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Jan 9, 2024
What are some of y'all's interactions,with Satan and the gods?
It varies per individual. Contact comes in several forms. I don't have any from Satan himself that I'm aware of. I'm not certain what he'd want with simple ole me. However I can tell of a few. My guardian demon, whose name I don't know yet, likes to contact me through sensations like that of the physical feelings you get from emotions. And occasionally a touch on one of either of my shoulders for specific situations. Until I develop more I'll have to go with those and do good to interpret them best I can.

Marchosias, or perhaps someone who appeared on her behalf was the complete opposite of subtle. My first experience with her was her shadow darting around the room and the kitchen and giggling. It was so vivid I could even hear her hair rustle when she turned directions. The best part is I didn't even feel close to afraid. I felt excited like I was meeting a new friend. I'll cherish that memory even into the next life. At another time, I won't go into specifics on it, but she or someone under her turned the light that shone off of my candles blue. Whereas normally, an orange flame, emites orange light. Some tears of relief were shed that night.
Hey. First of all, obviously welcome, since you seem to be new here.
You're kinda chaotic when making your posts (Hi is not a good subject, you should say what the post is about, and Gods with a capital G).

My experience with them so far has been inspiring, and overwhelmingly positive.
If you work on your astral senses and have purpose to your interacting (you're not just there to chat), you will have more and more amazing experiences over time.

It's nice to be very curious. But you can get a lot more for that curiosity if you just dilligently read the Forums and sites, instead of posting just to ask people fun facts.

Enjoy your stay here!
Hail Satan!
Hey. First of all, obviously welcome, since you seem to be new here.
You're kinda chaotic when making your posts (Hi is not a good subject, you should say what the post is about, and Gods with a capital G).

My experience with them so far has been inspiring, and overwhelmingly positive.
If you work on your astral senses and have purpose to your interacting (you're not just there to chat), you will have more and more amazing experiences over time.

It's nice to be very curious. But you can get a lot more for that curiosity if you just dilligently read the Forums and sites, instead of posting just to ask people fun facts.

Enjoy your stay here!
Hail Satan!
I just wanted to hear some others interactions, because I like hearing from other peeps :3
It varies per individual. Contact comes in several forms. I don't have any from Satan himself that I'm aware of. I'm not certain what he'd want with simple ole me. However I can tell of a few. My guardian demon, whose name I don't know yet, likes to contact me through sensations like that of the physical feelings you get from emotions. And occasionally a touch on one of either of my shoulders for specific situations. Until I develop more I'll have to go with those and do good to interpret them best I can.

Marchosias, or perhaps someone who appeared on her behalf was the complete opposite of subtle. My first experience with her was her shadow darting around the room and the kitchen and giggling. It was so vivid I could even hear her hair rustle when she turned directions. The best part is I didn't even feel close to afraid. I felt excited like I was meeting a new friend. I'll cherish that memory even into the next life. At another time, I won't go into specifics on it, but she or someone under her turned the light that shone off of my candles blue. Whereas normally, an orange flame, emites orange light. Some tears of relief were shed that night.
Woah that's awesome :D.
What are some of y'all's interactions,with Satan and the gods?
Some fantasic stuff. Personally : I have had Lucifer appear to me ( level 1) shortly after my dedication. Also I heard Satan speak to me ( again level one ) I also recently had a dream where I saw my Guadiana sigil on my hand this is closer to level two. I’ll reply with another post from the clergy about the levels so it makes more sense. I may have others but I air on the side of caution as our mind plays tricks on us a lot.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
