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Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

ProSatan said:
Recently I was in an accident. Luckily no one was injured. Turned out that they were most likely after insurance money... And offcourse it was some enemy assholes.
Right now it seems they will not get thier money. But it is a long process. So things are not yet certain. Luckily this is only a financial setback.

The only times I've had an accident and the other party was trying to exaggerate as much as possible were either Italians (The mob is still alive and well) or jews. Or jewish italians, who knows?
I was expecting another group ritual soon, but this, this is unprecedented.

So much, and all at the same time. We really are at the climax of our cause, or at least nearing it huh?

It is also great to have an update, even if it's brief. It's been rough these last few months, and I look forward to things getting better.

Let's end the Jews and their power once and for all, and break their precious YHVH and Leviathan!

Apologies for the questions and spam, but is the rolled "R" in Tyr mandatory? I watched an audio recording of Maxine pronouncing the rune but I'm still having trouble with rolling my r's. Is it still valid pronouncing the rune without the rolled "R" ?
Sorry for the questions, ignore if these are of no importance-
Can we use the variation of our choice for the Runes? I just ask because the way Wunjo is sounded out it seems a bit different from the recorded variations.

Does the order of the rituals matter? For example, do we have to do both Final RTRs before any of the others, or can we do 1 Final RTR, wait a bit, do one of the rituals, wait a bit, do another, etc.?
It's been stated before countless times with racial rituals. Asians like Blacks CAN IF they want do cross-race rituals to help. But like Hp.Cobra has stated in the past a lot of times we'd rather the Asians do more RTR rituals and this probably dates back all the way to 2013 when we did the first race rituals on Yahoo forums, nearly around the time of ProPHP forums.

Fellow Asiatic members, Fellow Orientals. When the dates come with race rituals you can either 1) Help us out with our White, Black rituals OR 2) You can spam the F-RTR more.

Since F-RTR is more important and we are slacking a bit back to give us time for other rituals. Feel free to perform F-RTR more, give it another few pops out there.

So Asians more F-RTR perhaps in the future there might be Gentile awakening rituals that help everyone rather than just one specific race. Some sort of mass mind ritual or something, you never know.

So Asians stay with F-RTR for the most part.
To all of you brothers and sisters who wonder that should you do more than those given(as in more than x2 of FINAL RTR for example). It is better to only do x2 of everything and maybe do every one of them with the coordination tool and not more. As HP HC said, 29th-1st of August we MUST SPAM the FINAL RTR and the race awakening ritual as MUCH as we possibly can. So it is better to do less now and build up your energy storages and release them when the time is right, than to do much now and miss the great opportunity we will have at the end of this month.

HAIL SATAN!! :evil: :evil:
I am honored to be a part of this battle with you all. We stand together, we stand strong. We cannot fail.
there is no looking anywhere but forward, towards victory, towards a better future, and towards our world free from this jewish filth that has plagued us for too long. Hail Satan!!!
Anyone find it strange the holiday of AV this month begins the same date the final rtr was posted in 2018.

Will do this. July 21st also is a date I celebrate spiritual freedom and good luck and positive things. It is around the time I also got out of for good a very bad situation some other year and when I came back to Satanism remember I joined the group on July 21st when the final rtr was posted about 2 hours before that. That is so odd. So this day represents my thankfulness to Satan that I actually am not doomed and forced to serve the enemy long story.

If I ever was leader of anything this would be a holiday. It seems to be good luck for me several years. It is not mainly because of the rtr that I celebrate this day. It's mainly cause it's when I got my life together and finally was freed from the enemy. It represents also breaking out of a bad time in my life leaving drugs behind moving to a new place for good etc.

So this year I will try to add more positive changes to my life on the 21st. Use this day to break out of any bad habits. Say no more.
I'm on it. Astro orders will be delayed due to the amount of energy I will be putting into this, but everyone waiting on an order from me, please know how important you all are, and August will be the month I put 666% effort into catching up. We just need to put extra effort into these rituals, I have been told by the Gods to go harder for this next while. This planet needs to overcome the jew parasites.

Padfoot said:
Really inspiring stuff. Can I ask who is your influence on the writing style? I would really like to know :D
Not everyone needs an influence, some people are originals and I would say HP Cobra is one of those people :)
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I can feel Satan and the gods are standing by and waiting for when this starts to provide guidance and assist where it is needed, they have our back and are looking out for us to the fullest extent. Know this in your heart and soul.

It is very likely the majority of you worried about time and being able to do all of this as scheduled will 'miraculously' be given that time, privacy and opportunity to perform these rituals as Satan and the gods will what they desire.

Stay strong, we are not alone.

Agreed wholeheartedly, I have been hearing August 1st/seeing/feeling it’s importance specifically. As I was reading this I thought about how packed my work schedule is especially with kids, but just the other day I was offered extra help in multiple ways. I’ve been relentlessly busy but these days I never allow anything to stand in the way. I have completely tuned out screaming (when it’s needless screaming) (I do not recommend this) I’ve also done rituals in front of them and they thankfully don’t try to repeat it but i also try to avoid it. Kids should not try to do power meditations. Regardless though the gods will keep everyone safe and in line. There’s a reason they have not been repeating what I say, when typically they do. The more I do the more help I get though. I feel for anyone in the position of having young children full time, I know it can be almost completely impossible to get a silent moment. If there are any parents reading this, don’t be afraid to dive in. Anything you do can make a difference. Don’t let anything be an excuse because it will change your life. I mean not one thing. Hp Maxine had kids, Hitler had kids, no excuses.

Oh, I'm glad to see a parent on the forum. Yes, we parents understand each other.
I have been doing RRT for two years now (since my initiation) and my little child is already taking it as a routine. Usually I tell him "I will do the ritual and meditate" he answers "ok mom" and does not bother me all the time while I do the ritual. He understands the importance of this action, regardless of his age....
Yes, no excuses. We can always find the right moment. :)
With almost ALL the last like 5 schedules, we have gotten something big out of it(like an event or other physical manifestation). Lets make sure we get something REALLY big from this one Brothers and Sisters!

HAIL SATAN!! :evil: :evil:
It is ok to double the repetitions for the rituals to constitute as doing x2 rituals, or should they be performed separately?
Thank you.
EasternFireLion666 said:
It would lift a weight off my heart to see some of my family members wake up from christanity. When that day comes it will be the best.

Same but it’s nothing you can say or do directly to them they have to find out on there own hopefully sooner than later
Should i do white awakening ritual and black awakening ritual, or i only need to do white awakening ritual if im white?
I want to use the medium to ask about HP Maxine Dietrich. I miss her.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Of course. I get that most if not half of this forum is made up of teenagers or young adults with part time jobs, but when you got a full time job what can you do? I would love to stay at home and do RTRs and meditate all day if I didn't have to worry about bills and shit because life's too short to pay bills and die, right?

Do not forget that our gods are willing to help us with a lot of matters in regards to our life, health, jobs, spirituality, you name it. If something feels truly out of your control or you are struggling, do not be afraid (or stubborn) in making a deal with one of our gods and offer them something in exchange for their help, granted they agree to it first and are willing to. Relay to them what you want/need and try to find out to the best of your ability through intuition and signs in finding out what they want you to do in return. You will not regret it.

I've sought out the help of specific demons before in which a different demon intervened and was willing to help me instead, sometimes this is because they can help you better with their specialties and know more about your situation than you do, therefore know the best solutions. So even if you go gung ho into contacting a demon for help with a specific plan and specific desired result in mind, it likely will not go the way you expected or specifically want as they know even better more positive and successful results for you, but every end result I've received have been nothing short of miraculous and even better than I thought regardless.

Sometimes the demon will not directly help you with their own capabilities but will instead guide you on the best way to utilize your own that will help you the most efficiently and the best way you can use it. In my own following of these guidances I have still met with success and winning results in what I was ultimately looking to achieve, mostly because the way I was going about it was virtually useless and they simply showed me a better way.

Every deal I've made with one of our gods when they were willing to help me have always resulted in fast and incredible success for me, they are not like the enemy angels where you wait like 5 years for an 'accidental' answer to a question that isn't even relevant to you anymore. I've personally never had to wait longer than a week for them to fulfill their end of the deal after I've fulfilled mine, they truly do help you.

Perhaps this is something to consider/remember in helping you find more time in your days/weeks whilst still being able to comfortably and securely afford to live. You should use your intuition and gut-feeling in which category and demon you think will be able to help you. Respectfully ask Father Satan on who can help you the best first, and then you can browse through the page I provided in the link. Trust your intuition, if you are strongly urged in feeling drawn towards a specific category and a specific demon name in the list it is likely they are the one who will be able to help you the best and you should work towards contacting them.

But I can give all the advice and suggestions I want, the decision in the end is up to you.
Money has been quite tight lately, even worrisome. However a few days ago I was reassured not to worry, and that blessings were coming... No more than a week later and we are performing Wealth rituals. Amazing.

Blessings to all of Satan's Warriors!
Hail Satan! Sieg Heil!
Goldenglazed666 said:
It is ok to double the repetitions for the rituals to constitute as doing x2 rituals, or should they be performed separately?
Thank you.

Yes, feel free to double them.
Bigot Boy said:
Money has been quite tight lately, even worrisome. However a few days ago I was reassured not to worry, and that blessings were coming... No more than a week later and we are performing Wealth rituals. Amazing.

Blessings to all of Satan's Warriors!
Hail Satan! Sieg Heil!

Make sure to perform the rituals and stay strong. These have been trying and uncertain times for sure.
Tsetia said:
Should i do white awakening ritual and black awakening ritual, or i only need to do white awakening ritual if im white?

Better to do only White so more power is pooled.
Lydia said:
I'm on it. Astro orders will be delayed due to the amount of energy I will be putting into this, but everyone waiting on an order from me, please know how important you all are, and August will be the month I put 666% effort into catching up. We just need to put extra effort into these rituals, I have been told by the Gods to go harder for this next while. This planet needs to overcome the jew parasites.

Padfoot said:
Really inspiring stuff. Can I ask who is your influence on the writing style? I would really like to know :D
Not everyone needs an influence, some people are originals and I would say HP Cobra is one of those people :)

We are in the same very hard and uncharted boat. Stay strong. Everything will be alright and all our own served. I understand your woes and how much you deeply care, as do I, more than anyone does, believe me.

We will prevail on what is demanded of us.

NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Apologies for the questions and spam, but is the rolled "R" in Tyr mandatory? I watched an audio recording of Maxine pronouncing the rune but I'm still having trouble with rolling my r's. Is it still valid pronouncing the rune without the rolled "R" ?

If you cannot twist the R it is alright. If absolutely difficult to do, use THOR which has a softer R.
Havok said:
I have runes carved in maple and oak.

Should I activate them with my blood? Which would allow them to be linked with my energy for all works including divination?

The Runes of the rituals should be kept different from those used for Divination or other purposes.

Carve them and activate them individually. Do not mix the two.
There are many parents in the forum, feel free to bring up any topic of discussion, both for discussion and inspiration of everyone else. People can learn endless things. Others may become parents in the future.

Reading these posts, even replies, fill many of us with extreme inspiration. Family is the quitessece of the Pagan tradition.

All the best, many blessings.

Lavena said:
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I can feel Satan and the gods are standing by and waiting for when this starts to provide guidance and assist where it is needed, they have our back and are looking out for us to the fullest extent. Know this in your heart and soul.

It is very likely the majority of you worried about time and being able to do all of this as scheduled will 'miraculously' be given that time, privacy and opportunity to perform these rituals as Satan and the gods will what they desire.

Stay strong, we are not alone.

Agreed wholeheartedly, I have been hearing August 1st/seeing/feeling it’s importance specifically. As I was reading this I thought about how packed my work schedule is especially with kids, but just the other day I was offered extra help in multiple ways. I’ve been relentlessly busy but these days I never allow anything to stand in the way. I have completely tuned out screaming (when it’s needless screaming) (I do not recommend this) I’ve also done rituals in front of them and they thankfully don’t try to repeat it but i also try to avoid it. Kids should not try to do power meditations. Regardless though the gods will keep everyone safe and in line. There’s a reason they have not been repeating what I say, when typically they do. The more I do the more help I get though. I feel for anyone in the position of having young children full time, I know it can be almost completely impossible to get a silent moment. If there are any parents reading this, don’t be afraid to dive in. Anything you do can make a difference. Don’t let anything be an excuse because it will change your life. I mean not one thing. Hp Maxine had kids, Hitler had kids, no excuses.

Oh, I'm glad to see a parent on the forum. Yes, we parents understand each other.
I have been doing RRT for two years now (since my initiation) and my little child is already taking it as a routine. Usually I tell him "I will do the ritual and meditate" he answers "ok mom" and does not bother me all the time while I do the ritual. He understands the importance of this action, regardless of his age....
Yes, no excuses. We can always find the right moment. :)
HailVictory88 said:
Sorry for the questions, ignore if these are of no importance-
Can we use the variation of our choice for the Runes? I just ask because the way Wunjo is sounded out it seems a bit different from the recorded variations.

Does the order of the rituals matter? For example, do we have to do both Final RTRs before any of the others, or can we do 1 Final RTR, wait a bit, do one of the rituals, wait a bit, do another, etc.?

The most optimal variations are chosen. You can use any that you want.

The order of rituals is no problem at all.
Lavena said:
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I can feel Satan and the gods are standing by and waiting for when this starts to provide guidance and assist where it is needed, they have our back and are looking out for us to the fullest extent. Know this in your heart and soul.

It is very likely the majority of you worried about time and being able to do all of this as scheduled will 'miraculously' be given that time, privacy and opportunity to perform these rituals as Satan and the gods will what they desire.

Stay strong, we are not alone.

Agreed wholeheartedly, I have been hearing August 1st/seeing/feeling it’s importance specifically. As I was reading this I thought about how packed my work schedule is especially with kids, but just the other day I was offered extra help in multiple ways. I’ve been relentlessly busy but these days I never allow anything to stand in the way. I have completely tuned out screaming (when it’s needless screaming) (I do not recommend this) I’ve also done rituals in front of them and they thankfully don’t try to repeat it but i also try to avoid it. Kids should not try to do power meditations. Regardless though the gods will keep everyone safe and in line. There’s a reason they have not been repeating what I say, when typically they do. The more I do the more help I get though. I feel for anyone in the position of having young children full time, I know it can be almost completely impossible to get a silent moment. If there are any parents reading this, don’t be afraid to dive in. Anything you do can make a difference. Don’t let anything be an excuse because it will change your life. I mean not one thing. Hp Maxine had kids, Hitler had kids, no excuses.

Oh, I'm glad to see a parent on the forum. Yes, we parents understand each other.
I have been doing RRT for two years now (since my initiation) and my little child is already taking it as a routine. Usually I tell him "I will do the ritual and meditate" he answers "ok mom" and does not bother me all the time while I do the ritual. He understands the importance of this action, regardless of his age....
Yes, no excuses. We can always find the right moment. :)
I don't see why kids should avoid power meditation and especially the rtr's. Care to explain?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Goldenglazed666 said:
It is ok to double the repetitions for the rituals to constitute as doing x2 rituals, or should they be performed separately?
Thank you.

Yes, feel free to double them.

He meant that does doing like the protections rituals runes x36 times(instead of 18) times count as doing 2 or does one still need to do another one?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Do not forget that our gods are willing to help us with a lot of matters in regards to our life, health, jobs, spirituality, you name it. If something feels truly out of your control or you are struggling, do not be afraid (or stubborn) in making a deal with one of our gods and offer them something in exchange for their help, granted they agree to it first and are willing to. Relay to them what you want/need and try to find out to the best of your ability through intuition and signs in finding out what they want you to do in return. You will not regret it.

I've sought out the help of specific demons before in which a different demon intervened and was willing to help me instead, sometimes this is because they can help you better with their specialties and know more about your situation than you do, therefore know the best solutions. So even if you go gung ho into contacting a demon for help with a specific plan and specific desired result in mind, it likely will not go the way you expected or specifically want as they know even better more positive and successful results for you, but every end result I've received have been nothing short of miraculous and even better than I thought regardless.

Sometimes the demon will not directly help you with their own capabilities but will instead guide you on the best way to utilize your own that will help you the most efficiently and the best way you can use it. In my own following of these guidances I have still met with success and winning results in what I was ultimately looking to achieve, mostly because the way I was going about it was virtually useless and they simply showed me a better way.

Every deal I've made with one of our gods when they were willing to help me have always resulted in fast and incredible success for me, they are not like the enemy angels where you wait like 5 years for an 'accidental' answer to a question that isn't even relevant to you anymore. I've personally never had to wait longer than a week for them to fulfill their end of the deal after I've fulfilled mine, they truly do help you.

Perhaps this is something to consider/remember in helping you find more time in your days/weeks whilst still being able to comfortably and securely afford to live. You should use your intuition and gut-feeling in which category and demon you think will be able to help you. Respectfully ask Father Satan on who can help you the best first, and then you can browse through the page I provided in the link. Trust your intuition, if you are strongly urged in feeling drawn towards a specific category and a specific demon name in the list it is likely they are the one who will be able to help you the best and you should work towards contacting them.

But I can give all the advice and suggestions I want, the decision in the end is up to you.

This isn't about anything I want, and I've only asked for help from the Gods when I've come across problems or factors completely out of my control. So in the past 10 years or so, I've only summoned them....3 or 4 times? I don't like to bother them with my affairs, if I can't handle them on my own but this isn't about that. This is about me kicking my own ass to get in gear and start actually working. I've done the math. I generally go to sleep at 2am, which means I've got 5 hours to do everything I need to do. Meditating takes me an hour and a half, RTRs take me 15 minutes each (depending on how many I do that day) plus whatever rituals Cobra had ordered which will take me an extra hour. I generally do 1-2 RTRs so that's two hours done, another hour for JoS protection rituals, another hour for race awakening rituals, so that's 4 hours out of 5, leaving me an hour of Tucker Carlson Tonight, browsing the forum, or whatever I'm doing. So i got a full schedule, i just need to get my ass in gear which is only my own fault.
slyscorpion said:
I joined the group on July 21st when the final rtr was posted about 2 hours before that. That is so odd.
Interesting. I made my dedication to Satan on July 21st last year (specifically the night between 21st and 22nd). Back then I had no idea about this Jewish Av or that the Final RTR had started on July 21st a year before that.
Lydia said:
I'm on it. Astro orders will be delayed due to the amount of energy I will be putting into this, but everyone waiting on an order from me, please know how important you all are, and August will be the month I put 666% effort into catching up. We just need to put extra effort into these rituals, I have been told by the Gods to go harder for this next while. This planet needs to overcome the jew parasites.

Padfoot said:
Really inspiring stuff. Can I ask who is your influence on the writing style? I would really like to know :D
Not everyone needs an influence, some people are originals and I would say HP Cobra is one of those people :)

Lydia just want to make sure you did get my order for a career and money I believe it was. I am fine with that yeah you should put effort into these rituals above all else. I just want to be sure you got it cause you never replied to my email. I have PayPal receipt if you need that. It seems odd cause the first order I made you replied back so I wonder if this didn't go through right since I believe mercury was retrograde when I ordered it.
Is there an audio somewhere for the pronunciation of the runes? Even a text explanation would be helpful. I wanna make sure I'm pronouncing them correctly since a couple of them aren't obvious to me.
kajo said:
slyscorpion said:
I joined the group on July 21st when the final rtr was posted about 2 hours before that. That is so odd.
Interesting. I made my dedication to Satan on July 21st last year (specifically the night between 21st and 22nd). Back then I had no idea about this Jewish Av or that the Final RTR had started on July 21st a year before that.

The times that are negative for the Jews must be good for us and good luck etc. I am guessing around this time is usually av or sorrows think it was more in augest last year though. It's just an interesting coincidence the date and I really am wondering if this year on av this will cause something to connect and do something really bad for the Jews. Time will tell I just thought maybe since dates tend to be used to connect energy by the enemy maybe this will be good for us too and connect somehow to our ritual.
ShadowTheRaven said:
luis said:
Everyone has different type of situations. The only thing I can say is right now doing what you can, don't worry about it. It's not like you can change your situation in a second but when you can just put all your energies so you can find a better job that gives you even more time to meditate and do RTR. I honestly think it's not impossible to become rich with magick. It may take time but it's totally possible, probabily even to win some money. As soon as you can do a spell to find a better job, with better pay and that can give you more time to meditate (until it materialize, go past the 40 days, It may take a lot it all depends on how powerful you are and your life in general). The God's know that many have not that much time, this is why you see many teens here. They are the ones who have the most time.

Well on the 22nd I'm starting a sun square so I can get more money coming in. I'm arranging to have every single loan I have open taken care of, so far I've saved up a couple thousand dollars but I'm not that deep in debt. Another $10,000 will have an apartment lease taken care of for a year so I'm trying to shoot for that because you do not want to be behind on a lease. That's not even counting bills, that's a $800 a month rent payment times 12 if I did my math right. I don't need a million dollars or nothing, but that would be fucking sweet. Yeah, enough to buy a sizable house in a good neighborhood, and have a Subaru WRX STI in the driveway sounds good to me.

But with that sun square, and the Hours of the Sun I'm having a hard time finding because ChronosXP won't work on Windows 10 and it's driving me fucking nuts plus i only have time to do this shit in the evenings anyway since I work 12p-8p every day. So uhhh yeah my schedule's kinda fucked and it's not the matter of finding a different job I'm happy with my hours it's just that I'm an adult, an adult is expected to pay the bills and work full time. It really sucks that i can't devote a good 4-6 hours to just meditating and rituals anymore like I could when I was 16-19 years old but that's what the sun square's for.
Good luck! Money magick is definitely the "hardest" but keep believing in the spells you do and keep doing them and it will work. They have definitely worked for me. I don't even think it's impossible to win money but one should first concentrate on things that are more easy if they need money.
hell yeah, looking forward too this
Not to complain, as this IS quite the blessing. But I must say, this first day has been rough as it's added an extra 2 hours to the schedule I usually do.

Is it supposed to take 20 minutes for the JoS Protection ritual, and 33 for the Wealth and Prosperity ritual? :/
For anyone needing help to keep count of how many runic vibrations you have done, here is a free online click counter I have found. you can click on the button, or you can press your computer's space bar to keep track of how many you have done, Like how we do with the interactive Rtr. I use this all of the time because I have a tendency to lose track of my counting at times.

for space bar

for mouse clicks

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
