a wake up call for humanity. But that might not arrive exactly now; we will get a few breaths of the air of the future of this, however.

Humanity is now standing on the crossroads between dystopian and utopian developments; the battle will rage on. If there was ever a time to stay close to the Gods and fight for this cause, right now is the time. We must be vigilant and strong. But also calm and in knowing that we will manage everything.

The next 19 years ahead of us [Aquarius will be left behind by Pluto in 2043] are going to be years of monumental growth. It is now time for all of us, big or small, to play our part that we were sent here to play by the Gods. Even if it is the smallest part. Without delusion and with proper confidence, we will embark into the new Era. May the Gods bless their house to grow powerfully, more than ever before and may all of you be blessed.

The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Aye! Commander Cobra!
You heard him lads. Let's bring our Satanic ships to full Canvas! And load up your RTR Cannons! Today! We Fight beyond the Horizon!
Today is a historic day as Pluto is finally entering Aquarius. That will be an era of massive developments, freedom of humanity, futurism and many technological developments that will change humanity's lifestyle. As we know the enemy is ever-vigilant to turn these into slave technology, but the nature of Aquarius will betray them and give the consequential opposite result.

Our side, is the side of the humanists. Those who want humanity to survive into the aeons and move forward. Those who seek the enlivening of the human spirit, human creativity, the joy in the creation of humanity's tools of survival.

The enemy side is the side of those against humanity, spearheaded by the jews and other soul-disabled entities, that will use the uprising powers and developments to declare humanity worthless or obsolete. That side of history must be mercilessly crashed, as humanity belongs to the earth and to life, not to death and irrelevance.

I have been reading the news; those in power envision still major societal control, among other well known things. The next 20 years will represent a clash with these ideals, but this clash might not arrive in the same way as people expected. They will not know what to expect. For all I can say, those who are not in alignment with the goals of Satan in the future, will eventually find themselves in major surprises, but also crashing force, maybe so by the very tools they created with the hopes of enslaving everyone else...

As Spiritual Satanists we can be in peace knowing that Pluto will govern over Father Satan's Sign. We must not dwell in worry in anyway. Instead, we must forward in the future with confidence, no matter what happens or is claimed to happen in the world. No matter what, we will have one another and our world will eventually advance. Satan will assign to His agents massive power to install His decrees, but those who fail to do this will be crushed.

As a responsive reaction, there will be clashes of wars and also clashes which involve around mass population control. Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.

Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Psychologically this era will have people concerned about our collective future. Regardless of Nations battling it out, slowly, a coherent understanding of a collective future of the stars for humanity will slowly start to become an idea closer to us.

We certainly live in an era of massive arrogance now, and many of those in power are in power trips, trying to play "God" and all the rest of it. These elements will eventually be weeded out, but as it appears with other planetary alignments, clashes between Nations will occur. Israel's plans will fail and everyone will also see these "people" and their conspiracy for what it is. It's already happening.

Obsolete jewish conspiracies are heading to the death throes, but they will try to adjust to the time and fail ultimately due to their nature. They will keep losing influence in the next 20 years, rapidly so.

Regular people out there will be shocked at the dismantling of conspiracies and hoaxes that will surface in the next two decades. Incidents like Epstein or the crimes of Israel will look like small scandals in the future, child's play. We have a lot of things to see yet.

People are getting disillusioned and they will see that we are right to be very stern and critical towards this prelithic conspiracy of the jews. It was always normal to be wary of them, but only recently they used empty excuses to absolve them from what they wanted to commit. Their excuses of being sorry little eternally persecuted ones will not fly in the next 20 years, they will be seen solely on what they are doing. The era of irrational lying will have only so much power in the next 20 years; lies will increase, but so will the filtering mechanisms of human beings. Now that is changing.

Long-term conspiracies like the above, will be exposed in front of the world to see, judged under the light and power of Aquarius. Due to the nature of Aquarius, revolutions in mind and thought are expected, that will look intense compared to the last years from 2008 until today.

We are offically entering Father Satan's Era. We are not there yet, but we will get a "breath of it's air" so to say.

Systems that have long been used as slavery mechanisms, will change in their essence. That won't be in the hands of those in power to control. We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist. That will be a wake up call for humanity. But that might not arrive exactly now; we will get a few breaths of the air of the future of this, however.

Humanity is now standing on the crossroads between dystopian and utopian developments; the battle will rage on. If there was ever a time to stay close to the Gods and fight for this cause, right now is the time. We must be vigilant and strong. But also calm and in knowing that we will manage everything.

The next 19 years ahead of us [Aquarius will be left behind by Pluto in 2043] are going to be years of monumental growth. It is now time for all of us, big or small, to play our part that we were sent here to play by the Gods. Even if it is the smallest part. Without delusion and with proper confidence, we will embark into the new Era. May the Gods bless their house to grow powerfully, more than ever before and may all of you be blessed.

The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknow

Today is a historic day as Pluto is finally entering Aquarius. That will be an era of massive developments, freedom of humanity, futurism and many technological developments that will change humanity's lifestyle. As we know the enemy is ever-vigilant to turn these into slave technology, but the nature of Aquarius will betray them and give the consequential opposite result.

Our side, is the side of the humanists. Those who want humanity to survive into the aeons and move forward. Those who seek the enlivening of the human spirit, human creativity, the joy in the creation of humanity's tools of survival.

The enemy side is the side of those against humanity, spearheaded by the jews and other soul-disabled entities, that will use the uprising powers and developments to declare humanity worthless or obsolete. That side of history must be mercilessly crashed, as humanity belongs to the earth and to life, not to death and irrelevance.

I have been reading the news; those in power envision still major societal control, among other well known things. The next 20 years will represent a clash with these ideals, but this clash might not arrive in the same way as people expected. They will not know what to expect. For all I can say, those who are not in alignment with the goals of Satan in the future, will eventually find themselves in major surprises, but also crashing force, maybe so by the very tools they created with the hopes of enslaving everyone else...

As Spiritual Satanists we can be in peace knowing that Pluto will govern over Father Satan's Sign. We must not dwell in worry in anyway. Instead, we must forward in the future with confidence, no matter what happens or is claimed to happen in the world. No matter what, we will have one another and our world will eventually advance. Satan will assign to His agents massive power to install His decrees, but those who fail to do this will be crushed.

As a responsive reaction, there will be clashes of wars and also clashes which involve around mass population control. Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.

Situations like Co-Vid, that will eventually die out in major force that will cause social clashes. Based on planet Neptune and recent advances of fools like the government of the Chinese, maybe another plandemic could also be expected; fear, even if it happens or not, will be used to constantly control. We cannot bow down to fear. We must be brave.

Psychologically this era will have people concerned about our collective future. Regardless of Nations battling it out, slowly, a coherent understanding of a collective future of the stars for humanity will slowly start to become an idea closer to us.

We certainly live in an era of massive arrogance now, and many of those in power are in power trips, trying to play "God" and all the rest of it. These elements will eventually be weeded out, but as it appears with other planetary alignments, clashes between Nations will occur. Israel's plans will fail and everyone will also see these "people" and their conspiracy for what it is. It's already happening.

Obsolete jewish conspiracies are heading to the death throes, but they will try to adjust to the time and fail ultimately due to their nature. They will keep losing influence in the next 20 years, rapidly so.

Regular people out there will be shocked at the dismantling of conspiracies and hoaxes that will surface in the next two decades. Incidents like Epstein or the crimes of Israel will look like small scandals in the future, child's play. We have a lot of things to see yet.

People are getting disillusioned and they will see that we are right to be very stern and critical towards this prelithic conspiracy of the jews. It was always normal to be wary of them, but only recently they used empty excuses to absolve them from what they wanted to commit. Their excuses of being sorry little eternally persecuted ones will not fly in the next 20 years, they will be seen solely on what they are doing. The era of irrational lying will have only so much power in the next 20 years; lies will increase, but so will the filtering mechanisms of human beings. Now that is changing.

Long-term conspiracies like the above, will be exposed in front of the world to see, judged under the light and power of Aquarius. Due to the nature of Aquarius, revolutions in mind and thought are expected, that will look intense compared to the last years from 2008 until today.

We are offically entering Father Satan's Era. We are not there yet, but we will get a "breath of it's air" so to say.

Systems that have long been used as slavery mechanisms, will change in their essence. That won't be in the hands of those in power to control. We will also have a new form of citizen, likely, in the next 20 years, that will be... Non biological. We will see that not only our own human sentience exists, and that other forms of sentience exist. That will be a wake up call for humanity. But that might not arrive exactly now; we will get a few breaths of the air of the future of this, however.

Humanity is now standing on the crossroads between dystopian and utopian developments; the battle will rage on. If there was ever a time to stay close to the Gods and fight for this cause, right now is the time. We must be vigilant and strong. But also calm and in knowing that we will manage everything.

The next 19 years ahead of us [Aquarius will be left behind by Pluto in 2043] are going to be years of monumental growth. It is now time for all of us, big or small, to play our part that we were sent here to play by the Gods. Even if it is the smallest part. Without delusion and with proper confidence, we will embark into the new Era. May the Gods bless their house to grow powerfully, more than ever before and may all of you be blessed.

The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's a cycle,Life on earth. Humanity started from High Civilization from crown chakra down to the root chakra. Which activated primitivity , the animal consciousness nature. It's a cycle so to know or have an idea of the future,you look to the past. The past Yugas. Generally speaking we are currently at the heart chakra. Of course the animal nature is still activated ,the Naraka Abyss. The next chakra that's getting activated is the throat chakra. One knows they are at this level of consciousness when they see ,the Divine Light within themselves. It's Actinic. When most close their eyes ,we don't see this Divine Light, it's dark. The Actinic Age is what is coming, meaning people will start to feel their Atma more strongly. The Ether element is going to have a physical manifestation also like the other elements have. Naraka Loka ,that is animal consciousness chakras in the legs will still be active but people will be more able to recognize highly spiritual individuals and will naturally chose them to lead. The Atma will be felt more strongly. Those serious with spiritual sadhana,will really advance quickly. As generally speaking the throat chakra is getting activated,this chakra also rules the Ether element. The Inner Sun is first seen at this chakra. They will still be conflict here and there but these will be quickly resolved as their will be people of High Consciousness to resolve them. Throat chakra , Ether element also means space travel. We actually came from other planets in higher realms,we came on earth a fire planet,to get physical bodies to realize the Absolute Self. The planet is coming out of "isolation",and will become aware of other planet civilizations and higher beings from those planets ,will start to visit earth like they did in previous Yugas. The Lemurian scrolls read etherically from Satan's library by Satguru Subramuniya swami Sivaya are a good read. They say Murugan/Satan Celestial King of Lemuria and Atlantis brought us here about 4 million years ago during the last Sat Yuga. They also say man on earth will have to learn to live underground like they do on higher planet realms,for him to learn again to easily travel through Space again and so on. They are a fascinating read , like said earlier to know the future,look to the past Yugas. High end Mystics often know what's coming because they individually accelerate their evolution ahead of the rest, so based on their own individual advancement ,they know where everyone else will also come. Those with Kundalini rising and they are very few are actually in the Sat Yuga , helping and waiting for every else to eventually catch up. Though during the duration of the current Yuga very few will raise their Kundalini,the rest will just follow.
Hail Satan!
It's a great time for everyone to increase their productivity towards manifesting our Satanic goals on this planet.

We all have our own areas of strength. I am confident in Humanity's future only because of the agents of the Gods being here. The Joy Of Satan!
Awesome post as always Hoodedcobra, we are so blessed to be in this community, we continue more powerfully entering the age of Satan by spiritually dismantling the enemy and bringing a better tomorrow to Earth and humanity. I am honored to be here


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Christianity will fight a dying war for itself. Certain advances will put fake enemy programs to shame as we progress in the next 20 years.
May the Mighty Mjølnir nail the bleeding and naked nazarene upon the Pagan Planks, pound in the Painful Nails now and hang [it] high and dry
The Gods are with us; we have to manifest their intention on Earth. All of us must buckle up, and bravely ride into the unknown.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

(I presume Týr are/were ignorant of the upside-down ALGIZ Rune there.)
Hail satan! Everiday is a opurtunity to grow and develop, cannot waste even One minute with nonsense, BE strong everyone there is a lot of wars and revolutions will happen worldwide, im not profet its just unavoidable, so much things to do, i dont even know from where to start, hail Satan family! Rather die fighting than live like a coward.

Thank you for the kind words. I am not certain if reacting to every post on the board and every comment is done out of real interest. It appears there is a huge urge to generate attention. Please mindfully think over why that is happening. Take care Sister.
Thank you for the kind words. I am not certain if reacting to every post on the board and every comment is done out of real interest. It appears there is a huge urge to generate attention. Please mindfully think over why that is happening. Take care Sister.
I think it was just trying to get used to the new format here.
And getting frustrated over it. Making sure I don't ruin anything.
And was trying to not be a bother. But in the same sense! I was asking for help in in a bad way and not being aware of what I was personly putting out there.
So another words I didn't mean to give people the wrong impression.
I was trying to to get things figured out. And I got all upset! Because my computer wasn't cooperating and then I thought that I had been kicked off the group or said something or did something wrong? And kind of overreacted a bit
Awesome post as always Hoodedcobra, we are so blessed to be in this community, we continue more powerfully entering the age of Satan by spiritually dismantling the enemy and bringing a better tomorrow to Earth and humanity. I am honored to be hei

Awesome post as always Hoodedcobra, we are so blessed to be in this community, we continue more powerfully entering the age of Satan by spiritually dismantling the enemy and bringing a better tomorrow to Earth and humanity. I am honored to be here
I love ❤️ Your Pictures!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
