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Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

Ol argedco luciftias said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sounds like you both are doing good :D

I'm doing fine, and as I told Ghost, I don't summon the Gods unless I'm in a situation that's partially or totally out of my control which is rare. That, and i don't know what to promise them in return for their services. I'd like to make better and more music, you would think I'd ask Amdusias for help but the best way to learn...the best way I learn rather, is by imitating others so perhaps attempt after attempt of covering The Smiths might get me the sound I want, if I develop it correctly.
Aquarius said:
Sundara said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see why kids should avoid power meditation and especially the rtr's. Care to explain?

Premature kundalini experiences
Doubt that's gonna happen, we're not alone, we have the Gods on our side who can help avoid these things.
Apart from what you say Aquarius,from what I have understand you need to have awaken the sexual energy before the rise of the kundalini and I don't think the kids are able to do so(keep in mind the secondary characteristics of the gender start to appear on about the age of 12 that is also when the reproductive system starts to enable)!
So kids definitely can do cleaning and empowerment and since the have more clear astal senses (if I remember correctly I read in the jos that is because their chakras have not yet filters) they should probably work on empowering them!Doing a sport ot even better a martial art alongside yoga will give them a huge headstart in spiritual advancement and will help them make a healthy body and being able to protect themselves!
Ozodari said:
Sundara said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see why kids should avoid power meditation and especially the rtr's. Care to explain?

Premature kundalini experiences
lol are you dumb? all kids should meditate

That’s Rather arrogant and ignorant of you
Do you understand the fully metaphysics of a child? I doubt that.
luis said:
Good luck! Money magick is definitely the "hardest" but keep believing in the spells you do and keep doing them and it will work. They have definitely worked for me. I don't even think it's impossible to win money but one should first concentrate on things that are more easy if they need money.

Well I'm not aiming for winning the Powerball but i'd like to at least have enough to cover an apartment lease and bills for a year (Roughly something in the neighborhood of $25,000) so i don't have to worry about losing my job, unexpected expenses, expected expenses are more than they should be, because I've had this all happen to me while leasing a house. Never again.

Really the only other spells I've done for my own benefit were sex spells, and they worked to a varying degree. I'm not a very attractive person sexually speaking so that certainly helps the odds. The only time I recall doing a money-related working was when I was only 2 or 3 years into this stuff, and somehow found 3 Blue Benjamins, that's $300 in my car underneath the driver's side visor. Perfect timing too, because i had just run out of gas.
Void Moon does not matter for group rituals, as these have all been started before. It's only when you begin something new for the first time (not a repeat of an ongoing group ritual), that the VoC needs to be avoided. We can go hard during VoCs with these rituals.[/quote]

I totally understand RTRs working on VoCs as they're done everyday but I was thinking rituals done in bursts like this should avoid it. For example; if one begins a sun square during the appropriate time avoiding the VoC, then the individual begins another sun square say a year later during a VoC by mistake. imo that second sun square would need to be abandoned maybe allowing a full day/night cycle to pass before beginning again, this time not during a void moon.

sorry if im being a stickler or a wet blanked lol but I want the best for us completely and totally. if there are any reliable topics or information outside of the JoS main site I can read on VoCs I'll be happy to educate myself.

With Respect,
Coraxo said:
Try to divide them across the day, maybe sneak a ritual white waiting for your food to cook, or maybe before going out. grouping them together will definitely make them feel harder to do.

I'm doing that already, lol. A Final RTR before work, and a Final RTR on lunch. Funny thing about that too, is the Final RTR seems to make my work day go by faster so I might leave it as is for the morning at least :)

Honestly, for me it's more of a catching up sort of thing than anything else. I want to do as much as I can, and make up for lost time. I see the manifestations of our work, and it motivates me even more. And I've settled on doing the x10 vibrations for the wealth and protection ritual, and will up that to the full x40 on Saturday when I have more time. This brings the extra to only an extra hour if I do all 4 rituals back to back, which is also how long 2 race awakening rituals take to do.

Yeah, I've decided that will work well enough. As my Succubus has already said, both counts work well, it's more that I'm doing the ritual that matters more than anything else. And speaking on her too, I don't think burning out will be much of a problem as my Succubus has said she will provide me with the extra energy needed for the workings. Time however, is far more scarce and despite this only being the 3rd day of these rituals I have a high resistance to wanting to do them :/

Yeah, I experimented with that a bit and found out I can do both in half an hour if I'm not falling asleep while doing the affirmations (I was very tired on the 1st night of group rituals), and if I do them back to back (as I usually do). This is however with the x10 vibrations for the wealth and prosperity ritual :/
Artanis said:
The amount of vibrations can be either 10, or 40 both are equally effective, one can increase the numbers

If both x10 and x40 are both equally effective, WHY would anyone want to increase them? :?

The amount of power behind an action does not change whether or not something is already effective at doing its job.

The ritual works as intended with either 10 or 40 vibrations. The amount of power behind it changes with the amount of vibrations but it doesn't mean that the ritual doesn't work.

Lets take for example 2 different types of fans, one is this little hand fan and the other is this giant turbine. They both are effective at their job of blowing air. The difference in power of course is obvious between the two. If the important part is requiring something that blows air then both are equally effective. This is the same for the rituals. The important part is that everyone does their part to the best of their abilities. If power was all that was important many of the newer members would basically be deemed useless and only those that can do high reps matter. These are group rituals, not personal workings. There is strength in numbers. What matters is that everyone does their utmost best, this means that if your best is 10 reps then do 10 reps, it wont change the fact that it works.

Contribution is relative to ones own capabilities. If we have 10 people trying to lift a 5 ton statue and each person has varying amounts of muscle strength then those that are stronger are able to carry more of the weight than the weaker person. That being said if each person are doing their utmost best then the amount they contribute is the same. If say the strongest person is being lazy but still doing more work than the 2nd strongest they would still be considered not as effective and be contributing less than even the weakest person there. Because it isn't a competition but a group effort towards a goal.
Ozodari said:
Sundara said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see why kids should avoid power meditation and especially the rtr's. Care to explain?

Premature kundalini experiences
lol are you dumb? all kids should meditate

I said power meditation as in beginning the path of raising the serpent, kids could and should certainly begin void meditations and other mental and physical forms of preparation, including having proper knowledge and education. On top of that, I believe it should be 100% their own choice once they can think for themselves. I’m assuming you either don’t have kids, don’t believe in free will or both? I’m sure they could be protected by the gods, but the gods can’t baby someone forever and they believe in free will as well. They will not force someone to stay and in this world, it’s possible they could choose a different path sadly. I do believe anyone doing satanic meditations should be dedicated to Satan for safety and free will purposes. A child must be past a certain developmental level to make that choice willingly. I was 12 years old when I joined. I do not regret this and I’ve never strayed. I came out of my own free will. I did have early kundalini experiences, minor, but I had absolutely NO clue what I was doing - even though I thought I did and educated myself as best as I could. If a child had a satanic parent and they willingly dedicated at that age that would be much better. Either way, don’t make your kids power meditate before they can make the choice to dedicate. That’s just where I stand on it with my kids personally. I will educate my kids and do my best to be a good example for them but I’m not going to sit my 5 year old down and guide him to raise his serpent when he can’t even tie his shoes. I could be wrong for sure, I’m not an expert by any means. “Are you dumb” doesn’t really provide any use or information either.
RavenSky666 said:
They really didn't want me to do the rituals last night lol. Interestingly, they did this same shit to me last time we did the race awakening one, right before I was about to do the ritual for the first time, my computer suddenly lost internet connection and it wouldn't let me turn it back on. I had to run my troubleshooter and the problem was fixed and did not return. It didn't happen the next few nights as I continued the race awakening rituals either. When it happened this time however, even after the troubleshoot, it still wouldn't work. I asked Father and my guardian for help as I was quickly trying to troubleshoot and turn off and on my internet connection, and Suddenly it cut back on! So I thanked Father and my Guardian and then proceeded with the rituals. I find it interesting that the only two times this has ever happened has been right before I went to do these important rituals for the first time. Anyone else have this happen?
I was looking into a book and it has the exact same picture in it as you have in your signature.
Book about vikings.
News on the msn page. Saying that a lot of teat centra for covid are unreachable for the elderly and those who dont live nearby ot dont have a car. Some have symptoms but cant get tested. Meanwhile everyone is partying in the streets like nothing is going on.
We dont know who has got what and that propaganda movie isnt saying much either. "get tested even with mild symptoms" . . somethings up?

Anyway on a side note.
This is not the first time this has happened but why on earth am I having a sore throat right before an important ritual schedule comes up?
Ill do what my body allows me to do.
Id prefer to go light on the kh sounds though..
Shael said:
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
Is there an audio somewhere for the pronunciation of the runes? Even a text explanation would be helpful. I wanna make sure I'm pronouncing them correctly since a couple of them aren't obvious to me.
This is an archive of all the Rune mp3's:

And read here https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Pronunciation.html

Thank you so much ;) I knew I was off on the TYR rune for sure. Now I can delve into the other runes in my free time as well.

Hail Satan!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
Is there an audio somewhere for the pronunciation of the runes? Even a text explanation would be helpful. I wanna make sure I'm pronouncing them correctly since a couple of them aren't obvious to me.
I like the picture under your comment :D
Thanks, I borrowed it from a well known member ;) until I can come up with my own.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can I go beyond 100 vibrations for the wealth and prosperity ritual? Just wondering since I did 80 yesterday and it took me a little over an hour, I wanna put in as much as I can, and this would link more energies if I make It 2 hours right, or is it not the same as the RTR?
Ozodari said:
Sundara said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see why kids should avoid power meditation and especially the rtr's. Care to explain?
Premature kundalini experiences
lol are you dumb? all kids should meditate

Premature kundalini experiences wouldn't be a thing under your guidance, or guidance of the gods. I doubt the kid would be doing enough to trigger that anyway, depending on their age.

Kids who are like 11+ are pretty mature and can definitely meditate and get good with practice. Kids like 6-11 may need lots of help from you. Kids below that will likely have trouble unless you invest lots of effort. This all becomes significantly harder for them if you simultaneously have them hooked up to an Electric Jew device. Now they definitely won't want to sit still and meditate.

In my opinion, however, the greatest danger with kids, in this current environment, is that they will speak too much about what you and they are doing, in relation to Satan and what not. I think that is the biggest obstacle or danger, as they may not understand the implications of speaking about what they otherwise find normal.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Every deal I've made with one of our gods when they were willing to help me have always resulted in fast and incredible success for me, they are not like the enemy angels where you wait like 5 years for an 'accidental' answer to a question that isn't even relevant to you anymore. I've personally never had to wait longer than a week for them to fulfill their end of the deal after I've fulfilled mine, they truly do help you.

Can you give some examples of what one's end of the deal could be like? I can't think of anything besides the giving of energy of which I'm in short supply.
Hi all,

Have finished my 40 day meditation 13th July, which i continue daily and started this present program for Ritual of protection and Ritual for wealth and prosperity will do Race awakening as well.

Thanks all

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

As one can see the war is in generally heating up, and there are many important events that are taking place in 2020. The battle is head to head and we need to be resolute. The enemy is not in a good position anymore. Many of the enemy have went bankrupt, others have lost all their reputation totally (Ellen Degenerate, Jimmy Demorat etc, comes to mind) and many other examples of back and forth spiritual warfare have been manifesting.

What about the enemy trying to literally rig the 2020 elections? Well, the enemy hardly cares for public image anymore. Has anyone not noticed they are mobilizing civilization wreckers to ruin civilization and destroy the White Race? One can only ignore the enemy's advances willingly at this point. There is no "I did not know" or "I did not see". As they rallied mobs in Rome to rip down all the "Roman Idols", so do they now rally bunches of idiots with judenpresse support to take down the modern idols of Pagan minded people who founded the best civilizations of the late centuries. These civilizations, despite of any jewish claim, provided the most major advances and capacities for the otherwise enslaved man, both of the world, and of the Middle Ages. "The Age of Aquarius shall be the Age of Man".

Has man ever had a bigger access to knowledge, education, and spiritual knowledge than today? For centuries, never before. Our progress to that end, is again attempted to be destroyed by the enemy, but they will never succeed. Satan will prevail. On the cusp of a better age, the forces of the enemy try to stop us again from ushering a better destiny. And we have to fight again to receive the fruit of the Satanic Age.

This is also all that we get to know publicly. The enemy is indeed made up from reptilian and hostile, alien minded, monsters. As the enemy sinks, so do attempts to sink humanity intensify. The question of replacement and getting looted and having civilization seized by inferior monkeys based on frivolous jewish excuses is also manifesting. The White Race is now called progressively to face the inevitability of looking at the damnation of allowing jews to gain control over the collective destiny of our people and mankind.

Many of you are worried here, this worry comes from love of our people. But know there is no cause to feel more worried than hopeful. We will have, and we are having an intevention. This is not the first time our race will withstand and surpass the plans of desert reptilians and general looting incapable monkeys. Like a tree that has produced many apples, some of our own will fall from the basket, but the basket itself is full and we are strong as we ever were. Moves against Whites will intensify. The intervention of those above us will come in ever increasing waves, also. Bravery is needed now and a clear mind.

What the enemy is and what their plans are, we have seen, and the world has seen, clearly. The enemy permanently wants to lock people in, lie to them, create an inescapable surveillence state made up of low IQ monkeys, all while establishing a reptilian technocracy that enslaves humanity in the deepest part of their being. All of this filth is coded in the Hebrew bible, which we are collapsing rapidly. Therefore, manifestations cannot stick and come out botched. The CoVid crisis has costed the enemy all their facade.

Satan has been growing in power and so have our Gods, which is manifesting stronger and stronger. Despite of what happens in the outer world (energies are still chaotic and will continue to rise in that direction until the "Kali" phase of our goal) - remain resolute, and keep advancing.

Christianity is so rapidly collapsing that nobody should be surprized that popular Gentile hatred is rising against this jewish filthy amalgam of deception. It has harmed Gentiles beyond description, same as Islam. It was always based on hebrew bullying, deception, and lies, the only goal of it to steal the soul of human beings and turn them into slaves.

As the enemy drops, so does this collective system of damnation. This system was created to enslave Gentiles and turn them into ignorant human beings. The results of this damning program are observed, but the global soul is just rejecting this program. This tendency will speed up and accelerate.

Energy has to be spent wisely as we are running a marathon and not a sprint. Our goal is to continue with what we are instructed by the Gods to do.

Below, we will follow a schedule. This begins in the 21st of July, climaxes on the 29/30 of July, and lasts until 5th of August. During this time, we will hit them the hardest we have done through all the year.

Ideally, the amount of Rituals done, should be a minimum of 2 RTRs a day, coupled by a minimum of 2 repetitions of the other rituals.

The 29th to 1st of August will have to find us in the most brutal hitting of the enemy spiritually, with the repetitions being as many as possible.

Do not slack ass here, curses have to be removed, and blessings from Satan have to be received from all. If one has slacked, do the right thing now for Satan and the Gods and participate in this Great Offensive.

We will protect all our own. Many of us have experienced losses from the CoVid and general situation. We will rebuild and keep everything going and optimal. Stay strong and have faith at all times.

Dates and Rituals:

21-25 Of July - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 JoS Protection Ritual, x2 Wealth Ritual daily
25th to 5th Of August* - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.

This is Av, the historic holiday of when Romans roasted the enemy.

After the above, we will do further things to reap rewards. Do not think the above is difficult, its pretty easy.

We will also use the RTR coordination tool, to time the RTRs, to maximize power. When this shows zero, we do the RTR. When the clock shows 1:00:00, we begin the other rituals, such as the Race Awakening and the prosperity Rituals.

May the Gods and Satan Himself bless our warfare and endeavors.


Below are the links to the Rituals:

Ritual Time Coordinator:


Final RTR:


Race Awakening Ritual [Blacks And Whites]:

White Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/RaceRitual.html

Black Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf

Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity


JOS Protection Ritual [/size]

This is truly amazing, I have high hopes for this war, It seems we are winning and the Jewish control of the world is losing grip, Over in Israel some protest have been going on ever since me and my friends have put a curse on Israel.
Fuchs said:
ValentineCHL said:
This is just wow, and increíble, I just did a huge plan to do this and not die in the try, but, I have a problem, in some of the rituals they say you have to call your guardian demon, but I am not dedicated yet because my family knows I'm satanic so really I can't dedicated me now, so, basically, I not have yet a guardian demon, so, what I have to do?

But anyways I'm going to do this with all my forces, I'm going to fight with all of us for Satán and all the demons, we got this guy's, or how say in mi place, !vamos los pibeees!

Not good, without dedication there is no protection from satan. Dedicate asap if needed do it in your astral temple:


Without protection you are open to enemy spiritual attacks.

Yeah if your going to do spiritual warfare thing you got to dedicate. Many of the meditations and learning about this fine for a bit but I wouldnt do any of these rituals if your not dedicated and dont have any guardian demon or protection.

With that said that reminds me it is going good i posted a little earlier this time around talking about this with my girl talking about this. She is making a hard effort to learn about this and change her thinking to be more positive. She wants to help out in warfare this is what reminded me of this but didnt do the dedication yet. Not sure if I want to have her do the rtr one time or not.

But anyways yes the 21st to end of July and possibly early augest seems to be a positive time to make any positive changes in your life. I am working on a couple of things myself. I will remember that for next year and remind people. Just updated how it went if you read my other post.
I mean no disrespect but I’ve noticed Satan looks a lot like Cupid, especially the Cupid on Xena which would make Satan the God of love! I’ve read all of Joy of Satan all the way through many times as well as all different versions of the Bible and Mormon doctrine many times all the way through. My conclusion is Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Yahweh, and Morning Star are all in fact Satan. An example is in ALL versions of the Bible, in 2 Samuel 24.1 God tells David to number Israel and in 1 Chronicles 21.1 Satan tells David to number Israel. Also poor Cain got in trouble with God for offering grains instead of killing an animal. The Christian/ Mormon God loves the smell of burning flesh which is supposed to be a Satan thing. I think Satan could easily be Cupid or Cain, Cupid for a loving creator and Cain for respecting life. I think if we could put more proof out there that the Christian/Mormon God is Satan, then Satan can be the Creator God he is and the Christian/Mormon God will be exposed as the Satanic demon it really is. Hopefully this helps with the RTRs. Hail God/Satan!
I am from Bangladesh. Which race ritual will I do? :?:
In Bangladesh, here is no race problem I think.
Artanis said:
666SuimeS666 said:
I'm from Iran, I'm neither black nor white, which ritual I have to do
black race ritual or white race ritual?

If your more black than white(by your DNA) then black. If you are more white than black, do white. If you are 33% on both of them(plus Asian 33%, as the arabic gentiles are of all the 3 main races) or do not know, just do either one of them.

Thanks for answering!
slyscorpion said:
666SuimeS666 said:
I'm from Iran, I'm neither black nor white, which ritual I have to do
black race ritual or white race ritual?

Either one or both or you can just do a few more final rtrs than you usually do this has been said several times.

Thank you so much
Syd Silver said:
666SuimeS666 said:
I'm from Iran, I'm neither black nor white, which ritual I have to do
black race ritual or white race ritual?
Do the White Race ritual

Your country was originally white, the Persians were white, now from my knowledge only northern Iran still has a predominantly white population

Thanks for answering!
Ravenheart666 said:

Unfortunately at the moment I have my blood dedicated runes in another place , can I dedicate them once more on another paper?

Yes. You also need not stain them again. You can just do the ritual normally.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are many parents in the forum, feel free to bring up any topic of discussion, both for discussion and inspiration of everyone else. People can learn endless things. Others may become parents in the future.

Reading these posts, even replies, fill many of us with extreme inspiration. Family is the quitessece of the Pagan tradition.

All the best, many blessings.

Thank you Cobra. Yes, the topic of children is very important. I think it would be helpful to see more topics related to our children. In connection with these global manipulations of the enemy, children are now undergoing a very active and main attack. (This is the closure of schools, depriving children of communication with their peers, children cannot attend sports clubs, music schools). Study at the computer. Even basketball at the computer. We see the obvious. We know WHY they do it. We see how much hatred the enemy has towards our white race (especially towards the white!) I think we should put a lot of emphasis on protecting our children. Thanks!
Just to avoid misunderstandings, from the 29th to the 1st we do the Jos protection ritual, the wealth ritual, the race awakening and the final Rtr right?
RavenSky666 said:
For anyone needing help to keep count of how many runic vibrations you have done, here is a free online click counter I have found. you can click on the button, or you can press your computer's space bar to keep track of how many you have done, Like how we do with the interactive Rtr. I use this all of the time because I have a tendency to lose track of my counting at times.

for space bar

for mouse clicks

You can always use your fingers, left hand 10 digits (1 finger = 10 after 50 turn your hand), right hand 1-10 (after 5 turn your hand)

right hand 1,2,3,4,5 turn hand -> 6,7, 8, 9,10 -> left hand 1 =10 -> right hand 0 -> right hand 1,2.... until 10-> left hand 2 = 20 ...

The system works well up to 100. You don´t have to divide your attention by clicking something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ravenheart666 said:

Unfortunately at the moment I have my blood dedicated runes in another place , can I dedicate them once more on another paper?

Yes. You also need not stain them again. You can just do the ritual normally.

Thank you for letting me know!
I have been doing this consistently. I look forward to doing the RAR, I have been seeing the last one's effects in various places, like among my friends even.

For some reason, the enemy really, REALLY does not like me doing the Wealth and Prosperity Ritual, this last one was especially weird. They try and say absolute nonsense and crazed pleading unrelated to the theme of the ritual itself. I have no hang ups about acquiring wealth in any way. They never ever do this with F-RTRs, Race Awakening Ritual or The Protection Ritual. Weird...
Immortal said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Every deal I've made with one of our gods when they were willing to help me have always resulted in fast and incredible success for me, they are not like the enemy angels where you wait like 5 years for an 'accidental' answer to a question that isn't even relevant to you anymore. I've personally never had to wait longer than a week for them to fulfill their end of the deal after I've fulfilled mine, they truly do help you.

Can you give some examples of what one's end of the deal could be like? I can't think of anything besides the giving of energy of which I'm in short supply.

Creating a poem about the demon, drawing them or something beautifully symbolic of them, sharing (anonymously) information and truths about the god and bringing their existence and presence to light without lies or blaspheme.

It depends on the demon though and they may want something specific, sometimes this may have to do with combating the enemy in some way or even doing something for yourself in regards to spiritual advancement and progress. In my experience so long as you are open with psychic communication (tune into their sigil when they make their presence known to you or focus psychically 'into' them and their will) with them they will give you the urge to do something specific for them in that you'll feel like you want to do something very particular.

Just takes a bit of being spiritually open to interpret these forms of communications.
On the 25th I assume we're still on the first set of rituals, and on the 26th we move to the second set?

The original post makes it seem like we have to do all the rituals on the 25th.
Karnonnos said:
I have been doing this consistently. I look forward to doing the RAR, I have been seeing the last one's effects in various places, like among my friends even.

For some reason, the enemy really, REALLY does not like me doing the Wealth and Prosperity Ritual, this last one was especially weird. They try and say absolute nonsense and crazed pleading unrelated to the theme of the ritual itself. I have no hang ups about acquiring wealth in any way. They never ever do this with F-RTRs, Race Awakening Ritual or The Protection Ritual. Weird...

I would like to go into the cheesy details but everyone can figure out for themselves, after they do it in some way. It has numerous manifestations that cause the enemy to just grovel.
StraitShot47 said:
On the 25th I assume we're still on the first set of rituals, and on the 26th we move to the second set?

The original post makes it seem like we have to do all the rituals on the 25th.

My apologies, this was also communicated by another Satanist. I corrected this.

I thought it would be understood that these rituals would begin at the end of the 25th, that is, the 26th.

Only Protection and Wealth ritual and RTR are for the 25th.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
On the 25th I assume we're still on the first set of rituals, and on the 26th we move to the second set?

The original post makes it seem like we have to do all the rituals on the 25th.

My apologies, this was also communicated by another Satanist. I corrected this.

I thought it would be understood that these rituals would begin at the end of the 25th, that is, the 26th.

Only Protection and Wealth ritual and RTR are for the 25th.
I got confused with it too so I did both race awakening rituals and the other 2 rituals too, I assume that it will not create any problem right?
Ozodari said:
u are so smart, a 6 year old is going to get expelled from school for doing yoga. very ascended much smart "like like like like"

That's the first time I heard about something like that. Where did that take place, and what was the reasoning? That is fucked.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
On the 25th I assume we're still on the first set of rituals, and on the 26th we move to the second set?

The original post makes it seem like we have to do all the rituals on the 25th.

My apologies, this was also communicated by another Satanist. I corrected this.

I thought it would be understood that these rituals would begin at the end of the 25th, that is, the 26th.

Only Protection and Wealth ritual and RTR are for the 25th.

Well... I did the race awakening and FINAL RTR only 2x times on 25th(today)
Gear88 said:
I have a few questions below:

1. Are the F-RTR manifesting so viciously that even 2 simple 9/9 or 18 combined rep is enough? IS that really ALL just two?

2. Can we perform the Race/Protection/Wealth back-to-back?(I don't want to do it stacked as the numerology changes so lets ignore stacked).

As for my first question I find it strange JUST two and your day is done. Before co-ordinator we did 1:mandatory/3-5:recommended and now with co-ordinator it's 1-3 and now it's just two. Shouldn't we be doing more or is it one of those things that the F-RTR is manifesting so viciously that it's becoming whereby a single RTR is poof your done.

3. Are the F-RTRs reaching the climax, whereby a single repetition is considered the end of your day?

(I know some might state on holiday's we spam but considering this mini-holiday we have, shouldn't more be done. Of course for those who have the time and also so as not to burn out. Cause some of our members do go gung-ho at times with it.)

I guess it has to do with the timer too. Synchronized ones are much better.
Its like individual bullets without the timer but with the timer we create a cannon blast to the enemy thoughtform every few hours. Which I feel is much more effective.

Your 3rd question kind of makes me laugh though.

1. Maybe we will have to do more in the future as we never know the next moves of the enemy but one can always remember one specific time from the app and (+-) 2x hours and do the RTRs even when the powers cut out so we will still be doing much greater damage than random RTR. Its like shooting a wall with bullets where each one fires according to their own convenience but together its a cannon ball fire breaking huge bits "at once". So it may very well be possible.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
