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About HPS Maxine And The JoS

magus.immortalis said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I agree.

Shael, I emailed your proton email address today before answering to this post.


The thing is with people such as you, you believe you are entitled to information and so on, when you are not.

For example, look at you gossiping and machinating already. Then, you scratch your heads on why the Gods entrust you with nothing. You think everyone else is to blame for your trust issues or diseased mentality.

And you think this also entitles you to bully others for example, by forcing a little cuck sissy front, to force them to answer to things you aren't even entitled to be answered about.

Jealousy reaches an all time high when other members who are wiser, smarter, and who have been let known, because they possess superior qualities, are held in better regard than you. The response to this is call them derogatory filth.

Maybe you deserve the same, but at the same time, nobody has time for this crap or gossip. All I see here, is idiots itching for gossip.

You are also at such a poor level of understanding, spiritually and physically, such as for the life we live, or what dangers may entail, or what serious situations and decisions we have to undertake, that any explanation to a few select few, is a pearl thrown in front of swine.

We reserve every right to hide any detail we want [eventhough the post should be 100% clear to people who are older, smart and spiritually aware], and you deserve every right to go slander in a little cave with other inferiors about matters that you could not comprehend or understand.
Just to clarify- what HP Cobra did for JOS is beyond question up to this point, especially in regards to keeping it online all this time with enemy constantly trying to take us the websites down. So while I respect him for his work as far as preserving the JOS is concerned, this whole deal with HP Maxine vanishing seemingly into thin air without a single word is without a doubt as suspicious as it gets.
truth.seeker1 said:
Just to clarify- what HP Cobra did for JOS is beyond question up to this point, especially in regards to keeping it online all this time with enemy constantly trying to take us the websites down. So while I respect him for his work as far as preserving the JOS is concerned, this whole deal with HP Maxine vanishing seemingly into thin air without a single word is without a doubt as suspicious as it gets.

Feel free to slander/speculate/hoax around as you see fit. That actually may be rather desirable.

Personally, I have described what I need to describe in the initial topic. Those with a desire for gossip, idle speculation, or even slander for me [what a beautiful opportunity for many some weaklings to do that now] can definitely do that.

Others who have wisdom, insight, have been elaborated on it, and so on, they know what to do and what is going on. For the rest, in the end of the day, the unwarranted desire for gossip and slander is something that can never be stopped.
Dypet Rod said:
fausty666 said:


Not protesting about it, but I see these asterisks on members’ messages quite often lately, censoring their original words, and I wonder why, since there wasn’t this before. Not that I noticed at least.

Have new policies been adopted related to this? Or it’s simply been happening that members have been posting too much personal dat and the like lately?

i posted their locations and they were in asterisk. same country, all of them. most anti-nazi

Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Wait. So Cobra didn't provide any detail in that long ass post?

I might as well go into Israeli TV and give out to them every single information. What size shoes we wear and so forth.

That will be open, transparent, satisfactory, and really non sheep like.

I can't afford to be a sheep now alongside people who understand things a bit further or smarter. Or who can simply verify with the Gods, for example.

I didn't even know it "had" to be addressed until I learned people were actually getting desperate for it to be addressed lol, like HPS Maxine owes them any satisfaction. Given the verifiable fact all of JoS-related websites are being kept online and functional as hard as possible.

I'm glad we were given this courtesy though, any JoS updates are very welcome.

I guess I understant the phases now, previously we were in the phase "Maxine is not a real representative of Satanism 'cause I can't make the Satan himself show up to me to validate these rituals and info for me", now we are in the phase "HC is not a real representative of Satanism 'cause I can't make HPS Maxine herself to show up to me to validate these rituals and info for me". LOL
So as the JoS go further on becomeing a threat to how some people define Satanism made everyone level up a bit also on how much bs they get. :p

Blackdragon666 said:
HPHC has been around for many years and is part of the backbone of the JoS together with very few other SS like Maxine but yeah let's not trust him guys. I mean, hasn't he always given us reasons not to trust him?
Yep I don't understand why she would have need to come here and say it herself either. She has no obligations whatsoever especially if She needs to hide something from the enemy. Honestly if you tried the meditations on the site and have some experience in general with this path then there is really nothing to doubt.

Especially because HP HoodedCobra is someone who has show many times that he can be trusted, I mean he has been here all the time in the last few years more than HPS Maxine (because she needed time off obviously) so really how he cannot be trusted? I understand a new member that has not meditated a day in his life but the others seem weird...

I guess now all the infiltrated are going to have something to do now :roll:
Syd Silver said:
FancyMancy said:
Syd Silver said:
Look who's talking !! I don't know if you're an infiltrator or just a dumb pathetic dummy with no racial indentity

How dare you to say that 99% of the JoS members are sheep ... !!!
And why! because you don't have the ability to see and understand what others have seen and understood
Even if someone drew your map you still wouldn't understand ...
Do you think shael thinks that all people who use this forum actually log-in and post? "99%", lol. There would be a lot of people who don't have accounts here.

I think you assume too much
If I remember correctly on the old version of the forum HPS Maxine said: "Assumption is the mother of all fuckups"

So I don't assume anything, I work with facts, you can't contradict the facts with assumptions.

Facts are intrinsic to the Truth which is the reason we are all here to begin with. Satan means Truth. You shouldn't adhere to a meme or a whim, it's the absurdity of that about the enemy that drove most of us here, we should adhere only to the Truth, Nature, Reality whatever you would want to call it. They all mean the same thing, the differing meanings of various words is not relevant, only the end which they achieve. Hitler wrote in the first parts of Mein Kampf about that in terms of reading. The same thing applies in conversation, really.
magus.immortalis said:
I can understand if HPS Maxine asked HP Hooded Cobra to write or post a topic if she was short on time on her behalf, but until then, I just see a lot of people taking what is said at face value without further questions.

I like reading her posts when she does post, but being absent from the ancient-forums for a year, any member is allowed to raise questions politely and civilly and point things out from their own valid and reasonable observations about her absence and what is being written about it.

Many of the other members raising questions on this. Most of them are immature in a way. Just work on meditations and rtrs. If the Gods trust you they will let you know. Same goes for anyone. The people I see that absolutely don't know what's going on at all those are the people that would blab too much or are immature in a way.

Remember awhile back you said "Hitler told me _____" in one of your posts. I am very sure that was you. You are not supposed to do that the dumbest thing ever considering the content of your post. Whether it's true or not is besides the point you should not do that. There is a reason some things are kept secret. This is why you don't know stuff right now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
truth.seeker1 said:
Just to clarify- what HP Cobra did for JOS is beyond question up to this point, especially in regards to keeping it online all this time with enemy constantly trying to take us the websites down. So while I respect him for his work as far as preserving the JOS is concerned, this whole deal with HP Maxine vanishing seemingly into thin air without a single word is without a doubt as suspicious as it gets.

I don't see what the issue is personally with Maxine not being here. It even relates to what Cobra has just posted about Alexander the Great, from a spiritual and mature perspective all of this makes sense. Things are heightened right now. Have you seen the video of Hitler's shaking hands when he was praising the sons of his nation in those vile times when such things were necessary in the fight for what is right? In his head was his Dharma beyond everything, and it forces us to do the things within ours and this world's limitations which are lower than the beauty of Satan and what He represents. The energy of Godhood in contrast to the energies presented by this world around us made an imposition by the enemy are clearly all-consuming and opposed to the prior, and when you understand it enough it does make sense as well.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
magus.immortalis said:
Shael said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I agree.

Shael, I emailed your proton email address today before answering to this post.


I personally don't see this whole conspiratorial deal when we are all here building Satan's temple on our home. We all have the same unified interest represented in this ideal and group. One can actually feel it right now, I do not understand how you are deviating from that feeling. I'm sure with everything the HP's have built that unifies all of Satanism it's "very fishy" indeed, maybe we should keep smoking de cracks instead we can all trust a piece of good ol crack. Cook up boys :lol:

You are both pretty bizarre, I thought I was bizarre.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
magus.immortalis said:
Shael said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I agree.

Shael, I emailed your proton email address today before answering to this post.


The thing is with people such as you, you believe you are entitled to information and so on, when you are not.

For example, look at you gossiping and machinating already. Then, you scratch your heads on why the Gods entrust you with nothing. You think everyone else is to blame for your trust issues or diseased mentality.

And you think this also entitles you to bully others for example, by forcing a little cuck sissy front, to force them to answer to things you aren't even entitled to be answered about.

Jealousy reaches an all time high when other members who are wiser, smarter, and who have been let known, because they possess superior qualities, are held in better regard than you. The response to this is call them derogatory filth.

Maybe you deserve the same, but at the same time, nobody has time for this crap or gossip. All I see here, is idiots itching for gossip.

You are also at such a poor level of understanding, spiritually and physically, such as for the life we live, or what dangers may entail, or what serious situations and decisions we have to undertake, that any explanation to a few select few, is a pearl thrown in front of swine.

We reserve every right to hide any detail we want [eventhough the post should be 100% clear to people who are older, smart and spiritually aware], and you deserve every right to go slander in a little cave with other inferiors about matters that you could not comprehend or understand.

I was replying to Shael. But you are addressing me, so I shall reply in turn to you.

I will be as clear, civil and truthful about myself, where I am coming from, and explain my observations here and clear up any misunderstanding that have (in the past, in this topic or in the past, period) or may arise due to biases and just get rid of ambiguity. I want to be super clear so that you, and others who read this topic and these posts, understand clearly and accurately what I want and intend to write.

You may have gotten the impression that I am "acting" entitled to information. I know that I am not entitled to anything. For newbies and lurkers, I have been a member of the Joy of Satan Yahoo groups, the past Joy of Satan forum and this one (though I was more active on the JoS Yahoo groups) since May 2010. I have been a dedicated spiritual Satanist that has answered questions and posts actively in the now defunct JoS Yahoo groups for under 10 years.

I have not answered as much on the current ancient-forums and I post more questions that I do replies. I am not as active here although I check in from time to time.

That being said, I am a long time member and am simply, without the same hostile tone that is apparent in your reply to me, stating that I agree with Shael and in my previous post in this topic, I simply stated what I thought. I did not "demand" that those "in-the-know" give up sensitive and private information, and according to you:

"other members who are wiser, smarter, and who have been let known, because they possess superior qualities, are held in better regard than you"

Yes. That may be so, according to who's looking, reading, and have been following the ancient-forums for some time. I have not acquired a huge post count/I do not post often or a lot,
but I must again state that I am a member, dedicated by soul to Satan-Lucifer via the Joy of Satan website as of May 23rd, 2010, and I have a right to voice my opinion, concern, or observation in a civil way.

My tone in my posts in this topic are simply stated. They are NOT hostile, demanding, trolling, or kow-towing and dancing the dance to flatter others. They are plain and unadorned, please take them as such and not other.

I know that on the Internet, words can be translated and read emotionally as one thing when they are simply not, by the OP, intended to be that way.

I am not being hostile, aggressive, demanding, or gossiping. I am simply stating, observing and agreeing (to the post that Shael wrote and I replied to.)

I may be long-winded here, but I needed, for the sake of clarity and my stance on this, to be clear on how I am approaching this topic, how I feel, and how I am addressing you regarding your last reply to me.

I am not gossiping on this thread. I do not gossip, if you must know. Whether you believe that or not is not my concern.

What I do in my personal time offline I do not need to explain or air out in the open to reconcile your tone to me.
You are taking a hostile and mildly aggressive stance to my posts in this thread. I am not here to argue, debate or challenge your tone and words and say you are right, and I am wrong; or that I am in the right, and you are not.

I am not challenging the authority of HP Hooded Cobra 666. I appreciate the work, time and energy he has put into the ancient-forums and the work he has done for Satan-Lucifer and the Joy of Satan spiritual Satanist community over many years. I respect the work and time he has put in. I do not know him on a personal basis, having never contacted him offline or anywhere else.
I am not being a sycophant. I am simply stating, just to be clear.

Please do not patronize me. I do not appreciate it.
I do not "scratch my head" and wonder "why the Gods entrust you with nothing."

I do not wish to state, boast, or even hint at what the Gods have entrusted me with (if they have at all) and how little or far their trust in me goes.

Not in these forums.

Not to you or anyone else.

That's no one's business, really. That's between Satan and I.

If Satan gave me any projects or assignments to do, that is also between him and I and I am not going to wave about his business in a public online forum to gain popularity or a better reputation in this community.

I do not boast or make grandiose claims to people, online or off. And regarding Satan and my business with him, or whatever he wants me to do?

"Silence is golden."

"And you think this also entitles you to bully others for example, by forcing a little cuck sissy front, to force them to answer to things you aren't even entitled to be answered about."

I do not recall at all, when I have ever trolled or bullied someone. Not in these groups or forums, this one or the previous Joy of Satan forum.

One time I stepped out of line in the Yahoo groups and one of the now-ex JoS clergy member called me out on it. I do remember that incident as if it were a year ago instead of nearly 8-10 years ago. That was the only time I stepped out of line, that I recall.

If you have recollection of me bullying others, trolling, or such distasteful behavior in the Yahoo groups or in this forum, please state it now, just in case I may be forgetful and you wish to bring it up. I will acknowledge it, and deal with it as appropriately as I know how.

You have also insulted me by calling me a "little cuck sissy front" whereas I never once, towards HP Hooded Cobra, insulted him or called him derogatory names. Never.
Satan chooses his clergy members and one who is as active, helpful, and kind and knowledgeable as HP Hooded Cobra deserves respect. If I disagree with him, or with something he said, I will politely, civilly and respectfully, as befitting his station, address him accordingly.

I have always done so in this ancient-forums, the past Joy of Satan forums and the Yahoo Joy of Satan groups. I have done this to every clergy member, past and present. Sometimes Joy of Satan members may get on my case and I may get annoyed, but I have never resorted to name-calling and accusations which I am now awaiting for the evidence.

Except that one time I stepped out of line and was rude and inconsiderate to another Joy of Satan Yahoo group member, I was called out on that. As I stated above.

Yes, I am going over line by line, bit by bit what you wrote. To be clear for my sake, and for all those reading and observing. So that I am clear and if there is further misunderstanding, it can be clarified. This is a dialogue I am continuing.

"Jealousy reaches an all time high when other members who are wiser, smarter, and who have been let known, because they possess superior qualities, are held in better regard than you. The response to this is call them derogatory filth."

I do not disagree that there are people, Gentile, spiritual Satanists, that are indeed superior to me in some way by virtue of their being, personality, life experience, psychic powers and prowess, and contribution to helping the Joy of Satan community online and offline.

I am not being sarcastic. Do not read it that way, please.

I do not expect to be held in excellent regard because I do not contribute in these forums as regularly and as acutely in sincere help as others. That is because I have not spent a lot of time being in these forums. I check in time to time and see what topics interest me and read those.

If these is something I can help with, I certainly do.
If I have a question, I ask.

If there is an observation or something I wish to state, I will.

If there is something that I can contribute, I certainly will, for the fun of it and/or I feel drawn strongly to do so.

Are you implying or stating that *I* have or shall call someone "derogatory filth"? Because of my own insecurities, projections and "short-comings?"

I do not do that. If I am jealous, I acknowledge that inwardly and know that I can do better. Calling people names, or "derogatory filth" is not going to help me or paint a better picture of me on any public online forum or group. I have refrained from doing so online for over 10 years.

"Maybe you deserve the same, but at the same time, nobody has time for this crap or gossip. All I see here, is idiots itching for gossip."

Again, I am not itching for gossip, or I would have demanded it by now.
Do not assume you know my actions based on my words online alone.

Unless I have stated what I do or am thinking of doing or have done-
do not assume.

You do not know me.

What I do online and offline, whether it includes gossip or not, whether others are aware of it or not, is my business.

I understand that I am simply a long time member here, and like everyone else who posts, if I conduct myself in a civil, polite and honest way, I have the right to observe, state my observations, share, contribute and help out where I can and always ask for help if I need it.

"You are also at such a poor level of understanding, spiritually and physically, such as for the life we live, or what dangers may entail, or what serious situations and decisions we have to undertake, that any explanation to a few select few, is a pearl thrown in front of swine."

Again, you are insulting me and patronizing me for the few words addressed to Shael and another post in this topic I made earlier.

I am not Satan or any of the deities/Demons/Demonesses of Hell/Duat. So yes, compared to them, my understanding is indeed limited and not on the same scale as theirs.

If I compare myself to spiritual Satanists and other posters in the ancient-forums, than it is to learn, to read critically, and to better myself.
I do not call people names or patronize them, as you are doing, simply because I am bringing up a different viewpoint and opinion.

An observation, a statement, that I have a right to write, done civilly and without breaking the rules of the Joy of Satan forums.

"We reserve every right to hide any detail we want [eventhough the post should be 100% clear to people who are older, smart and spiritually aware], and you deserve every right to go slander in a little cave with other inferiors about matters that you could not comprehend or understand."

Yes, as the Joy of Satan clergy, I am not challenging the fact that in their best discernment, judgment and discretion, they do not need to reveal all the details on a public online forum.
That is clear, reasonable and understandable.

I must gently remind you that there are Joy of Satan dedicated members and people of Satan who are of all ages.
Older in biological age does not mean more mature, better understanding, at an advantage.
Young or younger in biological age does not mean worthless, naive, nor does it mean one does not understand or are of a lesser worth to humanity, to Satan or the Empire of Orion or the Powers of Hell.

No disrespect to older members here. Just saying.

Again, you are patronizing and insulting me and lashing out at words you perceive and assume I have written-
which I have not-
out of emotions and anger.

Thank you for taking the time to read the post.

13th_Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
truth.seeker1 said:
Just to clarify- what HP Cobra did for JOS is beyond question up to this point, especially in regards to keeping it online all this time with enemy constantly trying to take us the websites down. So while I respect him for his work as far as preserving the JOS is concerned, this whole deal with HP Maxine vanishing seemingly into thin air without a single word is without a doubt as suspicious as it gets.

I don't see what the issue is personally with Maxine not being here. It even relates to what Cobra has just posted about Alexander the Great, from a spiritual and mature perspective all of this makes sense. Things are heightened right now. Have you seen the video of Hitler's shaking hands when he was praising the sons of his nation in those vile times when such things were necessary in the fight for what is right? In his head was his Dharma beyond everything, and it forces us to do the things within ours and this world's limitations which are lower than the beauty of Satan and what He represents. The energy of Godhood in contrast to the energies presented by this world around us made an imposition by the enemy are clearly all-consuming and opposed to the prior, and when you understand it enough it does make sense as well.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
magus.immortalis said:
I agree.

Shael, I emailed your proton email address today before answering to this post.


I personally don't see this whole conspiratorial deal when we are all here building Satan's temple on our home. We all have the same unified interest represented in this ideal and group. One can actually feel it right now, I do not understand how you are deviating from that feeling. I'm sure with everything the HP's have built that unifies all of Satanism it's "very fishy" indeed, maybe we should keep smoking de cracks instead we can all trust a piece of good ol crack. Cook up boys :lol:

You are both pretty bizarre, I thought I was bizarre.

I don't smoke anything.
Bizarre? Sure, okay. -shrugs-

Perhaps it is so, that I should be called bizarre. I have not taken offense. There's a first time for everything. First time I've been called that. Not sure what to make of it lol.

I do talk to Satan on a regular basis and I feel and know him to be guiding me, as he has been over 10 + years, and perhaps even before I dedicated my soul to him.

I trust in his will and guidance and if he wants me to know something, he will tell me himself, or I am strongly guided to go talk to him and talk to him at length and express myself, and I have clarity of what's going on.
He has saved my physical life and helped me many time over. I trust him.

Do you feel, think or see that I am going against the majority here for thinking and writing differently?
I am not challenging you, just asking.
slyscorpion said:
magus.immortalis said:
I can understand if HPS Maxine asked HP Hooded Cobra to write or post a topic if she was short on time on her behalf, but until then, I just see a lot of people taking what is said at face value without further questions.

I like reading her posts when she does post, but being absent from the ancient-forums for a year, any member is allowed to raise questions politely and civilly and point things out from their own valid and reasonable observations about her absence and what is being written about it.

Many of the other members raising questions on this. Most of them are immature in a way. Just work on meditations and rtrs. If the Gods trust you they will let you know. Same goes for anyone. The people I see that absolutely don't know what's going on at all those are the people that would blab too much or are immature in a way.

Remember awhile back you said "Hitler told me _____" in one of your posts. I am very sure that was you. You are not supposed to do that the dumbest thing ever considering the content of your post. Whether it's true or not is besides the point you should not do that. There is a reason some things are kept secret. This is why you don't know stuff right now.

Yes, that was me.

I will go looking for that post in a bit, after I reply to your response to me.

The thing was, and that I did not mention at the time I wrote that post about what Hitler said to me, was that he was standing beside me in my room while I wrote the whole post.

I know his energy and his voice. It is different from Satan's and my Guardians. I am not super advanced as some spiritual Satanists here are (yet), but experienced and advanced enough to discern energy, and who is in my room, using my now-much improved psychic powers and gifts.
magus.immortalis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
magus.immortalis said:
I agree.

Shael, I emailed your proton email address today before answering to this post.


The thing is with people such as you, you believe you are entitled to information and so on, when you are not.

For example, look at you gossiping and machinating already. Then, you scratch your heads on why the Gods entrust you with nothing. You think everyone else is to blame for your trust issues or diseased mentality.

And you think this also entitles you to bully others for example, by forcing a little cuck sissy front, to force them to answer to things you aren't even entitled to be answered about.

Jealousy reaches an all time high when other members who are wiser, smarter, and who have been let known, because they possess superior qualities, are held in better regard than you. The response to this is call them derogatory filth.

Maybe you deserve the same, but at the same time, nobody has time for this crap or gossip. All I see here, is idiots itching for gossip.

You are also at such a poor level of understanding, spiritually and physically, such as for the life we live, or what dangers may entail, or what serious situations and decisions we have to undertake, that any explanation to a few select few, is a pearl thrown in front of swine.

We reserve every right to hide any detail we want [eventhough the post should be 100% clear to people who are older, smart and spiritually aware], and you deserve every right to go slander in a little cave with other inferiors about matters that you could not comprehend or understand.

Only if you believed half of these statements you speak so boastfully, then you would understand. "Silence is Golden" for example, where, miss?

Acting like "I'ma mail this, I'ma do that", is just boring gameplay to cause reactions to others. As stated in another reply that I made, which was also rather generalized, this contributes to hoaxing, gossip, and worthless crap, and certainly not in the deduction or conversation of any further information.

My reply, however hurtful it may have been, is an elaboration of this excessively gross mentality which motivates this type of behavior, which certainly does not help in anything at all.

I don't have all day to teach people what decency is. One has to know this in their own head.
We shouldn't pretend that HPS Maxine's wordless absence makes HPHC look good as opposed to if she wrote a goodbye post, but we also cannot ignore the evidence that points in favor of what HPHC wrote here. I will try to list some below:

On HPS Maxine herself:

1. She is incredibly powerful both herself and through her relations with the Gods.
2. Nothing in her previous posts indicated any danger relating to her position in JOS.
3. As others mentioned, she was already decreasing her online presence to make for more personal time.
4. Pursuing the Magnum Opus would take all her time, and if she left Earth, then she couldn't come back and post.

On HPHC himself:

1. Spends hours per day writing content, moderating, and answering questions on the forums.
2. Long history of working with other HP(S)'s, including HPS Maxine herself.
3. Directly controls the website code and responsible for keeping the website online.
4. Mentioned that other individuals were also informed of HPS Maxine's state, not just himself.
5. Organized the tetragrammaton destruction addition since HPS Maxine's silence.
6. Organized multiple ritual schedules since HPS Maxine's silence.

If HPHC was maliciously trying to usurp control or destroy JOS, he is doing a real poor job if it. Don't forget that one can always ask the Gods for confirmation of certain things that may be greatly concerning them. I don't see a reason for any true, grave concerns to be had about this situation. It is not wrong to always question, but if we take a step back and look at the big picture, all is still fine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

To begin with, thank you very much for this long and detailed post. I am really glad that we as a community have reached this point. All of this would not have been possible without you, HP Maxine, and every other member who works behind.

Spiritual knowledge has been given to us for free but we surely don't know how much time you have dedicated to clear all the garbage information. Just for this you will have always my gratitude and loyalty.

And still now, with the growing of this site and all of the services and sites, you put your free time to organize all of these. I am looking to you as an example to follow, hoping that in the future I will help as much as I can to this place, as you and Maxine did.

Even now you take the time to reply to these meaningless posts about this "lack of information about Maxine". It is good that Maxine didn't say nothing. She is not in the position where she is obligated to tell her plans. And people should understand this.

I would like to say that after all of this time and material here, there could not be any doubt.

I will always be here for JOS.
Thank you HP Maxine
Thank you HP Cobra
Thanks to all of the people whowork for the community.

Hail Satan and all the Gods of Duat!
magus.immortalis said:
slyscorpion said:
magus.immortalis said:
I can understand if HPS Maxine asked HP Hooded Cobra to write or post a topic if she was short on time on her behalf, but until then, I just see a lot of people taking what is said at face value without further questions.

I like reading her posts when she does post, but being absent from the ancient-forums for a year, any member is allowed to raise questions politely and civilly and point things out from their own valid and reasonable observations about her absence and what is being written about it.

Many of the other members raising questions on this. Most of them are immature in a way. Just work on meditations and rtrs. If the Gods trust you they will let you know. Same goes for anyone. The people I see that absolutely don't know what's going on at all those are the people that would blab too much or are immature in a way.

Remember awhile back you said "Hitler told me _____" in one of your posts. I am very sure that was you. You are not supposed to do that the dumbest thing ever considering the content of your post. Whether it's true or not is besides the point you should not do that. There is a reason some things are kept secret. This is why you don't know stuff right now.

Yes, that was me.

I will go looking for that post in a bit, after I reply to your response to me.

The thing was, and that I did not mention at the time I wrote that post about what Hitler said to me, was that he was standing beside me in my room while I wrote the whole post.

I know his energy and his voice. It is different from Satan's and my Guardians. I am not super advanced as some spiritual Satanists here are (yet), but experienced and advanced enough to discern energy, and who is in my room, using my now-much improved psychic powers and gifts.

Ok if he was fine with you saying that it's ok but I just wasn't sure if that was supposed to be said or not. That's all nothing against you just wanted to say this as a point. There is somethings people shouldn't reveal. I personally thought you just heard him say something like that then wrote it out without any input at all if you were supposed too or not. I mean both me and my girl have an idea of what is going on from September 2019 a spiritual message we got. But I wont elaborate. Also I couldn't tell you everything is accurate because I am still needing practice in understanding the astral even now. Just know she is fine and taken care of and actually more than fine she is awesome.
Blitzkreig said:

Good thoughts on usurping the JoS. If I usurp it, I will experience many benefits. For example, I'll be able to be shitted publicly by even more teenagers who got a zap in their ass at some point.

For example, I might have always had unequivocal and full authority on everything given by HPS Maxine herself to me, but after I usurp it, I will again have unequivocal authority on top my previous state of full and unequivocal authority.

It will be really gangsta of me hijacking my own car with my own keys, so that I can say that I hijacked the car that I already had keys for.

Maybe I should listen to the Magna Kiddos and get into this account and stage my own Coronation like Joffrey Lannister. And post a proper goodbye or whatever anime to icing on the cake. I'll also write in Japanese and hold a Katana, while sad violin will be playing on the background.

Or maybe HPS Maxine should get in my account since she always had access, to write to everyone a goodbye and give all necessary details to poor persecuted Rabbis who are hovering with a question mark on what happened to her. It's Lolocaust rememberance day after all.

Brb, usurping the JoS now. I'll be back later to converse more Anime and Ninjitsu after I am done.

I dunno at this point, I question seriously if some people think that everyone else has to be retarded. Like, to the point they consider retarded even the Gods or Satan. And us entirely. I don't understand why these people are here and not Christians, or even in Judaism.
I want to honestly and seriously thank everyone for the kind comments and realizing the volume and the gifts given. You're always appreciated as you appreciate us. I know our work is not in vain when I read about people's successes and specific messages.

Basically, I am doing this because I don't want people to feel uncertain or be afraid, speculate about wrong things, or feel harmed. It's rather difficult however.

Above all, I also want my favorite person and my closest friend, and sister HPS Maxine to know that everything is according to her visions and decrees, and that her work is eternally respected and upheld, no matter what may have been going on.

I am only doing what I'd want to be done for me in the case we were in an interchangeable position. Which all things considered, it may have been the case. I just made other decisions and I am not regretting it. Except of when sometimes I read poison here, but it quickly wears off after I read other replies.

Hidden Warrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

To begin with, thank you very much for this long and detailed post. I am really glad that we as a community have reached this point. All of this would not have been possible without you, HP Maxine, and every other member who works behind.

Spiritual knowledge has been given to us for free but we surely don't know how much time you have dedicated to clear all the garbage information. Just for this you will have always my gratitude and loyalty.

And still now, with the growing of this site and all of the services and sites, you put your free time to organize all of these. I am looking to you as an example to follow, hoping that in the future I will help as much as I can to this place, as you and Maxine did.

Even now you take the time to reply to these meaningless posts about this "lack of information about Maxine". It is good that Maxine didn't say nothing. She is not in the position where she is obligated to tell her plans. And people should understand this.

I would like to say that after all of this time and material here, there could not be any doubt.

I will always be here for JOS.
Thank you HP Maxine
Thank you HP Cobra
Thanks to all of the people whowork for the community.

Hail Satan and all the Gods of Duat!
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I have my doubts about the legitimacy of you, here's a list;

Shael is a generic Hebrew name. I found one site that says it is of sanskrit origin, but is "shael" the appropriate spelling for that? You're into anime girls and don't want to procreate. It seems you like sticking up for the shit heads, even though we are playing a "deadly serious" game. Where weaknesses can lead to excruciating circumstances for the individual.

You can hide behind "In Satanism you can do what you want". 10 years ago that'd be a good answer, now not so much. Maybe Thelma would be more your thing. As Satanists we are currently in a full blown war.

I see you and Cobra correspond over email. Maybe he knows you're a full blown gentile, or maybe he's been fucking with you. I'll leave that between you two.

As for Maxine, she does what you claim to stand for. She can do what she wants, how she wants, when she wants. It comes as no shock to me, that you want more details. In fact this solidified what I was already suspecting.

Maxine answers to no one, not even the gods, especially not to you or me. She answers to herself and herself alone. I wish her the best on her journey and I know she won't be far from my heart.
I am not a Jew, neither a "kike" nor an infiltrator, my devotion to Satan is complete, I have already been touched by several Maxine sermons and I have an emotional connection with her so that it is impossible for me to have any enemy DNA or reptilian blood. running through my vein, I realize this when I see anything related to the enemy which arouses an incessant internal revolt, and as I feel good about Satanic energy, I have a Nordic-Mediterranean appearance, meaning I am an Aryan, and I practice meditation sessions, some days these sessions last 4 hours or more, I definitely have contact with the gods of hell and they guide me towards the truth, I think basic things are leaving aside here as an example the version of Al Jilwah commented by Maxine, Satan wants unity and not a Satanist attacking the other, but a true Satanist can easily feel the energy of an infiltrator and an enemy person, meaning that the person does not have an energy similar to Maxi ne suspect, moreover Hooded being here to coordinate does not mean that he is the most spiritually advanced, there are people here with more time than he within Satanism and even more advanced, Satan relates to each of us individually, and reveals hidden secrets, a truth is not afraid to be questioned, but a lie is emotionally shaken and loses its mind the moment it is exposed ... Hail Satan
StraitShot47 said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

Maxine answers to no one, not even the gods, especially not to you or me.

HPS Maxine never has went against the desire or will of the Gods in anyway, shape or form. I never met a person more dedicated to them and less self serving. People may have the other idea but it wasn't until I eventually got into this in full, that I understood. Now, I understand fully, but this took time. I never had anything I asked her going unanswered either.

The things the Gods demanded out of her, or got her to work, and other sacrifices, could probably be met by few if any people.

There's no bullshit libertarianism in this decision. We have always been soldiers for Satan, nothing less, nothing more.

Unlike many people who are into this worthless business of "I only serve myself" and "Yea but I don't bow to none", personally, and I know HPS Maxine also, yes, we would bow in front of Satan, both literally and metaphorically in service.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:

Good thoughts on usurping the JoS. If I usurp it, I will experience many benefits. For example, I'll be able to be shitted publicly by even more teenagers who got a zap in their ass at some point.

For example, I might have always had unequivocal and full authority on everything given by HPS Maxine herself to me, but after I usurp it, I will again have unequivocal authority on top my previous state of full and unequivocal authority.

It will be really gangsta of me hijacking my own car with my own keys, so that I can say that I hijacked the car that I already had keys for.

Maybe I should listen to the Magna Kiddos and get into this account and stage my own Coronation like Joffrey Lannister. And post a proper goodbye or whatever anime to icing on the cake. I'll also write in Japanese and hold a Katana, while sad violin will be playing on the background.

Or maybe HPS Maxine should get in my account since she always had access, to write to everyone a goodbye and give all necessary details to poor persecuted Rabbis who are hovering with a question mark on what happened to her. It's Lolocaust rememberance day after all.

Brb, usurping the JoS now. I'll be back later to converse more Anime and Ninjitsu after I am done.

I dunno at this point, I question seriously if some people think that everyone else has to be retarded. Like, to the point they consider retarded even the Gods or Satan. And us entirely. I don't understand why these people are here and not Christians, or even in Judaism.
This is what I don't understand about the ones who complain. We been knew for a while and honestly you need to be a stupid or just someone who does not read the forums at all to not understand that you have the "keys" to the sites and the forum. So how would you stole something that you already had? Like WTF...

On top of this making a post like this you knew it was going to be difficult and some people would have reacted in this way...so really I don't know why anyone is doubting it.

I am curious to know where she is but I understand she needs her privacy and of course the enemy doesnt need to know. Anyone who is somewhat advanced can ask the God's.
magus.immortalis said:
13th_Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I don't see what the issue is personally with Maxine not being here. It even relates to what Cobra has just posted about Alexander the Great, from a spiritual and mature perspective all of this makes sense. Things are heightened right now. Have you seen the video of Hitler's shaking hands when he was praising the sons of his nation in those vile times when such things were necessary in the fight for what is right? In his head was his Dharma beyond everything, and it forces us to do the things within ours and this world's limitations which are lower than the beauty of Satan and what He represents. The energy of Godhood in contrast to the energies presented by this world around us made an imposition by the enemy are clearly all-consuming and opposed to the prior, and when you understand it enough it does make sense as well.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I personally don't see this whole conspiratorial deal when we are all here building Satan's temple on our home. We all have the same unified interest represented in this ideal and group. One can actually feel it right now, I do not understand how you are deviating from that feeling. I'm sure with everything the HP's have built that unifies all of Satanism it's "very fishy" indeed, maybe we should keep smoking de cracks instead we can all trust a piece of good ol crack. Cook up boys :lol:

You are both pretty bizarre, I thought I was bizarre.

I don't smoke anything.
Bizarre? Sure, okay. -shrugs-

Perhaps it is so, that I should be called bizarre. I have not taken offense. There's a first time for everything. First time I've been called that. Not sure what to make of it lol.

I do talk to Satan on a regular basis and I feel and know him to be guiding me, as he has been over 10 + years, and perhaps even before I dedicated my soul to him.

I trust in his will and guidance and if he wants me to know something, he will tell me himself, or I am strongly guided to go talk to him and talk to him at length and express myself, and I have clarity of what's going on.
He has saved my physical life and helped me many time over. I trust him.

Do you feel, think or see that I am going against the majority here for thinking and writing differently?
I am not challenging you, just asking.

This is even bizarre like a dog asking a wolf a question and chilling out with the wolves :lol:

I go against the majority here often, you don't.
Narciso said:

Am I here to co-ordinate and help, or usurp and whatever else you claimed in the other mail. Please decide, because I am in a rush to write a script to sell to Netflix. Rabbis would be proud of this, major sales.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Narciso said:

Am I here to co-ordinate and help, or usurp and whatever else you claimed in the other mail. Please decide, because I am in a rush to write a script to sell to Netflix. Rabbis would be proud of this, major sales.

It won't sell, there's not enough emphasis of innocent children being sacrificed to appease the coof-form. Scripts about subversion of the Satan are mostly ok so long as they have nothing about spiritual uplifting or developing and maintaining big devices that enable all Satanists to communicate. As long as the plot is about subversion of these things that's fine goyem :roll:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:

This is what I don't understand about the ones who complain. We been knew for a while and honestly you need to be a stupid or just someone who does not read the forums at all to not understand that you have the "keys" to the sites and the forum. So how would you stole something that you already had? Like WTF...

On top of this making a post like this you knew it was going to be difficult and some people would have reacted in this way...so really I don't know why anyone is doubting it.

Basically I knew this was going to entail a lot of misery and damage on me, but the thing is, darkness and stupid hoaxes or possible aggression against HPS Maxine or other assumptions such as that "she left us oy oy goy" would harmful, insulting to her, and not real.

This is just what I have to do as my duty. Theoretically, I could shrug it off, play I don't know shit, shrug it off, who knows what else. Infinite possibilities. These situations going head on, are in general rather painful.

I was also rather shocked at the massive understanding of people, who instantly understood heavy points of my initial topic. I was also impressed at how many people have been contacted and/or understand the general dynamics of the situation, which shows this group is massively advancing, and not the contrary.
StraitShot47 said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I have my doubts about the legitimacy of you, here's a list;

Shael is a generic Hebrew name. I found one site that says it is of sanskrit origin, but is "shael" the appropriate spelling for that? You're into anime girls and don't want to procreate. It seems you like sticking up for the shit heads, even though we are playing a "deadly serious" game. Where weaknesses can lead to excruciating circumstances for the individual.

You can hide behind "In Satanism you can do what you want". 10 years ago that'd be a good answer, now not so much. Maybe Thelma would be more your thing. As Satanists we are currently in a full blown war.

I see you and Cobra correspond over email. Maybe he knows you're a full blown gentile, or maybe he's been fucking with you. I'll leave that between you two.

As for Maxine, she does what you claim to stand for. She can do what she wants, how she wants, when she wants. It comes as no shock to me, that you want more details. In fact this solidified what I was already suspecting.

Maxine answers to no one, not even the gods, especially not to you or me. She answers to herself and herself alone. I wish her the best on her journey and I know she won't be far from my heart.

Shael is a gentile and a Satanist I know that. He may not be fully spiritually or emotionally mature in the way some of us are that is for sure from some of this stuff that I am seeing here now and other things I know. But that doesn't mean he can't advance and become better. I don't think or he is not with us. I know of a much worse example of this not going to elaborate cause I don't like gossip personally but the Gods did not fully give up on this person either as far as I know but I am sure as fuck wouldn't give this person details on something important either :lol:

No one should go around claiming someone isn't a real Satanist without knowing for a fact that the Gods also feel this way or knowing some other information that could be proven.

Look I myself years ago was brainwashed by xtian ideals from my childhood maybe not spiritually mature and kind of causing infighting etc but I became better at this. I am sure Shael can too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is what I don't understand about the ones who complain. We been knew for a while and honestly you need to be a stupid or just someone who does not read the forums at all to not understand that you have the "keys" to the sites and the forum. So how would you stole something that you already had? Like WTF...

On top of this making a post like this you knew it was going to be difficult and some people would have reacted in this way...so really I don't know why anyone is doubting it.

Basically I knew this was going to entail a lot of misery and damage on me, but the thing is, darkness and stupid hoaxes or possible aggression against HPS Maxine or other assumptions such as that "she left us oy oy goy" would harmful, insulting to her, and not real.

This is just what I have to do as my duty. Theoretically, I could shrug it off, play I don't know shit, shrug it off, who knows what else. Infinite possibilities. These situations going head on, are in general rather painful.

I was also rather shocked at the massive understanding of people, who instantly understood heavy points of my initial topic. I was also impressed at how many people have been contacted and/or understand the general dynamics of the situation, which shows this group is massively advancing, and not the contrary.
Thank you for letting us know about Maxine even if some could use this against you.
Personaly I have not been conctacted by the God's (even if the God's wanted I can't comunicate with them by words) but I think I have understood what you said about her. The good thing is that this is making a lot of infiltrators show their true colors.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Above all, I also want my favorite person and my closest friend, and sister HPS Maxine to know that everything is according to her visions and decrees, and that her work is eternally respected and upheld, no matter what may have been going on.
luis said:
This is what I don't understand about the ones who complain. We been knew for a while and honestly you need to be a stupid or just someone who does not read the forums at all to not understand that you have the "keys" to the sites and the forum. So how would you stole something that you already had? Like WTF...
How convinient it is that all this nonsensical and weird paranoia for no reason escalated right as new information on the Gods - and in special Baalzebul, one of the most defamed Gods - is being updated:

"Beelzebub takes care of in-fighting between dedicated Satanists. Satan wants unity and Beelzebub enforces this. He can be very strict as Satan does not approve of dedicated Satanists cursing each other."

Zeus/Baalzebul is a wonderful God to whom I wrote a prayer once at the time me and other SS were having serious problem with Magestein. Not that he needed to be "informed" of it but I felt like doing so, and my concerns were heard and the justice has been served much beyond the part I was involved.

Also since all of this is getting too distasteful with off-topics already and I'd preffer to change moods, and since anime was mentioned and the theme is convenient I might be doing some small reviews on Netflix's "The Blood of Zeus", which is surprinsingly decent as far as a message goes, and I should start the manga Historie soon, about the life Eumenes, a secretary and general to Alexander the Great.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:


I dunno at this point, I question seriously if some people think that everyone else has to be retarded. Like, to the point they consider retarded even the Gods or Satan. And us entirely. I don't understand why these people are here and not Christians, or even in Judaism.


People have to realize that this stuff is for real. The astral is just as real as the physical and actually another part of our physical reality that we have been shut off from. Also a lot of other stuff is for real most don't know about at all. Seeing the way some of the people are here. I shudder in dread a little at what will happen when something major of the enemy gets exposed to the world at large but you know it's coming sooner or later and has to happen eventually. I dread the day the YHVH thing is fully destroyed. Cause I fear some of the things coming will create total chaos and destruction in a major form on earth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is what I don't understand about the ones who complain. We been knew for a while and honestly you need to be a stupid or just someone who does not read the forums at all to not understand that you have the "keys" to the sites and the forum. So how would you stole something that you already had? Like WTF...

On top of this making a post like this you knew it was going to be difficult and some people would have reacted in this way...so really I don't know why anyone is doubting it.

This is just what I have to do as my duty. Theoretically, I could shrug it off, play I don't know shit, shrug it off, who knows what else. Infinite possibilities. These situations going head on, are in general rather painful.

You can see all the possibilities of how all the people here can develop from this? COOL !

I need to get that type of thought back, I used to think like that as a kid about all sorts lol.It is painful though.

magus.immortalis said:
13th_Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I don't see what the issue is personally with Maxine not being here. It even relates to what Cobra has just posted about Alexander the Great, from a spiritual and mature perspective all of this makes sense. Things are heightened right now. Have you seen the video of Hitler's shaking hands when he was praising the sons of his nation in those vile times when such things were necessary in the fight for what is right? In his head was his Dharma beyond everything, and it forces us to do the things within ours and this world's limitations which are lower than the beauty of Satan and what He represents. The energy of Godhood in contrast to the energies presented by this world around us made an imposition by the enemy are clearly all-consuming and opposed to the prior, and when you understand it enough it does make sense as well.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I don't smoke anything.
Bizarre? Sure, okay. -shrugs-

Perhaps it is so, that I should be called bizarre. I have not taken offense. There's a first time for everything. First time I've been called that. Not sure what to make of it lol.

I do talk to Satan on a regular basis and I feel and know him to be guiding me, as he has been over 10 + years, and perhaps even before I dedicated my soul to him.

I trust in his will and guidance and if he wants me to know something, he will tell me himself, or I am strongly guided to go talk to him and talk to him at length and express myself, and I have clarity of what's going on.
He has saved my physical life and helped me many time over. I trust him.

Do you feel, think or see that I am going against the majority here for thinking and writing differently?
I am not challenging you, just asking.

Just keep on doing what you're doing anyway dude. Didn't mean to be rude with that it's just I read something Cobra wrote before I saw this and thought it made more sense than to reply with what I originally was going to which would have essentially put up with the mediocrity of how you're relating to this group. This is where it's at, this is the only time in history, right now and here. I myself have an undying loyalty which seems to go before I was born and as a kid, I'm so glad I found this place.

When I see people write stuff like this I think about all the other kids who spouted things but often just used to listen to what the clueless teachers would say, and come off the street stinking of trash years later to a place that is way beyond every learning institution currently, and of divine nature. Territorialism and me being challenging really is the only response I can fathom, that's just the natural one. Don't mean to be rude, you are the one who is undermining the authority of this thing that has succeeded greatly and is valued greatly for your own good and everyone elses. Luckily trash could undermine truth some time ago, which dictates now so good of you to help the enemy out with your doubts.

I question everything, and similar stuff as yourself probably. I didn't need to meet any answers only the truth of what is within me. I trust the truth more than anything, and it's observable. You don't need to pore over it and debate it, or it requires any packed wall of philosophy text. It is straight and openly observable to the open minds, fixed in it's nature.

The honourable thing is then standing up for this truth, which to this world and it's denizens is wyrd and strange to them and they judge you for it. For me I would die under their judgement again and again for they are saying reality isn't real. All I'm saying meanwhile is that I disagree :lol:

You shouldn't question the unquestionable if you really know and have had deep experiences in your loyal time to Satan.
Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
How convinient it is that all this nonsensical and weird paranoia for no reason escalated right as new information on the Gods - and in special Baalzebul, one of the most defamed Gods - is being updated:

The goyim has to pay for this, especially on Lolocaust rememberance day. They got a little energy in the bank after all, gotta go after these goyim ASAP. Launch the thoughforms.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
How convinient it is that all this nonsensical and weird paranoia for no reason escalated right as new information on the Gods - and in special Baalzebul, one of the most defamed Gods - is being updated:

The goyim has to pay for this, especially on Lolocaust rememberance day. They got a little energy in the bank after all, gotta go after these goyim ASAP. Launch the thoughforms.

It's insane to think this place is the only true refuge on several levels, hopefully all of them soon. Maxine provided this placefor the old souls under Satan as well as everyone. Then of course there's Dennis Ritchie and Tim berners Lee lol. Of course no one knows all of them programmers either. No they along with our lot are too "weird" and "insane" to the masses. Meanwhile a portion of the masses use their inventions and hard work to post muh dick and contemporaneous temporary jew memes shamelessly and in the open. Yes, everyone will certainly remember this trash over the back ground people who challenged the dull status quo, changing the living situation for the entire planet. Are you kidding me?

I know I for one am not gonna be quiet, I've got my own things to do and proudly. The struggle for life is on again.
I don't think anyone should be worried at Maxines absence to be quite honest? What kind of army would we be to just give up all hope and faith in our commander who has held the fort down here while Maxine is proceeds with what I am certain are very important spiritual matters. We are at war after all and not everything should or can be disclosed. The enemy is watching. As a result there are times when units are cut off from supplies and communications and even lose contact for a long time with higher ups. Even in phone calls and private emails and chats things can be tapped and compromised. It is for these reasons that sometimes even absolutely nothing is communicated on purpose, despite seeming counterintuitive.

Its been said to me as well as I have also told others in PMs, be careful not to give details...you never know who's watching and listening. This can be troublesome for people who percieve things happening with no explanation when in truth any explanation at all can hint at something big or tip off who we might not want to. HP has carried us along way and done alot in spearheading our assaults against the enemy while doing his best to keep the site running. Any double agenda is the last thing on his mind. Come on guys...don't let the enemy divide and pick us apart..I notice stuff like this as well as increased personal attacks always happens on big ritual days.
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Am I seeing this right? Another one crawling out of the woodwork? Hmm.. Took a while for this one, but there were some signs here for some time, so I’m not surprised.

If I can chime in, even when I was heavily into warfare last year (8-10 everyday) just the attacks were blowing me off for the most part. Not sure what happens at the top but there were attacks that I have no way of explaining in any legible manner.

All I will say is the Gods have been really active/protective in all this. Focus on a sigil and get your *exact answer* if that is what you aim for.

As far as feeling the enemy being active in the past year and the attacks you have felt in this manner, I identify with you completely. I would have times I would be curled up in a ball on my bed crying feeling like life was over. I had times where I could barely eat or focus on anything ..my thought power was badly nerfed. The attacks were often associated and tied with me seeing 777 and 11:11 often close to each other, to the point of giving me temporary ptsd. I would focus either on Father's or Abraxas sigil and the worst would subside,To the point where I could at least void.
Dypet Rod said:
fausty666 said:


Not protesting about it, but I see these asterisks on members’ messages quite often lately, censoring their original words, and I wonder why, since there wasn’t this before. Not that I noticed at least.

Have new policies been adopted related to this? Or it’s simply been happening that members have been posting too much personal dat and the like lately?
Because they post links to places we don't promote.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
How convinient it is that all this nonsensical and weird paranoia for no reason escalated right as new information on the Gods - and in special Baalzebul, one of the most defamed Gods - is being updated:

The goyim has to pay for this, especially on Lolocaust rememberance day. They got a little energy in the bank after all, gotta go after these goyim ASAP. Launch the thoughforms.
The kikes literally got my school to stay on a 3 hour non stop video about the holo-lol, and also made it so that you had to complete surveys about what you saw. Funnily enough, it seems like many didn't care and just disconnected, like myself, lol.
i just hope one day come we don't have to do RTR anymore because the enemies are gone once and for all
then i can just casually meditate and develop my soul without caring about some morons trying to control world with their lunatic ambitions
and maybe communicate to the Gods for tip and advice for effective spiritual empowerment like student casually ask teacher

ahh i doubt i will experience that in my current lifetime

i've been following this clergy since yahoo group days
and yet im still kind of noob level in terms of spiritually (i blame my laziness)
but i at least try my best to do RTR once a day coz if at least not in my current lifetime
i want then gone in my next reincarnation

so yeah fight fight comrads
magus.immortalis said:
10 years in? Time doesn't equate to being wise or advanced. Let's go back in time:
Something like 2 years ago or less you have posted a whole lot of drama that was obviously in your mind about you, the Gods, and some other SS that is for some reason jealous about you. Whole thing debunked as your imagination.

After that you return 1 year later and preach about how all Gods other than Satan should not be trusted for some typical mental drama of yours.

So, as you can see, 10 years mean nothing if you behave like someone who's not in from more than a couple months.

I take you less seriously than newer members here, who have more common sense than you do.
My hardships, mistakes, difficulties, experiments, and results of my satanic spiritual path were more than enough to understand what cobra just said, he explained it sufficiently enough.

This kinda feels like some actually didn't take "seriously" enough the path of advancement, in order to understand what JoS is all about, what is our the ultimate goal, and what are necessary steps to achieve this goal, and don't consider our current strategic conditions compared to our enemy etc.

No words will suffice to describe what a huge service Maxine, Cobra and clergy has done for humanity, the results speak for themself.

I've gain ALOT of benefits through Maxine's and Cobra's sermon, answers and insights in this forum, what about you ? i think we owe them a debt of gratitude don't we ?

And i want to say for those who are responsible for founding and maintaining the JoS, thank you for showing to me that there is an actual path that leads to salvation, if not for you i would probably ended up being dead or in mental asylum, and i wouldn't even have a chance to meet my saviors, and mentors.

Sorry for being pain in the ass Cobra in DM's but i appreciate that you take your time to answer them despite your busy schedule.
StraitShot47 said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I have my doubts about the legitimacy of you, here's a list;

Shael is a generic Hebrew name. I found one site that says it is of sanskrit origin, but is "shael" the appropriate spelling for that? You're into anime girls and don't want to procreate. It seems you like sticking up for the shit heads, even though we are playing a "deadly serious" game. Where weaknesses can lead to excruciating circumstances for the individual.

You can hide behind "In Satanism you can do what you want". 10 years ago that'd be a good answer, now not so much. Maybe Thelma would be more your thing. As Satanists we are currently in a full blown war.

I see you and Cobra correspond over email. Maybe he knows you're a full blown gentile, or maybe he's been fucking with you. I'll leave that between you two.

As for Maxine, she does what you claim to stand for. She can do what she wants, how she wants, when she wants. It comes as no shock to me, that you want more details. In fact this solidified what I was already suspecting.

Maxine answers to no one, not even the gods, especially not to you or me. She answers to herself and herself alone. I wish her the best on her journey and I know she won't be far from my heart.
I asked the shael or the shale the pronunciation of its name, and it said that it would not let that be known. The shale also hates Whites procreating with Whites to bolster the White numbers in the World, because - you know - safety in numbers is just a meme and not an actual importance. The film 300 was real in the shale's mind. BtW, the shale - I saw a reply you made to me maybe a few weeks ago, but I chose to ignore the you-it.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
How convinient it is that all this nonsensical and weird paranoia for no reason escalated right as new information on the Gods - and in special Baalzebul, one of the most defamed Gods - is being updated:

The goyim has to pay for this, especially on Lolocaust rememberance day. They got a little energy in the bank after all, gotta go after these goyim ASAP. Launch the thoughforms.
Lol. I forgot it was trolloco$t meme-orally day. Also I don't always say thanks for the work. I should say that more, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the work and dedication. Thanks!

Further to the end of my post here,
Regarding the practically-demanding nature of wanting to know more details and have actual messages posted by HPS Maxine, consider the following - in a Spiritual World full of Spirituality and Magick, we don't need to have Physical proof i.e. pen-and-paper records of things. In a Physical, Spiritually-degraded World, thanks to the jew, there exists endless reels and countless amounts of pen-and-paper records, video-recording records, data records, etc., about many, many different things. In the Spiritual Satanic World of the future, we'll realise to just either do a working, or if we're advanced enough to just feel, with our Third Eye Chakra open, that, e.g. HPS Maxine is fine and is advancing/has advanced/has become a pre-Goddess (seriously - how fucking amazing does that sound?!); whereas in this current state of ours, we have been programmed endlessly into requiring and demanding Physical, concrete pen-and-paper, photographic, video-recording proof of things - because the jew decided that if it is in black-and-white, then it is enshrined and holy and unchangeable and "defined" without any wavering so that the jew can confine us to things, whereas we Naturally are more flowing than that. I am not saying requiring (and possibly demanding?) these things is bad, per se, but we can still carry on with our meditations and workings and advancements regardless of having these proofs of things.

Forgive the memefulness, but - Keep Calm and Carry On. Maybe HPS Maxine is fine - then OK. Maybe HPS Maxine is in trouble - what can and will you do, what can and will that cause you to do, and what can and will that cause and mean for you? How and why should that change or interfere with your progress? To me, this seems like it is tantamount to cliffhangers in films and programmes where we need the nice, warm, fuzzy feeling of closure and satisfaction - while we might have respect for the Clergy, and HPS Maxine specifically in this case, why does it matter so much? We still can do meditations and workings, regardless. Some here don't take HPHC's words for it; why, or why not, should we take Lydia's word, who said some others can sense that HPS Maxine is fine? Why not? Why not just carry on? At the moment, I cannot feel that HPS Maxine is fine or in danger, but meh. I shall continue on with my things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
