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  1. A

    The Devils Tongue

    Attachments : <ol>Troll_spray.jpg</ol>  Bra thats why I always come Prepared. With some Troll Spray.   
  2. A

    Re: Mixed Races

     Why don't we just pause this, until may 3rd then?  When the Mercury Retrograde ends. Then resume it. if they cannot understand that.  Makes cry baby face. Too bad for them. 
  3. A

    White supremacy

     Oh dear really?! That is so disturbing!   Whites having pride. Better shut that down quick. 
  4. A

    Still here

     I will but surely miss you every day Sims.   Hope everything works out for you. Good luck. :)
  5. A

    Will I question??

      Deprogram from Christianity  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CF0E9A3PK8   Exposing Christianity   http://see_the_truth.webs.com/  
  6. A

    to high priestess maxine

                                        Message from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich: It is a sad fact that some idiots have nothing better to do with their time and have no real 'life' of their own, that they have to put energy, time and effort into impersonating me online.[LIST]I do not have a...
  7. A

    Raising energy

     Hehhehehhe.   That is their favorite meal. They dip their Nose in to stir it. Getting a quick sniff and a stir at the same time. 
  8. A


     Look at the impact you have on others Disciple of Satan.    I am glad to know there are others like you here. Same with Sam and Magus.    TOGETHER we are fighting this malignant filth!    We ARE the ones changing the course of the entire planet. While many only talk the talk, Satans OWN walks...
  9. A

    Re: Desperate for advice

     Also, Serenity.  It sounds like you have been alone a long time. If you would like a friend. You are free to personally Email me. Maybe I can help you find some confidence in yourself. I understand being alone with no one who understands you.    I had this dependency in me at one point. You are...
  10. A

    Raising energy

     U as in Suryae    Rymes with Who. Do. Jew. Poo. Stew.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNqI-Cu2InY  
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     Tutorial to Satanism   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vINO8PprjsM  
  12. A

    My Situation

     Yes Seer of SS.    When you miss one day you start over.    That is why it takes 40 days to make the energy permanent.    They are like checkpoints. Once empowered, it stays with you. But the energy drops and has to be brought back up.    Consistent Meditation is doing the EXACT SAME Meditation...
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    Some memes I created

     Egon I loved the one with Satan!   It looks like Hitler is looking at him Fondly!   That is so awesome! 
  14. A

    Re: Desperate for advice

     Very Beautiful Zola!   Coming From a fearless warrior.    Especially knowing your personal circumstances. How you Fight People Physically. Most would be surprised if they knew more about you. You are an inspiration to others. 
  15. A

    Heil Hitler, Heil Mein Fuehrer, Sieg Heil!

    Aww Very Beautiful. :)  Translate to English.   Hail Hitler! Hail My Leader! Hail To Our Victory!   I have gradually awakened from my sleep I did not really believe the defamation's Oh my God how long this endless night seems Much has robbed the dark powers of my life I want to strive after...
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     Helps you think? You must have been Blitzed, Whenever The 50 some odd posts by our Clergy were made on this subject.    
  17. A

    "Human Race, get off your knees" David Icke -If this is something go

     David Kike    https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/250   https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1081 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1097  With david kikey he switches the truth he claims Whites are reptilian and our Gods as well. When its the...
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     Get it Magus ")
  19. A

    High Priestesses/Priests?

     Of course, I was never in a fight to begin with. I am just playing with him. People who take themselves too seriously react and want to fight the other person. Doesn't bother me one bit.   We will resume this at the end of the retrograde.   For now, I do not want this thread stealing peoples...
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     This same Troll has visited many times.   They already know. They just to test the water. 
  21. A

    Need suggestions

     Sofia,   If you are not willing to Fight for our cause.   Then no, GET OUT. 
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    Start this RTR Today, Important

     @ Shael   Mercury Retrograde doesnt just stop communications.   It fucks up your intelligence and how you perceive everything. You could read this and think I just told you to go fuck yourself.   So please just drop this for now, I have been through a mercury Retrograde once, where even my...
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    Both separated from our kind

     I think during the Mercury Retrograde. Not only this, but for those who are psychically aware.   THEY ARE FULL FORCE ATTACKING RIGHT NOW.    Just ignore this person. We can answer them after May 3rd.   Mercury Retrograde creates a bunch of fights. Even you yourself will get confused.   ALSO...
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    A Quick question

     GREAT Answer Dehna. 
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    Just want an advice on daily life

     It really does nothing.   I dont know why when people are young. They are like OMG I have to go and run and tell someone.   As an Adult you Live by yourself and hardly talk to anyone. You do not tell anyone of your life. Or at least that is my life. Looks around, who would I tell what. Oh go...
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    conflict between father satan and his brother enlil (Jehova)

     No you are just one of the same cockroaches that keep coming back trying to blaspheme our Gods. Enlil or Beelzebub is one of our Highest Gods and not the jew God. Now fuck off. 
  27. A

    Race Mixing

     I agree with Sam.   You can DNA test people and tell who they have been having Sex with. That means that their DNA goes into you. It is much more then having babies. Race mixing causes Organ failure and all kinds of stuff. I know a girl who sleeps around with black guys.   She is 17 and has to...
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    High Priestesses/Priests?

     @ rawrgarglalargar   I legitimately apologize to you. I was coming off like a dick. I understand the point you were trying to make. I will try a little harder to not be so Aggressive. I hope you stay strong during this time Brother. I wish only good to come your way. :)  
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    Our Battle

     We are going through a Mercury Retrograde right now. The Enemy is attacking everyone with a vengeance.   ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.    It is time to fight! Let us show them that we no longer give in to garbage. What is more important? When This passes we can go back to normal. But for now. We must fight...
  30. A

    High Priestesses/Priests?

     To all those who Agree with me or Like me. Heads up you are going to be called a fake account. I guess this is a win all, unless you make an audio. I guess I could use this against whoever claims that, but whatever. I will admit there were a couple in the past that did act strange. Like Will...
  31. A

    High Priestesses/Priests?

     You see, I apologize and look what happens? The little toad gained confidence?    NOW, do you see what I mean?    Oh you are so cute ALL ME. I like how you thought to go full force. You see showing signs of weakness does this. That is why I don't ever care to play the nice game.    Everyone...
  32. A

    Looking for a mentor

     Dehna!!   You get a cookie!   Throws Brownie Epically.   It was like I need a mentor. And Dehna was like, you got one Bitch. Its called.    Your Guardian Demon.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZHvd0ks7Es  
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    The enemy Is weak and quite annoying

     Actually Voice OF Enki we do draw from Satans power. That is why we do the Invocation.   Just to let you know it is VERY lame, to use Satan Told me so as your defending Proposition.    Father Satan just told me he didnt tell you that and that you wrong. See how lame this is?    Again instead of...
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    High Priestesses/Priests?

     I find it so laughable that you cannot except responsibility for your actions. That you have to keep on with this, we are the problem thing.   This is simply the Ego, it cannot admit it was wrong. SO It must tear others down.    Here, watch this.    I apologize to you All Me. If your Intent was...
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    High Priestesses/Priests?

     Maybe it could have been, maybe it couldn't have. You have to learn it is not what people are saying. People reach for a certain Goal, while Saying whatever to get there. They want to play Mind Games, trying to take them seriously just plays into them.    Coming back? Well yeah you have to have...
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    Looking for someone to answer some important questions

     There are Yahoo Groups and Forums, yet questions have to be asked privately somewhere?    Let us say that the odds were 50/50 that someone was an infiltrator or honest.    So first the person asking to go somewhere else, could either be Honest or an infiltrator trying to get people in private...
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    Aldric respect threat

     Thank you other me. I would like to note that Voice of Enki has Audio Files in Satans Library. So you can go listen to his voice, to know he is a real person. Lol    I get blamed for what other people write. I have had that one done to me in the past too. 
  38. A

    High Priestesses/Priests?

     Somebody makes a comment like, Oh I dunno. I am Ramses in a past life.    Then people go, uhhh... No you are not.    Then they get mad and we go back and forth. Then all of sudden people jump in and go, we shouldn't be fighting, this is disunity.    Who is fighting? We are just correcting...
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    Aldric respect threat

     Awww Thanks Guys. You are all too sweet. I care about everyone here as well.   Unfortunately, the Nonsense can never really truly be cut out. You see it is nature to play Dominance Games. Working as a Manager for years, I have had to deal with this a lot. Just today I had to deal with someone...
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    High Priestesses/Priests?

     Oh Wipes Sweat off face. Good. Glad to Hear that.   Because A little Arrogant shit like you being Clergy would a nightmare. Yeah why don't you insult people some more, that will go so well for you.    Okay so you don't want to be clergy we have established that now. But please keep whinnying...
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    Have your channel featured at Pewdiepie

     Ohhh Sneaky Egon. I like it. :)
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     Awesome Passion Artanis! I love your Strength to Fight
  43. A

    High Priestesses/Priests?

     Lol, He is a silly Pants.   Now I will say this for All Me. I focused on him, to feel his energy. I felt the most Beautiful Energy. :)  Now I go off of facts, not just intuition. But as a side note, my intuition says this person is with Satan and has been for a long time.  He has a very...
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    Opening the Soul

     I think it is more then just your third eye. I think the more advanced you get. The more you see, for possibly many reasons. Third eye being a big one.    I see smoke everywhere now. It streams off my finger tips. When I chant, it looks like a fire, because smoke comes off of me and streams...
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    The enemy Is weak and quite annoying

     Oh God, Please no just stop. Do your aura of protection and keep away from the enemy. Can you kill a normal Human being this way? Try it on someone you hate. If they do not fall over and die instantly. Then how is this going to work on a powerful being? This is more of that hog warts stupid...
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    I am new to this

    Attachments : <ol>sloth.jpg</ol>  Wait Meditation is not relaxation? Now we have to hold our eyes a certain way? So I should go cross eyed while doing merkaba? lol   I think this strictly goes against the teachings of Master Sloth. 
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     Very Good, you are looking at the situation. What are the Conclusions you draw?   The Brain fully Matures at 25. 
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    I have a question

  49. A

    Help! Something strange is happening to me!

     You know it is possible this could be a Human Spirit Too. Like A Wife from a past life. 
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    High Priestesses/Priests?

      Would you like some cheese with that wine?    Yes, yes the same old story. I have done horrible, Horrible things to people. I am a terrible person. The same thing, every time I call someone out on their bullshit.     Okay, You know what I admit it. I am a terrible person. You wanna know...
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     Well Said Taol. :)
  52. A

    Tuning Chakras Through Vibration

     It takes Breathing Exercises, Chant and Focus EVERY DAY to open the chakras. It takes thousands of chants to fully open them.    The main thing standing in the way of being Risen is having all of the chakras fully opened. I was just thinking, this has all been heavily talked about in the past...
  53. A


     Hmmm, That is a good question. We should ask Cobra. 
  54. A


     Yes when we look at how the founding of america happened so close to the beginning of Pluto in Aquarius.    Aquarius 1778-1798, 2024-2043 Aquarius rules the common person. America established a new form of government where monarchs and dynasties no longer had the rule. The common people had a...
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    High Priestesses/Priests?

     Well Boo Hoo Get pissed off.   You really think, You are going to just ask to be made Clergy and it is going to happen.    They pick those who do work. So you are not focused on, what work you can do for Satan. You just think because you have been here a while, that you deserve a title?
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     What does the enemy have against us? Absolutely Nothing! We have the most Beautiful and powerful, loving Gods on our Side. Always here, watching and guiding us. Wanting to see us become Gods. We have Father Satan's Will working to bring this about. What could possibly stand in the way of that...
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      We made February first our official start date.   So two months have now officially gone by. There is a positive energy in the air. Even if everyone just did one ritual a day. That is 60 Rituals per individual. 60x at least the 25 here.  Is 1500 RItuals.    Trump is now working to make America...
  58. A


    https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1321 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1319 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1317 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1311 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/451...
  59. A


     If you go to the comments on my Video. There is an obvious jew, with a Stalin Picture and the name is Stalin with a smiley face.    Asking people to join its disgusting Kik, so that one can meet up with like minded Satanists.    Now they are not all going to be this obvious. Some may come to...
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    High Priestesses/Priests?

     If someone asks how do I become Clergy? They do not need to be Clergy. For they are asking the wrong QUESTION.    The right response is, How do I do more for Satan? How do I work to bring about something for Satan.    To everyone here, I made a youtube Channel, because Brothers and Sisters...
  61. A


     Thank you Artanis.   If you want supplies, go here.   http://satan-supplies.com/ 
  62. A

    Masters Among Slaves

     I suppose I have had the Fortune of being from a VERY old Family. My Great Grand Parents Lived Until 103, 104, 107, 108. My one Great Grand Father that was 107 was on the Roof doing work. He Became Tired and took a nap and died in his sleep, up on the roof.   My Grand Parents are in their 90s...
  63. A

    xian girl.

     Well Don't trust anyone who wants to Dedicate because you are in it either.   I have worked with many of these. They all have gone traitor in the end.   I see it is a big deal to people to get into relationships. I am single and I love it. I take care of myself and don't need anyone. If one day...
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    Between a rock and a hard place

      Where Do I come up with this stuff?   Simple. My Ass  After living so many years with my head up it, we became close, one could say.. we became friends.   Then I moved away, But we still kept in contact. I say Hello every now and then and strangely enough he says Hello back. We have a small...
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    Between a rock and a hard place

     So Basically you.. Well you see...You have to....  What??  Just do Aura of Protection and Void.    Why do people want to turn this into Harry Potter. They think the Groups are Hog Warts or something.    Here is what you do:   Take three drops of frogs blood. Mix it with two drops of your...
  66. A

    I am killing electronics

     Make sure you Double your Aura of protection. This is really good you are progressing. The enemy is going to see this post and attack you harder. This is not something to smile and welcome.   This is something to ignore and do more suryae. 
  67. A

    Does the devil really...

     OH yes all the Pagan Peoples were worshiping Gods like Osiris and Zeus etc. They were angels all this time! Takes another Hit of Pot. It all makes sense now!   Then this would mean that the Catholic Church, Coming in and killing the Pagans for worshiping the Enemy and demonizing them into the...
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    Masters Among Slaves

       ODALhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mnYQ5-ex94 SOLhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpC_N4Sh91Q  OSShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ILDLf1uFcs  
  69. A

    Hoax or not?

     Message from High Priestess Maxine Dietrich: It is a sad fact that some idiots have nothing better to do with their time and have no real 'life' of their own, that they have to put energy, time and effort into impersonating me online.[LIST]I do not have a 'Facebook' page or account, nor do I...
  70. A

    Chakra symptoms

     Oh YES opening chakras is not the funnest experience. There can be pain and for sure pressure and other things.   When I first gave it a go they burnt so bad. I would lay down as my solar chakra was scalding me. I could not lay on my right or left, I had to spread my chest open, as the insides...
  71. A

    "The Final Countdown"

     How the Future comes is dependent on how much we work. You have time to get strong, just keep working. Things are looking very bright.     And... Sorry I gotta do this    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcJ-wNmazHQ  Dances in Back Ground. DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE DE.   
  72. A

    How do i free myself again

     This is just another jew. You notice they inact their magick on ONE thing at a time. Last month it was Maxine the Horrible. Now it is suddenly, My Brother Is going to kill himself for Dedicating, the Gods want you to self harm, Meditation has made my life worse, the Enemy has done this or that...
  73. A


     You know Taol not all new people instantly just know things. We could try and explain things a little.   Clean Aura: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aning.html  Aura Of Protection: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ction.html  Massive Cleaning part...
  74. A

    More questions about yoga

     Light you Wrote I am always Healthy and Protective. Lol :P  You would be like walking around Jumping in front of cars for people. Like Gosh what is going on here.   High Light Below for Hidden Message:    Have a Wonderful Day, Carry on and Hail Satan! :)      Aldrick Strickland 
  75. A

    How to Find Your Demon

     This is why you do the Invocation.   Another thing you can do is I command all those not of Satan to leave now in the name of Satan Lucifer.   Yes, you gotta be careful of Enemy Entities. A little Common Sense goes a looong way. If ever an entity is telling you to harm yourself or guilt...
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    Pain in throat

     Yeah, If you get a chance you should post some links on this Lydia. 
  77. A

    Jews want to kill you

     STOP sending Death Spells. This is not Harry Potter, We do not just send Death spells out in every direction. Each one of those SPELLS costs you energy and is draining you.    If you so much as clean someones aura. You connect to them and any energy that person needs to be Healthy and well will...
  78. A

    Hoax or not?

     If you are so Soritially Advanced how come your an idiot that can spell worth a shit? 
  79. A

    How to Find Your Demon

     Blinks. What in the Holy Fuck are you people talking about?   I give a simple technique and its like, have them move a physical object or my head etc. Then it turned into.... Here let me just give the low down. I mean maybe there are people that need to hear this message. But this is what it...
  80. A

    Subliminal massage

     Lol Everyone. Oh no!   It pains me... The Subliminal Messages. They're everywhere...  They want me to Kill Blades of Grass with my lawn mower. Every night I stay up listening to their screams in my head. Impossible to escape. The messages told me to do it. They locked me in a trance....   I...
  81. A

    It's Solar Time!

     Solar Time! Oh My God I love Solar Time!   Its time to get all solarly and soul tastic.   Thanks Lydia for the Update! Much Appreciated Sister!   
  82. A

    Pain in throat

     I was told to Reply to this and now I see why. I actually know the answer.   It turns out chanting mantras and the like actually Drain your Throat chakra of vital energy.   You have to make sure your Breathe energy into it, preferably from the sun. Replenish it.    Aldrick Strickland  ...
  83. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     Aww poor little Taol. Still Peddling your nonsense? It looks like you make a perfect shield for jews to hide behind, good job with that.    I am not going anywhere. You should have kept your mouth shut. But now it looks like your stuck with me. :)  Don't worry we are going to have sooo Much fun...
  84. A

    A contract with Satan

      Reverse Rituals  http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... glish.html   How to Do A Reverse Ritual   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5op8_n4w7mc&t=9s  
  85. A

    Jews want to kill you

     In this Situation Hail Odin. You need to go down to 1 Reverse Ritual and take on as much Aura of Protection as you can.   A dead warrior is a useless warrior. A warrior puts on his armor BEFORE going to battle. Sometimes the answer is literally taking a break. It is not always about forging on...
  86. A


     The New Version is the exact same video with new content at the end. 
  87. A

    Hoax or not?

     This is my Channel   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4B3u9 ... Lf8aK4fUQQ   Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever  
  88. A

    l really want to join satanism

     Tutorial to Satanism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vINO8PprjsM&t=1224s  Exposing Christianity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CF0E9A3PK8&t=1s   Main Site WWW.JOYOFSATAN.COM   Exposing Christianity Site  www.exposingchristianity.com    Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever      
  89. A

    Really just.. advice

     When You are around people You pick up their energy. You can even pick up their beliefs. Do aura of protection like mad. Keep cleaning your aura. Going out in the sun.    My aura is Deflecting All Negative energy from _____ In everyway and sending it directly right back to Him/Her.   ...
  90. A

    "The Final Countdown"

     The Age of Aquarius I believe started in 2012. The physical Manifestation will begin in 2024.    
  91. A

    Hoax or not?

     I just had to Delete 10+ Messages on ONE youtube Video all Slandering Maxine.  As I said these individuals are out in force. This is not isolated examples. These are all from the same people, pretending to be different.    Something I want to note, She was 45 when she came to Satan that was 16+...
  92. A

    How to Find Your Demon

     Another Tip:  So I was thinking How can we Modify this Baby even More. This, This Aldrick Morris Code. That's what We will call the Meditation! lol    Well it seems the Yes or No is the Crucial part here. So people are probably like Hit me with your Yes, Now your No. What the Hell is the...
  93. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     Oh Yeah Defiant Sage, the Tampon Joke pissed me off soooo much. If you want to believe that, you go right ahead. At this point I don't think very highly of your intelligence, so Go ahead think what you want.    Okay now some Things need to be addressed.    1. Beelzebub is going to come out of...
  94. A

    Heard something that made me think

      This is an Infiltrator and not worth a serious reply. This is one of the enemy that has been attacking us. They always try to claim our God is just a thoughtform created by Maxine. They are just here to cause trouble.    This person needs to be Banned.     Read the site:  ...
  95. A

    How to Find Your Demon

     LOL   I kept trying to Communicate Via Telephone Style. It was like YES, NO, NO , YES, YES, YES, NO, NO, NO.  I'm Like HELLO? HELLO! HELLO?   It started to turn into a bad series of ADELE.   So this is essentially the Morris Code of Telepathy. Which Kinda Would be Interesting For Demon Sex...
  96. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     I'm Sorry Taol are you a moderator? :)  I am doing 432 Sun Chants a day so that would be quite hard for me.   No, What we have here is someone who was Banned. Not told they could come back and matter of fact never asked to be able too. That makes this person a INFILTRATOR.    What did they do...
  97. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     You came on and insulted our Clergy calling them sensitive Bronies and then you called our members mindless.   From You:   If you all are serious about this and are being honest, I really don't see why I got banned. It is really absurd for me to think about right now, how little I said and yet...
  98. A

    I need help

     Okay, sooooooo What do you think the best option is?   AURA OF PROTECTION    You think this is our responsibility? You have Satan and the Demons protecting you, along with your own aura of protection you can build.    http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/1_26_17.htm...
  99. A

    Weird feeling - what does it mean?

     High Five to sable.wolf616 
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     *New Version*   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta8cyJRjaLk  
  101. A

    How to Find Your Demon

     Okay, So I thought about it a little bit. How could one get to know their Guardian, without having good Telepathy? Even for myself, How could I be open and see who comes and what messages they bring. Without just automatically going this person is my guardian and trying to hold a dialogue. We...
  102. A

    RAUM Tetragrammaton

     LOL Elephant.    5.Fuck HAHAHAHA   Its not a big deal, thanks for supplying articles of the jewish shit.    
  103. A

    Hoax or not?

       So I think what everyone is forgetting is here is,   WHAT THE FUCK BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS?    How would YOU like if people were googling you trying to find every bit of personal information, Adress, Last name, First Name, Pictures Etc. Of YOU.     High Priest Maxine Dietrich's Personal...
  104. A

    Weird feeling - what does it mean?

     Why would he need to undedicate? If he is going to Drown himself that would be more effective. Plus the Demons would take him to Hell if he is Gentile. Unless your Brother is a jew which more fits this example.      Oh which would be even more of a win, which would explain why the Demons told...
  105. A

    RAUM Tetragrammaton

     Nonsense Lydia!   We can't go without titles here! People live for these! Here I will help you Sister.      Lydia, Great Warrior Goddess of the North, Tigress of Shambhala, Speaker of Truth, Fiddler of Fiddles, Riddler of Riddles, Twidler or Thumbs, Almost as great as Aldrick which is saying...
  106. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     @ Johhny Doe  The reason I am attacking you is because of what you are doing!   If you want this to stop. If you want us to work together then the onus is on you. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO, is just simply APOLOGIZE FOR INSULTING AND SLANDERING OUR CLERGY AND MEMBERS. ASK US TO INVITE YOU BACK AND...
  107. A

    Re: A key in rising the Kundalini

     Hmm Very Interesting VOE. That makes sense to me. I am not ready for that for sure. I will just be minding my own business and suddenly it starts going up, gets to my Solar. Wiggles around like crazy causing back spasms. Burning Hot energy, it is very PHYSICAL. Its like a literal Fire Snake is...
  108. A

    The Great Androgyny

     That is all Outdated Information you guys are going off of. The Joy of Satan has been updated. All this information came out 2013.    The throat is now Venus.    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html   The Heart is now Mercury    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ...
  109. A

    Sending Satan energy?

     Just Build Energy and Ask Satan or a Demon to take it. They do the rest. You could meditate, vibrate, say do the 666 and then ask the Gods to take this.   Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever 
  110. A

    The Great Androgyny

     I forgot to add. That if the Mercury and Sun are in the same sign this Hinders the sun. The mercury scrutinizes the sun and doesn't allow it to just express itself. So they are held back and watch every movement they make kinda thing.   Where as if the Mercury and Sun are not in the same sign...
  111. A

    RAUM Tetragrammaton

      Lol, I just finished the Raum, Coffee in hand. Gets on Laptop, wonder whats on.    Don't do the Raum one of the most powerful meditations given to us by our anti christ.    Hmm, Sips coffee, Keeps scrolling.  Newbs   Then I thought nah Better explain this.   ...
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    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     Lol and now Taol has given up. I like how you take the High Road like you were the mature one the whole time. hahaha    Lammmmeeeeee.  Neither one of you have much Stamina do you? Here Maybe this will help.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ouzb0Ma4imU  Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father...
  113. A

    The Beauty and Glory of the Reich

     Wow I am shocked that you all feel so deeply due to it. I have watched it some 30 times and it makes me cry every time. I cannot claim to this video, as this was the Spirit of Satan that made this video.    I did not in my logical mind come to this. It was Brought about through me. But Satan...
  114. A

    The Great Androgyny

     I have been learning a lot of how the Soul works. In particular the 7 Main Chakras.   Crown: Jupiter  Sixth: Moon  Throat: Venus   Heart: Mercury   Solar: Sun   Sacral: Mars   Base: Saturn    These Chakras work in pairs. The top three being Female, the bottom three being male and the heart...
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    Hoax or not?

     Get it Magus Immortalis.   Get it. :)  Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever 
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     @ Artanis    The future is not set in stone. It is only thanks to hard working Satanists like you and Disciple of Satan and pretty much everyone who could be bothered to join this thread and show support. We have gathered together like a little army. I have not heard anything from anyone about...
  117. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     Lol as though your opinion means something. Coming from an insulting and disrespectful little cunt like you, believe me I take that as a compliment. I am so happy to know a piece of shit like you sees me as something bad. Because to you, I am.   In the same post you try to tell me to let it go...
  118. A

    The Beauty and Glory of the Reich

     I was watching Videos on the Reich. When Suddenly I Became touched to Tears. I felt the waxing of emotion come over me completely. In this state I sought out by Feeling material and started building a picture that best expressed this Magnificent Beauty. In end I made this Video that I feel is...
  119. A

    Some questions and queries

     I will give you this for now. Though I think I need to make more videos and explain even more.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vINO8PprjsM&t=1224s   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CF0E9A3PK8  Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever  
  120. A

    too much meditation

     I agree with Lydia.  Aldrick Strickland Hail Father Satan Forever
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     It might do better to just ask the question then ask if you can ask the question. If you would please ask, we will consider the question.   Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever 
  122. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

    Oh and too the Loser Deviant Sage. Can you stop being a Cunt for like two seconds and just apologize? Coming on and calling us Drones that follow the Leader because were upset you Disrespected our Clergy really shows how much you changed.   Further more we do not give a shit if you GOT OVER IT...
  123. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     Right, The Truth is literally we talked and then I was busy with other things and you felt like I Ignored you. So from there you got all this other shit About me screwing you over. I am going to say this once, because I have already tried arguing with you and Honestly I think you need to be put...
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     The Dawning Of the Fourth Reich:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p6Q2T9 ... 268.887073   Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever  
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    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     I am for Sure one of the Oldest but I do not believe I am one of the most important by any means. But nonetheless I thought your words were sweet.   I give my opinions of common sense most of the time, Like holding a respect for the Clergy that we shouldn't go around calling them "Sensitive...
  126. A

    Another question

     To Answer Your Question Venus Z, The Gods made the Blacks and Asians FIRST. Then later decided to make his Master Piece the Aryan Race. Also, if not indoctrinated then you are Deluded by Egalitarian Myths. Nature does not in any way support Total Equality. The Nordic Race Leads and Directs the...
  127. A

    Thoughts On The Ego.

     Hello and Welcome to the Group.   You are very Correct. I can tell by not only what you are saying but the energy behind how you wrote this,That you have hit a High Level Spiritually. You have Impressed me with you Wisdom. Keep up the good work.   Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan...
  128. A

    NEW here

     One Word, PROTECTION:   Ritual 1: http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/1-2-17.htm  Ritual 2: http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/1_26_17.htm  How To Vibrate Suryae: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNqI-Cu2InY  How To Clean the Aura: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aning.html  An...
  129. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     You called them Bronies actually in both messages. You just posted this and made no mention of being over it. Rather you are over it or not is irrelevant.  How about Oh I don't know apologizing to the clergy? You essentially are just mad that I called you out on your bullshit, So now you are...
  130. A

    Help for Dagon (Zagan)

     Honestly, This is Ridiculous. You sound like one of these people who attempt to Sell their soul to Satan for money. You do not Dedicate to Satan for what Satan can Bring you. Then go and Summon a Demon so he can make you rich and respected. Then wonder what they want in return. In much the Same...
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     It looks to me like we got some 20-25 Committed Warriors to voice that they are working For SATAN. This is not including the Clergy and of course many others out there who just did not reply to this post. This Last Month We have Dealt Major Damage to the enemy. With Trump in Presidency for over...
  132. A

    The Initiation Ritual

     Yes the Ritual is Valid.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vINO8PprjsM&t=1223s  http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TANIC.html  Question:  I performed the ritual. I could barely get any blood on the paper, is the ritual still valid?  Answer:  YES!! The amount of blood does not...
  133. A

    surya pronunciation

     I have made a separate Video Of Just Maxine Chanting Suryae.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNqI-Cu2InY   Aldrick Strickland   Hail Father Satan Forever  
  134. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     Because he Didn't Dedicate? We do not Ban people for not having been Dedicated. I do not suspect there to be anything offensive in his name. So these are invalid reasons.   The only two reasons that there could be, is one he said something the Clergy Didn't like, or it was a glitch. Either way...
  135. A

    Need Help

     You must do a lot of studying. I will help provide you with some reading material.    1. Joyofsatan Website   www.joyofsatan.com    2. Exposing Christianity Website   www.exposingchristianity.com   3. 666BlackSun Website   www.666blacksun.com   4. Tutorial To Satanism ...
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     The Information is mostly Outdated anymore. However, still gives a basic understanding. Demi Gods are those who were Born Half Human and Half God. If you are Aryan your Ancestors are the Gods, But imagine your Father being one of the Demons Themselves.   http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent...
  137. A

    Just tell me why DefiantSage got banned...

     I just did a quick look up for the name Deviant Sage. The only thing that came up was this post and one other.  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ges/177943 In both you accuse the Clergy of being Bronies.  So I could only wonder why a character like you was banned. If you were here...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
