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Question #5322: HOMOSEXUALITY


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello everyone, I have read some of the opinions on the forum about homosexuality. And homosexuality is vilified by some, it is considered normal by others. is there a sermon devoted to this subject? And basically, what is the opinion of our gods and goddesses on this subject? After all, homosexuality is not a disease, it is not a perversion, there is no cure. And most of it can be inborn, but it can also be caused by environmental factors. And it goes on from reincarnation to reincarnation. So there is a small margin that it could have come from the gods. Yes, some people are right, there are those who exaggerate homosexuality too much and make it perverted, I don't like them either. But we cannot say that homosexuality is a bad thing because of them. In the past, people mostly hid. I'm curious about your views. And I don't think homosexuality has anything to do with Jews. Homosexuality exists in every nationality. It is not and can never be something unique to the stupid disgusting Jews. We can't blame such a normal thing on the dirty Jews. Thank you for reading and taking the time. (English is not my mother tongue, I apologize for my mistakes) Hail our gods and goddesses!
1. Homosexuality is not inherently bad and immoral. Anyone telling you otherwise is not abiding by Satanic ethics and has things to process.
2. The same rules of "don't be a degenerate, don't sleep around, be hygienic and use protection" apply to being gay.
3. Being gay is not inherently unhealthy, but anal sex if practiced too often can cause adverse health effects to the person who's bottoming. Practice anal sex less often and make sure to use lubricant and take it slow.
4. Love, marriage and family are values that homosexuals still need to have.
5. Children are typically better raised by a father and a mother, but I'm personally pro-adopting if you think you can instill good values into the child and raise them properly.
6. The LGBT community generally promotes degeneracy that we wouldn't accept in straight people either. Which is why most people here don't agree with them. Like in all things, be tasteful, and be careful what your innocent opinions are supporting. You might be supporting dangerous things with pure intentions, and that's exactly what (((some people))) want.
I am personally bisexual, and ended up in a committed and fufilling relationship with an amazing woman.
If I ended up with a man, I would still have wanted a relationship where me and him:
- are loyal
- have genuine love
- have common goals and principles
- enjoy each other's company

These are general laws of proper romantic interaction, that will lead you to happiness. They apply regardless of what genitals you two have.
What happens between consenting adults behind closed doors is their personal business. As long as nobody's health and wellbeing is being harmed and there are no crimes committed against nature like pedophilia, incest or bestiality, you are allowed to live according to your nature.

It's important to be true to yourself. If you are truly homosexual and you know this for certain, be free to be homosexual.

But also consider if this is truly who you are, and ask yourself how you know for certain, because people are influenced in many subtle ways today including by upbringing and there is a war being waged on the sexes and the family unit.

Read this from the ethics section:

The gods don't care about any of this.
The Gods' affairs are higher
Homosexuality is fine and natural for some. Not evil. Anyone saying otherwise may have some xtian hangups. Being a member of the (((LGBTQ+))) community is a totally different thing, stay away from that. Especially the "T", Transgender part.
I should add though - I think today that there are an inflated number of homosexuals. I read somewhere that only 1.1% of women are lesbians and only 1.7% of men are gay. This number has probably inflated with the increased amount of Jewish media pushing (((LGBTQ))) nonsense. And a lot of real gays and lesbians are transitioning - many of the boys and girls in gender clinics are just SSA.
Hello everyone, I have read some of the opinions on the forum about homosexuality. And homosexuality is vilified by some, it is considered normal by others. is there a sermon devoted to this subject? And basically, what is the opinion of our gods and goddesses on this subject? After all, homosexuality is not a disease, it is not a perversion, there is no cure. And most of it can be inborn, but it can also be caused by environmental factors. And it goes on from reincarnation to reincarnation. So there is a small margin that it could have come from the gods. Yes, some people are right, there are those who exaggerate homosexuality too much and make it perverted, I don't like them either. But we cannot say that homosexuality is a bad thing because of them. In the past, people mostly hid. I'm curious about your views. And I don't think homosexuality has anything to do with Jews. Homosexuality exists in every nationality. It is not and can never be something unique to the stupid disgusting Jews. We can't blame such a normal thing on the dirty Jews. Thank you for reading and taking the time. (English is not my mother tongue, I apologize for my mistakes) Hail our gods and goddesses!
I think sexual orientation comes from the soul.

I don't understand how the environment can change a person's sexual orientation, LOL.

Sexual orientation is what you feel by nature, for example, you see a beautiful girl with a beautiful face, with big tits, or with a beautiful ass, you get a dick, you know what you want to do with this girl, you know you have a traditional sexual orientation and you like girls.

When you see a powerful, pumped-up man, you will not get a penis if you are of a traditional sexual orientation, i.e. the body of a man, including the genitals, will not cause you any arousal reactions and other things, you simply will not feel anything.

If I understand correctly, then homosexuals naturally have arousal on parts of the body of men, just as it happens in men of traditional sexual orientation towards girls.

Homosexuals are not sexually attracted to girls.

If a man is sexually attracted to both men and girls, it means that he has a bisexual orientation.

If you read women's forums, then some young married girls, with the consent of their husbands, or in their presence, invite real gays to hang out with them (in women) in the baths.

Husbands who were next to their wives at that moment note that they do not understand why when a naked wife with bare tits touches a gay man, his pupils do not dilate and his penis does not stand up, whereas at the sight of a naked husband he gets hard.
I think sexual orientation comes from the soul.

I don't understand how the environment can change a person's sexual orientation, LOL.

Sexual orientation is what you feel by nature, for example, you see a beautiful girl with a beautiful face, with big tits, or with a beautiful ass, you get a dick, you know what you want to do with this girl, you know you have a traditional sexual orientation and you like girls.

When you see a powerful, pumped-up man, you will not get a penis if you are of a traditional sexual orientation, i.e. the body of a man, including the genitals, will not cause you any arousal reactions and other things, you simply will not feel anything.

If I understand correctly, then homosexuals naturally have arousal on parts of the body of men, just as it happens in men of traditional sexual orientation towards girls.

Homosexuals are not sexually attracted to girls.

If a man is sexually attracted to both men and girls, it means that he has a bisexual orientation.

If you read women's forums, then some young married girls, with the consent of their husbands, or in their presence, invite real gays to hang out with them (in women) in the baths.

Husbands who were next to their wives at that moment note that they do not understand why when a naked wife with bare tits touches a gay man, his pupils do not dilate and his penis does not stand up, whereas at the sight of a naked husband he gets hard.
A gay man could never understand why straight men find women attractive the same way a straight man can never understand why gay men find men attractive.
I'm bisexual, and can find both sexes attractive.
Sexuality is inherent and biological. It could potentially be influenced by outside sources, but the truth always comes to surface. There are many stories of gay men who even married women, and could just never be happy. Those men will end up cheating and getting into dangerous situations spiritually and health-wise. It's better to just be honest with yourself.
I am currently in a very commited relationship to a woman I plan to marry and die next to. But this doesn't suddenly make me straight, I can still acknowledge the fact that both sexes are attractive to me. Not to the same level now, because I don't find  any person othet than my girlfriend as attractive nowadays, regardless of gender.
At the end of the day, it is irrelevant what your sexuality is, because the happiest outcome is you ending up in a happy, fufilling, comitted relationship with someone. At that point, you should ideally become "your-wife-sexual" or "your-husband-sexual", unlike when you were single. That is commitment.
Homosexuality is fine. Just be aware of the inhibited evil of xians and abrahamic losers trying to say otherwise. Also, be aware of the LGBT marxists who promote perverted degeneracy using homosexuals as a proxy.
I should add though - I think today that there are an inflated number of homosexuals. I read somewhere that only 1.1% of women are lesbians and only 1.7% of men are gay. This number has probably inflated with the increased amount of Jewish media pushing (((LGBTQ))) nonsense. And a lot of real gays and lesbians are transitioning - many of the boys and girls in gender clinics are just SSA.
The reason for the "inflation" you speak of is not because people are getting tricked to become gay or something. That's just dumb. The real reason is because gays all around the world are feeling more comfortable to come out, hence the number increase.
The reason for the "inflation" you speak of is not because people are getting tricked to become gay or something. That's just dumb. The real reason is because gays all around the world are feeling more comfortable to come out, hence the number increase.
I think that could be apart of it too, But I don't doubt that it could be from social programming also. I have heard stories of parents saying their daughters came out to them as Lesbian, and then "came out" a second time as Straight because she got a crush on a boy. So I still think part of it could be because the LGBTQP++ movement is pushing this idea that it is wrong to be "Straight Cis White" and people identify with things that dont reflect them so they dont feel like a bad person.
The reason for the "inflation" you speak of is not because people are getting tricked to become gay or something. That's just dumb. The real reason is because gays all around the world are feeling more comfortable to come out, hence the number increase.
Nope. It's because degeneracy is promoted everywhere and LGBT people gain victimhood status and special treatment while White Straight Men are demonized. So naturally, people like to play the victim, especially if they are White who can't play the race card or men who can't play the gender card (or both, White men) so they find other ways of becoming a "protected minority", such as pretending to be the opposite sex (especially if they are men, as it shows that MTF transgender rate is much higher, because men are discriminated, thanks to 50 years of feminism).

There are many studies showing social contagion plays an important factor in transgenderism, such as this one:

A gay man could never understand why straight men find women attractive the same way a straight man can never understand why gay men find men attractive.
I'm bisexual, and can find both sexes attractive.
Sexuality is inherent and biological. It could potentially be influenced by outside sources, but the truth always comes to surface. There are many stories of gay men who even married women, and could just never be happy. Those men will end up cheating and getting into dangerous situations spiritually and health-wise. It's better to just be honest with yourself.
I am currently in a very commited relationship to a woman I plan to marry and die next to. But this doesn't suddenly make me straight, I can still acknowledge the fact that both sexes are attractive to me. Not to the same level now, because I don't find  any person othet than my girlfriend as attractive nowadays, regardless of gender.
At the end of the day, it is irrelevant what your sexuality is, because the happiest outcome is you ending up in a happy, fufilling, comitted relationship with someone. At that point, you should ideally become "your-wife-sexual" or "your-husband-sexual", unlike when you were single. That is commitment.
I have a traditional sexual orientation, but I am very interested in relationships between people, regardless of the sexual orientation of these people.

I noticed that YouTube and the whole Internet in general is full of all sorts of bloggers and content on building relationships with women, seduction, success in getting sex/lust, or deep love, as well as "how to get an ex-girlfriend back?" and the like.

Since there is a lot of such content, there are quite a lot of people who have serious relationship problems and have problems satisfying their sexual needs, because otherwise such content would not be popular.

I want JoS to clarify some topics in more detail in terms of strategies, behaviors (on the physical plane) and specific affirmations, new spells, magical techniques (on the astral plane), not only from the point of view of the right person (with whom you will create a strong love relationship and spend most of your life, or your whole life) but also from the point of view of getting sex without commitment (lust), increasing the popularity of women (for sex without long-term relationships) and the like.

Personally, I want to have a lot of experience in sexual relations with women on the one hand (fuck a lot of girls), on the other hand, I want to create a serious relationship with a specific girl for life from the point of view of deep love, I want to have children from her (at least three). I also want to be popular/have strong sexuality with girls, I think other men want it too.

For me, the topic of mutual relations is more important than money, I do not want to buy women as prostitutes, as many men do in relationships, whom these women do not really like (they are with them because of money or status) and eventually get divorced. As one woman close to me told me, "When I got married, I knew that I would divorce him, but I did not divorce to raise a child, when the child grew up after 20 years, I divorced him."

Mans interested in specific methods of achieving success for men in getting sex and true love from women, regardless of whether I need the right person for a long-term relationship, or sex without commitment.

I hope that no one is outraged by what I am writing and I am not writing the wrong things. If I am mistaken in something, or I am wrong somewhere from the point of view of ethics, please correct me.
Nope. It's because degeneracy is promoted everywhere and LGBT people gain victimhood status and special treatment while White Straight Men are demonized. So naturally, people like to play the victim, especially if they are White who can't play the race card or men who can't play the gender card (or both, White men) so they find other ways of becoming a "protected minority", such as pretending to be the opposite sex (especially if they are men, as it shows that MTF transgender rate is much higher, because men are discriminated, thanks to 50 years of feminism).

There are many studies showing social contagion plays an important factor in transgenderism, such as this one:

It's usually weak men who turn tranny. Our society is full of weak males now. The life of men is a life of constant conflict, whether that's with the outside world, or within himself, and many males are not equipped with the awareness and wisdom from their fathers, brothers and other men to be able to come to grips with this fact, and the jewish agenda is to weaken and demonize men for being men.

Systems like schools and the media are used to oppress masculine virtues like fighting, self expression, strength, and self reliance. Systemic authority is used to overpower and oppress masculine authority.

When you don't know how to be who & what you are, and you're told that being who & what you are is evil and harmful to people, and you get punished for being who & what you are, and you're told that women don't want someone like you, you will want to be someone else.

And that someone wil likely be a mishmash of whatever is promoted in society. Hence the people who turn tranny and pledge their life to fighting for "social justice".
Like others said, homosexuality is fine. Just don't fall into enemy traps like the lgbt. Or even emasculation.

While feminine men are natural, even among homosexuals they are an extremely small proportion because there nature of a man is to be masculine. If you look at the yin/yang glyph, you can see how both yin and yang have a dot representing the other force. That also represents the minority of feminine men. Lgbt has a tendency to emasculate gay men and make them think gay = femboy, which is wrong. Mass media tries to do the same, which creates confusion and false personas among gay men which will be shed by cleaning practices in meditation. Most non-organic food nowadays (and diets) are laced with things that lower testosterone, like alcohol and microplastics among many. You even wear clothes (even more likely if you are physically active like you should) that are made of plastic (polyester). With hot water, the molecular structures rips and you get microplastics in the water and also ready to penetrate your skin and accumulate in areas like your testicles. What for? Because you want quick-dry clothes? (that can be done with cotton too, many Armies do it with combat trousers and jackets, for example).

The same can be said about masculine women.

While marriage can be supported and family values too, it doesn't mean that homosexual are supposed to have children. That's not their role/contribution in society. While an ethical homosexual person can be better at parenting than an unethical heterosexual couple, a child needs a male and female figure constantly available for many psychological processes until full maturation of the personality and independence, which is usually in the 20s (age).

Your father helps you develop the male part of the brain and masculine qualities in your life (personality and lifestyle). Your relationship with him serves as a prototype for all male relationships in your life.

Your mother helps you develop the female part of the brain and feminine qualities in your life. Your relationship with them is a prototype for every female relationship in your life.

Any impairment in your education and relationship with your parents, especially in the first 2 stages of growth, will form long-term issues in how you relate to other people, which is detrimental for both you and them. It's better to get it as right as possible first, then to have to make up for it later in life, as having to make up for it considerably slows down your growth and is extremely hard like anything of a psychological nature.

Neither of two fathers can play the role of the mother, as 98-99% of the time both will be masculine and unable to imprint feminine qualities. Plus neither of them looks like women and a femboy (the 1-2% case occurrance) is different from a woman anyway. A woman is a woman.

Similarly two mothers cannot play the role of a man. A masculine woman is never the same as a man. Children especially are more sensitive to this, as they couldn't care less about social constructs, delusions and gender roles. They intuit the soul directly.

You could say the parents could have a friend come over once in a while but it doesn't work like that. For once, the friend of the opposite sex would need to have the same level of availability of a parent, and they would also need the same level of emotional attachment, both are impossibly rare occurrences because nobody can have the same level of attachment a parent and a child have. It's a level of imprinting you simply can't get, and no rebellions of people's lower urges and emotions can change nature/reality.

So, having children is strongly not recommended for homosexual couple. It's still better than having no parent. But not quite right or natural.

There are countless fields of existence homosexuals can focus on to make a contribution to their race. No need to limit yourself to children you aren't supposed to have.
I want JoS to clarify some topics in more detail in terms of strategies, behaviors (on the physical plane) and specific affirmations, new spells, magical techniques (on the astral plane), not only from the point of view of the right person (with whom you will create a strong love relationship and spend most of your life, or your whole life) but also from the point of view of getting sex without commitment (lust), increasing the popularity of women (for sex without long-term relationships) and the like.
I suggest that you read into what the twelve horoscopes and twelve houses represent while also looking up rulerships of chakras and the according planets. From there, you should get an idea of what I am trying to say. As to affirmations, it really comes down to stating what you want and how you want. It is not more complicated than that. I do not know about your current experience with witchcraft, but it sounds like it would not hurt for you to get more accustomed to the three steps of it by practicing. It does not need to be anything magnificent yet, just practice. Because the results you get are a consequence of your strength and appliance of this power.

Moreover, consider that instead of using 'strategies' to approach potential partners you can be your authentic self, which generally people appreciate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
