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Question #5085: A very important question. I would like a response from Sister Lydia or HP Cobra


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
There are many magicians who provide magical services, whether on the Internet or in their homes, in exchange for money. There are some of them who are enemies and I know that I should not deal with them, and there are some of them who are pagans. Suppose that my circumstances do not allow me to perform some spells, and I request this service in exchange for money. Is this This is normal. I would also like to ask whether this service will be provided on our website.
Hail satan
No one will do your work for you. This could also be done for certain things, but in the end it would be useless because that way you will never understand what it means to improve and evolve by yourself. As in the natural world, animals make adaptations and improve themselves, but they do it for themselves because no one besides them can pursue this.

I don't want to speak for the High Priests, but I think the real help you need here is in understanding that you cannot expect from others the work that you should do yourself.

We are all equipped with the tools to channel the chaos outside and within us to direct it into order, that is, to learn how to govern our reality and thus "work magic."

Plenty of other tools have emerged over time to help people in these forums. For example, if you need more free time, give this post by JG Blitzkreig a read.

If your problem is something else, using the search function in this forum (where there is a magnifying glass in the upper right corner) you can search for information you need. Or you can ask for more specific help in the forum.

The important thing is that real advancement and improvement, start with yourself.
There are many magicians who provide magical services, whether on the Internet or in their homes, in exchange for money. There are some of them who are enemies and I know that I should not deal with them, and there are some of them who are pagans. Suppose that my circumstances do not allow me to perform some spells, and I request this service in exchange for money. Is this This is normal. I would also like to ask whether this service will be provided on our website.
Hail satan
The services some guy on the internet can provide for you pale in comparison in both power and safety to the amount of shit you will be able to do for yourself within 3 months of learning and practicing. I promise you.

It is very difficult to see whether the magical practitioner posting their services is legit or not, and even if they are, you then have to think about whether they have your best interest in mind. And they're selling you something, so most of the time, no, they obviously don't. I've known magicians whose workings do work, but who have made these workings temporary on purpose to drive return clients.

The risks on top of risks add up, and even in a perfect situation, what can the magician do that you can't do yourself?

If you want to pay for anything to get magical results, pay for magical knowledge. And even then, the same above mentioned risks apply.

You know what? Stop paying for shit. If you want to use money to get things in life, do what everyone already does and buy things with your money.

Magic is best done from inward.
Every answer you need to know is in the JOS site. I encourage you to read hard and deeper, if you seek the truth. May the demons guide you to enlightenment.

The power of those neopagan magicians that you mention is much lower than that of an average SS, because they do not empower their soul and have no adequate knowledge.
Many of them are only charlatans and scammers.
Suppose that my circumstances do not allow me to perform some spells, and I request this service in exchange for money.
Nobody can cast a spell for you, this is a basic law of magick. Beware of anyone who asks money for spells or rituals, no matter their religion or beliefs they are scammers. Even if they claim to be Satanists.

I've done healing workings for fellow Spiritual Satanists who were in need but I never charged any money and my workings weren't a replacement for their own workings, but as an addition to theirs because I wanted to help them.

And no circumstances can stop you from casting a spell, because you don't need props or tools to cast a spell. Only your mind. If you can think and remember, you can also cast a spell.
Some members here are confusing morals with truth. Yes, we should do our own magick. But saying it's not possible for others to perform spells for you is not a truth.

The truth is, people can do magick in exchange for money. This has been done for centuries, possibly longer. Whether or not this is ethical is a separate matter, but you cannot say it isn't possible to do this just because you do not agree with it.

You probably shouldn't pay random people online to do magick for you, because there is a big chance they are scammers, or the magick will not be fully to your benefit. And most importantly, all SS should develop the power to do your own magick. But this does not negate the fact that yes, it is possible for one person can do a spell for another in exchange for money.

Just because something might not be morally correct, does not mean it is not possible.

Something to contemplate: often, those who are the biggest moralists are those who inadvertently spread the biggest lies....

On a final note, I am not a christian nun. I'm alright with people I work on JoS projects with calling me "sister", but otherwise, it's just too nun-y especially when written alongside HP HoodedCobra's accurate Satanic title. Why even bother using extra letters to call me by a nun title.
There are many magicians who provide magical services, whether on the Internet or in their homes, in exchange for money. There are some of them who are enemies and I know that I should not deal with them, and there are some of them who are pagans. Suppose that my circumstances do not allow me to perform some spells, and I request this service in exchange for money. Is this This is normal. I would also like to ask whether this service will be provided on our website.
Hail satan

I agree that others from outside are enemies or scammers so don't throw your money away. There are always possibilities to overcome a situation, like subcounscious programing, meditations from JOS, yoga, learning, or help from the the Demons, GD or Satan, You can always ask them ;) You can talk to your GD and Satan they always listen even if you don't hear them. https://satanisgod.org/HELP.html
Some members here are confusing morals with truth. Yes, we should do our own magick. But saying it's not possible for others to perform spells for you is not a truth.

As one of those "members" who said that, I stand by what I said 100%, and yes, saying that it's not possible to perform spells for a stranger is true and I'll explain why.

Obviously I don't mean one can't go through the mechanical procedure of vibrating mantras and sprinkling oils and incense and other things. They can do that, but what is missing is a vital component: emotion and investment in the other person.

When you are casting a white magick spell for yourself or a person with whom you have an emotional connection, you are able to feel the positive emotion for yourself or for your loved one easily, as you know both yourself and the other person thoroughly and you do genuinely want them to become better.

But if you are performing a spell for a stranger, not only you are not aware of their personal life, but it's very hard to make a genuine connection with them and feel as if they truly deserve all the positive things of that spell you're casting for them. And that feeling is the most important component of a spell and is vital to its success.

Likewise, when casting a black magick spell against a personal enemy or someone who has harmed a loved one, you are able to truly feel the anger and hate and release it. While someone who casts a black magick spell for a stranger, it's very hard to raise all those negative emotions because they were not harmed personally by that individual. So it's very hard for that spell to work.

So, all casting spells for a stranger are essentially scams because they are missing the emotional connection so it's very hard to make them succeed.
but what is missing is a vital component: emotion and investment in the other person.
Your entire premise is based on this, which is not true. You don't need investment in the other person. Emotions are also not needed. There are people who can do magick without using emotions.

Edit, to add: An adept can generate their own emotions to use for magick for others.

Magick has been successfully done by people for other people. Your opinion, which is entirely based on a false premise, is not a fact.

Theories never replace real experience.
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Your entire premise is based on this, which is not true. You don't need investment in the other person. Emotions are also not needed. There are people who can do magick without using emotions.

Edit, to add: An adept can generate their own emotions to use for magick for others.

Magick has been successfully done by people for other people. Your opinion, which is entirely based on a false premise, is not a fact.

Theories never replace real experience.
dear hps lydia i must to ask something. are we forbidden completly to curse other members of our comminity even with the slightest curse ? i ask just for general knowledge i never wanted to do that.
dear hps lydia i must to ask something. are we forbidden completly to curse other members of our comminity even with the slightest curse ? i ask just for general knowledge i never wanted to do ththat.
If someone in the community harmed you, fix it in the real world. Don't use an act of spiritual warfare for that.
You can also ask for help from your GD or other Gods you may be working with in order to see the best course of action, or to help the person who wronged you realize their mistakes.
No cursing, though. It's a pretty easy rule to follow.
If someone in the community harmed you, fix it in the real world. Don't use an act of spiritual warfare for that.
You can also ask for help from your GD or other Gods you may be working with in order to see the best course of action, or to help the person who wronged you realize their mistakes.
No cursing, though. It's a pretty easy rule to follow.
no one harmed me here i can assure you that. u just asking for the general knowledge as i already stated
Some members here are confusing morals with truth. Yes, we should do our own magick. But saying it's not possible for others to perform spells for you is not a truth.

The truth is, people can do magick in exchange for money. This has been done for centuries, possibly longer. Whether or not this is ethical is a separate matter, but you cannot say it isn't possible to do this just because you do not agree with it.

You probably shouldn't pay random people online to do magick for you, because there is a big chance they are scammers, or the magick will not be fully to your benefit. And most importantly, all SS should develop the power to do your own magick. But this does not negate the fact that yes, it is possible for one person can do a spell for another in exchange for money.

Just because something might not be morally correct, does not mean it is not possible.

Something to contemplate: often, those who are the biggest moralists are those who inadvertently spread the biggest lies....

On a final note, I am not a christian nun. I'm alright with people I work on JoS projects with calling me "sister", but otherwise, it's just too nun-y especially when written alongside HP HoodedCobra's accurate Satanic title. Why even bother using extra letters to call me by a nun title.
Thanks for all the answers. I know everything about our site and the use of magic, but I do not have the conditions or the ability to apply it. I work passionately to be in my own place so that I can apply magical works. I have been reading the site for 8 years and I am happy even in I re-read it, but I do not have the ability or circumstances to apply it, but this question came to my mind about the possibilities of someone else casting a spell instead of me, but I understood your answers.

I understand what you mean by calling you sister, I will fix that

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
