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Advice from SS who are also parents

The Proud Gentile

New member
Apr 28, 2019
Greetings. I've been gone for quite a while, when covid hit my life was all over the place, I ended up homeless for some time and bouncing from state to state with a spouse.
Things got better, him and I found an apartment together that we lived in for about a year. I became pregnant and brought a beautiful healthy daughter into the world 3 months ago.

I'm posting here because I intend for her to grow up in spiritual satanism but don't know where to start. I want to protect her from any jewish influence but it seems like the jews insert they're propaganda into every type of childrens media and books. Even in pediatrician offices there's christian/jew energies and spells. She's my first child and I want to do my best to protect her from this.
High priest or the mod, please disapprove this post if I have advised her to do anything which could be harmful to the baby.

Do aura of protection and aura of cleaning for her.
Imagine her aura glowing into bright golden light when you vibrate the mantra and affirm after you are over with your vibrations.

Affirmation: ( 'Name of your baby' at all times spiritually, physically and mentally safe,secure protected,powerful,strong and healthy at all times. )

I would also advise you to clean the aura of the baby daily. Imagine your baby glowing like a bright golden light like that of the sun when you do aop.
For the baby, I recommend you tot:
x9 Suryae
x9 Raum (Aura cleaning)

In Aop the aura glows in color like that of the sun.
In Aoc your baby herself glows like that of the sun.

Keep the repetitions at x9. I do not know if its safe for the baby if you increase the count more than 9 times. If you are serious about keeping the baby safe now and in the future, I advise you to develop a strict Satanic routine of yoga, void, aoc and aop. Its up to you to decide when to start the routine.
Your first and foremost priority should be your baby. I do not think you should participate in warfare at all.

Above all, ask Sir Satan and your Guardian Demon for guidance. Tune into their energies by visualizing the sigils and sincerely ask for guidance.
The Proud Gentile said:
Greetings. I've been gone for quite a while, when covid hit my life was all over the place, I ended up homeless for some time and bouncing from state to state with a spouse.
Things got better, him and I found an apartment together that we lived in for about a year. I became pregnant and brought a beautiful healthy daughter into the world 3 months ago.

I'm posting here because I intend for her to grow up in spiritual satanism but don't know where to start. I want to protect her from any jewish influence but it seems like the jews insert they're propaganda into every type of childrens media and books. Even in pediatrician offices there's christian/jew energies and spells. She's my first child and I want to do my best to protect her from this.

If your spouse is also an SS you could do a Satanic baptism, i believe its in the Satanic Rituals pdf.

Other than that, just read her cool stories of the gods and let her know they love her, celebrate pagan holidays and raise her with a pagan mindset. She should see the beauty and positivity of paganism early on & naturally reject that way of thinking when she runs across it

When and if she ever asks about xians just tell her in a subtle way why you reject it & I'm sure she'll understand

Then when shes ready and old enough, she can choose to become an SS too, just dont ever force it on her.

Most kids are drawn to the gods, just encourage that and keep the details about jews and such subtle until shes old enough to not go telling all her friends. Much like knowledge is released strategically here on the forums, you must do that for her because kids like to talk
Wow, I've got a son of about the same age.

You should start with the satanic baptism.

Don't worry; you don't need a physical priest with you. Just adapt it so that you can do it yourself.

You could even choose a special date. The next one is Imbolc, for example. I chose Samhain.

Another thing you could do is visualize your child surrounded with blue satanic energy and Satan's sigil with it.

I suggest you also read the sermon The Gods Live in the Children, if you haven't already.

Another thing you could do is plan ahead her education. With this I simply mean you could get books and stuff with pagan myths and Ancient History. Even if they are not accurate, at least they carry a certain energy in them that, I feel, is more Satanic.

For example, I grew up, like many, with xian stuff around: rosaries, bibles, a bronze cross at the library, did the communion, went to church on Yule, whatever... BUT there was a book about Greek Gods in the house, I would read about Ancient Civilizations on books and magazines lying around, I played video games with Ancient Rome as protagonist... Anyway, I feel all this influenced me more than the Jewish stuff at the end.

Hope it helps

Plus, it would be nice to know from other members if they do AoP and cleansing or workings on their children, as I got the impression they are already specially protected anyway. Not sure though.
The Proud Gentile said:
Greetings. I've been gone for quite a while, when covid hit my life was all over the place, I ended up homeless for some time and bouncing from state to state with a spouse.
Things got better, him and I found an apartment together that we lived in for about a year. I became pregnant and brought a beautiful healthy daughter into the world 3 months ago.

I'm posting here because I intend for her to grow up in spiritual satanism but don't know where to start. I want to protect her from any jewish influence but it seems like the jews insert they're propaganda into every type of childrens media and books. Even in pediatrician offices there's christian/jew energies and spells. She's my first child and I want to do my best to protect her from this.

Well, firstly you should not worry because there are plenty of solutions available that can be done both now and later. Even beyond active solutions, there is no way a child under SS care is going to grow up totally influenced by that. Any small corruption can be easily dealt with.

In regards to steps that can be taken now, this is dependent on how much time you are willing to invest. Of course, not everything needs to be done at once, either. What I am referring to, would be to take actions such as building an AOP around the child, deprogramming and/or detaching them from enemy influence, through munka, doing RTR's on them to clean Jewish energies, generally cleaning them, etc.

As they grow older, you can start to teach and demonstrate various Satanic principles and concepts to her. Even a small child can understand simple concepts like basic astrology or runes, exactly how they learn about animals or their alphabet. Furthermore, a young child can be guided through a yoga routine, exercise, pranayama, and so on. Soon after, they can begin simple meditations and other thought exercises.

Being the parent, you can positively influence her environment by selecting the sort of media she watches, toys she has, and so on. Accept that you won't be able to 100% guard her from everything, such as what you described, but that you can always advise her that what she saw was not correct, after an exposure event.

In a general sense, study her astrology and understand her strengths and weaknesses. This will help in understanding what sort of Jewish corruption she may be sensitive to. Of course, knowing her astrology will help you to help her grow successfully.

As you can see, there are plenty of different solutions, so there is no real concern here. With the state of the world, focus on keeping her and your family secured, such as through an AOP and wealth workings. If both you and your partner are meditating, then I don't see any real cause for concern. And if not, then please elaborate more so we can brainstorm solutions.
The Proud Gentile said:
Greetings. I've been gone for quite a while, when covid hit my life was all over the place, I ended up homeless for some time and bouncing from state to state with a spouse.
Things got better, him and I found an apartment together that we lived in for about a year. I became pregnant and brought a beautiful healthy daughter into the world 3 months ago.

I'm posting here because I intend for her to grow up in spiritual satanism but don't know where to start. I want to protect her from any jewish influence but it seems like the jews insert they're propaganda into every type of childrens media and books. Even in pediatrician offices there's christian/jew energies and spells. She's my first child and I want to do my best to protect her from this.

I can't speak as a person who had children but I can empathize with how mothers instinctively place their children before themselves. It's a strong and beautiful bond that cannot be severed.
Propaganda is everywhere but don't let it cause you too much concern. The fact that it's everywhere shows how controlled everything is, from television to education. I'd suggest to never play modern music around her. Play classical music and don't let her watch children's shows. Instead, show her how to create her own happiness through play and being creative. I feel that television should wait until she reaches an age of reason (5 or 6 years old) and where you feel she's built enough positive values to not be affected negatively. As well, try to reserve it as a treat (an hour a day tops).

I've lived with children my whole life and seeing how easily affected they are by television makes me furious. These children's shows that display bad behaviour (like Caillou) are intended to express how bad behaviour gets you in trouble. This enforces the idea that children lack discernment and need to be controlled by an authority figure. In my opinion it creates a slave mentality whereby kids either act-out (negative attention seeking) or they are completely docile, lacking any self confidence. Other shows (slap-stick comedy) like Spongebob Squarepants make bad behaviour comical, which to me further normalizes this behaviour.

Parents need to teach their kids how to act through positive role-modelling and empathy. I believe getting mad at kids is wrong. Parents should direct negative emotion exclusively toward the result of bad behaviour, not at the child. This I feel is especially true for Satanists because our emotions project more energy than other people's emotions do. This takes some practice and self-discipline. Always remember that kids make mistakes constantly, it's how they learn.

It sounds to me that you've been through so much already and came out the other end. Good for you! It's important that you don't doubt yourself. Be proud of the countless positive things you achieve and don't dwell on the negative ones. It's easy for our minds to focus on problems because this is a natural part of human evolution and survival. Our minds like consistency and balance. When something bad happens, it becomes our main focus. Train you mind to think bigger. There will be many trials and tribulations ahead but that is a normal part of growth. Nothing good comes without challenges; be it exercise, healthy eating, earning money and so on.

Always remember that it's a long journey. There will be ups and downs but eventually she will make it just like you did. There are also libertarian-themed children's books sold online (tuttletwins have some good ones). And don't forget, we are our own worst critics. Remember you are a Satanist and you are amazing. Just by being near your child connects your energy to her. She will be much safer and more protected than any other child. As well, I have no doubt Satan will be there when you're not.

I hope this helps a bit and sorry if it came across as strict. It's just my personal view as a Satanist and I'm sure others may have other views and could perhaps give further and more personal advice. All the best to you!

Haaaail Satan! :)
NO TV, no ipads, no phones until they are 12-13, and even then unless completely necessary only a dumbphone. A lot of sports, gymnastics preferred, martial arts. Read to him at night times, fables ecc
And when old enough to read and to be able to study independently. Make him spend a good amount of time in nature. Teach him to be more sensible to energy.
The Proud Gentile said:
Greetings. I've been gone for quite a while, when covid hit my life was all over the place, I ended up homeless for some time and bouncing from state to state with a spouse.
Things got better, him and I found an apartment together that we lived in for about a year. I became pregnant and brought a beautiful healthy daughter into the world 3 months ago.

I'm posting here because I intend for her to grow up in spiritual satanism but don't know where to start. I want to protect her from any jewish influence but it seems like the jews insert they're propaganda into every type of childrens media and books. Even in pediatrician offices there's christian/jew energies and spells. She's my first child and I want to do my best to protect her from this.

Affirmation: ( 'Name of your baby' is at all times spiritually, physically and mentally safe,secure protected,powerful,strong and healthy in every way. )

Feel the energies working instantly as soon as you are over with your affirmations. Feel the energies instantly applying to what they were programmed to do.
Thank you to all who shared their input.
I will be starting with cleansing her aura daily. Vibrating mantras and speaking affirmations for her. As far as I've sensed her chakras are very open, ESPECIALLY her brow and heart chakras, which I understand makes her very vulnerable. With the help of her father we will make sure her aura of protection remains in tact at ALL times.

When she is ready I will teach her about her soul, taking care of and feeling all 7 chakras as well as the extensions, proper meditation practices,
awakening her spiritrual abilities, astrology and the original pagan gods.

I am extremely grateful for the input that each and every one of you shared with me. Thank you :)
I have an 8 year old daughter (and an adult child).
I visualize them every day in the White Gold + return of the curses.
Shiva is everywhere in the house (but I cannot display him as Satan). She finds Him "so beautiful and powerful"! 😊
She sometimes does yoga with me. I don't force her.
I tell her that "Shiva will never give up on us, that you should just never give up, never lose hope" (she feels so bad at school with the masks, the protocol crap and the fact that we can't go to recreational places anymore.)

I showed her the Lord of the Rings and said "You see Sam and Frodo get depressed sometimes, and they should, but they go through with it, no matter what it costs them, because they have honor and faith in a better world."

No TV. Nature walks at least 3 or 4 times a week. Love of animals and taking good care of them.
And standing up for herselve when it's unjust and unwarranted (their natal chart reveals a victim nature that is and will be heavily abused :(

Hail Satan !
The Proud Gentile said:
Greetings. I've been gone for quite a while, when covid hit my life was all over the place, I ended up homeless for some time and bouncing from state to state with a spouse.
Things got better, him and I found an apartment together that we lived in for about a year. I became pregnant and brought a beautiful healthy daughter into the world 3 months ago.

I'm posting here because I intend for her to grow up in spiritual satanism but don't know where to start. I want to protect her from any jewish influence but it seems like the jews insert they're propaganda into every type of childrens media and books. Even in pediatrician offices there's christian/jew energies and spells. She's my first child and I want to do my best to protect her from this.
From the second a child is born, maybe even in the womb when there is DMT being produced, you get attacked already, through radio towers and such. They begin programming things into your mind and that hinders your mental development greatly. These Jews have constructed such nasty technologies.

I recommend you to do this ASAP, everyday for at least a year. I know most people usually do workings for 40 days, but it will more powerful if you can do this for a year. I'd spend that long for my child if I had one. This will ensure that your child grows up safer.

Vibrate either Ansuz, or MUNKA 108 times.

Affirm this: " 'name of your child' 's soul with the energy of Ansuz/MUNKA is constantly freeing him/her from all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely in every way, in a safe and positive way for him/her." at least 10 times, though I recommend 18.

Then do the same thing again with the runes or the Sanskrit word and affirm this:
" 'name of your child' 's soul with the energy of Ansuz/MUNKA is constantly freeing him/her from all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely in every way, in a safe and positive way for him/her." also at least 10 times, but I recommend 18.

Basically, do these workings everyday, preferrably at the same time. Check if the moon is void of course, which in my time zone will be gone from today. If it's void of course don't begin the working. Also raise your energies everytime before you do the working, as it will be more powerful.

https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.html (You can optionally do the RAUM Meditation before doing the raising energies one. Just meditate on the energy buzz you get from the RAUM Meditation for at least 2 minutes, then proceed with the raising energies link.)

Go here if you need to, https://jos-astro.com/#/astro-calendars you will be able to see when the moon is void of course in your time zone. Select the year 2022, then you can look at the map of have a list.

You should also do these, I highly recommend because I presume (sorry if I'm wrong) your child was born recently. Do this for a year too, it would be best. I know it might seem like a lot, but do you want your child to have a chance of growing safer and better than you when you were a kid? I mean growing up with an SS parent is already good, but I'd definitely do this and way more for my kid, regardless of whether I'm with Father Satan or not. I think doing something like this for your kid would also make Him happy and proud.

Also, don't worry about the energies being too intense for your child. These things are not harmful in any way. Your child will not begin opening themselves spiritually for a while, provided he/she is born recently.

Vibrate the rune Algiz and Sowilo 108 times each.
Affirm: " 'childs name' 's soul is at all times spiritually, physically and mentally protecting, making more powerful, strong and healthy for herself in a safe and positive way for him/her." Affirm 10/18 times.

Do the same thing again, vibrating the runes, but this time, affirm this:
" 'childs name' 's aura is at all times spiritually, physically and mentally protecting, making more powerful, strong and healthy for herself in a safe and positive way for him/her." Affirm 10/18 times.

Then, do this:
Vibrate AUM SURYA 108 times, affirm:
" 'name of child' 's soul is constantly cleansing itself of all curses and negativity forever, in a safe and positive way for him/her." Also, affirm 10/18 times.

Do the same again with this affirmation:
" 'name of child' 's aura is constantly cleansing itself of all curses and negativity forever, in a safe and positive way for him/her." Also, affirm 10/18 times.

Vibrate JERA 108 times, affirm:
" 'child name' 's soul is reversing all misfortunes now and forever, in a safe and positive way for him/her." Affirm 10/18 times.

Do the same thing with the rune again, affirm:
" 'child name' 's aura is reversing all misfortunes now and forever, in a safe and positive way for him/her." Affirm 10/18 times.

Also, you could merge with your child's consciousness, first do void meditation, to make sure your thoughts are calm, go into a deep trance, then merge with your childs consciousness, follow the guide here and not just my words,
then after you merge with his/her consciousness, think as her, but be very careful, you can't make any mistakes here. You can then affirm something like, thinking as your kid while merged with their consciousness: "I am always strong willed, in a safe and positive way for me.", "I am always confident about myself and my abilities, in a safe and positive way for me." "I can always be happy without needing an external source, in a safe and positive way for me." "I resist all influences of the Jews and the enemies of Satan, in a safe and positive way for me." "I resist all influences of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and it's subreligions, in a safe and positive way for me." and you can think of much more to do. Just make sure you don't do something that will make the child be the way you want them to be. That's a no no. You should let their nature flourish, naturally. You or someone else might think, isn't something like hypnotising my kid with "resisting influences of the Jews and the enemies of Satan" making the child the way I want them to be? Well, it's a yes and no. You could leave those parts out, it's up to you. I mean, do you want your child to end up being a Christian, or be more likely to be harder programmed into it? But we all here know what the Jews and such are like, so it may be favorable to do that too. Do these affirmations for at least 40 times. I don't think with this you'd need to do it everyday, but I think it would be better if you did that for a year straight too, because then their mind will be strong with those things. And then if anything, you could continue doing this hypnosis for them, if you feel like their mind needs some support.

Also, do this:

Do the final RTR, then affirm this:
" 'name of child' 's soul is constantly making Hebrew letters lose all of its power and killing it totally, permanently and completely from his/herself and everywhere else in a safe and positive way for him/her."

Then do the final RTR again, and affirm this:
" 'name of child' 's aura is constantly making Hebrew letters lose all of its power and killing it totally, permanently and completely from his/herself and everywhere else in a safe and positive way for him/her."

And this, it's VERY important:
Vibrate MUNKA 108 times, affirm:
" 'name of child' 's soul is compleatily freeing him/herself from any negative karma forever." Affirm 10/18 times.

Then, vibrate MUNKA 108 times, affirm:
" 'name of child' 's aura is compleatily freeing him/herself from any negative karma forever." Affirm 10/18 times."

And this:
Breathe bright white-gold energy from the sun preferrably and affirm this:
"This powerful protective energy is building and aura of protection around 'name of child'. This aura protects 'name of child' at all times in every way, in a safe, positive and healthy way for 'name of child'. This aura is being constantly and consistently fully fed and replenished by the universal ocean of protective energy and light."
. This way, the aura will be replenishing itself, so it will last longer. Do this as often as you can, because the more it builds up, the better it will be for him/her. And also, doing those workings where you engrave into the aura and soul will take time, so doing something separately like this should also be done.

And, https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html, here you will find the properties of colors. Choose a healing color, like blue, breathe the energy around your child, forming and aura, affirm:
"This powerful healing energy is building and aura of healing around 'name of child'. This aura heals 'name of child' at all times, in every way, from all ailments, wounds and diseases. This aura is being constantly and consistently fully fed and replenished by the universal ocean of healing energy and light."

Lastly, this will be good if you are drinking fluoridated water. If you can't afford a water filter like reverse osmosis or something other that can specifically filter out fluoride from water, this will be good:
Breathe white-gold energy into your childs pineal gland, first know how much energy you would breathe into your own pineal gland for 1 breath and then scale roughly how much it would be if the child breathed once into its pineal gland. Remember the child has smaller lungs and a smaller pineal gland, so less energy should be used. And only the equivalent of one breath for the child because the child is young, so it shouldn't be to the same level as we would do it.
Affirm: "This powerful energy is safely and positively activating 'name of child' 's pineal gland. This aura is being constantly and consistently being fully fed and replenished by the universal ocean of activating energy and light."
This will make your childs pineal gland always active, which in the case of fluoride, would always decalcify itself.

I know some of you will find this VERY excessive, but there's no need to do all of this at once. You can do it one step at a time, your partner could help too. You should still clean his/her aura as you usually would and put an aura of protection on her as you usually would.
Can you the Baptism during daytime or night? I have a daughter she be five this year want to do Satanic Baptism.

So happy about it, I wish I was born into Satanism but thanks to my Lord my child will be blessed.

Please let me know?

Hail Satan!
VartoTJ said:
Can you the Baptism during daytime or night? I have a daughter she be five this year want to do Satanic Baptism.

So happy about it, I wish I was born into Satanism but thanks to my Lord my child will be blessed.

Please let me know?

Hail Satan!
You can do it at any time.
Best of luck :D
VartoTJ said:
Can you the Baptism during daytime or night? I have a daughter she be five this year want to do Satanic Baptism.

So happy about it, I wish I was born into Satanism but thanks to my Lord my child will be blessed.

Please let me know?

Hail Satan!
Choose whatever time you want. The most important thing is that you want to do it, and consequently start advancing on the 8 fold path.
VartoTJ said:
Can you the Baptism during daytime or night? I have a daughter she be five this year want to do Satanic Baptism.

So happy about it, I wish I was born into Satanism but thanks to my Lord my child will be blessed.

Please let me know?

Hail Satan!
It depends. It doesn't matter when. I'd choose night. It's much quieter and connects to the energies of the moon. And the feminine/spiritual part of the soul is more active at that time.
SageOfSixPaths said:
The Proud Gentile said:

I would not try the munka working, also HPS Maxine did state once:

"I see several people here were asking questions regarding my statement about cleaning one's aura.

When we clean our auras, even though we direct the bad energy down through the ground or floor, and with the help of our Guardian Demons, (they sometimes have assistants who take it away), it still is not safe to have any animals or children, or anyone else for that matter in the room. The energy is spiritual filth.

Also, NEVER do any breathing or other exercises where you draw energy in, when animals or children are in the room. Both are very vulnerable. This is very serious with advanced meditators. The more you draw in energy, the stronger this becomes over a length of time.

This can deplete their life force, making them ill or worse.

When we clean our auras, there is often a leftover residue that eventually dissipates. Especially if a lot of filth came off.

Though it is standard to scan with the light down through the feet; filth, chains (binding curses, or other obstacles), and other objects may come off the aura through the hip chakras, the throat and even the head chakras.

For spiritual warriors who are working with Guardian Demons, He/She may tell you to put your head down and let the negative energy drain out.

It can take many months, even years to completely clean one's aura. This is from accumulations over many lifetimes.

Cleaning the aura results in more filth surfacing. This is not always consistent. Sometimes more spiritual filth will come off and at other times, not much at all.

You can also clean the auras of others. Just make sure you have enough energy to do this though.

To clean the aura of a pet, just use your hand and begin at the top of the head, sweeping through the body through the hind quarters. Visualize the light (his/her aura beaming with the light following your hand), and your hand sweeping the dirt. Visualize the astral dirt going down through the floor or into the ground.

Cleaning the aura greatly assists with healing.

Cleaning one's aura can take a lot of energy. If you find it difficult to push the energy down after one or two times or more (an indicator is difficulty in maintaining visualizing the light), then stop. Wait until your energies are back up.

To easily replenish energy, do 5 rounds of sun/moon alternate nostril breathing, concentrating on drawing energy in. It helps to concentrate on the back of your throat while gently drawing energy in.

https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfir ... stril.html

I also want to add here, it is not necessary to sit up straight. In order to effectively draw energy in, it is important to be completely relaxed.

In closing, always remember, if something works for you, no need to change it. Each of us is individual.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.www.joyofsatan.org" from: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22134
I would do a protection working with the Berkano Rune:



Ø Germanic: Bercna (Berkano)
Ø Gothic: Bairkan
Ø Norse: Bjarkan
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Beroc
Ø Icelandic: Bjarkan
Ø Norwegian: Bjarkan
Ø Swedish: Berkana

#18. This rune can be used in workings for female fertility, feminine magick, and
nurturing. It is used in concealment and protection. This rune symbolizes
feminine energies. It is an old Pagan custom to enclose a child at birth with the
protective energies of Berkano, which remain with him/her throughout his/her life.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
