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About HPS Maxine And The JoS

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Captain666 said:
So I am new here to the forums but I am not new to religious movements, cults, offshoots etc. I’ve studied them my whole life and even lived through leaders dying or leaving groups in other hands. If I can be so bold, I’d like to talk about one and what happened, at least in my eyes, and what the solution was, is, could be.


We are aware of the dangers that could emerge and I have studied many how these things can occur. For one, yes, the infiltration part was for real. It didn't happen one time either.

At the same rate, these situations reflect either jewish work, or in other cases, general nonsense cults. That being stated, we are not here to discuss movies or things like this.

As you will progress you will understand that the Gods do exist, and that they oversee these things more than one can understand by mere logic. So long there are people of the Gods, there will be people that do what they need to do for JoS, for example.

There have been numerous copycat groups, others who "Tried to do the same", others who tried to do backstabbing or infiltration, and all sorts of other things. Over the years I have seen at least 30 of these emerging, others in the form of kike covens, while others in the form of copycat places that merely disappear after sometime because they can't continue with the acting.

To actually survive this path, the power of the Gods is required for real. The odds that anything existed were stacked against us and impossible.

Of course, most things of these copycats or infiltration things do perish since the Gods are not even involved, and most of these things are general nonsense of what you write, existing in places such as xian cults. These can only follow one singular way and they always end up with nothing.

In regards to rotten apples, I have seen people over the years trying to cause problems. Eventually none succeed.

Yes it has been interesting and yes I am new “here” but not new to religious, spiritual, LHP groups….pretty much the gamut actually. That being said when one does research on JoS and Maxine, you come across the usual naysaying and bullshit and upon further inspection I find that those naysayers haven’t a clue. One saying the Al-Jiwah is a book by her and anyone just doing a cursory google search can see that isn’t true. It is an ancient, ancient text. So I blow off a lot of what I see.

That being said, I have to commend that this is an amazing site (Jos) and it has real meat not found in other places, at least not under one roof. In my dedication, I clearly contacted something and the candle wax spelled out a message which I can’t deny. I spoke to Satan as a person would and explained my ideas, concepts, concerns and peace came and also an exhilaration I can’t explain and a freedom that was over the top. And the word protection came into my mind repeatedly. Never slept so well as I did that night.

I’ll continue studying and please excuse my ignorance or my writings if they seem naive. Many times I am simply pointing out what I see and explaining my experiences since my age does give some wisdom.

Thank you for your time.

Captain666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Captain666 said:
So I am new here to the forums but I am not new to religious movements, cults, offshoots etc. I’ve studied them my whole life and even lived through leaders dying or leaving groups in other hands. If I can be so bold, I’d like to talk about one and what happened, at least in my eyes, and what the solution was, is, could be.


We are aware of the dangers that could emerge and I have studied many how these things can occur. For one, yes, the infiltration part was for real. It didn't happen one time either.


I’ll continue studying and please excuse my ignorance or my writings if they seem naive. Many times I am simply pointing out what I see and explaining my experiences since my age does give some wisdom.

Thank you for your time.


Satan exists. He will show this to all disciples, this is beyond doubt and dispute. Keep meditating and advancing on the path. Things one will see and understand, are beyond any dispute.

This is not like anything one has found ever before. I have went through phases of doing research on many "religions". I am here because of proof. Nothing comes close at all. This is a very serious, true and binding case. I saw the existence of the Gods face to face from this path.

I understand there might be a gap in understanding, and even some questions that look like negative and/or even as attacks. At the same rate, if the intention behind them is non hostile there is no reason to not answer. You are welcome to ask anything you want.

It's also difficult for me to know some facts and truths, and be unable to communicate them or something like this. Many disciples of the JoS and the Gods also, know these things. One good thing that can be done, is if someone wants an answer they are entitled to, that they should go directly to them. This takes time to get rectified and pure answers, but it is definitely achievable.

For example, in regards to HPS Maxine, very advanced members have asked, received answers, and literally saw for themselves. This leaves me with few things to add.

Good luck in your research and advancement.
Thank you , I was drawn back to the current in October and have been praying to father satan to show me the way and now I'm beyond happy that through his grace being able to stumble upon jos and digesting all the previous information,feel like a veil is lifted ,to see the actual evil,to see the lies,thank you to the high priestess Maxine,thank you the hp cobra for this valuable post ,may the gods guide us...
hail satan !
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Maxine is the discoverer of our path towards our Gods, Satan, and as far as I am concerned, a Legendary person to walk this earth.

Due to the importance of information conveyed in this topic, it may be a little long.

Other people of Satan definitely done contributions, and more will come, yet her work will remain in the aeons to come. There have not been many, and there will be probably none like her. All these years she knew only tireless work, dedication, and giving to the community.

Everything I explain here is only based on the information that I know, and I cannot speak about things of which I do not know.

First of all, those who have been around, you know for a fact. HPS Maxine never stopped working for one day, and we would never desert anything unless somehow dead or not in this world anymore or something similar.

For what is by now 10 years, I have served and will continue to serve faithfully, with heart, mind and soul, first of all the Powers of Hell. Never did for one day have any regret or second thought about my choice. I never questioned the adverse times, the dangers, the personal sacrifices, and never listened to fear more than I listened to the Gods and whom is my superior. This has earned me the providence and gratitude of the Gods.

No matter how small, or how big you are, if you keep yourself on this path, they will be at your side. Those who truly understand Satanism, will understand by walking this path.

The knowledge HPS Maxine provided that many take for granted [of course, it's free and easy to access after all], is not taken that much for granted by the enemy, who understands it's true value. And has ruled the world through the hiding, corrupting, and applying this knowledge. The enemy is really, really into the far ends of deadly anger because of that.

It can only be stated that all of us, are walking with certainty, into what is "unknown". We have made much of this path known, because people walked it when it was unknown to everyone. There has been zero knowledge over where this leads, or what this path is about. Our inheritance has been lost, and the greatness seldom comprehended. For this reason, people like HPS Maxine have not only been brave and creators, but also, discoverers.

The last year in Beltane, as with any other year, we consulted Satan with HPS Maxine to give us our missions for the next Solar year. Based on this last year, HPS Maxine made the announcement of the Ritual currently shared, which concludes the cycle for this year.

I was obligated to share this ritual and will do every other obligation to that end that which we have agreed to share, based on the things that need to be done.

Sometimes, Satan will relate the missions for this year, but the last three years, have been serious with long-term planning. In regards to the Gods, this was done over basically our side gaining too much power and influence. But also because, as everyone can observe in this world, it's radically changing - there is chaos brewing.

Last year before all of the chaos ensued in February, HPS Maxine explained to me some things that could cause us problems in the future. We knew of this years ago, but now things are reaching a spearhead with all of this. We aren't there yet, so everyone has to be mindful of that. The dark times aren't over. Actually, they have just only began.

One of these things we conversed about, was the intense political turmoil that was going to happen. Just observe what is going on in the United States, and add one and one together. Things taken from granted such as Freedom of Speech may cease to exist, and even if they remain in the Constitution for a while, the practical ramping up of the enemy may render life unlivable for many.

We have been making preparations for this reality that will emerge.

You don't need to make this happen by taking down the Constitution as many people believe. This will be the last step of this all. Only after everything has been already achieved, the enemy will make in the last "Formalities" to take everything down "Legally".

As you can see, violations of human freedoms, attacks on dissidents, attacks on Free Speech and anything else, happens now in violation of almost all laws and Constitutions. They are not asking for any "permission" anymore. The JoS is not only not exempt from this, we are among the first targets, of shadowy warfare and harassment on the JoS.

You don't need Constitutional reform to attack someone in the highway, or make them "get into an accident", to get them "suicided", or to get them "deplatformed" over lies. Persecution of specific individuals is on the menu of the enemy.

While people complain about cuck things like "Oh, was banned from facebook" and other things, they are only seeing the waves in front of them and not the anti-freedom tsunami that has already been emerging.

Who will be targeted first? Knowing the enemy also, and to avoid pointless details, do you think they are sitting there with arms and legs crossed now, or that they have began this extensive warfare, such as...attempts on people they dislike, earlier on?

Meanwhile, Satan and the Gods likewise don't need a Constitution or a Constitutional law either to do what they deem necessary spiritually against these oppressors. Incoming chaos and oppression will only mean that both sides will fight with more sharpened spiritual blades, that is all.

The Powers of Hell are very empowered now, far more than in any other recent century. The enemy, at the same time, is at this point where they have to exert maximum force in order to maintain themselves also. We know beyond any doubt, Satan can see ahead, in the mind, future and heart of any man and woman, but also in the heart of our world and what's coming.

HPS Maxine all these years has not, unlike other pointless fools who constantly write "warnings", issued any warning. When she made a warning, you saw the global fall out come in the next 2 months. For years I haven't heard her issue any other "warning" of that sort. The one time when she did, the fallout came. And it's still ongoing.

Every year, we take notes, we list things based on their importance, and we carry on with what we are given with loyalty to the end. Oftentimes, the results are one will not believe their own eyes based on what they are told to do, but one knows they are doing the right thing, when the forces respond with opening the unseen ways. This is physical, not imaginative and not theoretical.

The path of every Satanist who goes full in to this, is a path not widely known. It has been like this for centuries. It is however known very well by the hearts of those who are made for this path. Even all the surviving texts, do explain this in mystical terms.

HPS Maxine made a lot of this information public because this is what Satan intended, and more will be made which she has shared for publication. She worked so hard, that it should be inconceivable to someone unless they have done at least something close to this. Which is closely to a total rarity to find.

Yet, we all know where this ends, we know the ultimate goal of this path, it's the Magnum Opus. The Gods keep their promises, and they know how to judge the hearts of men, and separate the worthy and those who are proven and those who are not. To attain all these goals in Satanism spiritually, one needs time and meditation to do it.

People think falsely that this will come for "Free", and that one will simply open a webpage and do it. You are wrong. You will not become immortal by opening a webpage. Sure, you may see information in it, but there is more into it. There may be necessary things one have to do, one of them being consistent meditation, so one can receive this guidance. This will be according to one's strengths.

The mythology of all Ancient People's speaks of this in mystical terms, and in the necessity of someone doing meditation and overcoming personal and other obstacles. When you work for this on gradually, this is where you can expect the reward.

This year finds me as the happiest and the saddest man at the same time. Beelzebul has shared with us also after Beltane, that "Knowledge which will arrive, will re-instate the crowns of this earth", to highlight the importance of new information such as the latest ritual. Just observe on the rapid chaos that is happening now, many in power are rather upset.

Last time I heard of her recently, despite the fact we had constant daily communication for around a decade, was around a few months ago. She informed me on what was going to happen to this world, about the Co-Vid situation and about other things I needed to know, to be able to help and protect everyone during these adverse times. As about other things, these were part of her privacy and I respect that, so I didn't ask.

She always has had unequivocal authority over all the JoS and the decisions as it were with the click of a button if needed, any moment, 24/7, all year round.

Personally, I have for years decided, after sometime and in full comprehension of how demanding and consuming this is, to trade my own personal time, to give her personal time which she always lacked in her life. This line of life is not understood unless it's taken, and we shared among other things, the fact that we took service to the Powers of Hell to the fullest extent. This comes at personal cost, but also gives a lot of blessings.

One's personal life though, vanishes. Unless one has decided Satan and the Gods will become the life of someone, they cannot become a successful or longstanding Clergy. I never knew anyone who was close to what HPS Maxine has done, and I have been seeing this on the daily for myself.

The result of this is that one, as far the personal level is concerned, is tragically set back in every other affair. This can set a human back in many ways. In other ways, one grows beyond understanding. One only lasts if their heart is in total alignment to Satan's agenda, and in other words, one has become this agenda out of free will. Clergy is in general as serious as the person taking the undertaking, and it's only a passage to the extent one wants to climb the mountain.

As a general rule, serious Clergy, all are given our mission by the Powers of Hell, and when we follow through, one is set on a chosen final path. This is not about hearsay, rumors and assumptions, this is a fact.

Back in 2017, again on Beltane, I was told by Satan among other things which all came true, that the JoS was being targeted for a total wipeout by the enemy, prepared for the following years if nothing was done. He specifically mentioned years of 2019 and 2020 as being do or die years.

We lived to see this happening, but we were preparing for it. We were besieged both by spiritual and material attacks [in coordination] during these years. As if this was not enough, we also had plants in our midst "activating", as if with a timewatch, to try to raze everything to the ground.

Those of you who have psychic vision, you can see that this was the case, and those who are truly with us, may have experienced their own share of these attacks. This proves beyond any doubt, we have done not only fatal damage to the enemy, but at the same time, we have evolved through it all. Looking back you might notice we are all collectively stronger than ever before.

When I was told of this upcoming disaster, instead of questioning the tragic "What if's" for hearing this, I just went on and learned, prepared, and did my utmost to prevent what was going to come. Satan has always been here for us. And indeed, all those who have been here, you saw it coming and manifesting - and you saw us surviving it and actually even growing through it all.

All things considered, we are still here. I won't even make the numbers we receive anymore public as these will only make people's eyes water. It is unbelievable we reached this distance.

As I watch the enemy, plants and shills, conducting their pointless reversals of JoS information, slandering, jews kvetching,, traitors losing their sanity, even inbound attacks and reactions, all while the globe is reacting to our work, one cannot help but feel very proud of our collective work.

When I related my plans to HPS Maxine and what was going to come, as usual, she told me to just simply go ahead and do whatever it is that I had to do, without holding back. I did what I had to do.

Meanwhile, even little ones who were supposed "Clergy", not only were not in alignment with Satan's desires. As if this was not enough, they scoffed off and even tried to sabotage and prevent saving the JoS from the fangs of not simply some trivial issues, but upcoming extinction.

They thought it was finally time to sleep or betray, or that they would at least pull some fast ones behind our backs when we were dealing with important matters. Such as snooping some building intellectual blocks for future work they have premeditated and instructed to do by the enemy.

Not sure why, but they must have misunderstood the fact that Satan and the Gods are protecting us every step of the way. And the members here. Now, for those who have been around, you've seen them literally roll over in foam with lies, and everything else, revealing their intentions. We didn't have to do much on that one either. We just wanted you to see that too.

The full story of this, is that actually, co-ordinated individuals from a specific country, guided by the enemy, were put in there [they offered us to help us, pretended to be Satanists etc] to basically infiltrate the Clergy and simply pull things down from within.

The enemy, on all grassroots organizations that they perceive will be a threat to them in the future, they send these early on. If these self collapse or these individuals gain power, these "threats" to the enemy are nullified. Most organizations fall that way. It doesn't take much but to read the "Bible" here, which gives instructions on how Jews became "High Priests in Egypt" by putting one infiltrator in, Joseph, who later collaborated with his own tribe to take Egypt down from within.

In regards to the attacks on the web that took the JoS offline numerous times, there were essentially fundamentally two things behind them. One was a German Multinational Company, that deals with "Anti-Hate Speech" rhetoric. Their method is to file false claims about websites, and try to get them shut down. Since there is nothing of the sort, they avoid authorities.

Even worse, they *ARE* themselves an authority. They have so much influence that they don't need to verify anything with anyone. Their opposing party can prove no case of anything contrary, and their word is the law. So much of the "Free Internet" when you encounter these things. But most people or websites never will. The moment they file, something goes down. They were behind one of the attacks that took JoS offline.

We are talking about extremely powerful conglomerates here. Given this world is moving into the fangs of corporations [such as Twitter] ruling so much of it's discourse, this is only proof to us that not even countries or actual authorities can protect anyone from these things. One has to fight them in other ways.

Measuring the odds by logic, for the JoS to still exist, they are basically a little more than zero. Just watch where this world is going and make your own deductions on what's at stake right now.

I could go on all day, but these subjects aren't but only, to give an example of things we have been undergoing.

But the JoS belongs to Satan and the Gods, and this is why it still exists. Through normal standards, we would be gone. We never make these things public as to not put attention in the wrong place, but the enemy is filled with machinations and all sorts of insidious work.

Those who serve Satan faithfully are going to experience frequently, especially in times such as this, what truly having the Gods on your side, means. Serving them is the most beautiful thing in the world, but we live in an ugly world. Personally, this has earned me a lot of hate, especially that of the enemy, who wants every Satanist a defined worthless lowlife, and an ghoul monstrosity without a purpose.

Little does the enemy understand, that warfare against Satan is now futile. Or the JoS in extension. Just seeing the numbers of reach at this point, clears out one thing: The Truth is out there, to the point of no return for both of us and the enemy. The power behind Satan right now is beyond the capacity to be restrained, and the manifestation of this will be ever increasing. The JoS has succeeded in this phase one of it's mission, delivering more than 100%.

Reading around and listening to some little birds, I have heard by some people who really care about the JoS, that there are a few people who are literally hoping that the JoS will fall, or that somehow, due to an array of worldly factors, the JoS is closing to it's end.

Yes, it is closing to the end of the phase where it was small. That's in the past. Now, it's to where the enemy is going to get completely fucked.

"Just as [YHVH's] people cannot see you, you cannot see them, but they will manifest blatantly as the Earth draws closer to the climax of our cause." - Amdusias. It must be added here, that as the enemy deteriorates, "They will all know me", which is the statement from Satan about those who try to harm His people, do come into effect.

We are aware and have been aware of cycles where dross is taken out. Every so often, this happens. Specific people that have nothing more to offer, simply leave, and others, who are of importance, stay, advance, preserve, and reach the next level.

I also want to thank all the people who have stayed, remained steadfast, and in understanding of what we have to do. Even more I want to thank those who have acted and those who want to remain. Know the eyes of the Gods are on you.

Moving on, the JoS has achieved it's mission of exposing the enemy, but now, the phase 2 of the actual implementation and war against the enemy on the realm where we live is becoming a thing we are experiencing. This will not last forever, but until we are done with the enemy and then we can move onto other objectives.

On April 30th 2020, HPS Maxine was let known that she had succeeded on her mission, that has lasted tireless work of 20 years, and she has manifested what the Gods have desired from her to do for the world. A closing of one door happens, and one has to move to the next entrance. The nature of the world is that silence and time is required, and transitions are not known to those sitting behind the door. Only known to those who pass it through.

Before I was told any of this, I was let known in detail by both Satan and Beelzebul on this completing of her mission. Azazel has also notified some select disciples of Satan from the groups, without any notice or word from us. Others less aware may feel we are entering a new phase in our collective mission. And that's because we are.

If you have attained to this level, you know that you have importance to Satan and the Gods. They expect us all to unite together and do what we need to do for the future of our world.

Our conversation with HPS Maxine, although daily for about a decade and on myriads of things, when we last spoke, was brief and to the point. Nobody needs to be concerned about our well-being, and so long we all protect the JoS, the House of Satan is going to exist - and thrive.

I do not know the very specific details of what occurred, but I know these things: HPS Maxine is fine, or actually more than fine. Over the last 2-3 years, she was working intensely spiritually and in attaining knowledge to an extreme level. Everything was happening at once. Nothing the enemy attempted on her has ever went through, ever.

I did my best to give her extra time and relieve her of nonsense that would be time draining for years, to open space for her to apply what she has been given in regards to spiritual information. I returned the favor we were all given by her for saving our lives, and saving us possible lifetimes of having to collect even half of the information in the JoS.

What I know for sure, is that the JoS is here, that we are here, and that we are proceeding with the destiny we have been given. I also know that Satan works in such ways that are very purposeful, and I also know what reasons and missions I have to accomplish for the future.

For months, I have not had any further information about HPS Maxine, but we have had agreed that no matter what, we always had a plan for cases like that. We did everything we should to ensure that everything will continue despite specific individuals, even ourselves in this case, unless we think otherwise.

But granted I saw where this was going 2-3 years ago and knew where she was going, I am pretty confident HPS Maxine reached her sought goal spiritually. She distributed the keys and responsibilities to delegated people that she fully trusted.

Henceforth, the JoS is not dependent on certain placeholders, but from now on, will increasingly deal with VIP's, members of importance and prominence, and those who are willing to give. There's no further need for idle placeholders, fakes, as the phase 1 of the work has been done. We are beyond this need now.

Therefore, based on conversations with HPS Maxine conducted in privacy, decided as early as 2018, to strip specific individuals out. These were her decisions but we decided back then it was not the time to invite even more flack by opening more and more fronts, as they were already too many.

Plus, Azazel, who has been overseeing the situation for years and keeping specific security things in control, included that "they will reveal themselves", saving us the pain of having to reveal anything by ourselves to the public. So it happened. It took only a couple of years and everything became self evident, so my decision was to proceed with the formals was only the cherry on the cake.

Satan leaves nothing to chance, but one has to earn His love and trust. HPS Maxine is a holder of His eternal love and gratitude, and I know this. He also bestowed her His promise and His gifts.

The JoS remains our temple and our bastion and will be the large battleship to our mission, but our knowledge and information must remain on every island in the sea of this world.

The plan, the method, and the knowledge for the next steps of dealing with the enemy's array of curses has been shared to me [we worked on this together]. In the JoS Main website, the ingredients for the recipe of the Magnum Opus are already present. Further information and major updates will be forthcoming in the public.

The above however doesn't have to wait, as the fundamental pieces of the puzzle are all there.

Before anyone jumps into any conclusions and theories, know that in order to attain this, there are many different paths one may have to take to achieve the final end of this path. These depend on one's status, life path one has taken, age, time upon which one lives, and the environment.

Some people who live lives of prominence, or under the strict gaze of the enemy, or who knows what, they may need to take other routes to ensure the necessary privacy to do that.

We live in a world filled with ruthless politics, surveillance, excessive control, and our world is no longer tolerant of any privacy for any individual. This is not the 15th or 16th century anymore.

The JoS at this point constitutes a last holy temple and bastion where the pieces of this knowledge are in the open, so one can solve the puzzle. Given the level, knowledge, and understanding one has, you will be guided appropriately, when the time is right for everyone. The Gods act in infinite wisdom. The point of this is to open the doors and provide the material.

The Gods will do the rest, and when flowers are ready to bloom, they will bloom. We have set the soil, rich in ingredients for growth, and proper. We always took this road on two sides, or we would not even exist right now given the power of the enemy. They follow their end of the deal, know this for sure.

Further on, more long anticipated knowledge will be given in the span of the nearby future. We are at war, and there are limited things that can be said and even less that should be known publicly. This is how things are at present. The enemy doesn't go around throwing everything they have, and there is no reason the side of Satan does this neither. This involves knowledge, details, information and so forth. Our side is far more caring for everyone, so sharing things is necessary. Satan is a giver. The enemy is a parasitic being that only knows taking and taking.

Winning is also necessary for all the future of this world and the generations to come. Words cannot describe the euphoria of knowing that humanity once again does possess all this knowledge once lost, to move once again towards the advancement path which the Gods intended for us.

Lastly, the providence, help and support of our Gods has been the most beautiful and rewarding thing we could ever wish for. We seek to move in the way that they instruct, so that everyone can partake in their blessings, their knowledge, and their excellence.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't know exactly how for me she went along the central median green ray to the black sun and beyond to the gods through the portal of Antarctica, Kailasa to Shambhala. Together with the physical body, maybe here and there

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
