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Why Doing RTR's is a Life and Death Matter: Astrology For Year 2020-2021

Theserpentrises1666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.

Of course it is. Vibration is vibration, be it out loud or silently. It is less effective, but works. Use visualization to enhance the potency.

I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.

Maybe this? https://www.satanslibrary.org/paintable.html
Theserpentrises1666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.

Of course it is. Vibration is vibration, be it out loud or silently. It is less effective, but works. Use visualization to enhance the potency.

I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.

Go to www.evilgoy.com that is the timer for rtrs. I am totally assuming you cant time it like that most the time but that is totally ok it still has plenty of effect. You can click on the tools at the bottom at any time then just close the page when your done.
Theserpentrises1666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.

Of course it is. Vibration is vibration, be it out loud or silently. It is less effective, but works. Use visualization to enhance the potency.

I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.
Use this app for doing RTRs https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=41482
Theserpentrises1666 said:
I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.
You can download it here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1pyo2dfd5s4b5x/Screenshot_20180722-160359.png?dl=1
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The world was never the same after 1999-2001

I find this funny now re-reading this sermon I read months ago and I'm sure I'm not the only one that had to re-read it as it was bumped up and some replied.

Back in either 1999 or the year 2000, closer to 2000 than 1999.

I noticed something really weird at my grandparents house. I noticed I was outside playing in their driveway. And I stopped, paused for a moment, and said "It's not the same as before". The feeling that I still have from that moment is "being a kid is not the same as it used to be".

I noticed after that date right around the last year of my elementary class, start of middle school(6th-8th grade). I never did the same thing as a kid anymore. For example I clearly recall not staying at my grandparents house over the weekend or whatnot. Funny enough as I, as a kid, around this time is when I kinda stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons. I noticed EVERY or JUST ABOUT every Saturday I watched. I began to notice I would have more trouble waking up early not waking up on time.

I'm just wondering is the effects of 99-to-(9/11) was it simply a magickal ritual to create this event or does it effect all facets of life. I also noticed Titanic was a huge thing at this time of '99, not just on big screens but in video tape rental and early DVD as DVD started popping up around this time more en mass perhaps not as massive as the last few years but certainly had a punch. And funny enough reading HP.s sermons on Titanic(Olympic switched).

I have the strangest feeling, looking back now especially knowing how magick affects everything that it affected everyone. Almost like everyone was puppeteer-ed into one of the greatest tragedies of modern America. And funny enough the World was never the same seems like EVERYONE is an actor playing their role to communize the World further into mass oblivion.

So are these things I felt before the events possible effects in the air trying to create this stuff? I can't say I was spiritual or anything as a kid, just sensitive. I was and to a degree just the quiet sensitive person I am.
Gigipah666 said:
Shael said:
Gigipah666 said:
I did my 3rd RTR of the day, the enemy would always use every means necessary to make it difficult for me from the very beginning, but towards the end I overcame it, then my voice cracked and became deeper. Has been that way ever since, then I did a 4th one. Nice to know RTR’s make me hit puberty as an adult again :lol:
Not directly related to your message, but just wanted to let you know you can also do the RTRs as a "bundle" in one together, so it's more convenient and possibly easier to fit into your day because of less breaks inbetween. You basically just do 2x, 3x, etc the normal amount in order to constitute multiple RTRs. So 9x each letter is one RTR, 18x each letter counts as two RTRs, 27x counts as three, and so on. 27x is my personal favorite and has reportedly felt quite "complete" and nice to do for other SS also.

The affirmation is still done only three times as normal, no need to go higher there. But use strong intent with it.

There used to be times where I’d miscount the vibrations of each line and they would sometimes get stronger results too. Thank you for the advice.

I remember being up till 3-5am Or pulling allnighters throughout this locked in period, even now its about to be morning in a couple of hours.
I generally start again , all over again.
It felt like shit to be at the 20th alphabet and messing up the sequence , and having to begin again. I would literally be crying during the RTR just to complete it.
Its much better now with 1-2 at once spread out throughout the day.
Also I saw the Sun after very long yesterday, Felt great. :) :p
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.
You can try my Paintable Final RTR:
Black-on-White Paintable Final RTR
White-on-Black Paintable Final RTR

Not sure how I would do this on a phone. It let’s me blot but after I’m done what do I do? I would usually save the image blotted out then delete it. I want to use this way cuz it looks cool and easy but I’ll use a different method until you get back to me.
Shael said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.
You can download it here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1pyo2dfd5s4b5x/Screenshot_20180722-160359.png?dl=1

Thanks this is what I needed! <3
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Aldrick said:
My 2 RTRs for the day are done. Onward to victory.

It is not enough to say I believe but rather I FIGHT!!- Hitler

I started this daily RTR warfare with just one a day, repeating just one word after HP Maxine's audio file. To get me started, to match the pronunciation.

Then I did it with 3 words as I experimented with the amount of breath I had. Then I did 9 as it is the required number.
Then 9 and another one immediately after with 3, as I felt the 9 weren't getting me enough vibrational power, being spoken too fast.

Yesterday I started something new, double repetition, 18 times each word and 3 for the affirmation with as much conviction and power I can use.

The same day I had news from a god I'd tried to get to know more, and the morning after He again taught me something I have been bitchin about for too long, ensuring I choose the correct next step in my spiritual evolution.

This is to prove to all those who don't think the RTRs work or feel lazy about doing them.

They NOT ONLY demolish Jew scum, BUT AT THE SAME TIME remote the obstacles in your Soul (in the possibly QUICKEST way I ever observed!) SO You can develop your powers and reach Godhood faster!!!!

Now if THAT is not enough to convince anyone to do more RTRs I don't think anything else will.

Be smart and fierce Warriors! Let's make Father proud.


While affirming it also helps to visulaise Earth and see grey/black energy disintegrating, and if you do it really slow, see whites, blacks , orientals beating up the enemy. And I generally put Satan's sigil after each affirmation or atleast at the end.

Visualise and be creative with it while affirming and disintegrating the alphabets.
Usthepeople666 said:
While affirming it also helps to visulaise Earth and see grey/black energy disintegrating, and if you do it really slow, see whites, blacks , orientals beating up the enemy. And I generally put Satan's sigil after each affirmation or atleast at the end.

Visualise and be creative with it while affirming and disintegrating the alphabets.

Good call. It's probably more difficult (for most perhaps) to do the RTR + visualize the letters being destroyed + visualize anything extra.. like grey energy disappearing from the Planet and such, but so far it's been one of the things that I felt the most, so I can only recommend it, especially for those that (like me) don't feel energy easily or at all.
Theserpentrises1666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.
You can try my Paintable Final RTR:
Black-on-White Paintable Final RTR
White-on-Black Paintable Final RTR

Not sure how I would do this on a phone. It let’s me blot but after I’m done what do I do? I would usually save the image blotted out then delete it. I want to use this way cuz it looks cool and easy but I’ll use a different method until you get back to me.
Simply close the webpage. You can open it in Private browsing mode and close the entire browser when you're done to ensure that it is immediately deleted from the cache. The data in RAM should be cleared too when the app closes.
Ors666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I'm very glad you wrote this Cobra. Lately I'd been thinking about how I fear too many members probably don't understand the sheer severity of importance the RTR holds. Not doing the most that they can because they are too lax, there is no blatant pressure, "we're saved" or "the gods are protecting us", "what's the worst that can happen", "we got this in the bag."

No we aren't and no we don't.

Real results come from real effort, the only reason things haven't gone down the shitter is because there is real warfare being done to keep the enemy pushed back. We are being pushed against by the enemy every second of every day. If we suddenly stopped everything we're doing now, the enemy would have their way in just a small number of months.

None of this is 'fixing itself', we are the prime physical and spiritual means of combating the enemy on this Earth. If the gods were able to stop all of this and prevent it from happening completely don't you think our war with the enemy would be over by now? Don't you think we wouldn't need to even be doing RTRs like we do?

If you're someone who sits on your ass all day only contributing the bare minimum while other members are busting their asses hours a day with RTRs, I hope you feel proud of yourself when you say "I fought the enemy" when this is all over.
It's not that they can't prevent this, they want us to learn to become our own Gods, so they're leaving it to us. Being Gods meaning taking care of our shit ourselves. Meaning us being able to protect the Earth, without them interfering. Yet they are interfering ever so slightly, so we may have the necessary knowledge to defend the Earth and as well as that, they help us in more ways than that too, just because that's how they are to their own.

I am not so sure about that. I would think if the Gods could have totally stopped it they would have especially after what happened with the Jews somehow doing binding rituals on them and forcing them to appear and do stuff. Still don’t know how that was even possible to be honest.

Even a person like me would be ok like no more messing around if someone did something like that.

I think the problem is that they didn’t have enough of an energy foothold in this plane. They were not here in the physical and the enemy put up enough of a block on it that they couldn’t break through to effect it.

Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The world was never the same after 1999-2001

I find this funny now re-reading this sermon I read months ago and I'm sure I'm not the only one that had to re-read it as it was bumped up and some replied.

Back in either 1999 or the year 2000, closer to 2000 than 1999.

I noticed something really weird at my grandparents house. I noticed I was outside playing in their driveway. And I stopped, paused for a moment, and said "It's not the same as before". The feeling that I still have from that moment is "being a kid is not the same as it used to be".

I noticed after that date right around the last year of my elementary class, start of middle school(6th-8th grade). I never did the same thing as a kid anymore. For example I clearly recall not staying at my grandparents house over the weekend or whatnot. Funny enough as I, as a kid, around this time is when I kinda stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons. I noticed EVERY or JUST ABOUT every Saturday I watched. I began to notice I would have more trouble waking up early not waking up on time.

I'm just wondering is the effects of 99-to-(9/11) was it simply a magickal ritual to create this event or does it effect all facets of life. I also noticed Titanic was a huge thing at this time of '99, not just on big screens but in video tape rental and early DVD as DVD started popping up around this time more en mass perhaps not as massive as the last few years but certainly had a punch. And funny enough reading HP.s sermons on Titanic(Olympic switched).

I have the strangest feeling, looking back now especially knowing how magick affects everything that it affected everyone. Almost like everyone was puppeteer-ed into one of the greatest tragedies of modern America. And funny enough the World was never the same seems like EVERYONE is an actor playing their role to communize the World further into mass oblivion.

So are these things I felt before the events possible effects in the air trying to create this stuff? I can't say I was spiritual or anything as a kid, just sensitive. I was and to a degree just the quiet sensitive person I am.

I don’t remember feeling anything major change around that time in the energy field

I was not sensitive really to the spiritual at that point at all and I was more like a teen at that time about 14 than a kid.

What I do know though is more recently I have been getting the feeling like at some point something really changed in the world and I miss something but I don’t quite know what it is. I certainly do remember things being way easier and more enjoyable for me in my most recent past life which I think was around the 40s-70s. I can’t figure out what changed but recently I started realizing that everything is different somehow and not easy for me or enjoyable.

But if that is around when it changed majorly that explains why I was happier in early childhood than now I didn’t seem to have as much problems then.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
While affirming it also helps to visulaise Earth and see grey/black energy disintegrating, and if you do it really slow, see whites, blacks , orientals beating up the enemy. And I generally put Satan's sigil after each affirmation or atleast at the end.

Visualise and be creative with it while affirming and disintegrating the alphabets.

Good call. It's probably more difficult (for most perhaps) to do the RTR + visualize the letters being destroyed + visualize anything extra.. like grey energy disappearing from the Planet and such, but so far it's been one of the things that I felt the most, so I can only recommend it, especially for those that (like me) don't feel energy easily or at all.

I am not really sure but when I lie down in savasana , I have lately been seeing , like the akasha black with white spots ( kind of like the sky at night), if it makes sense? And then I just meditate on that.
Even I couldnt feel energy before, just takes a but of practice and consistency.
And I used to tell my mind in savasana "vril" or "chi" or "witchpower". If that is what you mean.
And just let go seriously. Sometimes being too tensed also causes this problem to me.

Or maybe do the Akasha vibration too.
Not white meditating on vril but in general as a practice. And try and meditate on it.
Like the quote create will all your being and destroy with all your being is super necessary. I literally just to jump like sparring and stuff.
I didnt really like it and didnt know we were supposed to clean our aura's after that but like the 40day practice saved me with the affirmation.
Just saying I used to really play around.
Think about all the crimes they did and then just kick the alphabet( try your best- Before I used to just do the jewtube version). They move you enjoy it the better it gets.
Shael said:
Gigipah666 said:
I did my 3rd RTR of the day, the enemy would always use every means necessary to make it difficult for me from the very beginning, but towards the end I overcame it, then my voice cracked and became deeper. Has been that way ever since, then I did a 4th one. Nice to know RTR’s make me hit puberty as an adult again :lol:
Not directly related to your message, but just wanted to let you know you can also do the RTRs as a "bundle" in one together, so it's more convenient and possibly easier to fit into your day because of less breaks inbetween. You basically just do 2x, 3x, etc the normal amount in order to constitute multiple RTRs. So 9x each letter is one RTR, 18x each letter counts as two RTRs, 27x counts as three, and so on. 27x is my personal favorite and has reportedly felt quite "complete" and nice to do for other SS also.

The affirmation is still done only three times as normal, no need to go higher there. But use strong intent with it.

I do 99 vibrations of each letter, 2 times a day, upon waking up and before going to sleep. I find it better than spreading multiple RTRs over the day.
Baolan666 said:

99 reps for each word??? :O Where do you find the time for that? How long does it even take? It takes me like 15-20 minutes when I do 36 reps and I have to speak them fast enough so I can finish without anyone interrupting or calling from work or whatever. A lot of the time (whenever I work) I squeeze a 3 reps WHILE driving to work and then back, making it another 2 RTRs with full affirmations. I really don't find longer RTRs necessarily more powerful.. the best ones I ever had was with 3 spoken reps (met Father briefly after) and another with 9 reps mentally including the whole planet freeing its energy and it felt powerful like little else I've ever done.
We're all different though, so some pick quantity, others quality and it still works for them. In the end, everything that feels powerful enough is definitely a good choice, whether you spray tiny RTRs all over the day or do a massive one for hours once a day. Just don't wear yourself out and make sure you can still find time to do all the daily training and aura protections, etc.

Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Ors666 said:
It's not that they can't prevent this, they want us to learn to become our own Gods, so they're leaving it to us. Being Gods meaning taking care of our shit ourselves. Meaning us being able to protect the Earth, without them interfering. Yet they are interfering ever so slightly, so we may have the necessary knowledge to defend the Earth and as well as that, they help us in more ways than that too, just because that's how they are to their own.

I am not so sure about that. I would think if the Gods could have totally stopped it they would have especially after what happened with the Jews somehow doing binding rituals on them and forcing them to appear and do stuff. Still don’t know how that was even possible to be honest.

Even a person like me would be ok like no more messing around if someone did something like that.

I think the problem is that they didn’t have enough of an energy foothold in this plane. They were not here in the physical and the enemy put up enough of a block on it that they couldn’t break through to effect it.

Gear88 said:
I find this funny now re-reading this sermon I read months ago and I'm sure I'm not the only one that had to re-read it as it was bumped up and some replied.

Back in either 1999 or the year 2000, closer to 2000 than 1999.

I noticed something really weird at my grandparents house. I noticed I was outside playing in their driveway. And I stopped, paused for a moment, and said "It's not the same as before". The feeling that I still have from that moment is "being a kid is not the same as it used to be".

I noticed after that date right around the last year of my elementary class, start of middle school(6th-8th grade). I never did the same thing as a kid anymore. For example I clearly recall not staying at my grandparents house over the weekend or whatnot. Funny enough as I, as a kid, around this time is when I kinda stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons. I noticed EVERY or JUST ABOUT every Saturday I watched. I began to notice I would have more trouble waking up early not waking up on time.

I'm just wondering is the effects of 99-to-(9/11) was it simply a magickal ritual to create this event or does it effect all facets of life. I also noticed Titanic was a huge thing at this time of '99, not just on big screens but in video tape rental and early DVD as DVD started popping up around this time more en mass perhaps not as massive as the last few years but certainly had a punch. And funny enough reading HP.s sermons on Titanic(Olympic switched).

I have the strangest feeling, looking back now especially knowing how magick affects everything that it affected everyone. Almost like everyone was puppeteer-ed into one of the greatest tragedies of modern America. And funny enough the World was never the same seems like EVERYONE is an actor playing their role to communize the World further into mass oblivion.

So are these things I felt before the events possible effects in the air trying to create this stuff? I can't say I was spiritual or anything as a kid, just sensitive. I was and to a degree just the quiet sensitive person I am.

I don’t remember feeling anything major change around that time in the energy field

I was not sensitive really to the spiritual at that point at all and I was more like a teen at that time about 14 than a kid.

What I do know though is more recently I have been getting the feeling like at some point something really changed in the world and I miss something but I don’t quite know what it is. I certainly do remember things being way easier and more enjoyable for me in my most recent past life which I think was around the 40s-70s. I can’t figure out what changed but recently I started realizing that everything is different somehow and not easy for me or enjoyable.

But if that is around when it changed majorly that explains why I was happier in early childhood than now I didn’t seem to have as much problems then.
Satan wasn't physically on Earth? I doubt that, but if it's true then how did we end up on Earth physically considering Satan genetically engineered us?

Satan was Physically here at least to visit at one point he and the Gods discovered this planet and populated it. I dont believe any other intelligent life in the way we define that was here before us. However there was other things like plants and animals etc. He had to be physically here to create us how else could he do it. I never said by the way he wasnt. Dont know where you got that from what I said unless your replying to someone elses post.
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Ors666 said:
It's not that they can't prevent this, they want us to learn to become our own Gods, so they're leaving it to us. Being Gods meaning taking care of our shit ourselves. Meaning us being able to protect the Earth, without them interfering. Yet they are interfering ever so slightly, so we may have the necessary knowledge to defend the Earth and as well as that, they help us in more ways than that too, just because that's how they are to their own.

I am not so sure about that. I would think if the Gods could have totally stopped it they would have especially after what happened with the Jews somehow doing binding rituals on them and forcing them to appear and do stuff. Still don’t know how that was even possible to be honest.

Even a person like me would be ok like no more messing around if someone did something like that.

I think the problem is that they didn’t have enough of an energy foothold in this plane. They were not here in the physical and the enemy put up enough of a block on it that they couldn’t break through to effect it.

Gear88 said:
I find this funny now re-reading this sermon I read months ago and I'm sure I'm not the only one that had to re-read it as it was bumped up and some replied.

Back in either 1999 or the year 2000, closer to 2000 than 1999.

I noticed something really weird at my grandparents house. I noticed I was outside playing in their driveway. And I stopped, paused for a moment, and said "It's not the same as before". The feeling that I still have from that moment is "being a kid is not the same as it used to be".

I noticed after that date right around the last year of my elementary class, start of middle school(6th-8th grade). I never did the same thing as a kid anymore. For example I clearly recall not staying at my grandparents house over the weekend or whatnot. Funny enough as I, as a kid, around this time is when I kinda stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons. I noticed EVERY or JUST ABOUT every Saturday I watched. I began to notice I would have more trouble waking up early not waking up on time.

I'm just wondering is the effects of 99-to-(9/11) was it simply a magickal ritual to create this event or does it effect all facets of life. I also noticed Titanic was a huge thing at this time of '99, not just on big screens but in video tape rental and early DVD as DVD started popping up around this time more en mass perhaps not as massive as the last few years but certainly had a punch. And funny enough reading HP.s sermons on Titanic(Olympic switched).

I have the strangest feeling, looking back now especially knowing how magick affects everything that it affected everyone. Almost like everyone was puppeteer-ed into one of the greatest tragedies of modern America. And funny enough the World was never the same seems like EVERYONE is an actor playing their role to communize the World further into mass oblivion.

So are these things I felt before the events possible effects in the air trying to create this stuff? I can't say I was spiritual or anything as a kid, just sensitive. I was and to a degree just the quiet sensitive person I am.

I don’t remember feeling anything major change around that time in the energy field

I was not sensitive really to the spiritual at that point at all and I was more like a teen at that time about 14 than a kid.

What I do know though is more recently I have been getting the feeling like at some point something really changed in the world and I miss something but I don’t quite know what it is. I certainly do remember things being way easier and more enjoyable for me in my most recent past life which I think was around the 40s-70s. I can’t figure out what changed but recently I started realizing that everything is different somehow and not easy for me or enjoyable.

But if that is around when it changed majorly that explains why I was happier in early childhood than now I didn’t seem to have as much problems then.
And as for the trapped Demons part, Father told me in such cases he entrusts them to take care of that issue themselves along with the allies. Father only gives them a push to be at their full potential. Think about this, despite all the Demons they managed to bind, they could never bind Father to do their bidding. And Satan wasn't on Earth? You want to tell me we were genetically engineered then sent to Earth on a spaceship while Satan was jollygagging on another planet? I think you're on some bullshit here. The website says very clearly we were created as slave laborers in gold mines. And ON EARTH. Or is another thing you'd want to tell me is Satan came to Earth in Spirit form and genetically engineered us in his magical presence? If so, please provide proof, on the JoS website. Otherwise, this is pure bs.

Did you read what I said I never said Satan was not on earth. Also that story about us being slaves for the Gods to labor in gold mines. That was completely written by someone who was a Jew. That was in the "Lost Book of Enki" that isnt even anywhere on the website right now as far as I am aware maybe it was back in 2004 but we have new info now. I saw that book and actually read a little of it it literally is a bunch of made up stuff where this Jew quotes the Bible over and over in between some Sumerian stories that he never gave a clear source on what they were or where they were from as far as I remember. It can be disregarded. In that book it states Enlil/Bael was related to the enemy also which isnt true at all. He is very helpful and on our side.

Whatever website your reading is not the one that the people who run this group created. Yes there are several sites out there that talk about that though. The site we go to is www.joyofsatan.com
slyscorpion said:
Ors666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am not so sure about that. I would think if the Gods could have totally stopped it they would have especially after what happened with the Jews somehow doing binding rituals on them and forcing them to appear and do stuff. Still don’t know how that was even possible to be honest.

Even a person like me would be ok like no more messing around if someone did something like that.

I think the problem is that they didn’t have enough of an energy foothold in this plane. They were not here in the physical and the enemy put up enough of a block on it that they couldn’t break through to effect it.

I don’t remember feeling anything major change around that time in the energy field

I was not sensitive really to the spiritual at that point at all and I was more like a teen at that time about 14 than a kid.

What I do know though is more recently I have been getting the feeling like at some point something really changed in the world and I miss something but I don’t quite know what it is. I certainly do remember things being way easier and more enjoyable for me in my most recent past life which I think was around the 40s-70s. I can’t figure out what changed but recently I started realizing that everything is different somehow and not easy for me or enjoyable.

But if that is around when it changed majorly that explains why I was happier in early childhood than now I didn’t seem to have as much problems then.
And as for the trapped Demons part, Father told me in such cases he entrusts them to take care of that issue themselves along with the allies. Father only gives them a push to be at their full potential. Think about this, despite all the Demons they managed to bind, they could never bind Father to do their bidding. And Satan wasn't on Earth? You want to tell me we were genetically engineered then sent to Earth on a spaceship while Satan was jollygagging on another planet? I think you're on some bullshit here. The website says very clearly we were created as slave laborers in gold mines. And ON EARTH. Or is another thing you'd want to tell me is Satan came to Earth in Spirit form and genetically engineered us in his magical presence? If so, please provide proof, on the JoS website. Otherwise, this is pure bs.

Did you read what I said I never said Satan was not on earth. Also that story about us being slaves for the Gods to labor in gold mines. That was completely written by someone who was a Jew. That was in the "Lost Book of Enki" that isnt even anywhere on the website right now as far as I am aware maybe it was back in 2004 but we have new info now. I saw that book and actually read a little of it it literally is a bunch of made up stuff where this Jew quotes the Bible over and over in between some Sumerian stories that he never gave a clear source on what they were or where they were from as far as I remember. It can be disregarded. In that book it states Enlil/Bael was related to the enemy also which isnt true at all. He is very helpful and on our side.

Whatever website your reading is not the one that the people who run this group created. Yes there are several sites out there that talk about that though. The site we go to is http://www.joyofsatan.com

Just wanted to state my opinion.

The gods did come initially to fix a problem with there planet, something to do with their planets aura and needed gold to fix it. I recall that an HP said this, though I could be wrong. They initially created the Neanderthal ( Neander thrall) to do this why would such a being exist otherwise? We were created to be just as the Gods. Not manipulated thralls, though creating a living thrall is much easier, I’m sure many steps had to be taken. Such as the creation of the God of monkeys (Bigfoot) as a link between us and the gods, or at least to gain some form of understanding of sort. Just my opinion though.

As far as the binding went... I think it had something to do with our blood and the fact that the Jews shared a tiny portion of this, likely using massive Gentile sacrifices to make them manifest. Which is likely the reason they could unbind themselves.
“Bound by our blood, undone by our blood”
So to speak.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Baolan666 said:

99 reps for each word??? :O Where do you find the time for that? How long does it even take? It takes me like 15-20 minutes when I do 36 reps and I have to speak them fast enough so I can finish without anyone interrupting or calling from work or whatever. A lot of the time (whenever I work) I squeeze a 3 reps WHILE driving to work and then back, making it another 2 RTRs with full affirmations. I really don't find longer RTRs necessarily more powerful.. the best ones I ever had was with 3 spoken reps (met Father briefly after) and another with 9 reps mentally including the whole planet freeing its energy and it felt powerful like little else I've ever done.
We're all different though, so some pick quantity, others quality and it still works for them. In the end, everything that feels powerful enough is definitely a good choice, whether you spray tiny RTRs all over the day or do a massive one for hours once a day. Just don't wear yourself out and make sure you can still find time to do all the daily training and aura protections, etc.

99 reps for each word??? :O Where do you find the time for that? How long does it even take?
Instead of doing useless things I try to use most of my free time doing RTRs. When I wake up and before I go to sleep I do my usual meditations and proceed with RTRs, I might not be able to do 99 reps every time but I'm trying to. There are days when I'm not even able to do 1 RTR because I prefer doing it physically instead of in the astral.
ChaosBringer666 said:
That information is not true. The Neanderthals have existed previously and had nothing to do with our Gods. The entire idea of creating a species to mine gold is utterly retarded, as the Gods have tools and machinery that make such things thousands of times easier to do than to have a primitive human do it.
There were several mentions before that such machinery exists, and has even been used on here for things like the building of the pyramids.

The "mining for gold" is a spiritual allegory about creating a species that can evolve into Gods, or "gold", if you will.

The Gods came here and helped rapidly speed up the evolution of the primitive neanderthals and gave them the gift of the Kundalini, so that ascension to Godhead is possible. That's how it actually went, not some weird other story.
Shael said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
That information is not true. The Neanderthals have existed previously and had nothing to do with our Gods. The entire idea of creating a species to mine gold is utterly retarded, as the Gods have tools and machinery that make such things thousands of times easier to do than to have a primitive human do it.
There were several mentions before that such machinery exists, and has even been used on here for things like the building of the pyramids.

The "mining for gold" is a spiritual allegory about creating a species that can evolve into Gods, or "gold", if you will.

The Gods came here and helped rapidly speed up the evolution of the primitive neanderthals and gave them the gift of the Kundalini, so that ascension to Godhead is possible. That's how it actually went, not some weird other story.

I suppose it’s just a coincidence that they are very similar to Thrall in their name. I’m not so sure they are our ancestors though, I figure it would be harder to reverse engineer them then it would be to speed up homo erectus, call it a hunch I guess.

Also an interesting fact is that the Chinese are taught that they are direct descendants of homo erectus not the Neanderthal. I know one has to take communist literature and ideology carefully. But it would be like a red herring, for the rest of the world. “Oh look how dumb the Chinese are they actually believe the apes just supernaturally evolved.“
Meanwhile the Jew rubs their hands together

I don’t know it never really seemed right to me, that we just devolved muscle for unlimited brain power in the span of 80 thousand years.

Anyway thanks for the clarification.

Have a great day
I just did my first 9 * RTR. wow..easily the most powerful experience ive had from such a small effort and short activity. the effect is self evident!! great, now I have something to do with my voice day rather than random singing :D Thanks for all the resources to whom this concerns!

Hail Satan!

Elon Musk has finally put a microchip inside a pig's brain. His excuse is that "The interface could allow people with neurological conditions to control phones or computers with their mind." - This is being done with the intention of putting these microchips in human beings. They're priming our society for this right now by forcing businesses in the USA to go cashless (round up the change or donate it), before you know it, you'll NEED a microchipped brain to be able to make transactions, get a bank account, or even be able to integrate into everyday society. THIS IS NOT OKAY.

We need to put a stop to this while we still can. I'm sure chickens, cattle and pigs WISH they had a chance to able to fight back whenever they get forcefully separated from their young, mutilated and crippled so they can't fight against the abuse, or hear the other livestock around them scream in agony day in and day out. But they can't fight for their freedom when they're forced to live within the confines of a battery and kept docile with electrical rods. This is a reality and this could be our reality.

Everybody NEEDs to prioritise the RTRs and spread awareness against the microchip because bloodthirsty Reptilian Heeby-jeeby-Jews are really pushing to violate your brain, take away your rights and autonomy, turn you and your children into literal livestock and exsanguinate you during Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah and every day in between.

Also, Spoiler Alert, these big Tech Jewish fiends are more interested in "Selling" you the idea of a 'Black Mirror' fancy technologically advanced society, believe me, those microchips will have a killswitch function before anything like "control your house and appliances with your mind" is even considered. You don't own your eBooks, you don't own your Operating Systems, that licensing agreement you agree to without even reading beforehand? Yeah you waiver away your rights to fully own the product you buy, because (((they))) can take away your eBook if they feel like it and you can't even complain. One day out of the blue, you can easily be left with a totally useless Kindle, PC, iPhone... Microchip. It's only an illusion of choice.

Believing in a fantastical Microchip cure-all is the most gullible way to trade in your rights.
This hour long sermon by a rabbi makes some admissions about the reptilian nature of Cain and Abel from the Zohar.

The rabbi is translating the Hebrew into English so it's all 'from the horses mouth'.

He also admits a lot about their alphabet that its above this world. And how everything is created from their alphabet.

Check out this article «Rabbi Alon Anava on the Zohar: ‘Cain and Abel were human-reptilian hybrids.’ He is saying in his own way precisely what has been in my books since the 1990s»: https://davidicke.com/2020/10/27/rabbi-alon-anava-on-the-zohar-were-cain-and-abel-reptilians-or-human/

I found awnsers Straight from the kikes mouth

I know now why the FRTR was that powerful when i did the 99 reps
The kike explains it in this video. They have done something with the video so that it cannot be shared or be edited,but i found another way. Its very long but it is everything JoS expains as on the Kabalah exposed web page. HP if this is knowledge to not share here now i will know if you doent approve,because im not sure what can and should not be shared. I will appreciate if you could maby tell me more or less.
Disintegrate the letters from the inside after blotting it. It’s a good feeling.
The Dark RTR on https://evilgoy.com says “This Account has been suspended.”.
Protests are a manifestation of RTR energy.
Check out my new video and tell me what you think. https://youtu.be/eO59DiyHZ9A
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most people aren't as dumb as they hoped. Plus much of this is so blatant, that everyone questions why we have went to Orwell's society over what the MSM described as a flu.

IMO the Co-VID19 is quite serious, beyond that what has been understood, and that aside, nobody knows exactly what is going to happen over with mutations. Also, my solidified opinion and I stand by it is that this is a Bio-weapon as it was shared previously, as more and more information proves this beyond a doubt. It cannot be understated.

Whomever says this came from a bat that later on came from an armadillo, which was later consumed by a Chinese farmer [WTF] has to be idiotic. Not even the scientific community and most doctors have bought this stupid story.

The MSM games tried to double cross the people saying it's just a flu so they would allow this to spread, then, when it did spread because of the above, they did the other cross over and they said it is the end of the world. Nor of these extremes are the case, but this is definitely something that should worry everyone. It's as you say in regards to the ranking of this bio-weapon.

This may sound far fetched but i watched a youtube video a while back,of a blonde haired women with a cowboy hat she claimed to be a grey alien but reincarnated into a womens body who crashed the UFO in Roswell at that time. The video is now nowhere to be found but she warned about the Reptilians and their agents who are going to takeover the world by forcing the people to be anocilated because of a deadly virus that will breakout. The video was uploaded 5 years before the covid outbreak.
It was 1 and a half hour long interview with her and it was very old you could see in the picture quality.

I freaked out about it and i remember sharing it on social platforms i really wish i could of shared it here but i wasnt on the forums yet.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:

IMO the Co-VID19 is quite serious, beyond that what has been understood, and that aside, nobody knows exactly what is going to happen over with mutations. Also, my solidified opinion and I stand by it is that this is a Bio-weapon as it was shared previously, as more and more information proves this beyond a doubt. It cannot be understated.

Whomever says this came from a bat that later on came from an armadillo, which was later consumed by a Chinese farmer [WTF] has to be idiotic. Not even the scientific community and most doctors have bought this stupid story.

The MSM games tried to double cross the people saying it's just a flu so they would allow this to spread, then, when it did spread because of the above, they did the other cross over and they said it is the end of the world. Nor of these extremes are the case, but this is definitely something that should worry everyone. It's as you say in regards to the ranking of this bio-weapon.

This may sound far fetched but i watched a youtube video a while back,of a blonde haired women with a cowboy hat she claimed to be a grey alien but reincarnated into a womens body who crashed the UFO in Roswell at that time. The video is now nowhere to be found but she warned about the Reptilians and their agents who are going to takeover the world by forcing the people to be anocilated because of a deadly virus that will breakout. The video was uploaded 5 years before the covid outbreak.
It was 1 and a half hour long interview with her and it was very old you could see in the picture quality.

I freaked out about it and i remember sharing it on social platforms i really wish i could of shared it here but i wasnt on the forums yet.
The woman is delusional and not an alien. Don't believe everybody who tells you a story on the web.
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IMO the Co-VID19 is quite serious, beyond that what has been understood, and that aside, nobody knows exactly what is going to happen over with mutations. Also, my solidified opinion and I stand by it is that this is a Bio-weapon as it was shared previously, as more and more information proves this beyond a doubt. It cannot be understated.

Whomever says this came from a bat that later on came from an armadillo, which was later consumed by a Chinese farmer [WTF] has to be idiotic. Not even the scientific community and most doctors have bought this stupid story.

The MSM games tried to double cross the people saying it's just a flu so they would allow this to spread, then, when it did spread because of the above, they did the other cross over and they said it is the end of the world. Nor of these extremes are the case, but this is definitely something that should worry everyone. It's as you say in regards to the ranking of this bio-weapon.

This may sound far fetched but i watched a youtube video a while back,of a blonde haired women with a cowboy hat she claimed to be a grey alien but reincarnated into a womens body who crashed the UFO in Roswell at that time. The video is now nowhere to be found but she warned about the Reptilians and their agents who are going to takeover the world by forcing the people to be anocilated because of a deadly virus that will breakout. The video was uploaded 5 years before the covid outbreak.
It was 1 and a half hour long interview with her and it was very old you could see in the picture quality.

I freaked out about it and i remember sharing it on social platforms i really wish i could of shared it here but i wasnt on the forums yet.
The woman is delusional and not an alien. Don't believe everybody who tells you a story on the web.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I've received an unusual amount of signs that the gods really want the RTRs done as much as possible now.

For instance, yesterday (Saturday), both my parents were home and I often can't do any Final RTRs on those days. However, late last night I was building an electronic circuit, and my multimeter suddenly read 0.666 volts. At that instant, I realized that both my parents were napping and it was the perfect time to go outside and do an RTR! I wouldn't have thought of it without that perfectly-timed appearance of 666. :D

wow really?
You have shared amazing information especially for those who work all day and need to read everything in one post. Thank you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
