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Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

ShadowTheRaven said:
So is that something I should really do? Just envision myself at my strongest or however I wanna be? My "final form" if you will?

Yeah, always envision yourself at your best. Know in your future that you will complete the Magnum Opus and go even further. Like everyone is saying, just keep doing your best. Your concerns are valid, but you are not the only one with those limitations. You can only work within those boundaries and at a pace at which is sustainable.

After Aug. 5th, consider making a thread about your day and we can look at what you spend time on and where you could find more time for yourself.

For me, for example, I have recently blocked all forms of distractions that used to waste my time, such as youtube and video games, and any phone apps. This makes it much easier to do relatively "boring" stuff such as chores or my meditations. Additionally, I have been doing anti-procrastination hypnosis to make me use my time more efficiently. My point is there are a lot of methods of attack you can use.

With a 9-5 job or school commitment, you will want to put as much stuff off onto the weekend as you can. On the weekend, your 9-5 that day will be cleaning, organizing, heavy studying of the forum or astrology or whatever, laundry, or any other domestic tasks you can put off. I don't know what other sort of commitments you have at home, but for me, the only other daily tasks are minor cleaning, studying, cooking, exercise and dealing with my cat. If something comes up during the work week that I have to address, I cut out any cleaning, studying, and other small chores that I possibly can to preserve my meditation routine (and sleep schedule).

Consistent meditation is hard because you need a similar amount of time each day, every day. Since the schedule of meditation cannot easily bend, one must therefore bend everything else around it as best as you can. Maxine said, in one of her audio sermons, that she did a lot of studying while at her job, for example. This would give her more time off the job for studying and ministry work.

You seem pretty stressed about this all, but you have to stay calm and keep trying. You are not the only one in this situation, and remember that the Gods know your struggle and limitations. The best you can do is keep up a sustainable progression every day. It is hard now due to the increasing ritual workload, but it is only temporary. Keep your helmet on and keep fighting, and the conditions around you will eventually improve. The world will change rapidly before the Gods arrive, not just when they do. We have a lot to look forward to, so stay positive!
"Digital RTR" Is this a waste of time? I tried doing the rtr on social media, I guess you could say. I posted the headline/quote that I didn't like along with the Hebrew alphabet in reverse order. Then I edited the post and typed the headline/quote in reverse, deleted the original headline/quote, and then I did a mini RTR ritual, typing out the pronunciations, vaht fuht etc. for each corresponding letter which I then deleted before moving onto the next letter. Then what I wanted to do is post that, but I couldn't so I just left it as is and then briefly waited for the 00:00 on the timer and did the proper rtr; after which I copy pasted the reversal post and put it into the web address bar and entered it(obviously getting nothing), and I finally went back to my original post and deleted it. What I wanted to do, again, was to have the edited reversal post posted on the internet while I did the proper final rtr, and after which I would go back and delete it and then finally paste it into the web address bar and press enter. Maybe I should've written down the headline/quote on a piece of paper as well and disposed of it, and perhaps write down it's reversal as well. Idk, thought it was an interesting tactic, but it could be a waste of time or worse. As for the Schedule I feel the power, lol.
ChaosBringer666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.

Whaaat? You sure it was your GD speaking and not the enemy or your imagination? I find this hard to believe.
Let's face it, what we can be certain of is a life of pain & misery and then death.
Better not get your hopes too high, like the Gods will magically appear and all that.
For now, what we know with the utmost certainty is that we are at war, a dirty and tiresome one I might add. And the reward should be defeating and erasing the enemy as though it was never here.

Godhood? Fairytale, what I can only hope is that I become a better warrior with each passing life. And the only joy for a warrior is when it can taste the enemy's blood on his blade.
Adhiti666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our websites and also the timer websites [both of them] have been under attack all day long.

Everything has sustained and the timer is back to normal.

Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan

Please send me a mention of the VINASSA mantra, if it's not difficult, the enemies torment me very much. The problems are similar. I want to get them out of my head
Darkmangomango2 said:
Hello brothers and sisters, I have a question regarding the rituals.
How do you keep privacy doing these?
When I started to do the rituals(RTRs) when they were announced I could only do them when nobody else was home so I got my own place now.

I never had any problems with RTRs but just now when I was doing second awakening ritual (vibrating) my door bell rang multiple time I assume someone was upset by the noise.
I am not looking for confrontation but at this time my heart was pounding so fast and now I have this bad feeling in my chest because I don’t know how to continue the rituals in the future days if obviously all my neighbors can hear it.

How do you manage privacy for your rituals, do you just go out in the nature in a lonely place or how do you do it?

Sorry if I wrote this a bit unorganized I am just very frustrated right now. Have anybody else made experiences like that and any tips to help?

:oops: :cry:

I been enjoying the rituals very much so far it was always a hustle to get it all in one day but I always felt good afterwards.

Thank you,


That's the enemy entities messing with you. I too was getting disturbed during and before starting the Rituals. Almost every day before starting rituals I was disturbed by some work or something in the house. But disturbance during the rituals occurred only for some 3 days, no more than that.

You don't have to worry about the neighbors or nor be afraid, use some calming music just like Shael said. I am assuming you are new, work on your Aura Cleaning and Aura of Protection. Also start the 40-day meditation program by HP Cobra to get a good hang on Power meditations.

Good luck :)
ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is not you being wrong or nuts this is you escaping from false understanding based on sheer emotion. It is a developmental process that is normal.

One alone, together strong. It is together that we achieve the bigger goals.

Other than that stop kicking your self in the ass because you cannot make the moon go the other way or whatever, and relax. Do what you can do and set a long goal, walk to it, and enjoy the way to it.

So is that something I should really do? Just envision myself at my strongest or however I wanna be? My "final form" if you will?

I did not say that. I said that what you experienced was an understanding of the fact that thinking one is "All powerful" is always an idea and not a reality. It is not necessary to see yourself in any particular way, a positive mindset is enough. The only real power is what you can actually do.

Thinking in your mind you can set objects on fire, for example, with pyrokinesis, but being unable to do it, and being convinced that you can, eventhough you cannot, is obvious self deception.

Thinking, saying, or believing, or even making others believe that you can do it, will not make you be able to do it - only training and power will give you the ability to do this. This is one example of reality vs perceived self image.

The healing of the self image is when you have, at all times, a mostly clear perception of what you can do and what you cannot do, or that you are at least close to this understanding, without self deception. Then, with advancement, you can reach your goals, provided there is time and advancement.
slyscorpion said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Adhiti666 said:
Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan

I too am having tough living conditions rn.
After reading what you wrote I feel awesome now. Thank you :)

I kind of do the stupid math when I feel really sad.
Its like if thousand years is equal to a season
then 20 years will be =?
Kind of stupid math, roll out laughing and begin again.
This honestly was just me venting out for the people who I talk to sometimes and lose me mind and start talking this way to myself . Then is all this unreal, kind of thingy . And high air element really just makes me go so deep into it that I start doubting everything.
I just moved too and the people I live with seriously dont belive in God as a being rather energy and the all gods are one bullcrap.
And looking at the world in general makes me think about stuff as how are these people alive without any meditation, what do they do when they feel drained, how brainwashed can someone be? I literally enter a mudslime area and the communistic aspect just kills me, but they are still happy ? Dont they realise what they are doing?
I literally feel like screaming to the idiots " Dont You See?". You guys are working 12 houra a day to live 12 people in a 2/3 bedroom house.
And just really go into the self questioning of what if everything is unreal? What if I am just an idiot repeatedly doing the same thing over and over?
What if all this doesnt makes any sense? Kind of thing and end up with the venting out I did above.
I have literally been in a attack and screamed SR or Gentile but seeing the reality of the situation is what really messes me up.

So you dont really have to worry if you see one more of this sort from me on here , its really just venting out.
Hope your situation gets better.

Dont worry about things too much. 20 years now its 19 years is nothing. Also you dont end up spending the whole 19 years totally alone or any of that. Most of us will have someone within let's say 5 years to do things with if that at the rate things are going. That really is nothing and will mean even if a lot of people dont wake up it wont be as hard to deal with. Honestly this isnt hard at all. Just keep doing your duty and doing the rtr as much as you can and meditate and also be sure to actually enjoy something in life a little even if it's just going to a park and walking in nature. This isnt hard. Think of how much some of us have already dealt with. It only seems like it is hard at the moment but see the bigger picture if you can not just the little details. We have 10 years if not probably much less that the enemy will actually be here. We will soon start fixing things. There is a lot to look forward too. This is what everyone should think.

So when your doing this warfare stuff do it with that in mind and the more you do the less the enemy is around everything adds up. Everything will be fine for us as Satanists we have the Gods.

I know me personally I have not been alone for awhile totally I had someone I could talk to about Spiritual things and such and you all will soon enough too.

Well anyways I can tell our side took over with the energy maybe by a lot. So we will be fine.

My girlfriend is seriously considering dedicating now and has been very different acting, more aware not interested in more popular things anymore, noticing stuff more like how negative the lyrics of music these days is vs the 90s and how bad video games got etc. Earlier this year she was watching tv most of her free time and not listening to a word I say paying attention to all sorts of popular stuff etc.

So I know these rituals are working for this reason.

But anyways back to this 19 years is nothing compared to the thousands of years some of us dealt with the enemy who were around for a long time. Within 10 it will all be over mostly this war at least on the surface of this planet.

So it's worth it give it your all and dont give up. At some point very soon likely your going to see something or someone that makes you very hopeful like what happened here with me and also another thing the other day they were talking about yoga and meditation on the radio when I was in a store. I saw sanskrit writing on a sign (that was weird I dont want to share the pic though because its very near where I live and has location identifying info in it) the other day also I stopped to get a drink at this drive Thru and the lady that was there had a very strongly positive energy felt like she meditated. These are all signs that we are winning to me.

So I am hopeful for this reason.

Yeah when it comes to my parents and family they are still strongly xtian. Yes there still is xtian people around and churches (but they are mostly closed right now anyways) but give it a few months or a year or two some will start to wake up. Have hope. Not everyone is going to wake up even the Gods know that. Not everyone will be saved or any of that. This never was the goal anyways. But enough people will wake up that we can take over and win the Gods will make sure of this. Plus we have at least 5 to 10 percent of the world being old souls if not a little more think about it if all these people come to Satan (they are way more likely too) we can win totally.

There is a lot of reason to be hopeful.

So think about all this 19 years is nothing we have this just keep doing what we are doing and maybe even do a little more we will be ok.
Thank you :)
Ofcourse duty comes first.
After the WW3 post was made I literally neglected clg ( still got great grades though) and left a job opportunity I had just to focus on this. I dont want to be the reason for our side to suffer damage because of me slacking. I literally have a plaster on my right hand ( fracture) and still doing Rtrs and Race Awakening.
Tbh I dont really want a partner tbh , monogamous relation with my succubus.
Rather the amount of damage humanity is going through is what makes me really sad.
The pain in my hand with plaster literally made me want to take a day off but always just meditating on how much the HPs have done, people who were living in their cars and doing RTRs makes me stay focussed. Even I am an old soul and I was literally like I am still fairly new compared to the people with 20 years experience and I just sat down quietly to remember the shit ton of hours of void I did as a kid, chanting mantras ( I guess i was around 8-10years of age I started) , intermittent yoga and breathing exercises all before I even found JOS. And then I recalled Aldrick mentioning about all of us being guided here to this site, this made me feel better.
Strangely I didnt get a notification for this reply and I landed here after meditating on Satan's sigil where he showed me the AEs around my house and the reason I was having such thoughts again and again.
Yes I do enjoy taking long walks everyday and just jamming to music.

I dont really know how to explain it ( maybe because I am pretty young and english isnt really my first language) seeing so many people die is causing me to become strange . To avoid this is the reason we have all been fighting through the years. I really just feel like jumping and enjoying life the way I used to before, but I just keep seeing potential even in the Corona death numbers, so many people who could have elevated , made the world a better place( I got tears even while typing this) , knowing I am an old soul , wasnt I supposed to reduce this damage? What will happen to the pagans who arent dedicated? will they be born again or lost? Have I not done by duty well enough for which I was born again? Is the Universe really such a peace of shit that energy/power is the only thing that matters? If this is so dying to protect my own isnt something I am scared of doing (as I have been doing for years , more so in the last 6 months).
Even the fracture i got in because I got into a fight to protect one of my own.
Also the question of what will I do even if at the end of my life I am granted immortality ( like advanced enough) . Will the deaths of all such humans make not want to fight and DESTROY the reptilian scum once I get advanced enough .
Now I am well aware about Israel getting what she deserves etc but so many dead and lost. I always had this tendency of looking at everyone as potential gods that made me mourn for deaths of people I didnt even know that clearly.

I literally had attacks of "you started covid " for 2 months when I was literally spamming (10-20) daily , with attacks from greys etc . But these deaths is what I wanted to avoid. I do understand this is a war , or maybe I dont as thats the reason I get so emotional.
Do not listen to bullshit and random statements that people make up without any knowledge about what one has to do and what the procedures entail.

These will create bitter and wrong expectations. Every soul has it's own timeframe, and one just has to walk the path. Indeed, it is only good for you to do this, and eventually everything will fall in place.

All the powers can be developed without necessary Kundalini stimulation.

Each flower blooms on it's own time.

ShadowTheRaven said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Nothing is set in stone, when you truly work hard and strive for better nothing is out of ones grasp.

I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.

I'll try to remain optimistic but what I don't want is to become part of that 10%. I feel like the longer I've been doing this the more that's expected of me and that will only exponentially increase as I go. If Ghost in the Machine is right about the whole "It takes about 10 years to raise your serpent" spiel and I've been going on about 10 years so i should be expected to have god-power by now...except the immortality part.
slyscorpion said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Adhiti666 said:
Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan

I too am having tough living conditions rn.
After reading what you wrote I feel awesome now. Thank you :)

I kind of do the stupid math when I feel really sad.
Its like if thousand years is equal to a season
then 20 years will be =?
Kind of stupid math, roll out laughing and begin again.
This honestly was just me venting out for the people who I talk to sometimes and lose me mind and start talking this way to myself . Then is all this unreal, kind of thingy . And high air element really just makes me go so deep into it that I start doubting everything.
I just moved too and the people I live with seriously dont belive in God as a being rather energy and the all gods are one bullcrap.
And looking at the world in general makes me think about stuff as how are these people alive without any meditation, what do they do when they feel drained, how brainwashed can someone be? I literally enter a mudslime area and the communistic aspect just kills me, but they are still happy ? Dont they realise what they are doing?
I literally feel like screaming to the idiots " Dont You See?". You guys are working 12 houra a day to live 12 people in a 2/3 bedroom house.
And just really go into the self questioning of what if everything is unreal? What if I am just an idiot repeatedly doing the same thing over and over?
What if all this doesnt makes any sense? Kind of thing and end up with the venting out I did above.
I have literally been in a attack and screamed SR or Gentile but seeing the reality of the situation is what really messes me up.

So you dont really have to worry if you see one more of this sort from me on here , its really just venting out.
Hope your situation gets better.

Dont worry about things too much. 20 years now its 19 years is nothing. Also you dont end up spending the whole 19 years totally alone or any of that. Most of us will have someone within let's say 5 years to do things with if that at the rate things are going. That really is nothing and will mean even if a lot of people dont wake up it wont be as hard to deal with. Honestly this isnt hard at all. Just keep doing your duty and doing the rtr as much as you can and meditate and also be sure to actually enjoy something in life a little even if it's just going to a park and walking in nature. This isnt hard. Think of how much some of us have already dealt with. It only seems like it is hard at the moment but see the bigger picture if you can not just the little details. We have 10 years if not probably much less that the enemy will actually be here. We will soon start fixing things. There is a lot to look forward too. This is what everyone should think.

So when your doing this warfare stuff do it with that in mind and the more you do the less the enemy is around everything adds up. Everything will be fine for us as Satanists we have the Gods.

I know me personally I have not been alone for awhile totally I had someone I could talk to about Spiritual things and such and you all will soon enough too.

Well anyways I can tell our side took over with the energy maybe by a lot. So we will be fine.

My girlfriend is seriously considering dedicating now and has been very different acting, more aware not interested in more popular things anymore, noticing stuff more like how negative the lyrics of music these days is vs the 90s and how bad video games got etc. Earlier this year she was watching tv most of her free time and not listening to a word I say paying attention to all sorts of popular stuff etc.

So I know these rituals are working for this reason.

But anyways back to this 19 years is nothing compared to the thousands of years some of us dealt with the enemy who were around for a long time. Within 10 it will all be over mostly this war at least on the surface of this planet.

So it's worth it give it your all and dont give up. At some point very soon likely your going to see something or someone that makes you very hopeful like what happened here with me and also another thing the other day they were talking about yoga and meditation on the radio when I was in a store. I saw sanskrit writing on a sign (that was weird I dont want to share the pic though because its very near where I live and has location identifying info in it) the other day also I stopped to get a drink at this drive Thru and the lady that was there had a very strongly positive energy felt like she meditated. These are all signs that we are winning to me.

So I am hopeful for this reason.

Yeah when it comes to my parents and family they are still strongly xtian. Yes there still is xtian people around and churches (but they are mostly closed right now anyways) but give it a few months or a year or two some will start to wake up. Have hope. Not everyone is going to wake up even the Gods know that. Not everyone will be saved or any of that. This never was the goal anyways. But enough people will wake up that we can take over and win the Gods will make sure of this. Plus we have at least 5 to 10 percent of the world being old souls if not a little more think about it if all these people come to Satan (they are way more likely too) we can win totally.

There is a lot of reason to be hopeful.

So think about all this 19 years is nothing we have this just keep doing what we are doing and maybe even do a little more we will be ok.

Also the question about me having no value to the Gods keeps popping up . I have read so many posts here about people having long conversations with Goss but honestly I didnt.
No offence to HP Cobra as he havibg said rhe gods talk to just about anyone (once where I had not been able to distinguish between attacks and me being persistent as that is just the kind of person I am. Even when greys had opened up my 6th chakra and Satan's sigil coming ahead of mr again and again I didnt stop the RTR ,maybe I should have) did really have me crying for weeks together as it was my first time I properly interacted with Satan and felt of little value to this society of ours. I serioualy just wanted to leave as I was in years and years of fighting to no real conversations . They were there but not in the way people describe on here.
Immortal said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.

Whaaat? You sure it was your GD speaking and not the enemy or your imagination? I find this hard to believe.
Let's face it, what we can be certain of is a life of pain & misery and then death.
Better not get your hopes too high, like the Gods will magically appear and all that.
For now, what we know with the utmost certainty is that we are at war, a dirty and tiresome one I might add. And the reward should be defeating and erasing the enemy as though it was never here.

Godhood? Fairytale, what I can only hope is that I become a better warrior with each passing life. And the only joy for a warrior is when it can taste the enemy's blood on his blade.

It's not bullshit! I think a lot of us may be able to achieve Godhood this life provided we are not doing something extraordinary unhealthy for the physical body such as drugs or a really poor diet all the time.

Think about it this way. I am only in my early 30s right now many of us are younger than that. I mostly stopped all really bad habits and am working on the ones I didnt stop yet.

Without the Jewish curses alone many people who are young right now may live much longer than the old people right now. As in maybe even 40 or 50 years longer if they are healthy. We have meditation plus the Satanama mantra.

True many may not achieve Godhood in the normal allotted life span for humans they talk about today such as let's say 70-80 years. However that is not the lifespan a lot of us will live to I dont think. Without the Jewish curses maybe we can even make it 300 or more before achieving the Magnum Opus. Even in the buybull it talks about people living 500-900 years in the far past. That will give most of us time to finish it in this body if that is the case and we are actually serious about advancing.

So this is totally not a bullshit fairytale some people here will achieve Godhood and not die in this body likely.
Immortal said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.

Whaaat? You sure it was your GD speaking and not the enemy or your imagination? I find this hard to believe.
Let's face it, what we can be certain of is a life of pain & misery and then death.
Better not get your hopes too high, like the Gods will magically appear and all that.
For now, what we know with the utmost certainty is that we are at war, a dirty and tiresome one I might add. And the reward should be defeating and erasing the enemy as though it was never here.

Godhood? Fairytale, what I can only hope is that I become a better warrior with each passing life. And the only joy for a warrior is when it can taste the enemy's blood on his blade.

Well there’s definitely a possibility of that. Though it was pretty clear, plus I assumed the opposite that it would take lifetimes for me to get to such a point.

I don’t have expectations :lol: life is about results, which makes expectations for the most part meaningless. If I can get there great, if I can’t oh well. At least I put as much effort as I possibly could. I’m definitely not saying I’m 100% sure I can make it, hell it’ll probably take 50 years or more for me to even begin to raise my kundalini. But if I try my best I can at least say I’ll have some sort of results
Usthepeople666 said:
I literally had attacks of "you started covid " for 2 months when I was literally spamming (10-20) daily , with attacks from greys etc . But these deaths is what I wanted to avoid. I do understand this is a war , or maybe I dont as thats the reason I get so emotional.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Are they even making their taunts remotely believable anymore? "You started covid" Unless you live in Wuhan, China I highly doubt it. If you did live in China, you wouldn't be able to access this forum anyway.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not listen to bullshit and random statements that people make up without any knowledge about what one has to do and what the procedures entail.

These will create bitter and wrong expectations. Every soul has it's own timeframe, and one just has to walk the path. Indeed, it is only good for you to do this, and eventually everything will fall in place.

All the powers can be developed without necessary Kundalini stimulation.

Each flower blooms on it's own time.

ShadowTheRaven said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Nothing is set in stone, when you truly work hard and strive for better nothing is out of ones grasp.

I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.

I'll try to remain optimistic but what I don't want is to become part of that 10%. I feel like the longer I've been doing this the more that's expected of me and that will only exponentially increase as I go. If Ghost in the Machine is right about the whole "It takes about 10 years to raise your serpent" spiel and I've been going on about 10 years so i should be expected to have god-power by now...except the immortality part.

I agree...

Though I feel that was directed at me. I do think my response was a bit ill conceived. I was just saying that when you try your best you are capable than more you expected. If you truly hone yourself to be consistent and doing the most possible for yourself whether it be spiritual, physical or mental. greater heights than previous can become possible.

I’m confused, what exactly did I say that was random or wrong? I don’t have expectations for myself, they are useless without results. As you say leave one cold and bitter I’m not so blind as to not see that. I’ve never had any expectations for spiritual advancements ever. I don’t care about having psychic ability’s and over the top powers. I could be the last human to reach godhood for all I care. What do care about is destroying everything that plagues humanity. That would bring me more joy than anything.

Hard work and high morale, I’ve mucked around enough for 10 lifetimes. Most everything is meaningless when compared to working on oneself and developing actual knowledge and skill. If one blooms at their own pace and everything falls into place what’s the point of trying your best at all times? Is everything that preconceived? Am I just hoping for childish underdog story that never gets fully accomplished?
ChaosBringer666 said:
Immortal said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.

Whaaat? You sure it was your GD speaking and not the enemy or your imagination? I find this hard to believe.
Let's face it, what we can be certain of is a life of pain & misery and then death.
Better not get your hopes too high, like the Gods will magically appear and all that.
For now, what we know with the utmost certainty is that we are at war, a dirty and tiresome one I might add. And the reward should be defeating and erasing the enemy as though it was never here.

Godhood? Fairytale, what I can only hope is that I become a better warrior with each passing life. And the only joy for a warrior is when it can taste the enemy's blood on his blade.

Well there’s definitely a possibility of that. Though it was pretty clear, plus I assumed the opposite that it would take lifetimes for me to get to such a point.

I don’t have expectations :lol: life is about results, which makes expectations for the most part meaningless. If I can get there great, if I can’t oh well. At least I put as much effort as I possibly could. I’m definitely not saying I’m 100% sure I can make it, hell it’ll probably take 50 years or more for me to even begin to raise my kundalini. But if I try my best I can at least say I’ll have some sort of results

Dont doubt it. it used to take lifetimes bcoz of the enemy curses. U stand up everyday against those, those that have and still are ruining lives.
Read the RTR FAQ it says you get cursed too fighting . This happens multiple times a day for years on end. Treat MO as a reward for this courage . Rtrs works in many ways in freeing the kundalini. It is also advancement. So it is highly possible you can. Everyone is different with different kinds of forces binding them( like different reasons ) - reasons that I find extremely intimidating can be a mere cakewalk for anothers and vice versa. MO is possible in this life too for everyone serious enough.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Usthepeople666 said:
I literally had attacks of "you started covid " for 2 months when I was literally spamming (10-20) daily , with attacks from greys etc . But these deaths is what I wanted to avoid. I do understand this is a war , or maybe I dont as thats the reason I get so emotional.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Are they even making their taunts remotely believable anymore? "You started covid" Unless you live in Wuhan, China I highly doubt it. If you did live in China, you wouldn't be able to access this forum anyway.

I dont think so lol.
Gotta take a break from the forums now.
Yagami Light said:
Mate... If the Gods come in 20 years.. How can you be so negative about it? Unless you were 80+ years old, and felt like you don't have much time (in which case, you wouldn't have the energy to write this message).. Or if you were doing a job that harms you in some way (like breathing poisonous air, or being too stressful), in which case, you can ask for help from the Gods - or use an appropriate affirmation after your meditations, in order to get out of this situation...

No need to be so negative. The Gods WILL come. We just need to be a bit patient.

Life sucks the way the jews have made it be. Life shouldn't be like this - and in the ideal Satanic world of the future, it will NOT be like this.

Let's just be patient, and put in the best of our efforts.

As for the Gods coming in 19 years I'll believe it when I see it, because that's a big promise and throughout my life nearly every "promise" has ended in utter disappointment. You can blame my father for that one.

Who said I was even worth their time? A lot of times I wonder "Why me? Surely there are thousands of people more qualified than I to handle this" but I'm here anyway, so fuck it why not?

Yes, life shouldn't be like this but we as a society shouldn't have been gullible to fall for the jew's trap in the first place. If the other superpowers of the world like the United States weren't so judaified in the 1940s, the Soviet Union would've fallen 50 years before it did through economic collapse anyway saving millions of lives in the Ukraine alone. There's nothing I can do about it, I wasn't around back then but if there's something I can do about the collective dumbing down of western civilization then goddamn it I'm gonna fucking do it.

This fucked up society came about as a result of the parasite taking control of our media, government, and educational system. So how are we going to go about taking back control of those key tenants of western civilization? Wait 20 years? The Gods aren't going to do anything for us, we have to learn on our own through their guidance. Why are people constantly pushing the "20 years" mantra as if it's some prophecy going to be fulfilled by someone else? There's no such thing as a prophecy, why are we acting like that's the case?
The enemy attacks haven't been getting to me too much, but they've been really distracting. First they attempt to convince me to rest on my laurels, then they fill my head with disgusting and disturbing visions of violence and murder in an attempt to distract me from meditating. It's a thorn in my side, but I haven't given up. Just noting what I'm experiencing at the moment.
ChaosBringer666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not listen to bullshit and random statements that people make up without any knowledge about what one has to do and what the procedures entail.

These will create bitter and wrong expectations. Every soul has it's own timeframe, and one just has to walk the path. Indeed, it is only good for you to do this, and eventually everything will fall in place.

All the powers can be developed without necessary Kundalini stimulation.

Each flower blooms on it's own time.

ShadowTheRaven said:
I'll try to remain optimistic but what I don't want is to become part of that 10%. I feel like the longer I've been doing this the more that's expected of me and that will only exponentially increase as I go. If Ghost in the Machine is right about the whole "It takes about 10 years to raise your serpent" spiel and I've been going on about 10 years so i should be expected to have god-power by now...except the immortality part.

I agree...

Though I feel that was directed at me. I do think my response was a bit ill conceived. I was just saying that when you try your best you are capable than more you expected. If you truly hone yourself to be consistent and doing the most possible for yourself whether it be spiritual, physical or mental. greater heights than previous can become possible.

I’m confused, what exactly did I say that was random or wrong? I don’t have expectations for myself, they are useless without results. As you say leave one cold and bitter I’m not so blind as to not see that. I’ve never had any expectations for spiritual advancements ever. I don’t care about having psychic ability’s and over the top powers. I could be the last human to reach godhood for all I care. What do care about is destroying everything that plagues humanity. That would bring me more joy than anything.

Hard work and high morale, I’ve mucked around enough for 10 lifetimes. Most everything is meaningless when compared to working on oneself and developing actual knowledge and skill. If one blooms at their own pace and everything falls into place what’s the point of trying your best at all times? Is everything that preconceived? Am I just hoping for childish underdog story that never gets fully accomplished?

Not in the sense the enemy teaches.
1.one who never tries will never achieve ,
2. one who hits themselves while walking reaches *if* with lots of damages and pain.
3. one who walks at a constant pace with rest *may* even reach the destination.
Usthepeople666 said:
Also the question about me having no value to the Gods keeps popping up . I have read so many posts here about people having long conversations with Goss but honestly I didnt.
No offence to HP Cobra as he havibg said rhe gods talk to just about anyone (once where I had not been able to distinguish between attacks and me being persistent as that is just the kind of person I am. Even when greys had opened up my 6th chakra and Satan's sigil coming ahead of mr again and again I didnt stop the RTR ,maybe I should have) did really have me crying for weeks together as it was my first time I properly interacted with Satan and felt of little value to this society of ours. I serioualy just wanted to leave as I was in years and years of fighting to no real conversations . They were there but not in the way people describe on here.

As far as I know, they usually communicate more through short messages and signs. It is more effective and more valuable. You don't need to have long conversations. Also, I guess how in contact you get to the gods also depends on how much have you cleaned yourself, so you can see more clearly. And how much you stop listening to the greys and stuff. I didn't have much of conversation when I started and I think the messages were less, but they were definitely there.

I think attacks can also cause interference in communication with the gods, or you to feel the wrong stuff. Remember they always want people to stay away from Satan.

But seriously, I don't think conversations are that important. In any case, you should receive more messages as you develop and become more psychically open and the communication lines are clearer, so to speak.

Focusing on the sigil may also help for that.
Anna said:
Please send me a mention of the VINASSA mantra, if it's not difficult, the enemies torment me very much. The problems are similar. I want to get them out of my head

ShadowTheRaven said:
The enemy attacks haven't been getting to me too much, but they've been really distracting. First they attempt to convince me to rest on my laurels, then they fill my head with disgusting and disturbing visions of violence and murder in an attempt to distract me from meditating. It's a thorn in my side, but I haven't given up. Just noting what I'm experiencing at the moment.

So that's what that was, during one of my workings I was having vivid visions of ripping my right eye with some hook and it was so detailed my right eye was stinging for a bit after that. I'm literally so unprepared for all this stuff even when they just make you think about horrible stuff or visualize something I have literally no idea it's the enemy. I could be the biggest prick bad-mouthing the gods and I would go along with it or just think its me since I've always been the "in the head" type of the person (not sure what the term is)

I never suspected it was the enemy that was poking my face all those times when I was doing Void Meditation months back, I always assumed it was ants crawling on me since ants had manage to get into my ceiling and are able to enter into my room but I never felt anything on my face when I got distracted.

I found it very hard to sit still while doing the Race Rituals and always kept complaining that it was taking too long, even though I've done workings of that size once before about 10 less yet I was throwing tantrums as if it was possible despite the fact I told myself multiple times with confidence no matter how long it takes I would get them done. And yet it was getting even more difficult to commit to these rituals even ended up skipping a day but I eventually pushed myself and finished them.

[Honestly the last one is still confusing for me, I only just got back into meditating a few days before the Warfare times were posted so I was kinda stuck at doing only 27-40 vibrations compared to doing 88 the Wealth and Protection rituals were not much of a concern since I have done them before but this was the first time I was doing the Race rituals doing 88, then eventually going all the way up to 352 vibrations doing 4 rituals from the 29th to the 1st, I had to remove one since it was getting too much. But the thing is I can't even tell if it was me giving up or if it was the enemy fucking me over so I dont have much confidence in saying it was the enemy during the Race Rituals, but I am definitely sure it was those bastards poking me in the face during Void Meditation and making me have visions of ripping my right eye out.]

I apologize for going off on a tandem.
Adhiti666 said:
Anna said:
Please send me a mention of the VINASSA mantra, if it's not difficult, the enemies torment me very much. The problems are similar. I want to get them out of my head


Thank you so much
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
The enemy attacks haven't been getting to me too much, but they've been really distracting. First they attempt to convince me to rest on my laurels, then they fill my head with disgusting and disturbing visions of violence and murder in an attempt to distract me from meditating. It's a thorn in my side, but I haven't given up. Just noting what I'm experiencing at the moment.

So that's what that was, during one of my workings I was having vivid visions of ripping my right eye with some hook and it was so detailed my right eye was stinging for a bit after that. I'm literally so unprepared for all this stuff even when they just make you think about horrible stuff or visualize something I have literally no idea it's the enemy. I could be the biggest prick bad-mouthing the gods and I would go along with it or just think its me since I've always been the "in the head" type of the person (not sure what the term is)

I never suspected it was the enemy that was poking my face all those times when I was doing Void Meditation months back, I always assumed it was ants crawling on me since ants had manage to get into my ceiling and are able to enter into my room but I never felt anything on my face when I got distracted.

I found it very hard to sit still while doing the Race Rituals and always kept complaining that it was taking too long, even though I've done workings of that size once before about 10 less yet I was throwing tantrums as if it was possible despite the fact I told myself multiple times with confidence no matter how long it takes I would get them done. And yet it was getting even more difficult to commit to these rituals even ended up skipping a day but I eventually pushed myself and finished them.

[Honestly the last one is still confusing for me, I only just got back into meditating a few days before the Warfare times were posted so I was kinda stuck at doing only 27-40 vibrations compared to doing 88 the Wealth and Protection rituals were not much of a concern since I have done them before but this was the first time I was doing the Race rituals doing 88, then eventually going all the way up to 352 vibrations doing 4 rituals from the 29th to the 1st, I had to remove one since it was getting too much. But the thing is I can't even tell if it was me giving up or if it was the enemy fucking me over so I dont have much confidence in saying it was the enemy during the Race Rituals, but I am definitely sure it was those bastards poking me in the face during Void Meditation and making me have visions of ripping my right eye out.]

I apologize for going off on a tandem.

I also had moments where I thought I was randomly bm'n the gods. I was worried that it was my mind having an ego exorcism or something, lol. The very first time I did the RTR there was a strange knocking/tapping on the house. A couple of times I felt depressed. One time when I was doing the race awakening ritual I got this brief but very detailed vision of a reptilian/grey "hybrid" thing, with verdant skin and more long than round amber eyes with slit pupils just staring at me. The eyes were smaller than stereotypical greys and the head was swept back more and it was lacking a nose. It was a big head, not high, and it smoothly transitioned into a narrow protruding face, kind of like this but more flat in the features http://humoncomics.com/art/greys-nordics-reptilians.jpg and I believe it had a very un-pronouncead or weak chin like it was almost fused with the neck, don't remember that all too well. And a couple days ago I vaguely remember dreaming about transhumans/cyborgs.
Adhiti666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Also the question about me having no value to the Gods keeps popping up . I have read so many posts here about people having long conversations with Goss but honestly I didnt.
No offence to HP Cobra as he havibg said rhe gods talk to just about anyone (once where I had not been able to distinguish between attacks and me being persistent as that is just the kind of person I am. Even when greys had opened up my 6th chakra and Satan's sigil coming ahead of mr again and again I didnt stop the RTR ,maybe I should have) did really have me crying for weeks together as it was my first time I properly interacted with Satan and felt of little value to this society of ours. I serioualy just wanted to leave as I was in years and years of fighting to no real conversations . They were there but not in the way people describe on here.

As far as I know, they usually communicate more through short messages and signs. It is more effective and more valuable. You don't need to have long conversations. Also, I guess how in contact you get to the gods also depends on how much have you cleaned yourself, so you can see more clearly. And how much you stop listening to the greys and stuff. I didn't have much of conversation when I started and I think the messages were less, but they were definitely there.

I think attacks can also cause interference in communication with the gods, or you to feel the wrong stuff. Remember they always want people to stay away from Satan.

But seriously, I don't think conversations are that important. In any case, you should receive more messages as you develop and become more psychically open and the communication lines are clearer, so to speak.

Focusing on the sigil may also help for that.

Usthepeople666 said:
Not in the sense the enemy teaches.
1.one who never tries will never achieve ,
2. one who hits themselves while walking reaches *if* with lots of damages and pain.
3. one who walks at a constant pace with rest *may* even reach the destination.

I appreciate both of your responses as well as sly's. I suppose it something that wasn’t really meant for me, guess it was the
thought forms (since I wasn’t doing RC 1 to max out race awakening rituals) that made me think too much about it.

Oh and I don’t really doubt myself as much anymore, I take things with a grain of salt, but ever since father told me not to doubt myself as much, I really haven’t.

Have a great week Us,
It was not about you Chaos no worries, just wrote this because people need to relax and not worry about this, it will come for every person at the given time, based on advancement and work. This is a given provided the spiritual work is done.

All desires can be manifested with or without the Serpent, so people in a rush to manifest a specific desire or whatever, do not necessarily need to force the Serpent to attain this.

You try your best beause this is what gets you to advance, and become stronger. And progress. Nothing is preconceived, and this is why we have to walk the mile.

How, when and how much we walk, affects our timeline and decides when the seeds of destiny manifest.

ChaosBringer666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not listen to bullshit and random statements that people make up without any knowledge about what one has to do and what the procedures entail.

These will create bitter and wrong expectations. Every soul has it's own timeframe, and one just has to walk the path. Indeed, it is only good for you to do this, and eventually everything will fall in place.

All the powers can be developed without necessary Kundalini stimulation.

Each flower blooms on it's own time.

ShadowTheRaven said:
I'll try to remain optimistic but what I don't want is to become part of that 10%. I feel like the longer I've been doing this the more that's expected of me and that will only exponentially increase as I go. If Ghost in the Machine is right about the whole "It takes about 10 years to raise your serpent" spiel and I've been going on about 10 years so i should be expected to have god-power by now...except the immortality part.

I agree...

Though I feel that was directed at me. I do think my response was a bit ill conceived. I was just saying that when you try your best you are capable than more you expected. If you truly hone yourself to be consistent and doing the most possible for yourself whether it be spiritual, physical or mental. greater heights than previous can become possible.

I’m confused, what exactly did I say that was random or wrong? I don’t have expectations for myself, they are useless without results. As you say leave one cold and bitter I’m not so blind as to not see that. I’ve never had any expectations for spiritual advancements ever. I don’t care about having psychic ability’s and over the top powers. I could be the last human to reach godhood for all I care. What do care about is destroying everything that plagues humanity. That would bring me more joy than anything.

Hard work and high morale, I’ve mucked around enough for 10 lifetimes. Most everything is meaningless when compared to working on oneself and developing actual knowledge and skill. If one blooms at their own pace and everything falls into place what’s the point of trying your best at all times? Is everything that preconceived? Am I just hoping for childish underdog story that never gets fully accomplished?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It was not about you Chaos no worries, just wrote this because people need to relax and not worry about this, it will come for every person at the given time, based on advancement and work. This is a given provided the spiritual work is done.

All desires can be manifested with or without the Serpent, so people in a rush to manifest a specific desire or whatever, do not necessarily need to force the Serpent to attain this.

You try your best beause this is what gets you to advance, and become stronger. And progress. Nothing is preconceived, and this is why we have to walk the mile.

How, when and how much we walk, affects our timeline and decides when the seeds of destiny manifest.

Cobra, my routine involves keeping my chakras spinning at the speed of light among other related meditations to maintain myself and keep my vibration up. How can I put more variety in my routine?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It was not about you Chaos no worries, just wrote this because people need to relax and not worry about this, it will come for every person at the given time, based on advancement and work. This is a given provided the spiritual work is done.

All desires can be manifested with or without the Serpent, so people in a rush to manifest a specific desire or whatever, do not necessarily need to force the Serpent to attain this.

You try your best beause this is what gets you to advance, and become stronger. And progress. Nothing is preconceived, and this is why we have to walk the mile.

How, when and how much we walk, affects our timeline and decides when the seeds of destiny manifest.

Ahh that’s a relief :D

I’ll continue as planned then with ever increasing fortitude Vigor and resolve.

Like I said it was mostly thought forms that made me think it was, however I did come to this conclusion on my own. Nevertheless I greatly appreciated you taking time out of your very busy day to quell those thoughts.

Have a wonderful week HPHC
PlutonianPlatinum said:
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
The enemy attacks haven't been getting to me too much, but they've been really distracting. First they attempt to convince me to rest on my laurels, then they fill my head with disgusting and disturbing visions of violence and murder in an attempt to distract me from meditating. It's a thorn in my side, but I haven't given up. Just noting what I'm experiencing at the moment.

So that's what that was, during one of my workings I was having vivid visions of ripping my right eye with some hook and it was so detailed my right eye was stinging for a bit after that. I'm literally so unprepared for all this stuff even when they just make you think about horrible stuff or visualize something I have literally no idea it's the enemy. I could be the biggest prick bad-mouthing the gods and I would go along with it or just think its me since I've always been the "in the head" type of the person (not sure what the term is)

I never suspected it was the enemy that was poking my face all those times when I was doing Void Meditation months back, I always assumed it was ants crawling on me since ants had manage to get into my ceiling and are able to enter into my room but I never felt anything on my face when I got distracted.

I found it very hard to sit still while doing the Race Rituals and always kept complaining that it was taking too long, even though I've done workings of that size once before about 10 less yet I was throwing tantrums as if it was possible despite the fact I told myself multiple times with confidence no matter how long it takes I would get them done. And yet it was getting even more difficult to commit to these rituals even ended up skipping a day but I eventually pushed myself and finished them.

[Honestly the last one is still confusing for me, I only just got back into meditating a few days before the Warfare times were posted so I was kinda stuck at doing only 27-40 vibrations compared to doing 88 the Wealth and Protection rituals were not much of a concern since I have done them before but this was the first time I was doing the Race rituals doing 88, then eventually going all the way up to 352 vibrations doing 4 rituals from the 29th to the 1st, I had to remove one since it was getting too much. But the thing is I can't even tell if it was me giving up or if it was the enemy fucking me over so I dont have much confidence in saying it was the enemy during the Race Rituals, but I am definitely sure it was those bastards poking me in the face during Void Meditation and making me have visions of ripping my right eye out.]

I apologize for going off on a tandem.

I also had moments where I thought I was randomly bm'n the gods. I was worried that it was my mind having an ego exorcism or something, lol. The very first time I did the RTR there was a strange knocking/tapping on the house. A couple of times I felt depressed. One time when I was doing the race awakening ritual I got this brief but very detailed vision of a reptilian/grey "hybrid" thing, with verdant skin and more long than round amber eyes with slit pupils just staring at me. The eyes were smaller than stereotypical greys and the head was swept back more and it was lacking a nose. It was a big head, not high, and it smoothly transitioned into a narrow protruding face, kind of like this but more flat in the features http://humoncomics.com/art/greys-nordics-reptilians.jpg and I believe it had a very un-pronouncead or weak chin like it was almost fused with the neck, don't remember that all too well. And a couple days ago I vaguely remember dreaming about transhumans/cyborgs.

They are kind of irritating . Like the Wealth ritual times was when i literally saw energy floating in my room , with all of you will end up ded.
Gotta do that "Vinasa".
And honestly just forget about these incidents of you having dealt with them, they are getting weaker with every encounter tbh .
Compared to a year ago when Enlil had stepped in to save my ass.

Lots of times it is just energy floating around when you begin to meditate. They do this on purpose to the point one can feel they never really leave.
Its like after vibrating Vinasa the environment literally gets lighter ( Adhiti666 ty :) )
This is in response to one of Mageson's replies to my posts about KKK.
I want it to be known that I was basing this information purely off of what HPS Shannon said in another post last year.

I by no means was basing any of it off of my own understanding which in reality at this present time is that each individual is their own person. Everyone is different in how they learn and develop in their growth, it takes time for people to grasp a certain concept from one thing to another in order to fully utilize it. You can tell someone many times how to do something in many different ways but until they figure it out and grasp it in their own understandings will they be able to fully gain a hold.

Being risen is not a race nor should it be treated as one. Advancing too quickly is definitely a real thing, the soul and body must find harmony and adjust to each level it rises up to gradually and gaining too much power and not having the time to develop and learn the control over it is definitely no good.

Advance at your own pace. It's nothing to be upset about and to feel like you have to rush can create unneeded stresses and pressures which can hinder you with anxieties and doubt. It's not about due dates.

ChaosBringer666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not listen to bullshit and random statements that people make up without any knowledge about what one has to do and what the procedures entail.

These will create bitter and wrong expectations. Every soul has it's own timeframe, and one just has to walk the path. Indeed, it is only good for you to do this, and eventually everything will fall in place.

All the powers can be developed without necessary Kundalini stimulation.

Each flower blooms on it's own time.

ShadowTheRaven said:
I'll try to remain optimistic but what I don't want is to become part of that 10%. I feel like the longer I've been doing this the more that's expected of me and that will only exponentially increase as I go. If Ghost in the Machine is right about the whole "It takes about 10 years to raise your serpent" spiel and I've been going on about 10 years so i should be expected to have god-power by now...except the immortality part.

I agree...

Though I feel that was directed at me. I do think my response was a bit ill conceived. I was just saying that when you try your best you are capable than more you expected. If you truly hone yourself to be consistent and doing the most possible for yourself whether it be spiritual, physical or mental. greater heights than previous can become possible.

I’m confused, what exactly did I say that was random or wrong? I don’t have expectations for myself, they are useless without results. As you say leave one cold and bitter I’m not so blind as to not see that. I’ve never had any expectations for spiritual advancements ever. I don’t care about having psychic ability’s and over the top powers. I could be the last human to reach godhood for all I care. What do care about is destroying everything that plagues humanity. That would bring me more joy than anything.

Hard work and high morale, I’ve mucked around enough for 10 lifetimes. Most everything is meaningless when compared to working on oneself and developing actual knowledge and skill. If one blooms at their own pace and everything falls into place what’s the point of trying your best at all times? Is everything that preconceived? Am I just hoping for childish underdog story that never gets fully accomplished?
25 year old black man murdered a 5 year old white boy. He shot him in the head. We have to do a lot more race awakening rituals, because we can't let things like this keep happening. I don't know if the astrology is in good alignment now for this ritual, but it will still work powerfully if all of us are doing it. I think we should be doing this for another week, or maybe longer than that. If you want to help, do as many of these as you can every day.



Of course you will never see the ((((Fake News, Real Jews)))) media companies like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, talking about this, because the child is white and the murderer is black. If it was the other way, rioters would be burning down the whole planet because of it. But they think it's a good thing when the victim is white children.
Darkmangomango2 said:
Hello brothers and sisters, I have a question regarding the rituals.
How do you keep privacy doing these?
When I started to do the rituals(RTRs) when they were announced I could only do them when nobody else was home so I got my own place now.

I never had any problems with RTRs but just now when I was doing second awakening ritual (vibrating) my door bell rang multiple time I assume someone was upset by the noise.
I am not looking for confrontation but at this time my heart was pounding so fast and now I have this bad feeling in my chest because I don’t know how to continue the rituals in the future days if obviously all my neighbors can hear it.

How do you manage privacy for your rituals, do you just go out in the nature in a lonely place or how do you do it?

Sorry if I wrote this a bit unorganized I am just very frustrated right now. Have anybody else made experiences like that and any tips to help?

:oops: :cry:

I been enjoying the rituals very much so far it was always a hustle to get it all in one day but I always felt good afterwards.

Thank you,


My neighbors aren't that close to my house but here is what i do... I turn on the music (but not on loud) and doing rising the energy but also i don't vibrate it loudly and even with my windows open i have no problems with them so, you could just close the widows if they are open, put some music on so they don't hear what you say but not on loud and don't vibrate loudly just moderatly or less if it's needed, same with the letters.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
Isnt mexico a hot country?
Places that are very hot and a LOT of sun do not make sense for white gentiles.

Wanted to chime in here in case others may end up reading this in the future and having questions, but it's stated on here before that Whites are capable of living and thriving in any type of environment. Whites originated from Kumari Kandam, stated previously to be around the area south of Sri Lanka, also known as Lemuria - then Whites travelled East, up through Japan, China (through the silk road), split up towards Russia & Europe, and back south towards Northern India - heading west from there towards Egypt. The most ancient White tribe, the Yezidi, still live today in Northern Iraq, where it can get pretty damn hot. It's been said before too that Aryans were the original race in Egypt before the poo people came along and fucked everything up. Whites can thrive in hot or cold climates, so if you are White, you do not need to worry about living in a hot climate and it causing problems.
Hearsync said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Retrospect said:
If I am light skin Mexican gentile with straight brown hair and brown eyes, I do not do race awakening ritual right? Apologize if this has been answered. My mom(the one that found jos first then showed me) told me the original Mexican people were white before the mass mixing of Spaniards and who knows what other people. My understanding is we are a sub race of the white race. In the U.S. for legal papers we are labeled as Caucasian and have the option of Hispanic/Latino yes or no, so it is a mystery of what 'race' we are since our history is very altered and hard to trace back. I really wish I knew how much of what I am. Mexico has ancient pyramids so there had to be gods there as they claim such as Quetzalcoatl and others.
Isnt mexico a hot country?
Places that are very hot and a LOT of sun do not make sense for white gentiles.

Wanted to chime in here in case others may end up reading this in the future and having questions, but it's stated on here before that Whites are capable of living and thriving in any type of environment. Whites originated from Kumari Kandam, stated previously to be around the area south of Sri Lanka, also known as Lemuria - then Whites travelled East, up through Japan, China (through the silk road), split up towards Russia & Europe, and back south towards Northern India - heading west from there towards Egypt. The most ancient White tribe, the Yezidi, still live today in Northern Iraq, where it can get pretty damn hot. It's been said before too that Aryans were the original race in Egypt before the poo people came along and fucked everything up. Whites can thrive in hot or cold climates, so if you are White, you do not need to worry about living in a hot climate and it causing problems.

K ty for the info :)
Could your enemy's magical protection be overcome (or penetrated) by simply repeating your ritual to curse him over and over again?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
