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  1. H

    Jos PDF question

    My Internet got temporarily shut off yesterday. Before I had Internet at home I went to a library (a good one btw) and copied and pasted what I needed so I can read it at home. I been told Internet be back by the time I get home but in case it's not what I was wondering is that although I...
  2. H

    Never tried anything this way so I was just wondering...

    When doing rituals or other things satanism related is it okay to use a pencil rather than a pen at any time for things that involve writing anything down on paper? Just a small thing I curious about that is why I wanna know.
  3. H


    Okay um how many people are getting this link? Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  4. H

    initiation ritual question

    Also if you want tips and ideas on candle shopping I can try my best to help you out if you like Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  5. H

    initiation ritual question

    A razor blade or box cutter knife would work also as those are practically painless.   Also if you can't do it at home for whatever reason then find a location outside of your home domain. Maybe you know of like a nearby forest or nature/hiking trail.  I bet if you go to any of those kinds of...
  6. H

    music industry

    This is why I can't tell if some music is anti-satan or not as if I can't understand it then I have no idea Growling while singing lord only knows what they are really saying. Although I guess if anyone is curious I guess one can only search around for the lyrics. One thing I'm curious about is...
  7. H

    music industry

    Another metal question Am I the only one that has trouble understanding what some of the song artists of those bands are saying when they are singing in regards to some kinds of metal music??? Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  8. H

    Eye of Horus chases Jokehovia Witnesses

    Don't some in this situation simply slam the door in their face? Which is I assume fine as long as the door does not physically hit them aka nobody wants an assault charge Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  9. H

    Chills when meditating

    I forget where on the jos site it mentions it but I think it's in one of the meditation topics that says that tingling and other feelings may occasionally occur So I can say that whatever you are feeling I'm sure is normal Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  10. H

    New Member Just joined - Novice Satanist wishing to learn

    Read the jos site as well as the way back machine version if needed And if you have not dedicated yet then look into doing that sometime in the future  Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  11. H

    new here

    Well for starters satanism is not about blood and death and such. I'd say go to joyofsatan.org And start reading Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  12. H

    Finding a mate

    You can always ask the gods for help Way I see it is you may some day end up with a nice satanic woman If you are having trouble it has been said that some have formed relationships with some gods out there. Finding open minded people is not easy just so you know Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  13. H

    'Satan blessed us with', 'Satan provided' and other...

    Well  Even on the jos site itself it does basically state that we all have our own individual ways. Its not worded exactly in those words but that's basically what it means  Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  14. H

    alcohol and baal

    Mind altering substances can screw up so much Nuff said Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  15. H

    Long awaited death of an enemy

    Could be a kike A serial killer Or both That's just 1 theory though Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  16. H

    Long awaited death of an enemy

    I have anger issues so I know it's wrong but doing so to assholes like that deserve it.  Although one I suppose could research animal welfare and animal cruelty laws of where one lives and report the person also I suppose Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  17. H

    tips on meeting satan

    Meditation you can do almost anytime.  For some of them anyway. Ritual however I'd recommend anywhere away from home.  Do you got any hiking trials, nearby forests and/or nature trails or anything like that you can get to? Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  18. H

    Long awaited death of an enemy

    If it were me I'd get a black ski mask, sneak over to the bastards place, and best the shit out him. I like cats too Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  19. H

    I have dedicated my soul to satan.

    Most things do not happen immediately  They take time Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  20. H

    Quick newbie question

    If you have not dedicated yet then that would be a good start
  21. H

    hi just need some help

    Check out joyofsatan.org Areas to start with I'd recommend are the one area on the home page that says the word "welcome" and the other one that mentions the name "Satan". These areas of the jos site I recommend reading as they will tell you about father Satan. Hope this helps Ryan Harrison's...
  22. H

    do you have to.....

    That's the first thing you'd have to do (dedicate). After that work on opening 3rd eye as well as power meditation program. Oh and look into our breathing excersizes. Also on another note most likely scenario is that you might not see Satan and/or demons right away as for some of us spiritual...
  23. H

    About using whatever candles you have on hand

    I dunno just make sure candle got no Jewsus or other like design. Grocery store I work at has tall ones in glass container like that. Thing is they used to have tall ones in glass container with no label pic of any kind so those you can try if u find glass container one with no picture at all...
  24. H

    Facebook and Decivers.

    Facebook is just one of these kinds if sites I'm sure. Therefore if one made their own social networking site there would be no law against it you'd think. Just make sure it's unique and looks nothing like other social networking sites so nobody can sue and you can then honestly say the idea was...
  25. H

    Hail Satan

    Okay Um.  How do I put this??? SATAN IS NOT A DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is not one with horns and a pointy tail nor is he a trick or treat monster. Read the jos site for goodness sake. If anyone else here would had any other way they would like to explain it to this individual please do Ryan...
  26. H


    Read jos site, read way back machine version if you cannot access any peticular area of the site, dedicate when ready, start power meditation program and look into opening 3rd eye. Oh and try our breathing excersizes Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  27. H

    Facebook and Decivers.

    I know only very few people on there I chat with on occasion Some are family and like a few friends. Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  28. H

    Looking for Sober Satanists

    Ya know I'm not sure But if you find that maybe u can find one for alcoholics that want to quit drinking(if this exists tell me so I can join btw plz and thank you). Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  29. H

    New to satanism.... Many questions....

    Do reading before and after dedication. And remember what you can't access on the main site can be accessed via the way back machine Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  30. H

    hi just need some help

    There must be some way you can access fire Paper and cutting instruments may be the easiest thing to get. A tool for candle lighting now that's a tough one as many states have different state laws. For writing maybe a feather from some kind of bird. In some states age 16 is old enough to get a...
  31. H

    Breathing Exercises

    You can but I do not recommend it  Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  32. H

    Breathing Exercises

    For me that or meditating while laying down usually makes me tired.  So just remember laying down does not work best with everyone and in my opinion is not the best method for certain things. Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  33. H

    Freedom of Religion - But Not For You

    I also remember sermons that were posted on of all places YouTube at one time that actually mentioned what I am saying on this matter. Christianity is no religion it is a tool to remove spiritual knowledge.   Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  34. H

    Freedom of Religion - But Not For You

    The enemy religion is no religion it just be a tool to remove spiritual knowledge and brainwash people I know for sure there is an area of the jos site that mentions this. Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  35. H

    HOW TO JOIN?????

    Read jos site before and after to absorb information Do dedication when ready Start power meditation program and try our breathing excersizes  Look into opening 3rd eye Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  36. H


    Do you have access to a razor blade??? Also as far as silver goes if you can't get or afford silver for a silver bowl then stainless steel I've been told is okay. Then make sure paper is large enough for the prayer and your bloody name. I for mine used copy paper like the kind you use in office...
  37. H


    First of al Gilles is right on on what is most important. Second is that I'm not sure if there are any colors to avoid in this. At 16 you may be able to find some kind if a job/work. Some do at 16 or 16 in a half. My idea here is look into that and you may be able to buy whatever pretty much.  ...
  38. H


    I bet greys are putting bad thoughts in your mind Don't let em get 2 ya Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  39. H

    Seeing a possible demon?

    I'd say if yer not sure then ask father to help identify the individual in question Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  40. H

    Im a new Stanist

    Look into opening 3rd eye and starting a meditation program. Its also a good idea to look into the jos site area on void meditation and breathing excersizes Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  41. H


    I dunno but if you find any other sigil jewelry my friend let me know. :) Ryan Harrison's iPhone 
  42. H

    meditation and possible back problem/issue

    been doing void meditation once a day to help me focus more and do a little flame meditation too also. lately though i been having this issue with my back. sometimes i feel like it especially around the spine area aches from time to time. i felt the back of it where the feeling i am...
  43. H

    Message to Outsiders

    well in allot of places especially in USA i think there are churches like that in many places. which really sucks btw i used to have this fun thing id do as a kid. it was before i became interested in satanism but even then i knew how bad places like that were anyway what i would...
  44. H

    Exposing facebook!

    try meetme.com its much safer and more people on there are open minded. only thing you cant post there like any other site like that is porn but they at meetme will let you post satanic stuff which facebook does not ive posted a few things on meetme and nobody said one thing at...
  45. H

    important question for a beginner

    i used thumbtack but later after reading past messages and thinking myself realized i should have went with a box cutter knife or razor blade. from what i hear you will feel it but barely if any at all.
  46. H

    what can you all tell me about this AUTUMN EQUINOX thing

    i am one that still has far to go to advance myself but i do research on the main site, the wayback machine version of the site, and here searching group message topics sometimes even. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... IDAYS.html i just looked at the satanic holidays section on...
  47. H

    stupididy in society

    well the one thing that is among allot of people that is wrecking all our lives in allot of ways i think (in general) is STUPIDITY in allot of ways this is something we need to rid ourselves of here and now. in allot of ways i used to be completely ignorant or allot...
  48. H

    about this mercury retrogade

    i am still learning much as i have inly been dedicated sense last december but i ask questions here as needed and read the jos site in my freetime as much as i can i wanna ask something on this retrogade i work in grocery store. i bag groceries and get carts and what not i noticed...
  49. H

    my own personal flame meditation question

    why i name this subject as it is is because i want to ask stuff on my own and want some perpective as to if i am doing this right or not if i am doing something right tell me if i am doing something wrong tell me and give me advice on how to correct myself if needed so for one thing...
  50. H

    Does satan gets mad if?

    unless you were dumb enough to do something like be in a relationship with like say a kike i do not thing he would be mad. if that was the case btw he would be mad and probably worried about you or whoever it was. if its an actual human you are dealing with then best i can say it that...
  51. H

    What's wrong with me :/

    i have ADD and i think other attention span issues. for me reading and memorizing all of it will take me alone quite some time. look all im saying is that you may have to read allot of it over and over again until you can memorize it. there is a topic on the jos site on Ouiji Boards...
  52. H

    Question about a guy

    Does anyone here know a guy named James Bass? He one of those guys who email means perhaps others and says he saw my email in the group. Has any1 else here heard of him?
  53. H

    area of the jos site i cannot seem to get into

    first of all like i said before my laptop got back from the shop and i am doing my best to restore my laptop's satanic information on Satanism to how i had it before. there was a topic the jos page name/topics name was "energy". how i came to this conclusion is well i forget what i was...
  54. H

    The laptops back

    My laptop was busted before so just FYI if anyone I added to messenger here in the group has tried to contact me via messenger then FYI that's why I was not responding before. I may have some spAre time to get online sometime Friday through the weekend. What it was is that the hard drive...
  55. H

    athame questio

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DF ... 02_s00_i00 i am trying to order this as an athame. now so far i am lucky they let me use candles and incense (not sure how long that will last but i will give them hell if they say no). not sure what another saying other that "give them hell"...
  56. H

    question on ouiji boards

    http://www.amazon.com/Hasbro-00600-Ouij ... 694&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Parker-Brothers-M ... 809&sr=1-1 out of these two links would you say the glow in the dark one is okay and just as good as the Parker brothers one or no??? i finally have an opportunity to get one of...
  57. H

    what will the RHP attack, bother, and who will they piss off next

    http://music.yahoo.com/news/lady-gaga-a ... 39496.html basically if you read it it shows that lady gaga like many other famous people in the music world are being bitched at and complained to just because they dis a few RHP beliefs. i mean common i mean are RHP people so dumb that they do...
  58. H

    another standard ritual question

    Truth is saving for things does give me a sense of accomplishment once I can finally afford that something I want. Basically my main decision is now that I not worry bout athame now but may decide to check the stores for a chalice. Basically I saying I gonna take it all one step at a time so...
  59. H

    another standard ritual question

    i got another question on the standard ritual it mentions a silver chalice i have none nor do i think i could afford one. is there any kind of valid substitute chalice or cup i can also use if desired? if so what other colored chalices or cups are fine?? and are there any...
  60. H

    Question on standard ritual bell question

    I just checked out something on your standard ritual section of the JOS site and it mentions ringing a bell of some kind My question here is what kind of bell should I use or does it matter what kind??? Is there a kind to not buy or is any kind of bell okay??? Plz help thanks a bunch
  61. H

    i found this article on yahoo news on the subject of the mayan calen

    http://news.yahoo.com/nevermind-apocaly ... 38279.html anyone here care to share their opinion on this article??? if so id love to hear it i mean it seems people are finally understanding that the world will not end. which i assume is good (DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!)? i am going to...
  62. H

    Has Satan rejected me?

    Please note I apologize for the typing error here I ment to sat would NOT like the smell of cat pee.
  63. H

    movies and their advertisements on various products

    recently i replied to another post here in the group on the avengers movie i also mentioned that i bought a 12 pack of Dr Pepper last week (well it is last week now sense today is Sunday) and how it advertised the avengers movie on the cans and on the box case the 12pack came in. so...
  64. H

    This has got to END!

    Like probably many of have said before I will say the following: WE REALLY NEED ANOTHER ADOLF HITLER Who's with me on that one (most of you I'm sure)???
  65. H

    Interesting Dream?

    Full greys or half Greys???
  66. H

    3(thirth eye)

    It has been that some that open it do not see out of it all the way. You are not the only one here with this issue. Many things in satanism take much much time and patience (some more or less than others as it is different with everybody) my friend.
  67. H


    You do what you gotta do Association with Xians = bad
  68. H

    Help am growing thin

    If you like to go out to eat now and then you could also try type local red robin (a good place I like to eat at now and then).
  69. H

    Help am growing thin

    I dunno too much about dreams but I do know that some dreams have meaning and it's up to the person that has the dream in question to discover it's meaning normally. As far as the skinny issue goes if you really think it be that bad of an issue then go for the junk food straight away...
  70. H


    I cannot guarantee that cold turkey or spicy foods will work for you but basically I'm saying all you gotta do (this is from my own perspective mind you) is find something to replace it that is not as bad as smoking
  71. H

    Thank you for the website!

    Congrats on your dedication and good luck Welcome to the family Hail Satan
  72. H

    Note on anger

    Well that part I understand. The bullshit RHP has influenced the world way way too much. When my family found out about the JOS (this was not by choice mind you) only reason I did not yell at them is because they were paying for the hotel I was staying in the night I was kicked out of my...
  73. H


    I dunno about you guys but at one time I had issues with smoking and I did not use cold turkey but of all things I started to find a joy in life for spicy foods. Enough of that and I forgot all about smoking. The point is you can probably replace smoking with something less bad for you...
  74. H

    SOOO EXCITED!!!^_^

    Congrats on finding your dedication day.
  75. H

    Note on anger

    Wow i never imagined anger to be a good thing before. Although in the past there are times my anger issues came up when I wish they hadn't. It does take much energy out of me sometimes though. It's like I am saying yes anger is an emotion I wish to keep but I i wish I was better at turning...
  76. H

    Note on anger

    Flame meditation is in beginners area and according to sources here (other message on this subject of flame meditation I posted in the past) in the group I can use an electric candle. Which is good as I use flame ones in bathroom of where I live now still but can't use that kind in my own room...
  77. H

    Note on anger

    One thing I never told anyone here (or at least I don't think so) is at times well I tend to have these anger issues and was wondering what's the best way to stop myself from loosing my temper??? It's just that today I took a look at myself and of all things the only major bf & gf...
  78. H

    Void Moon

    http://www.drstandley.com/Void_of_Cours ... 2012.shtml Check this link out
  79. H

    Re: Dedication ritual

    Well it is optional although I wish I had the time to do so but like I said in other group messages here I was kicked put of my previous residence cuz burning the paper set of the smoke detector. Look all I'm saying here is it is optional but it's good to get into meditation ASAP as allot...
  80. H

    where do i start?

    Well for starters. Read all of JOS site and the way back machine version of JOS site to access any pages frozen on the regular version of the site. Do this over and over again until you can memorize it. Note you may have to do this reading before and after dedicating in fact I recommend it...
  81. H

    Mel Gibson VS Kikes

    okay something about Mel Gibson i have always wondered. kikes hate him but have they always i wonder??? so did he say something against them and was he one of the few here in the world to finally tell them what pieces of shit they really are??? also im curious would anyone here say he...
  82. H

    Why isnt anyone using the Chat??!?

    nothing wrong with chatting and what not i am only saying that it is good to turn off the computer and tv once in awhile. by that i mean many people are hooked on such stuff that some do it in excess and lose track of whats important in life. my i do not go into chat rooms much. As far as...
  83. H

    Re: Dedication ritual

    much repgrograming you are definately in need of my friend MUCH MUCH REPROGRAMMING in addition id say you really outta look over the entire jos site and even a few of our group messages before dedicating This is my way of saying i agree with the_fire_starter_666 Hail Satan
  84. H

    Re: Dedication ritual

    there is nothing wrong with asking for help and guidance and what not but if you are one of those people that expects riches and what not then yeah that is disrespectful.
  85. H


    if you were to tell us (and me) where you are exactly then we (and me) may be able to help you further you do not have to give me the exact city and location but perhaps what state you are in would be helpful. in any case i will pray for you. also im curious what is it exactly you are...
  86. H

    When is it safe to perform the curse on the xtian church????

    well yeah from what you say i kind of comprende your idea and it sound better than mine simply due to the fact that the way the law is not just in your native land but in America where i live is shit. i mean that if course in the sense that dumbass kikes make the laws and people can make up BS...
  87. H

    Need meditation tips please

    ya know i never told anyone this but i as a noob myself have had issues with this also. thank goodness i found this group message. i now know i am not he only one. woohoo well with me its like i try to keep em shut but its like they try to slightly peek open (if ya know what i mean...
  88. H


    well one thing is for certain now if i got a music question for here about oooh say should i listen, download, or buy this music or not i will be sure to ask the group if i not sure. best i can figure though is if it refers to Father as the horned guy then it is RHP BULLSHIT. although...
  89. H

    on my last Mondays meditation

    note on this subject i started typing this message on "Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:42 pm " so you know the Monday i am referring to. i am still even sense December of last year on the 19th of that month new to satanism and meditation in general. so allot of what i may experience that i may mention...
  90. H


    call me ryan email me anytime
  91. H

    great news! i think?

    dealing with family that is catholic now thats a tough one my friend. although it is not unique at all to hear something like this in the group from members here as many others here have had issues with family that are RHP. here i am basically stating that many messages here in the group can...
  92. H

    My blood brother's dedication ritual, WENT BAD.

    let me know how it goes and best of luck. HAIL SATAN
  93. H

    New Satanic Music

    you singing is very beautiful and you are very pretty. if you have any more of ones you singed before or are planing to do more in the future let me know as i would love to hear more sometime (i love your work).
  94. H

    Trouble commiting to Satan

    well before mine i had wished i knew more on meditation at the time and i personally now am doing my best to work on that. i have not gotten into yoga yet but i do plan on doing that at some point in time. Also id say for someone like yourself the creating of an astral temple is definitely...
  95. H

    Sorry for the long post really new to this

    i dunno i mean yeah that's one theory but for me personally i did read the jos site and from my perspective/view it seems like allot of things involved here or at least a good portion of stuff here involved chakras and meditation and such. so yes you do not have to be good at meditation but...
  96. H

    My blood brother's dedication ritual, WENT BAD.

    id be afraid to do any ritual drunk myself personally. plus if you are supposed to do it from what in your heart. if you are drunk id imagine you have no idea if you are or not. but if you want someone who can answer many questions her seek the one here they call Brian. he responds...
  97. H

    no response from gaurdian

    you opened 3rd eye yet??? if not then this may be a factor. Also many things in satanism take much time and patience my friend. some here say they have not found their guardians identity yet and its been over a year here some say. i am not kidding some here really do say that...
  98. H

    no response from gaurdian

    if no 3rd eye open yet and do that and soon. Also i should mention that people that open it some cannot see out of it right away. so meditate and power up them chakras and open 3rd eye. in fact before other chakras open 3rd eye first is good idea. if this so then just keep in mind that...
  99. H

    another one of my meditation questions

    sense as many of you i have already mentioned to most of you know that i like to meditate during the evenings and i use the bathroom where i live for it. yeah i know incense and candles are not needed but they sure are awesome. anyway what i was wondering are the following questions...
  100. H

    im newly satanist help?

    well for one thing from other message her in the group i think they said that mind altering drugs as well as i think even drinking in excess is bad for the aura and/or mind i think so you may want o cut down on that at some point. this is what on this i understand from what ive read on other...
  101. H

    Gay Life

    The false idea of god hating people for being different is nothing but one of many lies spread by Xians and fucking kikes. Satan, his demons, and all of us here accept people for who we are. Death to the Jews. Hail Satan
  102. H

    I DID IT!! YAY

    you are in no way crazy for believing. its my opinion that the fucking KIKES and right hand pathers now they are the ones that deserve to be locked away in the looney bin. and yes reading before taking further action with the temple is good. but then i dedicated December of last year on...
  103. H


    either move out or find another place for you and her to stay in. also im curious and you do not have to share this but what is it that made this asshole upset in the first place? i mean what the fuck is his problem anyway? where you are staying now is not good idea to stay there at...
  104. H


    heck in america where i live alone cops get pissy just for hitting or even spitting on people. im serious people in real life in the USA have been arested for something as dumb as spitting on someone. this planet is so so fucked up i tell ya
  105. H

    I DID IT!! YAY

    If you not done so yet work on opening your 3rd eye. Typing this from iPhone but no typos so far. In any case Welcome to the family.
  106. H

    how do i say goodnight to our father satan

    as long as you have faith you are fine
  107. H

    Should i redo my dedication now that ive found a black candle???

    well for anyone that's interested here i have a link to a anti jewsus jewsus game. it explains why dumb asses that follow him get no result out of praying to him. http://www.bandoli.no/jesustest.htm this game is supposed to be a reality check for RHP morons but they are never gonna get...
  108. H

    Should i redo my dedication now that ive found a black candle???

    if you had trouble finding black and you used a red one that turned out to do that well i in that situation would have just gone with a blue one. blue for me at least was the easiest of the 3 colors to find and black for people like us seems to be the hardest to obtain. red ones on the other...
  109. H

    Not feeling anything after dedication.

    for those of you who read my previous posts and post replies you know that i was kicked out of my former place for doing my own dedication. luckily my new place has not complained about it so for me right now its so far so good and i sure hope it stays that way. anyway if i had more time...
  110. H

    suicidal thoughts.

    well if you wanna email me feel free to anytime. also btw just fyi you are now the first her i have offered to assist as sure i am wiling to assist those in need if they are troubled. it just that not many of those i say this to do email me really although a few people have. there was...
  111. H

    meditation issue PLZ Help/ itching and scratching problem

    okay wow this may be good news after all. this could mean i am progressing in all this and for all i know may be feeling the presence of demons. if this is the case then i must be progressing somehow as i have never knew that before. me still being a noob in all this you can imagine...
  112. H

    meditation issue PLZ Help/ itching and scratching problem

    well personally so far they seem not be complaining about it at the new place i am living in. the only people i really need worry about are a select few one is my mom and step dad as they know i got into a fight over it with people before and they would be the ones most likely to bitch and...
  113. H

    meditation issue PLZ Help/ itching and scratching problem

    wow thank you friend reading this reply or yours xeyelove really made my day thank you so much you are so awesome HAIL SATAN HAIL ALL THE GODS OF DUAT
  114. H

    meditation issue PLZ Help/ itching and scratching problem

    thank you i will make note of this HAIL SATAN
  115. H

    meditation issue PLZ Help/ itching and scratching problem

    well sounds like from what you say that it will get easier with time. i should keep it up then. in any case thanks for the reply HAIL SATAN
  116. H

    meditation issue PLZ Help/ itching and scratching problem

    i have an problem/issue with meditation i need help overcoming sometimes when i meditate i itch like heck and start scratching too boot and it make it like so so hard to concentrate. am i the only one this has ever happened to here? Also i need add the only way i can think of to use...
  117. H

    is this similar to the exposing christianity thing in some way?

    is this similar to the exposing Christianity thing in some way? http://www.vaticancrimes.us/ overall i ask you here at the JOS people what do you make of this site? by that i mean what is your opinion? also if your curious i was watching this youtube video on how people...
  118. H

    New opportunities

    normally yeah id agree with that but before i do i must ask the following the word "church" where does it come from anyway? really i am curious is this invented by the BS RHP peeps or did the BS RHP peeps steal the word "church" from us? if they stole it from us i see no problem...
  119. H

    can i use red candle For...???

    from what ive read here in the jos yahoo group some here have done the dedication with limited items. some people yes its true have a hard time finding certain candle colors. myself i found red, blue, and black. blue by far was the easiest for me to get so id say look for that one. red...
  120. H


    much re-programming you are in need of my friend MUCH MUCH REPROGRAMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  121. H


    WOW REALLY i did not know that cartoon was a Kike-run one. in fact cartman in the show dis-es the one kid allot that's a kike. so what of that? only curious
  122. H


    hey um i am curious and i wanna ask a question about this youtube site has downloaders that make downloading from youtube faster i think my question here is does this zippcast site have anything like that? only curious HAIL SATAN
  123. H

    jos pdf

    okay one of you peeps here wanted a JOS PDF whoever it was if the attachment i tried to send in the message reply i sent did not go through if anyone here desires it i have a copy of it and in whatever spare time i get i am willing to send it to whoever desires to have it. so feel free...
  124. H

    question on candles

    i was wondering something. sense i just/ am still getting settled into my new living quarters i have still not found out what their policy on candles and/or incense is yet. if they have problem with it and do not like me having candles and lighters and such i got a question: are any kind...
  125. H

    shitty ass/slow home connection

    when i am at coffee places and other wifi hotspots my web surfing speed is good when i am at home it is rare a connection is available and when it is it is usually shitty and slow. so when i click send when i send a message in the jos yahoo group i often click it a few or more times to get...
  126. H

    need help on 3rd eye opening

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... d_Eye.html i checked out the jos site and this is how i am trying to do this so far. could someone give me some tips and info on how to find the one spot it says i am supposed to find. it say not to get discouraged if you cannot find it right...
  127. H

    am i suddenly able to remember dreams now or what???

    last night/early this morning (went to bed around midnight to 12:30am roughly estimated). i had a dream i was this rock like ball going through many areas and as i was going through the final path or at least what was before i woke up in the morning i saw flash of light while dreaming and...
  128. H

    what is this bullshit??? SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    like another individual here i am also disappointed at some of the new movies coming to the world i speak specifically of "the devil inside" as i believe its called. seriously i mean i seen/heard of some movies that really dis father in my time but this one is by far the worst one in the...
  129. H

    tomorrow is the day

    well like i said coffee shops and libraries and such are my curent source of internet and sometimes during the evening a slow connection from someone that i assume is in a nearby apartment or house near the place i am staying has aconnection as even though its slow as heck where i am staying it...
  130. H

    good news peeps

    i found a nearby wifi hotspot and god news is i got time to get to it a few times a week or so at least so i can keep in touch with you all. in any case how is everyone doing today? how goes the mighty JOS? HAIL SATAN
  131. H

    tomorrow is the day

    tomorrow i have to leave the hotel (family does not want to pay for more nights). i am going to cascade hall until they can find me a permanent place to live of some sort. either way i will not be online for quite some time because cascade hall has no WIFI and sense the state prolly thinks...
  132. H

    where and how did the false concept of selling ones soul come to be

    just as the subject of this message says is my question here how did the concept of selling ones soul to satan come to be? and who made that false rumor up in the first place? i have always wondered about that.
  133. H

    a few questions on the computer games and video games of today

    is it just me that knows it (i doubt it)? anyway what i am referring to is the fact that some whether more or less obvious put satan or one or more of his demons as an enemy. Diablo 1 and 2 and the upcoming diablo 3 are the most specific examples. one perhaps a little less known is...
  134. H

    just so you al know

    for all of those that responded to my good news bad news email subject in this group that wish to contact me i will be installing yahoo messenger today and using the email hotstudman95@.... so if any of you use yahoo messenger let me know. Also if you are more familiar with windows...
  135. H

    need help/advice on dedication and i need it like SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry if the subject i put is too dramatic but as long as the message is clear i am sure its fine. okay so here it is i went shopping for dedication supplies today. i got 2 red candles, 3 black ones, and like 4 blue ones. question 1: is this enough candles? or too much? is...
  136. H

    aside from my previous dedication question have one more thing to a

    i do not have any incense. do i need to get that beforehand or is it okay to dedicate without it????? need help and fast thanks a bunch one and all
  137. H

    Dedication Ritual

    do i have to fast east? i only ask because i have no compass and i have no idea what direction is east. please help thanks a bunch
  138. H

    Dedication Ritual

    got 2 red, 3 black, and 4 blue candles. as well as all the other stuff listed on the JOS site. i am going to do it soon. by the way i have no needle or razor i have a thumbtack and yes i sterilized it. is that okay or no? Also i have no dried up pen but i have a feather that i think is...
  139. H

    what is all your peoples theory on certain video and/or computer gam

    i speak of games such as Diablo and Diablo 2 (bo DUH on 1 and 2 of the diablo games), and im not 100% sure but i think even doom, doom 2, and doom 3. these are the game ive seen that seem to really dis father the most (from my perspective). these well yes the sad thing is i was into those...
  140. H

    question on whos worse

    im not sure but its been a question that's been on my mind for years. i know RHP religeons are bad but what ive always wondered is whose the worst. i am going to put a few of them down and i am asking whoever reads this to rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being bad but not that big a...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
