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About HPS Maxine And The JoS

This was an emotional read for me. The moon in cancer always gives me warmth but also reminds me of emotionally absent parents.

Like many here, I only have the Gods and JOS to turn to for advisement. Father Satan never lets me down, not once. He has filled the role of my parent and guardian, along with my Guardian Demoness Agares whom a late nights comforts me if I be in anguish.

I want to win. I want the gods love and joy, they are my family and all that makes sense :)

Let's keep pushing forward.

I needed this read 100%, thanks HPC

One day, when I will have children, I will not forget to tell them the story of the great souls I stumbled upon out of nowhere, great souls who worked tirelessly and persisted no matter what, the great souls who opened up the gates for humanity to take the path of rebuilding mother Earth into the Paradise it once was.

I will tell them how honoured I was to have been given a chance to serve Father Satan and the Gods. The chance that I got only because of the marvellous work done by "The Great Souls of Joy of Satan Ministries" and of course, the "Great Soul of our beloved Father Satan and the Great Souls of our beloved Gods".

To all High members of Joy of Satan Ministries, thank you very much for your dedication and hard work.
Many many thanks especially to HPS Maxine and HP Cobra for the undeniable hard work and dedication you have put on and for Joy of Satan.

Words can't describe the gratitude I have for the Joy of Satan Ministries.
Thank you once again.

Hail Satan and the Gods!!
Hail all the High Members of Joy of Satan Ministries!!
Hey Hooded Cobra, if you can shapeshift can you shapeshift into an 18 year old everyday and stay immortal that way. And could you explain how shapeshifting works.
Something is very different in the energy around earth. I think we are past the point where it's even possible to lose. So pretty soon onto full on phase too with the war. I will be ready for whatever I need to do.

I always had the feeling that Maxine has been with us for a long time. So I already knew to listen to what she said when I first read the site. Felt like I had seen this before somewhere. That is why I dedicated within 3 days of finding the site. So I am thinking maybe the fact that it was her that did it was helpful to some people who were confused by the enemy cause their soul will remember the truth. Hard to explain but wanted to say that.
Like usual after reading your posts, everything imminently feels much better :)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is this the new Demon name for Baal ?

I wonder which other names will change... awesome

The suffix Zebul has a feeling about it, the
-bub always felt off
Sorry I accidentally hit submit on my last reply before even really starting typing hopefully that doesn't go through. But I was going to say everyone should be aware these dark times were gaurenteed before any of us were even born. When someone says society has collapsed or is collapsing you can say it collapsed many years ago. It's just manifesting now. What the enemy already did is being unmasked it's nothing new. Without their YHVH it will collapse that was holding things together a little sadly. But society already in general chose this path many years ago when they chose for the most part to be dumb goyim. Now our Job is to turn this around. It is not our fault at all except maybe some Satanic souls could have done more but that's besides the point if we had done nothing we would have had the same kind of collapse right before being microchipped and many here now wouldn't even know what was going on. So we are saving the world. Maybe when doing the rituals hold in your mind what could have been and be thankful. The world could have gone several ways. In fact all our lives could have gone several ways. Some of this decided before we even came here but there is the alternate path that exists that is destruction and chaos. I am always acutely aware of that. There was another way everything could have gone and for the most part we made the right choice. Every time we do the rtr we make the right choice. Every time we choose to end an argument that is meaningless and reconcile we make the right choice. Everytime we choose to remember it's the enemy that caused this it's the right choice. The wrong choice is always there but so is the right choice. Which will you choose. The world was going to choose the wrong choice had we done nothing and we would be none the wiser. So when we have this paradise world better than the greatest heaven spoken of in any religion cause we are actually free. We have to remember we made the right choice. We built this by our actions. From the Bible it says Narrow is the path to heaven few find it and broad is the road to destruction. There is truth to this statement except they are on the broad road to destruction. Only those that actually care to make the right choice will ever experience paradise. Will you? If so fight for it and see people like Maxine and Hitler as an inspiration. I feel Maxine is just about as important as he was in this mission cause there is no way Hitler could ever have his empire on earth and return if it wasn't for Maxine. Something to think about.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Glad to here that Maxine's fine. These are tough times and I don't want to hide that sometimes I might feel a little scared, but then I think: what's the point? Why being scared, when you can be angered by the oppression going on in the world and fight it with every mean you can? Our screams will be heard
Beautiful sermon, thank you HPHC!

Today is my one year anniversary of my dedication, and I cannot be more thankful for the discovery of this path. I can only imagine how difficult this past year would have been if I was still blind to the Truth that is of Satan.

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell!
EasternFireLion666 said:
I admit the circumstances I am having are frustrating, but hearing this about Maxine and the details about our influence over the world really warms my heart. Commander thanks again for all the effort and work you put for us! *raises right hand for NS salute*

The circumstances are far more heated than people generally understand. And I am glad most people do not understand because they would not be able to hold it together.

Those of us that can, will be given the courage to pill through. Stay strong always.
13th_Wolf said:
Like usual after reading your posts, everything imminently feels much better :)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is this the new Demon name for Baal ?

I wonder which other names will change... awesome

The suffix Zebul has a feeling about it, the
-bub always felt off

Yes, but you can use it too. L is a softer and better version for general speech. More soon on that one.
Nyan said:
Hey Hooded Cobra, if you can shapeshift can you shapeshift into an 18 year old everyday and stay immortal that way. And could you explain how shapeshifting works.

Thanks for letting me know I can shapeshift into an 18 year old everyday. It appears however you may be misinformed.

But seriously, please study www.joyofsatan.org because you do not seem to have understanding about this.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

That is not about taking a break, but what was the point of such a break.

I have to disappoint in that there is no need for me to explain anything further other than already said in the post.

The Gods have picken this up before and have to pick up from here also. Going on the forum is a lot like going on open society, square, or a television.

Which in itself, has been most costly for me, but I decided to do anyway because of respect to my best friend and in understanding of question marks on the minds of many people.

I acted also in full realization of what this may entail, be this from replies such as yours, or matters which are about the actual and real problems of this world, which you clearly have no understanding of or choose to ignore, imposing the non existant standard of a movie finish, a kiss goodbye, accompanied by the sweet waving of a handkerchief.

It simply does not work that way.
slyscorpion said:
There was another way everything could have gone and for the most part we made the right choice. Every time we do the rtr we make the right choice. Every time we choose to end an argument that is meaningless and reconcile we make the right choice. Everytime we choose to remember it's the enemy that caused this it's the right choice. The wrong choice is always there but so is the right choice. Which will you choose. The world was going to choose the wrong choice had we done nothing and we would be none the wiser.

That is very true.

Unfortunately, the full lack of choice on the overwhelming majority of people, forces everyone else to make other choices.

And the case here is that oftentimes, the choices of one can force others to get into things that are not of their choice.

For example, us choosing to not do spiritual warfare today, will end up with others being slaves down the road, and they will have no choice because it will be too late.

Likewise, we have a choice today because when other people could have a choice, did take it, won us time and a next battle, so we could have the freedom of choice.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

Am I seeing this right? Another one crawling out of the woodwork? Hmm.. Took a while for this one, but there were some signs here for some time, so I’m not surprised.
thedarkstar said:

Any work done on the astral influences the physical as well. When you do an aura of protection, this protects you entirely, not just on a soul level. HPS Maxine herself is strong enough to protect herself very well, but she is also protected by the Gods in her entirety. There have already been many completely foiled attacks against her. This shows the Gods can and will protect us physically.

You are correct that we should still take precautions, but it is important that you understand that astral workings will influence the physical realm.
Shael said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.
This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.
Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

Even though it is weird that she did not say goodbye, you have to also think about what the probability of what happened. It is not probable that she is in bad position, nor is it probable that she left Satanism, or something of the sort.

I don't know if this sounds naive or not, but my personal opinion on her absence is that she completed the Magnum Opus. Perhaps she meant to make a goodbye post, but her workload or other circumstances made he put this off until it was too late.

Anyway, I am curious what you think of the situation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
There was another way everything could have gone and for the most part we made the right choice. Every time we do the rtr we make the right choice. Every time we choose to end an argument that is meaningless and reconcile we make the right choice. Everytime we choose to remember it's the enemy that caused this it's the right choice. The wrong choice is always there but so is the right choice. Which will you choose. The world was going to choose the wrong choice had we done nothing and we would be none the wiser.

That is very true.

Unfortunately, the full lack of choice on the overwhelming majority of people, forces everyone else to make other choices.

And the case here is that oftentimes, the choices of one can force others to get into things that are not of their choice.

For example, us choosing to not do spiritual warfare today, will end up with others being slaves down the road, and they will have no choice because it will be too late.

Likewise, we have a choice today because when other people could have a choice, did take it, won us time and a next battle, so we could have the freedom of choice.

This is very true in real life. Most of the time people never receive closure and that messes people up in the head, but it is a hard reality people face everyday when people in their lives disappear without notice. Many will never understand why they didn't get closure, but said people had their reasons...
VoiceofEnki said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

Am I seeing this right? Another one crawling out of the woodwork? Hmm.. Took a while for this one, but there were some signs here for some time, so I’m not surprised.

I'd rather not be too quick to engage into calling as it has been done for me in this case.

Shael has been very vocal about all the things he knows and understands, which is nothing less sort of absolutely everything lately. He felt based on emotional standards that HPS Maxine had some obligation which in reality she did not. For whatever reason.

I definitely think this was far more personal from him rather than an evaluation of the situation, but I do not care.

I personally I do not care about statements as these as explained in the original topic, those who needed or could understand due to level or be fitting to be informed have been let known of what can be understood, both by Demons, and by HPS Maxine personally.
So my visions of you Cobra having everything of and for the authority of warfare and * are true. I told you in an email that only you were placed to give orders for our army. Very nice.

Unfortunately I will be unable to post anymore and even perform my duties as a SS for a very long period of time. I will be introduced to my career which is nothing more than what a Pluto life entails. With no privacy and related.

With that said I wish you all extreme happiness and be strong. Hail Satan!
Retrospect said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
There was another way everything could have gone and for the most part we made the right choice. Every time we do the rtr we make the right choice. Every time we choose to end an argument that is meaningless and reconcile we make the right choice. Everytime we choose to remember it's the enemy that caused this it's the right choice. The wrong choice is always there but so is the right choice. Which will you choose. The world was going to choose the wrong choice had we done nothing and we would be none the wiser.

That is very true.

Unfortunately, the full lack of choice on the overwhelming majority of people, forces everyone else to make other choices.

And the case here is that oftentimes, the choices of one can force others to get into things that are not of their choice.

For example, us choosing to not do spiritual warfare today, will end up with others being slaves down the road, and they will have no choice because it will be too late.

Likewise, we have a choice today because when other people could have a choice, did take it, won us time and a next battle, so we could have the freedom of choice.

This is very true in real life. Most of the time people never receive closure and that messes people up in the head, but it is a hard reality people face everyday when people in their lives disappear without notice. Many will never understand why they didn't get closure, but said people had their reasons...

Sorry to be as blunt, but masses are so retarded right now, so close minded, that disclosing specific things to them would make civilization fall like the movie The Joker.

Most people are exactly what the enemy wanted them to be now, "Goyim". They made themselves into that by ignoring their ability to advance. This makes matters very difficult for those who are higher up in this society.

This is why so many people know things but they do not speak. The risk involved is more than the rewards.

Think for example, what would happen in the theoretical example, if Biden came out and said, you know what, what we did last year with this Coronavirus thing was an exaggeration. The economy was destroyed for no good reason and/or because some scientists overblown it. Or even worse because some old kike geezers wanted this to happen.

Next thing you know tommorow millions will be in violent revolt. This is only a simple hypothetical example.

[I updated this reply because I forgot to add something]
NakedPluto said:
So my visions of you Cobra having everything of and for the authority of warfare and *** are true. I told you in an email that only you were placed to give orders for our army. Very nice.

Unfortunately I will be unable to post anymore and even perform my duties as a SS for a very long period of time. I will be introduced to my career which is nothing more than what a Pluto life entails. With no privacy and related.

With that said I wish you all extreme happiness and be strong. Hail Satan!

No offense, but what career could be possibly be worth that? Anyway, take care and good luck.
Blitzkreig said:
NakedPluto said:
So my visions of you Cobra having everything of and for the authority of warfare and *** are true. I told you in an email that only you were placed to give orders for our army. Very nice.

Unfortunately I will be unable to post anymore and even perform my duties as a SS for a very long period of time. I will be introduced to my career which is nothing more than what a Pluto life entails. With no privacy and related.

With that said I wish you all extreme happiness and be strong. Hail Satan!

No offense, but what career could be possibly be worth that? Anyway, take care and good luck.

I think it would be best of Pluto to not reply here, but that is solely my opinion and nothing else. I truly wish you luck Pluto.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Shael said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

Am I seeing this right? Another one crawling out of the woodwork? Hmm.. Took a while for this one, but there were some signs here for some time, so I’m not surprised.

I'd rather not be too quick to engage into calling as it has been done for me in this case.

Shael has been very vocal about all the things he knows and understands, which is nothing less sort of absolutely everything lately. He felt based on emotional standards that HPS Maxine had some obligation which in reality she did not. For whatever reason.

I definitely think this was far more personal from him rather than an evaluation of the situation, but I do not care.

I personally I do not care about statements as these as explained in the original topic, those who needed or could understand due to level or be fitting to be informed have been let known of what can be understood, both by Demons, and by HPS Maxine personally.

I understand, it was immature to go so far as to make that call on my part.

That doesn’t take away the fact they are very confused and appear to have lost sight of the bigger picture.

Shael you must remember that affairs and other things, especially those related to Satanism, aren’t required to conform to your personal beliefs. Your beliefs are your own, they do not reflect the reality of things. There is more out there than your own limited perception.

If you do not understand something or you have beliefs which differ greatly from those of others, reflect on yourself first and don’t be so sure your own thoughts must be right.
Retrospect said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
There was another way everything could have gone and for the most part we made the right choice. Every time we do the rtr we make the right choice. Every time we choose to end an argument that is meaningless and reconcile we make the right choice. Everytime we choose to remember it's the enemy that caused this it's the right choice. The wrong choice is always there but so is the right choice. Which will you choose. The world was going to choose the wrong choice had we done nothing and we would be none the wiser.
Spiritual Satanism is real-life. It is not a silly, fake fantasy game, MMORPG or cosplay. It is real-life. I think you meant to say "offline" i.e. in the Physical World rather than online virtually.
I'm glad to have heard good news about our great High Priestess Maxine. She is admirable in my eyes, even though I don't know her on a personal level. May she rise the ranks as a goddess.

I owe a lot to the Joy of Satan and to the Gods, and to Maxine and Hooded Cobra. A common cause has kept me here, and because of it, I have decided do my part, as much as possible at my current level of advancement, no matter what.

I used to be extremely skeptical about all of which we do. But by staying the path, I now see why we admire the Gods, why we fight daily, and why it is important to do so.

Hail Satan, Hail the Gods, and Hail Maxine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
NakedPluto said:
So my visions of you Cobra having everything of and for the authority of warfare and *** are true. I told you in an email that only you were placed to give orders for our army. Very nice.

Unfortunately I will be unable to post anymore and even perform my duties as a SS for a very long period of time. I will be introduced to my career which is nothing more than what a Pluto life entails. With no privacy and related.

With that said I wish you all extreme happiness and be strong. Hail Satan!

No offense, but what career could be possibly be worth that? Anyway, take care and good luck.

I think it would be best of Pluto to not reply here, but that is solely my opinion and nothing else. I truly wish you luck Pluto.

Yes, I agree. I don't want anyone to know such personal details. I should've reworded my statement just to mean that I do not think any career can be worth such a severe blow to your Satanic path.
VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Am I seeing this right? Another one crawling out of the woodwork? Hmm.. Took a while for this one, but there were some signs here for some time, so I’m not surprised.

But you need to understand what we are doing here is very 'creazy' by today humanity standard while there are many proof and informations on why Spiritual Satanism says the truth its still easy to have some doubts.

With enough experience on this path you will not have doubts anymore, for example I never really hard doubts but some months ago I started to have them (It was not me but the enemy messing with my head) now I'm far stronger, with all the experiences I had I should have not had the doubts but it happened because of the enemy using one of my weakness.

To me its not that crazy to believe HPS Maxine After 20 years of diving free informations reached a point where She wants to have the time and privacy to complete her spiritual goal, now from this post I think something else may have happened too and this is why she Is not here to tell all of this, either way if you believe in Spiritual Satanism and had enough experiences its not that crazy to believe.
Blitzkreig said:
NakedPluto said:
So my visions of you Cobra having everything of and for the authority of warfare and *** are true. I told you in an email that only you were placed to give orders for our army. Very nice.

Unfortunately I will be unable to post anymore and even perform my duties as a SS for a very long period of time. I will be introduced to my career which is nothing more than what a Pluto life entails. With no privacy and related.

With that said I wish you all extreme happiness and be strong. Hail Satan!

No offense, but what career could be possibly be worth that? Anyway, take care and good luck.

He said it's perfect for a Pluto. I think that narrows is down enough to know.
luis said:
But you need to understand what we are doing here is very 'creazy' by today humanity standard while there are many proof and informations on why Spiritual Satanism says the truth its still easy to have some doubts.

With enough experience on this path you will not have doubts anymore, for example I never really hard doubts but some months ago I started to have them (It was not me but the enemy messing with my head) now I'm far stronger, with all the experiences I had I should have not had the doubts but it happened because of the enemy using one of my weakness.

To me its not that crazy to believe HPS Maxine After 20 years of diving free informations reached a point where She wants to have the time and privacy to complete her spiritual goal, now from this post I think something else may have happened too and this is why she Is not here to tell all of this, either way if you believe in Spiritual Satanism and had enough experiences its not that crazy to believe.

You are right, and of course I very much understand that. Sometimes it is easy to take that for granted though after all you experience as an SS, and after delving deep in the spiritual path.

Doubts don’t even exist anymore at a certain point, and it becomes difficult to see how someone who has been with the JoS for a couple of years could have such strong doubts as to not just question but straight up accuse HP HoodedCobra of writing some bullshit only because they couldn’t understand the meaningful nature of each and every word shared by him in the sermon.

What Shael wrote is something I’d expect out of a newbie SS that came here just recently and this sort of reality is just a little too outlandish for them to understand. Yet Shael has been around for at least 3 years, don’t remember exactly when they joined, they were on the old forums as well so it’s been a while and they are past the newbie stage since a while back already.

The few people who end up like this after already passing the newbie stage usually don’t end up well or have in the past turned out to be long term infiltrators, which is why I jumped the gun a bit with my comment.

On topics like this, certain things are difficult to say flat out for various reasons. Whether one understands or not is on them in this case.

You have to remember that Maxine is a real and living person, she has her circumstances as to why she hasn’t spoken herself, and we should respect her privacy as well and not needlessly pry into matters that don’t directly concern us.

However it is understandable some might be confused seeing her having disappeared like this, if one is like that, remember what this path we walk leads one to and what it is about in the end. Dealing with the enemy is only one aspect of this, the spiritual path and growth we all seek is the foremost reason for Spiritual Satanism to exist, it is what it originally was all about all those thousands of years in the past before the enemy came to meddle in Satan’s affairs.

So now we of course fight them to protect our legacy, our future, our people and our selves, but we at the same time still walk this road to spiritual enlightenment and seek the Godhead as our final personal goal.

If one walks this path long enough with true dedication one is destined to harvest to fruits of your labor. Just read carefully what Cobra wrote in his sermon and everyone here will understand.

Hail Satan!
Blitzkreig said:
Even though it is weird that she did not say goodbye, you have to also think about what the probability of what happened. It is not probable that she is in bad position, nor is it probable that she left Satanism, or something of the sort.

I don't know if this sounds naive or not, but my personal opinion on her absence is that she completed the Magnum Opus. Perhaps she meant to make a goodbye post, but her workload or other circumstances made he put this off until it was too late.

Anyway, I am curious what you think of the situation.
Since you asked what I think, I will reply. To me this is, to put it mildly, very strange. Under the assumption that nothing bad happened to Maxine, there is an extremely limited pool of possibilities where it would make sense for her to then just disappear wordlessly. Because usually when someone disappears like this, it's not because "they are just taking a break" or similar.
One does not "take a break" by disappearing suddenly for over a year without saying a word.

The fact that Cobra didn't say anything to logically justify this leaves things with no more than two possibilities. Which is one, there is something that happened that he does not want to speak about, or even is uncertain about, himself (for example the Magnum Opus theory of yours, or other theories like Maxine being taken to the Gods etc). Or two, that she did not leave out of her own will for whichever reason, with circumstances that didn't even let her write anything about this on here.

What I find funniest most above all, is that 99% of people here simply accepted what was said blindly like sheep without even questioning anything. Although I cant say I'm surprised.

Maxine has said plenty of times that the Truth doesn't fear questioning, and that blind faith is something that the xians do. Honestly, a lot of people should be asking questions here considering the lack of any concrete information and details about the literal founder of the JoS disappearing wordlessly. All we got is "Maxine stopped talking to me in April 2020 and has been gone ever since. But she is safe so just take my word for it".
I wasn't able to reply when I first read this, I wish I had. Thank you for this post, HP Cobra, and I am soooo excited, as everyone else certainly is, in regards to the new knowledge that will be added to the forums! Thank you for your hard work regarding this.

Hail to High Priestess Maxine, for all her hard work over these decades, in doing what no other person in the world could have done. I have no other words to convey my appreciation for all she has done.

Shael said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.
I'm almost not sure what to write... look, I am nowhere near Maxine, but I personally know what it's like as you advance, and really get into spirituality, one absolutely NEEDS time off from online communications. It is painful, in a way, like ripping down to go back to forums, writing, emails, communicating with people, etc. Communicating with a large amount of people who are less advanced than one is can be jarring. One needs to stay in the spirituality mode, so to speak. So I can fully comprehend how Maxine did not write this herself, or let everyone know she was fine, especially as her advancement, or life, is nobody else's concern. I believe that she needs/needed to stay fully in focus of her spiritual goals, and not come back down to deal with forums and emails. Especially as she is far more advanced than I am so it would be more "amplified" for her.

Shael, if you have any psychic ability, or are able to communicate with the Gods, you should know better. We can sense she is fine, all is well, so wtf is your post about here.
Thank you for your hard work HP Cobra.

I wrote an appreciation post to the Clergy a few years back. And I'm still grateful for what you guys are doing here with the Joy of Satan.

I've also felt the community becoming stronger.

I remember back at a job I was working, there was a guy who was talking about the boss of our department. After relating how a kind person he was, and indeed he was very kind, he added something very insightful: "also, it's not easy being a boss". (No gangster-pun intended... On this one. Hehe). And he's right, it's not easy, rewarding I'm sure, but not "easy" being a leader.

I think you guys are doing a great job here with the Joy of Satan and I hope for you and HPS Maxines continuous success. And for our community to make itself stronger.

Hail Satan!
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

It’s sad you lack the spiritual advancement maturity or even intuition to actual see with your soul that this is real and makes complete sense and on another side don’t u think after such a mission given to you you are given the final steps of your journey towards the magnum opus don’t you think you would Be given the silence and rest you would require to actuali achieve that? No Hp hooded cobra is not bullshiting I can see this and feel it in my soul
SleepingWolf said:
Blitzkreig said:
NakedPluto said:
So my visions of you Cobra having everything of and for the authority of warfare and *** are true. I told you in an email that only you were placed to give orders for our army. Very nice.

Unfortunately I will be unable to post anymore and even perform my duties as a SS for a very long period of time. I will be introduced to my career which is nothing more than what a Pluto life entails. With no privacy and related.

With that said I wish you all extreme happiness and be strong. Hail Satan!

No offense, but what career could be possibly be worth that? Anyway, take care and good luck.

He said it's perfect for a Pluto. I think that narrows is down enough to know.

Joy of Satan Azazel's Astrology - Pluto said:
Medical examiner, people who work in the morgue, morticians, those who work with the dead and death, nuclear scientists, astronauts, archeologists, weather forecasters, all those who work underground or in subterranean spheres. Spies, researchers, hit men, underworld criminals, and assassins.

Just in case some of you forgot...
Lydia said:
I'm almost not sure what to write... look, I am nowhere near Maxine, but I personally know what it's like as you advance, and really get into spirituality, one absolutely NEEDS time off from online communications. It is painful, in a way, like ripping down to go back to forums, writing, emails, communicating with people, etc. Communicating with a large amount of people who are less advanced than one is can be jarring. One needs to stay in the spirituality mode, so to speak. So I can fully comprehend how Maxine did not write this herself, or let everyone know she was fine, especially as her advancement, or life, is nobody else's concern. I believe that she needs/needed to stay fully in focus of her spiritual goals, and not come back down to deal with forums and emails. Especially as she is far more advanced than I am so it would be more "amplified" for her.

Shael, if you have any psychic ability, or are able to communicate with the Gods, you should know better. We can sense she is fine, all is well, so wtf is your post about here.
I completely agree with the idea of not feeling like engaging much with people on a lower level than you. I'm simply pointing out and questioning this idea that somehow she wouldnt even have wanted to briefly say she will be gone. I see absolutely no logical reason to explain why she would not even do that, if she is just taking a break.

This is literally a "transfer of leadership" from Maxine over to Cobra. As the leader and founder of the JoS, how in the world would it be justified to do this without any confirmation or communication whatsoever with the community itself? It makes no sense why she would stay completely silent during all of this.

This is what I'm questioning, and I don't care what anyone here thinks of me for it. It's a big situation that almost 0 details have been provided on.
Cobra didn't even say that Maxine told him she'd be taking a break, but rather just that she disappeared and he now assumes she's taking a break. That is how I understood that message. If this is not the case, then I'd gladly be proven wrong.
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
The thing is I had enough experiences with magic, spirituality, predicting stuff to where I can't really doubt it. I understand what you are saying but we should respect her privacy. Lets be honest she has not been in the forums for years, just some few time when she needed to say something important, she needs time and its understandble.

Its normal that after all this years of been here on forums and Yahoo groups (until some years ago she was here all the time answering questions and so on) she needs to take some time off especially if its needed to advance spiritually. Maybe she will come back and post after some time.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Shael said:
Wait. So Cobra didn't provide any detail in that long ass post?

I might as well go into Israeli TV and give out to them every single information. What size shoes we wear and so forth.

That will be open, transparent, satisfactory, and really non sheep like.

I can't afford to be a sheep now alongside people who understand things a bit further or smarter. Or who can simply verify with the Gods, for example.
I don't think when one starts the Mangum Opus they would have time to sit down on a computer and compose a goodbye message... Once you start the process, you stay on it until it's completed.

Back at the beginning of 2020, Satan and, I think, Azazel have told HPS Maxine to stock up on food for 6 months at least, she relayed the message to us thinking the 6 month part was intended for warning us about Jewvid-19, clearly the majority of us didn't need to stock up that much, now we know why.

Whether HPS Maxine is still with us on this planet or not is quite irrelevant, before she left she relayed all information necessary, she relayed to us the message from Satan that we have completely won, that we and more specifically she has exceeded all their expectations, that the Gods are on their way back to earth, to keep doing the final RTR to fasten the process of eliminating the enemy (oy gevalt) and to prepare for some difficult times. The only thing she didn't tell us is the RTR that's supposed to take down the grid and veil by which the earth as a whole is besieged and by which every Gentile is spiritually and intellectual limited and by her own words "meditating removes most of it but it's still sadly always there".
I don't think it's the Tetragrammaton, maybe I'm wrong.

HP HC appears to have waited long for her to contact him again, and they appear to have discussed and planned ahead for all possibilities, they appear to have agreed to wait for mageson to slip publicly before purging him, and it appears HP HC have pulled the final trigger without HPS Maxine which is why some are having doubts. Understandable, but extremely insulting to HP HC.

I don't know the exact details, but I personally have a good enough grasp on how powerful Satan is, it's literally terrifying, I've seen literal miracles from Satan that make sci-fi movies and fairtales a laughing stock in comparison, hence why I'm certain (just like what HP HC explained) that she's fine beyond any doubt, and the most possible explanation is that she completed the great work and isn't on earth physically anymore. Just observing the last 3 years are an enough indicator that she was preparing for the great work, it becomes extremely obvious after she relayed the message that she completed her mission and exceeded all expectations. After that post, her posting on the forums has become extremely scarce. She even said it herself that she doesn't have time anymore to sit down on a computer and type stuff around the internet.

Now very personally this post made me more sad than happy as this hit me like a speeding Japanese train of reality check as to where I stand spiritually. What I accomplished in my years as a Satanist Maxine was capable of achieving in less that year, perhaps in less than a month. This post was very humbling, thank you HP HC, one day everyone will appreciate you fully.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
