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  1. sublimesatanist

    How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist

    I can relate to your situation on a deep level. I had a couple experiences with Satan years after dedicating yet I've lacked so much in consistency. Like you, I've mostly done cleaning and aura of protection. I've done a few RTRs and chakra openings yet I find them time consuming and I sometimes...
  2. sublimesatanist

    How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist

    Thank you HP for putting things in perspective and affirming that happiness is paramount. It astounds me how simple things can affect our long-term happiness. I had many missed opportunities in my younger years and in recent years I lost a couple of teeth. I've been only eating healthy food...
  3. sublimesatanist

    The Am I Jewish Paranoia

    Thanks for making this post. I'm German, English and Austrian. The German surname showed up on "the list" but it was originally rooted to Germanic languages. Ninrick is right, the jews stole a lot of gentile names. I had this fear for a while because I have a long pointed nose. Everything...
  4. sublimesatanist


    I didn't mention, you could be experiencing problems with the gallbladder, especially if pain is on the right side. Here's a video that may help (about 4 minutes long): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WQ9mPnOtVs
  5. sublimesatanist

    Australian, anyone?

    That's awesome. There are a lot of internship programs in both fields. These things are always difficult to decide but you're on a good track. I think both careers would involve some serious mental/emotional willpower. You must be someone who's good with socializing and level-headed with strong...
  6. sublimesatanist


    A sharp dull ache near or around your ribs could be from poor fluid balance/retention which can affect circulation. Be sure to drink enough water and get plenty of potassium and magnesium. Organic coconut water, avocados, bananas, pumpkin seeds and spinach are all good sources. It could also...
  7. sublimesatanist


    This sounds like it could be hyponatremia. Are you getting enough salt and drinking enough water? Are you also getting enough iron? (meat, beans, green veggies, etc?) Raw Garlic is high in antioxidants which is always good. I like making muesli (rolled oats, dark chocolate chips, goji...
  8. sublimesatanist

    The Path Of The Eagle

    Thank you Kavya. I never realized that the cactus represented this but it makes sense, especially since it's a flowering plant which appears reminiscent of a risen kundalini. I never knew the eagle was related to Scorpio, Pluto, death, transformation and the occult. Perhaps this can explain why...
  9. sublimesatanist

    Australian, anyone?

    I wouldn't stress about it too much. Your headed to a 1st world country which in and of itself is far better than 2nd world (China, Russia) or 3rd world. Most people can live fairly comfortably. I'd only worry if you're someone who frequents protests. Even then (compared to the enormous number...
  10. sublimesatanist

    The Path Of The Eagle

    (Correction) the Byzantine empire (double-headed eagle) fell too the Ottoman empire (symbolized by the star and crescent). There was also a symbol of a snake and serpent fighting found (I believe in a church) from the Byzantine empire. It's hard to understand who the good guys were and who...
  11. sublimesatanist

    The Path Of The Eagle

    I've got to say, I feel confused. I've been trying to learn for myself and lately I find myself falling into rabbit holes. The corruptions of history are getting to me and I often can't objectively make heads or tails of many things. A recent one was the Eagle vs the Serpent conspiracy...
  12. sublimesatanist

    The Divine Maculine & Feminine?

    Hello all, I have a question and was hoping someone could clear up the meanings behind these symbols. As mentioned in the title, I'm curious about the occult symbols of masculine and feminine, specifically the triangles. It's been stated that the six pointed star was stolen from the Star of...
  13. sublimesatanist

    What does Satan think of queer ppl?

    Am soowweeee. sniffles Yeah my bad, I get lost in tangents sometimes. These were awesome tips however. I figured out the problem; I've been leaving large gaps between the [ quote ] and the text. It seems to only work adjacent to the text, like with bold and itallics. It was a case...
  14. sublimesatanist

    Australian, anyone?

    The responses here are right on. Australia is terrible. You can't even walk outside without a mask on in some places (I think it was Queensland?) Recently there were reports exploding through the internet on how the police were using microwave radiation weapons at protests. Countless people were...
  15. sublimesatanist

    What does Satan think of queer ppl?

    You really are a keyboard warrior. Some of your replies gave me some good laughs! The [citation needed] parts were genius and very on par with reality. I have one question for you. How in the world do you quote so many different people? Every time I try it merges my text with the quoted text...
  16. sublimesatanist

    What does Satan think of queer ppl?

    I'd like to point out that you've got it all wrong. Satanism is about the self, first and foremost. We cannot affect change without being strong role-models. Satan doesn't lead us to the JoS, our own intuition does. We may have things in our past lives that connect us to him and bring us to him...
  17. sublimesatanist

    What does Satan think of queer ppl?

    Reading this thread I have to extend great appreciation for your posts Meteor. You are honest, seeking to improve and understand yourself. Don't feel too bad about opening a can of worms. Things often go to bad places before they become rectified. This is a sign of change/growth and is actually...
  18. sublimesatanist

    Anger and RTRs

    No worries and best of luck to you. :-)
  19. sublimesatanist

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    This invasion is quite a tragic turn of events. My love and hope is with our Satanists in Ukraine. The world is so cruel and the underlying question that has plagued my mind lately is "why?" For what purpose would the elites move Russia into Ukraine? I know this has been a concern for sometime...
  20. sublimesatanist

    Do NOT Overthink it! Just read this...

    That's right too! Thank you Mercury Wisdom. :lol: My mind was all over the place yesterday after reading the the book "Torah and the Jews Exposed" on kabbalahexposed.com ... Fantastic read. Somehow I conflated 'Reverse Torah Ritual' with 'Killing Tetragrammaton RTR.' Thanks for the...
  21. sublimesatanist

    Do NOT Overthink it! Just read this...

    RTR stands for "reverse tetragrammaton ritual". It reverses the curses created by the Jews, their fake "G-D" or "YHVH" and Jewsus thought-forms, as well as the influence of the reptillians and greys. This works externally (in the universe) and internally (in our soul and aura). It's like a...
  22. sublimesatanist

    Question about "the creation?"

    I know that Satan created us, but I am curious about who/what created the Gods, the other ETs and the universe? I'm sure this question has frequently been asked and I apologize for any monotony. This is a vague and open-ended inquiry likely without a direct answer. This could even be something...
  23. sublimesatanist

    Meme warfare

    I don't know if these count as memes but I was curious where these come from and what some of them mean: 1.) They Know, shut it down. 2.) Oy vey. (A cry of dismay?) Another reference I hear a lot is the name "Billy." Is this in reference to Bill Gates? Thanks guys! These are pretty funny quips.
  24. sublimesatanist

    Links to Old Forums?

    Thank you for the infos! <3 That's crazy, stupid Yahoo. It just got shut down? Internet censorship really has changed from how it used to be. Nowadays you can't even dislike a Youtube video, yet original posters can view the dislikes. I don't think this is to protect people's feelings like...
  25. sublimesatanist

    Do NOT Overthink it! Just read this...

    This was a great read. I'm from Western Canada (Alberta to be more accurate). I love BC and travelled there a few times. It's beautiful though it seems more liberal than Alberta, which is largely conservative. It's cool to see how most of our ancestors (as Canadians) were from Europe. I'm 1/2...
  26. sublimesatanist

    Reality In Meditation vs Satanists

    FuckYu_666 nailed it. We cannot 'sell our souls' to Satan. This is a Jewish/Christian concept. It's also found in corrupted new age information, such as the Illuminati. THESE people claim you sacrifice yourself for physical/material gain but they don't talk about philosophy or self improvement...
  27. sublimesatanist

    expose joy of satan

    This person is probably a shill. I don't get why people post things like this and leave no further commentation. It's like how politicians answer questions with non-answers. They avoid facing truth which is something people generally do all to often.
  28. sublimesatanist

    Hello Brothers and Sisters

    I'll add some advice. I had a lot of difficulty visualizing this energy at first. HP Maxine describes white gold energy "like the sun". I started visualizing white energy with light-gold colours around it. This seems to work well for me. Here's a picture for better illustration.
  29. sublimesatanist

    Links to Old Forums?

    Fantastic! All the threads open properly for me in this link. That's awesome there's also a backup. Thank you so much. :)
  30. sublimesatanist

    All About Money

    I see! This was a very informative history lesson. That's crazy how "the Gold standard" (lawful tender) has been replaced by fiat (legal tender). Instead of being backed by substance it's backed by words written on paper. Crazy stuff. I will have to give that book a read. I've heard of it a lot...
  31. sublimesatanist

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    This is very good advice. :D Horror movies... I love them but I've noticed most have undertones of poor values, petty drama and harmful lifestyle choices. I've never seen Kabbalah magic featured in horror movies (save from Possession, which loosely refers to Jewish magic, i.e dybbuk boxes)...
  32. sublimesatanist

    Respectful Disagreements, Ethics when arguing.

    That's funny lol! I'd suggest that there are young people here with more wisdom than some old people. I've seen some homeless people who are literally like children. Drugs will do that to people. That's a good point too. These people are destroying themselves mentally, physically and...
  33. sublimesatanist

    Anger and RTRs

    Good job on working mantras and empowering the base chakra. If you feel built up pressure it could be a blockage. You could try the EZ Chakra Spin meditation and work on cleaning them. After your RTRs I'd also recommend you do a thorough cleaning which can be found here...
  34. sublimesatanist

    Links to Old Forums?

    Upon reading through some comments I discovered a link to the some old forums. I tried navigating through links within the Joy of Satan 666 main page but it opens a link outside of the archive website and reads that it can't be found. If any of you have alternative links to old posts/sermons...
  35. sublimesatanist

    All About Money

    This is so true. Capitalism is a great word to describe the money system, even the free market systems. Waking up has been shocking and enthralling to me in recent years. The fact that banks print fiat money (money that only exists conceptually) while earning money is very unsettling. Banks...
  36. sublimesatanist

    Respectful Disagreements, Ethics when arguing.

    That makes a lot of sense! I definitely agree that hatred can come from love. I don't know if it's my xianist upbringing but I was always told "don't hate the sinner, hate the sin". I held onto this concept my entire life. It seems logical yet there are some people who are very deserving of...
  37. sublimesatanist

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    Very true. Sometimes I feel angry when I think about how lost people are and how most people aren't genuinely happy. At times I get the impression people think I'm depressed at work because I'm genuinely well-meaning and empathetic. This is the only way I can stay sane - give everyone the...
  38. sublimesatanist

    The Three Requierments Of Spiritual Satanism - The Proper Easy Way

    Thank you for the great sermon HPHC! It's too easy for people to forsake things that make them happy for "the path" and I'm glad to know that these things have a place in it. Still, moderation is key. I have a question about 'doing things for the Gods'. Sometimes I find myself struggling to...
  39. sublimesatanist

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    Fascinating! This is great information BrightSpace666. I currently have one addiction (to vaping). I justify it because a few of my relatives talk ad naseum about how it's harmful, albeit it is far less harmful than smoking. Still, being 'less bad' doesn't make it good. I tend to hold onto it...
  40. sublimesatanist

    Story of Zeus and Prometheus

    This is an interesting thought. I've certainly watched one too many conspiracy theory videos. I have read that they (along with all other secret societies) were outlawed by Charles Theodore (Duke of Bavaria) during the 1780's to 1790's with encouragement offered by the Catholic Church. In...
  41. sublimesatanist

    Respectful Disagreements, Ethics when arguing.

    I enjoyed reading this thread and I've derived great inspiration from all of your words! The antecedent of most (if not all) disagreements is complexity. The complexity of this world, of philosophy and of life experience. As we grow and learn from ourselves and each other we start to...
  42. sublimesatanist

    All About Money

    Sorry to get somewhat theoretical on you guys but I have some thoughts I wanted to throw out there. Call me crazy but I firmly believe money today is a major part of the slavery system. It has become heavily traced and monitored. Even cash can instantly be tracked in the presence of a 'points...
  43. sublimesatanist

    For Those Considering Suicide - You Matter - You Are Never Alone, Never!

    Thank you for the empowering reply. <3 This actually gave me some great information on the best way to live. When I was working full time, going to pubs, smoking pot and attending college I felt like everyday I was gaining something. I was almost always in flow state even though I was nonstop...
  44. sublimesatanist


    Thank you for this shocking information! I had no clue about the Allah/Elohim connection and how Islam is an Abrahamic religion... even the Quran venerates Jesus and Mary, yet Muslims are violently against Christianity/Judaism for (allegedly) corrupting the story in the Hebrew and Christian...
  45. sublimesatanist

    We have won against corona, now the jew threatens with nuclear war (again)

    I'm with you, it looks pretty dismal. I've noticed that more people than ever are shopping without masks since the convoy hit. With that, we have professional actor Trudeau making crocodile tears that truckers (illegally blocking the roadways) are hurting the economy. (Wretched hypocrite...)...
  46. sublimesatanist

    For Those Considering Suicide - You Matter - You Are Never Alone, Never!

    I always love your posts. You are a truly empathetic and kind person. I'll be honest and share that I dealt with these kinds of thoughts for many years. I overcame them about a year ago. I wasn't suicidal in the sense that I would commit such an act, but I used it as a crutch and a...
  47. sublimesatanist

    5G Conversation Questions

    I see, thank you for enlightening me. That sounds difficult to achieve and definitely would cause more harm than good. The things people buy into is really something... Like those flat earth, Christos, Kabbalah, "all is one", urine drinking, celibate vegan new agers. We all need to work very...
  48. sublimesatanist

    The Artificial Womb

    That's a fascinating point! I forgot about the fertility issue. After you mentioned this I looked into it a little and found a very disturbing statistic. There was a study that looked at 127 women who were "vaccinated" in their first 20 weeks of pregnancy. 82% resulted in miscarriages. There...
  49. sublimesatanist

    5G Conversation Questions

    I agree fully with this statement. Something like a faraday tent, EMF shielding clothing and EMF shielding paint would be the best option. I would imagine that any object that emits an electrical field won't block other electrical fields unless it's running at a higher frequency, and this...
  50. sublimesatanist

    The Artificial Womb

    I learned of some things that are eerily in tandem with the plot of the movie 'The Matrix'. I credit most of this information to reports from Max Igan. There are few things I disagree with him on and I personally think he's on track with the way things are going. They have taken this artificial...
  51. sublimesatanist

    Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic

    This thread is very interesting and informative. I especially like the above comment about people making generalizations based on what is most common/prevalent. I'm not that learned but I understand that blacks were slaves along with all different kinds of races throughout history. Before the...
  52. sublimesatanist

    Moderna CEO Deletes twitter and trashes 400M worth of moderna stock

    This whole situation with this kill-shot is collapsing and even the most MSM platforms alive are reporting this, albeit misleadingly. So-called experts say that only half of 5 to 11 year-old children received a first dose amidst the "anothercon" variant. (...
  53. sublimesatanist

    Satan's Poem One - The Hidden Messages

    This was just what I needed to hear! Thank you so much for this beautiful sermon. I never realized there was a sea of knowledge. I've heard many new-age people call this "spirit" or "source", the higher consciousness that all people are connected to. It seems true that we're all connected in...
  54. sublimesatanist

    My Experience so far 2 differnt planitary Squares at same time

    Thanks, this was helpful! So I guess it doesn't happen within a couple months of consistent meditation but instead it takes years? This is a pain but I'll get there eventually. I can feel my third eye and can feel myself looking through it. Still, I don't see anything except for random colours...
  55. sublimesatanist

    Animals in Dreams

    This was so insightful! Thank you, especially for the detailed entry about cats (my favourite animal). <3 I've been remembering more of my dreams lately so this information will definitely be of some help in the future. Last night I had a very weird dream: I was buying a car (I don't even...
  56. sublimesatanist

    Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook

    Gates sends in the goon squad! This was priceless and very fitting. :D Awesome channel BTW FancyMancy. It has some great content.
  57. sublimesatanist

    My Experience so far 2 differnt planitary Squares at same time

    I wanted to ask for your advice on empowering the third eye. I opened my third eye (using the chakra opening three times) and I've been doing the meditation for clairvoyance. In addition (to keep things flowing) I've been doing the meditation from Satan here...
  58. sublimesatanist

    Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook

    Great information Fancy! Star Trek appears to have loads of predictive programming. Crazy! I agree that the symbol is a mobius strip. The animation of this logo shows a circle that twists and becomes the infinity symbol. My personal theory is the circle represents binding/trapping; i.e "souls...
  59. sublimesatanist

    Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook

    You're right about that HP! The RTRs have a huge impact on the "great unveiling". The world has a front-row seat of the Jews with their pants down. I personally think the "Age of Aquarius" is a small factor yet new agers believe it's the end all be all. Planetary positions represent (to my...
  60. sublimesatanist

    Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook

    Well things sure didn't go like they thought it would and I'm not too surprised. I remember seeing videos talk about how Justin Bieber was hosting a virtual concert involving an entrance fee. Snoop Dogg even has a virtual mansion. He sold 3 plots of land next to his mansion for a combined price...
  61. sublimesatanist


    I'll be honest, I never thought of yoga as being something that empowers us so much spiritually. That is not until I started reading your posts. Thank you for this amazing information! I read something interesting that I thought I should share: "The popular “serpent power” known as kundalini...
  62. sublimesatanist

    I'm grieving my sister - but I'm trying to love everyone

    Life is so unpredictable. I lost my foster brother at 23 years old last year to a motorcycle accident. I cared a lot about him yet we were on different paths. He was into partying and hard drugs, including meth. It sounds like you built a strong bond with your sister. This would certainly...
  63. sublimesatanist


  64. sublimesatanist

    It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

    Thank you for this sermon. I've learned recently that having a close connection and frequent communication with the Gods is vital to helping us stay on the right path. Lately I've been fed up with people telling me "you need to socialize", "go see your family" and "it's good for your mental...
  65. sublimesatanist


    That's a cool idea. I'm eager to fight against this evil corrupt website anyway I can though I don't think "3-D" endeavours would be enough of destroy it completely. One sigil I saw was extremely vile. I'll post a link to it as I don't want such a thing to exist on this last remaining sacred...
  66. sublimesatanist

    What is "the Black Flame?"

    Hello everyone. I came across this term "black flame" from Satanic-themed music. Upon further reading, it seems to relate most to Luciferianism which today is nothing but Jewish infiltrated new age filth. Do any of you know anything about it? The word was first coined in 1975 by Michael A...
  67. sublimesatanist


    I've been playing around with the search feature on this website and apologize for such a slow reply. This website belongs to the enemy. They teach Kabbalah and Qlipoth magic merged with Satanism. It's nothing but a perversion and blasphemy. All the sigils they use and advertise are within...
  68. sublimesatanist

    Ancient Greek Mantras

    I forget to emphasize, this name belongs to the enemy as far as I can tell. I'd suggest sticking to the Satan and the 72 Goetic Demons mentions on the JoS website.
  69. sublimesatanist

    Ancient Greek Mantras

    Sorry I'm a little late to the party. I'd recommend reading this: https://theflamingkeys.wordpress.com/tag/draconian-current/
  70. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I forgot to emphasize one thing; there is no true right and wrong in the sense of growth/development, but there are objective truths. For instance, it is wrong to hurt an animal. It's also wrong to seek revenge for something small and petty. We should only punish others when they continue to do...
  71. sublimesatanist

    New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st

    Amazing find!! Thank you Fuchs for this. I've been too nervous to read a whole book so I've been learning in a scattered way, pieces here there and everywhere. This will be a much better method for understanding the planets. Some of these new-agers talk about new planets and things (which gets...
  72. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I think a big part of it has to do with how we frame our mind. If you're focused on improving yourself the most you can everyday (be it through meditation, learning, understanding yourself better, truth-seeking, etc) and you believe Satan is our God and creator, then he will be more keen on...
  73. sublimesatanist

    The Three Nadis

    Back again with more amazing PDFs I see! Thanks for the post Woden. It honestly helped me conceptualize the 3 nadis better than anything else I've read online. The diagram in there was fantastic! I'll be keeping this in a special folder. :)
  74. sublimesatanist

    New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st

    I've been watching some astrology videos and I'm just barely getting to learn about it. Recently I noticed Youtube's suggested videos exploded with this date. I watched a couple videos and learned a few interesting things. Please feel free to add your thoughts as quite literally I feel like the...
  75. sublimesatanist

    I find things do most of you want me to keep it to myself?

    I totally understand your view on this and honestly completely share these feelings. People make new topics on some of the most petty and ridiculous shit but since a large part of Satanism is centred on knowledge I'd suggest that new members should seek it. Scanning through the titles of forums...
  76. sublimesatanist

    Receiving Help From The Gods: Is It An Exchange?

    This is an amazing post! Honestly I think everyone can understand the challenges of losing someone because of their toxic parents. This toxicity bleeds into said person and can make the relationship extremely volatile and challenging. There is no sense on sacrificing one's self for the sake of...
  77. sublimesatanist

    Story of Zeus and Prometheus

    LOL that's weird my reply ended up there! Technology is very strange sometimes. Thanks again.
  78. sublimesatanist

    I find things do most of you want me to keep it to myself?

    I can relate to this in some way, yet not everyone here shares the same interests as (like you said) we are all on our individual paths. Don't take a lack of feedback too seriously... I've had posts that went completely unanswered which in my mind isn't the end of the world because the...
  79. sublimesatanist

    Story of Zeus and Prometheus

    This is excellent information! Thank you so much Woden, you always have fantastic resources. :-)
  80. sublimesatanist

    Smoking/Drugs - Existing Damage

    I agree that vaping probably isn't the best thing for us. It also costs money! I've been vaping for 4 years as an alternative to cigarettes. I can easily make it 2-3 hours without vaping, so it doesn't affect my meditations. As well, I can attest to the fact that it is much less harmful to our...
  81. sublimesatanist

    Is the Rider-Waite tarot deck jewish?

    I'm not sure when this changed occurred but I'm thinking it was in the latest renditions around 1960 or 1971. It's hard to find information on this however. There are so many reprints! For those interested in researching the history of Tarot I found an awesome forum: https://www.tarotforum.net/
  82. sublimesatanist

    Is the Rider-Waite tarot deck jewish?

    Just to warn others, the Grand Eitteilla Tarot deck seems to have been infested by the enemy at some point. Later renditions of card #14 changed from violence to the devil. Any reprints sold that I can find anywhere have the devil card, yet original copies do not. Below is a picture...
  83. sublimesatanist

    Is the Rider-Waite tarot deck jewish?

    Thank you for sharing your insightful comment! It has helped me a lot on narrowing down which decks are best suited for us Satanists. Some other ones I saw are hideous and contain Qliphoths and 11-pointed stars (such as the one linked below). https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/552816922994056294/ The...
  84. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I can speak from experience here. I had about a year of doing absolutely no mediation and focusing on learning/reading only while smoking cannabis everyday. I was pretty lost and confused at that time, not knowing what philosophy was right or wrong. In spite of this, I saw Satan early one...
  85. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I was thinking about the spiritual war-room link (the one in my description) and wanted to ask if I could make a suggestion. I noticed that each planned attack occurs in 2-hour intervals. I was thinking it might be even more effective to have a second (perhaps smaller) clock for "major"...
  86. sublimesatanist

    Story of Zeus and Prometheus

    I revisited this story recently and (with a Satanic perspective) and I now realize how much it relates to Satan and the vile Judeo-Christian god. So basically Promethius brought "fire" to mankind and as a result he was chained to a cliff by Zeus to suffer eternally. This sounds a lot like the...
  87. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    That's all good. It sounds like we're on the same boat. I think feeling energy comes a lot sooner for most people than seeing it does. That part, from what I hear, can take at least a year of meditating daily. We'll get there eventually so don't give up or lose confidence! :-D MIndset is...
  88. sublimesatanist

    One Of The Biggest Lies In This World: The 6000 Years Old "Civilization" Timeline

    I see, that makes sense. The sun rises and falls just like how humans live, die and reincarnate. It's no wonder so many ancient civilizations worshipped the sun. It gives life to all things on this planet and it relates to our solar-plexus chakra (what Maxine describes as the powerhouse of the...
  89. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    Very interesting. You're certainly doing very well with visualization (better than me TBH) :lol: Keep up the awesome job and thanks for sharing your insights on moon energy.
  90. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    This helped me out a lot. I thought the two were related (6th chakra and the moon) but I couldn't find anything to support this. (Probably read it somewhere a long time ago). That PDF was also extremely helpful. I just started tracking the moon phases online. Since the moon is still at high...
  91. sublimesatanist

    True Origins of the number 666

    I didn't add much detail there, my bad. Also thank you for those corrections. :D Wikipedia: "In Hinduism, the right-facing symbol (clockwise) (卐) is called swastika, symbolizing surya ("sun"), prosperity and good luck". Britannica: "The right-hand swastika is considered a solar symbol and...
  92. sublimesatanist

    True Origins of the number 666

    Hello everyone, I thought I'd share some things that I read about this number. I'm sure there is much more out there but here's what I learned so far. • Human DNA is composed of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. ​• 666 is the number of the Goddess (Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite) and is sacred...
  93. sublimesatanist

    One Of The Biggest Lies In This World: The 6000 Years Old "Civilization" Timeline

    You're welcome. The dawn is shining and Venus always comes first before the Sun. And even when the Sun dies, Venus always shine after. That is beautiful. It's a comforting idea but it went over my head just a little. :lol: Venus is feminine and rules love/relationships so I guess this means...
  94. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    Hey, no worries about being right/wrong. Satanism is all about exploration, discovery and learning. It sounds like these are very effective based on your experience and I'll certainly give it a try for myself. By fluorescence, you must mean white energy with a blush tinge? (Similar to a...
  95. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    Silly me... I found a video (posted by one of our own) called "Timing Moon Magic". All my questions have been answered by myself and this thread was really just me talking to myself. Sorry everyone! To those who are also new to learning these things here's the link to that video...
  96. sublimesatanist


    I have never used Gab before but I keep hearing about it in 'truther' circles. I'm in!! Thanks for these amazing resources and methods for getting the truth out there. I'm finding that I've gained so much insight lately from these forums and I'm inspired to a point where I'd like to spend...
  97. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    Oh, the other thing that I noticed that happened (I don't know if it's of significance) but there were something like 4 or 5 cops arresting people at the train station. It also felt as though everyone's day wasn't going so great while mine was going extra positive for me. I think that could...
  98. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    This is definitely not a coincidence. I just learned some things about Cancer from a simple web-search. I don't think that it's very far from the truth and in fact makes perfect sense. Very very fascinating! Astrology is powerful! Sorry to turn this into a lengthy read! Hopefully it at least...
  99. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    I found this pertaining to the moon phase: The current moon phase for Tuesday (01/19/2022) is the Waxing Gibbous phase. On this day, the moon is 15.04 days old and 99.96% illuminated with a tilt of 218.262°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 401,576.96 km and the moon sign is...
  100. sublimesatanist

    One Of The Biggest Lies In This World: The 6000 Years Old "Civilization" Timeline

    I am officially mind-blown! Thank you for informing me of these things in your previous post. I apologize, I was getting ready for work this morning and didn't give it the proper attention it deserved. That original Star of Vishnu is insane! Jews literally are and always were parasites!! You...
  101. sublimesatanist

    Questions about the moon for spiritaul work

    Hello, I noticed it's a full moon tonight and noticed a lot of weird things occurred. I don't know what to make of the idea of "lunar-lunacy" and whether this belief is even true or not. Somehow things worked out unexpectedly well for me. I hadn't seen my brother in a year and he decided to...
  102. sublimesatanist

    One Of The Biggest Lies In This World: The 6000 Years Old "Civilization" Timeline

    That's some fascinating information, thanks for enlightening me brother. I don't much of anything pertaining to numerology yet I'm starting to think that the numbers 6 and 10 belong to the enemy and seem to appear a lot in the yhvh bible. I shouldn't over-think it however. There's the 10 of...
  103. sublimesatanist

    One Of The Biggest Lies In This World: The 6000 Years Old "Civilization" Timeline

    I love this question and it's one I'm happy to share what little I know so far. Also, that is some mind-blowing information! Astrology is so fascinating and I seriously need to research it more. We measure seconds and minutes using the decimal system. This is how we divide the span of time...
  104. sublimesatanist

    Methods for Counting Without a Satanic Rosary

    Woops, I wrote in my main post you'd need to keep a mental note once you reach 5. I should've put 10 there. 10 repetitions of 10 (10x10) equals 100 and thus is the maximum number one can count to without thinking about counting using this method. Again, this would probably take the average...
  105. sublimesatanist

    Methods for Counting Without a Satanic Rosary

    That's a good idea. I might try it out on my computer and see how it goes. I don't carry a cellphone due to potential long-term health implications. This is not out of fear but rather to mitigate any possible health affects from EMF exposure. There's a good article on this...
  106. sublimesatanist

    Will HPS Maxine ever write a book about herself and her life story

    I appreciate this thread as HPS Maxine has frequently been on my mind. Her work is incredible! The more I learn the more I realize there is to learn. There are so many sermons! She spoke (in 2011) about the JoS needing a strong clergy. That was 11 years ago and look at the JoS now. She was...
  107. sublimesatanist

    What is illuminati about?

    Oh (I forgot to add): In addition to looking after yourself you should always seek to know and understand your true self. (Your tendencies, shortcomings, etc). This is also done through our connection to Satan. He is the light (Lucifer) who reveals truth (Satan in Sanskrit = Sat: truth Yan...
  108. sublimesatanist

    What is illuminati about?

    From what I've read, the Illuminati is a collective hierarchy lead by the Pindar (King Lizard), the head of the (jewish) Rothschilds. Below this are the other 12/13 royal families who are also reptilians. That's the very top of this Illumanati pyramid. The rest consists of people in power...
  109. sublimesatanist

    Stonehenge is fake

    Crazy! So they took Astaroth's/Astarte's 8-pointed star and corrupted it to represent Jewsus? These people are revolting, taking something that isn't theirs, corrupting it and using it for themselves. HP Maxine is beyond genius to figure out all this information. Thanks for enlightening me on...
  110. sublimesatanist

    About The Astral

    I want to add one final (final) statement. I realized something so obvious yet so underlooked. Perfectionism is a goal but it is not an expectation. I cried for the first time in years and had the most life changing experience. I got into an disagreement with someone and afterwards felt...
  111. sublimesatanist

    What is Truth of Pink Triangle?

    Sorry about slightly the aggressive post. I'm getting myself out of controversy for a while... I think it starts to effect us spiritually/intellectually. Back to more meditation and less over-worrying myself. That will do me good I think and will probably bring me greater truth and...
  112. sublimesatanist

    Just talk to Satan

    I've found myself coming back to this original post a couple times and now it's really sinking in for me. Thank you for the help!!! I just recently had moments of feeling overwhelmed by my own thoughts and stuck in 4D world. Problems then manifested on top of this whereby I felt as though a...
  113. sublimesatanist

    About The Astral

    Thank you for your input and sorry to take up your time. I'm doing much better now. I'll continue to focus on the spiritual and not dwell on the 4D world too much. Overthinking about things like philosophy and sociology without consistant meditation makes me feel mentally drained. Then the...
  114. sublimesatanist

    What is Truth of Pink Triangle?

    There is nothing wrong with any of these words. I just don't agree that children of any age (let alone ages 1-3) should be taught these things. Kids should figure it out themselves and go to their parents to ask about them. Same with the birds-and-bees. It shouldn't be taught in schools or put...
  115. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hello Satanic family (last question I promise lol.) ^_^' Something has been on my mind for a while. I read somewhere that "they" (jhvh and his ilk) prevented Satan from ascending the Gentiles into Godhead. Were these other beings Elohim and are they the same race as Satan and the Demons? Or are...
  116. sublimesatanist

    FAKE SATANISM - (((O9A))) Exposed as FBI operation

    You so right about that! Learning is why I've been slightly over-active on the forums as of late. TBH I lack much of any formal education yet that doesn't stop me from trying to gain some understanding. In a sense I think it's better I got a bottom-up approach. It makes me think of something...
  117. sublimesatanist

    The Jewish media! 5G! And about harmful rays

    A couple things to add: That video didn't directly mention Stephan Lanka (that was in the subtext/description). Also, this video contains one major false-flag, that Prescott Bush (George Bush's father) funded Hitler. I haven't looked into it much myself yet being a major banker I'm sure he had...
  118. sublimesatanist

    The Jewish media! 5G! And about harmful rays

    5G should be a matter of great concern to the average person yet I personally believe this won't affect us as much as we have a stronger bioelectric field and connection to Satan and the Gods. It is still worth noting that 5G has the potential to send concentrated/targeted attacks. Such weapons...
  119. sublimesatanist

    Curious About Muslums

    I'm curious about which Muslums are good and which ones aren't. I noticed that not all Muslums are bad and that Punjabis generally seem kind. And what about Hindus? Their religion (from what I understand) teaches good moral principles and values (such as meditation). In addition, what are the...
  120. sublimesatanist

    FAKE SATANISM - (((O9A))) Exposed as FBI operation

    Small thing I thought I'd add as I go though this hard-to-watch video. The Jewish mother of the son who was (allegedly) killed by this 15-year-old stated that her parents were born in Romania. I find it strange that so many Jews that make it on TV are not ethnically Jewish but rather religious...
  121. sublimesatanist

    FAKE SATANISM - (((O9A))) Exposed as FBI operation

    This was extremely informative. The website mentioned in that staged psyop video (fascistforged.com) was indeed a Neo-Nazi site. (Neo: prefix for new/changed). I looked through some of it using archive.org and found that it mostly was people talking about yoga, occult and history with links to...
  122. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    This was an extremely informative read and honestly very telling in terms of the FBI. They're a lot more like the CIA than I thought. Thanks Serbon! There is no greater truth in the path of Satanism than that offered by the JoS and these forums. I've looked extensively for Luciferian groups...
  123. sublimesatanist

    What is Truth of Pink Triangle?

    This thread offered some amazing insight into the whole "anti-gay" propaganda against the Nazi party. When I read the Wikipedia page about Otto Rahn being demoted and (possibly) killed by the Nazi party I felt that it couldn't be so. He was clearly a Satanist and dedicated to the Nazi party...
  124. sublimesatanist

    One Of The Biggest Lies In This World: The 6000 Years Old "Civilization" Timeline

    This was a fascinating read! HPHC, you are truly a genius to know all this information. An interesting thing I noticed is that this number (6,000) consists of the number "6", the number of slavery. This number appears everywhere, even in time (60 seconds and minutes). Even the way we measure...
  125. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have one more question that's been bugging me. (This will be my last one for a while and I apologize for the trouble). What is the difference between Luciferianism and Satanism? I'm confused by people (outside of the JoS) who worship Satan as Lucifer (the light-bearer/morning star)...
  126. sublimesatanist

    More on the Final RTR

    Thank you for sharing this!! I was so worried about "what-ifs". After completing all 3 steps for the first time (I only did the F-RTR before) I feel lighter, more strong and happy. The aura cleaning Maxine posted also was energizing and literally makes me feel clean and free. All these...
  127. sublimesatanist

    New Age Bullshit & The Weaponization of Spirituality

    Preach brother! You are singing to the choir, and I don't mean that in the judeo/xianist sense of course. This was an excellent post. I recently went on a tangent a few times myself on these forums. Whether people read it or not it's a good way to vent your feelings, put your thoughts in focus...
  128. sublimesatanist

    What is the Baphomet?

    I want to ask for your thoughts and opinions regarding the Baphomet. For those who haven't seen this I recommend checking out an awesome page I just found about the Baphomet from HP Maxine: satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Baphomet.html I'd like to bring your attention to...
  129. sublimesatanist

    Stonehenge is fake

    Your right, woops! I searched 'alchemy' on my browser and wanted to find something that looked magical and ancient. Bad idea. I did a little research and found that this art represents "the Star of Azoth". "Azoth - The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, formed from the first and last...
  130. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Thanks Ninrick, it's encouraging to hear that it becomes easier with time (probably even natural). When I first saw there was a paintable F-RTR without pronunciations (vaht, vuht, viss, etc) I thought woah... that's crazy! Still, doing them everyday I'm sure people get pretty good at I'm sure I...
  131. sublimesatanist

    About The Astral

    Thank you for your great advice. I will do lots of void meditations and stop entertaining any thoughts about extraterrestrials. I'm also done with watching any video from these people who channel messages from these beings, such as the Pleiadians. Those people creep me out, same with gurus. They...
  132. sublimesatanist

    Stonehenge is fake

    This video was quite compelling to say the least and I really dig the music. I can't think of any other modern structures of that scale and shape being built. It looks to me as though this was done by "them"... damn kikes. I'm so proud I can now use that word with conviction. At first I...
  133. sublimesatanist

    Methods for Counting Without a Satanic Rosary

    I wanted to share something I found very useful in my meditations that may be of some help to others. This by no means isn't meant as a better alternative to a Satanic Rosary but it's something I personally find just as easy. The method I'm referring to is using American Sign Language (ASL)...
  134. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have a very random question for you guys. How long does it take you to perform the FRTR? At my fastest it takes me an hour (doing the 9 repetitions). This is using short vibrations with focus. However, when using long vibrations it takes me around 3 hours. I'd like to cut the time down on...
  135. sublimesatanist

    About The Astral

    No problem with the delayed response! Life is busy, especially for us Spiritual Satanists. To me this dream made zero sense but it's interesting you mention that it did make sense. Perhaps there was something profound about it and I'm sure I'll one day revisit it. I very seldom remember my...
  136. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What remarkable information and advice! Also thank you all for the kind words of encouragement! :-) I'm now starting yoga and dedicating myself to more advancement. This won't be easy as I have to make sacrifices (less watching Youtube/Bitchute and reducing the amount of complex meals being...
  137. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Amazing website! I've got the pronunciation down now. Thanks for the great advice! I'm a bit of a perfectionist and wish to make my FRTRs as powerful as they can be. (PS) Is it safe to clean the aura before and after the FRTR? I'm kind of paranoid that some of these energies could negatively...
  138. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have 2 questions about the final RTR. 1). I'm struggling with rolling my 'R's, such as the Spanish word "arriba". Sometimes I literally sound like Chewbacca. At times I've been making an "R" sound with a slight "D" sound in there, like in the Japanese word "ryu". I also try to vibrate it as...
  139. sublimesatanist

    WARNING about "Satanic Music"

    This was a good reply. You have good taste in music. :-) Very very true! I suppose music is meant to be subjective/art so me over-concerning myself with the band member's political affiliations is kind of silly. You probably know about the group Otep. I'm a big fan, yet after they made the song...
  140. sublimesatanist

    Are any of you guys on here into voodoo?

    An interesting question. Voodoo is not a major part of spiritual work here, however there are some things on the JoS website that pertain to this kind of magic. Specifically, there's a page about poppets (literally 'voodoo dolls'). These are a good method for concentrating energy toward a...
  141. sublimesatanist

    About The Astral

    I haven't been able to astral project yet but I do wonder if I have without knowing. I had one dream where I was flying around the city. I ended up on a the top of a high-rise building where three people were doing something I knew was bad, but I couldn't figure out what. It was like they were...
  142. sublimesatanist

    Music thread

    I forgot - there's another black metal band that I am a huge fan of. They definitely seem to be legit Satanists too. Archgoat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUArRjNaZ8o
  143. sublimesatanist

    About Weed and Smoking

    This thread has helped me a lot. I quit using cannabis completely a couple months ago yet I do find I crave it, most often at night after a good healthy meal. It's all a part of our conditioning. Psychic driving is real... television, entertainment and even the people around us repeating the...
  144. sublimesatanist

    Music thread

    This is a great thread! I personally favour black metal, death metal, industrial/EBM and some folk metal, psytrance, goth and darkwave music. Basically anything that is sinister, morbid, obscure, mystical, adrenaline-inducing and weird. Personally I've always been compelled to the macabre in...
  145. sublimesatanist

    WARNING about "Satanic Music"

    Unreal! Thank you for breaking down this corrupted song. I used to love Behemoth but in recent years I found their music to be 'fake', same with Dimmu Borgir. Nergal (the lead singer) is also preaching for the elites, calling anti-vaxxers "covidiots". (Article here...
  146. sublimesatanist

    Lack of sleep destroying me.

    I forgot to add - too many simple carbs (leading to insulin resistance) cause the body to become resistant to insulin, which results in your body trying to flush out excess glucose via urination. This is only a concern if you're eating a lot of simple carbs, particularly sugar.
  147. sublimesatanist

    Lack of sleep destroying me.

    I'm curious, do you experience excessive thirst accompanied by frequent urination? I was a long-time health fanatic and discovered that a lack of sodium in the body is condition called hyponatremia. Sodium helps us hold water in the body while too much water depletes our sodium. This water...
  148. sublimesatanist

    Advice from SS who are also parents

    I can't speak as a person who had children but I can empathize with how mothers instinctively place their children before themselves. It's a strong and beautiful bond that cannot be severed. Propaganda is everywhere but don't let it cause you too much concern. The fact that it's everywhere...
  149. sublimesatanist

    What if we're wrong?

    I love posts like this one! It really shows that we are a Satanic family willing to share our own experiences. I used to struggle a lot with sleep. I'd spend too much time 'truth-seeking' without realizing I already have all the truth I'll ever need. I'd often get woken up early (I live with...
  150. sublimesatanist

    Have you ever had a christian come up to you and talk about converting you in a nice way?With out being a bible thumper?

    I'll give you some advice that I've been giving myself for a while now. STOP saying sorry! I was raised in a society where everyone thinks being humble and apologetic is polite. This year I made a resolution to say "NO" to others and to stop apologizing for being myself. This is more polite...
  151. sublimesatanist

    need a spiritual diagnoses if I'm jewish

    The title makes sense, but with all respect your question may need rephrasing. :lol: This does bring up a valid question that's been lurking in my mind for a while (one I first thought silly)... what if I'm part Jewish? I'll have to look into my family history more to get a better...
  152. sublimesatanist

    Advice for learning astrology?

    Thank you all for the great advice! I will get on doing that. I suppose it doesn't hurt to learn from Youtube, the public library, etc and then to take what I've learned and see how it lines up with the more advanced and specific information provided by the JoS. This was certainly just a...
  153. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Great stuff, thanks again. Small typo above, I meant to say - work on strengthening my "third" chakra (solar plexus). I never knew that about the heart chakra. It's amazing how each chakra has incredible power and how they affect each other so much. Getting too hung-up on one isn't good and...
  154. sublimesatanist

    Worried about Tarot Cards

    Here's an old thread pertaining to this if you'd like further information. I found it extremely helpful. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=64988&p=308828&hilit=the+devil+tarot#p308828
  155. sublimesatanist

    Advice for learning astrology?

    Sorry to inundate you guys with questions lately. This will be my final one for a while. I'm too nervous to watch videos or read articles on astrology because of all the disinformation out there, and everything pertaining to astrology on the JoS website flies right over my head. Words like...
  156. sublimesatanist

    Meaning of Vril

    Thanks for your input. That makes sense! I think the Baphomet represents this with the words 'solve' and 'coagula' (dissolve and coagulate). I learned a couple more things that blew me away. Phosphorus in Latin means "Lucifer" and Phosphorus was the personification of the Morning Star in Greek...
  157. sublimesatanist

    Just talk to Satan

    You are so right! Satan is always there for us, even when we least expect it. I went through many periods of stopping meditating and smoking pot. I remember a particular night I suddenly woke up at around 3 AM. My eyes were bleary but I could see a beautiful figure at the foot of my bed. He...
  158. sublimesatanist

    What really is the 'end of the world?'

    Maybe the reason that in the bibles the jew put revelations as the last book, with genesis as the first ("creation" of everything), is that the jew knew it would be the end, its destruction (66 books, 6+6=12, 1+2=3, 3 is number of creation and destruction) and the revelations would be the...
  159. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    This was very helpful BrightSpace666. I'll continue meditating on my third eye, open my 6th chakra and work on strengthening my 6th chakra. For this last part what do you suggest? Should I draw white energy into it to strengthen it? I'll do the EZ Chakra Spin meditation just to keep things...
  160. sublimesatanist

    Paintable Final RTR

    You're the best Soaring Eagle! Thank you for this wonderful gift. I love the black-background version as it is much gentler on the eyes and it reminds me of the JoS website design. I'm including this in my signature. :D
  161. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Edit: To reiterate, this pressure is barely noticeable and feels like it's behind my forehead. Is it normal to always feel/know the third eye is there? I've noticed since opening and meditating on it for so long it I've gotten other strange sensations. Whenever I do energy meditation the...
  162. sublimesatanist

    Any Tips for quitting Kike sticks (cigarettes)

    The only benefits in red wine that I know of are attributed to the antioxidant resveratrol. It's one of the most well known and potent antioxidants available. It helps with anti-aging, anti-cancer, improved circulation, support in preventing and (potentially) treating atherosclerosis and has...
  163. sublimesatanist

    The "Pandemic" Recap - Going Into 2022: Games The Enemy Plays - Waking Up To Them

    I agree that this omicron variant is a means to further push us into slavery. If sheeple just did some simple Google searches they would see that even the 'maintream' data doesn't make any sense. Portugal is the third most vaccinated country. Check out their stats, it's unbelievable. Their...
  164. sublimesatanist

    What really is the 'end of the world?'

    Incredible find! (A "revelation"). It's no wonder the book is called revelations. Wikipedia: (From ancient Greek, literally meaning "from cover") is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious concepts an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden or...
  165. sublimesatanist

    What really is the 'end of the world?'

    That's wild but it makes perfect sense. Everything in the bible is ass-backwards (good is evil, evil is good and so on). This idea that sin cause us to become ousted from the 'garden of eden' (or whatever it was) was really us becoming our own gods that caused it. It seems logical that the...
  166. sublimesatanist

    The "Pandemic" Recap - Going Into 2022: Games The Enemy Plays - Waking Up To Them

    Another beautiful post! Thank you HP for encapsulating the entire situation so well. I couldn't 3have done near as well and we're grateful for your wisdom. The whole progression of these events really has made me wake up even further. In spite of all the doom and gloom there has been such an...
  167. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Question for you guys: Lately I've been working on energy meditation and RTRs so far with good success. I'm also confidant that I opened my third eye because for some reason I can feel pressure there that never seems to go away, like a feeling of literally having a third eye. It's been there...
  168. sublimesatanist

    Meaning of Vril

    Hello again. I was doing light reading and came across some interesting correlations. If I recall I heard HP Maxine refer to vril as another word for witch-power or energy. I discovered that there's a book called "Vril, or Vital Magnetism: Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea...
  169. sublimesatanist

    What really is the 'end of the world?'

    Wow thanks everyone. I have so much research to do! That is fascinating that this so-called prophecy more than likely already happened, and how apocalypse means 'a beginning of a new age'. People think of destruction as such a horrid thing yet it is through destruction that new life can be...
  170. sublimesatanist

    Inquiry into dimensions and vibration

    Thanks to you both for your insights! :-) I'm not sure what you mean by 'plane of existence'. Like an astral plane or a physical one? It seems they are opposed to our plane of existence here on earth, spiritually and physically. @Henu - I will look into those topics tonight definitely! Thank...
  171. sublimesatanist

    Inquiry into dimensions and vibration

    Fascinating. Thanks for the hard truth Henu. As far as I know I never met a jew but I always felt uncomfortable whenever I heard a jew talk on television (wearing their kippahs). Something about their smugness and the way they smile when speaking badly about others (almost as though in a...
  172. sublimesatanist

    What really is the 'end of the world?'

    What are your thoughts on the apocalypse/doomsday and what does it mean in regards to Satanism? I feel that the bible is largely an instruction manual as things seem to happen in accordance to everything the jews orchestrated... famine, rising power in the east, one-world religion (i.e the new...
  173. sublimesatanist

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    That's a relief, you're the best HPHC. Much thanks. Same to you 'Soaring Eagle 666'. Your statement makes perfect sense! Everything in nature reacts to dusk and dawn. I just realized I was an unwitting participant in a wives tale. I was always told AM stands for "at morning" when in reality...
  174. sublimesatanist

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    Thank you High Priest! I think I missed the last few hours but will probably go ahead anyway. Do you suppose it's still possible to perform the final ritual before midnight? As well, would it affect the ritual if it got too late (past 12)? I'll definitely join in on the extra day since I missed...
  175. sublimesatanist

    Inquiry into dimensions and vibration

    Your replies are exceptionally resourceful. Thank you all so very much! :) It makes sense that vibration isn't the way to spiritual ascension. It's just a tiny aspect within a grand process. I never realized the talmud/new age connection. Yet another reason to stay the fuck away from that noise...
  176. sublimesatanist

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    I have a question about sigils. I've been spending much time on this ritual with great feelings of success and empowerment. However, I find that focusing on the sigil is difficult due to the blue light emitting from my computer monitor so I've been visualizing it the best I could. Is this...
  177. sublimesatanist

    Inquiry into dimensions and vibration

    Hello brothers and sisters. I've been hearing a lot of things coming from these "light-worker" people. I'm so glad I found Satan before joining anything else. His wondrous energy and presence is undeniable, and the destruction and desecration of Satanic knowledge and history is endless. I...
  178. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I want to apologize, I panicked there and later on discovered that Kabbalistic magic combines light and dark energy and obtains such through symbols, "god" and invocation of Jewish angels and demons. There was a video of one of these inhuman priests performing a ritual on a child therby...
  179. sublimesatanist

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hey guys, it's been awhile. You may remember me as "AuraofLove" though Jewgle locked me out of my Jewmail account and thus I can't reset my password. (Apparently one requires a working cellphone and I gave up mine years ago). They also don't respond to special requests for alternative options...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
