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  1. OttoHart

    I would like everyone here to know that I just dedicated my soul to Satan

    Congratulations! It's a pivotal step in your life. Best of luck.
  2. OttoHart

    Do the Gods decide?

    Similarly to how you "obey" the laws of gravity without deliberately choosing to do so.
  3. OttoHart

    Do the Gods decide?

    Not in a direct, ordinate sense. Naturally, as you grow, you will align yourself more with the Gods, because that  is how Godhood works. The Gods have mastered their paths and align themselves with important roles and endeavors of Nature and Existence, which are heavily involved in growth. A...
  4. OttoHart

    Harris is a Jewish last name

    Literally most common family names of jewish people are clearly stolen from other cultures.
  5. OttoHart

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    Beautifully put explanation as usual, HP. Can't wait to study the updated Demons section when it releases!
  6. OttoHart

    Question #5322: HOMOSEXUALITY

    A gay man could never understand why straight men find women attractive the same way a straight man can never understand why gay men find men attractive. I'm bisexual, and can find both sexes attractive. Sexuality is inherent and biological. It could potentially be influenced by outside...
  7. OttoHart

    I really need help, please.

    Besides just adding Aura Cleaning, Aura of Protection and some Chakra spinning to your daily routine, which will get you a lot of benefits that compound over time, you could benefit a lot from journaling. What I did at some point is give myself 3 minutes to write as many bad things from my day...
  8. OttoHart

    We all stand under the same Sun - prose to Lord Satan

    I bask upon your legacy, Lord Satan, star of Orion, brightest burning light in Creation. I often find myself so small in this whole thing. You, in Your endless genius and Your majestic grace, have created the World's greatest picture. And I am but a drop of paint in it. But as the Sun rises on...
  9. OttoHart

    Luciferis Mundi - Latin prayer to Lord Satan

    I thought I used the right cases to translate to "Long live Satan, the Lucifer". Will mind the grammar next time!
  10. OttoHart

    What is the end goal behind coddling all non-white trashy people?

    Also, Gentile just means non-jew. If they aren't of jewish race, they're Gentiles.
  11. OttoHart

    What is the end goal behind coddling all non-white trashy people?

    Because there are Gods that made the Black and Asian races. Study the JoS libraries on race and get back to this.
  12. OttoHart

    What is the end goal behind coddling all non-white trashy people?

    Most people's experience with non-whites is immigrants in a predominantly white country, or minorities in the US. There is complex history behind why these demographics have so many people who are a problem to society. There's a lack of education and structure for many of these communities...
  13. OttoHart

    Zalmoxe is Lord Satan, Gebelezis is Baalzebul

    I've recently made a post about the connections between Dacian Paganism and Satanism. There are obvious connections between the symbols of this Pagan faith and the symbols of our Gods. Just like in many other Pagan cultures. This is a more clarified elaboration focusing on two connections...
  14. OttoHart

    Question #5314: help

    Hey, your ex-xtian is showing. Lord Satan doesn't slave away his followers. Take the time to rest and get your strength back. Do things to help you relax. Get back on the horse when you can, Lord Satan wouldn't get mad about this. Hail Satan!
  15. OttoHart

    Meme warfare

    Their book. Not even the truth, their book that they got to write however they wanted. Tell a xtian this and you'll see them twist themselves in knots trying to justify it. Nothing to say but oy vey.
  16. OttoHart

    Question #5315: Freeing of demons

    Can't shower HPS Maxine with enough words of praise. I haven't even done her Apotheosis Ritual yet because I feel I couldn't do it justice yet. Both her and HP Hooded Cobra are geniuses in their own right, but HPS Maxine just has a way of speaking and writing that touches you. I have never...
  17. OttoHart

    Question #5322: HOMOSEXUALITY

    I am personally bisexual, and ended up in a committed and fufilling relationship with an amazing woman. If I ended up with a man, I would still have wanted a relationship where me and him: - are loyal - have genuine love - have common goals and principles - enjoy each other's company These are...
  18. OttoHart

    Question #5322: HOMOSEXUALITY

    1. Homosexuality is not inherently bad and immoral. Anyone telling you otherwise is not abiding by Satanic ethics and has things to process. 2. The same rules of "don't be a degenerate, don't sleep around, be hygienic and use protection" apply to being gay. 3. Being gay is not inherently...
  19. OttoHart

    Question #5315: Freeing of demons

    You can see from the sheer volume of good information HPS Maxine has given us that her expertise is to be trusted over random hearsay. This process was one that we don't fully know the details of, because we don't need to. The gist of it is "She did something probably only her and others as...
  20. OttoHart


    Hey. First of all, obviously welcome, since you seem to be new here. You're kinda chaotic when making your posts (Hi is not a good subject, you should say what the post is about, and Gods with a capital G). My experience with them so far has been inspiring, and overwhelmingly positive. If you...
  21. OttoHart

    Quick question

    Reply with a preffered color scheme or symbols you specifically want and I'll try to whip something up. Pretty free today.
  22. OttoHart

    how to stop the bad habit of saying "oh my god".

    1. Intention is everything. If you aren't literally thinking of and reffering to the xtian God, that is fine. God itself as a word is not inherently jewish. You could easily be reffering to Lord Baalzebut when saying "Oh Lord", as that's who a lot of similar expressions used to refer to. 2. The...
  23. OttoHart

    Informational Graphic about Israel and my perspective on advertising.

    Considering the fact that Israel is, as of yesterday, a state that is officially an apartheid genocide according to the Interanational Court of Justice, there should be no issue in sharing this around the internet on most platforms. I've made sure that the verbage does not disagree with even...
  24. OttoHart

    Geto-Dacian Paganism, connections to Satanism

    Sort of just speaks for itself.
  25. OttoHart

    Geto-Dacian Paganism, connections to Satanism

    Further evidence that Zalmoxes was simply Lord Satan: The greatest symbol of the Dacians - The Draco. Decebalus wielding the Draco The draco shows a religious syncretism between the wolf and the dragon as well as the serpent. This was also brought along during wars for protection. The...
  26. OttoHart

    Israel officially acknowledged as an apartheid State

    The Israeli government immediately dismissed the ICJ ruling, with a defiant Netanyahu calling Jerusalem “our eternal capital” and referred to the West Bank as “the land of our ancestors,” using the biblical names “Judea and Samaria.” Just straight up clown behavior. The Bible directly points to...
  27. OttoHart

    Israel officially acknowledged as an apartheid State

    A link to an article on this. I suggest looking at multiple sources as this topic will probably be highly censored. "Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal, a form of apartheid, and must end." This news honestly just speaks for itself. To those of you that have been actively...
  28. OttoHart

    Help/ peer review

    A friend of mine quit smoking after 5 years of it by: -getting a vaping device with e-liquid -getting nicotine shots for that e-liquid -lowering your nicotine dose by 10% of what you started every week In 2 and a half months you'll be vaping 0 nicotine vapor, without really noticing your...
  29. OttoHart

    Luciferis Mundi - Latin prayer to Lord Satan

    Obviously inspired by Latin Paganism imagery. Open to criticism on this one, my Latin is still lacking. O, Lucifer, o, filius Matutinae. Lucifer, stella Orionis, omniae clarissima, sicut prius accensa es, ave! Lucifer, Aeterna Veritas et Dux Lucis. Lucifer, noli nobis fidem amittere, Lucifero...
  30. OttoHart

    Geto-Dacian Paganism, connections to Satanism

    A lot of people have found great joy (me included) in finding out that our Gods, like Lord Satan, Lord Baalzebul, Lady Astarte, and many others, have been right under our noses, in many pantheons of ancient Pagan cultures. Especially when you see them in mythos that fascinated you when you...
  31. OttoHart

    Question #5285: Shame for my own name

    My name is of Roman origin and my girlfriend (whom I have literally zero doubt is my partner for life) has Latin traits. Obviously it's not wrong to have an Abrahamic originated name. But I'd be lying if I said this doesn't feel nice.
  32. OttoHart

    Lets Organize Something Finally - Content Production Team

    If you still need any help with this, I have experience running succesful TikTok and YouTube accounts, and good knowledge of editing, do my own voicing (pretty trained with my diction) and generally feel like I could do a lot to contribute. If you still need people, I'd love to get into a...
  33. OttoHart

    Human evolution

    As far as I've read from sermons here, we have been made on Earth through a process of accelerated evolution, or perhaps guided evolution. But we still are made with beings from Earth as a base, and with the nature of the Gods, the soul and the path to Godhood as the blueprint. It is likely that...
  34. OttoHart

    Sharing practices

    If I am close friends (some online, most IRL) with practitioners that identify with the left hand path and don't practice anything that would offend the Gods, but they have not done the Dedication, can I still tell them about and recommend them Satanic meditation programs or doing God Rituals...
  35. OttoHart

    Question #5286: My guardian demon, Hagenti, also known as Bastet, Bast.

    Something about someone being visibly a beginner but saying their Guardian is Lady Lilith rings oddly to me. Not saying it couldn't be possible, but still. Also, as far as I know, your Guardian Demon doesn't change. Someone correct me if that's not true.
  36. OttoHart

    Question #5285: Shame for my own name

    Many Satanists have had this thought before, friends of mine included. My name is of Roman origin, so I never had this thought, but I've seen how it can stress some people. So hopefully I can give you some useful advice. Names are products of society that don't have a bearing on you. Yes, your...
  37. OttoHart

    Question #5290: Differences between christians

    The separation is due to differing beliefs. Separations between xtian churches happened when someone who disagreed with the leadership had a big enough mouth to create their own following. The big distinction xtians tend to make is between "actual christians" and heretics. Generally, if you...
  38. OttoHart

    JoS "calling card"

    The picture speaks for itself, a card you can pass to people who are being annoying. Did I make this out of spite for a conversation I had today? Yes. Will I use it? Unlikely. Will anyone find it useful? Probably not. Did I make it anyway? Yes.
  39. OttoHart

    Satanic phone wallpapers

    Also made a Desktop wallpaper if anyone wanted one, and made sure the thread has a wallpaper that includes all four of our greatest Gods. Hail!
  40. OttoHart

    What Is The Point Of The Dedication Ritual?

    Inspiring and empowering words as usual, HP! Dedicating has given me a bigger sense of community and has made my spiritual goals clearer than ever. I definitely saw this point when I dedicated. Here's to more people growing spiritually and learning to choose this path. Hail Satan!
  41. OttoHart

    Satanic phone wallpapers

    I wanted to try out a new photo editing app for making my graphics and decided it will be a good idea to test it out by making some phone wallpapers. I wanted one myself, I've seen people wanting desktop wallpapers, so I said why not. If I end up making more, I'll add to this, but I made one for...
  42. OttoHart

    Question #5224: loyalty

    Some people will keep their eyes on multiple potential partners as they search for the right one. Some will feel better sticking to their current "crush" very early, as they feel bad about being with others while liking a particular someone. Both of these are usually fine. And as far as what you...
  43. OttoHart

    My personal workings with Lord Asmodeus

    Thank you for your perspective! You may have slightly misunderstood me here: That is not what I meant there. The question means "If the entire point of life is self development and achieving Godhood, what is the purpose of pleasure in all of this?" I've been studying Lord Baalzebul and he...
  44. OttoHart

    I Struggle to commit to Satan

    Ask Him yourself! Not literally, but study all the JoS sites, meditate, empower yourself, and connect to the Gods. Do the necessary things to let them into your life and see the great things it brings you. As far as I know, none of this is banned even if you haven't done the Dedication. These...
  45. OttoHart

    I can't explain what happened today.

    For context, I have done the Dedication days ago, and I have okay to moderate astral senses from meditation I've done in past practices pre-JoS. This experience that happened is nothing like what I've felt in my past practice. I feel so good, but so weird. I usually don't ask things like this...
  46. OttoHart

    My personal workings with Lord Asmodeus

    I've considered myself "someone who can communicate with beings in the astral" since about 2019 myself. A lot of the principles I was using to better my astral senses and to allow exchanges of energy between me and beings in the astral was fairly flawed, and I had to comb through it myself, and...
  47. OttoHart

    How do I sell my soul to the devil?

    You sound like you have the right intention but the wrong approach, from inaccurate research. Check out the sites people have already shown you and do your research. This path is about taking charge of your OWN soul. Understand your soul, meditate and get to actually be familiar with this...
  48. OttoHart

    The First to taste Godhood, prayer to Lord Satan

    Written after meditating on His sigil. Oh, Lucifer, son of Morning. May those words have new meaning now. You truly are the star that shined in the morning, and brought light upon our dark Universe. Our world was dark and had no meaning until you found it, oh, star of Orion. You lit up our...
  49. OttoHart

    You ONLY need to do 3 things as an SS.

    Yes, the title sounds crazy, but this is a good thought exercise for beginners, and you can't technically tell me it's wrong. As a recently Dedicated SS, I'm learning a lot of new things, doing a lot of new things, and planning a lot of new things. I'm sure other recently Dedicated Satanists are...
  50. OttoHart

    The Situation With European Politics

    Politics is a clown show. 9.9% of politicians are in on a conspiracy to make sure that people don't have much of a choice in designing the path of their country to create chaos. 90% of politicians are opportunistic avars that are just here to take advantage of the chaos, and 0.1% of politicians...
  51. OttoHart

    Question #5223: History Question?

    They are (most likely as far as I know) an allegory for a series of Gods within the Canaanite Pantheon, which the jews have infested for a long period of time, and which the jewish authors of the torah have considered of great importance to proudly boast about comitting genocide upon. The torah...
  52. OttoHart

    Question #5224: loyalty

    The best rune for that is a stick. You hit yourself in the head with it every single time you think of not being loyal. ...jokes aside, what the heck kind of a question is this? Spirituality is not going to fix literally every single issue and answer every single question. Sometimes, the answer...
  53. OttoHart

    "I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but..."

    There's a lot of symbolism to the black look, but most people would be surprised at how... not black and red a lot of Spiritual Satanism is. Lord Satan's color is blue, and a lot of people's altars end up being beautiful mixes of natural colors, flowers, gold and all the like. Unlike other self...
  54. OttoHart

    "I want to be a Spiritual Satanist, but..."

    Hey, you. You, there, reading this, who wouldn't call yourself an "actual" Spiritual Satanist. You might not have done the Dedication. You might not be posting here, only lurking on your account. Or not have an account at all. This post was made specifically for you. I'm a recently dedicated...
  55. OttoHart

    Can the enemy make you believe in delusions?

    You speak of a "very clear sign" and yet you don't know if you're being derailed into a delusion? .For mental safety, assume nothing is a sign until you get a good grasp of what signs from the Demons feel like. You learn this with experience as well as studying articles here and on the JoS...
  56. OttoHart

    Can the enemy make you believe in delusions?

    I resonate with your sadness. Lord Satan does not dogmatically ban anything unless you are directly attacking or offending Him. Whatever that was, if it is unhealthy, Satan wants nothing else but for you to understand of your own will that it is bad and moderate or quit of your own will...
  57. OttoHart

    Hail to High Priest Hooded Cobra!

    Thank you a lot! I don't consider myself especially advanced, I still have a lot to learn. And yes, we should. This, in my opinion, is the great problem that should be on the mind of the dedicated Spiritual Satanists: "Sharing our message to those who are without or questioning their path...
  58. OttoHart

    My personal workings with Lord Asmodeus

    I've decided to drop this post after my Dedication, partially to give me more time to cook it up, as this is obviously a subject that must be approached with great respect. This is my experience with trying to work with Lord Asmodeus, which started before I had discovered JoS. This is all my...
  59. OttoHart

    Dedication Ritual

    Thank you! As for my Guardian Demon, yeah, that's a future goal. But from the many things I've read here, I've seen opinions differ a lot on the approach, and I've most resonated with the idea that you will understand who your Guardian Demon is at the right time. I definitely plan to keep...
  60. OttoHart

    Talisman enhancement

    The fundamental three steps of any magical working by High Priestess Maxine. How to do a basic meditation to create a protective aura. I recommend doing this every time before you start to work on empowering the Talisman. Despite being energetically charged after the ritual, a Talisman is still...
  61. OttoHart

    Question #5165: Analog horror

    Don't be a victim to the pitfall of always assuming there is a magical explanation when a mundane one does fine. You were creeped out by horror. This is a normal, expected result. If you ever feel like something bad happened to you astrally or spiritually due to watching this, you did the...
  62. OttoHart

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Hi! I'd love to participate in helping promote the Gods. I'm very newly Dedicated and still pretty new here, open to putting in a lot of work when it comes to social media. I couldn't drop a direct message because I don't have the minimum number of postings yet.
  63. OttoHart

    Dedication Ritual

    I've officially done the Dedication Ritual to Lord Satan. I've een planning to do this for a while, and I've done my best to make the moment nice, and present my intentions well. I got a black candle as the main candle for the ritual, but I've also just put up a few extra red candles since I...
  64. OttoHart

    JoS Activism Request

    Sorry if it's a stupid question, but I see no option to directly message a user, including him. Is there something I'm not noticing?
  65. OttoHart

    Oklahoma dept. of education to require bible-studies and bible-based education in public schools

    Yes, this is bullshit. But don't worry, enforced Christian religious education does very little. I live in a country where that is considered the norm. Nobody pays attention in those classes and none of the teachers put in any effort. We should view it as idiotic and a waste of money, yes, but...
  66. OttoHart

    man confront race mixing couple

    People forget we need some positivity in here as well. Yes, change your name, be respectful, but keep the sillyness in there. Other than the High Priests and other very active members around here, which I've found to be doing great at spreading positivity and optimism, a lot of this community is...
  67. OttoHart

    Ode to the Crowned Princes

    This was inspired during meditation and I've used it before as a start to rituals, with good results. If you're busy and scrolling on your phone, don't read this. Read it when you're free, read it calmly and take a moment to appreciate our Gods. I've pondered over its meaning for a while and I...
  68. OttoHart

    Hail to High Priest Hooded Cobra!

    Thank you! And yes, I love the fact that I can have an okay level of communication with the Gods already. I studied information about rituals from adjacent, less accurate sources on how to work with Demons long before accepting Spiritual Satanism. But whenever I found a new content creator, a...
  69. OttoHart

    Hail to High Priest Hooded Cobra!

    As the day of my Dedication inches closer, my prayers to Lord Satan to ease my doubts and fears into this process keep being answered. I had done a meditation session focusing on the sigil of Lord Azazel in a routine meant for receiving spiritual directions. I was directed to study HPHC's...
  70. OttoHart

    JoS Activism Request

    Hey! I'm a Spiritual Satanist who's planning to dedicate in the coming few days, and one of the things I want to start doing as a sign of my, well, dedication, is helping on the JoS activism project. I've worked in and have experience in social media, marketing and similar things, so I'd love...
  71. OttoHart

    Question #5085: A very important question. I would like a response from Sister Lydia or HP Cobra

    If someone in the community harmed you, fix it in the real world. Don't use an act of spiritual warfare for that. You can also ask for help from your GD or other Gods you may be working with in order to see the best course of action, or to help the person who wronged you realize their mistakes...
  72. OttoHart

    Hello everyone! New member here

    Luciferianism, Satanism, Left Hand Path, Qlipphotic Work (ew), and many other titles have been attributed to groups working with Satan's Demons. They often find ideas that align with the Spiritual Satanist path, but also may have many mistakes. Nonetheless, being Satanist-aligned groups that...
  73. OttoHart

    Question #5085: A very important question. I would like a response from Sister Lydia or HP Cobra

    The services some guy on the internet can provide for you pale in comparison in both power and safety to the amount of shit you will be able to do for yourself within 3 months of learning and practicing. I promise you. It is very difficult to see whether the magical practitioner posting their...
  74. OttoHart

    My Satanic stance on queerness.

    Also, please remember, and research, the fact that respectable gay, bi, and trans people exist. It is a fact that can be researched that the enemy masquerades as  both the homophobic conservative  and as the strawman-like LGBT idiots. It's a completely fabricated issue as homosexuality...
  75. OttoHart

    My Satanic stance on queerness.

    This statement might come from a good origin, but you are promoting enemy programming. Firstly, I will agree that the LGBT community is deranged. It has taken the idea of third gender people and twisted it beyond repair. No, in most cases of transgender people, surgeries and hormones aren't...
  76. OttoHart

    My Satanic stance on queerness.

    The LGBT community has not been an actual organized movement for ages and has been a label that cringe people tend to use to gain value in their own eyes by self marginalizing. Said this in the post.
  77. OttoHart

    Fear of death

    Many fear death. But your fear should be encouragement. Many fear death in that they fear growing old, losing their vigor, and dying of illness and pain. But you, and many others these days, and in the past as well, have a fear of losing your consciousness and your identity breaking apart. This...
  78. OttoHart

    My Satanic stance on queerness.

    Here are some principles that I hold as far as gay, bi, trans people and whatnot, in an order that takes things from basic to more detailed. Here's my position: 1. If you believe being gay, trans, bi or any other sexuality/kink that describes an action between two consensual adults of similar...
  79. OttoHart

    Ave Asmodeus!

    After first learning about and trying to connect to Lord Satan, Lord Asmodeus quickly came into my life and I felt many signs when studying Satan's Demons that I should do workings with him. I meditated on his sigil and studied him for a while, then went for an evocation alongside an SS friend...
  80. OttoHart

    Non-white gods and how to deal with them

    This is all correct. I must also add, some people have a stronger sense of race bias within them. Some bias is advisable, such as not interbreeding, but you can have this to a point where it's more extreme, such as turning your nose at working with non-White Gods. I believe this is a naturally...
  81. OttoHart

    My Perspective: Why "Jewish faith" is so inherently backwards

    I am yet to deeply get into the JoS sources on the origin of the jews. But this made me think I could make an interesting post of my perspective, as I only used corrupted, xtian or jew controlled sources, and yet still arrived to a Satanic conclusion. I've spent years studying abrahamic faith...
  82. OttoHart

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Crystals represent crystallization (wow, obvious much?) of the thoughts and symbolism associated with the properties of the type of crystal. So it can be used as an element in alchemical rituals. In that case, size obviously does matter, as you will end up fine tuning your alchemical rituals as...
  83. OttoHart

    Beginner asking about Jews

    Such a beautiful way to put it. Hey, if there's jews out there actually doing something good for spiritual Satanism, it might point to how powerful the Gods truly are.
  84. OttoHart

    And the nazarene loses another!

    It's been about a month since, after a lot of study and work, I've directly felt the presence and heard the voice of Father Lucifer. Many things have happened before then, and since then, and I've been making great steps on my path to get to know and build back my relationship with Satan and his...
  85. OttoHart

    How do i find someone to love?

    English is just a stupid language, from someone who studied English Linguistics in college. It doesn't matter how correctly you speak it as long as you get the message across. Never let angry, sad people prevent you from starting discussions in here because of your English. We need people...
  86. OttoHart

    Beginner asking about Jews

    I don't know if true Spiritual Satanists have this aura to them or something, but you've worded it in the exact way that would explain it to me. It's not that they are creatures without purpose, they simply don't see "purpose" similarly to us. Fair. I'm still on the fence about a lot of things...
  87. OttoHart

    Question #5056: Invocation and evocation

    There isn't one "ritual to invoke Lord Satan", as there isn't one ritual to invoke any God, demon or otherwise. You're misusing the terminology. Invocation describes an action, the demon's energy and nature entering and temporarely, or for a purpose, be let into the invoker's mind. This action...
  88. OttoHart

    Non-white gods and how to deal with them

    You see, this depends. You should look into "the importance of third sex people in pagan and satanic worship". Now, how in the hell does this relate? Well, simple. A person who identifies as a proud banner of aryan culture like you are, you would need to have very special qualities to be able...
  89. OttoHart

    new jewmany?

    I feel as if this future is coming closer. We have done a lot of work, and I've seen a lot more info pop up on social media about occultism, demonology, and much more. Of course, so much of it is misinformation and inaccurate, but if even this being there shows that whoever has been holding us...
  90. OttoHart

    Satan isn't "true", Satan is the truth!

    Note: I do not have perfect knowledge of Spiritual Satanism. I am still learning under Lord Lucifer and all my experiences are pure UPG. Take them with a pinch of salt. This is a shorter post, because it is a thought I had... yelled at me. After invoking King Belial for a working. After deep...
  91. OttoHart

    The tribe is gone. Now what?

    One of the building blocks of my (and I assume, many others') Satanic faith is the adherence to the belief that Abrahamic religion has destroyed, bastardized, demonized and hidden ancient wisdom about thought and spirituality. That being said, this feeling, as well as my study of pagan society...
  92. OttoHart

    Beginner asking about Jews

    And there's really no escape from a pointless existence for them, huh? "You can't save everyone" is such a hard pill to swallow on this path. So much to unlearn.
  93. OttoHart

    new jewmany?

    The state of politics in a good 70% of the world is worse than it's ever been. There comes a point where you throw in the towel to some degree, you look around you, you realize most people are stupid and don't want to change, and you just stop putting in the effort to change the world and you...
  94. OttoHart

    How do i find someone to love?

    After a long thread of people giving you magickal and spiritual advice, much of which seems great after a look, make sure to also just keep grounded and focus on mundane issues that may be stopping you. Learn to ground! It's important. And learn to do shit! You get to do that by grounding more...
  95. OttoHart

    Beginner asking about Jews

    Good day! 1. Did the "absolutely" part have any deeper meaning? Can you tell in some way? I know my predecessors pretty well, so it's not "news" per se, but acknowledgement from someone as advanced as you feels nice. 2. I will! I'm just going to drop my question in this reply, since you touched...
  96. OttoHart

    Beginner asking about Jews

    Loved this answer, such a great read. So I guess this narrows down my issue to one question: What's a random jew to do? I don't personally know any, but as a social activist, it's something I'd care about having addressed. Not every jew is in on it, right? Some would just be the unfortunate...
  97. OttoHart

    Beginner asking about Jews

    Note: I only have a few months of practical experience with Spiritual Satanism. Anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt, since I might be spitting bullshit learned from incorrect sources. More experienced people are, thus, welcome to chime in with any corrections. I've been studying...
  98. OttoHart

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hail Satan! After studying occultism and spirituality for years, stumbled upon Spiritual Satanism a few months ago and it feels like thousands of years of history just clicked. I've been doing rituals and meditating to better understand Lord Lucifer's voice, and the experience has so far taught...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
