I'm curious to know what other SSs thinks of the recent formed governments in Europe. So far we have:
- An openly Jewish Communislamic government from the Labour Party in Britain that managed to remove any nationalist element left in the Government
- Another Communislamic dictatorship in France that stole the election from the "far-right" of Marine Le Pen
- A supposedly "anti-islamist" Zionist government in Germany
- Geert Wilders in Netherlands who is still not allowed to rule by the judeoislamophiles
- Italy has Giorgia Meloni, who made false promises of "halting immigration" and is openly for the support of the War in Ukraine
- Sweden is in a similar situation, with its new right-wing government that failed to protect a Quran arsonist and cater to mudslims and Erdogan
- Poland has recently made the mistake of electing a "centrist" government that will flood the country with pisslamic terrorists
- The rest of them are the same ZOGs as before
Is there still any other non-violent method of taking back our countries? Or will we have to wait for a "specific moment" to act?
- An openly Jewish Communislamic government from the Labour Party in Britain that managed to remove any nationalist element left in the Government
- Another Communislamic dictatorship in France that stole the election from the "far-right" of Marine Le Pen
- A supposedly "anti-islamist" Zionist government in Germany
- Geert Wilders in Netherlands who is still not allowed to rule by the judeoislamophiles
- Italy has Giorgia Meloni, who made false promises of "halting immigration" and is openly for the support of the War in Ukraine
- Sweden is in a similar situation, with its new right-wing government that failed to protect a Quran arsonist and cater to mudslims and Erdogan
- Poland has recently made the mistake of electing a "centrist" government that will flood the country with pisslamic terrorists
- The rest of them are the same ZOGs as before
Is there still any other non-violent method of taking back our countries? Or will we have to wait for a "specific moment" to act?