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Animals in Dreams

fuoco blu 666

Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Animals in Dreams

The bat in dreams can emerge as a symbolic image of the dark and unconscious forces that emerge in consciousness: the disowned selves of the psyche that, like the dream bat, can be disturbing, fearful, hidden and unknown: impulses, instincts, thoughts reluctant to say, repressed feelings or socially judged (hatred, envy, rivalry) can emerge with the flapping of the bat's wings in dreams.

The bat is blind, but it has a very developed hearing, a sort of internal radar that allows it to move in the dark and to find the direction which is a symbol of high sensitivity and ability to probe the darkness (the female and unconscious side of the 'soul)

The bat in dreams is the symbol of an "inner vision", of intuition, sensitivity, foresight, resonance with what is happening around, or of projects and desires seen built in the mind.
It is therefore also a symbol of the sensitivity of the third eye even if not completely open which still provides wisdom skills even if it does not see astrally.

The bat sleeps hanging upside down, an image that recalls the symbolism of the major arcane: the Hanged Man. The bat in dreams like the Hanged Man of the Tarot, can be a symbol of a "suspension" (of judgment, of action) of an overturned point of view, of an alternative vision, of the possibility of considering different points of view without identifying oneself with one in particular.
It is a symbolic image of the headstand for the crown chakra and telepathy as the power of this chakra and the pagan Gods who upside down attain spiritual enlightenment and rebirth.

Even the bat in dreams can indicate the need to stay in suspension without anxiety, without getting caught up in the frenzy, recovering qualities such as patience, the sense of sacrifice to obtain important qualities, trust and humility towards oneself that allows you to grasp novelty. and teachings in every experience.

Ability to fly and orientate in the dark, hang upside down, live in dark and humid ravines, wake up in the evening and sleep during the day, give birth and breastfeed babies, make it a symbol of unexpected resources, linked to the archetype of death-rebirth and to Pluto and the Moon.

The bat in ancient times was the embodiment of underground forces of the mind.

Like other animal symbolisms, it connected the world of light and shadows accompanying the souls of the dead.
Its disturbing aspect reflected the mystery of the underworld and, as a warning, made it visible to the living. Later, due to its hybrid nature, it was associated with the symbolism of the dragon, the crocodile, the androgyne, "different" and strange beings that appear almost stuck in a phase of evolution.

For the Mexican people the bat was the image of a deity associated with death and fire (camazozt). In Africa it had a double meaning linked to perspicacity (for its ability to fly in the dark) and to the kingdom of darkness.

In the East it represented life and longevity and was the bearer of good luck. Finally, for the American Indians it was a symbol-medicine: the bat companion of the night and death was a symbol of death in American shamanism (death and rebirth) and the strength to face all this, an announcement of transformation and of new life of Plutonian energy in this sense as a very powerful regenerative force linked to the occult and to true Satanic spirituality.
It is associated with the Devil by Christians and the Devil himself is depicted with red or black bat wings symbolizing the strong fear and cowardice of Christians towards the nigredo and the inner transformation which can also be painful and difficult to bear and which requires a lot of character. strong and particular able to delve into the depths of the darkness of the mind with Saturnian wisdom for a deep psychic awakening to be able to advance spiritually despite the difficulties that may exist in life.

Having said that I am not surprised and I am not surprised that many Spiritual Satanists like Lydia like the bat from what I intuit and read in the meaning of the bat and her soul energy advanced over the years with a lot of serious dedication to meditation.

The Deer in Dreams

The branched apparatus that adorns the head of the man with deer horns, the feature that most strikes the collective imagination and that from very ancient times has made it very special because it is a symbol of the sun and its radios power, this is also 666 and the astrological glyph of the sun, a tree of life for these majestic horns that rise upward in a union of heaven and earth, is also associated with the archetype of the old sage and calm and peace of mind with spirituality through meditation and spiritual wisdom and fruitfulness due to an awakening of sexual energy.

A Mercurian and solar coexistence of spiritual meanings which in dreams and in imaginative and poetic visions is representative of the regeneration and rebirth that occurs in every life cycle and the union of opposites which is the foundation and presupposition of every human experience and every vital phenomenon, the union of yin and yang.

In dreams and visions the deer expresses instinctive aspects linked to the strength of the body and spirit, to the power of sexuality, to the calm and slow but inexorable flow of events, to the wealth and spiritual fruitfulness that is being acquired with a Pluto Solar transformation. of the mind and soul.

The deer resembles the tree of life in Norse mythology.
It is therefore important to analyze in the dreams and visions in which it appears, every possible aspect related to the way of living and understanding spirituality.

Seeing a deer in dreams and visions resulting from the imaginative part of the mind or in any case a man with deer horns indicates the emergence of a vital, spiritual and physical force that can support those who see him with his awakening and confirm the choices of independence of judgment in spirituality.
fuoco blu 666 said:
... the nigredo and the inner transformation which can also be painful and difficult to bear and which requires a lot of character. strong and particular able to delve into the depths of the darkness of the mind with Saturnian wisdom for a deep psychic awakening to be able to advance spiritually despite the difficulties that may exist in life.

Yeah, I feel that so much. No matter what, I never stop meditating.

Thanks for making this post, it's very interesting, will you be continuing with writing about other animals? :)
I had a vision or you could say an unreal vivid dream right.

It was a couple of months ago when everything was locked down. In my dream I woke up and went to the sink to brush my teeth. There's a door beside my sink and it's opened. And I can see the street from that door.

There's a massive flood and I see bodies being washed away and the people are screaming but their screams can't reach me.

And then as I brush my teeth and I wash my face I see outside and I see modern civilization has been turned into a forest and I see Exactly 3 Raindeers and Exactly 3 Tall White Men with Red hair walking around.

I don't know what it meant but I think it's a dream about a generational transformation coming very soon which will be very disruptive in nature. Like a shock and awe and the world changes very quickly.
Interesting stuff. I would appreciate it if you shared more about other animals as well. If you want, of course.

Specifically I would like to know what an owl in a dream might entail.

Thank you for sharing what you posted so far though.
The Cat in Dreams

The cat in dreams has the same ambivalence that it has in reality and you can see it from its way of behaving.

The cat in dreams has a feminine expression of the soul, of sexuality and sensuality, grace, elegance and harmony, moreover it is an independent animal and its astrological sign would be Aquarius from this point of view but with a lunar attribute also of sweetness, ethereality.

Therefore the Cat is very symbolic and revealing of a need to express the dreamer's needs to transform and redefine their spaces, contact with the body and sexuality and their own inner energy to have a correct awareness and inner vision, this also because Cats are highly sensitive and sensitive animals and like other felines they represent the freedom of instinct and clairvoyance due to their ability to see even with very little light.

Dreaming of a Cat or more Cats highlight aspects of the unconscious consciousness that need to have more space for vital impulses and their free expression.

A cat with her kittens highlights even more the lunar attribute and maternal instinct, the dedication to a particular goal and the sense of sacrifice for it but at the same time it is also a symbol of aggression if you see it unleashed. claws and go from sweetness and affection to the most ruthless cruelty.

The Cat also expresses the need and the aspiration to live life fully and with the taste of her and the need to show the sides of ourselves especially in our deepest selves.
He also symbolizes the search for pleasure, comfort to savor life with the right momentum to overcome the difficulties and storms of life.

Cats tend to be frequent appearances in dreams and the interpretation changes according to gender, color and context.

The Cat in general is a symbol of: femininity, sensuality, power, independence, intuition, creativity, mystery, love of oneself, deception, malice, deceit, fiction (not as much as the fox).

Examples of dreaming Cat:

Dreaming of your own cat:

Colored cats:

Black cat: need for independence and rebellion against things that suffocate, it can also mean emphasizing contact with the occult and esoteric world and better reading one's unconscious.

White cat: innocence, purity, tenderness, lunar,

Red, orange cat: emphasizes the sensuality expressed by the cat, desire for freedom of autonomy, especially if in a very bright and fiery red, it represents a very intense and powerful sexual appetite that needs appropriate release and release otherwise the cat can bite and scratch in subsequent dreams .

Gray or brindle cat: attenuation and emotional detachment

Dreaming of many cats - need for freedom and autonomy, independence,

Dreaming of a cat and kittens - desire to play, for tenderness, desire for carefree, is also a common dream in pregnant women.
Pregnant cat, giving birth to or nursing kittens means that the instinctive side is giving birth to something new.

Dreaming of an affectionate cat purring - it is always very positive and indicates a good relationship with the feminine and deep instinct.

Aggressive, scratching and / or biting cat: aggression, there may be aspects of femininity that frighten and / or difficult relationships with the female sex.
It is also a means of the unconscious to make the dreamer understand that he absolutely must give importance and listen to the upper instinctive part and purify the upper chakras because they may have been neglected and / or attacked.

Dreaming of a cat meowing, crying or talking - it is an important message from the unconscious to listen to your intuition and heart, if the dream and what it says is very important if it speaks with a human voice.

Dreaming of an injured, sick or endangered, shabby, hairless, mangy cat: inner discomfort, wounds, disappointments, negative moods, lack of creativity, physical, mental, spiritual weakness, if with ticks or other parasites, anger of not easy expression due to the actions of others that are very annoying and are spiritually done by psychic vampires, feeling mortified and downcast.

Dreaming of killing a cat: aversion to one's own female side of the soul and insensitivity or female sexuality and feelings of threat due to negative psychic block.

Dreaming of a dead cat - feeling of being limited and oppressed, needing self-affirmation and autonomy.

Dreaming of a cat without a tail - loss of power and freedom, difficulty in having freedom.

Cat urinating, vomiting, defecating: liberation from negative emotional waste.

Malformed cat: little balance in the relationship with the feminine and instinct.

Two-headed cat: confusion

I will write more about colors to allow for a better fusion of the meanings of your dreams in addition to the examples I have done in this post about the Cat and his colour.

Cats in ancient Egypt were absolutely revered and the penalty for killing a Cat was death because it was a very serious and ugly thing, the Goddess Bastet was worshiped under the guise of the Cat, the Goddess herself has the eyes of a Cat in natural and healthy way to represent the sensitivity and intuition to obtain knowledge and wisdom of a higher type thanks to a powerful and open third eye and the feminine side of the soul that is free, free as a necessity to reach Divinity by completing the Magnum Opus Satanic gaining enormous divine power and this is exactly what the Goddess Bastet / Hagenti represents.
The Crocodile in Dreams

The Crocodile that appears usually creates and causes disturbance and questions about its alien and reptilian appearance.

Despite this, it may be that sometimes in certain dreams the dreamer experiences fascination and attraction towards this animal.

In dreams the Crocodile symbolizes the oldest and most primitive and irrational untamed part of the mind, the most disowned instinct that tries to send strong signals through the fear of nightmares.

In the ancient world the Crocodile can be found in the Egyptian figure of Ammit who has the head of a Crocodile, Ammit was not revered but feared because it represents the devouring of the heart and personality of a person's life in his current incarnation, ammit is shown in the region with solar chakra 666 and the floor of the Maat room represents the base chakra and Saturn.

Anubis compares the weight of Hunefer's heart with the weight of the feather of truth on the Maat scale. Thoth, the ibis-headed scribe of the Gods, transcribes the result. Ammit is waiting for the result to the right of the scales.
If the weight of the feather was higher than that of the heart the soul ascends to higher astral levels, if instead the weight of the heart is higher the heart is thrown on the floor and devoured by Ammit (the Greeks called Ammit Hades).

This is the symbolic rite of psychostasis for more information read the sermon Manipura Chakra and Liberation:


The aspect of aggression, ferocity and voracity must be considered in dreams together with the fact that it is a reptile of land and water.
It is therefore important to analyze in dreams and visions that are the fruit of the imaginative part of the mind, its duplicity as a representative of destructive force, wickedness, annihilation and death and a force of fecundity and a symbol of life, think of the God Sobek.

The crocodile dichotomy is very often an expression of the unconscious that tries to find the balance between the most instinctive and spontaneous forces of the psyche to make them accept them in the light of logical consciousness.

In the dream world it can also represent the falsehood, the sneaky and the treacherous that can surround the dreamer in reality and warn of a person or more people to beware of and also to guilt of the dreamer.

In dreams the Crocodile can mean: fear of being attacked and / or of losing power and security, irrational fears, hidden danger and difficulties / pitfalls, falsehood, coldness, insensitivity, healing, recovery, psychic awakening, inner vision and self-discovery , adaptation, strength, virility, masculine power and masculine energy, the mother.

Examples of Crocodile in Dreams:

Being devoured by a Crocodile is related to the emergence of deeper and atavistic instinctive drives that are perceived as dangerous, on the contrary being calm and having a Crocodile as a friend in the dream reveals an instinct that is mastered without being overwhelmed by it.

Dreaming of so many Crocodiles - apprehension of forces perceived as overwhelming that you are afraid of because of a sense of inferiority.

Dreaming of being eaten by a Crocodile - situations of conflict and discomfort that cause stress and anguish and anxiety which are however unjustly repressed.

Dreaming of being bitten by a Crocodile - oppressive limitation of one's freedom combined with a sense of threat to it.

Dreaming of being attacked by a Crocodile and saving himself or even beating him and winning: powerful inner strength and highly developed ego and will, survival instinct and willpower to live and fight.

Dreaming of a docile, meek, peaceful Crocodile: good relationship with the unconscious, excellent inner vision to see the truth without fear and anxiety-inducing impediment, happiness, inner strength, well-being with one's instinctive side.

Dreaming of a Crocodile in the house, in the bed, in the bathtub or in the shower - there is a rather significant problem in life to be solved as soon as possible and as best as possible.

Dreaming of a Crocodile running away and / or being hunted: struggle not to be overwhelmed by the problems of life, struggle for survival and fighting spirit, desire for liberation from an "inner enemy" or an enemy in real life.

Crocodile wounded, dead or dying: liberation from fears and / or the achievement of a personal ambition, on the contrary if it is perceived as good it can be an excessive sacrifice to make or worse, something important that has been lost or that will be lost.
The elephant in dreams

The elephant in dreams is an expression of the strength of the instinct that emerges violently from the unconscious.

This force, however, can be directed with inner strength and power through commitment and it should be because the elephant that appears in dreams reveals that this force must be held in high regard based on the nature of the dream context and color and consequently the type of energy that the elephant expresses because it indicates expressive urgency.

It can be significant of conflicts of a sexual nature and the need to have space in one's own reality and freedom, to be seen, admired and to capture the attention of others positively due to an inferiority complex and a weakened third chakra.

It can also express the strength present in the dreamer that he must become aware of in order not to discredit this inner strength that is part of a resistant, responsible and powerful aspect of the personality for which there are no problems in facing the obstacles of life with the need to advance. even slowly but surely.

The elephant therefore represents the vital energy of the self.

Meanings of the elephant in dreams: calm, maturity, meditation, intelligence, memory, power, sensitivity, patience, perseverance, reliability, fidelity, vital power, luck, long life, perception.

Examples of Elephant in dreams:

Dreaming of an Elephant: huge - it can be a compensatory dream due to a difficult period, an attempt by the unconscious to instill courage, strength and raise morale.
It can also mean considerable energies to vent and direct.

Dreaming of a baby elephant - a potential not yet brought to maturity that has yet to grow but must be brought to fruition with effort and work.

Dreaming of a happy, friendly elephant playing, stroking an elephant:

Dreaming of many Elephants: so much power / potential, resources.

Dreaming of Elephants in an Indian row - energy directed towards a goal with self-control and discipline.

Dreaming of riding an Elephant: ability to govern the great instinctive and unconscious forces, ability to rationally direct the energies to achieve goals and desires.

Dreaming of an elephant giving birth - in pregnancy it can represent a happy birth, in a spiritual sense it indicates the potential realized, fruitful energies that give new opportunities for spiritual growth and advancement.

Dreaming of an elephant that triggers, with its trunk raised and / or that stands up: a revival accompanied by a burst of vitality and a peak of energy and desire to achieve one's ambitions.

Dreaming of an aggressive elephant: it can represent the fear of the possibility of the magnitude of one's energy or of something large and powerful that has been experienced, it can be emotions or in any case energy that it is difficult to stem and therefore due to a psychic block you feel fear.

Dreaming of an elephant without a trunk - a symbol of loss of energy and fear of loss of autonomy and power.

Dreaming of a dead Elegant - in premonitory dreams it represents someone's death, in a spiritual sense it can be a considerable loss of energy.

Dreaming of an injured and / or sick elephant - sadness, moments of depression and weakness, drop in psychophysical energy.

Dreaming of killing an Elephant - repression of one's energies due to the fear of them.

Dreaming of an elephant chained, imprisoned - blocked vitality, lack of freedom in the expression of power.
I will do whole sections of post about dreams, the owl will do it among the next animals, here too I publish the list of what I intend to do with my dream work.

I will make posts that can be useful and interesting to help interpret dreams in addition to the help I already provide here on the forum by interpreting and giving spiritual advice with dreams.

I add this index as a link in the collection of dream interpretations of different Spiritual Satanists that I have done over time.

Colors in dreams

Animals in dreams

Animals of Satan in dreams

Aquatic animals in dreams

Supernatural beings in dreams

The body in dreams

Sex in dreams (erotic dreams)

Emotions in dreams

Natural elements in dreams

Foods in dreams

Astrological numerology in dreams

Some objects in dreams

Some actions in dreams

People in dreams

Buildings in dreams

Means of transport in dreams
This was so insightful! Thank you, especially for the detailed entry about cats (my favourite animal). <3

I've been remembering more of my dreams lately so this information will definitely be of some help in the future.

Last night I had a very weird dream: I was buying a car (I don't even have a learner's lol). It was a cheap one, a red Sunfire GTX. The strangest thing is I never knew they made a GTX until Googling it.
Later that night I was hanging out with 2 young women. The world was in chaos as we were driving out-of-town to find their grandparent's house. At this time I was sitting in the back of the car I'd purchased.

For some inexplicable reason the roads were covered in gasoline and cars were catching fire. It was as though we were the only lucky ones making it through.

That's about all I remember but it doesn't surprise me considering how crazy the world is getting. That said, it was a beautiful and mysterious kind of dream. Hopefully I remember more dreams going forward. I'll work on maintaining a sleep schedule (more restful sleep) and continue meditating on my third eye and 6th chakra.

The main take-away I got is that I'm safe and I need not worry about "what-ifs". It also reminded me not to dwell on small problems and to focus on the long-term more.

Thanks again for this great info! :)

Also, sorry for my ramblings. I tend to do that... It's definitely a Virgo trait. ^_^

I wonder what does dreaming about dinosaurs (where the dragon originated from) in your dreams mean?
The Crocodile in Dreams

The Crocodile that appears usually creates and causes disturbance and questions about its alien and reptilian appearance.

Despite this, it may be that sometimes in certain dreams the dreamer experiences fascination and attraction towards this animal.

In dreams the Crocodile symbolizes the oldest and most primitive and irrational untamed part of the mind, the most disowned instinct that tries to send strong signals through the fear of nightmares.

In the ancient world the Crocodile can be found in the Egyptian figure of Ammit who has the head of a Crocodile, Ammit was not revered but feared because it represents the devouring of the heart and personality of a person's life in his current incarnation, ammit is shown in the region with solar chakra 666 and the floor of the Maat room represents the base chakra and Saturn.

Anubis compares the weight of Hunefer's heart with the weight of the feather of truth on the Maat scale. Thoth, the ibis-headed scribe of the Gods, transcribes the result. Ammit is waiting for the result to the right of the scales.
If the weight of the feather was higher than that of the heart the soul ascends to higher astral levels, if instead the weight of the heart is higher the heart is thrown on the floor and devoured by Ammit (the Greeks called Ammit Hades).

This is the symbolic rite of psychostasis for more information read the sermon Manipura Chakra and Liberation:

The aspect of aggression, ferocity and voracity must be considered in dreams together with the fact that it is a reptile of land and water.
It is therefore important to analyze in dreams and visions that are the fruit of the imaginative part of the mind, its duplicity as a representative of destructive force, wickedness, annihilation and death and a force of fecundity and a symbol of life, think of the God Sobek.

The crocodile dichotomy is very often an expression of the unconscious that tries to find the balance between the most instinctive and spontaneous forces of the psyche to make them accept them in the light of logical consciousness.

In the dream world it can also represent the falsehood, the sneaky and the treacherous that can surround the dreamer in reality and warn of a person or more people to beware of and also to guilt of the dreamer.

In dreams the Crocodile can mean: fear of being attacked and / or of losing power and security, irrational fears, hidden danger and difficulties / pitfalls, falsehood, coldness, insensitivity, healing, recovery, psychic awakening, inner vision and self-discovery , adaptation, strength, virility, masculine power and masculine energy, the mother.

Examples of Crocodile in Dreams:

Being devoured by a Crocodile is related to the emergence of deeper and atavistic instinctive drives that are perceived as dangerous, on the contrary being calm and having a Crocodile as a friend in the dream reveals an instinct that is mastered without being overwhelmed by it.

Dreaming of so many Crocodiles - apprehension of forces perceived as overwhelming that you are afraid of because of a sense of inferiority.

Dreaming of being eaten by a Crocodile - situations of conflict and discomfort that cause stress and anguish and anxiety which are however unjustly repressed.

Dreaming of being bitten by a Crocodile - oppressive limitation of one's freedom combined with a sense of threat to it.

Dreaming of being attacked by a Crocodile and saving himself or even beating him and winning: powerful inner strength and highly developed ego and will, survival instinct and willpower to live and fight.

Dreaming of a docile, meek, peaceful Crocodile: good relationship with the unconscious, excellent inner vision to see the truth without fear and anxiety-inducing impediment, happiness, inner strength, well-being with one's instinctive side.

Dreaming of a Crocodile in the house, in the bed, in the bathtub or in the shower - there is a rather significant problem in life to be solved as soon as possible and as best as possible.

Dreaming of a Crocodile running away and / or being hunted: struggle not to be overwhelmed by the problems of life, struggle for survival and fighting spirit, desire for liberation from an "inner enemy" or an enemy in real life.

Crocodile wounded, dead or dying: liberation from fears and / or the achievement of a personal ambition, on the contrary if it is perceived as good it can be an excessive sacrifice to make or worse, something important that has been lost or that will be lost.
Sorry to bump an old topic, but this is precisely the answer I was looking for! I've been having recurring dreams of Crocodiles, thankfully they were all good dreams and the Crocs were friendly and calm to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
