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What does Satan think of queer ppl?

Lunar Dance 666 said:
WinterWarrior666 said:
FancyMancy said:
If you mean "strange, unusual", then Satan probably thinks that they're strange and unusual. If you mean homosexuals, then He doesn't mind. I'm bisexual. Others here are bisexual or gay or straight. As long as it is consensual, then it's OK. Homosexuality has existed for thousands and thousands of years, since long before the jew and its faeces appeared here, and homosexuality exists today in thousands and thousands of species of Animal. Some would say that mixing Races, whether bi, straight or gay is OK, but Spiritually and otherwise, it is not OK. "There's no pregnancy in interracial homosexual sex", no but the Souls still intermingle with different Energies of both Races; we are to have pure, strong, healthy Souls.

You know I never really got this, what stops someone from having interracial sex and then either extensive cleaning or programming an AOP to block out the energy mixing as a whole?

Because it changes you on the physical. If done enough you start looking yourself like some racemixed person...

Also that's wasting A LOT of time for just a single moment of fun or bliss. Also, having sex connects you deeply on a spiritual level. You CANNOT block that.

Honestly why would you even consider this?????

Because most people (who think like this about this subject and other "dirty" subjects) think they are on the level of Gods and can clean everything up flawlessly. Then reality catches up to them.
Fanboy said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Fanboy said:
To say that a 14 year old has no responsibilities is a huge lie. We have all the same level of responsibility we just don't have any freedom. "Oh it's so hard being the cashier at walmart and sending the money to the landlord and going grocery shopping all by myself!

Adulthood is a million times more simple, we have already made our choices.

When I was 14 I wanted to surpass Satan and become the ruler of the galaxy. I would think "How would Satan feel when I get stronger than him, would he be mad?" Oh well better just find out when I get there.

The willpower and belief in oneself that a 14 year old possesses is probably the most holy thing In all human existence. Don't act like being a hopeless defeated old jerk is going to give you more wisdom.

Life is about taking risks and having fun. Wisdom is about using knowledge to win. What's the point in gaining all this life experience if all you experience in life is regret.

Anyways. I'm sure you are VERY old and very smart so I'll leave it up to make the kids cry...wait an Olympian second. I didn't even consider the adulthood responsibilities centered around all the ways you can make children cry.

A sacred duty indeed

This is what the typical entitled cocky brat would say. You're a teen a best.

Its not just rent that you have to pay, or the groceries. Its the electricity that you so fondly make use of, rambling all this to me, the healthcare that you *will* need if you get injured or whatever. The dentist, car insurance, and so on and so on.

You have to clean the entire house by yourself. The dishes aren't going to do themselves ya know.

"Life will be easier as an adult." well yes in some ways, but you don't have to face yourself losing the roof above your head, ending up on the street, or having worries about getting into debt and having to pay that off.

Also a 14 year old is not going to get any kind of good job and won't be able to make ends meet.
The issue with your "father" seems like some kind of overdramatic lie. Even so, if he even said or done 1/10th of all that I'd punch him in the face and make him regret every little thing.

Whatever, anything you've said was full of toxicity anyway. No one should take anything what you say serious.
At least I'm not a rotten ass loser who has to pretend to be something I'm not.

it's just annoying when people say I need to heal from trauma. But the world did trauma on me because I was different. I just felt like ranting, to at least see if you guys would acknowledge you are wrong. But that's cool call me a liar lol. Alot of people do, but I haven't told a lie in many years. Satan expects us to take responsibility for our actions even if we are wrong. The truth will set you free :mrgreen:

I actually showed my dad the jos and told him everything about meditation and yoga and things really started to get better for us and he was almost done with the 40 days and we were doing great as a family..but you guys called him all sorts of names and called him a kike infiltrator, and he gave up and relapsed on drugs.. the priesthood was the main perpetrator from the messages he showed me.
I have no words to explain how I feel about it :)
Don't even use the word toxic with me. I respect Satan thats it.

Anyways, that exact line "you're a teenager at best either physically or mentally." Reminds me of cobra back then aswell imagine he said that to me almost 6 years ago, wow I am old. But holy shit he got so much cooler! I never thought I would go from his biggest jealous Hater, to his Biggest fan. I'm glad we still have him.

If I get blown up by a Russian nuke he's the first person I'm gonna go visit..Also I would do anything to hear Darth vader singing again. This is my dream

I never waste wishes but I would quite possibly do crimes to get this video back. I'll only watch it 1 time I swear.

Ok 2 times

People call you things because your morality is harmful. People that decide to leave and relapse after were not meant to be with Satan to begin with.

Even if as an SS you are a natural outcast, we are of a higher level. This is no reason to push "transgenderism" aka bodily mutilation and self harm as healthy and normal. Many people that call themselves outcasts are also victimized or traumatized in some way (they don't even have to be SS). That is also no excuse to behave like some kind off degenerate.

One can clean and empower all they want but if they don't actively work to increase their knowledge or maturity nothing will change.

You're here after so many years still spouting nonsense. Have you learned nothing?
To me you are on par with a jew.
Fanboy said:
Meteor said:
Fanboy said:
Satanism is nothing about the self at all.

We only achieve power and ascend higher so we can empower our people. an individual who raises others and protects and cultivates goodness is supremely meaningful.

The Gods don't just save themselves, and we don't save ourselves either, we are weak like bugs. We would be dead in literal days if not for our guardians

Satan uses absurd amounts of energy to bring us all here. And all we have to do Is be kind to eachother, and give guidance in a truthful and respectful way.. Astaroth herself is a beacon of liberty. She is lady liberty, she wears our flag on her wings proudly.

Herodotus and hippocrates both say that we were strong and noble people who helped others with healing and Divination through linden trees. I've never understood plants or flowers before but I'm learning.

Speaking of I found some weird book called the linden tree by some carpenter guy. There's so much to read that I think would give us the understanding we are looking for. I'm gonna start with herodotus, and I have airs waters and lands. It's really short. I'll get back to you if I learn anything important.

Don't let the pessimism get you, we are strong and the negative thoughts can become a cage.. There comes a time when grief is no longer a necessity but an indulgence, Indulge to far and you'll become a monster. Keep your chin up so that your sights may be aimed high

Much love, stay strong <3

I may have mentioned this before, but I really don't understand or like transgenderism as a concept. That's why it's hard for me to imagine a God or Goddess specifically standing up for people like that, let alone someone so highly esteemed. For reasons I'm not comfortable explaining right now (in short, it has to do with an impostor), I'm too scared of Her likeness to reach out to Her to confirm it myself; but when I did gather the courage to reach out to Her during Ostara, She didn't mention anything about this, but instead made me aware of and helped me to process my anger towards the people who made me feel like there was something wrong with me, throughout this life as well as past lives; but that didn't specifically have to do with me being male or female, just that I was discriminated against (in particular for my sexual orientation, and being neither masculine nor feminine enough to conform to society's expectations for most of my lives) and treated unfairly.

I know you mentioned stuff about hormone levels prenatally having a lasting effect on the mind, and I know there's more and more research these days to back that up, but I feel like that just leaves so many things unanswered. For example, why doesn't the brain just adapt to the way the body is over time? I've known some people who had really severe gender dysphoria during their entire childhood and teenage years, but then grew out of it as they reached adulthood; why does it work like that for some people but not for others? And what about people who transition much later after already having married and started a family? They often mention they had been repressing those feelings their whole life, but if they were able to cope with it for so long, then why did it suddenly become so unbearable that they had to destroy the life they built just for the sake of "being themselves"? What if there's actually a way to make it bearable again? Not to mention, how would I even know if that prenatal hormone stuff applied to me specifically? And even if hypothetically it does apply to me, then why did it happen to me out of all people? Why are there always so many unusual things about me? Why can't I just be normal? I try to act tough out of necessity, but I don't actually want people to hate me, especially not over something I can't even control. It's not fair! At least if it was just a fetish, then it would be my own fault and responsibility, and it would be fair even if people disliked me for it. But I'm starting to realise that it just isn't, no matter how much I wanted it to be.

I realised when I started to fetishise gay sex after I got used to having vaginal sex astrally, that fetishes always revolve around the things you can't normally have. I fetishised vaginal sex because I desperately wanted to be female, but couldn't have that. But now that I'm able to do it so often (astrally), it has just become normal, and I'm no longer able to fetishise it; it's just normal sex now (a bit plain even, but still nice). And instead, all the gay things I won't be able to do anymore (most of which I never even got to try due to being so uncomfortable with my body) are starting to seem oddly exciting. (I wonder if I should start using ridiculous terms like "gay vaginal sex" as a compromise, but at that point I'd just be a special snowflake, which is the opposite of what I really wanted.)

Realising that, made me understand that it was never really a sexual thing in the first place. I tried really hard to make it into a sexual thing, because sexuality involves strong feelings, and I felt like that would make it easier for me to explain it to people, like I had a clear motivation for it. But the truth is that I don't understand why my body felt so wrong back then (or why part of it still does), nor why I feel like the feminine appearance I have now suits me so much better. I don't understand why I felt so misunderstood and distressed when people insisted I was a boy when I was little, nor why I feel relieved and reassured now that people see me as a woman. I don't understand why surgery would help my body feel almost completely right, and yet, I'm almost completely certain that it will. To refrain from doing that just to live out some fetish would be utterly retarded. In hindsight, I must've sounded like an idiot this whole time...

In the end, I'm back at square one. But I think it's good to admit that I really don't understand this. I will do what I feel I need to; but I'll leave it to others to figure out why this was needed in the first place. Thinking about it so much just confuses me. Even in meditation, all I find is a simple state of being, without any explanation or justification; there's no way I could convey that to anyone but my fiancé.

I know I come off as rude at times. I just don't understand this at all, and don't know how to feel about it. I know many people are disgusted by the very concept of this, and I often feel that way too, because it's normal to feel that way, right? I mean, almost everyone feels that way, right? But then I wonder why I'm letting others dictate my feelings, when people are just trying to enjoy their lives the only way they know how. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to be such a shallow person, but other times I just give in to it.
One could be a big ass firefighter, rescuing people from burning buildings, or being a supercop stopping robberies, or a navy seal hunting terrorists, saving human trafficking victims. But you'll still have to go home, and the second the door closes behind you, you'll put on a pretty dress and wish to all the Gods you could go back in time and transition. Nobody really represses anything. Taking control of your life is what it means to be a true master, anyone calling this a fetish is a garbage person.

We are not the sleepers. You and I are braver than most and we made the right choice. And we will continue to make the right choices

There is an Akkadian legend about a creature called asushunamir created by Satan to go to the underworld and dance for erishkegal, in order to gain her favour and aquire the water of life. With the intent to ressurect inanna and bring her back to her father. In the story we succeeded and she blessed us with amazing gifts.

She has on record as Artemis, wished to find 60 nymphs to join her. And i will be one of them. If we achieve our immortality we have a chance. How we like to have sex, or if we pass exactly like a woman or not, probably doesn't matter to her. She hasn't said anything to me either, but she has made it clear that low self esteem is not acceptable.

It's not a fetish to enjoy a nice juicy steak. And it's not a fetish to swim in the ocean. The same way it's not a fetish to let your flesh and your waters take their most pleasurable form. That is as natural and true as a human gets. A Satanic being

Be proud of yourself, we are chosen by the Gods to be a special and unique kind of human, No pretending. The jealousy and hatred from others is powerless once we are secure in ourselves. We are being far too considerate of loser feelings. Why should we who are so true, show consideration for naysayers and enemies?

We don't need to put ourselves in a box, and slap on some kind of jew identity label just to be accepted.
We should stand on top and engrave our new chosen names. That way when they look up at us the confusion is gone. No compromises, and no negotiations.

Let's be more careful not to accidentally become tasteless in our messages about sexuality. There are still jewish here who don't like hearing people discuss their feelings. We must censor our language and our feelings because some people don't like to be reminded that the world doesn't actually revolve around them.

The shit they say to us is indeed unfair, and the majority do hate us. But we do have love in our lives.
We make new friends, make new family, the Gods reach out, we find a lover. It's more than enough to make up for the bad parts. I think it's time we just accept some of the imperfect things.
No one specifically intervened in your creation and you are not "special". You are just mentally ill and that's how the entirety of the world views transgenders and will continue to view them as ,NEVER accepting them for what they feel themselves to be.

You can sit around alone in a forest and pretend to be special. The entirety of the Human Race will never accept you, a deranged mentally ill pervert.
giselle08 said:
Hello Satanists,

Firstly, praise be to Satan and his demons!
I wanted to ask what Satan thinks of queer people. Does Satan accept them?

All the horrible, disgusting religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism ban homosexuality. Does Satan allow it, though?

Hi. He does accept non-jewish queer people. I'm a trans man myself, but I won't go into much detail. I'm only responding because it's a bizarre way to start a thread.

You can not seek approval and acceptance from anyone except yourself. if you have self respect other SS should already acknowledge that. If they don't like you, oh well. Move on.

I tend to remain quiet for most part. I only speak when I need to. So I'm just answering your question.

Good luck to you.
WinterWarrior666 said:
FancyMancy said:
If you mean "strange, unusual", then Satan probably thinks that they're strange and unusual. If you mean homosexuals, then He doesn't mind. I'm bisexual. Others here are bisexual or gay or straight. As long as it is consensual, then it's OK. Homosexuality has existed for thousands and thousands of years, since long before the jew and its faeces appeared here, and homosexuality exists today in thousands and thousands of species of Animal. Some would say that mixing Races, whether bi, straight or gay is OK, but Spiritually and otherwise, it is not OK. "There's no pregnancy in interracial homosexual sex", no but the Souls still intermingle with different Energies of both Races; we are to have pure, strong, healthy Souls.

You know I never really got this, what stops someone from having interracial sex and then either extensive cleaning or programming an AOP to block out the energy mixing as a whole?
You surely are not the first person to think that, and maybe won't be the last. Energy takes the path of least resistance. That means it is easier to cause bad than it is to cause good. To clean out all of the things from/while being active in interracial sex, would be very counter-productive. Our current medical science is shit, deliberately, but go along with this analogy (no analogy tends to be perfect anyway!) - we can burn our hand and then use magic cream to heal our hand after. That might seem like a good idea, but it is rather nonsense. It is not only the Spiritual cleansing; it would also be the Psychological impact and the Physical/Biological (swapping of juices and proteins) which interact in one way or another. There are many 'level's of interaction, and while it might seem superficial and manageable, the deeper the roots go and the thicker and stronger and longer the roots are, the more mess it takes to uproot them and clean it all up - and that's before getting nice flowers to replace the bad weeds with.

I don't know if there has been any official mention of this before, but this is what I am convinced about - that Blacks, Asians and Whites (and the jew) all have, and live on/by/through/with... different vibrationary frequencies. These differences interacting with each other are not harmonious. Each have their own resonant frequencies - simply, Blacks are more Physical; Asians are more Mental/intellectual; Whites are more Spiritual/Moral/Ethical. It is not that either one is better than the others; we are different and we have our own strengths. Trying to mix these into one state or system or mould just doesn't work.
Meteor said:
I expect that you don't need to be told this, buuut... it is so much better to acknowledge problems and fix them, than it is to bury one's head in the sand. You don't have to reply, but I hope you found, or started to find, some things from that reflection which are beneficial, even if difficult, to you.

Regarding Jack's pontifications - I'd best not comment, but I will say this - I couldn't possibly comment! (I also lolled.)

latest ideology war
The little guy needs to feel big! The "minorities" are so disempowered! So powerless! They need (((governmental help)))! Try being a White Male in this World! From what I was told a few years ago, or from what I pieced together - the worst possible combination of person to be is a single White Male. That is with Males and Whites being close after. These other minorities and fads or phases or ideologies and what-the-fudgecake-ever are getting attention, which is starving others who need attention. Male suicide rates are high, considering Males are sUpPoSeD to be macho and all of that bullshit. With all of these other groups... energies are going into the wrong places. As we know, it is jewish occult onslaught against us/Humans.

transgenders would seduce women's husbands, stealing their love, and reducing the role of women to bearing children on the side just for them to be raised by those men instead.
Yeah, because fathers would be retarded enough, or just at all, to be swept off their feet by... macho?... chicks with dicks. (Imagine a manly-looking Woman with lumps and bumps in some of the right places and in some of the wrong places, picking up a Child's father and carrying him, and the father being OK with it...) /sarcasm (I know 'chicks with dicks' technically is quite the opposite, but yeah...)

Can you imagine less than 0.1% of the population stealing the jobs, scholarships, and husbands of half the population? I know I have a pretty high libido and all, but I don't think even I can handle a harem consisting of several hundred men, even if I wanted to...
Well, feminazis seem to be clutching at straws. Feminism was OK, back in the day so that Women could be "allowed" to vote (thanks to misogynistic jew shit causing that blockage in the first place), but these days it seems very retarded. I think I have a video of a feminazi being retarded against a Man who is on her side. If I can find it, I might upload it.

It's just so ridiculous. What I'm doing isn't such a crime as some people make it out to be; they're just obsessed. And then there's people like Jrvan, who said I should be put into a straightjacket "for my own good". Does he realise how being locked up in a straightjacket would affect a person's mental and physical health, and that it wouldn't really solve anything? It seems like he's reflected on that mentality by now, and I know not everyone thinks like that, but it seems like a lot of people just don't want to find out that others are doing things they dislike or disapprove of, regardless of the consequences refraining from those things would have.
There be some conservative Spiritual Satanists; there be some liberal Spiritual Satanists. Regardless of this and these, people can support and guide, but then let others do the right or wrong thing. Say for argument's sake that Jack and jrvan advance enough to both be Heroes (I presume they're both Males) - then another Jack and another jrvan will come along, lather, rinse, repeat.

for all I know, it might be just what they need to make it through the situation they're in. Isn't that what meditation is for, though? Well, he did meditate. But that alone wasn't enough to save him.
I think it strongly depends on the personality, and also their will-power. If Naturally they are not a low-type of person (relatively speaking), and the alcoholism reduces them down, then this might help them 'bounce back', especially if they have the willpower to do so. For others, it surely is karma and the lack of ability, or care, to improve.

But the endless discussions about it are little more than a bunch of pointless, overblown internet drama.
I might agree; however (and sorry for playing the opposite here, but also being genuine in what I say), it might just be that one single sentence in aaall of these repeated, ad nauseam, repetitions of overblown Internet drama posts helped someone. If it were not for all of that extraneous postage, that single sentence, or phrase, or paragraph might never have been mentioned - or not mentioned in quite that way. Especially for those who seriously seek more information genuinely and haven't merely settled on something which, along the lines of confirmation bias, makes them feel comfortable, empowered and proud. In short - it might have helped them to have the ability to make a proper, actual informed decision. Yeah, it might be nauseating, but I don't think it is bad entirely.

Most likely, my reason for participating is mainly to let out some stress while waiting for my turn for the surgery, which has been delayed by more than a year due to the situation with covid (although in hindsight that's for the best, since in the past year I found some crucial information, without which I'd have gotten some important details wrong, leading to regret as I would most likely have been too tight to actually have sex in that scenario). However, this often just causes more stress, leading to a vicious cycle.
Things need to be considered properly. Previously, and still partly-currently, "proper" is actually not actually proper, thanks to the jew and its shit. By the end of this decade (2020-2030), the intention of the Joy of Satan Ministries is to have at least 1 billion persons knowing about, interested in, and participating in JoS Ministries, movement, franchise, global takeover... whatever anyone wants to call it. This is when "proper" will be more proper, and eventually, be proper, properly! People just feel good about things which appear to validate their wishes - but unfortunately, war brings casualties... i.e. by 2030 and beyond, surely many more will have "sex change operations", and either will regret it or not, but the Soul, Physical, Psychological, Mental damage would have been done. Maybe they could reincarnate and heal; maybe not...

As for "bitchtard" placements in my astrology as you put it, I have several, and that includes Neptune as well. It represents all of the interconnected issues in an obnoxiously accurate manner, to the point that it almost feels like even my chart is trying to mock me. However, it's unclear what I'm supposed to do about this. If a person's chart describes their nature, then I could use this to justify my conflicted feelings as being a part of my nature, like: "Look, it's all written in the stars! This is simply how I am! I can't help these feelings!" On the other hand, if it represents karma, then, like, freeing myself would be good, right? But that's where another layer of confusion comes in: every single one of the traumatic experiences I had in this life that caused friction with my gender, was in one way or another caused by me already being at odds with my gender prior to that. So, if it was there in the first place, then was it nature? But these issues were clearly exacerbated throughout my life by the experiences I had. Then what about karma from past lives, is that also "nature"? And what about my biological nature (having an extra X chromosome), is that also due to karma? If I free myself from the placements in my chart, does that mean I'm resolving my karma, or am I erasing my true nature? I don't want to lose myself.

I doubt it was Nature. If the jew's overlords had not have attacked and placed the jew here to destroy Nature here, then we would not be as bound to/by our Natal charts as we have been. We'd be very much further along in being able to overcome the planetary placements kicking us in the wherevers; we'd be more powerful than them, and we'd also escape the wheel of karma. Since the jew has been placed here, and been here, we'd lost the ability to overcome the odds - but not anymore. Meditations help to bring-out the real, true us.

Maybe think of it as - the jew is here and its antics have robbed us of things, kidnapped our reality and placed us in foreign land. We grow-up in school/college/university and go to the libraries and museums and Internet and learn more about other things. We long for... something. We eventually realise and discover that we know about our home country and wish to return there. These meditations/power meditations are reconnecting us back with where we belong, where our feet once walked upon our own lands. The jew has mixed things up in many different ways and the energies are all over the place and mixed-up and contradictory, and - or but - our friendly workings are restructuring this matrix of energies so as to be harmonious with us again, and these lead us here and there beneficially so that we can once again be where we belong, where we were and are supposed to be. That is finding oneself, not losing oneself.

"Adolescence." I've been in it for an unusually long time, since there's so much for me to work through.
Like regressing to a Child-like state? No offence, but maybe you need to be mature. Sooner or later, a switch will be flicked, something with happen, things will trigger, maybe a knee-jerk reaction will happen... and then you might sort of 'wake up' and just relax and be calm about things. Meditations can bring these fixes properly.

You've convinced me to stick around, and also to stop talking about it. I don't fully understand why you'd want me to stay, though.
Reasons... :p Well, just because - why not? (Selfishly) I don't want to have to wonder which other username you might be and maybe be a bit chummy or pally with... I don't know who you might be, from scratch! :p

Again - I think it is extremely high-time that you worked on cleaning your Sacral/second Chakra, and its pair - your Throat/5th Chakra. Of course, all need to be done, but perhaps pay particular attention to these.

Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
I can't reply now. Please do me a favour? Ping me so I don't lose where I am? (You don't have to; I just feel like being lazy! :p)
Sure, I'll ping you. But if you reply to me, and I'm supposed to stop talking about this topic, then what do I do?! Should I ignore you?
tickles Meteor's belly

These things, and more, can be achieved with meditation. Spirituality can help, where (((medicine))) pretends to help and costs more. Spirituality is a much more productive option. To repeat a phrase I often repeat regarding "medicine" - pharmaceuticals don't make cures; they make money. Of course, there has to be a percentage which are helpful, and only helpful to a percentage of being helpful, so as to 'save face'; if everything didn't work, then it wouldn't be an industry. Meditations are boundless and infinitely more beneficial. As for the menopause - I don't expect Ladies/Heroines/Daemonesses/Goddesses who are, or who are in the process of becoming, immortal suffer through such a disgusting (possibly in more ways than one) event, so that they can no longer bear Children. Health services are low-level hardly-health "services"; it's more a name and a gimmick than an actual health service - and that includes (((medicine))) and the (((pharmaceutical industry))). Meditation, with Physical activity (not necessarily PE, but also that) and Mentality, balanced and healthily, trumps all.
Meteor said:

Reading this thread I have to extend great appreciation for your posts Meteor. You are honest, seeking to improve and understand yourself. Don't feel too bad about opening a can of worms. Things often go to bad places before they become rectified. This is a sign of change/growth and is actually a positive thing.

I'd like to offer my perspective and see how it may apply to you. You're welcome to disagree with me because, as Satanists, we are all on our own path in our development.

I have a cousin who is trans. He (formerly she) detached himself from everyone in our family because of muh grandpa's opinion and now lives in a closed bubble, only closely associating with a few people. He was tired of the endless questions. Conversations at the dinner table involved much buzz and open-minded questions centred on comprehending the enigma of transgenderism.

Although most of our family was accepting, this person has avoided them entirely for years now. The problem I feel is many people in this movement expect everyone to share the same views ("walk a mile in my shoes" and "political correctness") kind of mentality. This is close-minded and people should be able to respectfully share their views, draw conclusions and (if need be) agree to disagree.

Considering the dysphoria and depression people experience while transitioning I must say that I'm thrilled you didn't go through with it. It's also wonderful you found someone who loves you for "you", mentally, physically and emotionally. Hold on to that and remember, relationships always have ups and downs. The key is to seek to constantly listen to and support each other while always seeking improvement.

The problem I have with transgenderism is that it goes against physical nature, which I don't believe is "wrong" in any way, save from corrupted nature resulting from our chemical-laden world. Mental/physical disability in my view is an unnatural tragedy as it never occurred in the ancient world.

Satan created us, thus seeking to change/mutilate his creation to me seems disrespectful and likely hurtful to him. He truly loves us just as we are. We don't need circumcision or to dress a certain way to appease him. it's our soul (inner self) that needs focus. Our world operates only in facades, first impressions and appearance. People lose sight of their spirit and how to mend it.

For an example, I used to be into harming myself because of inferiority complexes. I detest and regret the choices I've made but I decided not to dwell on them and instead only seek to love and be proud of myself. When we love ourselves and emulate this our aura becomes bright and people gravitate toward us. People often seek "the attractive one" yet it's common as we get older that we find someone unattractive who loves themselves and is a wonderful person. Often our mind shifts and they BECOME attractive to us.

Everything in the world is based on thought and thought manifests spiritually. Media, TV and the people around us affect our spirit in negative ways. It's up to us to be strong, see the world for what it is, and overcome the negativity (i.e don't let it affect you).

You've overcome so much and in that you've become stronger, even if it may not feel that way. In life sometimes it feels like we're slowly climbing out of a hole, but with each progression we gain strength and wisdom without even realizing it.

I hope this offers you some insight and encouragement. I know it's hard to accept ourselves as we are (physically) because of brainwashing/programming and personal experiences. Always remember, "we are our worst critics" and "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." It's never something that should be categorized like the way that it's been for millennia.
Fanboy said:
Meteor said:
Fanboy said:
Face reality. Do you really think people are going to be nice to you and accept you someday because you're a human, a creation of Satan? It's not like Satanism is some beacon of liberty; we each have our differences, and it's because of those differences that we all want to be the same, by forcing our beliefs on others. Even those who claim to celebrate uniqueness are hypocrites, only interested in people who are different in the ways they like. That's just human nature. Freedom and unity are fundamentally incompatible.

My first post in this thread? I explained why I believe that homosexual people shouldn't care what others think of them. If the people around them are the sort that would want to harm them for it, then they just have to hide it. That's all. Then Jack called me mentally ill and brought up transgenderism, and I replied to him, and others replied to me, and I replied to them.

Why should I care about optics? As plenty have stated before, Satanism is about saving yourself. All those who are allegedly so negatively affected by me just being honest can just go save themselves then. At the very least, you should know that people will only overlook your flaws in order to make themselves look good, or because they expect the same from you. I hate people who are nice only on the surface, as if I can't tell what they're thinking. You can bathe in empty positivity all you want, if that puts you at ease; I'll bathe in empty negativity instead, and let the pain teach me that all the suffering in the world is ultimately meaningless. I can't live without that feeling anymore; if I focus only on negative or positive things for too long, I'll lose it... I need both.

As if a talkative person like me has the discipline needed to refrain from replying to someone; that's the real problem here.

Satanism is nothing about the self at all.

We only achieve power and ascend higher so we can empower our people. an individual who raises others and protects and cultivates goodness is supremely meaningful.

The Gods don't just save themselves, and we don't save ourselves either, we are weak like bugs. We would be dead in literal days if not for our guardians

Satan uses absurd amounts of energy to bring us all here. And all we have to do Is be kind to eachother, and give guidance in a truthful and respectful way.. Astaroth herself is a beacon of liberty. She is lady liberty, she wears our flag on her wings proudly.

Herodotus and hippocrates both say that we were strong and noble people who helped others with healing and Divination through linden trees. I've never understood plants or flowers before but I'm learning.

Speaking of I found some weird book called the linden tree by some carpenter guy. There's so much to read that I think would give us the understanding we are looking for. I'm gonna start with herodotus, and I have airs waters and lands. It's really short. I'll get back to you if I learn anything important.

Don't let the pessimism get you, we are strong and the negative thoughts can become a cage.. There comes a time when grief is no longer a necessity but an indulgence, Indulge to far and you'll become a monster. Keep your chin up so that your sights may be aimed high

Much love, stay strong <3


I'd like to point out that you've got it all wrong. Satanism is about the self, first and foremost. We cannot affect change without being strong role-models. Satan doesn't lead us to the JoS, our own intuition does. We may have things in our past lives that connect us to him and bring us to him, but he very seldom will go out of his way to bring people here. It's the same as how the Gods offer minimal support in our development. They know that it's up to learn and grow. They sometimes offer support for those who are serious, but they won't be there every step of the way.

Unless you've seen him (or the Gods) in a dream or when partially awake you can be sure that it was yourself that brought you here. This can be the result of information (learning) or intuition (being attracted to certain things, like the occult).

Satan has bigger things he's focused on right now such as intergalactic wars. The God's don't seek us, we seek them. This is Satanism. In Xianity/judaism however, G-d seeks us relentlessly. He "envies" us and "morns" for us. This is the equivalent of a child crying and moaning for a new toy.

Just remember, this path is for the strong. We become stronger by guiding and empowering each other, sure, but it's the individual's responsibility to progress more than it is the collective's.
FancyMancy said:

You really are a keyboard warrior. Some of your replies gave me some good laughs!

The [citation needed] parts were genius and very on par with reality.

I have one question for you. How in the world do you quote so many different people? Every time I try it merges my text with the quoted text. I'll probably have refer back to the "New to the Forums" thread. The method I tried is copying my reply, going back to quote another person and pasting the first quote I replied to.

I did notice sometimes there is [ quote ] lowercase and [ QUOTE ] uppercase.

What I've been doing is putting [ quote ] at the beginning of each "quote" and [ /quote ] at the end.

This techie stuff is a little beyond me but I'm getting there. :lol:

I love typing and I'm quite fast at it. I also love keyboard shortcuts (they are fun). The parts I struggle with are the script/code elements in the forums. It's quite interesting though. ^_^
sublimestatanist said:
FancyMancy said:

You really are a keyboard warrior.
Am soowweeee. sniffles

Some of your replies gave me some good laughs!
Cool, lol.

The [citation needed] parts were genius and very on par with reality.
Well... you know...

I have one question for you. How in the world do you quote so many different people? Every time I try it merges my text with the quoted text. I'll probably have refer back to the "New to the Forums" thread. The method I tried is copying my reply, going back to quote another person and pasting the first quote I replied to.
I click on the quote button for the user I want to quote, but open it in a new tab (middle mouse button is quicker and easier than right-click and open in new tab) (maybe I multi-quote them) and reply. I then keep that tab open and go back to the previous tab and do the same with another user or the same user if I am replying to another of their posts. Then I cut and paste them all into one reply text box in one tab sequentially - usually in reply order. I also use a text document (e.g. Notepad in Windows), as well, if I don't do it the tabs way; it is easier to swap back and forth between my browser and the text document than it is to move my mouse cursor many miles to each new tab, possibly hitting the close X and getting annoyed!

I did notice sometimes there is [ quote ] lowercase and [ QUOTE ] uppercase.
That's just how I type it. The formatting for the forum is lowercase.

I love typing and I'm quite fast at it. I also love keyboard shortcuts (they are fun). The parts I struggle with are the script/code elements in the forums. It's quite interesting though. ^_^
I did some HTML in the past. That's easy but more difficult than forum/BBCode, but getting off-topic!
FancyMancy said:

You really are a keyboard warrior.
Am soowweeee. sniffles

Some of your replies gave me some good laughs!
Cool, lol.

The [citation needed] parts were genius and very on par with reality.
Well... you know...

I have one question for you. How in the world do you quote so many different people? Every time I try it merges my text with the quoted text. I'll probably have refer back to the "New to the Forums" thread. The method I tried is copying my reply, going back to quote another person and pasting the first quote I replied to.
I click on the quote button for the user I want to quote, but open it in a new tab (middle mouse button is quicker and easier than right-click and open in new tab) (maybe I multi-quote them) and reply. I then keep that tab open and go back to the previous tab and do the same with another user or the same user if I am replying to another of their posts. Then I cut and paste them all into one reply text box in one tab sequentially - usually in reply order. I also use a text document (e.g. Notepad in Windows), as well, if I don't do it the tabs way; it is easier to swap back and forth between my browser and the text document than it is to move my mouse cursor many miles to each new tab, possibly hitting the close X and getting annoyed!

I did notice sometimes there is [ quote ] lowercase and [ QUOTE ] uppercase.
That's just how I type it. The formatting for the forum is lowercase.

I love typing and I'm quite fast at it. I also love keyboard shortcuts (they are fun). The parts I struggle with are the script/code elements in the forums. It's quite interesting though. ^_^
I did some HTML in the past. That's easy but more difficult than forum/BBCode, but getting off-topic!

Yeah my bad, I get lost in tangents sometimes. These were awesome tips however. I figured out the problem; I've been leaving large gaps between the [ quote ] and the text. It seems to only work adjacent to the text, like with bold and itallics.

It was a case of me overthinking things once again. Thanks again Fancy. :)
Meteor said:
Eventually I realised it's probably better if I just do what I think is best and try to side with people who agree with me, but I can't do that, because if they agree with me, that means they forgive me despite my flaws, and there's no way I could forgive them for that. I always wanted people to tell me I'm wrong, because then I'll know how I'm supposed to change. But if it's wrong that I wasn't born a girl, and it's wrong that I wanted to be one, and it's wrong that I don't have female bits right now, and just being the way I am now is wrong too, then I'm wrong no matter what! There's also people who tell me that it's okay that I wasn't born a girl, or that it's okay that I wanted to be one, or it's okay that I don't have female bits right now, or it's okay to just be the way I am now, but they're all wrong too, because they're contradicting each other and just saying whatever they think! Surely my parents that created me were wrong too then, and the society that allowed for them to meet was wrong too, and the people that built that society were wrong too, and Nature that created a beautiful planet for these people to exist on was wrong too, and the Universe that allowed Nature to exist is wrong too!

It's all so wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong...
It's you being wrong versus the World being wrong - and I bet you are right, no matter what, whether or not you are wrong.

No matter how I change, I can never be perfect, because everyone and everything has a different idea of what's perfect.
I have come to the decision that there are many perfects, multiple perfects, different perfects. In Spiritual Satanism, the terminology/lingo of "perfect", i.e. perfecting the Soul, is terminology/lingo; the Soul cannot be perfect, because improvement, advancement, betterment is continuous and never-ending, ever-lasting - if one continues to do it. In this context, "perfect"ing the Soul means to improve the Soul to such a state, to a threshold, that one can do realistically the things they want and need to do - as long as it is possible Physically. [This is just my own understanding of "perfect" in this context!!!!]

For a crayfish, a freshwater pond is perfect, while for a tuna, the saltwater ocean is perfect, and the opposite is literal poison. Snails are hermaphrodites that think it's fine to make love in public in a beautifully symmetric manner, and some lunatics think a hermaphroditic form and public sex are ideal and "perfect" for humans too.
So? I don't care. Why do you?

Every person and every animal I've ever seen was so blatantly imperfect too, covered in flaws and specific weaknesses. And it should already be obvious to you how flawed society is.
People and "society" are in such a state at the moment. The state of things is such a state(!). If improvement, advancement, betterment is eternal and infinite, then... we will always be flawed - simply because we can and will always be able to be better.

Not to mention the duration of days gradually increases as the Earth loses its rotational momentum, and the Sun, which we rely on to sustain life, isn't even eternal either!
You're trying less-and-less-relevant... I think the word is ARGUMENTS to try and explain your point, or to distract away from you having chosen already to have a "sex change" operation, or to try and validate it, or... or... or...

No matter where you go, people always love to talk about a perfect world. But I've not seen even a single perfect thing in my life; there's always something that could be different somehow so that it would be appreciated more. And yet, people love to talk about a perfect world, as if that includes their imperfect selves. So what can I do but fit in, so that I'll belong in their world too? So that I won't be abandoned, so that I won't die? But fit in where, and with whom? People don't understand what they want, and change their minds all the time; even if you give people exactly what they asked for, they'll still find something to complain about. They're unreliable.
You don't need to put Energies into these irrelevant things. You should get on with what's important and necessary and relevant.

Every perception of reality is really just a bunch of assumptions stacked together in a way that resembles reality in the same manner that a bunch of blocks can resemble a castle, and for some reason, people never seem to understand how easily it could all fall apart if even one of those assumptions turned out to be wrong; or perhaps, they just don't want to acknowledge it, because if one always questions everything, one will never get anywhere.
Here, I want to be so mean and just ignore the rest of your (I apologise in advance) ramblings. Get on with this, that, or the other - or don't. Enjoy!

No, not like a child. Just a bit emotionally immature, albeit proactive. I've been a bit impulsive ever since I snapped 7 years ago. Actually, I've been impulsive since I was little, and merely had a phase of being considerably less impulsive between the ages of 7 to 17. Perhaps that means being impulsive is my nature, even as an adult, but... the kind of adults I look up to are usually very responsible, and recently I was thinking that rather than just looking up to them, I should try to become a bit more like that, but in a healthy way that doesn't lead to an unhealthy degree of repression like what happened in my teenage years. Step-by-step of course, since it would be quite a drastic change to go from about 0% earth, to, let's say, about 10% earth, and if I did that all at once, I probably wouldn't feel like myself anymore, and I'd get upset over that and quit. That's why I have to take it slowly. Actually, isn't that kinda the point of earth, anyway? So if I want to become earth-like, I just have to be earth-like, I suppose.
Might I suggest some ISA Rune usage to slow down these over-active thoughts on irrelevant things? It's like you have a horizon, and things which are on that horizon, far away, seem to be relevant, but they're tiny specs so far away, but you want to draw them closely to you so you can cling on to and hold them as closely as possible for as long as possible, making them bigger and bigger in your life and focus, giving way too much importance to them. Meh. Those tiny, little specs in the distance are busy doing their own things; they don't care about you.

Isn't that just delightful?
No, because I'd have... sort of lost an old pal. Fine. Be like that. Enjoy my usage of "reverse psychology". Be selfish. Change your stupid username to a stupider username. I don't care... :)P)

Could you elaborate on what you're referring to, exactly?
Of course, I may be incorrect, but having a "sex change", I would have thought, would be relevant to the sex/second/Sacral Chakra. The emotions (you are/have been going through) are regarding the Throat Chakra. I don't mean to say "you're being emotional, so StFU", just that it would have (I expect) been such a long time contemplating such things that it must have incurred a lot of different emotions... some of which won and beat others; thus, influenced your thoughts. Again - I might be incorrect in any of this, and also incorrect in thinking the Sacral Chakra (and its pair, the Throat Chakra) relate to having a "sex change" operation.

As far as I can tell, there are glaring issues with my Solar Chakra and Base Chakra instead.
I was going to mention the Solar Chakra. The reason being that as the Chakras are like the powerhouses of the Soul, I think of the Solar Chakra as like a powerhouse-powerhouse of the Soul or a powerhouse of the powerhouses of the Soul, sort of thing. The Solar Chakra is also for/about willpower and being active in things, from what I can remember. Automatically I would include mentioning to work on the Solar Chakra... then of course its pair the Sixth (Third-Eye being the extension) Chakra... Then we'd might as well add the remaining two - the Crown and Base (paired) Chakras.

We can see that Adolf Hitler was not perfect, either. He had flaws - (remembering which way around it was) He lacked Water and had a lot of Fire. That is not perfect. He is still the reincarnation of Ramses the Great and He is still the Anti-christ and He is still the Führer. Do we (or more specifically, do you) need "what ifs"? I have zero doubt you've been going through many what-if scenarios for a long time... I really doubt, very much, that any more of them will help very much, to be honest.

Your tickles won't work on me!
Aww, dang it. Well... this is neither the time nor the place to go into... other... types of... sensations, so let's leave that there and I'll take your boyfr-- fiancé out for... well, I rarely drink, so... I'll just give him a tenner as a bribe... and I hope he realises that you and I are "just good friends"! :lol:

That aside, I'll take it as a hint that you don't want me to ignore you. It's not like I have it in me to ignore you anyway.
No. I was just being lazy - I'd get a notification that you replied to me, so then I'd click on the little upwards-pointing arrow so I can check what you were replying to me (my post) and check that little upwards-pointing arrow to go back and reply to you properly! All instead of scrolling and finding your post for me to reply to you! :p

As for humans; do you know any women who were able to prevent menopause by meditating?
If I do, then I don't know that I do. The only such Women, if any have managed to prevent menopause, I "know" are on here. I don't actually know them personally (again - as far as I know, but realistically the chances that I do know any person at all from here is very nearly 0 percent).

Will you forgive the Spiritual Satanists who have already underwent such a... as you put it, "disgusting" event? Will you forgive the ones who are meditating every day now, and will undergo it someday even as they continue to meditate and do yoga every day? If they enter menopause, does that mean they failed as Satanists in your eyes?
I'm not "yahweh". I don't need to forgive them, and they don't need my forgiveness. I have no idea why you are asking this. I'm not any authourity or high-and-mighty boss or anything. By "disgusting", I was referring to the jew's manipulations which causes this unnatural event to happen; the part in parentheses refers to it possibly making some weak-stomached people uncomfortable!

Ideals are not an excuse to neglect one's physical health, or refrain from at least trying to make the best of one's situation. Personally, I admire the doctors and researchers who put so much effort into creating safe medicines in order to improve people's lives; it displays their caring, Gentile hearts. Corrupt jews who pretend to do the same in order to make money, while creating more problems in order to make more money, do not take away from the good deeds of good doctors. Whether you understand what is good and positive, and what is bad and negative, and in the first place, what is even realistic, does not change the reality of that, in my opinion.
Things have been structured in such a way that the... I suppose you could call them engineers of medicines cannot manufacture actually-healthy medicines, with few or no side-effects. Mental health "medicines", from my experience, zombify the patient, make them impotent, lacking in energy, living-dead... How many guesses does anyone want that this is a result of MKUltra and probably other things?!
FancyMancy said:
I was going to mention the Solar Chakra. The reason being that as the Chakras are like the powerhouses of the Soul, I think of the Solar Chakra as like a powerhouse-powerhouse of the Soul or a powerhouse of the powerhouses of the Soul, sort of thing. The Solar Chakra is also for/about willpower and being active in things, from what I can remember. Automatically I would include mentioning to work on the Solar Chakra... then of course its pair the Sixth (Third-Eye being the extension) Chakra... Then we'd might as well add the remaining two - the Crown and Base (paired) Chakras.
Huh? The correct pair would be fifth for third, no? Second for sixth, and so on.
Henu the Great said:
FancyMancy said:
I was going to mention the Solar Chakra. The reason being that as the Chakras are like the powerhouses of the Soul, I think of the Solar Chakra as like a powerhouse-powerhouse of the Soul or a powerhouse of the powerhouses of the Soul, sort of thing. The Solar Chakra is also for/about willpower and being active in things, from what I can remember. Automatically I would include mentioning to work on the Solar Chakra... then of course its pair the Sixth (Third-Eye being the extension) Chakra... Then we'd might as well add the remaining two - the Crown and Base (paired) Chakras.
Huh? The correct pair would be fifth for third, no? Second for sixth, and so on.

the 666 meditation mentions an important link between the 3rd and 6th chakras for the magnum Opus. even though in order it would be 2nd and 6th; is what I believe he is referring to.
Henu the Great said:
FancyMancy said:
I was going to mention the Solar Chakra. The reason being that as the Chakras are like the powerhouses of the Soul, I think of the Solar Chakra as like a powerhouse-powerhouse of the Soul or a powerhouse of the powerhouses of the Soul, sort of thing. The Solar Chakra is also for/about willpower and being active in things, from what I can remember. Automatically I would include mentioning to work on the Solar Chakra... then of course its pair the Sixth (Third-Eye being the extension) Chakra... Then we'd might as well add the remaining two - the Crown and Base (paired) Chakras.
Huh? The correct pair would be fifth for third, no? Second for sixth, and so on.
The king and queen meditation says otherwise, Brother.
Henu the Great said:
FancyMancy said:
I was going to mention the Solar Chakra. The reason being that as the Chakras are like the powerhouses of the Soul, I think of the Solar Chakra as like a powerhouse-powerhouse of the Soul or a powerhouse of the powerhouses of the Soul, sort of thing. The Solar Chakra is also for/about willpower and being active in things, from what I can remember. Automatically I would include mentioning to work on the Solar Chakra... then of course its pair the Sixth (Third-Eye being the extension) Chakra... Then we'd might as well add the remaining two - the Crown and Base (paired) Chakras.
Huh? The correct pair would be fifth for third, no? Second for sixth, and so on.
I remembered it easily as -

- Base and Crown (top and bottom)
- Sixth (Third Eye) and Solar (Solar being 'super-powerhouse' and Third Eye for being able to see Spiritual entities, which is cool in some ways but very important regardless), then knowing that
- Heart neuter, leaves
- Sacral and Throat being paired.

Unless I am referring to incorrect, out-of-date information.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Fine, you may have your tapestry. You better enjoy it!

As usual, my partner saw right through me. He got me to open up about my recent worries and curiosities, and calmly refuted all of my excuses to reject myself and my body. "I had resigned myself to never being able to do certain things, because I assumed you would reject them." "Did I reject them?" "No." "How does that make you feel?" "I'm not sure." "Do you feel confused?" "Yes. But I'm not upset with you or anything." ... "If my body was right the whole time, then why did I reject it so much for so long?" "Maybe you were bullied." I didn't know how to reply, and cried for a bit. "But even if my body isn't wrong, don't you want my body to be a certain way?" "It already is that way." "Then, what if it changes?" "Then it would also be that way." "But if my body isn't wrong, then isn't it wrong to change it? But then what if I regret not changing? Would I regret not rejecting myself?" "You can accept yourself as you are now, even if you want to change. And it's okay to do things because you want to, not only because you feel like you have to." "But if my body is already right, then I don't understand why I want it to be different." "That's normal. It's common for people to want some things so much that they will do it even if they don't understand why. Perhaps someday you'll know reason. Perhaps you won't." "Perhaps someday I can come to terms with not knowing why."

I had been telling myself that it was my body's fault that I can't have sex as spontaneously as I want to; false, there's so many things we can do if I accept every part of my body. I had been telling myself that I had to reject my body for my fiance's sake; false, he loves my body as it is because he loves me (as a person) in my entirety, and it actually hurts him to see me rejecting myself and feeling so uncomfortable with my body. I had been telling myself that I needed to reject my body to be allowed to change it; false, the choice remains mine to make. I had been telling myself that it only made sense to reject my body, because that's how it's always been; false, I can simply stop rejecting it from now on. I had been telling myself that if my body isn't a certain way, others will be harsh to me; my fiancé asked me: "Who, out of anyone you know, is going to be harsh to you for being the way you are right now?" "No one. But people used to be harsh to me." "But they're not around anymore." "That's true."

"Why are you overwhelmed?" "Suppose my Soul is covered in wounds, and I had been filling up those wounds with negativity, excuses I came up with based on unpleasant experiences similar to those that caused the wounds. Even though it was dirt, it helped to stop the bleeding. Without those excuses, the wounds are opened, and it hurts so much..." I was breathing erratically. "Imagine if instead of filling them up with dirt again, you keep them clean, and eventually those wounds heal. You'd become whole." "I've always wanted to be whole..." I felt a sense of relief and was able to breathe more calmly.

On the contrary of being bothered that I'm curious about trying "strange" things, he'd be happy to explore new possibilities with me, and he's proud of the progress I'm making in accepting myself. I don't understand how a man can be so perfect for me. That man, as I tried to explain to him that I've never seen anything perfect in the sense of lacking flaws, and was about to say that I think I should try to forgive myself in the same manner that I forgive everything else despite its flaws; he interrupted me simply to state nonchalantly: "You're perfect", as if to give a counterexample to my argument. I didn't even know what to say. He explained that perfection doesn't have to be about having no ways to improve; it's about doing everything one needs to do despite flaws. And I realise he's right. You said something along those lines too, actually.

I'll try to work up the courage to rub dicks together with him or something, to celebrate. To be honest, I did not think my body could feel so right, even exactly in the state that it's in right now. But somehow, it just does, despite everything I felt before. Even so, I feel my excuses looming over me, looking for a way back in. That's why I think it's for the best if I cut down my internet usage for some time; it's like I'm a rejection addict and I need to get clean so that I won't relapse. I know some people are quite eager to feed my addiction, but more negativity is the opposite of what I need right now to heal the wounds I've carried for multiple lifetimes. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed the tapestry.

FancyMancy said:
Meteor said:
It's just so ridiculous. What I'm doing isn't such a crime as some people make it out to be; they're just obsessed. And then there's people like Jrvan, who said I should be put into a straightjacket "for my own good". Does he realise how being locked up in a straightjacket would affect a person's mental and physical health, and that it wouldn't really solve anything? It seems like he's reflected on that mentality by now, and I know not everyone thinks like that, but it seems like a lot of people just don't want to find out that others are doing things they dislike or disapprove of, regardless of the consequences refraining from those things would have.
There be some conservative Spiritual Satanists; there be some liberal Spiritual Satanists. Regardless of this and these, people can support and guide, but then let others do the right or wrong thing. Say for argument's sake that Jack and jrvan advance enough to both be Heroes (I presume they're both Males) - then another Jack and another jrvan will come along, lather, rinse, repeat.

Me, a hero? Ridiculous. I don't have any such aspirations. My only goals left for this life are revenge and serving Satan. It's a waste of time for me to think beyond that. Revenge is all I desire on a personal level at this point. Once I'm satiated then there will be nothing left. If there's something beyond that for this current life of mine then I don't care to know it right now.

Fancymancy... do you really think I can be replicated so easily? There might be other Jacks, but no one else can be like me and do what I do. My act can't be copied, and my unique roles cannot be filled by any others. No one else is capable of being me. You have no idea how special I am.

By the way, I still believe that a straitjacket would be the best thing for someone like that who cannot control themselves. My mind hasn't changed at all about that. My assessment of Meteor at that time was that he was not capable of being safely responsible for his own well-being as an adult, and that his parents should have intervened and resumed responsibility for his care. Someone who is such a danger to themselves that they would voluntarily opt for surgery to remove their genitalia is not fit to take care of themselves, in my own strong opinion. They need help from others in order to avoid harm until they are in a better mental state to pursue advancement in life.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
FancyMancy said:
There be some conservative Spiritual Satanists; there be some liberal Spiritual Satanists. Regardless of this and these, people can support and guide, but then let others do the right or wrong thing. Say for argument's sake that Jack and jrvan advance enough to both be Heroes (I presume they're both Males) - then another Jack and another jrvan will come along, lather, rinse, repeat.

Me, a hero? Ridiculous. I don't have any such aspirations. My only goals left for this life are revenge and serving Satan. It's a waste of time for me to think beyond that. Revenge is all I desire on a personal level at this point. Once I'm satiated then there will be nothing left. If there's something beyond that for this current life of mine then I don't care to know it right now.
What about love, and starting a family? Life is not only about the destruction of bad things, but about the creation of good things as well.

You may consider me someone who lacks aspirations, as I'm driven by impulse and emotion; nothing more, nothing less. But it's because of that, that I believe it is fine to live for the sake of living: to let all your passions, no matter what they might mean on a larger scale, burn brightly into manifestation. It's a waste to say that a life is meaningless, when it can be meaningful to you. You deserve to live, and to shine brightly and spectacularly, for the sake of life itself. You deserve it, for that is your birthright, as a living Soul in this world.

We are born physically to live physically. There must never be shame in that. Those who look down on low vibrations, when that is the very foundation of the physical world that empowers and enables their Souls, are themselves lowly, uppity fools. At least in my opinion, that is.

In simpler terms: have fun, and don't forget to relax and enjoy the small things as much as the big things. It all matters.

Life's a tease.
Meteor said:
(I realised I made some other typos too, so I'll just send the whole thing again but with some corrections. Please delete or disapprove the previous version.)

With this, the last remaining psychological reason for my desire to transition has been eliminated, and yet, my desire remains; seemingly transcending reason and emotion alike, as though it is some fundamental part of me. That is something I used to fear, but I fear it no more.

As much as I hated the idea, it's becoming increasingly apparent that I might be "transgender", and that this is something I'll never be able to explain, since it is simply how I am; in the same manner that others could never explain "why" they're male or female, since it is a nonsensical question.

Everything I took as a reason for my desire to change, turned out to be a symptom. Since my desires remain, it's apparent now that my karma was not the cause of my desire to change, but my desire to change was the cause of the problems I had with other people, that in turn caused my karma, which falsely made my desires seem like a matter of life or death, straining them to a very unhealthy degree.

It's obvious that transgender feelings make people more likely to encounter difficulty in interactions with other people, which can lead to mental health problems such as body issues or depression. But my experience is evidence that these mental health problems are not what define being transgender, and that all can be overcome completely with patience.

Based on that, I conclude that if transgender people are treated kindly and accepted by others, they will not develop body issues. (Note: this may also apply to the general population.)

If my desire to have surgery disappears with further meditation (for example, perhaps time is simply needed for some things to adjust?), I will refrain from it. If it does not, I will go through with it, despite already feeling proud of my body as it is. I'm not looking for acceptance from others, since I already accept myself on a more fundamental level that others could never substitute; nor am I looking for rejection from others, since that's what caused such a mess in the first place. Rather, I merely wish to inform about the circumstances of my situation, since the anecdotal information might be useful or interesting to some, albeit controversial.

In particular, the most important lesson I want people to take away from this, is that wanting to change or be different should never be an excuse to hate yourself or be ashamed of who or what you are. Such negative feelings will only sabotage you and make everything needlessly strained and difficult. It's by accepting yourself as you are, that you can work towards becoming the kind of person you want to be in the most positive manner possible; not by beating yourself up for not being there already.

I used to think that nature made mistakes, because many people are born with physiological or neurological idiosyncrasies that might be disadvantageous to them throughout their life. However, this line of thinking is extremely damaging, no matter what the topic may be. Others may judge someone to be wrong: for example someone born with Down Syndrome, or perhaps an infertile hermaphrodite, or perhaps someone with a particularly ugly face, or perhaps someone who simply cannot get along with the people around them for some reason. However, such a line of thinking must never be directed to oneself, if one intends to grow; for someone who judges themselves to be wrong, is not fit to be a Satanist, for they will instinctively seek to destroy themselves rather than grow.

Finding people who are accepting or supportive may be difficult. But you must never let others convince you to reject yourself, for that means resignation to death and decay. You have to accept yourself in order to understand how you can grow and advance in a positive manner.

I hope this is helpful to anyone.

On that note, most of this also applies to homosexual people who have difficulty with self-acceptance. Perhaps you think the way you are is wrong, because it's difficult to find a partner, and people are mean to you for it, for example telling you that relationships that can't lead to children are an "unproductive hobby" or something harsh like that, or perhaps they claim it's unnatural altogether due to the creativity required to have sex with someone of the same sex. But you can never please everyone, nor do you need to. If you keep looking, you'll find people who appreciate you just the way you are, who don't try to pressure you to be a certain way to fit into a box that would never be right for you. Even if there are many people who don't understand you or your feelings and desires, that does not mean you were born wrong. Because as long as you can do all the things that you need to (not according to others, but according to your nature), you're perfect, just the way you are. And if it is difficult to do the things you need to, do not use that as an excuse to reject yourself; instead, let it inspire you to grow and work towards a situation in which you can do these things, as much as you want and need to.

And on that note, most of this applies to anyone who struggles to accept themselves for any reason.

I'm glad for your progress. However, it's such an alluring mystery to me: if the desire isn't stemming from psychological issues, mental trappings, thoughtforms, or karma... and these are all resolved, and yet the desire is still there... then where does the desire come from? What is spawning it, and what is fueling it? I'm so curious. This is what I believe you should investigate deeply with meditation and any other means. If you can find the answer then please do share. I want to know exactly where the desire comes from.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
Actually, something came to mind. Although I don't have an answer, my Guardian did give me an answer when I asked Her about the topic about two years ago, although I didn't understand what it meant. Perhaps you would be interested.

Not long after I dedicated, but long before I learned to shapeshift astrally, I asked my Guardian why I prefer to have a female body, and then I noticed that my ethereal body appeared to be female, including the corresponding physical sensations I could feel upon touch. When I asked my Guardian why this was the case, She said it was because of a spell I cast several lifetimes ago, prior to accumulating the karma related to discrimination which caused me to hate being seen as male (which I overcame a while ago) and hate having a male body (which I overcame very recently).

I asked Her why I cast that spell. She said it was not out of curiosity, but rather, that it could be described as an "obsession" (although that was an awkward way to put it, since I couldn't understand the actual word for it); not a sexual fetish, nor a random interest taken too far, nor because I disliked being male (I didn't), but something far more specific. I couldn't make out where it came from, or what it was about, though.

I asked Her to tell me more about that lifetime, and She told me a story. There was a woman I looked up to. She was a beautiful witch. But she died. She was murdered. I felt shock, which turned into rage, then into sorrow and fear, then into insanity. I abandoned my village to live in the woods. I began to starve. I distracted myself from my hunger and emotions with fantasies, escapist delusions. I couldn't believe that she was dead, she was supposed to be alive. During the last few months before my death, I cast a spell that was transformative in nature (Plutonian) with a focus on "life" after or in death, but I don't remember the details clearly.

When I think back to that story now, I feel like she was my mother, and like I wished my death could bring her back to life. I prefer to think it's metaphorical rather than something that actually happened in a past life, though.

If I were to interpret the story as a metaphor, then perhaps there's an ideal that I want to embody; after all, I feel like the woman in the story was very similar in appearance and character to what I'm like now. However, this "ideal" has barely changed even now that I love the way my body is, which doesn't make sense if an "ideal" is all it was. Furthermore, the story suggests that letting go of this "ideal" would cause grief and trauma comparable to watching one's only remaining parent get murdered at a young age, and also that I can't let go of it even in death, since I hope again with each new incarnation for it to manifest (for her to be brought back to life by my death). But it isn't something I do begrudgingly in the slightest. No matter how much I like being the way I am, I always prefer being even a single step closer to that "ideal".

I wonder if perhaps there is some neurological explanation for this, but that isn't something I can see or confirm; it's not like I can just look at my brain, let alone understand what all those little wrinkles mean. With meditation, I can only work within the boundaries of my mind and those I tune in to; and thus, I can only understand and convey strange metaphors that may or may not even have anything to do with it at all. I'm sorry if that is disappointing, but I hope it was an interesting story regardless.

Sorry for bumping in again.. but it sounds like grief that hasnt been dealt with properly..
And perhaps you should ask for confirmation of if there was an actual person..
And maybe instead of letting go right now, ask if the person (if there was) is alright.

We all need people we look up to, to inspire us, which helps us grow, there is nithinng wrong with that. But it doesn't mean we have to become said person. That would not be the correct thing for our soul either.
Meteor said:

So it sounds like you cast a spell to keep this person somehow alive within you (not actually, but probably as much as you could), resulting in identity issues that go deeper than merely just Neptune on the 1st house or whatever.

Addressing some other posts you had written prior to that, what you described ADD, being ungrounded, insanity, etc, makes it clear to me that you should focus on your earth and base chakra firstly, likely before the Sun and so forth (although I wouldn't miss the upcoming Sun Square).

Although you have a large transformative capacity, I would still attempt to fully resolve any karma or trauma through a magical working to make sure it is totally solved and won't bite you later. Understanding what has happened is good, but action needs to follow that.

In regards to reasons and understanding, sometimes we are simply unable to fully understand things, but we can still take steps to solve them. You don't need to understand the full depths of your problem before you can apply Ansuz to remove it.

Remember, our focus should be on advancement firstly. Once we become more advanced, then the full knowledge comes to us. To some degree, certain things will be blind to us. We are not operating along the "normal" path humans would advance along, but rather one where we are severely degenerated and having to fight the enemy.

So the point of the above is to advance first, ask questions later. I do not mean this in a sense of like do no do your research about energy, runes, etc but don't spend so much time, perhaps months or years, that you are delaying something which could have already been safely resolved.

Coincendatally, the earth element would allow one to both ground any compulsive desires or run-away thought-trains, as well as keep focus on priorities like safety, security, health, etc. That is why Jack, as you describe, could see women as breeding machines. He is not evil, but he is looking at them through a very strong earth sense, which must be balanced like all things.

In this way, the earth element represents a kind of intelligence that can be thought of as material intelligence. It allows one to sense and abide by practical limitations. It also allows someone to limit themselves where appropriate. It would help someone delineate the boundaries of a concept or item.

NakedPluto mentioned recently that the best energy for dealing with death is not compassionate water (moon energy), but rather the saturn energy which can keep everything together and calm under extreme stress. However, it sounds like you applied obsessive water (pluto) to a situation involving death, creating this problem now.

While certainly noble, it follows the classic Scorpio weakness, which is that its strong emotions become its undoing.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332467 time=1646815275 user_id=21286]
Meteor said:

So it sounds like you cast a spell to keep this person somehow alive within you (not actually, but probably as much as you could), resulting in identity issues that go deeper than merely just Neptune on the 1st house or whatever.

Addressing some other posts you had written prior to that, what you described ADD, being ungrounded, insanity, etc, makes it clear to me that you should focus on your earth and base chakra firstly, likely before the Sun and so forth (although I wouldn't miss the upcoming Sun Square).

Although you have a large transformative capacity, I would still attempt to fully resolve any karma or trauma through a magical working to make sure it is totally solved and won't bite you later. Understanding what has happened is good, but action needs to follow that.

In regards to reasons and understanding, sometimes we are simply unable to fully understand things, but we can still take steps to solve them. You don't need to understand the full depths of your problem before you can apply Ansuz to remove it.

Remember, our focus should be on advancement firstly. Once we become more advanced, then the full knowledge comes to us. To some degree, certain things will be blind to us. We are not operating along the "normal" path humans would advance along, but rather one where we are severely degenerated and having to fight the enemy.

So the point of the above is to advance first, ask questions later. I do not mean this in a sense of like do no do your research about energy, runes, etc but don't spend so much time, perhaps months or years, that you are delaying something which could have already been safely resolved.

Coincendatally, the earth element would allow one to both ground any compulsive desires or run-away thought-trains, as well as keep focus on priorities like safety, security, health, etc. That is why Jack, as you describe, could see women as breeding machines. He is not evil, but he is looking at them through a very strong earth sense, which must be balanced like all things.

In this way, the earth element represents a kind of intelligence that can be thought of as material intelligence. It allows one to sense and abide by practical limitations. It also allows someone to limit themselves where appropriate. It would help someone delineate the boundaries of a concept or item.

NakedPluto mentioned recently that the best energy for dealing with death is not compassionate water (moon energy), but rather the saturn energy which can keep everything together and calm under extreme stress. However, it sounds like you applied obsessive water (pluto) to a situation involving death, creating this problem now.

While certainly noble, it follows the classic Scorpio weakness, which is that its strong emotions become its undoing.
Blitzkreig I can honestly say that you're extremely helpful to all the people on this forum and I'm very interested in talking to you in email. Can you please give me your email ?
Jack said:
Blitzkreig I can honestly say that you're extremely helpful to all the people on this forum and I'm very interested in talking to you in email. Can you please give me your email ?

Yes, you can email me at [email protected].
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=332797 time=1646912643 user_id=21286]
Jack said:
Blitzkreig I can honestly say that you're extremely helpful to all the people on this forum and I'm very interested in talking to you in email. Can you please give me your email ?

Yes, you can email me at [email protected].
I'll be emailing you from [email protected]
Meteor said:
I want to find a way to break this cycle. However, I'm against the solution Jack suggested of mentally erasing some part of myself with hypnosis, since that would just be repression.

I think the right solution will be clear to me after resolving the issue with my Base Chakra and earth. However, the thought of being bound or limited makes me sick. Facing my limitations makes me feel sick, but Saturn forces me to, so I delve into escapism for relief.

I am very happy to see that you are starting to understand yourself, and that you will know how to help yourself. :)

You are who you have always been, and you are who you are supposed to be, because you are yourself. And I am talking about the physical body that you were born with, and not some gruesomely chopped apart version of it. If you were meant to be physically disabled in some unnatural way, you would have been born that way. But you have been born as yourself because you are yourself, and this is a good thing because you are a good person and the strongest person you could be is yourself. Many people's weakness is from trying to be something they are not. There is no seperation between the soul and the body and it is not possible for there to be any seperation, and in both soul and body you are exactly the man that you have always been.

Now that you are understanding what the situation was in past lives, you will be able to start to heal from it. I think it is like a house that has been taken apart by a hurricane/tornado and with all the pieces of it, and all the pieces of nearby houses, all thrown together into one mess of rubble. If somebody wakes up with amnesia and only sees the current position of all the rubble, (as most or many people have this kind of past life amnesia and are only able to see just a very small amount of what they experience the present moment), it would be a very sad and painful thing to try to deal with this mess with no knowledge of what anything was supposed to be. It would not seem like it is possible to ever untangle all of it, or even to see what the pieces used to be part of before because it is such a mess.

Your knowledge that you have recently been given is a photograph of the houses that used to be there years ago when they were still standing, and another photograph of the hurricane. So now you know what you really were, and you know what it was that damaged you. It will be an enormous amount of work, but with these pictures it is possible for you to clean the mess and rebuild the correct houses. You can see what piece on the ground used to go in which place, and you can go put it there. All of this is able to be fixed, and there is nothing else required other than yourself. You still are yourself, and you still contain yourself, and your body is yourself. Just the mess of those other houses needs to be taken off of you so it is not crushing you anymore.

This woman you talk about has already reincarnated, and is most likely living right now. And is probably just as strong and healthy as she has always been. She might even be here right now. So you do not need to be grieving anymore. All that pain came from the false idea that she was gone or erased, when the truth is that she is still living and she is somewhere in a healthy body right now and is still alive. Or maybe she has already become a low level god.

"All that you need, is within your soul."

Meteor said:

Earth/Base Chakra

While the base chakra or Saturn may represent limitations, this just merely describes the energy. It does not mean your base chakra actually limits you over the long term. Limitations hold together the things we love, for example. Saturn gives us discipline and endurance, which allow us to fulfill our dreams.

It is always about HOW you are using the energy. Someone can hurt themselves with any energy, including the Sun, if they tried. A strong Sun can get someone into ego battles, or cause delusion by way of ego-mania. Leo placements on Mercury are its sign of fall, even though the Sun is life-giving.

However, whether we are dealing with negative Saturn-based or Sun-based karma, we still can use tools like Munka or Ansuz to free ourselves specifically from the negative elements of that energy or part of our soul. Then, when we go back and strengthen that energy through a Square, or with regular empowerment, then we get only positive results.

Using Nauthiz will only give you positive aspects, such as endurance and grounding, which will help you safely face challenges going forward. Saturn, being cold, helps calm people down. It retains the emotions so they do not become hysterical under pressure.

Past Karma

I was previously focusing on my theory that you were trying to tie this woman into your soul somehow. Given Plutonian energy, this may explain why you almost "merged" with her, and now partially feel female.

However, what you describe reminds me that you are also suffering due to the women dying. This seems to be the primary root of the problem, which then caused you to try out the Plutonian spell, which then created new karma in this life as you dealt with the results of the spell.

So you need to resolve these feelings you have about the woman, in terms of moving past her death. Then from there, you would be able to remove or get past any feelings making you retain her feminity in your soul.

So you would want to do a working with Munka or Ansuz about safely resolving the above problems. From what you say about a hypothetical scenario where you lacked male parts, perhaps your spell was trying to do a 50/50 merge between you and her. Not exactly sure, but the solution is the same, nonetheless.

Such energies go deeper than just hypnosis and work based on how you programmed them, whereas hypnosis could be good or bad. Ansuz goes right to the problem area, deep within your soul, and starts to lift it away. In that sense, it is a freeing energy, just like the wind flying around, unbound by anything and unable to be stopped.


Moving forward, these sorts of workings are going to be how you move forward. However, I think this is something that you should go over with your GD in terms of how you approach it. They may tell you to do one of these options before the other, or perhaps something entirely different.

The solution process is pretty simple in terms of it being like:

Problem: Negative emotions.
Solution: Removal
Tool for [Removal]= Ansuz, Munka, Sun energy, etc

Problem: Lack of Grounding
Solution: Add Grounding
Tool for [Add Grounding]= Nauthiz

Then, you apply these energies to yourself with your affirmation, using your will to manifest it positively.

Please be more specific about what you are confused about in regards to your solutions, either to me or your GD.
Meteor said:
what do I have to learn in order to stop wanting everything that I lack? I have yet to find something like that, so you rejoice too soon.

A large situation can't change instantly. I know that all of your problems have not been instantly completely fixed. The reason I am happy is that now you have awareness of what you can do to help yourself. You still have to do all the work, but at least you have an idea of what to do.
giselle08 said:
Hello Satanists,

Firstly, praise be to Satan and his demons!
I wanted to ask what Satan thinks of queer people. Does Satan accept them?

All the horrible, disgusting religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism ban homosexuality. Does Satan allow it, though?

Yes it’s absolutely allowed. Sexual freedom and love of all forms true to oneself is encouraged.
Meteor said:
Well, that is true. No matter what the end result of this situation might be, at this point I feel like I can handle it and overcome everything one way or another. The war within will be over, and I'll find my inner peace at last. I found so much relief already in overcoming the issues with my Sacral Chakra, and my Solar Chakra; there's just one area left to work on now, but it's the root of all.
If you do not mind, can I ask how did you overcome your issues relating to lower chakras? Asking because this info could (at least partially) help someone else in the future.
Meteor said:
Sorry for spamming the thread so much. I just wanted to say that I was able to make significant progress today, in multiple regards. Thank you again for the advice. It was painful at first, but I feel as though a heavy burden has been lifted, and I feel strangely vulnerable, but I think that's better than being detached all the time. I know things can't be fully solved instantly, so I'll keep it up every day.

Working with earth helped me realise something. I know I can't help certain things about the way I am. But I understand now why lately I've been feeling like I want to be a man as well, rather than just a woman. I've occasionally had urges to bind my chest, or to work out really hard and try to get muscular, but I didn't because I knew deep down that it wouldn't really help, because I'd only be covering up a symptom rather than solving the underlying issue. And I understand now that the reason why I had those urges is because I've been feeling somewhat powerless, and I associated masculinity with power.

But today I realised that there are other ways to be powerful too. For example, the very sight of my body is powerful in terms of what it can induce. And my fiancé said my brain is pretty powerful too, since I'm quite smart. Based on that, I think what I might need is to find ways in which I can be powerful that suit me better than stereotypical masculinity. I think it's fitting that I realised that by working with earth, since it's considered a feminine element, yet very steadfast and strong. It may really be what I needed this whole time.

Just doing some physical exercise feels great. You don't have to bulk up as a man.. and surprisingly dancing is a lot of physical exercise..
you wouldn't know if you hadn't thought about it or ever watched an interview with a pro.

Professional dancers dance at least 6 hours (almost) every single day. Perfecting moves, learning routines, learning new moves, keeping the body in top shape condition.
Its a lot of hard work.
Without the going to a gym and bulking up.
If you get the urge to go outside and run a mile or two, indulge.
Not because its masculine or whatever (or feminine, a lot of women also run miles regurlarly), but because it is what feels right to do for you and (most likely) your body at that point in time.
jrvan said:
Me, a hero? Ridiculous. I don't have any such aspirations. My only goals left for this life are revenge and serving Satan. It's a waste of time for me to think beyond that. Revenge is all I desire on a personal level at this point. Once I'm satiated then there will be nothing left. If there's something beyond that for this current life of mine then I don't care to know it right now.
I meant Hero, not hero. "What's the difference, minus the capital letter?" The level/hierarchy of Godliness. A mere Human, a Hero/Heroine, a Daemon/Daemoness, a God/Goddess. I don't mean the fake, namby-pamby, wishy-washy nonsense of flim-flam "hero"-hood.

Fancymancy... do you really think I can be replicated so easily? There might be other Jacks, but no one else can be like me and do what I do. My act can't be copied, and my unique roles cannot be filled by any others. No one else is capable of being me. You have no idea how special I am.
I don't mean replacing or replicating. I mean others who come and do things. Those as trolls or as... (why not) news reporters (sort of), as infiltrators, as this, that or the other. When [insert favourite comedian here] dies, then there'll be other [same comedian]s. If the jew has its way, then there'll be other pol pots, joseph stalins, etc.

By the way, I still believe that a straitjacket would be the best thing for someone like that who cannot control themselves. My mind hasn't changed at all about that. My assessment of Meteor at that time was that he was not capable of being safely responsible for his own well-being as an adult, and that his parents should have intervened and resumed responsibility for his care. Someone who is such a danger to themselves that they would voluntarily opt for surgery to remove their genitalia is not fit to take care of themselves, in my own strong opinion. They need help from others in order to avoid harm until they are in a better mental state to pursue advancement in life.
All the while, those carers, doctors, jail guards - whatever - will not be getting on with their own improvement and advancement and betterment. It's their life and body and mind and soul at the end of the day - Satan, I expect, won't prevent them from doing such things, no matter how much He wishes they wouldn't; the same with any God or Goddess/Guardian. They might intervene for a while, but if the person wishes to continue down that road of karma, then the Gods and Goddesses, I seriously think, will not force Their will upon the person, regardless of how damaging and whatever it might be.

Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
Fine, you may have your tapestry. You better enjoy it!
The type of tapestry I am thinking might have to come with a certain... certification... - but still true to life!

As usual, my partner saw right through me. He got me to open up about my recent worries and curiosities, and calmly refuted all of my excuses to reject myself and my body. "I had resigned myself to never being able to do certain things, because I assumed you would reject them." "Did I reject them?" "No." "How does that make you feel?" "I'm not sure." "Do you feel confused?" "Yes. But I'm not upset with you or anything." ... "If my body was right the whole time, then why did I reject it so much for so long?" "Maybe you were bullied." I didn't know how to reply, and cried for a bit. "But even if my body isn't wrong, don't you want my body to be a certain way?" "It already is that way." "Then, what if it changes?" "Then it would also be that way." "But if my body isn't wrong, then isn't it wrong to change it? But then what if I regret not changing? Would I regret not rejecting myself?" "You can accept yourself as you are now, even if you want to change. And it's okay to do things because you want to, not only because you feel like you have to." "But if my body is already right, then I don't understand why I want it to be different." "That's normal. It's common for people to want some things so much that they will do it even if they don't understand why. Perhaps someday you'll know reason. Perhaps you won't." "Perhaps someday I can come to terms with not knowing why."

Far be it from me to stick my nose in to other peoples' affairs, but I am finding it difficult to believe you. I still expect that you intend - are hell-bent - on going through with "sex change" operations, regardless of what is said on this forum/to you, and regardless of what you post.

You said something along those lines too, actually.
Sorry, I can't help myself -


That made me sound so arrogant. (I am taking liberties with you, my number-1 fan! :p)

Regardless, I hope you enjoyed the tapestry.
Sorry, but that sounded so insincere. I don't mean the the usage of tapestry to be a prying into anyone's personal lives. That's not it at all. What is shared is only what one wants to share. It all weaves the tapestry, paints a picture, both of the username and also for the JoS forum and JoS Ministries - others can see, review and understand where we've come from (in the future) and (those in the present) where we're going.
FancyMancy said:
jrvan said:
Me, a hero? Ridiculous. I don't have any such aspirations. My only goals left for this life are revenge and serving Satan. It's a waste of time for me to think beyond that. Revenge is all I desire on a personal level at this point. Once I'm satiated then there will be nothing left. If there's something beyond that for this current life of mine then I don't care to know it right now.
I meant Hero, not hero. "What's the difference, minus the capital letter?" The level/hierarchy of Godliness. A mere Human, a Hero/Heroine, a Daemon/Daemoness, a God/Goddess. I don't mean the fake, namby-pamby, wishy-washy nonsense of flim-flam "hero"-hood.

I was aware of what you meant. I read the same post, and I intuited that you were speaking of ascending in rank.

jrvan said:
Fancymancy... do you really think I can be replicated so easily? There might be other Jacks, but no one else can be like me and do what I do. My act can't be copied, and my unique roles cannot be filled by any others. No one else is capable of being me. You have no idea how special I am.
FancyMancy said:
I don't mean replacing or replicating. I mean others who come and do things. Those as trolls or as... (why not) news reporters (sort of), as infiltrators, as this, that or the other. When [insert favourite comedian here] dies, then there'll be other [same comedian]s. If the jew has its way, then there'll be other pol pots, joseph stalins, etc.

I don't quite follow. Are you implying that I'm a troll, or are you saying that someone similar to me who isn't averse to heated verbal arguments will come along and stir things up? If the latter, then they still won't do it as well as I do. Anyone else will be mediocre by comparison, and they won't produce the same fruits that I have. It might not be obvious to you and others, but I'm a catalyst for certain things. This is because I'm able to do subtle things that others aren't aware of and don't know how to do themselves. All you notice is the drama that I engage in, and not what I cause as a result of these engagements. I rarely do things meaninglessly, and almost every argument I have engaged in has led to something or accomplished something. Maybe you will be able to notice this effect I have had here when you look back at this "tapestry" as you call it with better, more observant eyes. I don't mind even if you never do though. I'm not doing it for the praise or glory. I'm doing what I can do for Father Satan because I know these forums are important to him. I try to help in my own way by using my understanding of the mind to tackle individual problems that impede growth both microcosmically for the individual and macrocosmically for the forums.

jrvan said:
By the way, I still believe that a straitjacket would be the best thing for someone like that who cannot control themselves. My mind hasn't changed at all about that. My assessment of Meteor at that time was that he was not capable of being safely responsible for his own well-being as an adult, and that his parents should have intervened and resumed responsibility for his care. Someone who is such a danger to themselves that they would voluntarily opt for surgery to remove their genitalia is not fit to take care of themselves, in my own strong opinion. They need help from others in order to avoid harm until they are in a better mental state to pursue advancement in life.
FancyMancy said:
All the while, those carers, doctors, jail guards - whatever - will not be getting on with their own improvement and advancement and betterment. It's their life and body and mind and soul at the end of the day - Satan, I expect, won't prevent them from doing such things, no matter how much He wishes they wouldn't; the same with any God or Goddess/Guardian. They might intervene for a while, but if the person wishes to continue down that road of karma, then the Gods and Goddesses, I seriously think, will not force Their will upon the person, regardless of how damaging and whatever it might be.

I'm not going to debate this particular subject. Everyone is going to have their own thoughts and feelings about what is right and wrong for how we behave as a society, and what they believe is the best response to things. Me personally, I have it strongly in my value system that someone has responsibilities to the other people who are linked and closely tied to their life such as family members and even friends, and that's why to me it's wrong to take certain selfish actions that seriously affect them (such as mutilating your genitals which is self harm). Leaving someone to their own devices like that when they are clearly out of their mind and are willingly straining their relationship with you while fully expecting said relationship to continue so they can reap the benefits of it... is just out of the question for someone like me, unless they willingly and forcefully end the relationship to pursue their own reckless and selfish whims.

There's also the matter of how it affects society as a whole, who is paying for it, how these mutants are going to FIT into society, etc... but like I said I'm not interested in that debate. I'm only sharing how and why it is in conflict with my own personal value system. If someone of my household made the decision to follow trends in society and mutilate their genitals then I would be doing more than simply putting them in a straitjacket, just so you know. I absolutely would violate their will, and I would destroy whatever sick thoughtform was affecting them and do spells to stabilize them and strengthen their psychic defense. All while keeping them locked up and sedated if necessary. And I would destroy anyone who tried to get in my way or stop me in the name of allowing my flesh and blood to have their precious so-called "free will" to destroy themselves. Yes people have free will, but what people forget is that I have free will too. I can use my free will to impose myself on others even if they have free will, and I can override their will. If they don't like it then they will have to fight me, and they will lose.

I'm not going to let people of my household just do what they want like that if it involves self destruction. If anyone wants to mutilate their genitals in a future lifetime then make sure you're not reincarnated into my line because I won't let you. Whine that it's patriarchy if you want.
jrvan said:
I was aware of what you meant. I read the same post, and I intuited that you were speaking of ascending in rank.
That's... like... the point of Spirituality. You don't want to go up in rank? You want to stop existing? OK...

I don't quite follow. Are you implying that I'm a troll, or are you saying that someone similar to me who isn't averse to heated verbal arguments will come along and stir things up?
No. I don't care to learn who is a troll (although, obviously, some make it obvious so as to not be avoidable). I am just using different terms/ideas. I mean there will be others who come who are similar to previous members. Maybe not a carbon-copy, but others who seem like that other member from way back when. Similar to what you asked - others might 'stir things up', engage in heated debates, yeah. They are not jrvan, because only jrvan is jrvan; I meant others surely would come and be similar in style, type, engagement, etc.

If the latter, then they still won't do it as well as I do. Anyone else will be mediocre by comparison, and they won't produce the same fruits that I have. It might not be obvious to you and others, but I'm a catalyst for certain things. This is because I'm able to do subtle things that others aren't aware of and don't know how to do themselves.
That's beside the point, lol. I'm not trying to explode your ego or anything. I simply meant others would come who are like any previous member here. One could say that since HPS Maxine, the owner, has left, another "HPS Maxine" - i.e. a new owner, has come - HPHC (despite him being Male and Maxine being Female!).

All you notice is the drama that I engage in, and not what I cause as a result of these engagements.

Meh. I've been involved with forums and chat rooms for years, long before I found JoS back in the day. I tire of the drama, so I seem to feel deflected from it without trying.

Perhaps similarly to you, I sometimes play devil's advocate, ask questions, push things a bit, etc. It's not to be a dick. There is purpose behind it. I feel ignored and underappreciated with how I am mostly the only one in my long-arsed posts, but sometimes, as recently, others appreciate it, so that's good. I don't make long posts just for the fun of it... but as I said - my point is not about tripping ego and things. Maybe my posts have a small impact, compared with other things or others' posts, but at least they have an impact.

I'm not going to debate this particular subject. Everyone is going to have their own thoughts and feelings about what is right and wrong for how we behave as a society, and what they believe is the best response to things. Me personally, I have it strongly in my value system that someone has responsibilities to the other people who are linked and closely tied to their life such as family members and even friends, and that's why to me it's wrong to take certain selfish actions that seriously affect them (such as mutilating your genitals which is self harm). Leaving someone to their own devices like that when they are clearly out of their mind and are willingly straining their relationship with you while fully expecting said relationship to continue so they can reap the benefits of it... is just out of the question for someone like me, unless they willingly and forcefully end the relationship to pursue their own reckless and selfish whims.
I'm not saying I disagree with you. As much as I agree or disagree, like or dislike, it's hardly my place to tell individuals what to do - and they wouldn't listen to me anyway. Partly because of lack of respect for me, lack of their belief in me, lack of my credibility to them, etc. Even if I did have a large amount of credibility, they had a large amount of belief in me and they had a large amount of respect for me, people are stubborn - with such things as sexual freedom and freedom in general - so despite their and my rapport, they'd still more-than-likely do what they decided already, anyway. I agree or disagree, I like or dislike; they continue regardless. They don't realise the jew created the problem (sexual suppression and lack of freedoms in general), waited for the reaction (too numerous to mention), then create its own "solution" (what we see today). They've been duped by the jew - or juped, you might say.

There's also the matter of how it affects society as a whole, who is paying for it, how these mutants are going to FIT into society, etc... but like I said I'm not interested in that debate. I'm only sharing how and why it is in conflict with my own personal value system. If someone of my household made the decision to follow trends in society and mutilate their genitals then I would be doing more than simply putting them in a straitjacket, just so you know.
It's not my place to comment on your personal/familial life.

I absolutely would violate their will, and I would destroy whatever sick thoughtform was affecting them and do spells to stabilize them and strengthen their psychic defense. All while keeping them locked up and sedated if necessary.
Wow. Rape. No - rape doesn't have to be sexual.

And I would destroy anyone who tried to get in my way or stop me in the name of allowing my flesh and blood to have their precious so-called "free will" to destroy themselves. Yes people have free will, but what people forget is that I have free will too.
Your free will takes precedence over others' because of your thoughts and feelings.

I can use my free will to impose myself on others even if they have free will, and I can override their will. If they don't like it then they will have to fight me, and they will lose.
As I said - meh to ego-tripping. Of course, you're not; you're being serious, etc.

I'm not going to let people of my household just do what they want like that if it involves self destruction.
How do you reconcile this, what you have said and your attitude, etc., with Satan whose wisdom is not separate from His heart? Is your heart hard?

If anyone wants to mutilate their genitals in a future lifetime then make sure you're not reincarnated into my line because I won't let you.
Yeah, lol. Reincarnation - when, where, with whom, etc. - is a choice!

Whine that it's patriarchy if you want.
Nah. It's - you're right and everyone else is wrong, because.

Meteor said:
I still have one other of your replies to read and probably reply to... and now this one. As you, jrvan and anyone else might have seen and realised, I have been replying slower and later. These long posts are going over my head and (similarly to me departing the drama posts), I am being repelled by them. Forgive me if I don't read and/or reply to you both, or anyone else.
FancyMancy said:
jrvan said:
I was aware of what you meant. I read the same post, and I intuited that you were speaking of ascending in rank.
That's... like... the point of Spirituality. You don't want to go up in rank? You want to stop existing? OK...

For me it's a matter of priorities. If I'm still alive and well after getting my revenge and I muster enough will to live then I'll consider things like that. It's not within my current list of goals that I focus on right now. In other words, if my soul were to die then I would need to at least get my revenge before that so I could be satisfied. I'm not going to let some assholes enjoy their existence after what they did to me. This is the motivation that is fueling me the most to keep going and wake up each morning so you probably shouldn't criticize it or try to defeat it if you have an interest in keeping me around (just on principle. It won't actually make a difference either way).

jrvan said:
I don't quite follow. Are you implying that I'm a troll, or are you saying that someone similar to me who isn't averse to heated verbal arguments will come along and stir things up?
FancyMancy said:
No. I don't care to learn who is a troll (although, obviously, some make it obvious so as to not be avoidable). I am just using different terms/ideas. I mean there will be others who come who are similar to previous members. Maybe not a carbon-copy, but others who seem like that other member from way back when. Similar to what you asked - others might 'stir things up', engage in heated debates, yeah. They are not jrvan, because only jrvan is jrvan; I meant others surely would come and be similar in style, type, engagement, etc.

That's beside the point, lol. I'm not trying to explode your ego or anything. I simply meant others would come who are like any previous member here. One could say that since HPS Maxine, the owner, has left, another "HPS Maxine" - i.e. a new owner, has come - HPHC (despite him being Male and Maxine being Female!).

Okay, I see now. It seems like an irrelevant and trivial point to make in my opinion. It was in the context of soothing Meteor in regards to me being an asshole or whatever so I guess that's the purpose, but hearing the explanation kind of makes it seem underwhelming to me. If that's all I am to some people - just another asshole - then I guess it just means I'm not doing my job well enough. Thanks for the feedback I suppose.

jrvan said:
All you notice is the drama that I engage in, and not what I cause as a result of these engagements.

FancyMancy said:
Meh. I've been involved with forums and chat rooms for years, long before I found JoS back in the day. I tire of the drama, so I seem to feel deflected from it without trying.

Perhaps similarly to you, I sometimes play devil's advocate, ask questions, push things a bit, etc. It's not to be a dick. There is purpose behind it. I feel ignored and underappreciated with how I am mostly the only one in my long-arsed posts, but sometimes, as recently, others appreciate it, so that's good. I don't make long posts just for the fun of it... but as I said - my point is not about tripping ego and things. Maybe my posts have a small impact, compared with other things or others' posts, but at least they have an impact.

You are silently appreciated by many. You just don't hear about it.

jrvan said:
I absolutely would violate their will, and I would destroy whatever sick thoughtform was affecting them and do spells to stabilize them and strengthen their psychic defense. All while keeping them locked up and sedated if necessary.
FancyMancy said:
Wow. Rape. No - rape doesn't have to be sexual.
Call it what you want. To me, it's better than watching someone that I created and raised all on my own be a victim of jewish curses and thoughtforms telling them to mutilate their body that me and their mother gave to them. From my point of view, the people who don't forcefully intervene in that are the real monsters. I don't understand how anyone could just sit back and watch their child go to the jews to have that done to themselves without putting a stop to it, and then act happy and supportive for the damned fool. "Everybody, a toast to my son the brave eunuch! Cheers!" Fuck no. Absolutely not. Another question of ethics for you: do you watch someone who is anorexic starve themselves to death, or do you intervene and force feed them? It's "rape" right? Who is right, FancyMancy? The ones who "rape" the person as you call it in order to save the person from themselves, or the ones who just remain bystanders and watch a fool do themselves in, clapping for their "free will" ??

Like I said, everyone feels differently in regards to these questions of how we do things as a society. I'm not going to waste time arguing with you over who is right and who is wrong with how they answer these questions because ultimately it's the collective group that figures out the answers to these questions, and that's called ethics. Every nation is going to have a different set of ethics that they have decided on. I've only told you my own personal answers, and I would prefer to have my personal/political opinions respected even if you don't agree with them. The amount of control I have is limited to my own household/future family, and I can't force myself on the rest of the idiots in society. I can protect my own from errant jewish ways of thinking, forcefully if necessary, and I will do so if that time comes.

jrvan said:
And I would destroy anyone who tried to get in my way or stop me in the name of allowing my flesh and blood to have their precious so-called "free will" to destroy themselves. Yes people have free will, but what people forget is that I have free will too.
FancyMancy said:
Your free will takes precedence over others' because of your thoughts and feelings.
Yup. If you want to reduce it to that, it's essentially the case. But also because I have more experience in this world than a child, as well as more physical strength to subdue them with if needed (no, not beating).

jrvan said:
I'm not going to let people of my household just do what they want like that if it involves self destruction.
FancyMancy said:
How do you reconcile this, what you have said and your attitude, etc., with Satan whose wisdom is not separate from His heart? Is your heart hard?
I'm not the ruler of Orion. My household is not the same size, and my responsibilities are not as vast.

Let me put it this way. If I was given responsibility for a Satanic soul to raise as my child by Father Satan, do you think I could ever face Satan if I let that child go along with the jewish shit and mutilate their genitals? I would be an absolute failure and disgrace, and I would expect great punishment to befall me for refusing to intervene in that child's destiny in order to spare them from physical self ruin and soul harm and soul trauma (as well as failing to teach them better in the first place).

jrvan said:
If anyone wants to mutilate their genitals in a future lifetime then make sure you're not reincarnated into my line because I won't let you.
FancyMancy said:
Yeah, lol. Reincarnation - when, where, with whom, etc. - is a choice!
Actually it is when you're advanced enough. Not only that, but AFAIK there are some souls who often gravitate to incarnating in their own bloodline or even with their close soul bonds that they have attachments to. Sometimes they reincarnate with whichever family is going to help them play out their karma again which could simply be the same one they have been reincarnating with for a while. Maybe I'm wrong and this isn't how it works, but I do think this is the case at least sometimes.

jrvan said:
Whine that it's patriarchy if you want.
FancyMancy said:
Nah. It's - you're right and everyone else is wrong, because.
No, it's literally patriarchy. I exercise patriarchal authority over my own household.
jrvan said:
...in regards to me being an asshole...
If that's all I am to some people - just another asshole...
Along the same lines of not caring to pay attention to who is a troll, I also don't care about anyone who is. I neither know whether you are an asshole, a donkeyhole, a mulehole, a horsehole or a ponyhole. As for an arsehole ( :p ), meh, as well.

You are silently appreciated by many. You just don't hear about it.
Aww, well that's nice. :)

Call it what you want. To me, it's better than watching someone that I created and raised all on my own be a victim of jewish curses and thoughtforms telling them to mutilate their body that me and their mother gave to them.
Ah! Your own Children. Right, now I think I understand. Yeah, they're the most important. (Some would argue number one is most important, but it depends on this, that, and the other, of course.)

Another question of ethics for you: do you watch someone who is anorexic starve themselves to death, or do you intervene and force feed them? It's "rape" right? Who is right, FancyMancy? The ones who "rape" the person as you call it in order to save the person from themselves, or the ones who just remain bystanders and watch a fool do themselves in, clapping for their "free will" ??
If I care about the person, then I should try to help them. There is one who I used to know for a while, who was not personal to me. They became offended when the were complimented, say, calling them good-looking, beautiful, whatever. That upset them. Complimenting their clothes, on the other hand, was OK with them. They were, and still are, anorexic. One had to walk on eggshells around them, for fear (and I use the word "fear" insincerely) of hurting their feewings. They had (maybe still have) a condition with one or both of their eyes - I want to say detached retina, but something bad anyway. They also referred to... I forgot the name of the famous singer Woman (or jew?) who died at like 40 from anorexia... This person even printed-out something they found online, something like "Things not to say to an anorexic" or "person with an eating disorder" or something like that, which I now take to be confirmation bias. I liked them, enough to want to compliment their person, but the way they were was eye-rolly and stupid and pathetic. The more I think about it, the worse it gets.

If the person was my loved one, then that would be a different story. You asked me a hypothetical - but very real and valid - question. I can't say quite how I would be, but I have come to learn with having more opportunities for inter-personal relations, that I would want to help a person. (That sounds like I never knew if I wanted to be philanthropic (but more actual, real and genuine). Of course, I want to be helpful to people, but I meant in regards to how much I realised it.) Again - if they are personal to me, then I care so much more. If I am not given permission to help someone important to me, the more important they are to me the more I simply cannot not do anything.

Like I said, everyone feels differently in regards to these questions of how we do things as a society. I'm not going to waste time arguing with you over who is right and who is wrong with how they answer these questions because ultimately it's the collective group that figures out the answers to these questions, and that's called ethics. Every nation is going to have a different set of ethics that they have decided on. I've only told you my own personal answers, and I would prefer to have my personal/political opinions respected even if you don't agree with them. The amount of control I have is limited to my own household/future family, and I can't force myself on the rest of the idiots in society. I can protect my own from errant jewish ways of thinking, forcefully if necessary, and I will do so if that time comes.
I can sort of project some things in the future, then further into the future. "It's for your own good. You'll understand when you're older." Then, "You were right, Dad." Sorry if it felt as if I was prying or something, but I think I needed a bit of explanation or example. I think I understand you now, and I don't disagree. It might mean nothing, or very little, to you, but I think I agree, if I am understanding you correctly.

I'm not the ruler of Orion. My household is not the same size, and my responsibilities are not as vast.

Let me put it this way. If I was given responsibility for a Satanic soul to raise as my child by Father Satan, do you think I could ever face Satan if I let that child go along with the jewish shit and mutilate their genitals? I would be an absolute failure and disgrace, and I would expect great punishment to befall me for refusing to intervene in that child's destiny in order to spare them from physical self ruin and soul harm and soul trauma (as well as failing to teach them better in the first place).
I can't decide what to reply. It's nothing negative; rather, supportive.

Actually it is when you're advanced enough. Not only that, but AFAIK there are some souls who often gravitate to incarnating in their own bloodline or even with their close soul bonds that they have attachments to. Sometimes they reincarnate with whichever family is going to help them play out their karma again which could simply be the same one they have been reincarnating with for a while. Maybe I'm wrong and this isn't how it works, but I do think this is the case at least sometimes.
Actually, now that you say that, I recall something that was posted before. A Mage whose Body is near death could decide to (if not reincarnate, then) leave their Body and inhabit another Body. I think this was more to do with reanimating a freshly-deceased Body, though. If they can do that, then surely they'd be able to choose reincarnation time, place, etc. I think there might be a certain threshold.

No, it's literally patriarchy. I exercise patriarchal authority over my own household.
I notice you left that for me to infer... that you'd hope I'd ask the following question - "The Wife has no say?! Art thou jewish in thine thinking?!" Aww, damn it. I bit! Lol.
Meteor said:
FancyMancy said:
jrvan said:
If anyone wants to mutilate their genitals in a future lifetime then make sure you're not reincarnated into my line because I won't let you.
Yeah, lol. Reincarnation - when, where, with whom, etc. - is a choice!
Actually, I've been thinking about this for several months now.

Maybe it's just because I grew up with this body and with all of my specific circumstances, but I feel like it all suits me completely. It feels like a perfect representation of my insecurities, my flaws, my unfinished business; and I don't mean things that originate from this life, but things that I already felt on some level deep in my Soul since I was born, or rather, before. If karma represents parts of the subconscious, then wouldn't it be correct to say that people subconsciously choose when, where, and with whom they're born?
I don't think I have ever sleep-walked, but I also don't think I would revel in the fact that I was not in control of my own self while sleep-walking. I don't think the unconsciousness is a choosing of reincarnation. That sounds like christians saying, "You choose to send yourself to hell" and an example of "That atheist chose to have me curse them and batter them to a bloody pulp, by blaspheming against my god!". I chose to get glassed by a prejudiced, ignorant dickhead in a nightclub because I'm gay. (This never happened.)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
