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Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

I apologize if this question has already been answered. Can the wealth and prosperity ritual and the protection ritual be performed at any date? I mean after the 5th of august as well.
If we can do it while still having enough energy for the other rituals, is it ok to shoot for 3 Final RTRs a day plus the other rituals? Also, is it necessary to clean the aura after the Final RTR before the other rituals, or is ok to do the Final RTR, then wait a bit and do the other rituals, then after 10 minutes or so do our cleaning? I assume it isn't necessary to clean after doing the other rituals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Karnonnos said:
I have been doing this consistently. I look forward to doing the RAR, I have been seeing the last one's effects in various places, like among my friends even.

For some reason, the enemy really, REALLY does not like me doing the Wealth and Prosperity Ritual, this last one was especially weird. They try and say absolute nonsense and crazed pleading unrelated to the theme of the ritual itself. I have no hang ups about acquiring wealth in any way. They never ever do this with F-RTRs, Race Awakening Ritual or The Protection Ritual. Weird...

I would like to go into the cheesy details but everyone can figure out for themselves, after they do it in some way. It has numerous manifestations that cause the enemy to just grovel.
We should have a counter of how much money the Jews loose everytime we do the wealth ritual lol

For what I've understood this Ritual is not just for SS to get money but even for SS to get in positions of power where of course as a "side effect" they will be richer. The Jews obviously fear any SS in position of power. With ritual we are building up the future to come. We need SS in position of power.
RavenSky666 said:
They really didn't want me to do the rituals last night lol. Interestingly, they did this same shit to me last time we did the race awakening one, right before I was about to do the ritual for the first time, my computer suddenly lost internet connection and it wouldn't let me turn it back on. I had to run my troubleshooter and the problem was fixed and did not return. It didn't happen the next few nights as I continued the race awakening rituals either. When it happened this time however, even after the troubleshoot, it still wouldn't work. I asked Father and my guardian for help as I was quickly trying to troubleshoot and turn off and on my internet connection, and Suddenly it cut back on! So I thanked Father and my Guardian and then proceeded with the rituals. I find it interesting that the only two times this has ever happened has been right before I went to do these important rituals for the first time. Anyone else have this happen?

*Enemy disables internet connection*
RavenSky666: Alright, I'll use the offline version
*Enemy turns of computer*
RavenSky666: Thank Father Satan and the Gods I had written the rituals on paper :D

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Only Protection and Wealth ritual and RTR are for the 25th.
I cocked it up then, in a way, because I understood that on the 25th we move on to the Race Ritual.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals.
What do you mean with "both of the above"? Final RTR + Race?
Aquarius said:
Just to avoid misunderstandings, from the 29th to the 1st we do the Jos protection ritual, the wealth ritual, the race awakening and the final Rtr right?
Either that or he meant just the race awakening and RTR He did say BOTH though so I would assume so
Aquarius said:
Just to avoid misunderstandings, from the 29th to the 1st we do the Jos protection ritual, the wealth ritual, the race awakening and the final Rtr right?

It says 26th to 5th Of August* - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.

So I assume we absolutely hammer the Race Awakening rituals and Final RTR on the 29th to 1st of August, after that we continue it normally.
Blitzkreig said:
Ozodari said:
Sundara said:
Premature kundalini experiences
lol are you dumb? all kids should meditate

Premature kundalini experiences wouldn't be a thing under your guidance, or guidance of the gods. I doubt the kid would be doing enough to trigger that anyway, depending on their age.

Kids who are like 11+ are pretty mature and can definitely meditate and get good with practice. Kids like 6-11 may need lots of help from you. Kids below that will likely have trouble unless you invest lots of effort. This all becomes significantly harder for them if you simultaneously have them hooked up to an Electric Jew device. Now they definitely won't want to sit still and meditate.

In my opinion, however, the greatest danger with kids, in this current environment, is that they will speak too much about what you and they are doing, in relation to Satan and what not. I think that is the biggest obstacle or danger, as they may not understand the implications of speaking about what they otherwise find normal.

Yeah, see my other response. I dedicated when I was 12 out of my own free will and I was just barely mature enough and educated enough. Some others that age wouldn’t be mature enough.

Not just speaking but satanic meditation is a responsibility imo that should be upheld into adulthood. In this day and age it’s possible for the child to choose a different path unfortunately. Their meditation experience can open them to attacks and make them a target, on top of opening their mouth to the wrong people. It’s war right now. In ancient Egypt I think the situation would be completely different.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
On the 25th I assume we're still on the first set of rituals, and on the 26th we move to the second set?

The original post makes it seem like we have to do all the rituals on the 25th.

My apologies, this was also communicated by another Satanist. I corrected this.

I thought it would be understood that these rituals would begin at the end of the 25th, that is, the 26th.

Only Protection and Wealth ritual and RTR are for the 25th.

Thank you I was confused as well already did one race awakening one today cause I thought I had to do both but I will focus on the weath and protection ritual today I see the correction.
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dates and Rituals:

21-25 Of July - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 JoS Protection Ritual, x2 Wealth Ritual daily
25th to 5th Of August* - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.
Right ?

*29th to 1st of August = FINAL RTR + Race Awakening Ritual daily as much as possible


25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd = Again x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

The JoS Protection Ritual and Wealth Ritual is only performed from 21-25 Of July.

Thanks HP. Hoodedcobra666 for your never ending endeavour, for a better satanic world.

I initially thought that as well but now I’m wondering if he meant both sets. Hmmmm
Sun☀️ said:
I mean no disrespect but I’ve noticed Satan looks a lot like Cupid, especially the Cupid on Xena which would make Satan the God of love! I’ve read all of Joy of Satan all the way through many times as well as all different versions of the Bible and Mormon doctrine many times all the way through. My conclusion is Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Yahweh, and Morning Star are all in fact Satan. An example is in ALL versions of the Bible, in 2 Samuel 24.1 God tells David to number Israel and in 1 Chronicles 21.1 Satan tells David to number Israel. Also poor Cain got in trouble with God for offering grains instead of killing an animal. The Christian/ Mormon God loves the smell of burning flesh which is supposed to be a Satan thing. I think Satan could easily be Cupid or Cain, Cupid for a loving creator and Cain for respecting life. I think if we could put more proof out there that the Christian/Mormon God is Satan, then Satan can be the Creator God he is and the Christian/Mormon God will be exposed as the Satanic demon it really is. Hopefully this helps with the RTRs. Hail God/Satan!

first deprogram yourself, then re-read exposing christianity material on jos. this post is so wrong on so many levels. the thing christians worship loves death, ignorance, slavery, sacrificing children, and gaslighting. jesus is a communist thoughtform and nothing else. you have a long way to go but it's worth it to. gonna be hard at first but if you stick with it you'll find truth and beauty with Satan and the Daemonic Gods of Hell.

Hail Satan!
Hail Oriax!
I've done the 2nd day of the Warfare revolving around the Ritual to incite White Awareness and the Final RTR. However I can feel very little energy when doing the White Race awakening ritual, I know we can raise our energies with SATANAS or the 666 meditation but we're vibrating basically 3 runes in one and runes are a great use for raising energy. Yet I feel very little energy, vibrating SURYA or the Rune: Tiwaz I can feel lots of energy but not with the 3 associated with White Race awakening ritual.

Is this something I should be worried about or should I keep going?
I just want to share that there has been a drastic difference I've felt in the enemy's energies. While doing my RTRs today the energies flowed so incredibly easy with virtually no resistance in comparison to a couple days ago.

Their defenses are severely suffering with this, especially with the usage of our War Room and I feel a lot of clarity in my soul and tuning to the astral. It's gotten incredibly easier to direct energy more so than usual as if a bunch of thick cobwebs have been pulled away and the energy is able to flow and 'breathe' easier.

Keep going, we are doing a lot of damage to them. Also I think it's important to at least bring into concept: I've personally found and seem to deduce what with the enemy unable to affect us spiritually with their curses in this time that they are likely going to try to cause us suffering in other ways. Material matters of our life such as outsiders who are more susceptible to the enemy's influences may be made to go into accordances that may cause us stress, or make things not go our way, people of authority over us may be more controlling, or you might suddenly be dealing with lots of unsavory people just as an example.

I only say this because since we started this, this has been the absolute worst material week of my job ever, the pressure, the behaviour of the people around me, all of my bosses and every potential person that could help me spontaneously deciding to go on holidays just a couple days after starting, it is entirely unnatural that the things I've been dealing with all of a sudden in the physical regards could ever be something that is just a coincidence to cause stress and strain. The only reason it's not actually getting to me is because I can see it for what it really is, the enemy trying to compensate on the material for what they are suddenly unable to do anymore on the astral.

Just keep aware and remember your protections.
Just so I get this right, from 26th to 5th August we don't have to do the Protection and Wealth rituals at all, correct?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Anyway on a side note.
This is not the first time this has happened but why on earth am I having a sore throat right before an important ritual schedule comes up?
Ill do what my body allows me to do.
Id prefer to go light on the kh sounds though..

I too have been experiencing this the entire time, except for today, it has now fully let up. I find a spoonful of Elderberry syrup to be helpful with this. It has benefits to ease a sore throat. Also taking echinacea with goldenseal pills, or a tea with goldenseal in it always helps me. I also took some zinc for a few days. I hope you feel better soon.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Immortal said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Every deal I've made with one of our gods when they were willing to help me have always resulted in fast and incredible success for me, they are not like the enemy angels where you wait like 5 years for an 'accidental' answer to a question that isn't even relevant to you anymore. I've personally never had to wait longer than a week for them to fulfill their end of the deal after I've fulfilled mine, they truly do help you.

Can you give some examples of what one's end of the deal could be like? I can't think of anything besides the giving of energy of which I'm in short supply.

Creating a poem about the demon, drawing them or something beautifully symbolic of them, sharing (anonymously) information and truths about the god and bringing their existence and presence to light without lies or blaspheme.

It depends on the demon though and they may want something specific, sometimes this may have to do with combating the enemy in some way or even doing something for yourself in regards to spiritual advancement and progress. In my experience so long as you are open with psychic communication (tune into their sigil when they make their presence known to you or focus psychically 'into' them and their will) with them they will give you the urge to do something specific for them in that you'll feel like you want to do something very particular.

Just takes a bit of being spiritually open to interpret these forms of communications.

Thanks, I now have a fair understanding of how to proceed further. One more question though, in order to seal the deal do I need to spill some blood on the sigil or a promise is just as good ?
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
Sundara said:
Blitzkreig said:
Ozodari said:
lol are you dumb? all kids should meditate

Premature kundalini experiences wouldn't be a thing under your guidance, or guidance of the gods. I doubt the kid would be doing enough to trigger that anyway, depending on their age.

Kids who are like 11+ are pretty mature and can definitely meditate and get good with practice. Kids like 6-11 may need lots of help from you. Kids below that will likely have trouble unless you invest lots of effort. This all becomes significantly harder for them if you simultaneously have them hooked up to an Electric Jew device. Now they definitely won't want to sit still and meditate.

In my opinion, however, the greatest danger with kids, in this current environment, is that they will speak too much about what you and they are doing, in relation to Satan and what not. I think that is the biggest obstacle or danger, as they may not understand the implications of speaking about what they otherwise find normal.

Yeah, see my other response. I dedicated when I was 12 out of my own free will and I was just barely mature enough and educated enough. Some others that age wouldn’t be mature enough.

Not just speaking but satanic meditation is a responsibility imo that should be upheld into adulthood. In this day and age it’s possible for the child to choose a different path unfortunately. Their meditation experience can open them to attacks and make them a target, on top of opening their mouth to the wrong people. It’s war right now. In ancient Egypt I think the situation would be completely different.
When you were 12 you probably didn't have mature SS parents. Also, you don't have to tell them all beliefs, you can raise them in "paganism" and teach them about the Gods without mentioning the name Satan but calling him Enki or with his other names. When I'm having kids no way i'm just letting them waste their childhood, I will make them future SS.
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
Mexicans are a mix of spaniards and south american tribes. Look yourself in the mirror and be honest to yourself, ask yourself if you're either White or Asian.
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
Isnt mexico a hot country?
Places that are very hot and a LOT of sun do not make sense for white gentiles.
RavenSky666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Anyway on a side note.
This is not the first time this has happened but why on earth am I having a sore throat right before an important ritual schedule comes up?
Ill do what my body allows me to do.
Id prefer to go light on the kh sounds though..

I too have been experiencing this the entire time, except for today, it has now fully let up. I find a spoonful of Elderberry syrup to be helpful with this. It has benefits to ease a sore throat. Also taking echinacea with goldenseal pills, or a tea with goldenseal in it always helps me. I also took some zinc for a few days. I hope you feel better soon.

Thank you for your reply. Ive decided to take hyssop tincture till the symptoms are gone (testing this one out, never used it before), I can make a tea that should help soften the membranes. I also have syrup lying around. I also have echinacea tincture, but Ive been told that it takes a bit before your body has fully responded to the echinacea.
I also thought that taking additional zinc would be helpful, so Im also doing that.
Immortal said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Thanks, I now have a fair understanding of how to proceed further. One more question though, in order to seal the deal do I need to spill some blood on the sigil or a promise is just as good ?

If you're worried about being able to properly fullfil your end of the deal, communicate with the demon, ensure that they are willing to help you first, try to deduce what they want in exchange and then perform your end of the deal first. Clarify this with the demon as well that you want to do your end of the deal before them.

I always do my end first to make sure I do everything the demon wanted in case of misinterpretations, and if I followed it as they desired or if I do enough for them that equals to the amount of the help I've asked and they've agreed upon, they will then proceed with their end of the deal.

This always works out for us both in the end and with this I do not end up unintentionally disappointing them or going about it the wrong way or dealing with any unexpected events in my life that might try to intervene or get in the way. You also do not need to give any blood, I have never done this, it is not necessary.
HailVictory88 said:
If we can do it while still having enough energy for the other rituals, is it ok to shoot for 3 Final RTRs a day plus the other rituals? Also, is it necessary to clean the aura after the Final RTR before the other rituals, or is ok to do the Final RTR, then wait a bit and do the other rituals, then after 10 minutes or so do our cleaning? I assume it isn't necessary to clean after doing the other rituals.
You can do as many of each as you want to. There's no cleaning needed after the RTR unless you personally feel bad (which can happen sometimes when blockages are opened or something attacks you).
I made a mistake, i started with the RAR on July 25th, is it a big mistake?
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.

Yes. You Mexicans(Latinos) are White; a subrace of the White race(1 of the 3 main races, others are subraces).
Sun☀️ said:
My conclusion is Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Yahweh, and Morning Star are all in fact Satan.

"Yashua [Jesus] is called the Jewish Messiah. Yashua is the name of the Messianic leader Yashua [Joshua] in the Torah that conquered and exterminated the Gentile nations to create Israel the Jewish Empire. Jesus is also descended from King David the warrior Messiah who exterminated entire nations of Gentiles and created the Jewish Empire. The Bible ends in the book of Revelations which is given the Kabbalistic number of 22 chapters and is designed to connect to the Torah in the book of Daniel that prophesizes the coming Jewish global empire and Messianic war that will bring this. Revelations ends with the Messianic war which destroys the entire Gentile world. And which the Jewish Messiah rules the entire world from Zion with 144,000 Jews who represent the 12 tribes of Israel. 144,000 is a Kabbalistic number for Leviathan and Jesus is the chief cornerstone of the 144,000. In Kabbalistic terms that means Jesus is the head of the Leviathan. " HP Mageson666

Leviathan, And The Jewish World Order

Sun☀️ said:
The Christian/ Mormon God loves the smell of burning flesh which is supposed to be a Satanic thing.

We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh." Jos Front page

Sun☀️ said:
I think if we could put more proof out there that the Christian/Mormon God is Satan, then Satan can be the Creator God he is and the Christian/Mormon God will be exposed as the Satanic demon it really is.

Demon is nothing evil it´s a title of enlightment one meaning is knowledgeabel.

Sun☀️ said:
I’ve read all of Joy of Satan all the way through many times as well as all different versions of the Bible and Mormon doctrine many times all the way through.

Did you enjoy reading brainwashing readings, puplished/promoted by filthy jews?
No wonder you are delusional. Let me tell you one thing: If you love everything, then you love nothing realy.
To love something means to have a connection to something.
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
You are white.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I just want to share that there has been a drastic difference I've felt in the enemy's energies. While doing my RTRs today the energies flowed so incredibly easy with virtually no resistance in comparison to a couple days ago.

Their defenses are severely suffering with this, especially with the usage of our War Room and I feel a lot of clarity in my soul and tuning to the astral. It's gotten incredibly easier to direct energy more so than usual as if a bunch of thick cobwebs have been pulled away and the energy is able to flow and 'breathe' easier.

Keep going, we are doing a lot of damage to them. Also I think it's important to at least bring into concept: I've personally found and seem to deduce what with the enemy unable to affect us spiritually with their curses in this time that they are likely going to try to cause us suffering in other ways. Material matters of our life such as outsiders who are more susceptible to the enemy's influences may be made to go into accordances that may cause us stress, or make things not go our way, people of authority over us may be more controlling, or you might suddenly be dealing with lots of unsavory people just as an example.

I only say this because since we started this, this has been the absolute worst material week of my job ever, the pressure, the behaviour of the people around me, all of my bosses and every potential person that could help me spontaneously deciding to go on holidays just a couple days after starting, it is entirely unnatural that the things I've been dealing with all of a sudden in the physical regards could ever be something that is just a coincidence to cause stress and strain. The only reason it's not actually getting to me is because I can see it for what it really is, the enemy trying to compensate on the material for what they are suddenly unable to do anymore on the astral.

Just keep aware and remember your protections.
I can second this. While on my 99x spam few days before, I ended up in a synagouge or seeing churches is now kind of normal. xD
I remember spamming before was so taxing emotionally with the entities and energy constantly messing with your head. The last para too.
I have gotten used to vibrating gods names now.
And the second post by someone regarding the Wealth ritual curses is true too. It gets strange af. With curses and seeing entities. But it is getting more tolerable now.
Kind of enjoying this now instead of forcing myself to "spam" 10-20 everyday for months and now its just gotten really easy.
ValentineCHL said:
I have a huge question, we have to do the rituals to awake the races black and white or just the awake for the race we are? (For example, I am white so I just do the ritual for the whites) and if there an option to do these ritual more short? (Like in the RTR were the repetition standard are 9 but you can do it 3 times) because I feel these rituals are very huge and very much for me
You do them for the race that you are.

If the race rituals are too lengthy for you (when you are a beginner for example), you can just do only one a day instead of two. If at all possible, you should do atleast that one ritual every day with the full 88 reps.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Immortal said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Thanks, I now have a fair understanding of how to proceed further. One more question though, in order to seal the deal do I need to spill some blood on the sigil or a promise is just as good ?

If you're worried about being able to properly fullfil your end of the deal, communicate with the demon, ensure that they are willing to help you first, try to deduce what they want in exchange and then perform your end of the deal first. Clarify this with the demon as well that you want to do your end of the deal before them.

I always do my end first to make sure I do everything the demon wanted in case of misinterpretations, and if I followed it as they desired or if I do enough for them that equals to the amount of the help I've asked and they've agreed upon, they will then proceed with their end of the deal.

This always works out for us both in the end and with this I do not end up unintentionally disappointing them or going about it the wrong way or dealing with any unexpected events in my life that might try to intervene or get in the way. You also do not need to give any blood, I have never done this, it is not necessary.

Thanks, I got a clearer understanding now. Anyway in my case it's going to be a long road and I'm not going for one-shot deal, more like a collaboration if this works :mrgreen:

I've written my statement as sort of a contract so the intentions are pretty clear, I also got a good hunch when going about the list of demons as you said, I just don't have a strong confirmation sign so far or maybe I'm not very good at this :roll:

Anyway, lots of thanks for helping a brother out, it really makes a difference to have someone who tried this and that and can give simple instructions when we are a bit blind in following the path...
Indians are a sub-race right? I'm not from India. I am from a country with no original ethnicity. Everyone is mixed indians, arabs, africans and some whites. I look like i am Indian but I'm not sure whether my family tree comes only from Indian ethnicity. Maybe there is a mix somewhere.

Anyway, what would be the main race of the Indian sub-race? Is it Asian or White perhaps?
Blitzkreig said:
That's the first time I heard about something like that. Where did that take place, and what was the reasoning? That is fucked.

He's insulting/mocking you and Sundara based on his/her reply.
Aquarius said:
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
Mexicans are a mix of spaniards and south american tribes. Look yourself in the mirror and be honest to yourself, ask yourself if you're either White or Asian.
Yeah not Asian looking forsure, I have grandparents and cousins that came out with colored eyes. Both my parents family is light skin.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
Isnt mexico a hot country?
Places that are very hot and a LOT of sun do not make sense for white gentiles.
Yes Mexico is hot like southern border states( southern California, Nevada, Texas, NM) so they would be more tan than people living in colder areas. Does that take away from being white is what your saying .
HailVictory88 said:
If we can do it while still having enough energy for the other rituals, is it ok to shoot for 3 Final RTRs a day plus the other rituals? Also, is it necessary to clean the aura after the Final RTR before the other rituals, or is ok to do the Final RTR, then wait a bit and do the other rituals, then after 10 minutes or so do our cleaning? I assume it isn't necessary to clean after doing the other rituals.

You can do as many as you want of both the ritual and the final rtr but 2 times each allows those that are busy to do this and know how many to do.

If you could do 18 rtrs and 6 race awakening rituals cool but most people myself included are not doing that each day maybe on one of the more important days I will try though like the 30th. Do as much as you can

Good Luck
I'm sorry if this has already been answered but I got a question about the race awakening ritual

If one wants to do a shorter version of it, should they do 40x? or 44x?
Hello brothers and sisters, I have a question regarding the rituals.
How do you keep privacy doing these?
When I started to do the rituals(RTRs) when they were announced I could only do them when nobody else was home so I got my own place now.

I never had any problems with RTRs but just now when I was doing second awakening ritual (vibrating) my door bell rang multiple time I assume someone was upset by the noise.
I am not looking for confrontation but at this time my heart was pounding so fast and now I have this bad feeling in my chest because I don’t know how to continue the rituals in the future days if obviously all my neighbors can hear it.

How do you manage privacy for your rituals, do you just go out in the nature in a lonely place or how do you do it?

Sorry if I wrote this a bit unorganized I am just very frustrated right now. Have anybody else made experiences like that and any tips to help?

:oops: :cry:

I been enjoying the rituals very much so far it was always a hustle to get it all in one day but I always felt good afterwards.

Thank you,

Usthepeople666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I just want to share that there has been a drastic difference I've felt in the enemy's energies. While doing my RTRs today the energies flowed so incredibly easy with virtually no resistance in comparison to a couple days ago.

Their defenses are severely suffering with this, especially with the usage of our War Room and I feel a lot of clarity in my soul and tuning to the astral. It's gotten incredibly easier to direct energy more so than usual as if a bunch of thick cobwebs have been pulled away and the energy is able to flow and 'breathe' easier.

Keep going, we are doing a lot of damage to them. Also I think it's important to at least bring into concept: I've personally found and seem to deduce what with the enemy unable to affect us spiritually with their curses in this time that they are likely going to try to cause us suffering in other ways. Material matters of our life such as outsiders who are more susceptible to the enemy's influences may be made to go into accordances that may cause us stress, or make things not go our way, people of authority over us may be more controlling, or you might suddenly be dealing with lots of unsavory people just as an example.

I only say this because since we started this, this has been the absolute worst material week of my job ever, the pressure, the behaviour of the people around me, all of my bosses and every potential person that could help me spontaneously deciding to go on holidays just a couple days after starting, it is entirely unnatural that the things I've been dealing with all of a sudden in the physical regards could ever be something that is just a coincidence to cause stress and strain. The only reason it's not actually getting to me is because I can see it for what it really is, the enemy trying to compensate on the material for what they are suddenly unable to do anymore on the astral.

Just keep aware and remember your protections.
I can second this. While on my 99x spam few days before, I ended up in a synagouge or seeing churches is now kind of normal. xD
I remember spamming before was so taxing emotionally with the entities and energy constantly messing with your head. The last para too.
I have gotten used to vibrating gods names now.
And the second post by someone regarding the Wealth ritual curses is true too. It gets strange af. With curses and seeing entities. But it is getting more tolerable now.
Kind of enjoying this now instead of forcing myself to "spam" 10-20 everyday for months and now its just gotten really easy.

It feels very relieving for me to read that others feel this as well on a spiritual level.

I don’t feel the entities I think I’m not open enough yet but I feel it clearly in the material world and by heavy emotions that they’re trying to make barriers to drop us.
After reading some of the other posts on this thread I muss add to my first post that I don’t know for sure if someone was disturbed by my noise ( I didnt check ) or if it was a random door bell ringing by someone. I was pretty sure though because when I slowly stopped vibrating the person stopped ringing.

But technically I can’t be 100% sure so it could be just in my head that someone was disturbed by me and in reality my door was ringing for some minor reason.
Give all you can on the 31st especially Eid ul-Adha the muslim holiday is on that day. This is when they sacrifice animals. I do not know if this is the reason he is saying give all you can on the 29th to 1st or if it's a power date to be honest but be aware of this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
