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Between a rock and a hard place

[email protected]

New member
Dec 13, 2010
Hello my fellow SS.Recently,I ve noticed the enemy is setting all their forces against me.From energy vampires to xian binders.as i try to raise back kundalini i felt like kundalini is tryng to raise extreme spiritual weight.Our sigils and names of power are being effective,but really slow,my satanic energy keep building,but the enemy binding only grows in weight.I am dedicated and know our gods and my GD,yet,their influence has been really indirect these days.And now there is a plague doctor esque entity trying to massively energy drain myself and a 200 Km area of range,Who is trying to convince me to let he teach me plague alchemy.How can I free myself ,and kill this beakface motherfucker?

Energy vampires: AOP.Xian Binders: AOP.Xian's don't possess any real spiritual power. The only thing they can do is to 'pray' for you. Which is insulting and useless, so long as you do your AOP.You grant them too much power, focussing on them and worrying. Ignore them and continue to do RTR's and AOP.

 So Basically you.. Well you see...You have to....


 Just do Aura of Protection and Void. 

  Why do people want to turn this into Harry Potter. They think the Groups are Hog Warts or something. 
  Here is what you do:

  Take three drops of frogs blood. Mix it with two drops of your own blood. Say the incantation. El am retardo! 
   THEN spread it on top of your head. Go outside and dance around in a circle for twenty minutes. 

    Keep Chanting El Am Retardo. 
    Spin around five times, looking into the sun until your eyes burn out of your skull. Once fully Blinded. You can Light your Dick on fire and run over glass bare footed. At this point you should be out right screaming El AM RETARDO!! EL AM RETARDO!!!!
   Now you have to defeat the evil tree spirits. Takes another hit of blunt. Those damn tree spirits. They are a formidable lot. They are out in your yard mocking you. Little do people know the enemy is right in their own back yard. Tree Sprites, shooting their fairy fuck Dust from the safety of their trees. 
  This MUST BE STOPPED. Take one pail of water, mix two cups of sea weed and one cup of raisins, the rest water. Spread it out all over the yard near the tree. Damn Tree Sprites cannot resist sea weed raisin water. DAMN TREE SPRITES. The little bastards will come out to get them a little drink. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! TO FINALLY END THE NIGHTMARE. 
   This is where your time has come. To take on the heroic and end the pain. With Pain. You have to start punching yourself in the face. The Sprite will see this and wonder what your problem is. They will come closer, drawn in by your insanity. You must then have your magickal concoction ready. Three parts saw dust, two parts table salt, and one parts 20 year aged Sangria Wine. You are probably thinking you should throw it at them? WRONG!! You must Drink it. Then the Tree Sprites will come to suck your blood, they will latch on to you like a dog on a Yule Ham. 
   Now you must resist the urge to scratch. Especially your balls. Dont ask why, this is a very complicated process. Then they will fall off drunk and hit the ground. You must now piss on them and they will melt. Now you can go back inside, to your mamas basement, knowing a job well done. TODAY was a successful day. WE CAME, WE CONQUERED, WE GOT RID OF THE DAMN TREE SPRITES. 

  For those who lack the necessary intelligence and do not realize that this a skit. A false hood, a quakery, a lunacy, a sarcastic jackassery, a debauchery of common sense, a fluke, a swindle, a lie, a incorrecto el dumbfucto, a thing YOU DON'T WANT TO DO. PLEASE DO ALL OF THESE STEPS IMMEDIATELY, ESPECIALLY THE PART OF LIGHTENING YOUR DICK ON FIRE, SO THAT YOU CANNOT REPRODUCE. 

Aldrick, you just made my day xD

As for the OP, i guess Satan and your GD are too busy to deal with these useless shit that you can deal with by yourself. And they probably expect you to be able to deal with it by yourself, i'm sure they would immediately step in if you're in serious shit.

I wonder if you did the last working which was posted in February about returning curses, because i was heavily attacked by that time and it helped a lot, and ever since i focus a lot more on AOP. And so far so good.

Good luck.

You can also program your aura like I did to stop xian muslims and to some extent Jew psychic attack. Unlike the others the Jew is very sneaky and if it sees the normal psychic attacks are having no affect it will change to something else in which case runes or a magical square may be necessary.

This is the affirmation to program your aura to halt all Xian and Muslim and to some extent Jew psychic attack.

"My aura is constantly continuously and permanently deflecting and repelling all Christian, Muslim, and Jewish energies at all times in a happy healthy and positive manner for me."

I used something a little different but it IS still working to this day. Because their psychic attack uses energy  this will stop all Xian, Muslim, and to an extent Jew psychic attacks.

This is done when you have an energy buzz. Program it for 10,20,30,40.50,60 or 70 times or however many times you feel it is necessary just don't do too much like say 100 times. You say that affirmation in your head while surrounding yourself with white gold light on the inhale and then you just exhale exactly like the aura of protection.

Don't mistake my message though. Do NOT stop doing the aura of protection for any reason it is a literal life saver.

Hail Satan.
How do you manage to come up with stuff like this, aldrick? lol

On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 7:52, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:  

 So Basically you.. Well you see...You have to....


 Just do Aura of Protection and Void. 

  Why do people want to turn this into Harry Potter. They think the Groups are Hog Warts or something. 
  Here is what you do:

  Take three drops of frogs blood. Mix it with two drops of your own blood. Say the incantation. El am retardo! 
   THEN spread it on top of your head. Go outside and dance around in a circle for twenty minutes. 

    Keep Chanting El Am Retardo. 
    Spin around five times, looking into the sun until your eyes burn out of your skull. Once fully Blinded. You can Light your Dick on fire and run over glass bare footed. At this point you should be out right screaming El AM RETARDO!! EL AM RETARDO!!!!
   Now you have to defeat the evil tree spirits. Takes another hit of blunt. Those damn tree spirits. They are a formidable lot. They are out in your yard mocking you. Little do people know the enemy is right in their own back yard. Tree Sprites, shooting their fairy fuck Dust from the safety of their trees. 
  This MUST BE STOPPED. Take one pail of water, mix two cups of sea weed and one cup of raisins, the rest water. Spread it out all over the yard near the tree. Damn Tree Sprites cannot resist sea weed raisin water. DAMN TREE SPRITES. The little bastards will come out to get them a little drink. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! TO FINALLY END THE NIGHTMARE. 
   This is where your time has come. To take on the heroic and end the pain. With Pain. You have to start punching yourself in the face. The Sprite will see this and wonder what your problem is. They will come closer, drawn in by your insanity. You must then have your magickal concoction ready. Three parts saw dust, two parts table salt, and one parts 20 year aged Sangria Wine. You are probably thinking you should throw it at them? WRONG!! You must Drink it. Then the Tree Sprites will come to suck your blood, they will latch on to you like a dog on a Yule Ham. 
   Now you must resist the urge to scratch. Especially your balls. Dont ask why, this is a very complicated process. Then they will fall off drunk and hit the ground. You must now piss on them and they will melt. Now you can go back inside, to your mamas basement, knowing a job well done. TODAY was a successful day. WE CAME, WE CONQUERED, WE GOT RID OF THE DAMN TREE SPRITES. 

  For those who lack the necessary intelligence and do not realize that this a skit. A false hood, a quakery, a lunacy, a sarcastic jackassery, a debauchery of common sense, a fluke, a swindle, a lie, a incorrecto el dumbfucto, a thing YOU DON'T WANT TO DO. PLEASE DO ALL OF THESE STEPS IMMEDIATELY, ESPECIALLY THE PART OF LIGHTENING YOUR DICK ON FIRE, SO THAT YOU CANNOT REPRODUCE. 

Well,thank you all for the answers.Will apply the instructions asap

2017-03-26 16:24 GMT-03:00 Shael shael666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:
  How do you manage to come up with stuff like this, aldrick? lol


 So Basically you.. Well you see...You have to....


 Just do Aura of Protection and Void. 

  Why do people want to turn this into Harry Potter. They think the Groups are Hog Warts or something. 
  Here is what you do:

  Take three drops of frogs blood. Mix it with two drops of your own blood. Say the incantation. El am retardo! 
   THEN spread it on top of your head. Go outside and dance around in a circle for twenty minutes. 

    Keep Chanting El Am Retardo. 
    Spin around five times, looking into the sun until your eyes burn out of your skull. Once fully Blinded. You can Light your Dick on fire and run over glass bare footed. At this point you should be out right screaming El AM RETARDO!! EL AM RETARDO!!!!
   Now you have to defeat the evil tree spirits. Takes another hit of blunt. Those damn tree spirits. They are a formidable lot. They are out in your yard mocking you. Little do people know the enemy is right in their own back yard. Tree Sprites, shooting their fairy fuck Dust from the safety of their trees. 
  This MUST BE STOPPED. Take one pail of water, mix two cups of sea weed and one cup of raisins, the rest water. Spread it out all over the yard near the tree. Damn Tree Sprites cannot resist sea weed raisin water. DAMN TREE SPRITES. The little bastards will come out to get them a little drink. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! TO FINALLY END THE NIGHTMARE. 
   This is where your time has come. To take on the heroic and end the pain. With Pain. You have to start punching yourself in the face. The Sprite will see this and wonder what your problem is. They will come closer, drawn in by your insanity. You must then have your magickal concoction ready. Three parts saw dust, two parts table salt, and one parts 20 year aged Sangria Wine. You are probably thinking you should throw it at them? WRONG!! You must Drink it. Then the Tree Sprites will come to suck your blood, they will latch on to you like a dog on a Yule Ham. 
   Now you must resist the urge to scratch. Especially your balls. Dont ask why, this is a very complicated process. Then they will fall off drunk and hit the ground. You must now piss on them and they will melt. Now you can go back inside, to your mamas basement, knowing a job well done. TODAY was a successful day. WE CAME, WE CONQUERED, WE GOT RID OF THE DAMN TREE SPRITES. 

  For those who lack the necessary intelligence and do not realize that this a skit. A false hood, a quakery, a lunacy, a sarcastic jackassery, a debauchery of common sense, a fluke, a swindle, a lie, a incorrecto el dumbfucto, a thing YOU DON'T WANT TO DO. PLEASE DO ALL OF THESE STEPS IMMEDIATELY, ESPECIALLY THE PART OF LIGHTENING YOUR DICK ON FIRE, SO THAT YOU CANNOT REPRODUCE. 

I need to correct an error in me message. it is unlike the aura of protection. You keep the white gold light surrounding you and you do NOT on each exhale make it brighter that is unnecessary.

Hail Satan.

  Where Do I come up with this stuff? 
 Simple. My Ass
 After living so many years with my head up it, we became close, one could say.. we became friends. 
 Then I moved away, But we still kept in contact. I say Hello every now and then and strangely enough he says Hello back. We have a small conversation that reminds us of old times. He tells me of great stories and adventures of when he was a young arse. 
  Sometimes he is a bit of an asshole, well I guess more then sometimes, but I guess he cant help it. He is a bit like a Asprin, good in small doses. That is why I started the first ever Organization to help those become aware of their life inflicting disease, of Headupassism. Yes, after living with Headupassism, I know the obstacles one must traverse when dealing with such a life robbing Disease. I try to educate others on becoming aware and hopefully start the path to recovery, in taking the necessary steps to alleviate Headupassism. 
 When It slips out and one takes that first Breath of air, it is quite invigorating. One can still remain as pen pals with ones ass, but living up someones ass can be a pain, especially when its your own. I have lab Tested a new Line of Medicine that is available for the market. Its called the ALLDICK SLAP to the face, or the ALDRICK SLAP. I believe it is enough to knock one to their senses, bringing better alertness and agility of the mind, along with rationality and common sense even in the later years. 
  I believe in time, many will be cured and that breathe of fresh air will be brought to suffers everywhere. 

   Side effects include:
   Having to deal with Reality, having to get a job, doing meditation, new ideals of common sense, bringing feelings of enlightenment, shocks of awe at past self, moments of Humility, Loss of Disillusionment, gaining of a greater self worth, mockings of past hangups, Befuddlement of past mistakes and in some cases Self Deprecating Jokes may occur. 

   Get your own ALDRICK SLAP SOLUTION today.    Bringing A.S.S to the world, for a Better world. 

Aldrick, awesome replies here. After years of seeing certain... posts... in these groups, by the people who think this is harry potter etc, your replies are what is needed.

People need to learn the difference between imagination and reality. A lot see one little thing, their imagination gets out of control, and they think it is the real astral dimension, instead of their imagination.

And people need a sense of humor. We live in a fucked up world, death and decay by the jews all around, blind sheeple walking around completely influenced by torah curses, greys and reptillians throwing their curses and astral fights. We do out RTR's, then come to the groups for comradeship, help people with legit questions, get a laugh or two.
Sorry im very new to this. I'm trying to understand these emails. Haha and i feel like I'm reading through YouTube comments. When and how will I know when I am getting teachings?

E. Joseph Bonnett
On Mar 24, 2017 10:09 PM, "eyesofthehero@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello my fellow SS.Recently,I ve noticed the enemy is setting all their forces against me.From energy vampires to xian binders.as i try to raise back kundalini i felt like kundalini is tryng to raise extreme spiritual weight.Our sigils and names of power are being effective,but really slow,my satanic energy keep building,but the enemy binding only grows in weight.I am dedicated and know our gods and my GD,yet,their influence has been really indirect these days.And now there is a plague doctor esque entity trying to massively energy drain myself and a 200 Km area of range,Who is trying to convince me to let he teach me plague alchemy.How can I free myself ,and kill this beakface motherfucker?
You need to use your logic to determine if someone is being serious or is being sarcastic. For example, the sermon "Story of the Social Marxist Painter Named Ego" is a story about a struggling artist who cannot seem to get people to appreciate his "shit and lines on paper" artwork. Shit and lines on paper is obviously not god art; that is a giveaway the sermon is being sarcastic and is pointing out a mentality that is crap. As you meditate, you will develop your intuition and your intuition will let you know when someone is lying, being sarcastic, or otherwise not literally meaning what they wrote.

Story of the Social Marxist Painter Named "Ego"
Haha Aldrick, you are the best brother you always bring a smile to my face.
Living in this chaotic world can be hard enough so having a little humor helps alot.
Good to have you back in the groups after awhile. ?
"He is a bit of an asshole." lol
You seem to have a fatal flaw in your plan. How do you slap them in the face if they have their head up their ass? Go figure that out and you're on your way to becoming a rich man. 
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 8:46, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:  
  Where Do I come up with this stuff? 
 Simple. My Ass
 After living so many years with my head up it, we became close, one could say.. we became friends. 
 Then I moved away, But we still kept in contact. I say Hello every now and then and strangely enough he says Hello back. We have a small conversation that reminds us of old times. He tells me of great stories and adventures of when he was a young arse. 
  Sometimes he is a bit of an asshole, well I guess more then sometimes, but I guess he cant help it. He is a bit like a Asprin, good in small doses. That is why I started the first ever Organization to help those become aware of their life inflicting disease, of Headupassism. Yes, after living with Headupassism, I know the obstacles one must traverse when dealing with such a life robbing Disease. I try to educate others on becoming aware and hopefully start the path to recovery, in taking the necessary steps to alleviate Headupassism. 
 When It slips out and one takes that first Breath of air, it is quite invigorating. One can still remain as pen pals with ones ass, but living up someones ass can be a pain, especially when its your own. I have lab Tested a new Line of Medicine that is available for the market. Its called the ALLDICK SLAP to the face, or the ALDRICK SLAP. I believe it is enough to knock one to their senses, bringing better alertness and agility of the mind, along with rationality and common sense even in the later years. 
  I believe in time, many will be cured and that breathe of fresh air will be brought to suffers everywhere. 

   Side effects include:
   Having to deal with Reality, having to get a job, doing meditation, new ideals of common sense, bringing feelings of enlightenment, shocks of awe at past self, moments of Humility, Loss of Disillusionment, gaining of a greater self worth, mockings of past hangups, Befuddlement of past mistakes and in some cases Self Deprecating Jokes may occur. 

   Get your own ALDRICK SLAP SOLUTION today.    Bringing A.S.S to the world, for a Better world. 

I don't know if we were cursed early November but I joined the third o that month and was facing so many psychic attacks. A few days later I met another SS who somehow knew what I was dealing with and how to stop it and after a few days It all went away
On Sun, 3/26/17, oxaroc@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Between a rock and a hard place
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, March 26, 2017, 8:06 AM

Aldrick, you just made my
day xD

As for the OP, i
guess Satan and your GD are too busy to deal with these
useless shit that you can deal with by yourself. And they
probably expect you to be able to deal with it by yourself,
i'm sure they would immediately step in if you're in
serious shit.

I wonder if
you did the last working which was posted in February about
returning curses, because i was heavily attacked by that
time and it helped a lot, and ever since i focus a lot more
on AOP. And so far so good.

Good luck.

@shaelTo slap the face of someone whose head is up their ass, kick them in the ass. Lol

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Shael shael666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   "He is a bit of an asshole." lol
You seem to have a fatal flaw in your plan. How do you slap them in the face if they have their head up their ass? Go figure that out and you're on your way to becoming a rich man. 
  Where Do I come up with this stuff? 
 Simple. My Ass
 After living so many years with my head up it, we became close, one could say.. we became friends. 
 Then I moved away, But we still kept in contact. I say Hello every now and then and strangely enough he says Hello back. We have a small conversation that reminds us of old times. He tells me of great stories and adventures of when he was a young arse. 
  Sometimes he is a bit of an asshole, well I guess more then sometimes, but I guess he cant help it. He is a bit like a Asprin, good in small doses. That is why I started the first ever Organization to help those become aware of their life inflicting disease, of Headupassism. Yes, after living with Headupassism, I know the obstacles one must traverse when dealing with such a life robbing Disease. I try to educate others on becoming aware and hopefully start the path to recovery, in taking the necessary steps to alleviate Headupassism. 
 When It slips out and one takes that first Breath of air, it is quite invigorating. One can still remain as pen pals with ones ass, but living up someones ass can be a pain, especially when its your own. I have lab Tested a new Line of Medicine that is available for the market. Its called the ALLDICK SLAP to the face, or the ALDRICK SLAP. I believe it is enough to knock one to their senses, bringing better alertness and agility of the mind, along with rationality and common sense even in the later years. 
  I believe in time, many will be cured and that breathe of fresh air will be brought to suffers everywhere. 

   Side effects include:
   Having to deal with Reality, having to get a job, doing meditation, new ideals of common sense, bringing feelings of enlightenment, shocks of awe at past self, moments of Humility, Loss of Disillusionment, gaining of a greater self worth, mockings of past hangups, Befuddlement of past mistakes and in some cases Self Deprecating Jokes may occur. 

   Get your own ALDRICK SLAP SOLUTION today.    Bringing A.S.S to the world, for a Better world. 

Haha dena xd
On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 11:06, 'denadehna@...' denadehna@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   @shaelTo slap the face of someone whose head is up their ass, kick them in the ass. Lol

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  "He is a bit of an asshole." lol
You seem to have a fatal flaw in your plan. How do you slap them in the face if they have their head up their ass? Go figure that out and you're on your way to becoming a rich man. 
  Where Do I come up with this stuff? 
 Simple. My Ass
 After living so many years with my head up it, we became close, one could say.. we became friends. 
 Then I moved away, But we still kept in contact. I say Hello every now and then and strangely enough he says Hello back. We have a small conversation that reminds us of old times. He tells me of great stories and adventures of when he was a young arse. 
  Sometimes he is a bit of an asshole, well I guess more then sometimes, but I guess he cant help it. He is a bit like a Asprin, good in small doses. That is why I started the first ever Organization to help those become aware of their life inflicting disease, of Headupassism. Yes, after living with Headupassism, I know the obstacles one must traverse when dealing with such a life robbing Disease. I try to educate others on becoming aware and hopefully start the path to recovery, in taking the necessary steps to alleviate Headupassism. 
 When It slips out and one takes that first Breath of air, it is quite invigorating. One can still remain as pen pals with ones ass, but living up someones ass can be a pain, especially when its your own. I have lab Tested a new Line of Medicine that is available for the market. Its called the ALLDICK SLAP to the face, or the ALDRICK SLAP. I believe it is enough to knock one to their senses, bringing better alertness and agility of the mind, along with rationality and common sense even in the later years. 
  I believe in time, many will be cured and that breathe of fresh air will be brought to suffers everywhere. 

   Side effects include:
   Having to deal with Reality, having to get a job, doing meditation, new ideals of common sense, bringing feelings of enlightenment, shocks of awe at past self, moments of Humility, Loss of Disillusionment, gaining of a greater self worth, mockings of past hangups, Befuddlement of past mistakes and in some cases Self Deprecating Jokes may occur. 

   Get your own ALDRICK SLAP SOLUTION today.    Bringing A.S.S to the world, for a Better world. 


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
