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My personal workings with Lord Asmodeus


Jun 26, 2024
I've decided to drop this post after my Dedication, partially to give me more time to cook it up, as this is obviously a subject that must be approached with great respect. This is my experience with trying to work with Lord Asmodeus, which started before I had discovered JoS. This is all my personal experience and I've done my best to word my experience in a way that doesn't blaspheme our Gods.

As I was researching Lord Satan and his Demons, I stumbled upon the name of Asmodeus. A name I knew before as the prince of lust according to Peter Binsfield. I already knew there was more to him before, as I had studied the connections between him and the Ashma Deva, which I knew to be a deity of wrath, certainly not a deity directly connected to an entity you'd call the prince of lust. No, this had to be bullshit.
I then looked into some occult sources for him, seeing even more bullshit as I went. All sources either claiming him as an evil entity to be feared, or an evil entity to "learn something from the dark side of" (jew bullshit knows no bounds).

I, however, knew of LHP practitioners that had allegedly done workings with him, and from their experiences I gathered that he was a God from the Middle East that was bastardized beyond belief over the course of history. I heard he has a gentle and welcoming nature, which made me more comfortable reaching out. And so, Lord Asmodeus was the second ever Demon I was to contact (or rather, the second ever Demon I've contacted knowing full well He is a Demon), after Lord Lucifer himself. My experiences with Father Satan are far more deeply personal than I will even reveal here, and I personally don't feel comfortable sharing. For the helplessly curious, no, I did not get special treatment from Lord Satan. I've felt his presence even less than that of Lord Asmodeus. But he certainly has been there for me. In ways I can't and don't want to explain right now.

Regardless, my first ever connection to Lord Asmodeus was done very simply. I set the protection I usually set when contacting a being through spirit, to avoid contacting anyone else, lit some coffee incense (no real symbolism, it was just the incense I had on hand), lit a red candle, drew his sigil in red on a piece of paper making sure to be very accurate (I could print the sigil or use a digital image, yes. But, to me, taking the extra time to meticulously draw the sigil correctly is a part of the process) and simply sat in my bedroom, by my Altar, with this setup. You could call what I was doing meditation, although I'd say it was far more lax than meditating on a sigil generally should be. I focused on taking in the atmosphere, slowing down my breathing, looking all over the sigil and trying to understand it more, to visualize it in my head. The purpose of the meditation I had set out was: to learn more of Asmodeus' nature, to learn if working with him long term would be a good idea, and to be receptive to any messages from him.

I hadn't felt his presence at this point quite yet, with this meditation. I've only felt his presence once. I do this some more times and I kept getting small messages. Messages that, for lack of a better explanation, I have no idea how I was processing. I didn't see or hear things, my clairvoyance and clairaudience are weak as heck. But somehow, someway, I would have thoughts pop into my head that I can 100% guarantee I deeply feel aren't mine. Not bad thoughts, which is how I could tell it was Him. Here are some highlights of the thoughts I've received as well as some accounts of workings I've had, that I was allowed to publically share and felt like sharing. These aren't necessarily direct quotes, as I didn't "hear a voice", so don't consider this the direct voice of Lord Asmodeus, but rather me trying to make sense of his amazing energy and potential messages. As they are my interpretation, take them with a pinch of salt.

"We both know people rely on the information feed they are given by society more than ever now. This results in a spiritual hurdle. Media will give you the false feeling that you know everything, and this comes with a sense of safety. But you truly don't know everything, it's an asinine mistake to think so. And it's an asinine mistake to not take the first step because you don't know everything about the path."
"Pleasure is a formless concept you can take to mean what you want. When you take it to mean something, that gives you certain results. If the results are good from your interpretation of pleasure, you will grow. I give no further opinion on this." When I asked further about the nature of pleasure and its purpose, questions like "If the goal is self development, should we still also seek pleasure?", I was told the sigil of Lord Baalzebul holds the answer to this for me.

When feeling his presence, I can describe it as a cold breeze during a summer night, sleepless from a long conversation with a friend, almost melancholy. But despite that description I'd still call him a "hot", high energy presence. He's imposing, yet welcoming.
There is so much empathy to this Demon. He absolutely is half human. I've never felt so deeply understood before.
I've received the inspiration that he changes the number 0 into the number 1. Although this could obviously mean creation, I don't feel as though this is the right interpretation. I have no answer for this yet.
I'd actually consider him somewhat of a God-level psychologist. He has taught me a lot about understanding how people think, not judging people as much by understanding how their mentality got them into their current position, as well as how to better handle interpersonal relationships.
I took a very respectful approach to asking him to provide "any kind of help he deems fit" (advice, knowledge, or actual help, whatever he thought was appropriate) for my best friend, a spiritual atheist who's probably going to be on this forum sometime this year. He's still on the fence, but because of personal context, he's the only person in my life other than my girlfriend that I'd call family. He's been far behind his peers romantically, as we're both twentysomethings and, unlike me, he's been absolutely single forever. He wasn't necessarily asking for a relationship, but moreso for the experience and wisdom that comes with romance. The working itself was a magical working and a meditation session. Lord Asmodeus was only involved by his sigil being there during the working and me burning a petition to him during meditation later on, to give my thanks to him and ask for any help he wants to give on this working. My friend is certainly no longer single, but he's got his work cut out for him as far as building his relationship with a girl he's got great plans with. It's been a bit stressful for him, but he's determined to make it work. As my friend says: "Hey, if Asmodeus opened the door, I'd be an idiot to be too lazy to just walk in." And I'd say that's accurate.
Lord Asmodeus has also been a little more jovial than other Gods I've connected to. There's an almost joking attitude to his demeanor, but not in a goofy way. I'd describe it as similar to the trope of a martial arts master fooling around while fighting because he simply doesn't need to put in his full effort. He rings to me as a God who has still kept an attachment to his roots, and still deeply understands the little things that make us, "lower humans" happy. A King that can party with his citizens.

Lord Asmodeus has been nothing but an encouragement to me, and has taught me many lessons so far. I so deeply look forward to being able to do an official God Ritual for him, as I'm sure he'll be very happy to hear it and he deserves to be empowered. And if this post inspired you to connect to Lord Asmodeus, Lord Satan and his Demons, I've done my job. If this post helped inspire you to take your study to the next level, and to meditate on the Gods, I've done my job.

Hail Asmodeus!
Hail Satan!
I did the commitment ritual to Satan in 2019, because I knew the knowledge on this platform was True and I have not found any equal source.

I envy your ability to connect and feel the gods, I struggle with this myself.
I meditate on and off but have never reached that sort of connection of feeling and understanding something as you describe.

Congrats to you and your ability. Much love.

Hail Satan
I did the commitment ritual to Satan in 2019, because I knew the knowledge on this platform was True and I have not found any equal source.

I envy your ability to connect and feel the gods, I struggle with this myself.
I meditate on and off but have never reached that sort of connection of feeling and understanding something as you describe.

Congrats to you and your ability. Much love.

Hail Satan
I've considered myself "someone who can communicate with beings in the astral" since about 2019 myself.
A lot of the principles I was using to better my astral senses and to allow exchanges of energy between me and beings in the astral was fairly flawed, and I had to comb through it myself, and honestly do things that were unsafe out of ignorance.
A lot of this was because of engaging in corrupted practices, and while I'm certainly fine today, I'm sure I unknowingly took risks.
You could say I built a basis for my practice in all this time, doing my best to work with what sources I had thought were best back then.
I can testify that ever since I've been using what I've studied in the JoS my work has gotten magnitudes better. The teachings in each site simply make sense and work wonders.
I don't know why I've had an "easier" time with my astral senses than other people, and I think of it like not looking a gift horse in the mouth. I do my best with what I have.
When I asked further about the nature of pleasure and its purpose, questions like "If the goal is self development,
the purpose of pleasure have nothing to do with self development (either it was sensual or spiritual)
and even if it does or you "think it does" that would be under the formless concept you talked about that you form it as you pleased
but the very essence of pleasure is there and exists for a totally other affairs
i wish you success finding your answers, also "be careful what you wish for" seems to be the best advice to give you in here
the purpose of pleasure have nothing to do with self development (either it was sensual or spiritual)
and even if it does or you "think it does" that would be under the formless concept you talked about that you form it as you pleased
but the very essence of pleasure is there and exists for a totally other affairs
i wish you success finding your answers, also "be careful what you wish for" seems to be the best advice to give you in here
Thank you for your perspective!
You may have slightly misunderstood me here:
the purpose of pleasure have nothing to do with self development
That is not what I meant there. The question means "If the entire point of life is self development and achieving Godhood, what is the purpose of pleasure in all of this?"
I've been studying Lord Baalzebul and he definitely has a deep connection to understanding the nature of happiness. I have a complicated relationship with pleasure that I am still working on, and still need to prevent myself from just viewing pleasure as a distraction. That is what that segment means.
"be careful what you wish for" seems to be the best advice to give you in here
I have zero idea what this means, haha. Are you saying that you don't think learning from the Gods is a good idea? Probably not, but that's what it sounds like.
You may have slightly misunderstood me here:
my bad.
"If the entire point of life is self development and achieving Godhood,"
i don't think that's the entire point of Life it self!
rather it's OUR point as SS..
what is the purpose of pleasure in all of this?"
i hope you to enjoy your class with King Asmodeus learning about this yourself.
a hint: Nothing Ever exists for no purpose. unfortunately, even the ugliest things!
haha. Are you saying that you don't think learning from the Gods is a good idea? Probably not, but that's what it sounds like.
not at all. the Gods teaches us the art of existence as HPHC said.
but it takes a sort of sacrifices to become a talented artist.
by sacrifice mostly everyone thinks that it means sacrificing your time and giving commitment to meditation (which is true)
but the harder kind of sacrifice (rewarded with the real deal) is giving away your old perspectives and things that shaped what so called your self.
that's what i meant by my advice. for it's not an easy process
I set the protection I usually set when contacting a being through spirit, to avoid contacting anyone else,
Hi I'm wondering if maybe you could share what you do for the protection, I've been trying to find one to maybe go off of.
This was very beautiful and inspiring to read! Thank you so much!!

I have, for the most part, felt intimidated by Lord Asmodeus, but only because I didn't understand him that well.
This post helps. Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
