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  1. C

    Mercury Square

    Bad idea, Mercury just entered Leo (the sign of its fall). I strongly recommend that you either continue with the square you've already started or wait until Mercury moves into Virgo.
  2. C

    Answering some questons from several posts

    Thanks for the information HP Maxine! One of your sentences got cut off though, "Planets near the angles and on critical degrees in a natal chart indicate certain areas of life-". What was the rest of it going to say? Kait, see the paragraph near the end about Nadia Comaneci, "She...
  3. C

    Blood Types

    Lol shit! Ignore that post. Stupid, stupid me. :P
  4. C

    Blood Types

    @Lamia RH (Rhesus) is a protein on the surface of red blood cells. People who have this protein are RH positive, people who don't are RH negative. It doesn't matter if your blood type is O-, AB+, etc... You can be any blood type and be RH positive or negative.
  5. C

    Astrology- a good trustworty site

    1. The astrology section of JOS: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... URCAS.html 2. Bob Marks is awesome for beginners: http://www.bobmarksastrologer.com/TOClessons.htm 3. Astrofix has good information on signs through the houses, north and south nodes, and planets...
  6. C

    can you change your zodiac sign ?

    I've never thought of using aura programming or runes to override the natural function of a birth planet, but its an interesting idea. Thanks for the tip, I think I'll give it a shot. I've read the Kabalistic Square pages many times and don't disagree with anything you've said. I know...
  7. C

    can you change your zodiac sign ?

    I meant "change" as in switching Mercury in Leo to Mercury in Gemini.
  8. C

    can you change your zodiac sign ?

    Unfortunately, it's impossible to change any aspect of your natal chart. However, meditating consistently raises your energy to a higher vibration and lessens the influence astrology has over you. Here are some useful sermons by HP Vovim and HP Maxine on this subject...
  9. C

    Meditating on planets from other solar systems

    Interesting! While you were meditating on it, did you glimpse the color of the planet's energy? Also, since the photo you gave was an artist's interpretation, did Upsilon Andromedae C. look similar to that or different during your visualization? Were you able to ascertain any other...
  10. C

    pdf for joyofsatan.org

    Someone put one up on scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/43929308/Joy-of-Satan
  11. C

    Satrun AGAIN, REALY

    Hmmm. I didn't know intelligent (though admittedly heated) debates could give people migraines. So sorry, dragonmage. I'll keep your tender sensibilities in mind for the future.
  12. C

    New High Resolution Saturn Picture

    Hey Syt, are you any good at necromancy? Why don't you summon the spirits of Lisa & JonBenet. Then you can explain to these dead girls that if they had survived the Saturn transits that killed them, the hardship would've made them oh so much stronger...
  13. C

    New High Resolution Saturn Picture

    Lol I like how you totally skipped over the part where HP Maxine wrote: "It is vile, ugly and evil in every respect. This is the planet that causes suffering, loss and misery; where we get our asses kicked in life." Hey, I have an idea! If Saturn's energy is, to quote you, "dark...
  14. C

    New High Resolution Saturn Picture

    darklady13, why don't you climb down off that pedestal, read the JOS link below and apologize to brwnstwnh and strengththroughsatan89? http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ATURN.html
  15. C

    Father is a Capricorn/Aq.

    Yes, the same way I feel a deep emotional connection to Aini because we both like lemons. I felt so close to him after I found out. Seriously guys...
  16. C

    Signs in the houses

  17. C

    A Curse That Worked!

    Interesting story! I'm glad everything worked out.
  18. C

    Birth Chart Question

    No hard feelings. :) And Lydia, thanks for correcting me.
  19. C

    Birth Chart Question

    Shannon, No, my last statement wasn't directed at you specifically. I've simply noticed a lot of people in the groups giving out significant astrological information and wanted to make sure everyone knew the risks of handing it out like that. The way you phrased your response threw...
  20. C

    Birth Chart Question

    "Having no planets in the first house is not not normal." What on earth are you talking about? I hope that was a typo. There are only 10 planets, and 12 houses. Therefore, at least 2 houses will be empty in everyone's natal chart. I've studied numerous charts and most people have 4-6...
  21. C

    rolling "R"s or trilling help please

    This is not something that takes years to get right. I couldn't roll my R's when I was new either, so I asked my Hispanic friends for advice. They told me to curl my tongue and bounce it against my palate. That explanation was extremely helpful and after that I didn't have a problem. If you...
  22. C


    I watched the first part. Nothing catastrophic is going to happen in 2012. Here is a quote from High Priestess Maxine taken from the main JoS group: 'Maya' is Sanskrit for 'illusion.' Satan himself confirmed to me that the year 2012 will be the end of illusion and lies, NOT THE END OF THE...
  23. C

    Losing Hope.... losing faith...

    Perhaps Lord Satan isn't helping you because he knows that you are capable of taking care of this problem yourself. If your Destruction Rituals are not working, then maybe it's time to think outside the box. Have you programmed your aura to keep her and her family away from you...
  24. C

    i have a problem

    The front Chakra extensions rule over emotion: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/true_trini ... aghie.html By empowering them you will have better control over your emotions. Rage and anger originate from the Base Chakras, I believe HP Maxine mentioned once that this is where the expression...
  25. C

    Please Help!

    b_gharat, Are you out of your mind?! "locate the grave dig it and burn the corpse" What the hell is wrong with you? Not only is that illegal, it is also a biohazard and extremely disrespectful to the family of the deceased. Do you even understand the kind of grief and trauma that kind...
  26. C

    Please Help!

    If your friend is a Spiritual Satanist, then she should know that hanging around in a cemetery for six hours is a good way to attract death energy, unwanted spirits and thoughtforms. I doubt that this spirit/entity is actually inside her. It is very easy to do all the things you listed...
  27. C

    Greetings to all my brothers and sisters

    Hello Alex. Congratulations on your dedication. This is actually a group for those who have been dedicated to Lord Satan for a year or more. Your questions would be better suited for the main JOS group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ In my opinion, you can't really do...
  28. C

    Saturn transiting a House

    This advanced aura protection meditation helps block negative Planetary transits: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/advanced_protection.html
  29. C

    Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews

    I agree Andre. We could set it up for Tuesday. Were you thinking of using the standard destruction ritual? Maybe we could add HP Vovim's "Raising Death and Anguish from the Earth" spell to it: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/raising_de ... earth.html Also, there are pictures of this kike on...
  30. C

    Timing for spells

    http://www.astro.com On the left side, you'll see a list of planets, the sign they're currently in and the degree they're on (in universal time) if you see a little "r" at the end, it means that planet is in retrograde. Just for future reference though, the Sun and Moon are never in...
  31. C

    Chakra Protection

    Well, silver does neutralize destructive forces. But if you're looking for a more advanced form of aura protection: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/advanced_protection.html If you were to create a barrier around your Chakras you would essentially be doing this...
  32. C

    Runes and there corresponding numbers

    The list you posted is correct. But just so you know, the runes are listed in numerical order on JOS. Fehu is the first rune listed and its corresponding number is one. Uruz is the second rune listed and its corresponding number it two, etc...
  33. C

    Astrology Question

    Yes, of course. Just send me an email. Silvercrab14@... Hail Satan!
  34. C

    *Important* Group Destruction Ritual [Friday 17th September 2010]

    Excellent, I've been waiting for another group destruction ritual. We'll crush those miserable kikes! Hail Satan!
  35. C

    Astrology Question

    I would be happy to help you, send me an email with your question.
  36. C

    Astrology Question

    Yes but if this 13th Sign you speak of (Arachnia) is represented by a spider, it would have to have a corresponding constellation, which it doesn't. There are 88 official constellations in astronomy and not one of them is a spider: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_constellations...
  37. C

    Astrology Question

    Sorry, but Ophiuchus isn't relevant in Astrology. There are only 12 Signs. JOS has a good Astrology section if you're interested: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... index.html
  38. C

    Changing Eye Color

    I respectfully disagree, Marcus. Biokinesis can be very simple and although changing your eye color could indeed be done by purchasing colored contacts, what if a person is poor and can't afford them? The desire to change your eye color holds no less caliber than the desire to use a...
  39. C

    Who can I talk to about Satinism and being a Satanist?

    That's an individual choice. I have friends who talk about Spiritual Satanism with anybody they meet in order to spread the word and arouse interest, which is good of them. But if you're not comfortable putting yourself out there and shouting it from the rooftops like that then don't...
  40. C

    Im turning into a different person!

    I believe the serpent meditations were written with the middle set of Chakras in mind, however they can be applied to the front and back extensions as well.
  41. C

    Im turning into a different person!

    Don't worry, it'll get better. I should have mentioned this in my last post, but HP Vovim wrote a good sermon on the front and back extensions of the seven main Chakras (the front extensions rule the emotions). By meditating on the front extensions you become more in control of your...
  42. C

    Im turning into a different person!

    Have you read this? http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... g_Out.html
  43. C

    Soulmates and Mirroring

    Personally I don't believe in soulmates. Why? Because I've studied Astrology for years, and I know that it is literally impossible for someone to match/compliment you in every single way, which is the requirement for a soulmate. Something in your natal chart will inevitably oppose or...
  44. C

    Israel's execution of American teen

    The link does work, you just have to take the spaces out.
  45. C

    Ref.: Satanic Rosary

    What's wrong with making your own? Just go to Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby and get the materials. Rosaries are easy and inexpensive to make.
  46. C

    Purple Eyes

    Honey, the URL has the word "fanfic" in it. Of course it's fiction. There are indeed people walking around with purplish eyes, such as Elizabeth Taylor, but the symptoms that website gives for this "Alexandria's Genesis" look like something straight out of Twilight. But just to make...
  47. C

    Spiritual Warfare Alert

    Zeus is one our Gods, you dumbass. Look under Mammon: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... MONSI.html A lot of the Greek/Egyptian/Sumerian Gods are our Gods, so next time try reading through JOS before you make such an ignorant statement.
  48. C

    Is there a list of the Demons that the Greek Gods Represent?

    Nergal is Hades. Thoth is Hermes. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... MONSI.html I believe Astaroth is Aphrodite, and a while ago someone posted a very in depth article describing Crocell as Athena.
  49. C

    Astrological Indicators

    That's a good question, I've been looking into that myself. I've noticed that there are quiet a few Satanists with 28 degrees of Gemini (Betelgeuse, Satan's star) in their chart.
  50. C

    Heres just some info on the positives of Kundalini yoga

    Also, for those of you who want to start practicing Kundalini yoga and can't afford to buy a book or DVD, there's a 50 minute introduction to Kundalini yoga on Youtube that's quite good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnbzxMsjbIk
  51. C


    That's because there's spaces in them. Try these: http://theangelslayer.deviantart.com/ar ... -157460619 http://theangelslayer.deviantart.com/ar ... -157460494
  52. C

    Satanic Funeral Ceremony

    I don't believe there is such a thing, mainly because the whole point of Spiritual Satanism is to become as the Gods (immortal). But, as someone who worked at a funeral home I can tell you that you do not have to be buried like a xian. The safest way to ensure this is to go to a local...
  53. C

    About HP's

    You're quite right about all that, but please check the clergy section on JOS again because High Priest Vovim is indeed on there: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... lergy.html I also saw your post to Ashley and I completely agree with you that things can come off the wrong...
  54. C


    No such thing as death energy? Please read: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... pping.html You'll notice that the bottom paragraph of the above states: "More advanced techniques involve working with elemental energy and death energy. When working with death energy, one must be...
  55. C

    beauty spell?

    Well Siguard, by stating that there was no such thing as a beauty spell, that attractiveness comes within, and by providing the OP with a link to a self-esteem sermon you made it seem as though wanting to be beautiful was a mental health issue caused by no self-esteem. Obviously, I was...
  56. C

    beauty spell?

    Screw the people on this thread who are telling you not to pursue your goal. Is this any different than using meditation to get extra money, or help find a job? No. I'll help you Sister, I've been a Satanist for two years and I value beauty as well. Wanting to look good has...
  57. C


    Very interesting! Especially the part about yoga being stolen, corrupted and turned into part of their filthy so-called "religion". I wish people would stop being lazy and actually take the time to read this. We have multiple sermons and articles by our High Priests/Priestess on Xians...
  58. C

    Question. :)

    To answer your first question, yes, consistent power meditation is the key to psychic abilities. If you're interested in communicating with Demons then consider working on your clairaudience points, clairvoyance points, and 6th Chakra. You don't sound ignorant at all sweetie, everyone...
  59. C

    magick question....

    You can heal anything with enough consistent effort. Read up on healing: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aling.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thers.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ing_2.html Also, scroll down to this link and click...
  60. C

    Has anyone heard of my Guardian Demon?

    No, but there are many Demons who are not listed on JOS. If you have doubts about the accuracy of this name, then listen to your feeling. You didn't specify how you got this name, but if it was through a Ouija board or pendulum you have good reason to be suspicious. If you're not adept...
  61. C

    can someone's aura affect my mental state?

    In addition to what the previous posters said, closing your chakras can also help a lot in situations like that. http://www.666blacksun.com/Closing_Chakras.html
  62. C

    Anger Rant: Dont Be Sorry!

    No offense, but what do you expect them to say? "Hey man, that's great news!"? The definition of the word sorry is "feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, etc..". When somebody says sorry for something like that they're not asking for forgiveness, they're expressing sympathy for your...
  63. C

    Meditation suppport

    Under the Satanic Witchcraft section on JOS there is a topic called "Drawing Down Energy from Stars and Luminaries". You can invoke energy from certain stars like Rigel or Arcturus (or even from entire constellations like Capricorn or Taurus) for self- discipline and the motivation to...
  64. C


    Thank you for posting this information. Someone mentioned once on the old groups that Morax was Athena, but that never sounded quite right to me. After reading through Crocell's description on JOS, it seems that she does indeed sound more like Athena. Although, I would have thought...
  65. C

    Damned Tropical astrology!

    Go to Astro.com (you do have to have an account but it's free to sign up). First make your tropical astrology chart by clicking on "Free Horoscopes" then "Personal Portrait". Once that's done, go back to the "Free Horoscope" section and click on the link that says "Extended Chart...
  66. C

    A question about astrology

    Of course you all have Uranus in Capricorn. Uranus is a generational planet, which means it moves very slowly through the signs. Anyone born 1989-1995 would have Uranus in Capricorn.
  67. C

    I'm New and I have Questions

    Cody, your Guardian Demon doesn't have to rule the same day as your birthday. That's stupid. I know plenty of Spiritual Satanists and not one of them has a GD who's days correspond to their birthdays.
  68. C


    LOL! Umm... that's quite an interesting hypothesis, but no. The virus was originally referred to as "Swine Flu" because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. But further...
  69. C

    Runes that correspond to the 7 main Chakras?

    Much appreciated. :)
  70. C

    Code of Hammurabi?

    I'm sure it wasn't. I doubt the Christians would accurately reproduce the law code of ancient Sumer in the Gnostic bible. I've noticed that the laws in the Code of Hammurabi sound distinctly Christian. Such as law 195 which states: "If a son strikes his father, his hands shall be hewn...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
