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Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

Here are a few tips I posted in another thread on privacy and RTRs:

I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to share this tip for doing RTRs in case it could be helpful. If you live with people, it's important to make sure you are safe while getting the RTRs done. You can do both. Some people have mentioned using music so that others don't hear, but for people who find music distracting or don't want to use it for other reasons, I recommend getting something like a dehumidifier or a portable air conditioner, something like this https://www.amazon.com/Honeywell-HYF290 ... B01N0LQJN6

Also, be aware of where you're doing the RTRs. Things like vents can let people hear noises farther than they normally would, while other places are better for privacy. If you can do it discretely, you can play an audio of normal noise (like music) at the approximate volume and in the place where you'll be doing RTRs, then walk around the house. See if there are any spaces where noise at that volume can be heard. I don't want to make people overthink things, remember that if you are determined, you can find a way to do RTRs safely in a way that works for you!

Also thanks to all who helped answer my questions in this thread.
Fuchs said:
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is a very easy, quick, and accurate way for me to count these runes the right number of times.

Do it 4 times, get into the rhythm of doing each word in sets of 4. It's very easy when you get used to it. Fingers on the right hand, I do each rune 4 times, then I move to the next finger and do it 4 times on the next finger. When the hand is filled, add a finger on the left hand. So each time my right hand is filled up, that is 20 repetitions. Filling up the left hand means it is 100 repetitions, for the Wealth and Prosperity and JOS Protection rituals. 4 fingers on the left hand, plus 2 more fingers on the right hand, is 88 for the Race Awakening ritual.

This isn't the way I usually would count things, but it works much better than what I used to do, and you don't need anything else with you to do it this way. When I do it this way, I can do the whole Race Awakening ritual in about 7 minutes. Each rune in its own breath, I don't try to say many in one breath.

So Othal *4 Sol *4 Óss *4 = 1 finger times 5 fingers = 20 times 4 = 80 then Othal *4 Sol *4 Óss *4 on 2 fingers on the right hand brings it to 88? Is this how you do it? also you mentioned that you dont try to say many in one breath, does this mean we dont have to vibrate all 3 words in one cause I literally have to pretty much strain myself to just pronounce Óss after I have repeated the previous 2 which in turn makes the ritual take almost 40 minutes.

I hope what I asked makes sense.

On the ritual it is stated: You vibrate these together, not separately.


You can vibrate them together in one breath, but is is more efficient to vibrate them in extra breaths (3 breaths one round [OOO-TH-AAAL , SSSS-OOOOO-LLLL, OOOO-SSSS])

Don´t know if 4 reps still count as together vibrated. Normaly Ol argedco luciftias gives good advice.

About the fingers counting I like my system more because you don´t have to count at all:

You can always use your fingers, left hand 10 digits (1 finger = 10 right hand fingers after 50 turn your hand), right hand 1-10 (after 5 turn your hand)

right hand 1,2,3,4,5 turn hand -> 6,7, 8, 9,10 -> left hand 1 =10 -> right hand 0 -> right hand 1,2.... until 10-> left hand 2 = 20 ...

The system works well up to 100.
I do thw exact same thing :)
Even what OL wrote is a good way.
I do that too, The turning hands hurts a lot after about a week/month of doing it. But both methods are awesome .
Everything is intense. I can feel our power growing. These are great times. I pine for the arrival of our Father and all his Gods and Goddesses. I miss them. It's weird. Though i haven't met our Gods in person(obviously), i miss the Gods like how i would miss my family when I'm away from them. I have a strong longing to meet Father.

I apologize for repeating these questions again but since i didn't get an answer i wanted to ask again.
Can the wealth and prosperity ritual and the protection ritual be performed after the 5th of August as well?

I'm aware that Indians are a sub-race. I'm not from India. I am from a country with no original ethnicity. Everyone is mixed indians, arabs, africans and some whites. I look like i am Indian but I'm not sure whether my family tree comes only from Indian ethnicity. Maybe there is a mix somewhere.
Anyway, what would be the main race of the Indian sub-race? Is it Asian or White perhaps?
Master said:
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
HP Hooded Cobra, I'd like to know something. About JOS protection ritual. The first part of the statement is clearly addressed. The second part is either related to other rituals the Gods have or, by itself, it seems neutral to me. It is precisely addressed and covers the aspects it has to cover, but how cursed are those who curse JOS and how blessed are those who bless JOS? I would like to understand the exact function of the second part of the statement. Thank you!

It's similar to the thing the Jews were doing with Israel back before we reversed it. Which probably also is helping bless our cause the energy from that. I assume that's where this idea came from. Playing the Jews at their own game.

So far as how much it blesses those who bless us and how much it curses our enemies. I honestly dont know the specifics. It almost seems like it mainly targets those who come on the groups to cause problems like create accounts and those who actually do magical curses against us such as the vatican.

What this would probably do is deflect their curses back on them and magnify it. When the Jews were doing this it caused any Nation who even questioned them to have problems or natural disasters or people that questioned them to as well often serious.

So that may mean those who say something do something or feel something negative against the JOS get cursed and those who keep Satanism in a positive mindset get blessed.

That would be cool. So far as the power it depends on how many people did it and how powerful they are and if any Gods added energy to this or not. Who would know. If a whole nation came out against us in a statement or action like with the Jews (they probably wont just cause that would bring attention to us) maybe negative things happen to it who knows.
Yes, it is addressed and adequately covers the aspects in question but I don't understand the function. For example, if the statement were, All those who curse JOS are destroyed and All who bless JOS are prosperous, you can clearly see the function. If you curse someone by claiming that he is cursed and if you bless someone by saying that he is blessed, what function and influence can he have? If you curse someone by claiming he is dead, then he will die. If you curse a building claiming it is destroyed, it will be razed to the ground. If you curse someone by claiming he is sick, then he will get sick. If you bless someone by claiming that he is healthy, then he will be healthy. But if you curse someone by claiming that he is unlucky, then he will encounter random bad luck and if you bless someone by saying that he is lucky, then he will meet random luck. I do not understand how and by whom those who curse JOS will be cursed and those who bless JOS will be blessed and who will influence the affirmation in question.

Look it's in a general way. It doesnt always go the same way. This is the same damn type of energy the kikes used in their curse originally it looks the same to me on the astral too to the energy produced by that rtr.

Ok let's say someone performs some kind of curse against the JOS. This ritual deflects the energy away from us and it gets sent back to the sender at least somewhat. Then in general something bad happens the energy takes the easiest route. Their life turns to shit on top of what their curse for us was that got deflected back to them. So let's say they have fragile health. They get really sick. Let's say they have an accident. Something happens to their house like a fire etc. This is going to be a great help to us on Yom Kippur when Mars is retrograde. I note not one of their holidays this year turned out as planned cool.

The blessing one lets say it gives someone a boost. Their finances get better or they have luck of some kind or they get healed from something. Again General as well. It's like a boost on top of what the other ritual did.

So yeah there you go.
Kurat said:
Henu the Great said:
Kurat said:
When I do white race awakeing ritual and write runes on paper, what I do whith runes after ritual?

Keep the written runes for later use.

Do I must write runes every time on new paper or when I do new ritual, do I may write over runes what I used before?

You can use the runes you wrote on the first time.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Someone once told me, it's not about numbers, it's about effort. I think it's about numbers and effort. If I'm just doing the absolute basics when it comes to meditation, aura cleaning, chakra spinning, and other basic empowerment shit then that's hardly advancement at all. Meditation goes from advancement on myself to maintenance so I don't feel like shit the next day and so I could pack in a couple rituals before I go to sleep. I've wanted to find a way to gain the willpower to spend every waking moment doing this shit, but then I'm told "Oh, life is more than just meditating and RTRs, you'll burn yourself out" but I'm expected to put in a fuckton of work at the same time. I'm pretty convinced this'll be my routine for the rest of my natural life because Gods know I won't be completing the MO in this lifetime like I ever had a chance.

I think you're thinking way too pessimistically. Remember, thoughts are energy, we SS must control our thoughts and feelings, lest they come around and destroy us. HPess Maxine have always emphasized this.

As for the amount of meditation you're doing on a daily basis, it all adds up. Nothing you're doing is only "maintenance", even cleaning your aura does indeed empower your soul, and every amount of empowerment, no matter how small, does add up in the end. So you should be proud of yourself, as you're indeed making progress towards Godhood, it may not be fast enough for your likings, but that can also be changed to a certain degree.

Overdoing meditations is very dangerous, your soul and body need time to adjust and heal, hence why it's highly recommended not to do too much. But this also doesn't mean there's nothing you can do about it, the very least and what everyone must be doing is to meditate mindfully, this means you have to be able to fully control your thoughts to tune everything out while meditating. Quality is indeed greater than quantity, meditating mindfully, like how it's supposed to be done, makes all the difference. I would argue one session of meditation mindfully equals 10 - if not more even - casual sessions where your thoughts and energies are all over the place.

Will power is unfortunately very unreliable and is a limited resource, consistency is the key here. As for working full time, this is normal for most, what's not okay though is to work like a slave and barely afford rent. We luckily have the means to change this, all it requires is mindfulness, consistency and patients. Workings should be done all around the year, target one issue at time until it's solved, start with the most important.

How do you expect yourself to advance and reach Godhood when you're thinking in a defeatist way? Thinking this way will assure you'll not reach your goal, as you already admitted defeat.

You have to think positively and be persistent, you and everyone here can and, Satan's willing, will achieve greatness.

Remember, mindfulness, consistency and patience.
Kurat said:
Henu the Great said:
Kurat said:
When I do white race awakeing ritual and write runes on paper, what I do whith runes after ritual?

Keep the written runes for later use.

Do I must write runes every time on new paper or when I do new ritual, do I may write over runes what I used before?
You keep the runes you have written, and you use those for every race ritual you do. There is no need to write them again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.
Since we are keeping it normal on the 2nd to the 3rd what exactly are we doing of "not normal" on the 4th and 5th?
slyscorpion said:
Darkmangomango2 said:
Hello brothers and sisters, I have a question regarding the rituals.
How do you keep privacy doing these?
When I started to do the rituals(RTRs) when they were announced I could only do them when nobody else was home so I got my own place now.

I never had any problems with RTRs but just now when I was doing second awakening ritual (vibrating) my door bell rang multiple time I assume someone was upset by the noise.
I am not looking for confrontation but at this time my heart was pounding so fast and now I have this bad feeling in my chest because I don’t know how to continue the rituals in the future days if obviously all my neighbors can hear it.

How do you manage privacy for your rituals, do you just go out in the nature in a lonely place or how do you do it?

Sorry if I wrote this a bit unorganized I am just very frustrated right now. Have anybody else made experiences like that and any tips to help?

:oops: :cry:

I been enjoying the rituals very much so far it was always a hustle to get it all in one day but I always felt good afterwards.

Thank you,


Play some calming music during it or be a little quieter. Chances are it wasnt related to what you were doing that caused that anyways. The enemy might have inspired someone to do that to mess with you.

Yep it literally was like that... a person I knew did it. I was so sure at this moment that our rang because of me vibrating I was like 100% but when I calmed myself later and metitated I felt like it was not related which turned out to be true. I was so relieved.

This really can not be a coincidence it was really the enemy who messed with my mind to stop me from doing the vibrations. Fortunately I could continue next day to do all the vibrations :D
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.
Since we are keeping it normal on the 2nd to the 3rd what exactly are we doing of "not normal" on the 4th and 5th?
It was probably a typo. Maybe the schedule was initially until the 3rd but got extended.
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our websites and also the timer websites [both of them] have been under attack all day long.

Everything has sustained and the timer is back to normal.

Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan
Darkmangomango2 said:
slyscorpion said:
Darkmangomango2 said:
Hello brothers and sisters, I have a question regarding the rituals.
How do you keep privacy doing these?
When I started to do the rituals(RTRs) when they were announced I could only do them when nobody else was home so I got my own place now.

I never had any problems with RTRs but just now when I was doing second awakening ritual (vibrating) my door bell rang multiple time I assume someone was upset by the noise.
I am not looking for confrontation but at this time my heart was pounding so fast and now I have this bad feeling in my chest because I don’t know how to continue the rituals in the future days if obviously all my neighbors can hear it.

How do you manage privacy for your rituals, do you just go out in the nature in a lonely place or how do you do it?

Sorry if I wrote this a bit unorganized I am just very frustrated right now. Have anybody else made experiences like that and any tips to help?

:oops: :cry:

I been enjoying the rituals very much so far it was always a hustle to get it all in one day but I always felt good afterwards.

Thank you,


Play some calming music during it or be a little quieter. Chances are it wasnt related to what you were doing that caused that anyways. The enemy might have inspired someone to do that to mess with you.

Yep it literally was like that... a person I knew did it. I was so sure at this moment that our rang because of me vibrating I was like 100% but when I calmed myself later and metitated I felt like it was not related which turned out to be true. I was so relieved.

This really can not be a coincidence it was really the enemy who messed with my mind to stop me from doing the vibrations. Fortunately I could continue next day to do all the vibrations :D

They have NOT been happy with these rituals as of late haha. Keep up with it.
I hope I did enough in the last days, I had to do mental RTR’s so my voice could better heal and save it for the race awakening rituals hopefully 21 mental RTR’s at least constitutes 7 normal ones.
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
slyscorpion said:
It's similar to the thing the Jews were doing with Israel back before we reversed it. Which probably also is helping bless our cause the energy from that. I assume that's where this idea came from. Playing the Jews at their own game.

So far as how much it blesses those who bless us and how much it curses our enemies. I honestly dont know the specifics. It almost seems like it mainly targets those who come on the groups to cause problems like create accounts and those who actually do magical curses against us such as the vatican.

What this would probably do is deflect their curses back on them and magnify it. When the Jews were doing this it caused any Nation who even questioned them to have problems or natural disasters or people that questioned them to as well often serious.

So that may mean those who say something do something or feel something negative against the JOS get cursed and those who keep Satanism in a positive mindset get blessed.

That would be cool. So far as the power it depends on how many people did it and how powerful they are and if any Gods added energy to this or not. Who would know. If a whole nation came out against us in a statement or action like with the Jews (they probably wont just cause that would bring attention to us) maybe negative things happen to it who knows.
Yes, it is addressed and adequately covers the aspects in question but I don't understand the function. For example, if the statement were, All those who curse JOS are destroyed and All who bless JOS are prosperous, you can clearly see the function. If you curse someone by claiming that he is cursed and if you bless someone by saying that he is blessed, what function and influence can he have? If you curse someone by claiming he is dead, then he will die. If you curse a building claiming it is destroyed, it will be razed to the ground. If you curse someone by claiming he is sick, then he will get sick. If you bless someone by claiming that he is healthy, then he will be healthy. But if you curse someone by claiming that he is unlucky, then he will encounter random bad luck and if you bless someone by saying that he is lucky, then he will meet random luck. I do not understand how and by whom those who curse JOS will be cursed and those who bless JOS will be blessed and who will influence the affirmation in question.

Look it's in a general way. It doesnt always go the same way. This is the same damn type of energy the kikes used in their curse originally it looks the same to me on the astral too to the energy produced by that rtr.

Ok let's say someone performs some kind of curse against the JOS. This ritual deflects the energy away from us and it gets sent back to the sender at least somewhat. Then in general something bad happens the energy takes the easiest route. Their life turns to shit on top of what their curse for us was that got deflected back to them. So let's say they have fragile health. They get really sick. Let's say they have an accident. Something happens to their house like a fire etc. This is going to be a great help to us on Yom Kippur when Mars is retrograde. I note not one of their holidays this year turned out as planned cool.

The blessing one lets say it gives someone a boost. Their finances get better or they have luck of some kind or they get healed from something. Again General as well. It's like a boost on top of what the other ritual did.

So yeah there you go.
"A curse is the wish for negative consequences or bad luck through the intercession of some kind of supernatural power such as a god, an element of nature or a spirit. The negative effect that you intend to bring with a curse can have various gradations, from inflicting pain to causing the death of the subject. Curses can also be intended to have very complex or specific effects, such as not letting your loved one see again or making them sterile. Curses can also be tied to specific objects or conditions. In some traditions it is believed that some objects or symbols bring bad luck to their owners and are therefore said to be "cursed"."

"Bad luck or misfortune, is the adverse fate and stands as the opposite of luck. It consists of all those negative events that happen to a person or object. Bad luck is a malevolent influx of events, unleashed and directed against someone or something."

Now I understand. You're right, it's something general that includes multiple random features. In my first message I said it seemed neutral to me. Because I had not understood the words in question deeply. I did research on the meanings of the words curse and blessing and analyzing them I understood that they are words that contain a category of meanings and not a single meaning. Similarly to the words luck and bad luck. I needed to understand this. You cannot learn without understanding. Thanks for the help Slyscorpion.
Reading comments here and generally judging from the enemy's reactions, we have been hitting the nail on the head, and everything has been very effective. Their recent hoaxes and web of control is giving in rapidly.

The bug headed astral garbage is also rather agitated we have offset their bug headed worthless plans. A lot of feedback has been given by these worthless entities that they are struggling more and more. This is why many have experienced increased harassment lately, but also because they are pushed, they do not have the patience and force to stay on everyone for very long.

Then, they have the hoaxes and lies and numerous other things they want boosted, and population control has become exceedingly difficult. The Final RTR is paving a new field where their field of influence is going out the window.

They just cannot stand it that humans are even doing this against them, because to them, humans are in general trash and they look at us like cattle. They feel its beyond comprehension that Gentiles are doing spiritual warfare against them.

All in all, let us do wonderful and spam for the full victory until the August 5th and then we will all rest.

Let's keep up the excellent job.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The bug headed astral garbage is also rather agitated we have offset their bug headed worthless plans. A lot of feedback has been given by these worthless entities that they are struggling more and more. This is why many have experienced increased harassment lately, but also because they are pushed, they do not have the patience and force to stay on everyone for very long.
The last few days have been very... very odd. Clearly curses and blessings at odds with one another, manifesting around me. Though it seems to be settling down a bit as you said, with the enemy not being able to keep their force going.

Yesterday in my town there was a huge Antifa gathering, and an equal if not larger amount of Trump supporters, waving Trump flags and all, came and literally fought with them. (I live in a Republican-dominant town.) Our entire main street was blockaded by over a dozen cop cars, with helicopters flying above. Later that day a White boy (maybe 4 years old) approached me and was talking to me about how all lives matter. :p

That's just a couple of the strange, out of the blue happenings recently - I could extend the list quite long...
They have been attacking me mentally but still I keep fighting! I know they are cowering in fear as we continue to push forward with out attacks! we are doing great work! Usually their mental attacks do not bother me, but I have been dealing with a lot of stress since a very close friend died too young of drug related overdose. They have been trying to use hurt and sadness to make me stop this fight, but still I push on, still I fight them without mercy, I fight for myself, for all of our Gentiles who have yet to awaken, I fight for those who have awakened and are learning the truth, I fight for my friend who would still be here, had they not been exposed to jew poison, and I fight beside you all of my SS brother's and sisters! We are making an impact that the enemy will feel for some time, as it tears apart their evil, their lies, and their reptilian souls piece by piece, particle by particle! Hail Satan!!! I am proud to be in this fight with you all! I am proud of the progress we are making! We have come so far, and we will come out on top! nothing can stop us!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Reading comments here and generally judging from the enemy's reactions, we have been hitting the nail on the head, and everything has been very effective. Their recent hoaxes and web of control is giving in rapidly.

The bug headed astral garbage is also rather agitated we have offset their bug headed worthless plans. A lot of feedback has been given by these worthless entities that they are struggling more and more. This is why many have experienced increased harassment lately, but also because they are pushed, they do not have the patience and force to stay on everyone for very long.

Then, they have the hoaxes and lies and numerous other things they want boosted, and population control has become exceedingly difficult. The Final RTR is paving a new field where their field of influence is going out the window.

They just cannot stand it that humans are even doing this against them, because to them, humans are in general trash and they look at us like cattle. They feel its beyond comprehension that Gentiles are doing spiritual warfare against them.

All in all, let us do wonderful and spam for the full victory until the August 5th and then we will all rest.

Let's keep up the excellent job.
THAT would explain why I recently would feel extremely fatigued until I did an RTR or 4 or 8 . The fatigue would magically go away. They stopped recently. Is the strange "whispering" them as well? I picked them up in english, but their sentence structure was like that of an agitated crackhead.

Hail victory HP
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Reading comments here and generally judging from the enemy's reactions, we have been hitting the nail on the head, and everything has been very effective. Their recent hoaxes and web of control is giving in rapidly.

The bug headed astral garbage is also rather agitated we have offset their bug headed worthless plans. A lot of feedback has been given by these worthless entities that they are struggling more and more. This is why many have experienced increased harassment lately, but also because they are pushed, they do not have the patience and force to stay on everyone for very long.

Then, they have the hoaxes and lies and numerous other things they want boosted, and population control has become exceedingly difficult. The Final RTR is paving a new field where their field of influence is going out the window.

They just cannot stand it that humans are even doing this against them, because to them, humans are in general trash and they look at us like cattle. They feel its beyond comprehension that Gentiles are doing spiritual warfare against them.

All in all, let us do wonderful and spam for the full victory until the August 5th and then we will all rest.

Let's keep up the excellent job.

Sir Yes Sir! :evil:
Adhiti666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our websites and also the timer websites [both of them] have been under attack all day long.

Everything has sustained and the timer is back to normal.

Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan

Thank you it is better now :)
Its just that one cant share these things with non-SS and as I mentioned this was a sort of venting out. More like people talking important things in a room and me going to the corner as screaming out of the window and back to the discussion.
Thanks a lot for your time and effort :)
Adhiti666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our websites and also the timer websites [both of them] have been under attack all day long.

Everything has sustained and the timer is back to normal.

Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan
Additionaly to the advice from Adhiti666.

Always do Returning Curses 1 & 2 after F-RTR (I think this our strongest weapon against the enemy aside from the F-RTR). If you look for a stronger AOP you can try the Hatha AOP:
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our websites and also the timer websites [both of them] have been under attack all day long.

Everything has sustained and the timer is back to normal.

Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

From psychological point of view, the enemys mission is to decrease the attacks (F-RTR etc), so when ever you feel attacked do a F-RTR no matter what(dont forget RC 1&2). The enemy will know: If I botter him, he will do a nother one and I have failed my duty and may be they get punished if they fail.
Coraxo said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Someone once told me, it's not about numbers, it's about effort. I think it's about numbers and effort. If I'm just doing the absolute basics when it comes to meditation, aura cleaning, chakra spinning, and other basic empowerment shit then that's hardly advancement at all. Meditation goes from advancement on myself to maintenance so I don't feel like shit the next day and so I could pack in a couple rituals before I go to sleep. I've wanted to find a way to gain the willpower to spend every waking moment doing this shit, but then I'm told "Oh, life is more than just meditating and RTRs, you'll burn yourself out" but I'm expected to put in a fuckton of work at the same time. I'm pretty convinced this'll be my routine for the rest of my natural life because Gods know I won't be completing the MO in this lifetime like I ever had a chance.

I think you're thinking way too pessimistically. Remember, thoughts are energy, we SS must control our thoughts and feelings, lest they come around and destroy us. HPess Maxine have always emphasized this.

As for the amount of meditation you're doing on a daily basis, it all adds up. Nothing you're doing is only "maintenance", even cleaning your aura does indeed empower your soul, and every amount of empowerment, no matter how small, does add up in the end. So you should be proud of yourself, as you're indeed making progress towards Godhood, it may not be fast enough for your likings, but that can also be changed to a certain degree.

Overdoing meditations is very dangerous, your soul and body need time to adjust and heal, hence why it's highly recommended not to do too much. But this also doesn't mean there's nothing you can do about it, the very least and what everyone must be doing is to meditate mindfully, this means you have to be able to fully control your thoughts to tune everything out while meditating. Quality is indeed greater than quantity, meditating mindfully, like how it's supposed to be done, makes all the difference. I would argue one session of meditation mindfully equals 10 - if not more even - casual sessions where your thoughts and energies are all over the place.

Will power is unfortunately very unreliable and is a limited resource, consistency is the key here. As for working full time, this is normal for most, what's not okay though is to work like a slave and barely afford rent. We luckily have the means to change this, all it requires is mindfulness, consistency and patients. Workings should be done all around the year, target one issue at time until it's solved, start with the most important.

How do you expect yourself to advance and reach Godhood when you're thinking in a defeatist way? Thinking this way will assure you'll not reach your goal, as you already admitted defeat.

You have to think positively and be persistent, you and everyone here can and, Satan's willing, will achieve greatness.

Remember, mindfulness, consistency and patience.
Just to add in-
Like GiTM once wrote people grossly underestimate the value of the RTRs.
We have chakra spinning in the advanced section too rite? (speed of light ).
After doing the RTRs and when I jump up to do the Tibetan rites I am literally spinning so fast I lose count sometimes. The tibetian rites on the general sites explaining them, describe the first rite as it gets the chakras spinning. What does it mean if I do the RTRs and spin really fast on my own during the rite? They help in advancement.
And if you are short on time- just do the breathing exercises etc and just focus on the chakras, lighting them up, even the claivoryance and claurdience and after that just the alternate breathing and affirm - this vril is safely stimulating my pineal gland. And enjoy. ( this is like 2 meditations in one - one including the empowering these points and other empowering pineal gland).
And if you are reall short on time, just do the rites like 3-5 times , it is still better than nothing.

Its only till 2021 that we are supposed to spam this way in general. Before we acrually start making big wins. And cleaning is empowering too so dont worry so much.

It can appear like minimal work but over time it does contribute to advancement in general. I remember begin 1500kms away from a friend of mine and I was speaking his number all of a sudden and woke up to seeing a call from him.

Also just to add in- after doing the rituals it is draining and can really just make me really sad to the point I dont even want to move , but a quick " Sah Tah Nah Mah" even while half lying ( even for 2-4 minutes ) just charges me up to the point I am up and running to the point it can feel like I am on some drug ( like I have been told many times by people around me).

Sometimes even with energy flowing down my spine I can feel really tired and not wanting to do shit. Do like the boxers, MMA fighters, trash talk about how we ate going to destroy the enemy in a week or with the RTRs ( I say this sometimes- I can do this even in my sleep ). Just pump yourself up.
And sometimes its about comparing with people who dont do shit. I feel really sad and like shit many times and then I go out talk to people and thats when the trash talk gets real xD.

It feels intimidating to see the meditation section or the enemy in general, and comparing with others makes it extremely painful. But it all makes sense in the end. And its not just the spiritual aspect you are bettering. I have a high air element and literally lock myself in for like "5-6" months just going to my Uni meditating spamming . Basically this was my Uni years. At the end of my final year I was literally memorising pages by reading them a couple of times, you will function at a higher vibration that everyone else. So this will make your "life" better in general.
I literally had people tell me I change every month when I was doing the 6month program sometime back. Just give it time and as Cobra keeps mentioning "Stay strong".
Even I am amazed at the progress one can make just by sticking to basics at doing the RTRs. Over time , you will progress in *every aspect of your life*.
Take Care
I'm seeing white people discuss demographic change and how whites are being attacked in America in all over random tweets that have thousands of likes and no more of the "white nationalists conspiracy smear" by the racist leftists. They're bringing these topics up even in places that have nothing to do with the subject. I'm seeing prominent non white people who are against this far left nonsense defending white people and telling their own races to start getting their shit together already! I'm summarizing and paraphrasing here but the point is made. We're doing amazing! Slowing down now would be a grave and stupid choice. LET'S KEEP IT UP. DO NOT STOP!

Hail Satan

Hail all the Demons
Adhiti666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our websites and also the timer websites [both of them] have been under attack all day long.

Everything has sustained and the timer is back to normal.

Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan

I too am having tough living conditions rn.
After reading what you wrote I feel awesome now. Thank you :)

I kind of do the stupid math when I feel really sad.
Its like if thousand years is equal to a season
then 20 years will be =?
Kind of stupid math, roll out laughing and begin again.
This honestly was just me venting out for the people who I talk to sometimes and lose me mind and start talking this way to myself . Then is all this unreal, kind of thingy . And high air element really just makes me go so deep into it that I start doubting everything.
I just moved too and the people I live with seriously dont belive in God as a being rather energy and the all gods are one bullcrap.
And looking at the world in general makes me think about stuff as how are these people alive without any meditation, what do they do when they feel drained, how brainwashed can someone be? I literally enter a mudslime area and the communistic aspect just kills me, but they are still happy ? Dont they realise what they are doing?
I literally feel like screaming to the idiots " Dont You See?". You guys are working 12 houra a day to live 12 people in a 2/3 bedroom house.
And just really go into the self questioning of what if everything is unreal? What if I am just an idiot repeatedly doing the same thing over and over?
What if all this doesnt makes any sense? Kind of thing and end up with the venting out I did above.
I have literally been in a attack and screamed SR or Gentile but seeing the reality of the situation is what really messes me up.

So you dont really have to worry if you see one more of this sort from me on here , its really just venting out.
Hope your situation gets better.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Someone once told me, it's not about numbers, it's about effort. I think it's about numbers and effort. If I'm just doing the absolute basics when it comes to meditation, aura cleaning, chakra spinning, and other basic empowerment shit then that's hardly advancement at all. Meditation goes from advancement on myself to maintenance so I don't feel like shit the next day and so I could pack in a couple rituals before I go to sleep. I've wanted to find a way to gain the willpower to spend every waking moment doing this shit, but then I'm told "Oh, life is more than just meditating and RTRs, you'll burn yourself out" but I'm expected to put in a fuckton of work at the same time. I'm pretty convinced this'll be my routine for the rest of my natural life because Gods know I won't be completing the MO in this lifetime like I ever had a chance.

Mate... If the Gods come in 20 years.. How can you be so negative about it? Unless you were 80+ years old, and felt like you don't have much time (in which case, you wouldn't have the energy to write this message).. Or if you were doing a job that harms you in some way (like breathing poisonous air, or being too stressful), in which case, you can ask for help from the Gods - or use an appropriate affirmation after your meditations, in order to get out of this situation...

No need to be so negative. The Gods WILL come. We just need to be a bit patient.

Life sucks the way the jews have made it be. Life shouldn't be like this - and in the ideal Satanic world of the future, it will NOT be like this.

Let's just be patient, and put in the best of our efforts.
slyscorpion said:
Master said:
slyscorpion said:
It's similar to the thing the Jews were doing with Israel back before we reversed it. Which probably also is helping bless our cause the energy from that. I assume that's where this idea came from. Playing the Jews at their own game.

So far as how much it blesses those who bless us and how much it curses our enemies. I honestly dont know the specifics. It almost seems like it mainly targets those who come on the groups to cause problems like create accounts and those who actually do magical curses against us such as the vatican.

What this would probably do is deflect their curses back on them and magnify it. When the Jews were doing this it caused any Nation who even questioned them to have problems or natural disasters or people that questioned them to as well often serious.

So that may mean those who say something do something or feel something negative against the JOS get cursed and those who keep Satanism in a positive mindset get blessed.

That would be cool. So far as the power it depends on how many people did it and how powerful they are and if any Gods added energy to this or not. Who would know. If a whole nation came out against us in a statement or action like with the Jews (they probably wont just cause that would bring attention to us) maybe negative things happen to it who knows.
Yes, it is addressed and adequately covers the aspects in question but I don't understand the function. For example, if the statement were, All those who curse JOS are destroyed and All who bless JOS are prosperous, you can clearly see the function. If you curse someone by claiming that he is cursed and if you bless someone by saying that he is blessed, what function and influence can he have? If you curse someone by claiming he is dead, then he will die. If you curse a building claiming it is destroyed, it will be razed to the ground. If you curse someone by claiming he is sick, then he will get sick. If you bless someone by claiming that he is healthy, then he will be healthy. But if you curse someone by claiming that he is unlucky, then he will encounter random bad luck and if you bless someone by saying that he is lucky, then he will meet random luck. I do not understand how and by whom those who curse JOS will be cursed and those who bless JOS will be blessed and who will influence the affirmation in question.

Look it's in a general way. It doesnt always go the same way. This is the same damn type of energy the kikes used in their curse originally it looks the same to me on the astral too to the energy produced by that rtr.

Ok let's say someone performs some kind of curse against the JOS. This ritual deflects the energy away from us and it gets sent back to the sender at least somewhat. Then in general something bad happens the energy takes the easiest route. Their life turns to shit on top of what their curse for us was that got deflected back to them. So let's say they have fragile health. They get really sick. Let's say they have an accident. Something happens to their house like a fire etc. This is going to be a great help to us on Yom Kippur when Mars is retrograde. I note not one of their holidays this year turned out as planned cool.

The blessing one lets say it gives someone a boost. Their finances get better or they have luck of some kind or they get healed from something. Again General as well. It's like a boost on top of what the other ritual did.

So yeah there you go.
I'm very good with runes and sigils.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Reading comments here and generally judging from the enemy's reactions, we have been hitting the nail on the head, and everything has been very effective. Their recent hoaxes and web of control is giving in rapidly.

The bug headed astral garbage is also rather agitated we have offset their bug headed worthless plans. A lot of feedback has been given by these worthless entities that they are struggling more and more. This is why many have experienced increased harassment lately, but also because they are pushed, they do not have the patience and force to stay on everyone for very long.

Then, they have the hoaxes and lies and numerous other things they want boosted, and population control has become exceedingly difficult. The Final RTR is paving a new field where their field of influence is going out the window.

They just cannot stand it that humans are even doing this against them, because to them, humans are in general trash and they look at us like cattle. They feel its beyond comprehension that Gentiles are doing spiritual warfare against them.

All in all, let us do wonderful and spam for the full victory until the August 5th and then we will all rest.

Let's keep up the excellent job.

I actually got tears in my eyes reading this.
Awesome work everyone :)
Thank you all:)
Thank you HP Cobra :)))
Love you all <3
Coraxo said:
I think you're thinking way too pessimistically. Remember, thoughts are energy, we SS must control our thoughts and feelings, lest they come around and destroy us. HPess Maxine have always emphasized this.

As for the amount of meditation you're doing on a daily basis, it all adds up. Nothing you're doing is only "maintenance", even cleaning your aura does indeed empower your soul, and every amount of empowerment, no matter how small, does add up in the end. So you should be proud of yourself, as you're indeed making progress towards Godhood, it may not be fast enough for your likings, but that can also be changed to a certain degree.

Overdoing meditations is very dangerous, your soul and body need time to adjust and heal, hence why it's highly recommended not to do too much. But this also doesn't mean there's nothing you can do about it, the very least and what everyone must be doing is to meditate mindfully, this means you have to be able to fully control your thoughts to tune everything out while meditating. Quality is indeed greater than quantity, meditating mindfully, like how it's supposed to be done, makes all the difference. I would argue one session of meditation mindfully equals 10 - if not more even - casual sessions where your thoughts and energies are all over the place.

Will power is unfortunately very unreliable and is a limited resource, consistency is the key here. As for working full time, this is normal for most, what's not okay though is to work like a slave and barely afford rent. We luckily have the means to change this, all it requires is mindfulness, consistency and patients. Workings should be done all around the year, target one issue at time until it's solved, start with the most important.

How do you expect yourself to advance and reach Godhood when you're thinking in a defeatist way? Thinking this way will assure you'll not reach your goal, as you already admitted defeat.

You have to think positively and be persistent, you and everyone here can and, Satan's willing, will achieve greatness.

Remember, mindfulness, consistency and patience.

If my efforts in meditation added up, I should be able to topple empires by now, wouldn't I? At the very least bring the legislative portion of the European Union government to its knees and impose an interruption on the Schengen Agreement in order to circumvent islamic terrorists from planning an attack in Belgium to execute an attack in France, but I was such a fool to believe such an endeavor was possible.

If I should be so proud of myself for almost every large project I've taken part in has failed or only succeeded partially then where are the standards?

If you say willpower is the thing that counts the most towards my journey for godhood, wouldn't I need to conjure an image of what I think that might look like? Oh wait, it'd probably go to my head and then several of you would go off on how delusional I am, because after all, I am a fool and it takes one to know one.

If i can't even conquer my own degeneracy then I would imagine it takes effort ten thousand fold to achieve my goals of riches and glory, and to be a key part in finally cutting the head off the hydra that is the eternal jew, a story told for thousands of years to come.

I wish I was that teenager who thought it was possible to conquer the planet again, but everybody grows up.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Final RTR

So after the 5th we return back to mandatory: 1:[9], recommended: 3:[27]-4:[36]-5:[45]?

Yes, we return to the recommended optimal, so everyone can recharge for the next cycle.
This is not you being wrong or nuts this is you escaping from false understanding based on sheer emotion. It is a developmental process that is normal.

One alone, together strong. It is together that we achieve the bigger goals.

Other than that stop kicking your self in the ass because you cannot make the moon go the other way or whatever, and relax. Do what you can do and set a long goal, walk to it, and enjoy the way to it.

ShadowTheRaven said:
Coraxo said:
I think you're thinking way too pessimistically. Remember, thoughts are energy, we SS must control our thoughts and feelings, lest they come around and destroy us. HPess Maxine have always emphasized this.

As for the amount of meditation you're doing on a daily basis, it all adds up. Nothing you're doing is only "maintenance", even cleaning your aura does indeed empower your soul, and every amount of empowerment, no matter how small, does add up in the end. So you should be proud of yourself, as you're indeed making progress towards Godhood, it may not be fast enough for your likings, but that can also be changed to a certain degree.

Overdoing meditations is very dangerous, your soul and body need time to adjust and heal, hence why it's highly recommended not to do too much. But this also doesn't mean there's nothing you can do about it, the very least and what everyone must be doing is to meditate mindfully, this means you have to be able to fully control your thoughts to tune everything out while meditating. Quality is indeed greater than quantity, meditating mindfully, like how it's supposed to be done, makes all the difference. I would argue one session of meditation mindfully equals 10 - if not more even - casual sessions where your thoughts and energies are all over the place.

Will power is unfortunately very unreliable and is a limited resource, consistency is the key here. As for working full time, this is normal for most, what's not okay though is to work like a slave and barely afford rent. We luckily have the means to change this, all it requires is mindfulness, consistency and patients. Workings should be done all around the year, target one issue at time until it's solved, start with the most important.

How do you expect yourself to advance and reach Godhood when you're thinking in a defeatist way? Thinking this way will assure you'll not reach your goal, as you already admitted defeat.

You have to think positively and be persistent, you and everyone here can and, Satan's willing, will achieve greatness.

Remember, mindfulness, consistency and patience.

If my efforts in meditation added up, I should be able to topple empires by now, wouldn't I? At the very least bring the legislative portion of the European Union government to its knees and impose an interruption on the Schengen Agreement in order to circumvent islamic terrorists from planning an attack in Belgium to execute an attack in France, but I was such a fool to believe such an endeavor was possible.

If I should be so proud of myself for almost every large project I've taken part in has failed or only succeeded partially then where are the standards?

If you say willpower is the thing that counts the most towards my journey for godhood, wouldn't I need to conjure an image of what I think that might look like? Oh wait, it'd probably go to my head and then several of you would go off on how delusional I am, because after all, I am a fool and it takes one to know one.

If i can't even conquer my own degeneracy then I would imagine it takes effort ten thousand fold to achieve my goals of riches and glory, and to be a key part in finally cutting the head off the hydra that is the eternal jew, a story told for thousands of years to come.

I wish I was that teenager who thought it was possible to conquer the planet again, but everybody grows up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is not you being wrong or nuts this is you escaping from false understanding based on sheer emotion. It is a developmental process that is normal.

One alone, together strong. It is together that we achieve the bigger goals.

Other than that stop kicking your self in the ass because you cannot make the moon go the other way or whatever, and relax. Do what you can do and set a long goal, walk to it, and enjoy the way to it.

So is that something I should really do? Just envision myself at my strongest or however I wanna be? My "final form" if you will?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Someone once told me, it's not about numbers, it's about effort. I think it's about numbers and effort. If I'm just doing the absolute basics when it comes to meditation, aura cleaning, chakra spinning, and other basic empowerment shit then that's hardly advancement at all. Meditation goes from advancement on myself to maintenance so I don't feel like shit the next day and so I could pack in a couple rituals before I go to sleep. I've wanted to find a way to gain the willpower to spend every waking moment doing this shit, but then I'm told "Oh, life is more than just meditating and RTRs, you'll burn yourself out" but I'm expected to put in a fuckton of work at the same time. I'm pretty convinced this'll be my routine for the rest of my natural life because Gods know I won't be completing the MO in this lifetime like I ever had a chance.

Nothing is set in stone, when you truly work hard and strive for better nothing is out of ones grasp.

I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.
Usthepeople666 said:
Adhiti666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

Believe me, I understand all this.

This probably means that, for one part, your attacks (RTR) are being effective and they are freaking out, and, on the other part, that your AoP is seriously not strong enough. Also, I would say you are not doing enough to defend yourself.

I also used to think that I could just meditate and do a couple of RTR and keep living normally, so to speak. But it doesn't work like that it seems.

When you grow yourself spiritually and, plus, you do RTR, you call a lot of attention upon yourself.

I actually felt that today. They sort of go nuts and be like "you can't do that!", "stop it!" and stuff like that..

When I say "they", I mean whatever evil entities are lurking around that do the kind of stuff you are describing.

And yes, they don't want you meditating or doing RTR anymore, so they start playing with your mind, sending you images to make you doubt, trying to get into you, to put it in some way.

I used to hear stuff about jewsus, see the virgin mary and I once woke up hearing a xian song. All really annoying.

Something tried to choke me once... Or maybe more, as I felt its intention.

I also had problems with water supply in my apartment, when everything was fine before. And the electricity went out for a couple of days. But all those things were external, I felt safe inside, because I had finally banished and energetically cleansed that place.

And just when I was feeling great about that, I had to move because of economic reasons. To a house with negative energy and control freaks, but I am sort of dealing with that, I hope.

Just understand it's all from the enemy and they are doing it because they are more and more powerless each day that passes.

You are a threat to them. A potential big enemy to them. Thus they just want to make your life impossible.

And if you always felt "strong", the more so. Because you are strong and they just want to make you feel you aren't, so that you won't be able to recognize your own power and, thus, make you unable to use it fully.

So, if you have all those problems and they are affecting you in that way, I think you would have to do something extra.

I won't say you aren't doing the basics like AoP (I'll guess you probably are, yesss), but more like you need more of it. Maybe find a stronger way of AoP. Also, strengthen your mind so they can't get into it.

Use VINASSA to banish the entities when you can.

Invoke and evoke blue satanic fire to clean yourself and the place you live in, and program it to destroy enemy energies.

Use the freeing of the soul meditation. The 6th of August will be a good day for that.

Do a banishment ritual, if you think it will help. Just to make them understand they can't just lurk around freely in your place of living.

You will probably need more spiritual energy too. Anyway, just do what you can to solve your problems without burnout.

Attacks are real, entities are real, churches and mosques feel like crap and like evil machines. Even non SS confirm me this.

And you are protected because it could all be much worse. But you have to do more on your part.

And if you think you are in a bad situation, I used to think I was going to die from anguish or something. Also, those entities like to cause depression and give you suicidal thoughts.

Whatever, I get you. I just clinged to Satan and respected my past self, who had decided this was the true path. You are welcome to do the same... And more AoP.

Also, you are not a lost cause and I also get emotional towards Satan's Sigil.

This was long, but I hope it helps.


PS: I am new in the forums, but have been a lurker since some 4 years, so...

Hi! Nice to be here!


Hail Satan

I too am having tough living conditions rn.
After reading what you wrote I feel awesome now. Thank you :)

I kind of do the stupid math when I feel really sad.
Its like if thousand years is equal to a season
then 20 years will be =?
Kind of stupid math, roll out laughing and begin again.
This honestly was just me venting out for the people who I talk to sometimes and lose me mind and start talking this way to myself . Then is all this unreal, kind of thingy . And high air element really just makes me go so deep into it that I start doubting everything.
I just moved too and the people I live with seriously dont belive in God as a being rather energy and the all gods are one bullcrap.
And looking at the world in general makes me think about stuff as how are these people alive without any meditation, what do they do when they feel drained, how brainwashed can someone be? I literally enter a mudslime area and the communistic aspect just kills me, but they are still happy ? Dont they realise what they are doing?
I literally feel like screaming to the idiots " Dont You See?". You guys are working 12 houra a day to live 12 people in a 2/3 bedroom house.
And just really go into the self questioning of what if everything is unreal? What if I am just an idiot repeatedly doing the same thing over and over?
What if all this doesnt makes any sense? Kind of thing and end up with the venting out I did above.
I have literally been in a attack and screamed SR or Gentile but seeing the reality of the situation is what really messes me up.

So you dont really have to worry if you see one more of this sort from me on here , its really just venting out.
Hope your situation gets better.

Dont worry about things too much. 20 years now its 19 years is nothing. Also you dont end up spending the whole 19 years totally alone or any of that. Most of us will have someone within let's say 5 years to do things with if that at the rate things are going. That really is nothing and will mean even if a lot of people dont wake up it wont be as hard to deal with. Honestly this isnt hard at all. Just keep doing your duty and doing the rtr as much as you can and meditate and also be sure to actually enjoy something in life a little even if it's just going to a park and walking in nature. This isnt hard. Think of how much some of us have already dealt with. It only seems like it is hard at the moment but see the bigger picture if you can not just the little details. We have 10 years if not probably much less that the enemy will actually be here. We will soon start fixing things. There is a lot to look forward too. This is what everyone should think.

So when your doing this warfare stuff do it with that in mind and the more you do the less the enemy is around everything adds up. Everything will be fine for us as Satanists we have the Gods.

I know me personally I have not been alone for awhile totally I had someone I could talk to about Spiritual things and such and you all will soon enough too.

Well anyways I can tell our side took over with the energy maybe by a lot. So we will be fine.

My girlfriend is seriously considering dedicating now and has been very different acting, more aware not interested in more popular things anymore, noticing stuff more like how negative the lyrics of music these days is vs the 90s and how bad video games got etc. Earlier this year she was watching tv most of her free time and not listening to a word I say paying attention to all sorts of popular stuff etc.

So I know these rituals are working for this reason.

But anyways back to this 19 years is nothing compared to the thousands of years some of us dealt with the enemy who were around for a long time. Within 10 it will all be over mostly this war at least on the surface of this planet.

So it's worth it give it your all and dont give up. At some point very soon likely your going to see something or someone that makes you very hopeful like what happened here with me and also another thing the other day they were talking about yoga and meditation on the radio when I was in a store. I saw sanskrit writing on a sign (that was weird I dont want to share the pic though because its very near where I live and has location identifying info in it) the other day also I stopped to get a drink at this drive Thru and the lady that was there had a very strongly positive energy felt like she meditated. These are all signs that we are winning to me.

So I am hopeful for this reason.

Yeah when it comes to my parents and family they are still strongly xtian. Yes there still is xtian people around and churches (but they are mostly closed right now anyways) but give it a few months or a year or two some will start to wake up. Have hope. Not everyone is going to wake up even the Gods know that. Not everyone will be saved or any of that. This never was the goal anyways. But enough people will wake up that we can take over and win the Gods will make sure of this. Plus we have at least 5 to 10 percent of the world being old souls if not a little more think about it if all these people come to Satan (they are way more likely too) we can win totally.

There is a lot of reason to be hopeful.

So think about all this 19 years is nothing we have this just keep doing what we are doing and maybe even do a little more we will be ok.
GG Allin said:
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our websites and also the timer websites [both of them] have been under attack all day long.

Everything has sustained and the timer is back to normal.

Does this include attacks on SS?

I have some questions though. Lately I have been getting attacked a lot. And I am too scared to meditate more than an hour thinking it would be overdoing. But even without it the attacks keep happening. When we say " we are protected?" what exactly are we talking about? I had an Astral entity sitting on top of me a few months back , and loads and loads of "attacks"(maybe, because seeing what lots of people post on here, maybe I am not able to understand if any of these are real attacks). Even after fuck loads of shit breaking out . Hearing your water is gonna go up and wake up next day to find the water cooler not working and lots of shit of the same nature. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me going rn is me wanting to stop/prevent of what happened with me.These "attacks" have made me lose all confidence and just destroyed my life as a whole.
Everyday feels like a decision of wanting to fight or not ( maybe this can give a depressive tone) but I dont really know.

It makes me question if progressing is a good thing after all. Seeing mosques or churches gets me a strange feeling on my spine when I think about everything that they have done by killing people in general.

I am not really saying I have lost stability or paranoid to say as am I still doing really good in studies, Uni, got a great Gpa , etc and just come off as a calm person overall. But lately I have been feeling strange energy at times and that just makes me really sad.

At this point I am not sure if I am asking for help or validation of these being attacks for real.
But maybe the second part can answer some questions as I have been called neurotic by Astral Entities too. And the thing is I dont astral project or anything . Its just like sitting in my room as seeing one , I mean I do call out for help and get help too from Satan but it just feels a lost cause for me.
Loud noises get me really irritated after the " this is our Earth" ( Got woken up in sleep with a current of sort to look out of the window and see lights and hear this voice)episode, which all I try to forget but I dont really know now of what I should do.

And then again once while I was lying down got hit by a thoughtform of sort and heard virgin mary and that week was full of seeing jesus or virgin mary.

I have been called a strong person most of my life but now I just dont feel like that anymore. I guess the war does take a toll or maybe I am delusional ( Sorry english not being my first language , I seem to struggle a lot in interpreting what things actually mean).

Before I didnt even know how attacks took place and ended up posting " I know Satan is the real god but I want to change to jewsus" when my entire family has no roots to the 3 enemy religions whatsoever. ( Fully pagan " though dont really know how to use the vril" family). ( I am glad that the post I am referring to didnt get accepted and maybe the people on higher levels than me can easily see through whats really going on here).

Its like I see people in poverty and immediately think about the enemy and get really angry(sad) and end up with fuck load of curses.

Also a question -
Even when I wasnt spamming rather sticking to 1/2 why did my life keep getting worse with attacks? I do understand the if someone does damage they get attacked, to think about it I am one individual ( though I have an aptitude for black magick as it states in my natal chart) and I do go all in with the curses ( during the RTR). But to think about it, it was just 1 or 2 a day.

Also lol, I seriously want a drink , but I am too scared to have one after seeing what happened to a fellow member who played around with drugs. Then does a drink like once spoil me up? There are so many things that have happened and I dont know how I will ever be able to explain it to anyone. ( And while focusing on Satan Sigil I get very emotional and just stop talking to the point it has now just become a one way communication).

Thank you for reading. Avoiding this would be fine too. :) ( Or not allowing it to get posted ).

From psychological point of view, the enemys mission is to decrease the attacks (F-RTR etc), so when ever you feel attacked do a F-RTR no matter what(dont forget RC 1&2). The enemy will know: If I botter him, he will do another one and I have failed my duty and may be they get punished if they fail.
Yes I do this GG thanks:)
I do it at once in 5-11 RTRs at once and then clean etc ( Takes me around 2-3hours sometimes just the RTRs).
It kind of got me scared with happened to the point seeing an AE gets my high rate through the roof when I was literally told by Satan to relax and got directed to the old HP Cobra sermon on AEs.

I mean the fear is what scares me at times .It was like a whole PTSD phase for me. Something I try to forget but it takes a toll. I was never scared before with me insulting them etc But like the things I mentioned and many more just really scarred me. I stay in the present but sometimes it does take a toll. Like me having arguments even on the forums or doing dumb shit on here and knowing they were all from the enemy just fucked me up. More than the attack part the arguments I had on here is what bothers me . I can be doing Vinasa and hear some shit I posted or argument I had on here being mentioned just breaks me where I have to pull myself up and continue Vinasa.

Its really just venting out . Sorry I took your time. Both of yoy
ChaosBringer666 said:
Nothing is set in stone, when you truly work hard and strive for better nothing is out of ones grasp.

I mean think about it work hard enough and we as SS should be able to live much longer than a normal live span. in addition the Gods will be here as teachers once more and problems will be worked out.

I truly believe that at least 90% of us have a real shot at becoming as the gods. This cycle of yours can only last so long. So hold your head high, strive for the absolute best in yourself.

I was similar I thought logically there would be no chance of me becoming a god in this life. I asked my GD if she would be with me in the next life. She said No because your gonna become a god

If I can do it, most of the SS definitely can.

I'll try to remain optimistic but what I don't want is to become part of that 10%. I feel like the longer I've been doing this the more that's expected of me and that will only exponentially increase as I go. If Ghost in the Machine is right about the whole "It takes about 10 years to raise your serpent" spiel and I've been going on about 10 years so i should be expected to have god-power by now...except the immortality part.
Buenas tardes a todos!!. Soy nueva en el grupo y no hablo ingles,(espero que alguien de ustedes hable Español).Culmine los 40 dias de poder y he iniciado los 6 meses de entrenamiento para la guerra. Tengo una pregunta con respecto a los Enns demoniacos,fueron creados por los inmundos judios o no?. Gracias!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
