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Why Doing RTR's is a Life and Death Matter: Astrology For Year 2020-2021

Feelings are irrelevant. Some can see breathing or eating as a chore. It has to happen anyway. And it is not a chore. It's how life goes on, and necessary so that life goes on.

Let us put it simply...These are not letters, this is the very soul of the enemy. It is not etched only on them, it *is* them. Their top creme de la creme jews have elaborated and they know this for centuries. This was top secret information until it was leaked, like the Kabbalah. As DNA has 4 bases, which if they could be deleted as one deletes a strand of computer code, their soul has these 22 bases, these "Letters". These "Letters" extend far further than what people reasonably understand.

Doing stupid anime bullshit rituals is not going to do anything to really harm them. Take some plastic sword and pretend to be Samurai, it's not gonna help a lot. If people want to pretend to be plastic anime samurai and think this is some sort of joke, where they get to practice only their inner urges to play pretend, and some other stupid bullshit that is not going to work, make sure to actually do some RTR's, and waste energy on the sides.

The RTR compared to traditional warfare is what disintegration is to punching someone. Some people may enjoy lesser rituals, where they pretend to be Samurai and do zero damage, but the issue of the enemy is too far gone and a total solution is required.

If you don't exactly see that in approx 2 years the enemy is on the edge fighting for their life and have kicked back like wild animals on rabid, then you do not get it. People have been doing stuff for 100 and 500 years to get the result that this got in 2. The level of exposure they have received right now is beyond critical, and the gambles they have been doing are only saying openly that their other option is that they will be fucked if they don't do anything else.

The situation is either they are completely erased or everyone of the Gentiles else will be erased or enslaved.

ShadowTheRaven said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

It kind of baffles me to think that one would, or could, think of doing RTRs as a chore. At first, when you're new and have a bazillion doubts and questions perhaps, sure, but if I (the one who USED not to feel any energy) have had success with feeling and even receiving confirmation by Satan and other gods themselves, right after the "HAIL SATAN!" in the RTR, that I'm doing the rightest thing, I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone else has an excuse for not doing RTRs daily.

Prepare to be baffled, then because I've seen it as a chore. Don't get me wrong, I feel wonderful after doing it, but at the same time I'm never satisfied because there just has to be more to do rather than chanting/vibrating hebrew in reverse. I always think logically, and logic has always told me "Vibrating hebrew in reverse is an excellent countermeasure but when is the offensive strike incoming?" For every action, there is an equal reaction when it comes to physics, but when it comes to war for every action, there is a stronger reaction and it will continue like this until we or the enemy reach maximum war exhaustion and attrition starts to take effect.

That's what I feel we are missing. We have an excellent countermeasure that not only affects us but Gentiles worldwide, but is there an offensive aspect to the RTRs? This is something I've wanted to know.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People have been doing stuff for 100 and 500 years to get the result that this got in 2. The level of exposure they have received right now is beyond critical, and the gambles they have been doing are only saying openly that their other option is that they will be fucked if they don't do anything else.

The situation is either they are completely erased or everyone else will be erased.

Love the way you explain things, HP. Just for curiosity, how many Final RTRs can you pack each day? Do you find there's a better time of the day, like morning vs evening? Today I did my first morning one (usually I do them around midnight when I have nobody bothering me) and it felt really powerful I must say.

And stupid me, I mistook some effect yesterday. I was noticing some increase in pressure in my head and grew convinced that it was some bloody 5G tower. After the morning Final RTR (and during) felt a much increased pressure in my temples, it was definitely my temple chakras. First time I feel them other than the third eye in the center.

This Final RTR not only is no chore, but I find it to be the most powerful self cleaning and self empowering thing so far! (Guess I have always been so insensitive to energy because of freaking control from the jewish leeches. It's the only logical explanation... well, their time is almost up.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Feelings are irrelevant. Some can see breathing or eating as a chore. It has to happen anyway. And it is not a chore. It's how life goes on, and necessary so that life goes on.

If people really see breathing or eating as a chore, they're probably suicidal.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Let us put it simply...These are not letters, this is the very soul of the enemy. It is not etched only on them, it *is* them. Their top creme de la creme jews have elaborated and they know this for centuries. This was top secret information until it was leaked, like the Kabbalah. As DNA has 4 bases, which if they could be deleted as one deletes a strand of computer code, their soul has these 22 bases, these "Letters". These "Letters" extend far further than what people reasonably understand.

That makes sense. It didn't make sense to me before because the RTRs were designed to vibrate hebrew in reverse, effectively cancelling out the jews' vibrations coming from their end which I perceived as a countermeasure but not an offensive attack. With the Final RTR, as you explained it's different because its intended to aim at the very foundations of the hebrew language itself which is a byproduct of the jewish soul. I see that clearer now, and yes I am aware this is not Naruto, I can't just stun an enemy by shouting "Oiroke no Jutsu!"

Thank you for the elaboration.
ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Feelings are irrelevant. Some can see breathing or eating as a chore. It has to happen anyway. And it is not a chore. It's how life goes on, and necessary so that life goes on.

If people really see breathing or eating as a chore, they're probably suicidal.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Let us put it simply...These are not letters, this is the very soul of the enemy. It is not etched only on them, it *is* them. Their top creme de la creme jews have elaborated and they know this for centuries. This was top secret information until it was leaked, like the Kabbalah. As DNA has 4 bases, which if they could be deleted as one deletes a strand of computer code, their soul has these 22 bases, these "Letters". These "Letters" extend far further than what people reasonably understand.

That makes sense. It didn't make sense to me before because the RTRs were designed to vibrate hebrew in reverse, effectively cancelling out the jews' vibrations coming from their end which I perceived as a countermeasure but not an offensive attack. With the Final RTR, as you explained it's different because its intended to aim at the very foundations of the hebrew language itself which is a byproduct of the jewish soul. I see that clearer now, and yes I am aware this is not Naruto, I can't just stun an enemy by shouting "Oiroke no Jutsu!"

Thank you for the elaboration.

It's all fine, that's why I explained, and I hope it has been helpful, that is all.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Feelings are irrelevant. Some can see breathing or eating as a chore. It has to happen anyway. And it is not a chore. It's how life goes on, and necessary so that life goes on.

Let us put it simply...These are not letters, this is the very soul of the enemy. It is not etched only on them, it *is* them. Their top creme de la creme jews have elaborated and they know this for centuries. This was top secret information until it was leaked, like the Kabbalah. As DNA has 4 bases, which if they could be deleted as one deletes a strand of computer code, their soul has these 22 bases, these "Letters". These "Letters" extend far further than what people reasonably understand.

Doing stupid anime bullshit rituals is not going to do anything to really harm them. Take some plastic sword and pretend to be Samurai, it's not gonna help a lot. If people want to pretend to be plastic anime samurai and think this is some sort of joke, where they get to practice only their inner urges to play pretend, and some other stupid bullshit that is not going to work, make sure to actually do some RTR's, and waste energy on the sides.

The RTR compared to traditional warfare is what disintegration is to punching someone. Some people may enjoy lesser rituals, where they pretend to be Samurai and do zero damage, but the issue of the enemy is too far gone and a total solution is required.

If you don't exactly see that in approx 2 years the enemy is on the edge fighting for their life and have kicked back like wild animals on rabid, then you do not get it. People have been doing stuff for 100 and 500 years to get the result that this got in 2. The level of exposure they have received right now is beyond critical, and the gambles they have been doing are only saying openly that their other option is that they will be fucked if they don't do anything else.

The situation is either they are completely erased or everyone of the Gentiles else will be erased or enslaved.

ShadowTheRaven said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
It kind of baffles me to think that one would, or could, think of doing RTRs as a chore. At first, when you're new and have a bazillion doubts and questions perhaps, sure, but if I (the one who USED not to feel any energy) have had success with feeling and even receiving confirmation by Satan and other gods themselves, right after the "HAIL SATAN!" in the RTR, that I'm doing the rightest thing, I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone else has an excuse for not doing RTRs daily.

Prepare to be baffled, then because I've seen it as a chore. Don't get me wrong, I feel wonderful after doing it, but at the same time I'm never satisfied because there just has to be more to do rather than chanting/vibrating hebrew in reverse. I always think logically, and logic has always told me "Vibrating hebrew in reverse is an excellent countermeasure but when is the offensive strike incoming?" For every action, there is an equal reaction when it comes to physics, but when it comes to war for every action, there is a stronger reaction and it will continue like this until we or the enemy reach maximum war exhaustion and attrition starts to take effect.

That's what I feel we are missing. We have an excellent countermeasure that not only affects us but Gentiles worldwide, but is there an offensive aspect to the RTRs? This is something I've wanted to know.
So basically doing this long enough means that jews at a point will just fall(literally) like flies who got hit?
Sunman666 said:
This have come to me very recently ,and i will like every to share their mind ,saturn in aquarious ,l want to do saturn square but in in stead of saturn mantra i will replace it with the RTR ,and i think this is very powerful.


I thought about that a long time ago, but I don't believe I could do nine in one day…

Heil Satan
Aquarius said:
So basically doing this long enough means that jews at a point will just fall(literally) like flies who got hit?

I'm thinking "either that OR the 'Anti-jew protection' the RTR provides will ensure we can evolve enough to go out and annihilate them ourselves". I do feel the benefits of RTRs when and after I've done them, but of course it's a long term thing. They have to be done everyday, they must be our oxygen or we wouldn't benefit from them otherwise. This is my own opinion thought.
Thanks for the sermon HP, clear and illuminating.
In Italy, unfortunately, the government's current agenda is to ask for money, the money that in a moment of crisis like this a state must give to the people, to the ESM. The financial fund that was not created to help a country but to speculate financially by increasing its public debt out of all proportion. Our prime minister, chosen by catholic shits, is giving our future and that of our children to the ECB's reptilians.
Darkpagan666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dfiyo said:
Jude Reptilians?


I will write in regards to this very soon.

Yeah, I mentioned this a while back. It has been reported way more UFO sightings in general now.
This is because the enemy is on the brink of full blown exposure, this also happened during the WWII.
It also happened during humans vulnerable periods such as the dark ages and so on. It is a classic tactic from what I gather, only this time we live in a modern time; cameras everywhere. This is their "harvest" and "destroy" tactic - this sound ludacris, but it has been done before, making people oblivious. They are currently only observing our situation I guess, and plotting something.

I sensed them on the Astral, I mentioned the astral seemed different in that there is more activity, and this has something to do with it. I wonder if HPHC have the same theories as I do or that he has information from the gods. This is very interesting.

Maybe the enemy is getting ready for something?
Man, I'm glad this is the topic of discussion because I was about to make my own post related to this so I could ask some questions.
I'm not new to Satan but due to a life of being brought up Christian I just recently (last week) decided to finally do the dedication and I just wanna say to anyone second guessing do it. The enemy voice was immediately silenced and I had the most peaceful state of mind that I've ever had. Along with feeling amazing and having the most confidence I've ever had as well.
Sorry for getting off track but I figured someone lurking like I used to might get the edge they need to just pull the trigger.

Now to the questions. Has anyone else noticed that when you first start doing the RTRs that there is something making it hard to get the chants out? Like, they're not that hard to pronounce and the fact that you're repeating should make it easier but instead I have to enter an extreme state of concentration just to get them done like something or someone is right there mentally blocking me. Also the first couple days I noticed that I had an extreme feeling of anxiety and dread while doing them, which has now been replaced by me focusing pure hatred but I still notice that I have to concentrate way harder than I should have to pronounce 2 and 3 syllable words. Hopefully today and here on out it will be easier, but even if it doesn't I'll continue because I can feel the power they have and I wish I would've started years ago when I first found you guys. Also I've noticed that my hunger is ravenous anyone else notice the same?
Anyways, just figured I'd share my experience and see how your guys first times went.
MississippiStarChildGambler said:
Now to the questions. Has anyone else noticed that when you first start doing the RTRs that there is something making it hard to get the chants out? Like, they're not that hard to pronounce and the fact that you're repeating should make it easier but instead I have to enter an extreme state of concentration just to get them done like something or someone is right there mentally blocking me. Also the first couple days I noticed that I had an extreme feeling of anxiety and dread while doing them, which has now been replaced by me focusing pure hatred but I still notice that I have to concentrate way harder than I should have to pronounce 2 and 3 syllable words. Hopefully today and here on out it will be easier, but even if it doesn't I'll continue because I can feel the power they have and I wish I would've started years ago when I first found you guys. Also I've noticed that my hunger is ravenous anyone else notice the same?
Anyways, just figured I'd share my experience and see how your guys first times went.
when i first read about it, when the final rtr was rather new, i was attacked by the enemy and had me feeling very tired and disoriented.

this pissed me off beyond belief, i printed out many rtrs at a local print store, drove somewhere where i would have no distractions/alone, and i did that rtr with rage.

that was the best damn feeling i have ever felt. finally i felt at ease, i felt like a big weight had been lifted off of me, my thought process was better and on top of that i was vibrating with intense energy.

i wish it made me feel like that now but thats okay, its helped alot.

i always knew there were group rituals, but i never thought there would have been something like this. this is a miracle that we have this tool.
I have been an SS for 3 years. I was just starting to feel / see the energy. for my unspeakable number how many negatives leave me after RTR.
I have been a dedicated for just over a week, but I started doing this almost immidately and my daily max currently is six. This is important, give your all to it! I can not stress this enough. This is the most important part of our spiritual working since it deprives power from our enemy. I have almost completely ceased to entertain myself due to this importance. This is coming from a nerd who used to play video games all day long some years ago and many hours of day still not so long ago...

Do it till it hurts, no excuses! Rest & Repeat !!!!
Henu the Great said:
Do it till it hurts, no excuses! Rest & Repeat !!!!
I love the enthusiasm, but just so your aware doing this until your body is in pain each day for weeks without rest can cause long term damage, so if you’re set on doing it that way make sure to have some break days, Like maybe relax by 25-50 % less on those days throughout the week. Again love the enthusiasm , :) stay strong

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
ChaosBringer666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Do it till it hurts, no excuses! Rest & Repeat !!!!
I love the enthusiasm, but just so your aware doing this until your body is in pain each day for weeks without rest can cause long term damage, so if you’re set on doing it that way make sure to have some break days, Like maybe relax by 25-50 % less on those days throughout the week. Again love the enthusiasm , :) stay strong

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !

Yes, you are on point there. Adequate rest and taking it easy occasionally is a must. This I have learned from competetive physical training (I like to ride my bike lul).

Hail Satan! :)
1. Do Kung fu stretches give a similar result to Hatha yoga?
2. Should I up my protection if greys are still bugging me I’m doing 54 suryah right now and if so should I wait a week like with a regular working?
3. My brother was able to invoke fire even though he has no real experience meditating, he did this because Andras, wouldn’t speak to him again, so he got frustrated and did that, so my question is should he keep doing it at lower breaths?(he did 6) he said he felt like he was almost burning inside
4. This is a weird one, but is there some sort of higher self within? My friend is adamant there is, but I’d be more likely to believe that he more or less created a split astral body as a defence mechanism under Extreme stress.
5. What does it mean to actually be a Man? I’ve got a few ideas but I would like To know everyone else’s opinion since I don’t really have any strong role models in my life other than the Gods I talk to.
Thank you for your time :)

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
ChaosBringer666 said:
1. Do Kung fu stretches give a similar result to Hatha yoga?
2. Should I up my protection if greys are still bugging me I’m doing 54 suryah right now and if so should I wait a week like with a regular working?
3. My brother was able to invoke fire even though he has no real experience meditating, he did this because Andras, wouldn’t speak to him again, so he got frustrated and did that, so my question is should he keep doing it at lower breaths?(he did 6) he said he felt like he was almost burning inside
4. This is a weird one, but is there some sort of higher self within? My friend is adamant there is, but I’d be more likely to believe that he more or less created a split astral body as a defence mechanism under Extreme stress.
5. What does it mean to actually be a Man? I’ve got a few ideas but I would like To know everyone else’s opinion since I don’t really have any strong role models in my life other than the Gods I talk to.
Thank you for your time :)

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Enlil !
5) Read the Mein Kampf :D
Aquarius said:
5. What does it mean to actually be a Man?
5) Read the Mein Kampf :D
Ahh so true just got the PDF and yikes 500 pages... that’s going to be a month for me thank you for that though :)
I did my 3rd RTR of the day, the enemy would always use every means necessary to make it difficult for me from the very beginning, but towards the end I overcame it, then my voice cracked and became deeper. Has been that way ever since, then I did a 4th one. Nice to know RTR’s make me hit puberty as an adult again :lol:
Such a shame that even Spiritual Satanists can't understand the importance of RTR's. It helps you to save the WHOLE PLANET and your soul, stupid! What else could you be doing more important than that?

Another great sermon just like the usual, High Priest.
Gigipah666 said:
I did my 3rd RTR of the day, the enemy would always use every means necessary to make it difficult for me from the very beginning, but towards the end I overcame it, then my voice cracked and became deeper. Has been that way ever since, then I did a 4th one. Nice to know RTR’s make me hit puberty as an adult again :lol:
Not directly related to your message, but just wanted to let you know you can also do the RTRs as a "bundle" in one together, so it's more convenient and possibly easier to fit into your day because of less breaks inbetween. You basically just do 2x, 3x, etc the normal amount in order to constitute multiple RTRs. So 9x each letter is one RTR, 18x each letter counts as two RTRs, 27x counts as three, and so on. 27x is my personal favorite and has reportedly felt quite "complete" and nice to do for other SS also.

The affirmation is still done only three times as normal, no need to go higher there. But use strong intent with it.
Shael said:
Gigipah666 said:
I did my 3rd RTR of the day, the enemy would always use every means necessary to make it difficult for me from the very beginning, but towards the end I overcame it, then my voice cracked and became deeper. Has been that way ever since, then I did a 4th one. Nice to know RTR’s make me hit puberty as an adult again :lol:
Not directly related to your message, but just wanted to let you know you can also do the RTRs as a "bundle" in one together, so it's more convenient and possibly easier to fit into your day because of less breaks inbetween. You basically just do 2x, 3x, etc the normal amount in order to constitute multiple RTRs. So 9x each letter is one RTR, 18x each letter counts as two RTRs, 27x counts as three, and so on. 27x is my personal favorite and has reportedly felt quite "complete" and nice to do for other SS also.

The affirmation is still done only three times as normal, no need to go higher there. But use strong intent with it.

There used to be times where I’d miscount the vibrations of each line and they would sometimes get stronger results too. Thank you for the advice.
Soyga said:
Such a shame that even Spiritual Satanists can't understand the importance of RTR's. It helps you to save the WHOLE PLANET and your soul, stupid! What else could you be doing more important than that?

Another great sermon just like the usual, High Priest.

Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.
slyscorpion said:
Soyga said:
Such a shame that even Spiritual Satanists can't understand the importance of RTR's. It helps you to save the WHOLE PLANET and your soul, stupid! What else could you be doing more important than that?

Another great sermon just like the usual, High Priest.

Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.

Those who are too lazy to do at least 1 RTR a day to save their soul and a planet have always been a massive anger source for me. Gods don't like lazy people, and they ALWAYS claim to be helpful to Satan but actually they have never been. Xians, Mudslimes and other goyims aside, Satanists that don't do the RTRs to gas with their "absolutely necessary" friends 24h a week are just stupid and nothing more than that. Our Pagan/Satanist ancestors which have died in order not to let Jews corrupt our history must be crying of shock to see that type of lazy stupids.
slyscorpion said:
Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.
Ever since I started learning more about him, Azazel has been guiding me to A LOT of posts like this one, which show me just how corrupted and infiltrated by juice the sites, servers and forums other than the JoS ones are. Even the world around you.

Not only did he show me those that were trying to deceive, manipulate and distract me, he also showed me how to protect myself and identify such people in the future. (See: PDF on How to Recognize and Identify Juice).

Once I removed them from my life I was able to see the last bits of corruption they held on, the curses which made me not be proud of my very white bloodline, made me homophobic, self abusive, and all the little but very important things all Gentiles must get rid of, then they are of the enemy and they play a big part too, regardless of how little importance they seem to have.

Watch where you walk on the path, don't just walk it. Do the RTR.
Soyga said:
slyscorpion said:
Soyga said:
Such a shame that even Spiritual Satanists can't understand the importance of RTR's. It helps you to save the WHOLE PLANET and your soul, stupid! What else could you be doing more important than that?

Another great sermon just like the usual, High Priest.

Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.

Those who are too lazy to do at least 1 RTR a day to save their soul and a planet have always been a massive anger source for me. Gods don't like lazy people, and they ALWAYS claim to be helpful to Satan but actually they have never been. Xians, Mudslimes and other goyims aside, Satanists that don't do the RTRs to gas with their "absolutely necessary" friends 24h a week are just stupid and nothing more than that. Our Pagan/Satanist ancestors which have died in order not to let Jews corrupt our history must be crying of shock to see that type of lazy stupids.

We are our ancestors all of us pretty much are incarnated now from what I heard. Maybe not all of us found this site yet but certainly we are very frustrated over those people that are like that. In the New World we should make them feel stupid for being that way at the very least. I can’t wait to do that. They frustrate me more than an actual Xtian does. I feel you.
Baolan666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.
Ever since I started learning more about him, Azazel has been guiding me to A LOT of posts like this one, which show me just how corrupted and infiltrated by juice the sites, servers and forums other than the JoS ones are. Even the world around you.

Not only did he show me those that were trying to deceive, manipulate and distract me, he also showed me how to protect myself and identify such people in the future. (See: PDF on How to Recognize and Identify Juice).

Once I removed them from my life I was able to see the last bits of corruption they held on, the curses which made me not be proud of my very white bloodline, made me homophobic, self abusive, and all the little but very important things all Gentiles must get rid of, then they are of the enemy and they play a big part too, regardless of how little importance they seem to have.

Watch where you walk on the path, don't just walk it. Do the RTR.

I am not sure I understand what I posted that is corrupted or misinformation. It is possible easily to be still connected to enemy energy somewhat and dedicated.

I’ll explain It took a lot of time and effort to deprogram from the enemy. Thanks to the energy of Saturn in Sagittarius being in a prominent place in my chart I believe is the only reason I was chosen by those people. I was adopted by and grew up in a household where my dad was a pastor and my mom was very heavily religious. I only realized recently but they constantly spew the enemy crap all the time even in regular conversations. It’s cringe now that I realize it.
It took a long time to deprogram from this and many workings. I was instructed by one of our Gods in my thoughts to do many munka and ansuz workings with an affirmation to disconnect myself from links to the enemy thoughtform. I was very connected to their energy and entities like the reptilians and some other weird ones were attacking me all the time. This dramatically cut it down right away to very little attacks. Also after awhile a lot of Xtian like energy was cleansed from me.

So that part is accurate. I never truly was on their side and I always wanted out and hated it even before I knew of this path. I knew something was wrong with it very much so even as a little kid but I still was connected to it. That is the point I made. It can cause a person to be lazy and complacent. There were some years I didn’t do much and I wasted a lot of time on bullshit.

The other part Lucifuge Rofocal did live on the planet that the greys did before they were destroyed he did have that quote “they didn’t care” and several sermons talked about this. I wasn’t saying anything negative at all here. In fact his story gives me a sense of inspiration to fight the enemy. You can search this.

I was not trying to spread lies or misinformation. I have known about for a long time from my personal experiences in meditating years back that there is some kind of fake energy around earth and part of this is fake positive calming energy that is meant to make people feel complacent. This is part of something the enemy did. I felt and saw it myself although to be honest only flashes of it this was through meditating and trying to go into a trance. Another SS friend I have chatted with online has told me she knows about it. If I misinterpreted this ok I am willing to learn but I am not intentionally trying to spread lies.

Even in the Churches there is this pastel colored energy that can feel positive to someone who is just a tiny bit opening and starting out but it actually really is horrible. This has a calming effect on people. You see it on their auras when they come home from church.

They so much did a lot to make people be complacent and not even care. We shouldn’t be the people that are like that but I am pointing this out. As this energy is dissipated people will begin to become more serious if they can’t pull their head out of their ass right now.

Notice even in the past after some of the RTRs were done back when we were doing the reverse Hebrew verses some things on the JOS started to change on the way people talked about issues and thought. This is cause the curses mess with everyone on earth even us sometimes.

I personally think Satanists who do nothing are far worse than xtians because they know the truth and choose to be lazy and do nothing and just focus on superficial things.

Xtians on the other hand don’t know any better and some of them may be salvaged at some point.

Which is worse.

Get my point. If you know the truth and do nothing that is a moral ethical failure I believe.
slyscorpion said:
Soyga said:
slyscorpion said:
Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.

Those who are too lazy to do at least 1 RTR a day to save their soul and a planet have always been a massive anger source for me. Gods don't like lazy people, and they ALWAYS claim to be helpful to Satan but actually they have never been. Xians, Mudslimes and other goyims aside, Satanists that don't do the RTRs to gas with their "absolutely necessary" friends 24h a week are just stupid and nothing more than that. Our Pagan/Satanist ancestors which have died in order not to let Jews corrupt our history must be crying of shock to see that type of lazy stupids.

We are our ancestors all of us pretty much are incarnated now from what I heard. Maybe not all of us found this site yet but certainly we are very frustrated over those people that are like that. In the New World we should make them feel stupid for being that way at the very least. I can’t wait to do that. They frustrate me more than an actual Xtian does. I feel you.

What if someone has laryngitis, and the doctor has told them not to talk much and give your larynx some rest?
Shael said:
Not directly related to your message, but just wanted to let you know you can also do the RTRs as a "bundle" in one together, so it's more convenient and possibly easier to fit into your day because of less breaks inbetween. You basically just do 2x, 3x, etc the normal amount in order to constitute multiple RTRs. So 9x each letter is one RTR, 18x each letter counts as two RTRs, 27x counts as three, and so on. 27x is my personal favorite and has reportedly felt quite "complete" and nice to do for other SS also.

The affirmation is still done only three times as normal, no need to go higher there. But use strong intent with it.
Your unrelated comment was very helpful to me lol. I’m much better at crunch time than repeating the RTR’s 5-9 times throughout the day now I can space them out better in 30 minute sessions. So thank you this was very helpful for me :D
Nikois666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Soyga said:
Those who are too lazy to do at least 1 RTR a day to save their soul and a planet have always been a massive anger source for me. Gods don't like lazy people, and they ALWAYS claim to be helpful to Satan but actually they have never been. Xians, Mudslimes and other goyims aside, Satanists that don't do the RTRs to gas with their "absolutely necessary" friends 24h a week are just stupid and nothing more than that. Our Pagan/Satanist ancestors which have died in order not to let Jews corrupt our history must be crying of shock to see that type of lazy stupids.

We are our ancestors all of us pretty much are incarnated now from what I heard. Maybe not all of us found this site yet but certainly we are very frustrated over those people that are like that. In the New World we should make them feel stupid for being that way at the very least. I can’t wait to do that. They frustrate me more than an actual Xtian does. I feel you.

What if someone has laryngitis, and the doctor has told them not to talk much and give your larynx some rest?

You can do this very quietly or in your mind until you are better like HP Cobra said. Also spending some time visualizing the letters dissipating can add to the power of doing it that way.
slyscorpion said:
Baolan666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.
Ever since I started learning more about him, Azazel has been guiding me to A LOT of posts like this one, which show me just how corrupted and infiltrated by juice the sites, servers and forums other than the JoS ones are. Even the world around you.

Not only did he show me those that were trying to deceive, manipulate and distract me, he also showed me how to protect myself and identify such people in the future. (See: PDF on How to Recognize and Identify Juice).

Once I removed them from my life I was able to see the last bits of corruption they held on, the curses which made me not be proud of my very white bloodline, made me homophobic, self abusive, and all the little but very important things all Gentiles must get rid of, then they are of the enemy and they play a big part too, regardless of how little importance they seem to have.

Watch where you walk on the path, don't just walk it. Do the RTR.

I am not sure I understand what I posted that is corrupted or misinformation. It is possible easily to be still connected to enemy energy somewhat and dedicated.

I’ll explain It took a lot of time and effort to deprogram from the enemy. Thanks to the energy of Saturn in Sagittarius being in a prominent place in my chart I believe is the only reason I was chosen by those people. I was adopted by and grew up in a household where my dad was a pastor and my mom was very heavily religious. I only realized recently but they constantly spew the enemy crap all the time even in regular conversations. It’s cringe now that I realize it.
It took a long time to deprogram from this and many workings. I was instructed by one of our Gods in my thoughts to do many munka and ansuz workings with an affirmation to disconnect myself from links to the enemy thoughtform. I was very connected to their energy and entities like the reptilians and some other weird ones were attacking me all the time. This dramatically cut it down right away to very little attacks. Also after awhile a lot of Xtian like energy was cleansed from me.

So that part is accurate. I never truly was on their side and I always wanted out and hated it even before I knew of this path. I knew something was wrong with it very much so even as a little kid but I still was connected to it. That is the point I made. It can cause a person to be lazy and complacent. There were some years I didn’t do much and I wasted a lot of time on bullshit.

The other part Lucifuge Rofocal did live on the planet that the greys did before they were destroyed he did have that quote “they didn’t care” and several sermons talked about this. I wasn’t saying anything negative at all here. In fact his story gives me a sense of inspiration to fight the enemy. You can search this.

I was not trying to spread lies or misinformation. I have known about for a long time from my personal experiences in meditating years back that there is some kind of fake energy around earth and part of this is fake positive calming energy that is meant to make people feel complacent. This is part of something the enemy did. I felt and saw it myself although to be honest only flashes of it this was through meditating and trying to go into a trance. Another SS friend I have chatted with online has told me she knows about it. If I misinterpreted this ok I am willing to learn but I am not intentionally trying to spread lies.

Even in the Churches there is this pastel colored energy that can feel positive to someone who is just a tiny bit opening and starting out but it actually really is horrible. This has a calming effect on people. You see it on their auras when they come home from church.

They so much did a lot to make people be complacent and not even care. We shouldn’t be the people that are like that but I am pointing this out. As this energy is dissipated people will begin to become more serious if they can’t pull their head out of their ass right now.

Notice even in the past after some of the RTRs were done back when we were doing the reverse Hebrew verses some things on the JOS started to change on the way people talked about issues and thought. This is cause the curses mess with everyone on earth even us sometimes.

I personally think Satanists who do nothing are far worse than xtians because they know the truth and choose to be lazy and do nothing and just focus on superficial things.

Xtians on the other hand don’t know any better and some of them may be salvaged at some point.

Which is worse.

Get my point. If you know the truth and do nothing that is a moral ethical failure I believe.
I was trying to tell you that the Demons guided me to your messages, they have shown me that just being devoted to Satan wasn't all I had to do. I believe that many SS think that changing the title from xian/muslim/... to SS is enough.

You and other people have shown me what I had to do to get on the path I was supposed to walk but was stopped by the energies and curses of the enemies that remained in my life. I wasn't aware of some things that were keeping me down, thinking that hitting a brick wall was normal and that I will eventually improve but it just made me worse.

I wanted to thank you and wanted to prove that when one asks for guidance, one will receive.
slyscorpion said:
Soyga said:
slyscorpion said:
Most do. Those that don’t were heavily connected to enemy energy in some way or still are and don’t realize it and they will find importance more so in this as we go along and join in more. Part of the problem is some of the enemy curses were about people being complacent lazy and not caring about our situation I am absolutely sure of this. So if they don’t do this unfortunately they will still feel that way. If they start to do it they will want to do it more and understand it’s importance after a bit. Also as these curses dissolve more people will want to fight back.

This must be common in the way they do something cause I remember in Maxines sermon she said Lucifuge Rofocale (Freedom fighter and hero back before the greys became chipped on their planet and one of our Gods) said to her that in the end shortly before they chipped the people his planet that people didn’t care. Same here I think that is part of their curses it will change. Don’t worry.

Those who are too lazy to do at least 1 RTR a day to save their soul and a planet have always been a massive anger source for me. Gods don't like lazy people, and they ALWAYS claim to be helpful to Satan but actually they have never been. Xians, Mudslimes and other goyims aside, Satanists that don't do the RTRs to gas with their "absolutely necessary" friends 24h a week are just stupid and nothing more than that. Our Pagan/Satanist ancestors which have died in order not to let Jews corrupt our history must be crying of shock to see that type of lazy stupids.

We are our ancestors all of us pretty much are incarnated now from what I heard. Maybe not all of us found this site yet but certainly we are very frustrated over those people that are like that. In the New World we should make them feel stupid for being that way at the very least. I can’t wait to do that. They frustrate me more than an actual Xtian does. I feel you.

Yeah same thing. I am itching to get to that point.
I've just done my first RTR in full - I am with you all now.

Strangely, now I feel empowered - I'm glowing. Hail Satan!
Baolan666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Baolan666 said:
Ever since I started learning more about him, Azazel has been guiding me to A LOT of posts like this one, which show me just how corrupted and infiltrated by juice the sites, servers and forums other than the JoS ones are. Even the world around you.

Not only did he show me those that were trying to deceive, manipulate and distract me, he also showed me how to protect myself and identify such people in the future. (See: PDF on How to Recognize and Identify Juice).

Once I removed them from my life I was able to see the last bits of corruption they held on, the curses which made me not be proud of my very white bloodline, made me homophobic, self abusive, and all the little but very important things all Gentiles must get rid of, then they are of the enemy and they play a big part too, regardless of how little importance they seem to have.

Watch where you walk on the path, don't just walk it. Do the RTR.

I am not sure I understand what I posted that is corrupted or misinformation. It is possible easily to be still connected to enemy energy somewhat and dedicated.

I’ll explain It took a lot of time and effort to deprogram from the enemy. Thanks to the energy of Saturn in Sagittarius being in a prominent place in my chart I believe is the only reason I was chosen by those people. I was adopted by and grew up in a household where my dad was a pastor and my mom was very heavily religious. I only realized recently but they constantly spew the enemy crap all the time even in regular conversations. It’s cringe now that I realize it.
It took a long time to deprogram from this and many workings. I was instructed by one of our Gods in my thoughts to do many munka and ansuz workings with an affirmation to disconnect myself from links to the enemy thoughtform. I was very connected to their energy and entities like the reptilians and some other weird ones were attacking me all the time. This dramatically cut it down right away to very little attacks. Also after awhile a lot of Xtian like energy was cleansed from me.

So that part is accurate. I never truly was on their side and I always wanted out and hated it even before I knew of this path. I knew something was wrong with it very much so even as a little kid but I still was connected to it. That is the point I made. It can cause a person to be lazy and complacent. There were some years I didn’t do much and I wasted a lot of time on bullshit.

The other part Lucifuge Rofocal did live on the planet that the greys did before they were destroyed he did have that quote “they didn’t care” and several sermons talked about this. I wasn’t saying anything negative at all here. In fact his story gives me a sense of inspiration to fight the enemy. You can search this.

I was not trying to spread lies or misinformation. I have known about for a long time from my personal experiences in meditating years back that there is some kind of fake energy around earth and part of this is fake positive calming energy that is meant to make people feel complacent. This is part of something the enemy did. I felt and saw it myself although to be honest only flashes of it this was through meditating and trying to go into a trance. Another SS friend I have chatted with online has told me she knows about it. If I misinterpreted this ok I am willing to learn but I am not intentionally trying to spread lies.

Even in the Churches there is this pastel colored energy that can feel positive to someone who is just a tiny bit opening and starting out but it actually really is horrible. This has a calming effect on people. You see it on their auras when they come home from church.

They so much did a lot to make people be complacent and not even care. We shouldn’t be the people that are like that but I am pointing this out. As this energy is dissipated people will begin to become more serious if they can’t pull their head out of their ass right now.

Notice even in the past after some of the RTRs were done back when we were doing the reverse Hebrew verses some things on the JOS started to change on the way people talked about issues and thought. This is cause the curses mess with everyone on earth even us sometimes.

I personally think Satanists who do nothing are far worse than xtians because they know the truth and choose to be lazy and do nothing and just focus on superficial things.

Xtians on the other hand don’t know any better and some of them may be salvaged at some point.

Which is worse.

Get my point. If you know the truth and do nothing that is a moral ethical failure I believe.
I was trying to tell you that the Demons guided me to your messages, they have shown me that just being devoted to Satan wasn't all I had to do. I believe that many SS think that changing the title from xian/muslim/... to SS is enough.

You and other people have shown me what I had to do to get on the path I was supposed to walk but was stopped by the energies and curses of the enemies that remained in my life. I wasn't aware of some things that were keeping me down, thinking that hitting a brick wall was normal and that I will eventually improve but it just made me worse.

I wanted to thank you and wanted to prove that when one asks for guidance, one will receive.

Cool. Ok I just misunderstood your message the way it was written
slyscorpion said:
Nikois666 said:
slyscorpion said:
We are our ancestors all of us pretty much are incarnated now from what I heard. Maybe not all of us found this site yet but certainly we are very frustrated over those people that are like that. In the New World we should make them feel stupid for being that way at the very least. I can’t wait to do that. They frustrate me more than an actual Xtian does. I feel you.

What if someone has laryngitis, and the doctor has told them not to talk much and give your larynx some rest?

You can do this very quietly or in your mind until you are better like HP Cobra said. Also spending some time visualizing the letters dissipating can add to the power of doing it that way.

It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.
Theserpentrises1666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Nikois666 said:
What if someone has laryngitis, and the doctor has told them not to talk much and give your larynx some rest?

You can do this very quietly or in your mind until you are better like HP Cobra said. Also spending some time visualizing the letters dissipating can add to the power of doing it that way.

It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.

Just do it quietly. I assume you have a radio music player or a tv somewhere. Why not play it in the background to mask the sound it wont effect it if your paying attention to the rtr. I grew up in a household where my dad was pastor of a church. When I did meditations I would do that in the background.

You can sometimes go outside if you have a car or a park you can go to or even a private area out there.

I mean come on you can think of something. Be strong.

You dont have to blast this. As long as you say or vibrate the words your fine.

If all else fails do it in your mind for that day a few times. It works I tried it one time just to see but it's not anywhere near as powerful I didn't think. Better than nothing though.

But just about anyone can come up with some way to do this plus other meditations if they are clever.
Theserpentrises1666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Nikois666 said:
What if someone has laryngitis, and the doctor has told them not to talk much and give your larynx some rest?

You can do this very quietly or in your mind until you are better like HP Cobra said. Also spending some time visualizing the letters dissipating can add to the power of doing it that way.

It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.

Of course it is. Vibration is vibration, be it out loud or silently. It is less effective, but works. Use visualization to enhance the potency.
slyscorpion said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
slyscorpion said:
You can do this very quietly or in your mind until you are better like HP Cobra said. Also spending some time visualizing the letters dissipating can add to the power of doing it that way.

It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.

Just do it quietly. I assume you have a radio music player or a tv somewhere. Why not play it in the background to mask the sound it wont effect it if your paying attention to the rtr. I grew up in a household where my dad was pastor of a church. When I did meditations I would do that in the background.

You can sometimes go outside if you have a car or a park you can go to or even a private area out there.

I mean come on you can think of something. Be strong.

You dont have to blast this. As long as you say or vibrate the words your fine.

If all else fails do it in your mind for that day a few times. It works I tried it one time just to see but it's not anywhere near as powerful I didn't think. Better than nothing though.

But just about anyone can come up with some way to do this plus other meditations if they are clever.

How can I do it if I can’t print it out on paper? Can you help me find where to download it on to a phone.
Henu the Great said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
slyscorpion said:
You can do this very quietly or in your mind until you are better like HP Cobra said. Also spending some time visualizing the letters dissipating can add to the power of doing it that way.

It is ok to do the rtr quietly or In our mind? I haven’t done a rtr in a while because My current living situation and can rarely get any privacy And don’t want them hearing what I’m doing.

Of course it is. Vibration is vibration, be it out loud or silently. It is less effective, but works. Use visualization to enhance the potency.

I can’t find where I download the rtr image before on my old phone. It was condensed to fit phone screens perfectly do you know what I’m talking about? I would just use that image in a painting app to cross out the Jew filth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
