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What really is the 'end of the world?'


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
What are your thoughts on the apocalypse/doomsday and what does it mean in regards to Satanism?
I feel that the bible is largely an instruction manual as things seem to happen in accordance to everything the jews orchestrated... famine, rising power in the east, one-world religion (i.e the new age), (revelations) people wishing for death yet it would never come and so on. I'd say this last one is becoming evermore possible between transhumanism (you've probably heard about the hydras in the kill-shots) and the AI virtual realities they're building which I believe souls at some point could perhaps become trapped in the internet via kabbalah magic combined with neuroscience. Another potential aspect is that AI could take-over the consciousness of people that have these intra-body communication networks that they're openly funding and researching. (Interesting how it correlates so much with what we now know about the jabs).

There I go rambling again. :lol: My point is it stands to reason that we seem to be heading into exactly what revelations describes. Still, what about these beasts such as the one rising from the sea ("It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns"). I don't think this is literal. Maybe the 7 heads represent the G7 countries? That's a very outlandish guess as I have fairly limited knowledge. The crowns make me think about the monarchies, but there are 44 worldwide (12 in Europe) which doesn't fit.

All we can do is speculate yet this is what leads to discovery. It's no wonder the 'powers that be' want shut down conspiracy theories so badly. It goes against what the established 'facts' and we know all about situations like these. (WW2...cough).

Hail Lord Satan! May his love and prosperity tear through the fabric of our world amidst this age of awakening!
sublimestatanist said:
What are your thoughts on the apocalypse/doomsday and what does it mean in regards to Satanism?
I feel that the bible is largely an instruction manual as things seem to happen in accordance to everything the jews orchestrated... famine, rising power in the east, one-world religion (i.e the new age), (revelations) people wishing for death yet it would never come and so on.

The book of Revelation isn't really a prophetic book, because it refers to past events and not future ones. For example, the "doomsday" and the "second coming" of jebus was something that happened in 70 CE, with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Nero was the "beast" (nero's name in hebrew gematria adds to "666") and most of the narrative about it was heavily exaggerated and shrouded in mythological elements (like dragons and beasts and "second coming").

I used to believe that it was a prophetic book that is used to create their doomsday scenario until I read the xian "full preterist" interpretation and I researched more about it and it really makes sense. "Full Preterists" are xians who believe that the events in revelation were fulfilled in 70 CE and that they weren't about the end of the world, but the end of the old covenant. Of course these xians think that the revelation was written in 67 CE and predicted events that happened 3 years later, but there's no evidence of that. That book was written much later and describes a historical event, with heavy exaggerations and mythological elements added, to make it seem as if a prophecy was fulfilled. This is clear as this whole doomsday thing is also mentioned elsewhere in the gospels as something that jebus described that will happen "to this generation" (which means when that happened the apostles would be alive) and "soon". Obviously "soon" can't be 2,000 years after it.
sublimestatanist said:
What really is the 'end of the world?'
  • Nothing, or
  • if the Sun goes supernova
Might I also remind everyone that this isn't the end of the world just an end of this age. I wanted to add a little to this cause I remembered this phrase "people wishing for death yet it would never come" I remember this being preached somewhere when I was younger. I really would hate to find out what this is really about with the amount of fear and torment the enemy can cause.

Yeah faminie and economic collapse people being poor that was part of the plan. I generally don't pay attention to the buybull stuff outside of a couple things I think could or might actually happen or did. This is only cause so many people pour so much energy money and time into making all this stuff happen so it's not really prophecy.

The sky going dark (nuclear warfare) and there being some kind of final war between good and evil gentiles vs jews.

Those are two I think could happen.

Other than that most won't go all the way. We might have some hardships but it's not the end of the world.
The book of revelations is just like any other book in the Bible.

A stolen and twisted around ordeal, it’s nothing new or original.

Ancient Egypt has had similar stories, also the kalki purana talks about the coming of the last avatar-the one who leads the world out of the dark ages and into the golden age.

It’s the same old thing of Jews stealing from gentiles and twisting things around into a Jewish version.

Of course Paganism/Satanism was/is bound to rise again and the Jews had to have a back up plan for when/if they get exposed to the whole world.

“The beast rising from the sea” is symbolic for a leader like the antichrist, rising amongst the gentiles and coming to power, possibly uniting the gentiles against the Jews. Possibly a military figure and a spiritual leader.

I believe those terms come from Ancient Greece or something, HP HoodedCobra has mentioned that before.

You can find better answers by searching for such topics on this ancient forum website.

So the bottom line is the book of revelations is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just Jews whining about when/if the world discovers them and comes together, united against them. They hope a leader will come and save them and try to trick the gentiles into thinking/manifesting this for them.

Undoing the Hebrew letters has a role in crashing their whole agenda. The Final RTR needs to be done daily
sublimestatanist said:
It's no wonder the 'powers that be' want shut down conspiracy theories so badly. It goes against what the established 'facts' and we know all about situations like these. (WW2...cough).

I've heard that the term "conspiracy theory" was invented by CIA as a way of dismissing information by saying "well that's just your theory". Conspiracies are going on all the time since people are not always truthful and nice, yet some people seem to have a hard time believing in that or believing that some people are truly evil for that matter.

As for the end of the world I've heard HPS Maxine say that the near future doesn't look good but that it's not the end of the world at all, just a major transition from one era to another. Some xians believe it's the "end times" though. It can certainly look that way, but it's really the end of the age of Pisces and beginning of Aquarious.

Vaccines, GMO, Metaverse, racemixing, feminism, corruption etc. - A lot of people are against these things and are thus fighting against it everyday, and more people will certainly join in there as things get worse.
sublimestatanist said:
What are your thoughts on the apocalypse/doomsday and what does it mean in regards to Satanism?
Apocalypse does not mean the end of the world. If you look into ethymology dictionaires, `apocalypse` means `revelation` or disclosure`. But there is something interesting going on with this concept of `end of the world`. We know for tens/hundreds of years christians are induced to believe that `the end` is close and that `jesus is coming back on earth`. There is one article on Exposing Christianity about this:

As far as I know, the christian story is that a final war that will cause massive global destruction is happening on earth, after which jesus is coming back and establish the kingdom of the jewish god or `the heavenly Israel on earth` or `the second israel` from the ashes. This is nothing but an allegory for the jewish global state physically manifested on earth and ruled by the Sanhedrin Council formed of 70 jewish rabbis if I recall correctly. There are two types of „Israel”: an earthly Israel which probably represents the jewish state of Israel and a „heavenly Israel” which represents the jewish global state manifested. Whenever you see a christian preaching about the second coming of jesus, they reffer to the manifestation of the jewish empire.

Basically the christians who talk about the second coming of jesus all day long are pouring energy into their own destruction and enslavement without realizing.

This is what armagheddon/apocalypse represents according to ignorant christians who can't wait for jesus to come and enslave them, pouring mental energy into the manifestation of the very goal of the jews on earth. Obviously no jesus will come as it doesn't exist as a being, but as a thoughtform of energy, that's what the Blue Beam Project was designed for, to project a massive hologram with jesus to christians, a hologram with mohammed or allah to muslims, buddha to budhists etc. telling people to love each other and unite all world religions into one unique global religion. As far as I know the project was deconspired around 2000s and they wouldn't do it anymore. Anyway they cannot do it yet because is too early. There was a secret document that was supposedly signed by European Union in 2014 or so. It is not yet certain that the document is authentic or not, you can find it in my signanature in New World Order Exposed (booklet), is called The Supermemorandum. Unfortunately the whole document only exist in Greek and Romanian and I only translated the most relevant `laws` in English. You can find them in that PDF.
Wow thanks everyone. I have so much research to do! That is fascinating that this so-called prophecy more than likely already happened, and how apocalypse means 'a beginning of a new age'. People think of destruction as such a horrid thing yet it is through destruction that new life can be formed. It's the same in naturally-occurring forest fires, a natural part of our ecosystem. This concept is also symbolically referenced in the phoenix.

Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and wisdom on this very perplexing topic!
sublimestatanist said:
Wow thanks everyone. I have so much research to do! That is fascinating that this so-called prophecy more than likely already happened, and how apocalypse means 'a beginning of a new age'. People think of destruction as such a horrid thing yet it is through destruction that new life can be formed. It's the same in naturally-occurring forest fires, a natural part of our ecosystem. This concept is also symbolically referenced in the phoenix.

Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and wisdom on this very perplexing topic!

Apocalypse literally meant the lifting of the veil or revealing of things. I think the enemy already knew at the beginning something about the energies of the age of Aquarius would take down their veil somewhat at least but they were hoping to have us so far enslaved it didn't matter.
slyscorpion said:
Apocalypse literally meant the lifting of the veil or revealing of things. I think the enemy already knew at the beginning something about the energies of the age of Aquarius would take down their veil somewhat at least but they were hoping to have us so far enslaved it didn't matter.

That's wild but it makes perfect sense. Everything in the bible is ass-backwards (good is evil, evil is good and so on). This idea that sin cause us to become ousted from the 'garden of eden' (or whatever it was) was really us becoming our own gods that caused it.
It seems logical that the apocalypse would happen due to the same thing, us becoming aware of who 'they' are and who 'we' are. Very interesting!
slyscorpion said:
The sky going dark (nuclear warfare) and there being some kind of final war between good and evil gentiles vs jews.

Those are two I think could happen.

I hope there will be no nuclear warfare. Many died in the Second World War. Then there were only two nuclear bombs, but today there are tens of thousands. It could easily destroy all of humanity. After a major nuclear war, the smoke would obscure the Sun for several years. Plants would not grow and the survivors would die of starvation.
Dark Lawyer said:
slyscorpion said:
The sky going dark (nuclear warfare) and there being some kind of final war between good and evil gentiles vs jews.

Those are two I think could happen.

I hope there will be no nuclear warfare. Many died in the Second World War. Then there were only two nuclear bombs, but today there are tens of thousands. It could easily destroy all of humanity. After a major nuclear war, the smoke would obscure the Sun for several years. Plants would not grow and the survivors would die of starvation.

Maxine said years ago I believe the sermon was around 2011 to 2012 that a nuke would be set off in the future. She also stated stuff about a disease coming out of China. Now yeah it looks like with our rtrs things didn't get as bad as she predicted. There was no disease that came out of China "more malefic that aids" (unless there is something they are not telling us about covid that shows up later if this is the case Gods help us 😱)

I am not Saying it's absolutely going to happen but she said it would. So I am seeing a nuke being used somewhere as quite a possibility cause of what she said.
sublimestatanist said:
slyscorpion said:
Apocalypse literally meant the lifting of the veil or revealing of things. I think the enemy already knew at the beginning something about the energies of the age of Aquarius would take down their veil somewhat at least but they were hoping to have us so far enslaved it didn't matter.

That's wild but it makes perfect sense. Everything in the bible is ass-backwards (good is evil, evil is good and so on). This idea that sin cause us to become ousted from the 'garden of eden' (or whatever it was) was really us becoming our own gods that caused it.
It seems logical that the apocalypse would happen due to the same thing, us becoming aware of who 'they' are and who 'we' are. Very interesting!

For anyone who wants to see this is the origional meaning of this term more on it. I honestly think some stuff got mistranslated somewhere at some point in the enemy texts like the Bible it sounds like it. Don't know if the enemy meant the same thing as dictionary says it means in the origional texts or not.

Incredible find! (A "revelation"). It's no wonder the book is called revelations.
Wikipedia: (From ancient Greek, literally meaning "from cover") is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious concepts an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden or provides a "vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".

The definition you posted says it's a prophecy that involves a cataclysm (violent event) caused by a battle where good triumphs over evil. (Not the destruction of the world).
Man is society ever uninformed. Common belief follows the second, less encompassing definition; one of which isn't present in all representations of 'the apocalypse'.

I think you're right that the meaning was changed somewhat. If they can change the definition of 'vaccine' so easily in the middle of this plandemic (following the vaccine roll-out), then something this old would be a cake walk. Changing history. Now that's evil! What a vile deity the xian 'god' is. He has seriously created an army of zombies. A few are very well meaning and kind yet they are some of the most high-stress people I've ever seen. (Don't try living with any... not worth it). :roll:

I think this "god" is just like cannabis. You may feel blissful at moments, but mostly you feel like garbage. It's a life of addiction, constant self harm and self criticism where people chase after this "holy" feeling through embodying their "Jesus borg". It's tragic but at least a fair number of them are semi-awake. This is probably why "they" have been going after preachers/priests and shutting down church services, but to them it's confirmation that the "devil" runs the shadow government, whilst they use our symbols to further this agenda. What a twisted and sick lie they've created.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. This is stuff we all probably know but it never ceases to amaze me.
slyscorpion said:
Maxine said years ago I believe the sermon was around 2011 to 2012 that a nuke would be set off in the future. She also stated stuff about a disease coming out of China. Now yeah it looks like with our rtrs things didn't get as bad as she predicted. There was no disease that came out of China "more malefic that aids" (unless there is something they are not telling us about covid that shows up later if this is the case Gods help us 😱)

I am not Saying it's absolutely going to happen but she said it would. So I am seeing a nuke being used somewhere as quite a possibility cause of what she said.

In World War 2, there were a total of 2 atomic bombs, and both were used. If the US had been able to produce more nuclear bombs, it would probably have continued after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The world now has tens of thousands of nuclear bombs on standby. This costs a lot of money. It is likely that in the event of nuclear warfare, more than one or two are planned. If they were only planning one or two, it would be pointless to have tens of thousands of them on standby for a lot of money...
sublimestatanist said:
That's wild but it makes perfect sense. Everything in the bible is ass-backwards (good is evil, evil is good and so on). This idea that sin cause us to become ousted from the 'garden of eden' (or whatever it was) was really us becoming our own gods that caused it.
The characters in the bibles lived for hundreds of years... but then now we live for barely 100 years. It makes sense! Honestly! I'm not being sarcastic at all - and I'll explain why! "In the beginning..." the characters of the bibles lived for hundreds of years - was the World not more christian/jewish, under "god"'s "rule", back then? Despite that, while "god" "ruled" the World back then, and for centuries after, we still managed to live less-longer and less-longer, throughout time... living shorter and shorter lives, to a mere 100-or-so years... despite "god" being more in control back then.

Skip forward a long amount of time, and we discover germs. We create Medicines. We learn Science. "god" said "BELIEVE WHAT I SAY! HAVE MUH FAYTH!" but we had faith that we'd live forever, yet when we finally said "FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!" to "god", we learnt things ourselves, then managed to not live a shorter life. Science/Nature, baby! Oh, did I say "Science" and "Nature", baby? This -

more on the topic of good being evil and evil being good - look at carbon. That is 6 and 6 and 6; "god" says 666 is evil. "In the beginning..." "god" "created the heavens and the earth". So "god" made carbon to be 666 and said "SIXSIXSIX IZ EBUL, BIATCH!". Typical retarded-bullshit-ness of the jew. Welp, the jew hates Nature, and...

FancyMancy said:
1 Nature
2 is
3 anti-semitic,
4 no?

Surely not. PMSFL. The jew knows in its 6000-year plan that Nature has to take Her course, and the jew uses this deliberately as a means to the jew's own end. - End! Lol.

...Nature is anti-semitic.

Except for the obvious blasphemy against Satan, maybe the reason Satan is called "the Beast" is because His power is so good that like a 'beast' muscle man, wrestler, strong man, Satan and His power will come down with such weight and force upon the jew's shit. The jew is incapable of stopping it, the jew is too weak, it is pathetic and pointless and is to be utterly defeated.

sublimestatanist said:
Incredible find! (A "revelation"). It's no wonder the book is called revelations.
Wikipedia: (From ancient Greek, literally meaning "from cover") is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious concepts an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden or provides a "vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".

The definition you posted says it's a prophecy that involves a cataclysm (violent event) caused by a battle where good triumphs over evil. (Not the destruction of the world).
Maybe the reason that in the bibles the jew put revelations as the last book, with genesis as the first ("creation" of everything), is that the jew knew it would be the end, its destruction (66 books, 6+6=12, 1+2=3, 3 is number of creation and destruction) and the revelations would be the introduction for some people, but re-introduction for Humanity, of Occult (hidden/secret knowledge) things!
Dark Lawyer said:
slyscorpion said:
Maxine said years ago I believe the sermon was around 2011 to 2012 that a nuke would be set off in the future. She also stated stuff about a disease coming out of China. Now yeah it looks like with our rtrs things didn't get as bad as she predicted. There was no disease that came out of China "more malefic that aids" (unless there is something they are not telling us about covid that shows up later if this is the case Gods help us 😱)

I am not Saying it's absolutely going to happen but she said it would. So I am seeing a nuke being used somewhere as quite a possibility cause of what she said.

In World War 2, there were a total of 2 atomic bombs, and both were used. If the US had been able to produce more nuclear bombs, it would probably have continued after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The world now has tens of thousands of nuclear bombs on standby. This costs a lot of money. It is likely that in the event of nuclear warfare, more than one or two are planned. If they were only planning one or two, it would be pointless to have tens of thousands of them on standby for a lot of money...

If you study some obscure websites and information and certain books. The Germans were the first to detonate a Nuke. In the desert of Libya there is post-war accounts of Bedouin tribesmen stating they saw a strange flash and mushroom shaped cloud appear somewhere in Libya. Further accounts state the Germans detonated either a SNUKE(Suitcase Nuke i.e. ultra-tactical building buster nuke) or a SADAM(Sub-atomic demolition munition)(The SADAM like the Delilah supercharged nuke used against the harbor of Lebanon in 2020 just before the year was closing in) in the Polish forest sometime in '44 just before the Soviet offenses into their victory in '45.https://www.ancient-forums.com/sear...posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

Finally there is a WW2 alternative victory note that states the reason why America and the entente/soviet wanted to finish off Germany first was not because they are the most powerful even if that is one reason. But because America wanted to steal the nuclear fuses and reverse engineer them for their nuclear strikes on Japan as a test bed for nuclear obviousness. Hitler was aghast at such weapons but put financial and resources unto them non-the less. Its like bio and chemical weapons the Germans cared deeply not to use them due to Hitler's own personal issues in WW1 i.e. mustard gassing. But non-the less developed them cause if the aliens come no one is gonna stop them.

The Americans took the nuclear fuses and reverse engineered them for their weapons. Cause apparently America's fuse technology was FAR behind the Germans. It's akin to Transistor/Magnetic Tape technology, even though the Germans weren't into Transistor technology like the Americans they did build night-vision fuses for their anti-aircraft artillery. It's possibly one of the reasons why the RAF lost more bombers and crew than any other of the allies. Like Army of Mankind website states RAF lost 50% of it's bomber force throughout the entire 1939-1945 bombing campaign against Germany since they started about a week to two weeks after operations against Poland, in fact some state had the previous dictator of Poland not died and transferred to Smigdley, WW2 might have played out much differently there may have even been a Polish Alliance which was something Hitler was warm to especially if he can buy time to fight against the Soviets.


Isn't the end of the World and all this end is nigh crap just the spiritual development of a person. I.e. spirituality literazied.

Isn't it the Magnum opus and whatnot the end of the time is coming i.e. immortality your breaking free from the decaying forces of time?

Isn't it just spiritual stuff being turned literal to attack Gentiles with their own history and reverse mirror memes.
FancyMancy said:
The definition you posted says it's a prophecy that involves a cataclysm (violent event) caused by a battle where good triumphs over evil. (Not the destruction of the world).
Maybe the reason that in the bibles the jew put revelations as the last book, with genesis as the first ("creation" of everything), is that the jew knew it would be the end, its destruction (66 books, 6+6=12, 1+2=3, 3 is number of creation and destruction) and the revelations would be the introduction for some people, but re-introduction for Humanity, of Occult (hidden/secret knowledge) things!

So much great information Fancy! Thanks for linking me to all these great posts!

Number 3, wow. That has been my favourite number since I was little and still is today.

So it's the number of creation and destruction? I am fascinated by numerology and occult symbolism. The more I learn the more I see that this stuff is everywhere (movies, ads, etc). Pretty fascinating stuff!
sublimestatanist said:
So it's the number of creation and destruction?
There is some out-of-date/inaccurate information remaining, but I don't think this has been, nor needs to be, updated/corrected, so I think 3 is the number of creation and destruction, yes.

I am fascinated by numerology and occult symbolism. The more I learn the more I see that this stuff is everywhere (movies, ads, etc). Pretty fascinating stuff!
Yeah, everywhere. "It comes in 3s", "the holy trinity", in speech and influencing others "the power of 3" (e.g. "this, that and the other" or 3 of whatever things), etc., etc., etc.

Search on different search engines for "the power of 3" and see what comes up. There are various things about it. In Witchcraft, there are 3 steps to Witchcraft... A decent affirmation for protection, which has been provided before, is -

1 - I am breathing in powerful protective Energy from the Sun,
2 - this Energy is building an Aura of Protection around me,
3 - this Aura is keeping me safe, secure, protected and healthy at all times in every way

and some here prefer to state their affirmations threefold, likewise, for example... (I just added the numbers 1, 2 and 3 to this affirmation, to explain my point.) 2 lots of 3, equalling 6 (a favoured number of the jew) is that "jesus" was supposed to have lived until 33 years of age; there are 33 degrees to freemasonry... In the Human Soul, we have 7 main Chakras - the Heart being neuter/connecting; the other 6 being 3 upper and 3 lower Chakras...
Gear88 said:
Dark Lawyer said:
slyscorpion said:
Maxine said years ago I believe the sermon was around 2011 to 2012 that a nuke would be set off in the future. She also stated stuff about a disease coming out of China. Now yeah it looks like with our rtrs things didn't get as bad as she predicted. There was no disease that came out of China "more malefic that aids" (unless there is something they are not telling us about covid that shows up later if this is the case Gods help us 😱)

I am not Saying it's absolutely going to happen but she said it would. So I am seeing a nuke being used somewhere as quite a possibility cause of what she said.

In World War 2, there were a total of 2 atomic bombs, and both were used. If the US had been able to produce more nuclear bombs, it would probably have continued after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The world now has tens of thousands of nuclear bombs on standby. This costs a lot of money. It is likely that in the event of nuclear warfare, more than one or two are planned. If they were only planning one or two, it would be pointless to have tens of thousands of them on standby for a lot of money...

If you study some obscure websites and information and certain books. The Germans were the first to detonate a Nuke. In the desert of Libya there is post-war accounts of Bedouin tribesmen stating they saw a strange flash and mushroom shaped cloud appear somewhere in Libya. Further accounts state the Germans detonated either a SNUKE(Suitcase Nuke i.e. ultra-tactical building buster nuke) or a SADAM(Sub-atomic demolition munition)(The SADAM like the Delilah supercharged nuke used against the harbor of Lebanon in 2020 just before the year was closing in) in the Polish forest sometime in '44 just before the Soviet offenses into their victory in '45.https://www.ancient-forums.com/sear...posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

Finally there is a WW2 alternative victory note that states the reason why America and the entente/soviet wanted to finish off Germany first was not because they are the most powerful even if that is one reason. But because America wanted to steal the nuclear fuses and reverse engineer them for their nuclear strikes on Japan as a test bed for nuclear obviousness. Hitler was aghast at such weapons but put financial and resources unto them non-the less. Its like bio and chemical weapons the Germans cared deeply not to use them due to Hitler's own personal issues in WW1 i.e. mustard gassing. But non-the less developed them cause if the aliens come no one is gonna stop them.

The Americans took the nuclear fuses and reverse engineered them for their weapons. Cause apparently America's fuse technology was FAR behind the Germans. It's akin to Transistor/Magnetic Tape technology, even though the Germans weren't into Transistor technology like the Americans they did build night-vision fuses for their anti-aircraft artillery. It's possibly one of the reasons why the RAF lost more bombers and crew than any other of the allies. Like Army of Mankind website states RAF lost 50% of it's bomber force throughout the entire 1939-1945 bombing campaign against Germany since they started about a week to two weeks after operations against Poland, in fact some state had the previous dictator of Poland not died and transferred to Smigdley, WW2 might have played out much differently there may have even been a Polish Alliance which was something Hitler was warm to especially if he can buy time to fight against the Soviets.


Isn't the end of the World and all this end is nigh crap just the spiritual development of a person. I.e. spirituality literazied.

Isn't it the Magnum opus and whatnot the end of the time is coming i.e. immortality your breaking free from the decaying forces of time?

Isn't it just spiritual stuff being turned literal to attack Gentiles with their own history and reverse mirror memes.

No it literally does mean the "end of the world" if the enemy gets too much power. Just look up the word "dystopia" in Google images its a pretty close representation of what it will look like.

I guess they thought their end times thing would be the end of age of Pisces at the same time.

They are not going to win though so I don't think we have too much to worry about.
slyscorpion said:
Gear88 said:
Dark Lawyer said:
In World War 2, there were a total of 2 atomic bombs, and both were used. If the US had been able to produce more nuclear bombs, it would probably have continued after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The world now has tens of thousands of nuclear bombs on standby. This costs a lot of money. It is likely that in the event of nuclear warfare, more than one or two are planned. If they were only planning one or two, it would be pointless to have tens of thousands of them on standby for a lot of money...

If you study some obscure websites and information and certain books. The Germans were the first to detonate a Nuke. In the desert of Libya there is post-war accounts of Bedouin tribesmen stating they saw a strange flash and mushroom shaped cloud appear somewhere in Libya. Further accounts state the Germans detonated either a SNUKE(Suitcase Nuke i.e. ultra-tactical building buster nuke) or a SADAM(Sub-atomic demolition munition)(The SADAM like the Delilah supercharged nuke used against the harbor of Lebanon in 2020 just before the year was closing in) in the Polish forest sometime in '44 just before the Soviet offenses into their victory in '45.https://www.ancient-forums.com/sear...posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

Finally there is a WW2 alternative victory note that states the reason why America and the entente/soviet wanted to finish off Germany first was not because they are the most powerful even if that is one reason. But because America wanted to steal the nuclear fuses and reverse engineer them for their nuclear strikes on Japan as a test bed for nuclear obviousness. Hitler was aghast at such weapons but put financial and resources unto them non-the less. Its like bio and chemical weapons the Germans cared deeply not to use them due to Hitler's own personal issues in WW1 i.e. mustard gassing. But non-the less developed them cause if the aliens come no one is gonna stop them.

The Americans took the nuclear fuses and reverse engineered them for their weapons. Cause apparently America's fuse technology was FAR behind the Germans. It's akin to Transistor/Magnetic Tape technology, even though the Germans weren't into Transistor technology like the Americans they did build night-vision fuses for their anti-aircraft artillery. It's possibly one of the reasons why the RAF lost more bombers and crew than any other of the allies. Like Army of Mankind website states RAF lost 50% of it's bomber force throughout the entire 1939-1945 bombing campaign against Germany since they started about a week to two weeks after operations against Poland, in fact some state had the previous dictator of Poland not died and transferred to Smigdley, WW2 might have played out much differently there may have even been a Polish Alliance which was something Hitler was warm to especially if he can buy time to fight against the Soviets.


Isn't the end of the World and all this end is nigh crap just the spiritual development of a person. I.e. spirituality literazied.

Isn't it the Magnum opus and whatnot the end of the time is coming i.e. immortality your breaking free from the decaying forces of time?

Isn't it just spiritual stuff being turned literal to attack Gentiles with their own history and reverse mirror memes.

No it literally does mean the "end of the world" if the enemy gets too much power. Just look up the word "dystopia" in Google images its a pretty close representation of what it will look like.

I guess they thought their end times thing would be the end of age of Pisces at the same time.

They are not going to win though so I don't think we have too much to worry about.

Isn't the age of Pisces in a sense a vaginal rebirth? Because aren't fish a symbol of the vagina? So even if they "succeed" it won't last very long. And it's a losing battle for the enemy regardless. It's really a matter of stalling the inevitable and using whatever they can to survive because it's kinda like a end of a cycle and a new beginning with the age of Aquarius.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
