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The Situation With European Politics


Active member
Mar 10, 2019
I'm curious to know what other SSs thinks of the recent formed governments in Europe. So far we have:

- An openly Jewish Communislamic government from the Labour Party in Britain that managed to remove any nationalist element left in the Government
- Another Communislamic dictatorship in France that stole the election from the "far-right" of Marine Le Pen
- A supposedly "anti-islamist" Zionist government in Germany
- Geert Wilders in Netherlands who is still not allowed to rule by the judeoislamophiles
- Italy has Giorgia Meloni, who made false promises of "halting immigration" and is openly for the support of the War in Ukraine
- Sweden is in a similar situation, with its new right-wing government that failed to protect a Quran arsonist and cater to mudslims and Erdogan
- Poland has recently made the mistake of electing a "centrist" government that will flood the country with pisslamic terrorists
- The rest of them are the same ZOGs as before

Is there still any other non-violent method of taking back our countries? Or will we have to wait for a "specific moment" to act?
As for Hungary, the Mi Hazánk Mozgalom is the best party and they will also extend to whole Europe and make alliances.
They are basically the 21th century NSDAP, I cannot find any difference and I'm not exaggerating.
There are other powers to consider, but this will cause a civil war, from what I see I don't think there is a way to end this without fighting, as Sun Tzu says.

If everyone will not listen to the governments, create communal places as local banks, schools ecc... This might be the opposite of progress, and the enemy can more easily destroy us with wars, as we become city-states again.

Then if everyone is opposing to the government, they will send police, army ecc...

a priority anyway, is that of wipe out christianity and the like out of existence, so we can correct the errors of society.

But will civil war be inevitable? The governments feel all-powerfull after pandemics, and they don't give a shit.
Probably the european goverments are influenced by some forces as jews, jesuits, freemasons, etc...
I'm curious to know what other SSs thinks of the recent formed governments in Europe. So far we have:

- An openly Jewish Communislamic government from the Labour Party in Britain that managed to remove any nationalist element left in the Government
- Another Communislamic dictatorship in France that stole the election from the "far-right" of Marine Le Pen
- A supposedly "anti-islamist" Zionist government in Germany
- Geert Wilders in Netherlands who is still not allowed to rule by the judeoislamophiles
- Italy has Giorgia Meloni, who made false promises of "halting immigration" and is openly for the support of the War in Ukraine
- Sweden is in a similar situation, with its new right-wing government that failed to protect a Quran arsonist and cater to mudslims and Erdogan
- Poland has recently made the mistake of electing a "centrist" government that will flood the country with pisslamic terrorists
- The rest of them are the same ZOGs as before

Is there still any other non-violent method of taking back our countries? Or will we have to wait for a "specific moment" to act?
Politics is a clown show. 9.9% of politicians are in on a conspiracy to make sure that people don't have much of a choice in designing the path of their country to create chaos. 90% of politicians are opportunistic avars that are just here to take advantage of the chaos, and 0.1% of politicians end up assassinated.
It is what it is. But this won't affect us, Spiritual Satanists. You will find a way to get by and enjoy your life despite politics being wild as long as you yourself are advanced and dedicated enough. Lord Satan is stronger than any stupid political system.
And as far as whether they're "winning" because of all these events, I don't believe so. Nowadays, when we turn to the Gods, we hear many positive things. We hear some challenge, but we also hear that we're actively winning. You, individually, you reading this, have to be strong. That's all you should worry about, spiritually.
...that being said, yeah. Vote better. I absolutely detest what happened in Italy. The fact that the people of Italy are impoverished enough to believe a blabbering idiot and liar like this is just... sad. But I'm not letting it affect me or get me overthinking. Neither should you. Eyes on the prize!
Probably the european goverments are influenced by some forces as jews, jesuits, freemasons, etc...
They are.

Most European normies are unaware that they're in a theocratic oligarchy and not one of the secular kind; this makes them assume that Judaism/Christianity/Islam has nothing to do with government policies when secretly, the former has a high influence over the latter. That, and preventing them from realizing that Christianity/Islam are Jewish.
As for Hungary, the Mi Hazánk Mozgalom is the best party and they will also extend to whole Europe and make alliances.
They are basically the 21th century NSDAP, I cannot find any difference and I'm not exaggerating.
I really hope it is how you are saying... I've always thought the first nation to expel the jews would be one of the eastern european nations, Hungary would be one of them.
I am not too expert on here, but I see a general trend that is interesting that is the progressive weakening of the EU government.
It seems countries are struggling to go towards a righ-winged/nationalist government but much resistance from the enemy lead to leftism pushed again and again; in this "war" I see people are starting to be more nationalist ans supporting their countries more that before, and getting fed up with invaders.

But most important I see the EU government is much weaker now. This is important as the EU is a jewish project to cancel local identities and delete borders so a giant cancellation of Europeans may occur. It is lead by a jewess in a very weak position, and there are even inside the EU parliament some jewish criminals who have been incarcerated before, yelling for "mass immigration" and "free houses for everyone". The enemy is revealing their true face - people will slowly understand.

I think the mass energies put into nationalism are manifesting to weaken EU. Later on maybe local leaders will be better ones.
This seems to be the large scale effect or our RTRs ans Rituals.
I really hope it is how you are saying... I've always thought the first nation to expel the jews would be one of the eastern european nations, Hungary would be one of them.

Well the mi hazánk is a pretty good party but I may have had exaggerated a bit, it's not as good as the NSDAP. In Poland there is a openly anti-jew politican, Grzegorz Braun. He said that jews' time in history must came to an end.

The reality is that there will only be godly beings that could rule the world correctly. If the leaders of the Mi Hazánk, or Grzegorz Braun have not been sent by the Gods, and they are not prophets, they will never be able to do 10th or 100th of what Hitler did.
Or they are all fakes and in that case you only have to kiss jewish feets to be able to rule the world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
