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New Age Bullshit & The Weaponization of Spirituality


New member
Dec 3, 2021
I know people aren't a big fan of me on here, and I wasn't planning to participate in these forums ever again honestly but i'm not going to let a couple of bullies and bad apples get in the way of me speaking my truth and potentially help new members, or reach out to others who can relate.

In this post I wanted to point out many logical fallacies and the stupidity in modern spirituality and the new age movement.

As you all know repressing things is unhealthy, so I need to ge this off my chest before I have another mental breakdown.

Modern day spirituality has been completely weaponized and has been used as a psyop, and a tool to pacify humans and make them completely delusional and out of base with reality.

I've never been apart of the New Age, but unfortunately because of spiritually awakening was around a lot of these folks and let me say, it was not enjoyable. Instead of beat around the bush, i'm going to cut straight to the chase in the form of bullet points.

- The heavy emphasis on manifesting and the law of attraction
What I find extremely disgusting about all this is that you have all these brain dead zombies who use spirituality to masterbate their egos talking about how they are masters at manifesting, or how they are manifesting their ideal realities, manifesting their poly harem, manifesting a bunch of money, blah blah blah.

If you are actually about the life you say you are, and such a master at manifesting why aren't you manifesting a better world? Why aren't you manifesting the collapse of the enemy? Why aren't you manifesting world peace/ end of poverty/ end of world hunger? Why aren't you manifesting the end of the jews New World Order plans? It's complete idiocracy and shows me these people are indeed not actually spiritual, and are using spirituality as a means to inflate their egos and false sense of superiority.

- I noticed in these New Age and spiritual communities how everyone is constantly talking about the divide and conquer agenda and how they are completely against it. yet all I see from these people on a regular basis when I was on social media was them competing with each other, trying to out-woke each other and show off to others how superior they are to everyone, and constantly having petty drama with other so call truthers/lightworkers/spiritualists/etc.

It's complete and utter delusion and only shows me that people are merely using spirituality to do exactly what I mentioned, inflate their false sense of superiority. They all like to call themselves Gods and Goddesses but act like peasants and buffoons. If you were actually a God or Goddess you would not only have the power to change the world, but they will and compassion to want to as well. They don't actually care about any of the things they claim they do.

The truth is these people don't hate the system or society, they just hate that it doesn't work in their favour/benefit them. Give these people a million dollar record deal or some fame in exchange for their silence and stop being "woke", and they'll gladly sell out and promote the enemies agenda.

Holistic Mami was a perfect example of this. This woman for years has been falsely claiming that she has knowledge of ancient healing modalities and how she can heal anyone holistically without the use of modern day science and big pharma, but then a big pharmaceutical company paid her 20 thousands dollars to get their vaccine and promote it to her followers, and suddenly she's no longer a wise healer who has ancient knowledge and tells her followers that holistic medicine and big pharma can mix together while she rides around in her brand new jeep.

- The heavy emphasis on love and light, and how love cures and heals all. Clearly these people are out of touch with reality, because if you look at the world right now we are literally controlled and run by fear. People always choose fear over love, and fear dominates in all areas. If love is greater then why is fear plastered EVERYWHERE?

Then you have a bunch of these idiots in the new age communities who are trying to get people to emphasize with reptilians. I'm not lying or joking guys, I kept seeing people on facebook telling people that not all reptilians are evil, and that the evil ones are just damaged and broken and that we all need to love them and show them pity so they can heal.

They also think the solution to corruption in society, the corrupt corporations, corrupt politicians, and the enemy is being showing them love. Yet if you look at history, any time this was done people were enslaved. When europeans went to America they first pretended to befriend the natives of the land, learned their culture, and these people took the bait. They showed them kindness and love and taught them their ways. where did that land them? Getting enslaved and slaughtered. Same with Africans.

These people need to come to their senses and understand that the enemy, and those that control this world are not human. They are not like us. They are PSYCHOPATHS. You can't love and psychopath and then magically they'll heal. If you go up to a psychopath and tell them, "hey please stop enslaving us!! its very mean!! its hurting my feelings!! love and light, I love you so much psychopath namaste love and light, i love you and wish you healing! here come to my drum circle and meditate with me and let me heal your heart chakra".

You know what that psychopath is going to do? they're going to laugh at how stupid you are, use your naivety against you, pretend they're going along with it and once they butter you up and have you wrapped around their finger they're going to violate and destroy you. This is the truth people refuse to face. You cannot love your fucking enemy, that is essentially suicide.

- I had these two dumb bitches who call themselves lightworkers and healers that constantly go on social media saying "i don't understand why people can't just be nice to each other and can't get along. i'm so tired of the divide and conquer agenda. Oh if you're not nice you'll get your karma what goes around comes around".... yet both these women have bullied me for years, done everything in their power to try to destroy me, ruin my social media following, slander my name and spread lies about me, and behind closed doors were doing black magic to destroy my health. I went to see a satanic bruja who did a spell to reveal what was going on with me, and showed me a picture of the smoke he used while contacting his deity and said if I look I will see the face of the main culprit. i looked and it was the girl who keeps saying she wishes everyone can just be nice to each other, calls herself a chosen one & lightworker, and has bullied me since 6th grade. You're so woke and clearly know how to use black magick, but attack someone who has done nothing to you instead of the people who run the entire divide and conquer agenda you claim on social media that you hate so much.

- People in the new age community constantly using the law of attraction to gaslight and victim blame people. claiming "you are what you attract". Yet this isn't even scientifically correct. In science, OPPOSITES ATTRACT. Moths to a flame, flies to a lamp. In this world, the more you shine the more enemies you make. If you are what you attract, then why are there so many kind hearted people in this world getting abused by family members and their peers. If you are what you attract, why are their innocent children in india & cambodia making clothes for major clothing corporations like H&M/Fashion Nova/Forever 21? If you are what you attract, why are children mining mica for our makeup, and why are innocent children in Africa being used as slaves to mine diamonds and mine the minerals for the batteries we use in our cell phones, and our electric cars? Huh? let me guess, those innocent children were probably evil people in their past lives and this is their "karma" *rolls my fucking eyes*.

- The new age emphasis on Angels, angel numbers etc. They are literally promoting the enemy. I had this ex new ager and devout christian try to convert me telling me I must repent for being a witch, and how if a angel shows up not to engage with it and dont trust them unless they are giving a message. Why? thats weird.

I find it funny how lots of ex- new agers say angel numbers are demonic, when truth is angels ARE EVIL. I am living testament of this. When people here on JOS were attacking and bullying me and being completely cruel and ruthless for no reason, I didn't know if being a satanist was the right thing anymore and that I was being deceived, and started believing the enemies lies, so I started debating if I should become a christian again.

So I did an experiment, I started praying to Jesus and Angels and you know what happened? For the first time in YEARS since I was a teenager in a christian home, I got attacked in my sleep and experienced sleep paralysis. The last time this happened to me was when I was a teenager, and forced to be a christian by my psychopathic parents. The other thing that happened was I felt EXTREMELY DRAINED. I do rituals against psychic vampirism regularly, and even before I began that I've always been the type of person who naturally has a lot of energy to the point I can't drink coffee. so for me for me to feel as drained as I did, was not normal. I immediately revoked all consent I have to these evil beings and continued on with my power meditations. I honestly feel like I'm going through another witch hunt all over again and after that, have no doubt in my mind that the vision I had of one of my past lives where I got burned at the stake for being a witch is 100% real.

- I think that's what pisses me off the most. People keep claiming they are woke but all they do is mastrbate their egos online daily showing off how woke they are & how they're manifesting their ideal reality... which is nonsense considering The New World Order HAS begun. I had to flee the country i was living in because soon being unvaccinated will be illegal. You're so woke, but none of these so called woke people are doing anything about this bullshit and are on social media all day saying stupid shit.

The only way to end the new world order is to kill your slave masters, but sorry I forgot "love and light" cures all lmaooo.

Which brings me to my new point, people think murder is evil and wrong, even people in this forum got mad at me for asking how to kill psychic vampires that were LITERALLY TORMENTING ME. accusing me of being a jew and drug addict, when i'm literally neither. I had to fend for myself, do intense power meditations, then found out I was in an area highly populated by jews and muslims, and also the people I was around in the music industry were signed to jewish owned labels. I'm over it now, but i'll never trust you people ever again and limit my time on this forum and only come on here for posts by lydia and others that make helpful posts.

Murder is not wrong, love and light DOES NOT SOLVE ALL, it will get you KILLED :) sorry to break the news, but protests do not work. Miliary outnumbers people especially with their weapons. I went to a protest before and they had a weapon that could turn you deaf and make your ears bleed. Fun stuff!! So again, protests don't work. The only way to deal with the enemy is to literally murder them in cold blood, or do black magic on them and their children completely obliterate their entire bloodline so their filth genetics cannot reincarnate on this planet ever again.

I could go on and on about all this, but I'll leave it at that!

Sincerely, the most hated for absolutely no reason :)
fairy666 said:
I know people aren't a big fan of me on here, and I wasn't planning to participate in these forums ever again honestly but i'm not going to let a couple of bullies and bad apples get in the way of me speaking my truth and potentially help new members, or reach out to others who can relate.

In this post I wanted to point out many logical fallacies and the stupidity in modern spirituality and the new age movement.

As you all know repressing things is unhealthy, so I need to ge this off my chest before I have another mental breakdown.

Modern day spirituality has been completely weaponized and has been used as a psyop, and a tool to pacify humans and make them completely delusional and out of base with reality.

I've never been apart of the New Age, but unfortunately because of spiritually awakening was around a lot of these folks and let me say, it was not enjoyable. Instead of beat around the bush, i'm going to cut straight to the chase in the form of bullet points.

- The heavy emphasis on manifesting and the law of attraction
What I find extremely disgusting about all this is that you have all these brain dead zombies who use spirituality to masterbate their egos talking about how they are masters at manifesting, or how they are manifesting their ideal realities, manifesting their poly harem, manifesting a bunch of money, blah blah blah.

If you are actually about the life you say you are, and such a master at manifesting why aren't you manifesting a better world? Why aren't you manifesting the collapse of the enemy? Why aren't you manifesting world peace/ end of poverty/ end of world hunger? Why aren't you manifesting the end of the jews New World Order plans? It's complete idiocracy and shows me these people are indeed not actually spiritual, and are using spirituality as a means to inflate their egos and false sense of superiority.

- I noticed in these New Age and spiritual communities how everyone is constantly talking about the divide and conquer agenda and how they are completely against it. yet all I see from these people on a regular basis when I was on social media was them competing with each other, trying to out-woke each other and show off to others how superior they are to everyone, and constantly having petty drama with other so call truthers/lightworkers/spiritualists/etc.

It's complete and utter delusion and only shows me that people are merely using spirituality to do exactly what I mentioned, inflate their false sense of superiority. They all like to call themselves Gods and Goddesses but act like peasants and buffoons. If you were actually a God or Goddess you would not only have the power to change the world, but they will and compassion to want to as well. They don't actually care about any of the things they claim they do.

The truth is these people don't hate the system or society, they just hate that it doesn't work in their favour/benefit them. Give these people a million dollar record deal or some fame in exchange for their silence and stop being "woke", and they'll gladly sell out and promote the enemies agenda.

Holistic Mami was a perfect example of this. This woman for years has been falsely claiming that she has knowledge of ancient healing modalities and how she can heal anyone holistically without the use of modern day science and big pharma, but then a big pharmaceutical company paid her 20 thousands dollars to get their vaccine and promote it to her followers, and suddenly she's no longer a wise healer who has ancient knowledge and tells her followers that holistic medicine and big pharma can mix together while she rides around in her brand new jeep.

- The heavy emphasis on love and light, and how love cures and heals all. Clearly these people are out of touch with reality, because if you look at the world right now we are literally controlled and run by fear. People always choose fear over love, and fear dominates in all areas. If love is greater then why is fear plastered EVERYWHERE?

Then you have a bunch of these idiots in the new age communities who are trying to get people to emphasize with reptilians. I'm not lying or joking guys, I kept seeing people on facebook telling people that not all reptilians are evil, and that the evil ones are just damaged and broken and that we all need to love them and show them pity so they can heal.

They also think the solution to corruption in society, the corrupt corporations, corrupt politicians, and the enemy is being showing them love. Yet if you look at history, any time this was done people were enslaved. When europeans went to America they first pretended to befriend the natives of the land, learned their culture, and these people took the bait. They showed them kindness and love and taught them their ways. where did that land them? Getting enslaved and slaughtered. Same with Africans.

These people need to come to their senses and understand that the enemy, and those that control this world are not human. They are not like us. They are PSYCHOPATHS. You can't love and psychopath and then magically they'll heal. If you go up to a psychopath and tell them, "hey please stop enslaving us!! its very mean!! its hurting my feelings!! love and light, I love you so much psychopath namaste love and light, i love you and wish you healing! here come to my drum circle and meditate with me and let me heal your heart chakra".

You know what that psychopath is going to do? they're going to laugh at how stupid you are, use your naivety against you, pretend they're going along with it and once they butter you up and have you wrapped around their finger they're going to violate and destroy you. This is the truth people refuse to face. You cannot love your fucking enemy, that is essentially suicide.

- I had these two dumb bitches who call themselves lightworkers and healers that constantly go on social media saying "i don't understand why people can't just be nice to each other and can't get along. i'm so tired of the divide and conquer agenda. Oh if you're not nice you'll get your karma what goes around comes around".... yet both these women have bullied me for years, done everything in their power to try to destroy me, ruin my social media following, slander my name and spread lies about me, and behind closed doors were doing black magic to destroy my health. I went to see a satanic bruja who did a spell to reveal what was going on with me, and showed me a picture of the smoke he used while contacting his deity and said if I look I will see the face of the main culprit. i looked and it was the girl who keeps saying she wishes everyone can just be nice to each other, calls herself a chosen one & lightworker, and has bullied me since 6th grade. You're so woke and clearly know how to use black magick, but attack someone who has done nothing to you instead of the people who run the entire divide and conquer agenda you claim on social media that you hate so much.

- People in the new age community constantly using the law of attraction to gaslight and victim blame people. claiming "you are what you attract". Yet this isn't even scientifically correct. In science, OPPOSITES ATTRACT. Moths to a flame, flies to a lamp. In this world, the more you shine the more enemies you make. If you are what you attract, then why are there so many kind hearted people in this world getting abused by family members and their peers. If you are what you attract, why are their innocent children in india & cambodia making clothes for major clothing corporations like H&M/Fashion Nova/Forever 21? If you are what you attract, why are children mining mica for our makeup, and why are innocent children in Africa being used as slaves to mine diamonds and mine the minerals for the batteries we use in our cell phones, and our electric cars? Huh? let me guess, those innocent children were probably evil people in their past lives and this is their "karma" *rolls my fucking eyes*.

- The new age emphasis on Angels, angel numbers etc. They are literally promoting the enemy. I had this ex new ager and devout christian try to convert me telling me I must repent for being a witch, and how if a angel shows up not to engage with it and dont trust them unless they are giving a message. Why? thats weird.

I find it funny how lots of ex- new agers say angel numbers are demonic, when truth is angels ARE EVIL. I am living testament of this. When people here on JOS were attacking and bullying me and being completely cruel and ruthless for no reason, I didn't know if being a satanist was the right thing anymore and that I was being deceived, and started believing the enemies lies, so I started debating if I should become a christian again.

So I did an experiment, I started praying to Jesus and Angels and you know what happened? For the first time in YEARS since I was a teenager in a christian home, I got attacked in my sleep and experienced sleep paralysis. The last time this happened to me was when I was a teenager, and forced to be a christian by my psychopathic parents. The other thing that happened was I felt EXTREMELY DRAINED. I do rituals against psychic vampirism regularly, and even before I began that I've always been the type of person who naturally has a lot of energy to the point I can't drink coffee. so for me for me to feel as drained as I did, was not normal. I immediately revoked all consent I have to these evil beings and continued on with my power meditations. I honestly feel like I'm going through another witch hunt all over again and after that, have no doubt in my mind that the vision I had of one of my past lives where I got burned at the stake for being a witch is 100% real.

- I think that's what pisses me off the most. People keep claiming they are woke but all they do is mastrbate their egos online daily showing off how woke they are & how they're manifesting their ideal reality... which is nonsense considering The New World Order HAS begun. I had to flee the country i was living in because soon being unvaccinated will be illegal. You're so woke, but none of these so called woke people are doing anything about this bullshit and are on social media all day saying stupid shit.

The only way to end the new world order is to kill your slave masters, but sorry I forgot "love and light" cures all lmaooo.

Which brings me to my new point, people think murder is evil and wrong, even people in this forum got mad at me for asking how to kill psychic vampires that were LITERALLY TORMENTING ME. accusing me of being a jew and drug addict, when i'm literally neither. I had to fend for myself, do intense power meditations, then found out I was in an area highly populated by jews and muslims, and also the people I was around in the music industry were signed to jewish owned labels. I'm over it now, but i'll never trust you people ever again and limit my time on this forum and only come on here for posts by lydia and others that make helpful posts.

Murder is not wrong, love and light DOES NOT SOLVE ALL, it will get you KILLED :) sorry to break the news, but protests do not work. Miliary outnumbers people especially with their weapons. I went to a protest before and they had a weapon that could turn you deaf and make your ears bleed. Fun stuff!! So again, protests don't work. The only way to deal with the enemy is to literally murder them in cold blood, or do black magic on them and their children completely obliterate their entire bloodline so their filth genetics cannot reincarnate on this planet ever again.

I could go on and on about all this, but I'll leave it at that!

Sincerely, the most hated for absolutely no reason :)

In a world of lies, no one is more hated than those who speak the Truth.

Everything you've written is accurate. And anyone who attacked you for speaking the truth is a weakling who can't embody their own darkness.

New Agers are particularly disgusting. I agree. Plain old normies are infinitely more tolerable.

Love and light my ass. Only Power matters. The Power to destroy evil is the only solution.
Preach brother! You are singing to the choir, and I don't mean that in the judeo/xianist sense of course. This was an excellent post.

I recently went on a tangent a few times myself on these forums. Whether people read it or not it's a good way to vent your feelings, put your thoughts in focus and (hopefully) inspire others who may not be where we are quite yet.

I was once a very soft person who believed in the values that permeate our world and culture, from workplace "values" to family and religious ones. It's everywhere! I used to smoke a lot of pot and my mantra when working at Starbucks was "murder them with love". If someone was upset that we ran out of the 'christ-mass' sprinkles for their Jewish-created beverage I'd just act in the way we're told to act.
1. Belittle myself: "I wish I could do more but this is out of my power/ability to do anything".
2. Act like the customer is always right: "I know it's frustrating that our company failed you and we'll strive to do better next time. We can offer you a similar drink with a discount to show how much we value you".
3. Show admiration to the customer: "We appreciate your honesty and I'll do my best to convey your message to upper-management."

This lovey-dovey slave mentality doesn't enact change in people, hard truth does. If anything it frustrates people to a point where they just leave you alone. You nailed it with the history lesson about slavery.

This is difficult for everyone because not only are we programmed this way but love/connection is what we're designed for before the world got taken over (around the time of Babylonians and ancient Egypt).
If you look at packs of animals they support and protect each other from invaders. The world is so contrived and convoluted that we don't know who the real enemy is, so we attack each other. It's divide and conquer 101 orchestrated by those atop the hierarchies of society.

There's a point where we need to say "enough is enough". We must stand up to stupidity and try our best to inform each other. Love isn't the answer, action is. People don't like things in "black and white" and prefer to remain in the grey zone, where everything is subjective and out of our control.

Our hatred is rooted in love and justice. Of course, it's not good to be angry 24/7. We must love/admire ourselves in order to reinforce our positive growth. People who think we're egomanics lack wisdom and intelligence, which sadly is 99% of people.

The name for this philosophy is objectivism, seeking our own happiness above others' happiness and doing what we know to be morally just. The Illuminati, the Jewish religious cults (forget the names) and all their associates use this same philosophy to do what "they" believe is best for the greater good while looking out for themselves first.

They use this in the most corrupt of ways. We shouldn't be scared of having power so long as we use it constructively. The more I learn the more I realize they stole and twisted everything that our ancestors had.

It's a crazy ride this journey in life yet we are in the best seat we could ever be, in the kingdom of Satan with our fellow brothers and sisters. Let's all continue to learn, grow and empower each other until we (collectively) have enough strength to kill these extra-terrestrial fuckers.

I'm also so glad you made it back okay after that horrifying encounter. I find that if I even think about angels/grays/reptilians for a long enough time I start to feel their presence. I live with xianists so I have to be extra careful as well.

As a final point, there are some people we simply can't change. Let's say (for an example) you have a father-in-law who is taking advantage of your poor old mother. You tried everything (being nice, threatening him, etc) but nothing works. At that point I think the righteous thing to do is curse his nutsack off and (nonchalantly) ask him how his nuts (or whatever) are doing. That's what needs to be done with people like that.

You're on the right track brother! Never let anyone tell you that you're heartless or whatever. People are often close-minded in their own confirmation biases. These people are just not worth worrying about for a second.

Hail Satan, hail the Gods of Hell and Hail Hitler!!! <3
I totally agree with this. And that's considering I was part of the New Age Bullshit, and it got me nowhere. All they do, is hop on trends and think they gatekeep the gates of knowledge, and take spiritual allegories to be literal, and oftentimes have reptilian written all over them and say Greys/Reptilians/Jews aren't all evil.

Once I realized Jews instigate problems and use White people as scapegoats, I went from being brainwashed to hating white people because I thought they were racist and bad and whatnot, to realizing, wait a minute, this don't make sense, as the people who are behind this shit have Jewish last names, not White ones. That's where I realized that White people never was, still isn't, and never will be the problem. If anything, they have done WAY too much to empower society, both in ancient times, and still even now, to be threatened with hate, genocide and slander. And it goes to show just how evil (and also how stupid) Jews really are. No wonder why they're so genetically sick and deformed, both spiritually and literally. The Jews definitely need to go, all of them. They planned genocide and done the most inhumane shit, especially against White people, but they wanna play the victim when White people want revenge and justice, and complete eradication of the Jewish people because they have destroyed nature, civilizations and knowledge, and tried to turn them against their own creator Satan?
slyscorpion said:
Thank you for this post. The end part sounds like me if you read my posts.

I hate these new age zombies you have no idea. especially the ex new agers who turn to christianity and say the new age is a gateway to satanism... but they were praying to archangel michael and gabriel.
Kevin Hernandez said:
I totally agree with this. And that's considering I was part of the New Age Bullshit, and it got me nowhere. All they do, is hop on trends and think they gatekeep the gates of knowledge, and take spiritual allegories to be literal, and oftentimes have reptilian written all over them and say Greys/Reptilians/Jews aren't all evil.

Once I realized Jews instigate problems and use White people as scapegoats, I went from being brainwashed to hating white people because I thought they were racist and bad and whatnot, to realizing, wait a minute, this don't make sense, as the people who are behind this shit have Jewish last names, not White ones. That's where I realized that White people never was, still isn't, and never will be the problem. If anything, they have done WAY too much to empower society, both in ancient times, and still even now, to be threatened with hate, genocide and slander. And it goes to show just how evil (and also how stupid) Jews really are. No wonder why they're so genetically sick and deformed, both spiritually and literally. The Jews definitely need to go, all of them. They planned genocide and done the most inhumane shit, especially against White people, but they wanna play the victim when White people want revenge and justice, and complete eradication of the Jewish people because they have destroyed nature, civilizations and knowledge, and tried to turn them against their own creator Satan?

Black lives matter was founded by George Soros, a fucking jew. created a whole fucking race war. Dont even get me started. I apologize for the part about me saying white people, i should of specified the jews because you're 100% right. They're behind this. Once you find out the truth, there is no going back. As someone who is mixed race, its very dehumanizing to have black people tell me to pick a side or a deserve to die along with all white people. So many of them say white people need to be exterminated but its the jews. Dude the jews were stalking me, and they are so creepy and ugly i swear they are reptilians. Like look at george soros, you cant tell me that guy is human.

Remember how Nick Cannon started exposing the jews and lost his show and got suicidal? Some B-List actor tried doing the same and is now labelled anti semitic and blacklisted. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
fairy666 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
I totally agree with this. And that's considering I was part of the New Age Bullshit, and it got me nowhere. All they do, is hop on trends and think they gatekeep the gates of knowledge, and take spiritual allegories to be literal, and oftentimes have reptilian written all over them and say Greys/Reptilians/Jews aren't all evil.

Once I realized Jews instigate problems and use White people as scapegoats, I went from being brainwashed to hating white people because I thought they were racist and bad and whatnot, to realizing, wait a minute, this don't make sense, as the people who are behind this shit have Jewish last names, not White ones. That's where I realized that White people never was, still isn't, and never will be the problem. If anything, they have done WAY too much to empower society, both in ancient times, and still even now, to be threatened with hate, genocide and slander. And it goes to show just how evil (and also how stupid) Jews really are. No wonder why they're so genetically sick and deformed, both spiritually and literally. The Jews definitely need to go, all of them. They planned genocide and done the most inhumane shit, especially against White people, but they wanna play the victim when White people want revenge and justice, and complete eradication of the Jewish people because they have destroyed nature, civilizations and knowledge, and tried to turn them against their own creator Satan?

Black lives matter was founded by George Soros, a fucking jew. created a whole fucking race war. Dont even get me started. I apologize for the part about me saying white people, i should of specified the jews because you're 100% right. They're behind this. Once you find out the truth, there is no going back. As someone who is mixed race, its very dehumanizing to have black people tell me to pick a side or a deserve to die along with all white people. So many of them say white people need to be exterminated but its the jews. Dude the jews were stalking me, and they are so creepy and ugly i swear they are reptilians. Like look at george soros, you cant tell me that guy is human.

Remember how Nick Cannon started exposing the jews and lost his show and got suicidal? Some B-List actor tried doing the same and is now labelled anti semitic and blacklisted. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

The Reversing Curse Upon the Goat RTR definitely needs to be done more because that's why the Jews want white people to pay for the Jews' sins, because right now, look on social media and media period, they paint white people like monsters (and most gentile races period), but they never paint Jews like monsters, if anything, they try to paint the Jew like a chill and law abiding citizen. This is bullshit. And this is considering many people who read the Bible and/or are programmed by the enemy with Xtianity or Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and even corrupted versions of Voodoo and African religions.

I'm currently reading Mein Kampf (haven't finished it yet) and I definitely understand why Hitler said what he said. And the issue he had trying to tell his story without the Jews twisting it and turning him into a monster (which they try so hard to do even now, a lot of videogames try to create characters based off Hitler to blaspheme him, such as Voldemort in Harry Potter, Final Fantasy 6 Kefka, Lysandre from Pokemon X and Y) etc.

White race as far as my race is concerned, gave them knowledge and wisdom, and became very advanced. The Mayan calendar became to this day, one of the most accurate astronomical clocks, though they are a mix of Chinese, Vedic India, and Australian/Hawaiian influences, but the root of it all is the Lemurian White race. So if anything, the white race needs to be protected and nourished because they have received so much harm over the course of the millennia, both by Jews, and brainwashed Gentiles, both unwittingly and willing ones who kiss Jew ass for power and money.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Thank you for this post. The end part sounds like me if you read my posts.

I hate these new age zombies you have no idea. especially the ex new agers who turn to christianity and say the new age is a gateway to satanism... but they were praying to archangel michael and gabriel.

Something bad always happens when people connect into enemy stuff and go into spirituality with these kinds of ideas. Then they blame it on Satan and get fearful. It's all a mind game. The angels and greys stop the attack when they have the person going to Church and stopping spiritual practice cause that is where they want them. So this makes the person feel better they think they are saved. I read a few of these stories before too I think it's really dumb a good place to spread the truth though. Some people actually listen.

New age psychics may also be another good place to spread the truth. Many know the enemy is bad but don't know there is anyone that can help or that is better. Maxine did a sermon once talking about how some of them are threatened to keep saying what they do and doing stuff for the enemy. Well if they knew someone could get them out of this (our Gods) they might come here.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Thank you for this post. The end part sounds like me if you read my posts.

I hate these new age zombies you have no idea. especially the ex new agers who turn to christianity and say the new age is a gateway to satanism... but they were praying to archangel michael and gabriel.

Something bad always happens when people connect into enemy stuff and go into spirituality with these kinds of ideas. Then they blame it on Satan and get fearful. It's all a mind game. The angels and greys stop the attack when they have the person going to Church and stopping spiritual practice cause that is where they want them. So this makes the person feel better they think they are saved. I read a few of these stories before too I think it's really dumb a good place to spread the truth though. Some people actually listen.

New age psychics may also be another good place to spread the truth. Many know the enemy is bad but don't know there is anyone that can help or that is better. Maxine did a sermon once talking about how some of them are threatened to keep saying what they do and doing stuff for the enemy. Well if they knew someone could get them out of this (our Gods) they might come here.
Also new age healers and psychics bad to go to for any kind of services. I know most here know that but some newer members may not or may still feel somehow this is a step above xtianity or something somewhat legit. All the new age is is an attempt by the enemy to fit xtianity in with the age of Aquarius for anyone not happy with traditional religion that is it. It's still an enemy program. Maybe worse because people are actively seeking out connections with angel thoughtforms and greys and stuff. This may also be their attempt to create a one world religion that they talk about that is connected to the enemy for those who still do religious stuff (their end game is usually materialist atheism and Marxism though)

I knew someone awhile ago who went to a new age store to get a chakra clearing done ended up with way worse problems and in the mental hospital not long after for a bit.
slyscorpion said:
Also new age healers and psychics bad to go to for any kind of services. I know most here know that but some newer members may not or may still feel somehow this is a step above xtianity or something somewhat legit. All the new age is is an attempt by the enemy to fit xtianity in with the age of Aquarius for anyone not happy with traditional religion that is it. It's still an enemy program. Maybe worse because people are actively seeking out connections with angel thoughtforms and greys and stuff. This may also be their attempt to create a one world religion that they talk about that is connected to the enemy for those who still do religious stuff (their end game is usually materialist atheism and Marxism though)

I knew someone awhile ago who went to a new age store to get a chakra clearing done ended up with way worse problems and in the mental hospital not long after for a bit.

Oh trust me I know, I had this friend named Emmie who is a new age healer who is fully possessed now. She used to be very beautiful, but now is very sick, very ugly, and looks like a lizard person. It's so creepy the difference, and she even acts parasitic now. We used to be friends but now I must pay her and schedule with her "assistant" to be able to speak to her.

It's wild. All these healers i've come across are mentally unstable, narcissistic, and delusional.

I really think I was being protected because I remember this shelter tried to get this woman to do reiki on me, and i closed my eyes when I laid down, but then opened my eyes after a few seconds and the reiki master was shaking and couldn't speak. I was like are you okay? is my energy too intense for you? and she nodded her head and kept shaking. I had to just walk away and she was still there shaking.

I've witnessed enough to know to stay away. Have you ever heard of that ex new ager Steven Bancarz? Omg he has a disgusting aura and looks horrible. Theres one video where he is promoting his christian program and he looked like a entity.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Also new age healers and psychics bad to go to for any kind of services. I know most here know that but some newer members may not or may still feel somehow this is a step above xtianity or something somewhat legit. All the new age is is an attempt by the enemy to fit xtianity in with the age of Aquarius for anyone not happy with traditional religion that is it. It's still an enemy program. Maybe worse because people are actively seeking out connections with angel thoughtforms and greys and stuff. This may also be their attempt to create a one world religion that they talk about that is connected to the enemy for those who still do religious stuff (their end game is usually materialist atheism and Marxism though)

I knew someone awhile ago who went to a new age store to get a chakra clearing done ended up with way worse problems and in the mental hospital not long after for a bit.

Oh trust me I know, I had this friend named Emmie who is a new age healer who is fully possessed now. She used to be very beautiful, but now is very sick, very ugly, and looks like a lizard person. It's so creepy the difference, and she even acts parasitic now. We used to be friends but now I must pay her and schedule with her "assistant" to be able to speak to her.

It's wild. All these healers i've come across are mentally unstable, narcissistic, and delusional.

I really think I was being protected because I remember this shelter tried to get this woman to do reiki on me, and i closed my eyes when I laid down, but then opened my eyes after a few seconds and the reiki master was shaking and couldn't speak. I was like are you okay? is my energy too intense for you? and she nodded her head and kept shaking. I had to just walk away and she was still there shaking.

I've witnessed enough to know to stay away. Have you ever heard of that ex new ager Steven Bancarz? Omg he has a disgusting aura and looks horrible. Theres one video where he is promoting his christian program and he looked like a entity.

Steven Bancarz looked that up it's his energy more so than look I think its kind of weird a huge amount of the angel energies more than anything and some xtian stuff. I think he's possessed. Had to stop watching that after less than a minute. Someone do shattering into this guy if they feel like it this might cause something weird lol 😂
slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Also new age healers and psychics bad to go to for any kind of services. I know most here know that but some newer members may not or may still feel somehow this is a step above xtianity or something somewhat legit. All the new age is is an attempt by the enemy to fit xtianity in with the age of Aquarius for anyone not happy with traditional religion that is it. It's still an enemy program. Maybe worse because people are actively seeking out connections with angel thoughtforms and greys and stuff. This may also be their attempt to create a one world religion that they talk about that is connected to the enemy for those who still do religious stuff (their end game is usually materialist atheism and Marxism though)

I knew someone awhile ago who went to a new age store to get a chakra clearing done ended up with way worse problems and in the mental hospital not long after for a bit.

Oh trust me I know, I had this friend named Emmie who is a new age healer who is fully possessed now. She used to be very beautiful, but now is very sick, very ugly, and looks like a lizard person. It's so creepy the difference, and she even acts parasitic now. We used to be friends but now I must pay her and schedule with her "assistant" to be able to speak to her.

It's wild. All these healers i've come across are mentally unstable, narcissistic, and delusional.

I really think I was being protected because I remember this shelter tried to get this woman to do reiki on me, and i closed my eyes when I laid down, but then opened my eyes after a few seconds and the reiki master was shaking and couldn't speak. I was like are you okay? is my energy too intense for you? and she nodded her head and kept shaking. I had to just walk away and she was still there shaking.

I've witnessed enough to know to stay away. Have you ever heard of that ex new ager Steven Bancarz? Omg he has a disgusting aura and looks horrible. Theres one video where he is promoting his christian program and he looked like a entity.

Steven Bancarz looked that up it's his energy more so than look I think its kind of weird a huge amount of the angel energies more than anything and some xtian stuff. I think he's possessed. Had to stop watching that after less than a minute. Someone do shattering into this guy if they feel like it this might cause something weird lol 😂

oh god here we go again.

slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Also new age healers and psychics bad to go to for any kind of services. I know most here know that but some newer members may not or may still feel somehow this is a step above xtianity or something somewhat legit. All the new age is is an attempt by the enemy to fit xtianity in with the age of Aquarius for anyone not happy with traditional religion that is it. It's still an enemy program. Maybe worse because people are actively seeking out connections with angel thoughtforms and greys and stuff. This may also be their attempt to create a one world religion that they talk about that is connected to the enemy for those who still do religious stuff (their end game is usually materialist atheism and Marxism though)

I knew someone awhile ago who went to a new age store to get a chakra clearing done ended up with way worse problems and in the mental hospital not long after for a bit.

Oh trust me I know, I had this friend named Emmie who is a new age healer who is fully possessed now. She used to be very beautiful, but now is very sick, very ugly, and looks like a lizard person. It's so creepy the difference, and she even acts parasitic now. We used to be friends but now I must pay her and schedule with her "assistant" to be able to speak to her.

It's wild. All these healers i've come across are mentally unstable, narcissistic, and delusional.

I really think I was being protected because I remember this shelter tried to get this woman to do reiki on me, and i closed my eyes when I laid down, but then opened my eyes after a few seconds and the reiki master was shaking and couldn't speak. I was like are you okay? is my energy too intense for you? and she nodded her head and kept shaking. I had to just walk away and she was still there shaking.

I've witnessed enough to know to stay away. Have you ever heard of that ex new ager Steven Bancarz? Omg he has a disgusting aura and looks horrible. Theres one video where he is promoting his christian program and he looked like a entity.

Steven Bancarz looked that up it's his energy more so than look I think its kind of weird a huge amount of the angel energies more than anything and some xtian stuff. I think he's possessed. Had to stop watching that after less than a minute. Someone do shattering into this guy if they feel like it this might cause something weird lol 😂

LMAOO sorry wrong screenshot, I mean oh no here we go with this one

fairy666 said:
I know people aren't a big fan of me on here, and I wasn't planning to participate in these forums ever again honestly but i'm not going to let a couple of bullies and bad apples get in the way of me speaking my truth and potentially help new members, or reach out to others who can relate.

In this post I wanted to point out many logical fallacies and the stupidity in modern spirituality and the new age movement.

As you all know repressing things is unhealthy, so I need to ge this off my chest before I have another mental breakdown.

Modern day spirituality has been completely weaponized and has been used as a psyop, and a tool to pacify humans and make them completely delusional and out of base with reality.

I've never been apart of the New Age, but unfortunately because of spiritually awakening was around a lot of these folks and let me say, it was not enjoyable. Instead of beat around the bush, i'm going to cut straight to the chase in the form of bullet points.

- The heavy emphasis on manifesting and the law of attraction
What I find extremely disgusting about all this is that you have all these brain dead zombies who use spirituality to masterbate their egos talking about how they are masters at manifesting, or how they are manifesting their ideal realities, manifesting their poly harem, manifesting a bunch of money, blah blah blah.

If you are actually about the life you say you are, and such a master at manifesting why aren't you manifesting a better world? Why aren't you manifesting the collapse of the enemy? Why aren't you manifesting world peace/ end of poverty/ end of world hunger? Why aren't you manifesting the end of the jews New World Order plans? It's complete idiocracy and shows me these people are indeed not actually spiritual, and are using spirituality as a means to inflate their egos and false sense of superiority.

- I noticed in these New Age and spiritual communities how everyone is constantly talking about the divide and conquer agenda and how they are completely against it. yet all I see from these people on a regular basis when I was on social media was them competing with each other, trying to out-woke each other and show off to others how superior they are to everyone, and constantly having petty drama with other so call truthers/lightworkers/spiritualists/etc.

It's complete and utter delusion and only shows me that people are merely using spirituality to do exactly what I mentioned, inflate their false sense of superiority. They all like to call themselves Gods and Goddesses but act like peasants and buffoons. If you were actually a God or Goddess you would not only have the power to change the world, but they will and compassion to want to as well. They don't actually care about any of the things they claim they do.

The truth is these people don't hate the system or society, they just hate that it doesn't work in their favour/benefit them. Give these people a million dollar record deal or some fame in exchange for their silence and stop being "woke", and they'll gladly sell out and promote the enemies agenda.

Holistic Mami was a perfect example of this. This woman for years has been falsely claiming that she has knowledge of ancient healing modalities and how she can heal anyone holistically without the use of modern day science and big pharma, but then a big pharmaceutical company paid her 20 thousands dollars to get their vaccine and promote it to her followers, and suddenly she's no longer a wise healer who has ancient knowledge and tells her followers that holistic medicine and big pharma can mix together while she rides around in her brand new jeep.

- The heavy emphasis on love and light, and how love cures and heals all. Clearly these people are out of touch with reality, because if you look at the world right now we are literally controlled and run by fear. People always choose fear over love, and fear dominates in all areas. If love is greater then why is fear plastered EVERYWHERE?

Then you have a bunch of these idiots in the new age communities who are trying to get people to emphasize with reptilians. I'm not lying or joking guys, I kept seeing people on facebook telling people that not all reptilians are evil, and that the evil ones are just damaged and broken and that we all need to love them and show them pity so they can heal.

They also think the solution to corruption in society, the corrupt corporations, corrupt politicians, and the enemy is being showing them love. Yet if you look at history, any time this was done people were enslaved. When europeans went to America they first pretended to befriend the natives of the land, learned their culture, and these people took the bait. They showed them kindness and love and taught them their ways. where did that land them? Getting enslaved and slaughtered. Same with Africans.

These people need to come to their senses and understand that the enemy, and those that control this world are not human. They are not like us. They are PSYCHOPATHS. You can't love and psychopath and then magically they'll heal. If you go up to a psychopath and tell them, "hey please stop enslaving us!! its very mean!! its hurting my feelings!! love and light, I love you so much psychopath namaste love and light, i love you and wish you healing! here come to my drum circle and meditate with me and let me heal your heart chakra".

You know what that psychopath is going to do? they're going to laugh at how stupid you are, use your naivety against you, pretend they're going along with it and once they butter you up and have you wrapped around their finger they're going to violate and destroy you. This is the truth people refuse to face. You cannot love your fucking enemy, that is essentially suicide.

- I had these two dumb bitches who call themselves lightworkers and healers that constantly go on social media saying "i don't understand why people can't just be nice to each other and can't get along. i'm so tired of the divide and conquer agenda. Oh if you're not nice you'll get your karma what goes around comes around".... yet both these women have bullied me for years, done everything in their power to try to destroy me, ruin my social media following, slander my name and spread lies about me, and behind closed doors were doing black magic to destroy my health. I went to see a satanic bruja who did a spell to reveal what was going on with me, and showed me a picture of the smoke he used while contacting his deity and said if I look I will see the face of the main culprit. i looked and it was the girl who keeps saying she wishes everyone can just be nice to each other, calls herself a chosen one & lightworker, and has bullied me since 6th grade. You're so woke and clearly know how to use black magick, but attack someone who has done nothing to you instead of the people who run the entire divide and conquer agenda you claim on social media that you hate so much.

- People in the new age community constantly using the law of attraction to gaslight and victim blame people. claiming "you are what you attract". Yet this isn't even scientifically correct. In science, OPPOSITES ATTRACT. Moths to a flame, flies to a lamp. In this world, the more you shine the more enemies you make. If you are what you attract, then why are there so many kind hearted people in this world getting abused by family members and their peers. If you are what you attract, why are their innocent children in india & cambodia making clothes for major clothing corporations like H&M/Fashion Nova/Forever 21? If you are what you attract, why are children mining mica for our makeup, and why are innocent children in Africa being used as slaves to mine diamonds and mine the minerals for the batteries we use in our cell phones, and our electric cars? Huh? let me guess, those innocent children were probably evil people in their past lives and this is their "karma" *rolls my fucking eyes*.

- The new age emphasis on Angels, angel numbers etc. They are literally promoting the enemy. I had this ex new ager and devout christian try to convert me telling me I must repent for being a witch, and how if a angel shows up not to engage with it and dont trust them unless they are giving a message. Why? thats weird.

I find it funny how lots of ex- new agers say angel numbers are demonic, when truth is angels ARE EVIL. I am living testament of this. When people here on JOS were attacking and bullying me and being completely cruel and ruthless for no reason, I didn't know if being a satanist was the right thing anymore and that I was being deceived, and started believing the enemies lies, so I started debating if I should become a christian again.

So I did an experiment, I started praying to Jesus and Angels and you know what happened? For the first time in YEARS since I was a teenager in a christian home, I got attacked in my sleep and experienced sleep paralysis. The last time this happened to me was when I was a teenager, and forced to be a christian by my psychopathic parents. The other thing that happened was I felt EXTREMELY DRAINED. I do rituals against psychic vampirism regularly, and even before I began that I've always been the type of person who naturally has a lot of energy to the point I can't drink coffee. so for me for me to feel as drained as I did, was not normal. I immediately revoked all consent I have to these evil beings and continued on with my power meditations. I honestly feel like I'm going through another witch hunt all over again and after that, have no doubt in my mind that the vision I had of one of my past lives where I got burned at the stake for being a witch is 100% real.

- I think that's what pisses me off the most. People keep claiming they are woke but all they do is mastrbate their egos online daily showing off how woke they are & how they're manifesting their ideal reality... which is nonsense considering The New World Order HAS begun. I had to flee the country i was living in because soon being unvaccinated will be illegal. You're so woke, but none of these so called woke people are doing anything about this bullshit and are on social media all day saying stupid shit.

The only way to end the new world order is to kill your slave masters, but sorry I forgot "love and light" cures all lmaooo.

Which brings me to my new point, people think murder is evil and wrong, even people in this forum got mad at me for asking how to kill psychic vampires that were LITERALLY TORMENTING ME. accusing me of being a jew and drug addict, when i'm literally neither. I had to fend for myself, do intense power meditations, then found out I was in an area highly populated by jews and muslims, and also the people I was around in the music industry were signed to jewish owned labels. I'm over it now, but i'll never trust you people ever again and limit my time on this forum and only come on here for posts by lydia and others that make helpful posts.

Murder is not wrong, love and light DOES NOT SOLVE ALL, it will get you KILLED :) sorry to break the news, but protests do not work. Miliary outnumbers people especially with their weapons. I went to a protest before and they had a weapon that could turn you deaf and make your ears bleed. Fun stuff!! So again, protests don't work. The only way to deal with the enemy is to literally murder them in cold blood, or do black magic on them and their children completely obliterate their entire bloodline so their filth genetics cannot reincarnate on this planet ever again.

I could go on and on about all this, but I'll leave it at that!

Sincerely, the most hated for absolutely no reason :)

No reason? None that you could think of? My first response to you was empathetic but after reading the rest of your posts you sound like you need to get off the power trip and find something better to do. You in fact are the very thing you complain about. I am sure other spiritual groups and artist groups would be happy if you fled too.
Sundara said:
fairy666 said:
I know people aren't a big fan of me on here, and I wasn't planning to participate in these forums ever again honestly but i'm not going to let a couple of bullies and bad apples get in the way of me speaking my truth and potentially help new members, or reach out to others who can relate.

In this post I wanted to point out many logical fallacies and the stupidity in modern spirituality and the new age movement.

As you all know repressing things is unhealthy, so I need to ge this off my chest before I have another mental breakdown.

Modern day spirituality has been completely weaponized and has been used as a psyop, and a tool to pacify humans and make them completely delusional and out of base with reality.

I've never been apart of the New Age, but unfortunately because of spiritually awakening was around a lot of these folks and let me say, it was not enjoyable. Instead of beat around the bush, i'm going to cut straight to the chase in the form of bullet points.

- The heavy emphasis on manifesting and the law of attraction
What I find extremely disgusting about all this is that you have all these brain dead zombies who use spirituality to masterbate their egos talking about how they are masters at manifesting, or how they are manifesting their ideal realities, manifesting their poly harem, manifesting a bunch of money, blah blah blah.

If you are actually about the life you say you are, and such a master at manifesting why aren't you manifesting a better world? Why aren't you manifesting the collapse of the enemy? Why aren't you manifesting world peace/ end of poverty/ end of world hunger? Why aren't you manifesting the end of the jews New World Order plans? It's complete idiocracy and shows me these people are indeed not actually spiritual, and are using spirituality as a means to inflate their egos and false sense of superiority.

- I noticed in these New Age and spiritual communities how everyone is constantly talking about the divide and conquer agenda and how they are completely against it. yet all I see from these people on a regular basis when I was on social media was them competing with each other, trying to out-woke each other and show off to others how superior they are to everyone, and constantly having petty drama with other so call truthers/lightworkers/spiritualists/etc.

It's complete and utter delusion and only shows me that people are merely using spirituality to do exactly what I mentioned, inflate their false sense of superiority. They all like to call themselves Gods and Goddesses but act like peasants and buffoons. If you were actually a God or Goddess you would not only have the power to change the world, but they will and compassion to want to as well. They don't actually care about any of the things they claim they do.

The truth is these people don't hate the system or society, they just hate that it doesn't work in their favour/benefit them. Give these people a million dollar record deal or some fame in exchange for their silence and stop being "woke", and they'll gladly sell out and promote the enemies agenda.

Holistic Mami was a perfect example of this. This woman for years has been falsely claiming that she has knowledge of ancient healing modalities and how she can heal anyone holistically without the use of modern day science and big pharma, but then a big pharmaceutical company paid her 20 thousands dollars to get their vaccine and promote it to her followers, and suddenly she's no longer a wise healer who has ancient knowledge and tells her followers that holistic medicine and big pharma can mix together while she rides around in her brand new jeep.

- The heavy emphasis on love and light, and how love cures and heals all. Clearly these people are out of touch with reality, because if you look at the world right now we are literally controlled and run by fear. People always choose fear over love, and fear dominates in all areas. If love is greater then why is fear plastered EVERYWHERE?

Then you have a bunch of these idiots in the new age communities who are trying to get people to emphasize with reptilians. I'm not lying or joking guys, I kept seeing people on facebook telling people that not all reptilians are evil, and that the evil ones are just damaged and broken and that we all need to love them and show them pity so they can heal.

They also think the solution to corruption in society, the corrupt corporations, corrupt politicians, and the enemy is being showing them love. Yet if you look at history, any time this was done people were enslaved. When europeans went to America they first pretended to befriend the natives of the land, learned their culture, and these people took the bait. They showed them kindness and love and taught them their ways. where did that land them? Getting enslaved and slaughtered. Same with Africans.

These people need to come to their senses and understand that the enemy, and those that control this world are not human. They are not like us. They are PSYCHOPATHS. You can't love and psychopath and then magically they'll heal. If you go up to a psychopath and tell them, "hey please stop enslaving us!! its very mean!! its hurting my feelings!! love and light, I love you so much psychopath namaste love and light, i love you and wish you healing! here come to my drum circle and meditate with me and let me heal your heart chakra".

You know what that psychopath is going to do? they're going to laugh at how stupid you are, use your naivety against you, pretend they're going along with it and once they butter you up and have you wrapped around their finger they're going to violate and destroy you. This is the truth people refuse to face. You cannot love your fucking enemy, that is essentially suicide.

- I had these two dumb bitches who call themselves lightworkers and healers that constantly go on social media saying "i don't understand why people can't just be nice to each other and can't get along. i'm so tired of the divide and conquer agenda. Oh if you're not nice you'll get your karma what goes around comes around".... yet both these women have bullied me for years, done everything in their power to try to destroy me, ruin my social media following, slander my name and spread lies about me, and behind closed doors were doing black magic to destroy my health. I went to see a satanic bruja who did a spell to reveal what was going on with me, and showed me a picture of the smoke he used while contacting his deity and said if I look I will see the face of the main culprit. i looked and it was the girl who keeps saying she wishes everyone can just be nice to each other, calls herself a chosen one & lightworker, and has bullied me since 6th grade. You're so woke and clearly know how to use black magick, but attack someone who has done nothing to you instead of the people who run the entire divide and conquer agenda you claim on social media that you hate so much.

- People in the new age community constantly using the law of attraction to gaslight and victim blame people. claiming "you are what you attract". Yet this isn't even scientifically correct. In science, OPPOSITES ATTRACT. Moths to a flame, flies to a lamp. In this world, the more you shine the more enemies you make. If you are what you attract, then why are there so many kind hearted people in this world getting abused by family members and their peers. If you are what you attract, why are their innocent children in india & cambodia making clothes for major clothing corporations like H&M/Fashion Nova/Forever 21? If you are what you attract, why are children mining mica for our makeup, and why are innocent children in Africa being used as slaves to mine diamonds and mine the minerals for the batteries we use in our cell phones, and our electric cars? Huh? let me guess, those innocent children were probably evil people in their past lives and this is their "karma" *rolls my fucking eyes*.

- The new age emphasis on Angels, angel numbers etc. They are literally promoting the enemy. I had this ex new ager and devout christian try to convert me telling me I must repent for being a witch, and how if a angel shows up not to engage with it and dont trust them unless they are giving a message. Why? thats weird.

I find it funny how lots of ex- new agers say angel numbers are demonic, when truth is angels ARE EVIL. I am living testament of this. When people here on JOS were attacking and bullying me and being completely cruel and ruthless for no reason, I didn't know if being a satanist was the right thing anymore and that I was being deceived, and started believing the enemies lies, so I started debating if I should become a christian again.

So I did an experiment, I started praying to Jesus and Angels and you know what happened? For the first time in YEARS since I was a teenager in a christian home, I got attacked in my sleep and experienced sleep paralysis. The last time this happened to me was when I was a teenager, and forced to be a christian by my psychopathic parents. The other thing that happened was I felt EXTREMELY DRAINED. I do rituals against psychic vampirism regularly, and even before I began that I've always been the type of person who naturally has a lot of energy to the point I can't drink coffee. so for me for me to feel as drained as I did, was not normal. I immediately revoked all consent I have to these evil beings and continued on with my power meditations. I honestly feel like I'm going through another witch hunt all over again and after that, have no doubt in my mind that the vision I had of one of my past lives where I got burned at the stake for being a witch is 100% real.

- I think that's what pisses me off the most. People keep claiming they are woke but all they do is mastrbate their egos online daily showing off how woke they are & how they're manifesting their ideal reality... which is nonsense considering The New World Order HAS begun. I had to flee the country i was living in because soon being unvaccinated will be illegal. You're so woke, but none of these so called woke people are doing anything about this bullshit and are on social media all day saying stupid shit.

The only way to end the new world order is to kill your slave masters, but sorry I forgot "love and light" cures all lmaooo.

Which brings me to my new point, people think murder is evil and wrong, even people in this forum got mad at me for asking how to kill psychic vampires that were LITERALLY TORMENTING ME. accusing me of being a jew and drug addict, when i'm literally neither. I had to fend for myself, do intense power meditations, then found out I was in an area highly populated by jews and muslims, and also the people I was around in the music industry were signed to jewish owned labels. I'm over it now, but i'll never trust you people ever again and limit my time on this forum and only come on here for posts by lydia and others that make helpful posts.

Murder is not wrong, love and light DOES NOT SOLVE ALL, it will get you KILLED :) sorry to break the news, but protests do not work. Miliary outnumbers people especially with their weapons. I went to a protest before and they had a weapon that could turn you deaf and make your ears bleed. Fun stuff!! So again, protests don't work. The only way to deal with the enemy is to literally murder them in cold blood, or do black magic on them and their children completely obliterate their entire bloodline so their filth genetics cannot reincarnate on this planet ever again.

I could go on and on about all this, but I'll leave it at that!

Sincerely, the most hated for absolutely no reason :)

No reason? None that you could think of? My first response to you was empathetic but after reading the rest of your posts you sound like you need to get off the power trip and find something better to do. You in fact are the very thing you complain about. I am sure other spiritual groups and artist groups would be happy if you fled too.

Thanks have a good day.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
