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Geto-Dacian Paganism, connections to Satanism


Jun 26, 2024
A lot of people have found great joy (me included) in finding out that our Gods, like Lord Satan, Lord Baalzebul, Lady Astarte, and many others, have been right under our noses, in many pantheons of ancient Pagan cultures.

Especially when you see them in mythos that fascinated you when you were younger, or ones that have to do with your heritage.

To my girlfriend (who's Greek of nationality) it truly hit different when I explained to her the connections between Lord Baalzevulon and Zeus. It definitely got her to hear me out and she's now reading some greek mythology books and wearing a Baalzebul sigil necklace I gifted her.

So I wanted to look into the Dacian Pantheon and its symbolism as well. Because it's kind of an underrated culture, and I'm 25% Romanian by blood.
Let this post be a thread that gets continued, with more people putting in their two cents about this beautiful culture and how it connects to the Ancient Truth that is Satanism. I'm not dropping a ton of info here because I'd love people to go out today and study this on their own.

First, here are two symbols found at the entrances of a temple in Dacia. These rang to me as highly Satanic, but I'd like people to drop opinions about their meaning as well. The second one is known to be a symbol for the Sun.

Now, I'd also like to start the thread by pointing out some of the main Gods of the Geto-Dacians.

The Father God of the Geto-Dacians before their unification was named Gebel eidzis. He was considered a God of Thunder, Storm, Harvest and Father God of the Dacians, before the unification.
You can see the "bel" in Gebel, and the associations, and know this is the same Father God of the Greeks, Baalzebut. Or so I think.

 Zalmoxes becomes the new main God of the Dacians after their unification. Some historians claim there was monotheism of Zalmoxes, and that is actually the mainstream opinion, but any deeper study can tell you this is not true. Zalmoxes is considered a chief warrior God, a God of the Sun, of Enlightenment and Growth. He is the patron of generational changes, and, like the Sun, oversees how the world riches pass from hand to hand. Many of this sounds to me similar to how Lord Satan talks in the Al Jilwah, but I won't go as far as to make a claim for a name of Satan. I'll leave that to more studied people.

 Bendis is the Divine Feminine, Goddess of love, Goddess of the Forest, and Moon Goddess.

 Kotys is the All Mother.

 Sabazios is the Sky God, a Winged Horseman watching over his beloved people.

There are a few other Gods in the Pantheon, but these were considered in very high regard, most Dacians had a temple for them close by and most Dacians had heard of them. Some of the other Gods are more niche and apply moreso as specific to a region and its influences.

Dacian folklore and Dacian Paganism are full of life and diversity, and are a fairly unique Pagan culture to study. Definitely urge people to look into it and drop some nice mythology, symbolism, allegories or images they find.
Further evidence that Zalmoxes was simply Lord Satan:
The greatest symbol of the Dacians - The Draco.


Decebalus wielding the Draco

The draco shows a religious syncretism between the wolf and the dragon as well as the serpent.

This was also brought along during wars for protection.

The body of the standard, depicting a dragon-like balaur or a large snake, was seen by the Dacians as a manifestation of the sky demon or "heavenly dragon". This relates to their supreme god Zalmoxes who was possibly a Sky God.

In truth, this symbol was seen as a combination of the serpent of Zalmoxes/Satan, and the wolf, a sacred animal of the Dacian people.

The wolf is symbolic of the Ancient Dacian man. The wolf values community, power and determination. It is said that a High Priest of Zalmoxes was appointed by Him to become a Werewolf, and watch over the land by bringing his pack of wolves to defend it.
This is clearly an allegory for the Dacian army, and it points to how the Pagan clergy of the time was highly involved in the defense of the people.

The religious association of the dragon with the wolf or the lion is first found around the year 1120 BC, on a stela of Nebuchadnezzar I, where an exact representation of the symbol of the Dacian dragon is found in the fourth quarter.
Connections to the Middle East? How quaint...

If you haven't understood to this day that all Pagan religions are Satanic, you don't have eyes, haha

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
