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Beginner asking about Jews


Jun 26, 2024
Note: I only have a few months of practical experience with Spiritual Satanism. Anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt, since I might be spitting bullshit learned from incorrect sources. More experienced people are, thus, welcome to chime in with any corrections.

I've been studying Satan and his demons, their history, our own and the like for about a year by now, and it has helped me so much in making sense of the world and my previous occult and spiritual studies. A magical click moment.

But there is the problem of race, and specifically of jews, that I still have blockades upon blockades from understanding.

I never really cared about race, but cared about heritage, so I do know I am 94% white italian. So it's not like the view SS has isn't putting me in a good position.

But even though the evidence seems very plausible, I simply struggle to wrap my head around the fact that an entire race of "people" could be detrimental for us. About how a species of fake people live among us and wish to cause us harm. By all accounts of how I was raised, this seems ludacrous, but the more I see the more on the fence I am.

Besides actual evidence, can someone encourage me when it comes to this point of view from a psychological perspective as well?
You are absolutely a Gentile and an Italian, which is excellent heritage and you must have zero doubts about this topic. None of these were related by us to cause psychological impediments, as all Gentiles can advance and become Gods. The reason we went into this is to be honest, truthful and in accordance with the science of racial biology.

Jews in this particular case, when one studies them in-depth, are a people with a common cultural history, race and blood ties. Unlike any other group on earth, they long for world domination, subjugation of everyone else under a rule of violence, and use very dark magick to achieve these purposes. Further studying into the so called "Jewish Question" is necessary to understand this topic.

From a psychological perspective, races have came and went, and if a people is very evil, it's a natural consequence of creation that they will be penaltized. Recognition of the actual acts of a race against others, in this case the jews, does not represent idle hatred but just the stating and knowing of their aeons long cultural offenses against everyone else.

Other than the jews, nobody else has displayed this history, or at least races that are currently alive. Bandit tribes in India and in other places have done similar things, but have historically perished because of doing too many of these offenses. But they were not relevant, and therefore they are not mentioned as "racial" examples. What I say here is that this has more to do with evil and a course of action, where race serves as a means to recognition, and not idle 'racial hate'.

Keep studying and the rest will happen. All the best to you.
never really cared about race, but cared about heritage
Then you did not care about heritage enough, as race is one major part of it.
The love and care for ones own heritage/race does not mean hate for other heritages/races, and that's important to point out these days.

I have also had issues with antisemitism, not least since all of my own cousins are half jews.

Now I understand that it's not necessarily about hate (even if hate for Jews is understandable), but more about understanding the facts of who did what and when.

As a whole they are a people responsible for highly organized crime like the mafia but also the organized fake religions of the world, communism, the inquisition etc.
Would not had meditated a second without JoS, or really known what yoga is, since (((they))) hide it from the population and want you to be a slave for Jewsus and other crap instead. The movie "They Live" is very telling.

They also push porn, decandence in general and drug use etc. etc.
But one has to do a ton of research outside Jew-owned media and schoolbooks to actually see this, and become "Jew-wise".

So it's about knowledge first and foremost;
Knowledge about heritage (race being a part of it), knowledge about the Jewish people and how they operate behind the scenes etc.
Behind the scenes they keep their own race pure and intact while pushing race-mixing to all other people.
They push Christianity in secret while mocking it outwardly. They also study their ass of while pushing couch-potato-netflix n chill to all others.

They have in general high IQ and EQ and are thus very good at manipulating, often coming of as "charming" and "good" etc.
"Christianity", "Islam" , Feminism to name a few movements - claims to be good and are manipulative just like Jews themselves.

Unfortunately this is the world we live in and have to deal with.
It's best dealt with meditation, asanas, RTR's and other rituals to weaken the power of our common enemy.

Being openly antisemitic in public and shouting insults to Jews would be highly contraproductive.
They would only get sympathy, these "poor Jews" who had to endure the world famous "Holocaust" etc.

If you study JoS you will understand that the Real Holocaust is actually about Jews slaughtering and torturing gentiles in communistic countries and also after WW2, in the Inquisition etc. The "Holocaust"-LIE is the Jews way of blaming others for their own killing of innocents, which is even being done to this day in Palestine and Ukraine.
Then you did not care about heritage enough, as race is one major part of it.
The love and care for ones own heritage/race does not mean hate for other heritages/races, and that's important to point out these days.

I have also had issues with antisemitism, not least since all of my own cousins are half jews.

Now I understand that it's not necessarily about hate (even if hate for Jews is understandable), but more about understanding the facts of who did what and when.

As a whole they are a people responsible for highly organized crime like the mafia but also the organized fake religions of the world, communism, the inquisition etc.
Would not had meditated a second without JoS, or really known what yoga is, since (((they))) hide it from the population and want you to be a slave for Jewsus and other crap instead. The movie "They Live" is very telling.

They also push porn, decandence in general and drug use etc. etc.
But one has to do a ton of research outside Jew-owned media and schoolbooks to actually see this, and become "Jew-wise".

So it's about knowledge first and foremost;
Knowledge about heritage (race being a part of it), knowledge about the Jewish people and how they operate behind the scenes etc.
Behind the scenes they keep their own race pure and intact while pushing race-mixing to all other people.
They push Christianity in secret while mocking it outwardly. They also study their ass of while pushing couch-potato-netflix n chill to all others.

They have in general high IQ and EQ and are thus very good at manipulating, often coming of as "charming" and "good" etc.
"Christianity", "Islam" , Feminism to name a few movements - claims to be good and are manipulative just like Jews themselves.

Unfortunately this is the world we live in and have to deal with.
It's best dealt with meditation, asanas, RTR's and other rituals to weaken the power of our common enemy.

Being openly antisemitic in public and shouting insults to Jews would be highly contraproductive.
They would only get sympathy, these "poor Jews" who had to endure the world famous "Holocaust" etc.

If you study JoS you will understand that the Real Holocaust is actually about Jews slaughtering and torturing gentiles in communistic countries and also after WW2, in the Inquisition etc. The "Holocaust"-LIE is the Jews way of blaming others for their own killing of innocents, which is even being done to this day in Palestine and Ukraine.
Loved this answer, such a great read.

So I guess this narrows down my issue to one question:
What's a random jew to do?
I don't personally know any, but as a social activist, it's something I'd care about having addressed.
Not every jew is in on it, right? Some would just be the unfortunate genetic successors of those culprits? Or unrelated to the conspiracy?
What are those jews to do? Grieve their bastardized existence and slowly die without purpose?
For a peoples that not 2 years ago I saw as equal and as human as us, that's such a sorrow fate to accept.

So much of Satanism was full of happy realizations, and this is the only "satanic lesson" that brought me some sadness.
You are absolutely a Gentile and an Italian,

Keep studying and the rest will happen. All the best to you.
Good day!
1. Did the "absolutely" part have any deeper meaning? Can you tell in some way? I know my predecessors pretty well, so it's not "news" per se, but acknowledgement from someone as advanced as you feels nice.
2. I will!
I'm just going to drop my question in this reply, since you touched on this same thing:
Are there jews who aren't in on the ruse? Jews who have no hand in the conspiracy and are thus innocent in all but genetics? What's one to do with those, and what's one of those to do?
If they truly are doomed spiritually and their death is truly beneficial, that is such a sad reality and such a sad purpose for a species.
Not every jew is in on it, right?
Considering how many jews are "in on it" in terms of crime, corrupted spirituality, porn etc. (mostly from behind the scenes),
it's logical to assume there is some genetical factor to this common behaviour among them. JoS adresses this just as the NSDAP did.
Considering how many jews are "in on it" in terms of crime, corrupted spirituality, porn etc. (mostly from behind the scenes),
it's logical to assume there is some genetical factor to this common behaviour among them. JoS adresses this just as the NSDAP did.
And there's really no escape from a pointless existence for them, huh?
"You can't save everyone" is such a hard pill to swallow on this path. So much to unlearn.
Loved this answer, such a great read.

So I guess this narrows down my issue to one question:
What's a random jew to do?
I don't personally know any, but as a social activist, it's something I'd care about having addressed.
Not every jew is in on it, right? Some would just be the unfortunate genetic successors of those culprits? Or unrelated to the conspiracy?
What are those jews to do? Grieve their bastardized existence and slowly die without purpose?
For a peoples that not 2 years ago I saw as equal and as human as us, that's such a sorrow fate to accept.

So much of Satanism was full of happy realizations, and this is the only "satanic lesson" that brought me some sadness.

Each of them is benefited and influenced by their own spells regardless of their own "will."

What do they have to do?

If they want to advance spiritually, they have their own system, in fact the only traditional system of Western mysteries that is still alive and has taken out all its competitors, while we Europeans are forced to rebuild something from the rubble by also being considered New Age.

If they want to help us they can expose their own people by taking an example from Israel Shahak* or David Cole**.

https://library.lol/main/946701FF701AE228A4BA1855F2E6B550 *
https://holocausthandbooks.com/video/david-cole-in-auschwitz/ **
And there's really no escape from a pointless existence for them, huh?
"You can't save everyone" is such a hard pill to swallow on this path. So much to unlearn.
Most of them don't find it pointless though, even if they basically have the biological point of being parasites and killers, mostly without realizing it.
George Soros probably think he is a good philanthropist just as much as the sheep people in general. Jerry Springer probably thought he helped people with his sick TV show.
They often don't know why they do certain things like infiltrations etc. it's just in their nature.

Being into decadence, pushing it, perverting religion, inciting race-hate etc. is not done with the intent of damage, but rather in their mind with the intent of:
"teaching spirituality (with "Jesus")", "defending womens rights (feminism)", "defending blacks" (BLM), pushing countries and couples to be multi-ethnic because of it leading to "less racism and more acceptance" etc.

It's always some supposedly noble or "holy" thing behind it all.
Most of them don't find it pointless though, even if they basically have the biological point of being parasites and killers, mostly without realizing it.
George Soros probably think he is a good philanthropist just as much as the sheep people in general. Jerry Springer probably thought he helped people with his sick TV show.
They often don't know why they do certain things like infiltrations etc. it's just in their nature.

Being into decadence, pushing it, perverting religion, inciting race-hate etc. is not done with the intent of damage, but rather in their mind with the intent of:
"teaching spirituality (with "Jesus")", "defending womens rights (feminism)", "defending blacks" (BLM), pushing countries and couples to be multi-ethnic because of it leading to "less racism and more acceptance" etc.

It's always some supposedly noble or "holy" thing behind it all.
I don't know if true Spiritual Satanists have this aura to them or something, but you've worded it in the exact way that would explain it to me.
It's not that they are creatures without purpose, they simply don't see "purpose" similarly to us. Fair.

I'm still on the fence about a lot of things regarding the jews, but I feel like I can just set it aside to a degree and trust that Satan knows what's right.
Each of them is benefited and influenced by their own spells regardless of their own "will."

What do they have to do?

If they want to advance spiritually, they have their own system, in fact the only traditional system of Western mysteries that is still alive and has taken out all its competitors, while we Europeans are forced to rebuild something from the rubble by also being considered New Age.

If they want to help us they can expose their own people by taking an example from Israel Shahak* or David Cole**.

https://library.lol/main/946701FF701AE228A4BA1855F2E6B550 *
https://holocausthandbooks.com/video/david-cole-in-auschwitz/ **
Such a beautiful way to put it. Hey, if there's jews out there actually doing something good for spiritual Satanism, it might point to how powerful the Gods truly are.
Loved this answer, such a great read.

So I guess this narrows down my issue to one question:
What's a random jew to do?
I don't personally know any, but as a social activist, it's something I'd care about having addressed.
Not every jew is in on it, right? Some would just be the unfortunate genetic successors of those culprits? Or unrelated to the conspiracy?
What are those jews to do? Grieve their bastardized existence and slowly die without purpose?
For a peoples that not 2 years ago I saw as equal and as human as us, that's such a sorrow fate to accept.

So much of Satanism was full of happy realizations, and this is the only "satanic lesson" that brought me some sadness.

It is not sad when you realize that the only reason such qualities exist on a racial level is the fact that they have been doing it for thousands of years as a group of people. It is not like your uncle who was drunk driving one time and now you are culpable, but entire lineages of major crimes, like blood sacrifices.

They should make amends and pay for their crimes. That is their purpose.
And in any case you don't end up a delinquent's child by accident, and if you become a delinquent's child you are more likely to commit crimes and probably have already committed delinquent acts in previous reincarnations, even low caste Indians don't end up there by accident, nothing happens by accident
Such a beautiful way to put it. Hey, if there's jews out there actually doing something good for spiritual Satanism, it might point to how powerful the Gods truly are.
I meant that they can do something for the Gentiles in general, helping revisionism and bringing more awareness of their abominations among the Gentiles, perhaps in the academical field.

What they need to do to help Spiritual Satanism is to stay as far away it as possible, Paganism has nothing to do with their roots, honestly it disgusts me to think one of them pretending to be a Pagan.
I have also had issues with antisemitism, not least since all of my own cousins are half jews.
If I had jewish relatives I would disown them and "turn them all in to the Gestapo", I have no use for beings who are told by their jewish religion to kill me. How can you say hello to a Jew knowing that their religion tells them to destroy you? It's like someone raped your child and came to your house, and you say hello to him after all that. I don't understand such things! Although, if there is no other way, one can be cunning in dealing with the Jews, but I always let the Jews know, legally, that I know their wicked deeds and I stand higher than this jewish filth, even though I am in a difficult position.
Loved this answer, such a great read.

So I guess this narrows down my issue to one question:
What's a random jew to do?
I don't personally know any, but as a social activist, it's something I'd care about having addressed.
Not every jew is in on it, right? Some would just be the unfortunate genetic successors of those culprits? Or unrelated to the conspiracy?
What are those jews to do? Grieve their bastardized existence and slowly die without purpose?
For a peoples that not 2 years ago I saw as equal and as human as us, that's such a sorrow fate to accept.

So much of Satanism was full of happy realizations, and this is the only "satanic lesson" that brought me some sadness.
The jews have killed your Life. The jewish race has destroyed your Life. The proof is history and here are the jewish deeds we all see. No tolerance, no good treatment of the jews! I don't want them around at all, I don't want the memory of the jews either. But I will always remember the evil that the jews have done to the world. The stupid goyim are also to blame, but that is another matter, we will deal with the stupid goyim ourselves. And the Jews must go!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
